Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 29, 1895, Image 3

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For Over Thirty Years!
"Ayer'8 Cathartic Pills for over thirty
years have kept me in good health,
never having had a sick day in all that
time. Before I was twenty I suffered
almost continually as a result of con
stipationfrom dyspepsia, headaches,
neuralgia, or hoils and other eruptive
diseases. When I became convinced
that nine-tenths of my troubles were
caused by constipation, I began the use
of Ayer's Pills, with the most satisfac
tory results, never having a single
attack that did not readily yield to this
remedy. My wife, who had been an
invalid for years, also began to use
Ayer's Pills, and her health was quickly
restored. With my children I had no
ticed that nearly all their ailments were
preceded by constipation, and I soon
had the pleasure of knowing that with
children as with parents, Ayer's Pills,
if taken in season, avert all danger of
sickness." II. Wettstein, Bvrou, 111.
Highest Honors at World's Fair.
Ayer't Sarsaparilla Strengthens the System.
SSl Cl -5...
Z J I 2 3 4
6 7 8 9 I 10 I Tl I2
i3 iij5 jJDjlLJCui.
?:s io" 3i" .i
I ' 1 L , I J
Take Notice.
I. The turn of five rent pr line will be
Shirred tor "cards of thanka." "reaolutioua ol
reapwet," liU ol wedillrt preaetita and donor,
tna obituary notloea, (other than those the edit
w shall himaclf ictve aa a ruattnr of newa.) and
aotluea of special meftlnifn lor whatever ptirpoae.
Notice of church and society and all other
tntcrtalnmenta from which revenue It to be ile
rived, ihall be chanted lor at the rate 'of flv
nU a line. Thme rule will be strictly adher
jd to In ever" Instance.
Advertising ratua reasonable and made known
ipon application.
PUk for Hardman, Monument, tn Creek,
John Day and Canyon City, leave, aa lollow :
Every day at 6 a. m., euvpt Hutnl.v.
Arrive every day ai 8 p. m..ecrpt Monday.
Tb cheape". quickest and beat Una to or
from th Interior ronniry.
WALT. THOill'-OM, Prop.
Phlll Cohn, Agent.
Extra Pal Star Brewery Beer
In Half Tint Bottle can be
bad only at th
City Hotel Bar!
Where hlirh grade l.l'iunrs and Clitar arc alio
kpt by led.
Here and There.
"When trade Is flush and with a rush
Large order to you come,
You'll find it wise to advertise,
And keep thing on the 'hum.-'"
Hfirvey Allen w here to attend the
J. O.JWarmoth was up from Ella over
E. G. Sloan is quite ill at bis home iu
Qov. Rea got baok from Pendleton
lies Poppen was down from Hardman
Friday last.
F. J. Hallook is down to Hood River
with bis family.
The Nilea-Vinson, Marble Works,
nnila Walla. Wash.
Mrs. J. N. Brown has retarned from a
visit to ber relatives at Sulem
Mrs. A. Keithlv, of Beppner, has
Cochin chiokeus for sale. e27 4-81.
John Kerns h 'is just finished painting
tbe exterior of . L. Matlock's residence.
La Gr.inde Marble Works, La Qrande
Ora fS, 0. Smith, salesman, Heopner.
Ben Siosheimer an t Mat MosRcove,
the traveliug men, SuadHyed iu Heppner.
Chas. Frey and Joe Bannister, of
Hiird nni), were seen on oar streets ibis
H. E. Warren and Wright Saliog
were iu town Monday and took iu tbe
On account of tbe illness o! one of our
piii, lei s this wtek we are considerably
Unnsidering everything, tbe trade in
Heppner this fall has been tbe best in
its history.
Mrs. Thos. Nelson visited her mother
in-lnw, Mrs. Catherine Nelsjn, ot this
place last week.
Dan Morrow. Clay Luce and J. W,
Brownlee left yesterday for the interior
with merchandise.
Born Sunday, Oot. 20, on Balm Fork,
eight miles above Heppner, to tbe wife
of Bob Dexter, a sou
Wanted Plain or fancy sewing. Will
go to tbe house or take sewiug at borne
Mrs. Mary Henderson.
A premium to cash purchasers at
Phill Cohn's drug store. Don't fail to get
your ticket for the wheel. tt.
HalemPost: John Q Wilsou left this
morninp for a weeks' absence at bis
faim near Heppner, Eastern Oregon
Best aocomrandatlon and courteous
treatment at the Imperial Hotel, Seventh
and Wash. Sis., Portland, Oregon.
When yon waut to feel merry call on
Lishe 8perry, at the Belvedere Saloon,
where tbey keep tbe finest wet goods In
town. tf.
Elmer Sloonm, the artist, will make
cabinet photos for tbe next 30 days at
$2 per dozen. Gallery opposite opera
bouse. tf.
T. ft. Howard makes a specialty in
supplying stockmen with all needed
articles, besides carrying a general line.
See bis new ad. tf.
H. and W. H. Moses, who formerly
ran a grocery business in Tbe Dalles,
aellmg out to B. A. Hunenker, took in
tbe raoes iast week.
