CTOCR BRANDS. While 70a t.ep joar aubacription paid np yen can keep roar brand in free of charge. AUyn. T. J., lone. Or. Honwe G on left ahoulder; cattle same on left hip, under bit on right ear, and upper bit on the left; range. Mor row ouontr. Armstrong, J. C, Alpine, Or. T with bar un der it on left ahoulder of horaee; cattle same on left hip. Allison, O. D., Eifrtit Mile. Or. "at tie brand, O D on left hip and horses same brand on right ahoulder. Range, Eight Mile. Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Or. Hon,ea. J A con nected on left flank: cattle, same on left hip. Biird, D. V. and eon. Horses brandd D B on the left hip; oa tie the same on left flnnk. crop oil riuht ear, undercrop in the left. Hange in Morrow County. Bartholamew, A. (i., Alpine, Or. Horses branded 1 E on either ahoulder. Range in Mor row countv Hannister, J. W Hardman, Or. Cattle brand ed H on left hip and thigh: split in each ear. Brenner, Peter, (iooseberry Oregon Horsea branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle same on ripht side. Hnrke, M 8t C, Long Creek. Or-On cattle. MAY connected on lert nip, ciop on lert ear, un der half crop off ritrht. Horses, same brand on letft ahoulder. Bunge in Grant and Morrow comity, Hrosman. Jerry, L , Lena, Or. Horses branded 7 on right shoulder; cattle Ji on me ion sine. Left ear half orop -nd right ear nnper alone. Barton, Wm.. Heppner, Or. -Homes, J Hon right thigh; oattle same on right hip; split in Oftf'h GRP. Brown' Ins., Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the right stifle; oattle same on right hip; range, Mor row county. Brown, J. C, Heppner. Or. HorHes, circle C with dot in ob- ter on left hip; cattle, same. Brown, w. J., kena, wregou. norses 11. oar over It, on the left shoulder, Cattlo same on left h'iit)yer, W. G., Heppner, Or. Horses, bo brand on right hip cattle, same, with split in eftBrg,rp. 0 Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left shonliler; cattlo. same on left hio. Brownlee, W. J., Fox,Or Cattle, J B connected on leftside; crop on lert ear and two split) and middle piece ont out on right ear; on homos same brand on the left thigh; llange in Fox valley, Grant county, Carsner Warren, Wagner, Or. Horses brand edOon right stifle ; cattle (three (win) on right ribs, crop and split in eaoh ear. Kange in Grant and Morrow counties. , . (laiu.E., Caleb.Or. Y 1) on horaeB on loft stifle XJ with qnnrter circle over it, on left shoulder and on left stifle on all oolte aider 5 years; on left shoulder only on all horses over IS years. All range in Grant connty. Cate, Chas. ll Vinson or Lena, Or. Horsos H C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip. Kange Morrow and Umatilla nnunlies. Corrigall, M M, Oallowuy, Or Cattle crop out of ach ear and nnderbit, wattle in forehead; horses half circle C on loft stifle, lliiuge .Miir- ow and Umatilla oonnties. Curl, T. H John Day, Or. Double oross on each hip on cattle, swallow fork and undei bit in right ear, split in left ear. Kange in Grant connty. On shoep. inverted A ami spear point ou shoulder. Ear mnrkou awes, crop in loft ear pouched upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in right a"d under half orop in left ear. All rniigj in Grant oonntv. . i.,.u A .1 I.nna.Or. Horsea. HOon rightshonl der; Cattle, sameon right hip: ear mark sijuare crop off left and split in ngtii. Cnrrin.H. Y., Currinsville, Or. -Horses, CO on loft stifle. Cox Kd. H., Hardman, Or. Caitle, C with Bin center; horses. CE on left "lip. Cochran, K. E., Monnment, Grant Co, Or. Horses branded circle with bar beneath, on left shoulder; cattle same brand on both hips, mark under slope both ears and dewlap. Chapin, H., Hardman. Or. donna branded n on right hip. Cattle branded the saino. Also brands CI on horses right thigh; ca'tle saaio brand on right ahoulder, and cut oil end of n Douglass. W. M . Galloway. Or.-Cattlo, It I) on right side, awiiilow-fork in euch ear; horses, It U on left. hip. , , , ,,,, Fly Br'is Douglas, 1 r. ii'in mmmii'i on Wt shoulder, cattle same on lefthip. hole 'PEmeryBll'r H., nardman, Or. Horses branded ') (reversed ('with tail on left shoulder; cat tlHsame on right Mil Uiwiin in Morrow comity. Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or. - a' tie, I.K on right hip; horses K with Imr undur on right 'Tlo'r"ce, H. 1. Hepnner. Or Horses K on right honidet; oattle, F on right hip or high. Krench, George, llepptmr Or.