Portland Library 141 rt 1 1 1 M M 1 1 I M J 1 ' " 1 l " 1 '' 9 9 OFFICIAL PAPER .1,'M.r W'l Ml I M I I 1:1 I lil I ' 1 1 1 Mil S MY SUCCESS I Is owing to my liberality in ad-1 vertis;ng. Robert Bonner. i FREQUENT AND CONSTANT Advertising brought me all I i own, A. T. Stewart. fafAfkAJfaASItaey Sj , i n 1 1 1 1 m I 111 I HI I II I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 HI II 'I I I I HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1895. THIRTEENTH YEAR WEKKLY rfO. 662 I SEMI-WEEKLY NO.SSU j or men - ji SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. Tuesdays and Fridays KY THE PATTERSON P1IBL1SIUSG COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON, - - Editor A. W. PATTERSON, . Business Manager At $2.50 pir yonr, 1.25 fur six mm( im, 715 ots. tor tlll'Hfl inmiinH. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. 1HJii PAl'EK ia kept on tile nt, V. Di'-e's A. Advorti-unii AeMiuy, Hi Hnd 65 jMerehiints Eclmtitfs. Sm) tnnnwco, l.ruirorme., v:.iers co. mote fur odvnrtisinR can be mude for it. 0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD. Train leaves lreppner 10::!0 p. m. dully, except Bmiduy. Arrives U:lo a. m.-iiuuy, eNcepi .won "wost houiid piisneiiKer leaves Willows June ticin 1 :l:l a. m.; east uonna 3:ju a. in. Freight trains leave Willows Junction Kotwr east at 7:2.') p. m. and 8:17 a. m.; going west, 1:30 p, in. and 5. 5(5 a. in. A sore spot, green, w k blue i8 THE ' ' I SPOTS ST. JACOBS OIL S.SL'&JSri OUT. IT IS MAGICAL. 40 .CYCLES Are the Highest of all High Grades. Warranted (superior to any Bicycle built In the world, regardless of price. Do not be Induced to pay more money for an Inferior wheel. Insist on having the Waverlcy. Built and guaranteed by the Indiana Bicycle Co., a million dollar concern, whose bond is as good aB gold. 211b. SCORCHER $85. 221b. LADIES' $T5. Catalogue free. INDIANA BICYCLE CO., HOMER H. HALLOCK, INDIANAPOLIS, Inn., V. 8. A. (Sen. Agent for Eastern Oregon, Pendleton, Or. C-anTXCI-A-Xj BIRSCTOBT. THE FOUR VOICES. By tober Brown Beard, who ia aaid to have aeen Of winters and summers aome thlrty-and- seven, Tripped lightly Gold Tresses, of aweet seven teen, The fairest creature on this side of Heaven. "How pleasant the evening breeaes that stir The rustling leaves, as the woods grow dim!" Such aimless words spake his Hps to her; But his heart was muttering low to him: "Oh, that the summer of life were spring I Oh, to have found her long summers agol Is it yet too later Would this sweet young thing Give the hop of her youth to! No, ah, nol" "Yes, pleasant It 'la, when tbe woods grow dim, To hear the sound of the leaves that stlrl" Such trivial words said her lips to hlms But her heart was whispering low to her: "Is there ever a man like tho man that 1 see A man like the Bayard ot ages agor He thinks me childish and foolish; ah, mel Could he really care for f No, ah, nol' ' Quoth his lips: "Good night, you now are home." Prayed his heart: "God love her. whose ever she be " Said her Hps: "Good night, you were kind to come." Sighed her heart: "No, he never, oould never love me." Truth United RtnteH Officiate. President G rover Cleveland VicB-l'reulclaiit Ad ai Stevenson BiwreUry of State Kiclmrd 8. Olney Heoretory of Treasury John G. Carlisle Secretary of Interior Hoke Smith Secretary of War Daniol H. Lamont Horijirv of Nhvv Hilary A. Herbert VostuittBtor-Gfinoral William L. Wilson Attorney-General JinWjn Harmon rjeorelury ot Agriculture J. Sterling Morton State of Oregon. Governor ...W. P. Lord Secretary