-( atile limnded WK with bar over it. on left side; crop oil loft ear." Horses, same brand on left, hip. Gentry. Elmer, Echo, ( )r. Horses hrsndnd II. H with nuarter cin lo ovr it, on left atllln. lliinge in Morrow and Uiimtillaconntios. limit. A. B., Bidge, (r.-Cattl round-top A with otwrti.r oinile under It on the right hip. Bangs In Morrow and llmHtillacoiintow. IlintonAJenks, Hamilton. ()r-Caltl...twobra on either hip; crop In right ear and split 111 lft. Horses J on right thigh. Kange in Grant ooiinty Hughes, Hamnel, Wagner, Or- (T K L rouui'ti'd)on right shoulder on hor.s; on cattle, on right lilp and on left aide, swallow fork in right ear and slit in lft- llange 111 lliiy.tnnk dislrlnt.Morntw rmnl. lisle. Milton, Wagner, Or.-HnreH, hrandel -I)- (cattle with parallel tails) 011 lft shonl.li.r Cult lnaa.ua on lelt hip also large circle on left side. Howard J L,Gllowv, )r.-Horns I- (crow with tur alMive It) on right shouldnr; iattlae.m on lfl side. Ilang i m Mjirrow anil Umatilla l"la!l,"F Iwin, .lob" I'nv, Or.-Ctlle K II on right hii;horsaneotiriglitlimildHr. llange ll,i,.l..a Mm. ItiMilinnr. Or. lliiree. shaded heart on the l"M eluiiililiir. Hange Morrow Co. Ilu'iaikar, H A. Wagnnr. Or.-llorses, V on left aho..lr: cattle. on li'ft hip. Hirnphrev. i M llardmaii, Or.-ll.inwa, II on t-i, 11 .... I. II 11 41,, 11 ,ntir. Fight Mile. Or. - Horse II on 0i left shonl loran I hirt on lh loft stills Cat. U earna it Ml hi. Ilane-ei in Morrow eoiinty. , , H irrv. Iltin . Or - llnresa bran 11 II I 11, a l.,fl ahoulder: cs'tle lira id J on null! Inn. also underlet III lft ee.r. Ilang.i in Morrow coiitiiy. JnnkM, H. M., lliinor, Or -llorsne, hem shiM J on l't shouldnr. Cattle, the ae.na. II .... fc'll.l Mil.. J,.i.. .n I.,lle l.-na .Or. - ll.irena. eirels T on left .MH; clll. Mnn -in right hip, mid f hilf orioi in n1' sold e left mt l.... M,la lln ier. Ik.-llswx lino-tot KSt n left lull ri 'le same and crop nfl l.fl r: tinder eloiwi on lie right Kirk J T.. H.i"r, Or.-llors'l IW "II lefl l....,l.lr. Mllla ail on left hill K,.k Im. H-io.nf. Or.! liore II on lefl kouhler; rattle wiieoU tight side, U'lderlnt ihi k-lill'MrU'ld W O. Voont Vernno. Or.-I I, on est 1 m 1 u rtgot and left l'. allow fo'k In l fl m.l i. l no ter null III I Kill r. Horaee Mill I..-.. I ..n Inll ah.ull.ler. ILanlpt Ml llmnl '! V ,,.ti.i, Mie'ii"ti. rm.ot. H I, on le'l hip im ralf.a rntlt and split IK1'' ear. I(.ieae aa.na loan. I oa left ahiMll I T, llt'lge It rant a. .ii.lv. l.ieolUn. J.thn W. I. "I--i'.. Or l..r.. r"tn ll half -rieele .1 1, e.nine,e, on ft atii lt.'r. t tl a, a lie on left I, In. Kill ft. Inir Lei IlKnot Imlii'f. J W II t,,tef Or lloriea b'and I. a ol ni lelt a'l .il .r. emit at 11a 1,11 . f lilp, W till etaf rmhl "ft, thl at a . I III r !i Par l.trd. Istla, lleplmer llr.- II irana loan le II. ,ll.t II r-e.ea-'tt rnettoiaa ri,l 1 o II ite le" ah.Mil Ur tltila t I'. lle..oer, tr,- I aula l.ranl- rttt-la im right Mm hotaea aame tttl right atittit, Ita'-ge Ml t fttw riai-ilv , ,.., II. ar. li..tit I" t"l, M II H t Inf. htiaa M le'l alt ell I if , tleg i. It H. II ttlt't1. " !i taa M On I .! ,l,.ril.ta OU MSfis li-'l 'ill. Mil. -hall laea.r I . "r. 11 " il .111 i Bli. n'Ht IJ.il lH'i't. It V H 1,,.,, . II. Il...ia.la Or. 'It,,. f,tf ei aa.'S a f. it I -VI" M.tet...i l-lilf. Ke-.k. M .!' Mlla.t.. ilh l.a o.e .el ra'liatta) il aa I ti iltr . a. 1. -,, h.irae " ttta't I "I l - M'Uli,. t .. a ttoi .a. Or "1 n I'ti ha'l i,r la i t- oa I -t H e I '.11 S.rn let 1,,'Kii.l tn l"t ttti lea iiah a I in llta ! I 011't S -,l t , . ,tt H "t 'I - - I ..t S . 1! I et'la a na ..a t eK , ,s S M l.ia .. liltatiM t' M waaa.r.f : ) ihi lal 11.. at. i ea lla HBtie I V l,,t l .... Ittiall'l.ll' I oa rtl ' la Hi I .ft I. itt , H-Hatat, a Ita ..-I se'l I ' Ill la I e ,i..lt llil. I'etit. Iat..g'tt", tf I' It 11a 1. ai.-il" H i. ttaa. I'lai.ta I tr. It' "l ea'tla I,!' tH ,..11 If, h let le'l ail) a., I '! ..a it. at 11 ja In lliv.l e a-,lt. 'afe, llaaa I M.la 1 1' l i,r fat r.t. a .l.i...l .... I -M a'. -I lanl ,' 1 ! k.. I a"l . t e In !' a I r I i ! I. , ., s-ti t . , t.a . . t 11 M . '..- 'li "aa-t ,. II U I i.l II tea li'. e. ... .. K. I , .. t . a t, te1' t.et ' l..r-aa tttaa t p t I.I e.t,H'l tan I 'I ii l- 1 t'tMl I S t.n Of ,1 tin IU.