of State H. H. Kmcaid Trensnrnr l'hil. Motschan Bnpt. l'nhlio Instruction G. M. Irwin lllnrnn. (Jun.irnl (!. M. Mlpman " ' (G. W. Mollride Senatore j. , Mitchell ( Dinner Hermann Congressmen j w ii Printer : ;;y -li- Leeds i u. n. iwhii, .nF..o i V. A. Moore. ' ( C. K. Wolverton Sixth Judicial PlHtrict. Stephen A. Lowell 1'ioiwcuting Attorney John 11. Lawrey Moitow County Ofilriials, Joint Senator A, W. Gowan Representative J H. Booth by lloantv Jndue.... ' Commissioners. J. M. Bakor. " rierk " Sheriff " Treasurer Assessor H Surveyor ' School Bup't . ..Julius Keilhly , J. It. Howard 3.W. Morrow .(i. W. Harrington .... Frank Gilliam J. K Willis Geo. Ixrnl Anna Hnlsicer Conmor T. W. Avers, Jr BKPPNEH TOWN oyKIOKHH. Mavor Thus. Monmn . ll. ...... n. K. Varnsworth. M. Lichtenthal, Otis Patterson, T. W.Aysrs.Jr., B. S. Horner, E. J. blocniu. Beoorder Mfinhal A. A. lloberUi Prwmct Offlcerr. m. Paan K. 1. FrKeland C.,i,.tKbl N. rt. Whetstono Vnttfd HlHtM Und Otllcem. TUB DAU.EK, OH. J. F. Moor, IHrister A.H. llism lleooiror I.A ORANDK, OB. H.F. Wilson UiwUmr J. H. Kobliin Itwwver ei:sns7 aociixj.x:s. I TMU. S. GOVERNMENT ...is... A MONTH 1 To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a jb relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars on whom you depended for support ? THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new g( law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes it to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present (() your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the time you apply. Now is the accepted hour. rk l?Write for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice. jJ No Fee unless successful. wl The Press Claims Company PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager, 618 F Street, WASHINGTON, D. C. & 1 . . . .... . X. It.Thlt Company U coutrotltd 6y nturly on thousand leading nev V. paprri in tin Vnited States, and is guaranteed by vtcm. PEN AND INK Modern DRAWING. Imitation of the Ancients by Mew Process. It is easy, of course, to understand how pen drawing should have come to be so largely employed and elaborated It is a matter of reproduction for illus' tration. An etching! will not print with type, nor with a steel engraving. This, sayi the London Spectator, led in the early part of the century to the litnta tion of Bteel engravings by wood en gravers, who did the business most skillfully with immonse labor. The drawings for them were mostly made in pencil. But photographic process rendered the intervention of the wood engraver needless, if the artist made a pen drawing that would photograph technical IONE ITEM. lone la getting there with both feet. The weather has been warm but is be coming cooler. The farmers are etill busy, seeding hundreds of acres. lone has been resnrreoted from tbe dead, indeed, if it ever lived. Prof. (Jhlstrap is giving good satisfac tion as a teacher and has nearly 20 pupils enrolled. John Coohran and family hove moved into town and are sending their daughter to school. Paul Ba'siger, wagonmeker, has open ed his shop and is receiving work at a lively rate. Mr. Sano, tbe shoemaker, is now locat ea in tue Dnoneior quarters ol nis new shop and thinks it well to be alone. 