- 1f,l ca 'I ,. J l e.t ,raa J e-m Siaiial Ifl a-,al -4 rt la, aa ia t le !, t, u l.t' la aa . ..-.l,a I . I eta. ! I I r ' ( ' I . ,!- a it t I 'H It 1 j ' .la' ! Hl l"e. II . t aaa I 'I -" a , , ,,. , m .t, ,t .. . la I en" lla. .a-. I L'ta, lla . t"). II Haaw. I II .Ml La4. !, . , l, N .at, ili a lli t.. tt a-a Irfa l 1 H n.a t.,'.. aH.'ti I ea'tla .a IktMu.f r. .,, ,.4 la'l aa a I l',t, ea. . Haifa , ,,,.tl,ll-l.'0'"- - -, I" M aa In, V-l 4 It M a -a. l-t, -.' ..aaa lea-1 a-iui taa ng .t .t Ita- a H --. e.-a't lV t. I '! I " , ,hH e !. a W'ta.-a t t, , 4 as) rlgH a m i.l l la". M a. ,a I Uri .. . Han li H y,,l -l ll."" aati, ll lkl, I O t''' " a ' ' I t ' 'a i t, 1 j. aa. - f- " . I-. 1 i . 11 taa, a a I U, I 1. e. aa ... I" 'I Ik - V a. ..e-e .1 in urant oonntv. Bayers, Robert, Douglas, Or Cattle J on right hip and M on right shoulder ; horses, 8 on right shoulder. Kauge in Morrow county. timith Bros.. Hnsanville, Or. Horses, branded H. Z. on shoulder; cattle, aameon left shoulder. Hquiree, James. Arlington, Or,; horses branded JH on left shoulder: cattle the same, also nose waddle. Range in Morrow and Gilliam counties. Stephens, V. A., Hardman, Or-; horses 8 Son right stifle; cattle horizontal L on the right side Stevenson, Mrs A. J., Heppner, Or. Cattle, H on right hii ; swallow-fork in left ear. Hwaggart. G. W., Heppner, Or. Horaee, 44 OD left shouldei : cattle, 44 on left hip. Hperry, E. G.. Heppner, Or. Cattle W C on left hiD. crop off right and underhit in left year. dewlap; horses W C on left shoulder. Thompson, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, BOD left shoulder: cattle. 2 on left shoulder. Tippets. 8.T.,Enterprise.0r. Horaee. C-on left shoulder. Turner R. W., Heppner, Or. Small capital T left shonlder, horses; cattle same on left hip with split, in both ears. Thornton, H. M., lone. Or. Horses branded HT connected on left stifle; sheep same brand. Vanderpool. H.T.. Lena, Or: Horses HV con nected on right shoalder;cattle, same on right hip Walbridge. Wm.. Hoppner. Or. Horses, U. L. on the left shoulder; cattle same on right hip, crop off left ear and right ear lopped. Wilson, John Q,, Halem or Heppner, Or. Horses branded Jq on the left shoulder. Kauge Morrow county. Warren, W B. Caleb, Or Cattle W with quarter cirole over it, on loft side, split ia right ear. Horses same brand on left uhoalder. Range in Grant conuty. Wade, Henry, Heppner. Or. Horses branded ace of spades on left shoulder and left hip Cattle branded same on left side and left hip, Wolflnger, John, John lJay City, Or On horses three parallel bars on left shoulder; 7 on sheep, bit in both ears, Kange in Grant and Malhuer counties. Woodward, John, Hoppner, Or. Horses, DP connected on left shoulder. Watkina, Lishe, Heppner, Or. Horses branded UK oonnected on left stifle. Wallace, Charles. Heppner, Or. Cattle, W on rightlhigii, hole in left, ear: horses, W on right shoulilor Bornf same on left shoulder. Whittier tiros., nunciugton. Bilker Co., Or. -Horses branded W B connected on left shoulder Williams, Vasoo, flauulton, Or. Quarter cir cle over three bars on loft hip, both cuttle and horsos. Range Grant conntv. Williams, J O, liong Creek. Or Horses, quar ter circle over throe bars on loft hip; cattle same ami sin in each e-ir. Kange in itrant connty Wren, A. A., Heppner, Or. Horses running A on shoulder: Cutt.le. same on riirht hip. Young, J, 8., Gooseberry, Or. Horses brander1 monrna right snonlfta" a? ; reij mm a,5 Ll ai W'nc-'i voii nra about to buy a Se wlnir Machine 0 not I"' deceived by ullurinp ndvert'atimentt fitid be led to think you can get the best made, niiesi un..;ueu ami Most Popular f of n iricrc sonrj. See to it that you buy from reliable manu-i:o-Uitets that have Kilned a ic (in l.ilion by honest nnd square 'lc: 1 i life, you will then get a Sowing Machine that is noted the world over for its dura bility. You wnnt the one that in cuslest to manage and is f Light Running ,y! There Is none in the world that frvj ' T,t3 cun enu"' 'n mechanical con I", T V;,v45 struction, durability of workinir i' vS parts, hneness ot tinisli, beauty b- in appearance, or has us uiuay ' !S i "uproveuiunia as me New Home It has Automatic Tension, Double Peed, alike on both sides of needle (patenltii), no other has it ; Newhtano(lr'i,ff), driving wheel lnnea on ad Instable centers, thus reducing Ixictiou tu t:io minimum. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. THE HEW HOME SEWIKG MACnilsTE CO. Oiunob, Mass. Hohtoic, HUm. 38 Fktoti Bor kkk, V, Y 'IlflA'IO, EM.. hT. BIO, IMIJiAF, I KXAS. hAN KHANf'lNf I. ( At.. ATT.AUTA, U 4. FOU ft Al E BY (,. THOMPSON CO., Agents, Heppner, Oregon. S!:n:;(T.; ivr Samim.'-. v kag .Villi VllHi'lKl'il (lWlV .Vi). ?.'-) .Suf.c Strert it : '. ' tl tlil K le "I U f...at I i In. di.au ail", tthi airai et're ei4 Stmnr... I Ilia. a,.t I. ii ,i.aiu,ai, 1 ll. tha llinmhi llnaa of alaira.l Miae and lii.iwai a iHtif IHH f lliea. ,a-a la Mae t.t tlie r n,an t eii4.i.i, ai4 ir..4a.t e Ian . y aJaej!t.e fO ra ei. I. hi f,f ai a ara lie eb..ar ,uii I' a) tree. c ,ai d- i.a4 In aoe. ea iti.i Hie f,..,, ,-f l a n.l ,!,, , a ,.4tli n et ba e. eat la lie f aa fc.aif. Ilia t ia.i. el 1t-e N4ela rn,.an,,,l. tu.iuta a d l.e u4 li, ,a; (a. II. . at-4 li. A "-ta e ftMN lt,,e lia, f ll.n,b ant, Im. I-'." t n- f It . l-u ffai. alarlh ae ,4 ..nat U.,11 I) 1H l I .1 1,,a l, .H. al.e ,4 .. .u'f ai-4 l..ll."l li.liaie ,a a..i in II, Hai , t M al f t t, are , f ,,e, . if l .1 li hit fv a. .4 t.,w I' .i . i,al i-a-ftir hj ta I.., , r'e. III, a-al f-l-.etrfi ,4 ln,tft I,.. .Mm. e.iili out la flaea I" aaee lahai li W l a. .! Me.ai a La I'l laa f -mi ,.f iM,e e-'iati imi i ail nee f t i a 4 ! fa j t-ai . 4 ,e rt.ileil.Hi4 fnaa n J if H , ii n ..,-. ,a, a lea, I 'J', J l"l4 In IU ati M ed laa H a, a, ' i J ,e. a..l ll-e a' .l-e ea aa ..,a I" ' j I-.. a 4 -a.. I I a..,.,4 H at t n !. Ma,e. wa la la .a 't. a -.al- I I t ., H a.ie ft II. I ,, L.at If l aw.o. 1i, li.,ailii loauile i e-..aa4 V'e) ee ae v.a., .-a , Nl la t . ew'- i-ei.. II mtH e a- . a-4 ta ol Ma I ' I. f ! i ea la.Lv a (li eilaaif iMlaa I M ert.re aw 1 U- Js e-, ai-eel m taa .M.,aai Tta ef ' V la. a ...e.. keaaaal e ee- -. a- a.4 . . . 1 1 . a.,- - e "a 114 jii """.' w -':ul : wrA?.i:.:..v.:.e7,'e7j;:..v.'.v , '"' " .tii..i ....... rh...,...., I., I i.i.imm ... ii. e. ....r.,.,, ... , , ... iw!,,. !, (,. ft,.!. I ' 1,1,0 f;;ieirf i .1 . 1,,. 1. .,.1, 1 .1 i. h nir'1'.i " '. -"' t 1 I. 1 e -e,., ,1 a H..41...I, . 1 1 .t 1 . a. .. 1 .l 1... e I li.l mm i..l ell 1. ...l, IJ.y 1. ia.,eiiin i .. 1 I ...... ea,.,..!,, .ii. i 1, . ii , . . 1 " '"'I 'T f V 4 nwl tl.au ...... JW ie,rt, 1, , ... atll.ii'.i I i I Hi H-l.aiie,'an.,e.lla.aHI.i lanrvioelaakw . ( t;.. , .. . .. , ... 1 ... ... ' , ij, .Z... ,1 ilTll M. I.! - 1.. n. ..-.... 1 , Tlie Iti.1,. ill, I'll ie. lf, ll', 'I'M - l..i, M IM el ne en tmmt i.a, . , e, , -. ... . ,',., a 11 a 1 ,. 1 . s a a., ; 1 , . 1 a J aa.a... a H Lit I lli.l a. a I. In a i ....... I ... .. I . l M li't H h'tllllimri fl I, p il If! I , . . Mare a--l i-.a. , .. ., . i , , . , ... ,,.-., ... . u,,..MI, l i,i,i I, mJ aaaeaaiaaaaeiee .. e . a e A ea .f . . l . ..a ,,..(. .4 an .,.. al't'i l' Wr'a"TM . . ... , , a i. e. 4 f aM . , aa.. i h t I ' ' ffi Ft HP E. McNEILL, Receiver. TO THIS GIVES TUB CHOICB Of Two Transcontinental GREAT UNION NORTHERN Ky- PACIFIC RY. VIA VIA Spokane Denver MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA AND AND St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leaue Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For full details call on 0. R. & N. At nt at Heppner, tr Address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Phsb. Agt. Portland. Oregon. QaZOK TIME ! TO San Franoiseo Vnd all point in California, via the Mt, HhasU route of the Southern Pacific Co. The great hiuhway through California to all poinia r.MX ami Mouth. tYrenil neenle ttoute of the 1'aelfto ('omit. I'lillumn Hnffet Hleeiiere, Hecoiid-claiie rjleouera Attached to exprens traint. affording annenor locoinmodatione for aeeond-claiia iiHiwenKere, For ratee, ticketa. aleeiiiua oar roeervationa, ito, call niHin or addreaa It. KOKH1.KK, Manager, R. P. ROGKttS, Aeai len. r. A r. Agt., Portland, iiregoo Llghtcat, , f?a.let Working, Mott Accurate, ConipAct, Moat Modern and roftcf Mve ror ralalngiie ur liifurmatlun vrrltn In Till- jHAKLIN AU.M CO , Nr "av-n, Ooaaj. Thacomparatlvavalutofthna twocaida la known to moat persons. Thtf llluatrato that greater quantity la Not always moat to to deairtj. " Thtso f aide tiprea the bf neflclal qual ity of RlpansTabulcs 4l compared with any pravloualy known DVSII.PMA CIHU Ripans Tabulee t Price, jo cents a boa. Of druif lata, ot by mail. lir.HS CHt WICAL CO., 1 0 f aroc SI.. II Y. CHICKEP"E3I? If vmt ee the Crtalaw" 9 I a. a tela. tlie4fa I l , - . t Mate tm-tiry eihi.e I tlia-:- . , Mhfta a , a aauin. I .l . - - - - lime Hrid.lpt.at aaee. TT "m S tele! !e!l.ellelt I ,j I '', l4 1 Mate K'e.lrd l4 H"4,i ' ' I tajuiiiv bueiueaa. eat u. TiwieUin ana. Ii.al. I 1. I a ,rl I 1. 