01 u IT' s addition to lone is now an as sured faot. All wauting lots at lone should avail themselves of the opportnn ity. Our Sunday school is very prosperous, about 65 being present the previous two Sundays, and yesterday over 70 were in attendance. Our sohoolhouse will soon be too small to hold the increasing at tendance. lone, Lexington and Heppner should endeavor to secure a minister, who will make that bis cirouit and preach regular. The majority here desire regular preach ing, lone is a growing town and should not be Dpgleoted. Joe Woolery has purchased a blook, consisting of one aere, in OlurTs addi tion to lone, and will move his newly purchased residence to Ioue. Bod Case also contemplates building a home on one ot OluS's lots. It is said that Mr. II. offers for sale oheap, a baif interet in his store. How Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ion Gained His Freedom THE FETTERS OF PAIN WERE BROKEN. Marvellous Change How a Future Gloom Was Averted The Present Full of Joy add Hope. of UAWLINd POST, NO. 1L U. A. It. !tj at Lexington, Or., th lwt Haturdoy of I ,(-h numlh. All tiau am levlll t" ioin. cm' u,. n Imi. W. Smith. Adjutant. tf t'oiiiuiwiiler. ONEV LOANED., Flr.t Moru,,irrn If I i u..-. ...... .-..-I I., ........ll.il. llr.1 iiiorlKHiK'O ui'ii imiinniHl Inrms In iirriron, n mi fMirm i,n ' 1,1 n .. r..,,..A.I that have Ixt'n Inkoii by other coin- panic. Addre.ii Hli inp. HoiT ' 1 1 y . Orrunll. L U M E It ! Itn II4VK KOR HAl.K AI.I. KISIW if t'S T drtiwd LoioU'r, 1 inlluaol l(vnwr, at what la known aa Ui BOOTT MAWMZXjIi. I'KR l.rno FKKT, RDt'tiH, - - -I - " (l.tAR. - r4 rr pflivfrfd is nri'PNrtt, wax Aim l 1.1011 .r i.ij w 'hii.iti.i. Ttia alxne .noiail'.,n ' at 1 1 Uy M t'li. U HAMIIJONM'rop. FACTS AMIS FACTS ! ! and process well. A pure difficulty can be overcome by large I ,be ireJ quttllflo(lUon8 of tbe numbers of craftsmen; largo numbers, ' . 1 .rtcordinfflv. have learned to make nen I"'""" drawings to supplant wood engravings. must Possess a charact er above reproaoh, But it should be noted that to do this sterling business integrity and above all, is itself a kind of reproductive process, be one of the feminine gender. That's Few elaborate pen drawings are made ati. annearaooes do not ont anv fioure other material. The pen line must fre- Wbv hHS Iono marvel- quently be traced or drawn over the pus growth! It is one of tbe most beuu pencil line, very much like the engrav- liful and fertile spots in Morrow oounty. er'g tool. I It is situated od the most favorable cite The point about the moderns and an- . . oi,v n Winn nrpw. Tt.. :.., -! A AI I 4. I . - cieuui, hi, rcsuivi-B ooru iuw . 1 -,!, a mrt,.,m t ho.t.v.nin.m nf an nlrl. It u sovancemeoi auu lauor logctuer to is certain that the ancients could have " of 6 prosperous town. The edu- performed this feat If they had chosen, I national facilities bave not beec nugleot- not altogether certain that they would ed aid we have today one of the best have choacn. For, to consider those .c1)0o1b in the oounty. Farmers for miles other points of reproduction and dis- . fi . . col)eni.nt , hlllll ftCinilltlUUn. lilts UKJUfru intrM.:r nrvmri i . , ...... in h in nn orator hurrv than the an- the,r "ri,,u to Ioe te0" ,ue cient to make use of tho new facilities. market priocs. All kinds ot goods When such a master does take up tho are now kept on hand at onr mervbsn pen, he nannies ii to mucn grainier t-i- uiao fHluliliHUmeiitu hi cheap as any feet than do its devotees. BOY AND ROBIN. wherein Eastern Oregon. In point of bealthiulucHa lone has few miperiors. No fevor, no ague, no malarial diseases unless imported and thru anon ermlioat I fd by the oliuiale, no depraitioiia Con taining ntHgiiiint water, no awarops, few YOI' CAN Hl'Y lr.00 worth n( dry gnoU and xmrrtle and then hara cnnnuh left nut of tluQ.OO to piirchae a No. t Creftrcnt lllrjrcle. This ti a tint cl nix lilno. Why Mien pay Ilio.UU lor a bicycle that will f tra no Wticr service T friendship of th Two nrnaajht Aboat hf Colli Wmthrr, During the extremely severe weather nf Fi.liniKrv. IMII.. lnvrinilH rif lilrtla ' . ' ' I ....l.l l; i .1. . ,: pprinhed from cold ami starvation, both '"'"" i i""iu u"k--", iu uinnu. In Europe and the UniU'd KtaU-s. In of country, puro water, uiviKorating England this ucatruction was the more atmoHphern and tlmrongU drainage by sorrowful, TH-rharm, an the country rapid Willow orwk. Jaks CRK. EST "Scorcher," cllil pounds, only 'A Lndl'w' and Uenis' hwlntam all the way from 10 to l "Hoys' Junior," only I n with piieumntlc tlre-a oo.l marhlna. "(lur Ppo ial," Mun i LlliV, a. AUItHtst. WM. PI.NLAM1. 1.11. K RIMtUP. rrl4rL r.M.r. mmi i tiKi;i;a banking pkimss coLM-:cnoN.s LxciiANfii: i;oiGiir i sold IIF.ITNKIL tf l;t(M)S Ooiatio-liflros Ste IJnc BDRHS-G3HY0H STfl5EUXE mm wh.re the binla winter Is more thickly settled than with ua, and there were more to aee thlr sufferings. Hut oeca sionally the Hritbih birds found friend ly ahelter. The tmdon Tlms pti1lUli'l, during the fold weather, tliia note from Ko- dolph Walther, s Imy of twelve years, who Uvea st Tiinbriilgp WelU: "I thought iH-rliupn you would allow a aehooltxiy to tell you how very Ume and fi'srlriwi the eold and hunger have made the wild bird amiind our houw "(If eon rue we feed them with bread IoN, Of , Dot. Si, Itfltt, Klrrtilr II 1 1 tern. Tbia remedy is booming so well known snl so pomilar sa to DeeJ no special uiecition. All who liavs tiard Kleolric Hitters sing the sums song nf praise A purer tnrdimn does not txit sod II is vnarauteed to ! ull Hint in cIiiIiiiimI. F.lefllrii' Hitters will rnrn all diannaea n( thn Livrr snl Ki liifV, will WESTERN WHEEL WORKS. CHICAGO AND NEW YORK. THE FITTERS!) I'fDL UQRROW AND GRAM Counties. remi)Vi l'lllil l. e, Idilla, Hall Kheiim and and all sorts of ixlU and enU, and the I other fclT.-ot I'.tm eatiHeil by Impure libiod. irrtrund U aimpty bla-k with our hungry Will driva Mnlarn frcm thu y.ti-m vlaitors. Kvrn the auMilcUius rooka snJ prevent aa wi ll sa euro all malarial IE INTER OCEAN -la TttR- Most Popular Republican Newspaper of the West And Has the Largest Circulation. DAILY (without Sunday) $6.oo per ycai DAILY (with Sunday) $8.x pr yrar Br MAIL 1 The Weekly Inter Ocean tci.00 I I'tH TEAM - 1 H'4 A A rlAHw Trlf fU W OcCAW kt swt ml lb. ti,. ta . m M ai Sb Ini, ki n ur alm UTlHAiiik. .vr.l.7o,.7.,.v.s, rm ft ifi. lui'y ai ii f . nt. and ar fta al Oe'arii IB Ii i..nr. Sinql'i Faro $7 f0. Hound Trip $10 00 The Weekly Inter Ocean AS A FAMILY PAPER IS NOT EXCELLED BY ANY. .. ... 11 M -fclf )MmKli HklwaW, mt k Uallv. It SrW S' 'H.'H lllaiMsilw Inh Ha SmO. pC3 n.uiii.ai iiiiuwtMbMM, II ". . . r ..... I ,r;.vs c.isyits tXmCAltV IT U tHtl(a, M Ma rmm4tr t WaeM mt ih iH.Hi..m mm k hmi 1-M.k N ato. t ismi Ins htl bl I ill, mill If IT IS A TWELVlI-PAOE PAPER. come quite clone to the Iioumj for their share. "A little blue tit paM' its day In onr bSAement, heedli-iM of kliMpy puviy tmking herwlf U'fore the atove. "Mint of all I m Mi to t, II you aUint my atrsnge t,.lrion riinuiilHi, a little robin, whiell has Ukeii up ltd n-Kldi'tiee in my lieilrootni and though I lea the rlndow otten, he never goea out rxeept to take a abort fly. Wr pa the night together, and ho makea his Ikh In una of my football boot. "The other morning b w me op by ainglng tm a hair at tho aids of my U4. I suppiM ha thought I ought to I bs at mj Umom" la M tMk t Vanmeniing cm the fact that not lng go a paotor of churrli In th Whit cliap.1 diatrtrt In litiiloo announerd from the pulpit that In future hta lnr er might Miw4e lh lr o- ilurlng ai-rvli-e If they rh' 1 In.W n.Um-e IWIga aar there ta nothing ao Very atranga ('rut that In U. M.