1 it. ei I , - at r''a i . ia , a. at -. eee . i 1. fll t.ai-.lMl m f.t.ae o a 1 rilaiOMaliiriAfoin'.rf .ea, t I, a . r, 1 1 I, V , , I.- , 1 , eva- mi e 1 Mi la. 9 -a. ...... I ei ml a 1 afae elaa.'. Via, .,a' e.-'aa a. -a. la aa.i e'4 t,...., alaar. ...... .. BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaeeaaaaaeaaaeeMBaaaeaiaeeeeeeaai : 1 1,. ,a wn a . a a l.. , I t ,n e ea. . t 11 - a - - f - rfir W t l' llte te f.' ' at I U ft.l.. l ... . , f . U e. k t. ' -'a : Slmpleat, ,1W 3 7t J rCAitrM0.lr-l,tr,KJj,kf .Ir I Int.. t u ; .1 a lii,, a !. I Nutlet Of ffffflfOfl. ! COPYRIGHTS. l..t I... I.. I ... w'.l t..!.! - i J '.; ' " .'. IVl .... ... . la l-l !! I a.-. .... a I. I... 1 Him n,. I 1 lllH IM M 1 It a -. I 11 a us ,il I .i .. i. , .- , Wt.ltlH'I' -f x' I ' '' ea1iU e ( i i 4 II ail eie - H- - I nm it avtrfie lli M t'. l Hi ' r tm. THE ERAVCoT OF WOMEN. She Catchee a Kat with the Aid of Ilei Skirta. Oregon has had a number of women who have di.stinruisht-d themselves in various ways, some in literature, some in art, some as slayers of wild beasts, others as iuoreasers of the population, some by cliinbiufj mountains, others by tumbling down them, and soon; but a deed of bravery lias lately been done by a Portland woman which it is quite cer tain no other woman in the state, and probably no other woman in the world, has nerve enough eveu to attempt. This woman, says the Morning Orego nian, is employed in a large establish ment on Third street, and her name must be kept secret to prevent the place being .overrun by people anxious to see the woman who is so brave. There are quite a number of other women employed in the same room, as well as several men. A day or two since a rat strayed iuto the room aad could not find its way out. and the men started in to catch and kill him. This was easier said than done, for the rat was agile and daring, and fled from one ambush to another, while the women and girls flew up on chairs and tables, and would have perched on the ceiling like flies if they had been able. There" was one exception the brave woman who has immortalized herself. She stood her ground, and finally, when the rat had been poked from behind a barrel and was dashing across the floor almost over her feet, she "scrouehed" down and let her skirts touch the floor and captured the rat, and when it en deavored to push its way out she swat ted it over the head aad laid it out, This is a fact, and if any persou in any country can produce a similar case of bravery and presence of mind on the part of a woman he can take the baker'. ABSOLUTELY IRRESISTIBLE. A Civilized Indian Who 1 1 . J to tio liack to Ills Wild l.i.V. An instance of unexpected outbreak of natural tendency is given in "Sunny Manitoba," illustrative of the Indian's inherent wildness and love of outdoor life. A young Indian of more than or dinary ability was sent to Mcliill col lege, Montreal, to be educated for the ministry, lie worked very hard, car ried off many prices and distinguished himself in every way, as a student in the theological hall. Eventually ho entered the ministry, became a popular preacher and for twelve mouths everything promised well, lint one Sunday evening he as tonished the church ollicers by an nouncing, without a word of explana tion, that the church would be closed for six months. With the resolute tuctitnrnity he lis tened to remonstrance, and then hur ried home. There he dolTcd his clerical broadcloth and at throe o'clock the fol lowing morning was seen running through the town clothed in an Indian blanket with painted face and a plume of feathers on his bare head. A party of the tribe of which he was n member had arrived on that Kumlay morning, and the sight of their tepees, their instruments of (Ishintr and the chase hail slirred the. native blood in him, ami he yielded to the overmaster ing temptation to cast in Ids lot with theirs. At the writing of the book the six months had not elapsed, and no one yet knew whet Iter lie would return to the pulpit. RUDENESS GROWING. The Fart Ia