-si.ati Vourta of law. It aara. the Mie4iiiig of rbars U aanrti'fne. by h'ry eimUim; there me n.ay oftn ae a pritr puflitig sway at the fragrant I while anrf ilig U,e iirlHil 'll l' him by the jtldge, kll'l ttie latter tw reit ly S'bla Wf lle g-i.rl aiifJie, Mnvrnt trliera reward thi-ir l.iv'l pwpila by f'vinif thetn priu. ! t ane4ie rufr or cigarette during arh'etl bowra, and ahmonf Ui worthy mta g.rae U In t him-if the r,ilreitit kalhi-H with ame M-u mg Uv'la thiral, liei)" on Utt l,ra ith Ult'l huge jar B;ll ltl toil'l'lr," the national lrge. t rtfreth the tU Slid tilrr. fevers. For rtire nf lleadarhe, Ounoli pat Ion and liidigeati'iii try ICIertrte Hitter - I'.nl ire aatlfehon gnaranteeil or money refnmbiil. I'r'ee Vie. and tl ier bottle al T. W. Ayer, Jr.,driigtor. HM IIKUKV M KKI'Ultr Ibe llrpparr Py4 Awiili. I'reval Ikelr lUp-iet iif ike lM llre. - A OimmI Hkwwlaf. Tb folb aim I. t ha report n T. W Ayera, Jr., o( the llftipnef f ieed Aoei. St loll. From tl'e Herald, Helena, Hont. As ragged and hardy as one ot the pines which grow in tbe rooky mountain region is Q. E. Tioknor.ot Helena, Mon tana. For twenty-four years be has re sided in the mountain country, bnt his vigor is not due altogether to the braoing air of Montana. Last fall Mr. Ticknor was what might well be termed a physi cal wreck. For eight weeks be lay on bis bed suffering from a severe attack of soiatio rheumatism in one of bis hips. Physicians and medicines gave him no relief and the future looked gloomy. Added to his troubles was the anxiety onDOerning the oare of a large family. By ohanoe one day Mr. Tioknor saw an aooonnt of Dr. William's Pink Pills for Pale People. lie said to a Herald re porter that be wss not in favor ot pro prietary remedies, but in this instance something in the article caught his at tention and he determined to give the pills a trial. In tbe interview with the Herald representative the other day, Mr. Tioknor spoke in the most emphatic terms ot the marvelous change in bis condition. "Before a week had gone by," he said, "I was able to get out of bed and move about. I had hardly used one box ot the pills. By tbe time I hud taken three boxes I fell twenty years younger. In faot I was a new man aud have been perfectly well ever sinoe. I can't say too niuoh tor Pink Pills aud I never miss an opportunity to praiso them." When tbe Herald representative taw Mr. Tioknor be was making some repairs on the sobool building on Donldr Ays one. He swung bis earponter's hammer with all lbs vigor of a lasty young man aud looked as hale and hearty as any man ot his years to be found in the en tire Kioky mountain country. He is fllty-nlne years old and able to do a day's work at his trade of carpenter. Piuk Pills can slways be found in his house. Mr. Tioknor lives at ltlD Boulder Ave nue, near the American Biscuit Mann. fat-tiiriiig Company's plant, where be will be glad to toe aDyooe who wishes to verify Ibis account of his experience ilh Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain, in a onuoentr.tted form, all the elements neoeirfisry to give new life and riobnras to the blood and restore shattered nerves They are sleo a apeniflo for troubles pe culiar to female., suoh ss suppressions. irregulsrities and all forms of weakness. They build np tbe blood, and restore the glow of bealtti to pale and asllo oheeks. lit luen they iffect S radios! curs in all eaaei arising from mental worry, overwork or e xneaai ol whatever nature. Pink Pills are sold in boxes (never In looee bulk) at M) cents a box or six boxes for 12. VI, and may be bad of all druggiats, ur direot by mail from Dr Williams' M du loe Company, Hohf oert- ady, N. Y. DIGEST OF LANK AND MINING DECISIONS. Furnished by W. D. Harlan, land and mining attornoy, Washington, D. C. PKACTICB. A contestant required to make speoifio charge of default, and prove default as charged. In oase of failure issue is be tween entryman and government. SETTLEMENT CLAIM AND NOTIC& Notioe defining the extent of a settle ment claim posted in conspioious places thereon are sufficient to protect suoh claim as against subsequent settlers; and it is immaterial in suoh oase whether the latter settler has aotual notioe or not if the posted notices are of snob cbaraoter that they might bave been seen by a reasonable exercise ot dili gence. COAL. Prior possession, without filing, will not avail as against an adverse claimant who baa complied with the law. MINERAL. An application may embraoe several locations. Oonilicting rights set np to defeat an application can not be recog nized in tbe nbsenoe ot an alleged surfaon oonflict. In the absenoe of dear showing ss to possessory right patent must be denied. Survey mast be made by actual measurement on tbe ground. KRLOCATION. If work is renewed on a claim after it has been open to relocation, but before suoh relocation, the rights ot the original owners stand as though there had been no default. PB BIVKIf Hitwerlpti'ii., aln. r.ht ! rare fit. Ot T. fimi !iU) KlKlf Till NTS. Lkxl Mil) to lei you M. 1 IhmikIi .iiiimiIIi Ilia path and lull I" Me. Hn. ullli loons fluKffr. slel Willi aPb ', I invw lliera a nol rMn for ma an ever mora I walk hclilnd la your drat .li.dow, d.y hy day, I miieiil II uiily I ran Kiel Vouf loolprliil. on my dmktir. mmf. Miliums S. HaiiwM. - From Iwinorr!' M.ilo. I.i Kntnir, l.'jajiMi, 4'lixi 2Urndah, 40 11 - - .1 hull yar l, f.iisi " " " 4. ..real, 4I(M " ' " f. 'I vr l I. 'Ii U - - ft... t llf.hr.. I'll ?JM 7, S ilaoh, :t7 . 7ii " " " M.d,.irt..lHli, " " t. bieyrlf, 7.'l MI in. i, m 0 i.1 rla 'i .' W J - II. d, I noi ml, " " 'f mepeeial. !' &'.'; e " ..l y, .ieml, ll '.ll " e M )f, .eml, 'JMII I J ( " " H M uaolej- , fif i'l " " ijmU Uap, fiM imsi, ' litl'dle, MI t(l, relfil. ip.Hi a. j tr Sririrbw, , 177 ! ()U reita, 'i'Hil lUeeipla fr.-m mi lt. I'l'iM ; IUh. e l.tna i les en t.aii.l, .1 I f Tun Itn il.-Charlia Nickel, of the Jerkaotivllls Times, baa beeome plutorrat. lis la aamaed In Jackeoti !ai .111 'county as having property w n.a vama l'Mi ufllfi'i'JS. In rii.lanalion if Charlie ' ' o. out of Una wealth sad bis Rppsr r" " en! s uit bs will say Is treaauifr of A felt want is that gnawing at the stomach after you bsve eaten a full meal, and can'l eat any morn, and yet ere U tliat feeling as though yon had eaten nothing. What is wanted then is dose of Bimiuous Liver ltegrjlator, the beat Dyspepsia cure, for that is what tbe gnawing mesne. "Himmoos Liver lleg- lator is all tbnt is recommended (or ndigestion." A. K. Dyche, Loudon, Ky. (1II.UAM COUNTY. From tlie Foaail Joiirnnl. Dr. Ilunlock and wife of Lone Hook were in town ibursiiay, en route to Mitchell. Mihh Ada lthen, now iu Portland, will start for Honolulu Nov. 1st, there to make her borne. Mr. Andrew