Admitted In EnVland, If Not In This oiinlry. There in a prow in jr conviction In KiikUuuI t litit rinlciii'N.s ia a ilistinct Ive cliiirai'trrist ic of what nrt- kmmn aa wi'll-lii ni crmviK Tin- I.oniliui Worlil point out tlint thi' ai'cnca iu t ho ntiti'-roonia ot the iiui'rn a reccptkm wotiiii di'rucc a mass tin-it itiir "f l.rii-Ulavrrn. ami I'lilN nttiMitimi tu tlu fact that at the n-ra and .uiii i r;a tin1 niiilirtu'C is al ways ili'turbi-il l.y m U-itri-avil and In I'liiisiiU-rati' pi'iii'li- in tin- Imhi'h. Ilintui ilo nut tiiiprovo in iiiaiiiicra ith vi nilvn mv in ri , i!i.it inn Hp-ar to 1' llio I'liin lti' ion nf tin writiT, and no 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 h 1 1, at tin ad lit mn ur a cer tain liii-ii-i- to ill uninrti tins 1( tllilrll t.i ill ill' nut U.iliU'lirsa and cliiv ill rv. Wiiinan no lutirr trin with lit-r into 1'iiblii' plai i'a uPrnt ilriuniui fur ontirlcay. In" n 'ilUiite it na rii., N,nu lo ivi'iilitii sa, 1 liia view tt ill hardly ! a-vrptcil in into v Aim r'n .mi who have Wi-n fiti'stn of lln- luiliia nnd (,ntli.!n'n of 1 '.lit' land, k.i a tlu Ni'W Vutk Tiuu-e., It Ih iluiil.tttil if hoapitality ami nl.l faltii'ti. .1 i-i-iut.-av ari' niivwhcri in thi- ui-rM mi ri'iiliy adlu-tiMl to a in in 1!iii.'.iIi loiinc. tiiili-K it le a 1 in iti if llli niil fillliilu a of in,'!lli. 1, lit 1,111.111 till lllll illli ilti'il I'.ritalllft of tin I.i'toli'ii at n rt a. 11 111. mi if tin" laniia hhirr u..iki ra and tl o a-nnt inaaei of riff rap 1 11 11 lin. l.iti.l. tln rr a dull bru tality Hint u.iiil.l put Jraa Janice of Aim rii a to aliauic. UNCANNY NINE-PINS, A Muarhiaeral U lure of llehe.U4 (.reman t rimlnal. In an iina t .il 1 Hv lai.-lr a rr'uuinal naa c. tol. i : , ,1 ., U- U-lira.,, who Im.l a inifi i r l(.-hiiij to play at hiiif pilta. t..'. 1 sa aa-ntff.r W prf ll.lltlli-illie If ,i. tbf I, li,r',t v lo lft T a ! pii -I I la p. til, ttr.l lo p'.ay l-lliei ln. ri' l !. a ( ii. i itc I' jii.t-al tl,f pl.- if I V . ll! nil, l, 1 til II, III aAl'l, lie. w .ii!, I ill 'it, 1 1 r. I,,.iit a tnurtiittr. ,a 1 1,.. l,,.t piai r ,.f a ilj iurf man l,U ffipu l a l-U'll. I bell b. rf ll, . j a I tin' - inn at, bf f. mil. I run tin ii ......... - , . , ,,.,' I '.......l..............lai i. ii ii.i'i nil. llf I'JM'.I -III If I 1 . 1 1 ic r Jt ' t . aa. sit Ibf al.reiT .1 t. t., -It. a' O,: . an, -r, ll,. 1 l.ia I lU 11 ll. -', l iin'ilv ,1.1. r. tbf recti, I I ti.'i,. r I t ' i... l!.f fatal 1 a l. at - ta , f .f !' f l-.Wl. fl-.wl. I . i . r !,.! a.i ai, 1 il,r Ke.aa.t ' 1 ! t-V Ir i . , I i ", t nt'. tr ,'r,,if i.ji itr a '1 'lt. I t.. s . ! rn'frr. llU ( f I .' U IKI r I , lit ' ' ..l,,f ;-;, ;irlv, I !ii trim, tnj tn.'- - a.lnae ' Vtl If t I I.. I''', j- a ' m n a-.-i cut . a , eat 'i.fii , a,i!, l h ... ' '. l i .. U tin , t a " 4 - r' 4 rw. 4 ..a I " ' " ' ' ' " l a- 1 . -e i a W a. HI I V til ti, a (4i, f iii. ' .. i a !.'- ? .- '.- a il- ti i. 1 tf ..I I .. n a. t . i, 1 It fw el e . . V m ra.v eej CROFULA i,ia, uniia owiniB,ui jwnuni, jn&tui JeJ writes: I have always suffered from U(m r,1- D. A. t . a uereunary acroiuia, lor wnicn I tried various remedies, and many reliable physicians, but none relieved me. After trii I am now well. I tuning u Dotuen or to you, as I feel that it saved me from a life of un told agonv. and shall take pleasure in speaking only words of praise for the wonderful med icine, and in recommending it to all. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free to any ad dress. SUMMONS. TN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THK COUN I ty of Morrow, State of Oregon. F, B. Vancleave, 1 Plaintiff, vs. V L. H. Vancleave, Defendant. J To I.. H. Vancleave. Defendant In the name of the State of Oregen, you are hereby required to appear and answer the com print filed against you In the above entitled suit within ten days from the duteof the service ot this summons upon you, 11 served within this county, or. if serveil In anv other countv o this state, then within twenty'days from the date of the service of this summons upon yon; Hiid if served upon you by publication or by personal aervieo wilhout the State of Oregon, then you are required to appear and answer on or before the first day of the next regular term ot saia court, to-wit: on or before the tirst Mon day in March, lN'.Hi. And In case you fail to so answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will take a decree against you for the dissolution of the marriage lionils now existing between vou and plaintiff, and for the care and custody of the minor cniiii tmrn as the traits of Bala marriage. to-wit: It. A. Vancleave; and for such further I decree as the court mav deem lust. This summons is published by order of the Hon. James A. Fee, Judge of tlie 8th Judicial IMstrict of the State of Oregon, dated September inn, lS'JO. u W. KrJ A, 74-S6. Attorney for Plaintiff. SHERIFF'S SALE. T)Y VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION ISSUED 11 out of the Honorable Circuit Court of the S'ate of Oregon, for the County of Morrow, on the '2d day of October, ltiiiii, in favor of E. D. Hood, Plaintiff, and against Alfred Doolittle, Emma A. Doolittle and Cofhn & McFarland, Defendants, for the sum of Two Hundred and Five (12115.00) Dollars with interest thereon from the 17th day of August, mm, at the rate often per cent per annum and Twenty Dollars attor ney's fees and the further suin'of Sixteen and 20-100 Dollars costs, and accruing costs, I have levied upon and will sell at public auction to tho highest bidder on Saturday, the 2d day of November, 1MI5, at 2 o'clock H. M. of said day, at the court house door in Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, all the right, title, and interest which the said Alfred Doolittle, Emma A. Doolittle and Collin i!i McFarland, Defen dants, had on and after the 3d day of September, lsdf), in or to the following described premises, to-wit: North-east Quarter of 8ection JJlneteen (19) in lowiisnip inrce (3) south, ot Kange Twenty- uve r.asi. . ai in morrow countv. ureiron. Terms of sale, cash in hand, the proceeds to be applied to the satisfaction of said judgment, attorney s ices, costs aim an costs that may accrue. Dated at Heppner, Morrow Countv. Oreeon. mis second (lay oi ucioner, ix'.i.i. 0. W. HARRINGTON. 6-81 , Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. SHEItlFK'M SALE VOTICE 18 HEREBY (IIVEN THAT UNDER and by virtue of an execution Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oreiron, lor ine 1 ounty 01 Morrow, on iK ioner 17, ln'.i i, and to me directed and delivered, upon a Judninent I reniiereti aim entered in salil court 011 the l'.ltn lay of September. InIH, In favor of W. F. Mnt- loclt, plalntilt. and aaalnot Murv Driscoll. and Mary Driscoll aa adiiilnlstratrtx ot the pstate of I onicliiis Urixcoll. ilcci iisi'd. Mnud Drisco I. Mlnn.e Driscoll end John Driscoll. defendants. for the sum of Eleven Hundred I'lKhtv seven and !m luo ( i 1 h7 n,) Dollars with Interest there on at the rale of tl per cent. Per annum, from ine r't uiiy m wpiemncr, isim, nun the costs ami illrnureenietita ol iulil suit anil of this ealc And uhcrcHH. bv aald iiiili'iiieiit It waa onlered. adliiilKed ami decreed that ihe fnlloa Iiik de- i iliieil rel property, In-n II: Ihe west half of the nortli-eMSt iiaricr, and Ihe eat half of the north. m est iiiarter In sei'llnii .No. .11 In limn. ship 'j eoutli, nl rauitc 2!t fust ot Vt lllntnctte Meridian Iu Morrow Countv. Mute id Urevon loKcllier with the teneiiieiils. heredltntnents iiud Hplinrteiifiiiive theieutito I ' 1 . in 1.-1 n . . I e told to .misty siil, I luiluinent. ro.tsatid aeeru im coala I will 011 the .'nil Dav of NoirmlH-r. l-'J'i, at 2 o elia p 111. ol ml. I ilny. 111 from of Ihe court lumen ilaor In Heppner, Morrow Countv. iiri-uoii eell all tlierluht, iltle and lotcre.t ol tlie .aid defeniUnte. nnd all the rluht, title and In creel of the ii.eii,iit, Mary Driecoll, aim hh h Curiirllne Drlsi oll, din e.i-d had on the '.Mhilay of April, lv. ur tshleh aiiy of the defeinlHiite. or the eald Cornelliie lirlaeoll have ettirp had In the Htailed rii-ecrHa'd pTenitM.e. at piilihe nut Hon to tlie hlvheat and licet I Id. ter forra-h In hand, the prm lain ! applied to the enita Im inu of t ihi pxri iitloii and all diets lliMt may aecrtti. Uiiled lolM'r IT, IVlV li W. IIAP.r.lSoTON. 111 9 ShcrlfT of Morrow Couuljr, Oregon . Notice Of Intention. I AMIOFHCK AT THK I'AI.IFd. IIHKMIY le "1 ptititla-r Hi, l'rt. ntlie le hen.l.v riven I tloil Itie Inlliin lnf liatltnl ai'ttler baa fllnl un til ..fit hie luti-.ttlotl t-l Itui', tlnnl PMail In eup. ii nf hie (laltn. and that eald priml will be i.in.ie la-iorp J vt . Miirmw, inuiiijr Icra, all Hi 1 pner, urrffin on ViteiiHwr. W. In, 11 II.MAM K IHItNFTT. IM T No a. tor tha i NW. ,E' CSV. and ah', e... p I a, M .t, K tie iiaotee ihe In Hon ine nttnra.a lo prove hi. rfintltiiione r.-etdrtire npo 1 and ctiltliatlnti i t anl laml X If J - 'Im an. 1I1 hart. Mellon Fiane John T. Mi: u. Jam, . h, all of I ..Mni'toti, 1 ir. .'. J. F. M i'sa. Iu ti.t. r. f.'otice of Intention. I in. I'm. at I 4 lie 111. a oe,.o. api,nla-r -el, i V'oll' K I IIFhUlV l.l KS 1HT IMF. ,1 ,. 11,, Ine named e- ltlef baa nii-,1 Motire l hie iil..il.ti l, make final pria.l li aii.(air ..I tie 1 lel'i, end that eal'l .r .l me. 1 1 1 In-made I. i i-eJ ..tt,. 1 ..Mi.li I Ii rk.al Hi i l.i.ef. I l it .mi, nil , Ml I 1, .ii. Ill ; IHNJiMIN MMIIFM. " ' tl ' ', and ff .?, 1 I P I a, ft ,-, p " i He mi ni ttie I. ,',!. lite lineear li-aiie hie 1 r,. 'in .toi irpre un atn rintiiatl'-n id, e. I I let I III M i IH.I-I It J llenl. W. ft Harrrll, W, U ih, all II. I ll' r. M -It" . ' r. it.os Ntilirr or IMINTHIV I mi i i rti r t tur ii I 11 1. ul.,1-1 I .., S. ll. a la ,rfi. (li. 0 i1 .1 llr I. ..... ( i ,-l ,ae r .. I... ' l- l l ie ai n e -I I. al eai.l . .1 a t, ia- ! I '. J W. ll ..,... i , i. iu .a .i " i 1. 1 ,... , ... t !. i u I ..,,'-. , r N , ,,. . . V , a I a f I ,. a, H . U ' a- !. ! ' H UnrtM Inprmi 1 '.' e,. . I . i ' - Tf a..,f Vatl ai. , j,. f w,.,r a('.lr. I,.. , , e re., lei. e ip..n a . I iii.tliatii. nl aa I .a. . e I ... e W.-M.. ... f te"'. a t-t " k.', tie .en e'-t. II ol Mn 1 e. . -' p f taft e.11 " Hi-'ei ff(ieeri' tjmnzton. V"f, t a ttt.rHY i.ltrt tMlt t , i . a i aw ,-1 aa. e a .a-ef ,a.' . i ,. I .a, .. .e t - a '. -e r. i. m CURED i , ' i. . I a I . I. - .1 a r . i a ' al I . ... l I a al II. it ei, a , - . - e . f I ee-l ' a 4ei ,-t a I ... ; ', i !, , , a, fa M e (f i 1 Th.Je RAMBLER 3 T r .1 , x , , jgj is one ui iiic very ocsi, wneeia uier inaue in tj front rank with all high grade machines, and f$ Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE if you want S punctured, it can be mended by you in five (iU renowned u. HJ. clincher tires witn wood rims or copper-piaiea sieei runs. Sold in all sizes for ladies or gentlemen at (100 each. (1 Tandems for two men or man and woman, f 160 each. 3 THE RAMBLER is the fastest, lightest and strongest wheel in the market. S For style, finish and durability it is unsurpassed, as it is constructed on strict mechan- leal and scientific principles. I Chicago Ideals j m For men, women, boys and girls, w ith 2, 26 and 21 inch wheels, at ffia, 55, $15 respect-1 ca ively. are splendid medium grade wheels, w ith G. & J. high-grade double locking edge j" (A clincher tires and are lully warranted. m Before vou buv a bicvcle. write for cntalocruo. circulars, terms and discounts, or call ! M on our numerous agents. Rambler Rustlers y"' ton and idano. FRED T. MERRILL kfi Kni-tViM-nat rnnrnumi loll voa finrmnllv .ToHWv a n f fW. I iR TiiViloi" RinvnlA. " Ma!n?J2 'fit Store, 327 Washington St., Portland, Or. '55 HTW PATTRRSON. How's Your Liver? This question is asked daily. If dormant you need exercise -need it badly. The Bicycle offers a not own one, call at Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery, Power Four Models EVERY MACHINE FULLY GUARANTEED. Monarch Factory and Main Office: Lake A BRANCHUS i-fcew York, Sao FrancUco, ilt Uka City, Dravrr, Men-iils, Cttril, Tot t-n. o. WtBB SAFE & LOCK CO, Agents, I'OKTLAXl), (iI'.F.dON. A. II'. PATTKRSOX, Agent for It to Advertisers at a threat finnncial sacri fice. Vou need it in vour business, and as a matter of business we must sell it. Tin: P.yttkrson Puhlisuing Co. lAVITIl : rati : Youro BOUXJ3 to Tnko 9 Km. Lcnvcs No Contipntion.- (... . a. .ell a. a t Ji i-ar.i. .r f, . ,t (j J,,,., f..l Tt BtanAm In H,a!4 an muioyuwiuic juv-i. n rft if you buy one you will make no mistake, jg to be happy, for should your wheel beS minutes, as it is equipped with the world Wanted iu every town in Oregon, Washing- CYCLE COMPANY, Airt. for Morrow C.n . TTponnpr. firpiynn remedy, and if you do "FTouse. - S85 and 8100. SEND 2-CENT STAMP FOR CATALOGUE. Cycle Co. and Halstcd Sts., CMICAO'J. M arrow County, Heppner, Oregon, OUR STOCK OF . . . SPACE IS TOO HHAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD 1733 f fit s FINEST MATERIAL. . SCIENTIFIC WORKMANSHIP. FILLS ! l.,. . , r.l Ur an e, ti (,.T a ft, 1 aee Ha nail euef