Tillard oaiue over from Heppner Saturday and on Menday re in rued with hi wife and boy, who were viaititig her mother hern. 1. M. Lacy and Charley While arrived Fossil Tueaday evening, returning from a mutton buying expedition In this and anrroiiudiug counties. They pmnJ mutton very scarce, owing to short graes, but managed lo gi I one Irsiu load, to be shipped from two points Uepp ner and F.'gin. Mr. Lacy left here Wednesday morning to go eaal with the kheep, and Mr. Whitn returiiad to Lis boll i on Paper Hark. Andrew, llavo and John Cant well, Wm. Darling and Jaok (ilsagnw, of Ibis oouuty, snd lleinan Caldwall, of Mor row county, returned few days ago from the (Ireeuhoru mining region. her they worked Several Week 0 Cantwell Bros.' i lalru. When tbe boys worked tin y ilng out ll.fnl l the man per day, and when they aiuokej snd tod! religion atorim lin y only gol ffll cents per mail. They say that any man ean make wages working on claim In the (Irixnhoro country. Ja k Ulaegow also m.i.I"I Hill White, (Irani eon sty's .nrteyor, ., aurvry Ian. la and mineral elaimi f ir several week during lbs pal auminer, and wbila looking ovar tbe mining rlaiin reeoi la al Canyoo City, be found In l!m leM.k Ihw Informattoa Ibat W. K. Fowbr, formerly of Ailing ton, reivntly .ail lnlfor an intereal In mine lha (liefon Prem Aanlallon and nlber iw, i.f.iri.iiiriil aa eii.Oi,iii of luiel iilaeid In bla bamla by innoeent rollei mliima and nn..le lu g Indivl biata 1 T. it, J. H. F.mery I ereeimg new bous in bia rani'li out on II ek rreek, II I'liapln l llepf"uigbi fane I, wear llai lmau with a liew bam. Tg.fIg2..,:.lvI?.-?'?:ES3E5 '. O.HH kUCTSilO ajltTi AND Ar-CUAriCk 3 INUg TO THt HC lMkt &SIAT POINTS Of AOVANIA&I OVl AIL HSlTATO II.14'.IKI 15 ' tntJiii ii tHicano, twn a,r ado cnntrvcui it imi iii.hv Moiiaii. ami hi i ii w t e o '. -, ' . I ... fur ivits lKr f.s a i lIMUer f.11 W I ' I. .Oil I. I . i, ! I if Of IHi. Illrt'll. Ufr IHAI ULUil IH. I' M'l M AM III M int. SMI. al WM Ike p.t mt lb Mm k.k M m4 I IWM.O ! IMrrftk W .lp tm Om U ONI V l"l IIOC TMU IflTLK 0CEAM. QheHy A litti ti'iMf girl tengM bv t.r g.mA mamma fr rrgnlarit j evrfy itay. I "it tha re.ja ma.le f llieiin ntght and mriiing. ik In 'and ' out lii.a. !f In r ii.ani'14 ai,-"' I rt.aiif" I the , a I ilaT, at, I what l,rr .rprtM l' her Hi" d-al lilMa lif wt pj t' al h" '.. I ! rka lirf )... .f iy f ' i.aa H I ihg f t.i l' a r I ! j Umii V, V. M ' C. N. flf,.. "W al !.. if t'li.ir.lwf lain a (Vmili l-n. l Ihaaj all Mia ol cfii.a, a I i alwata ali'a- IIU" Mr t Y. Al e.,, r i (.e.. lli.v I h.i It. Haiti's t'.h lt"lt'lr 1 it, ix-l I I . h.i. l t " Mr. W. II lli'il"'-k. C !-it. in. W .i. 'I 1...i.Ih tlaiti l.1h l'.'n' ' ii. ); ai i. i ift ty p.i.l t all b tl " ' a by hi "i" J I 1- , . t Ir.lrla I ae. .nil f I r.M.. I- , lM. alikfat .,lhla it..; ,., ... ..III.. 1 M .... i , , ,,44a i . .4 li. a. i j I. ."- a oi el mat 1 l.j i.M ail .i tEV a m ! .f l'H Ui Uua. i tl'V f UZr "... II fax t.a4 fr. , - ..,..! in a a.. 1l , I a I mr 1, ,, ii w"l. 4 i t at a m a I law., lae lMata mm kfMn All. iaata tn !'- k,an itwwirt a , aa-"l l.a i.',lw4 a.il ua'a.a.i' I a. I. t4 . NO MfOlCINStj AS. NlCfttANf. -4 all h. iaaaill. U- H.i a a l f.al .i- Wm U aal t,. i a iiwwm laipatMlaa. e ' . tlir St M M tmi' tllH la wm a4 tale. Tim MM. I 4 I ta.iaJ i, 4 rwa. i . . .i. u.. ..I ..1 la w Itn, fllaltal.4 alala)e (.-... H..K.II ,4 W-'a. i (.. .. iul a w, aa-a a. I (..', .4 I" a Ai . Aee r-a"aa. a .am.aia ef IiiE OWEH ELECTRIC BELT ASD AFrUWCE CO, U III falsi I, lailrast,