Pilot Rook Record: N. H. Cot tell-
Miss Eva Beitel and Mrs. Thomas Nelt
son left yesterday for a lew days ' visi.
among friends io Heppner.
fl. B. Hatt, tbe tonsorial artist, can
be found at his parlors, Matlock ooroer,
where be will dispense at popular prices,
shaves, shampoos, uairouts, etc.
Salem Post: I. B. Bowsn, of the
Bilker City Democrat, oonmpanied by
Mrs. Bowen is in the city on business
We ecknowlege eplosaatit call.
Backinghsm's Dye for the Whiskers
does its work tboronghly, coloring a un.
form brown or black, which, when dry.
wilt neither rob, wash off, nor soil lioeo.
Call on i'hill Colin for fine win and
liquors for medicinal porpoeee. A com-
Dlet line rf Key West cltrara. end
premium ticket for tbe 100 Victor
bioyc-le. tf.
"Kid" Bnfllngt'wj wm arraign! to
day on a rharge of drnok end disorder
l and edjiidtf'-d amity, liis Due
i) in default of which he wee commit
td Io jail.
Cuutaio Sweeney. V. 8. A.. San Dieto.
Cat. says : "Huilou's Catarrh Itemed is
the II rat medicine I bate r found that
onM do me any good." Price 6c.
T. V. A3 era, Jr.
Oil. J. L. Morro? relnrnd Friday
from a vi.il to Portland, end relative
nn in WaahioiMoo whom he bed nnl eeen
lr thirty yeare. "Uncle Jack" enjoyed
hie visit Immensely.
Frank Baird I haek from I)yt.0,
Overwork, either physical or mental,
ill produce weakness and loss of
energy. Too many business or family
cares, overwork in tbe harvest field, an
excess of woman's work and worry will
produce months of misery. To prevent
this, tbe exhausted system should be
reinforced immediately. Dr. J. fl.
McLean's Strengthening Cordial and
Blood Purifier is an annropriate remedy.
Pnoe 81.00 per bottle.
She was cosily entrenched upon his
boulder ami Ibev were verv. very bappy .
'George," she whispered, and be bent
bis head to listen, "do yon, know what
would do if yonr love for me should
oool?" "Would you die, dear?" he
asked, passionately. "No, George, I
would bring an aotion for breach of
Wills & Sloonm now manufacture to
order men's, ladies' and children's hose
of excellent quality. You can pick your
yarn and tbey will make you a good,
ubstHntial, double beel and toe stock-
ug. cheap. Hose for children will be
made with double knees a' so. Satis
faction guaranteed in every instauoe,
You can earn $5 eaob day "giving"
our absolutely indispensible household
article away. New plan of work, mak
ng experience unnecessary and snocess
certain for either sex in any section.
Sample dozen free. Credit given,
Freight paid. Address, Melrose M f'g,
Co., 30 Melrose Park, III. 4t.
Ernest Uupper was thrown from a
borse last night down near Oscar Mi
nor's plaoe, below tbe depot, striking
his head against a telegraph pole. He
was unoonsoious till this morning bat is
able to be around this afternoon.. Er
nest was pretty drunk at tbe time of tbe
Salem Post: Hon. J. H. Fletcher,
editor of the Post, returned by last
night's overland train, from South
Dakota, wbere be went on business
three weeks ago. The Gazette will add
to the Post loonl that Mr. Fletcher was
Sout h Dakota's first lieu tenant governor,
Doll Times is Yamhill. Wm. Baird
writes from Dayton, Yamhill county,
that be oannot sell bis horses which be
took below in August at least be had
not suooeeded in doing es at last ac
counts. Times are dull and money
bard to get. Everything tbe farmers
have to sell is very low. Grain is very
cheap oats 15 to 20 cents per bushel,
wheat 40 cents. Wm. says be proposes
to get baok to Morrow county as soon
as possible.
Pilesl Piles! Itching Piles.
Symptoms Moisture; intense ltohing
and stinging; most at night; worse by
scratching. If allowed to continue
tumors form, which often bleed and
ulcerate, becoming very sore. Swatne s
Ointment stops the itching and bleed
ing, heals ulceration, and in most cases
removes tbe tumors At druggists, or
by mail, for 50 cents. Pr, Swayue & Son
Collkctob Wise Hekb Hon. John
H. Wise, collector of oustoms at 'Frisoo,
and a member of the firm of Christy &
Wise, aucomp'tnied by E. H. Clarke, of
Pendleton, arrived here Friday night
and were interested spectators at the
raoes Saturday. Mr. Wise, through bis
representatives, has done business in
Heppner and vioinity for yeBrs, and be
was desirous ot seeing some of his
oustoraers and their section of country
before leawng Eastern Oregon. Mr.
Wise knows all about wool and does not
look for any immediate advance in price.
Messrs. Wise and Clarke departed Satur
day for tbe Soond section.
Has troubled me for 11 years. I have
taken four bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla
and am perfectly enred. I think Hood's
Sarsaparilla has no equal, and believe that
many who are In poor health and have
become discouraged, would he restored to
good health If they would only give
Hood's Sarsaparilla
a fair trial." W, J. Beitsch, Astorla.Ore.
Hnnrl'c Dill c cure u liTer U1 bluou.
liuuu a jriiia M.he(Uch. sac
None Bat Ayer's at the World's Fair
Ayer's Sarsaparilla enjoys the extraor
dinary distinction of having been tbe only
While thorough in aotion, Ayer's Pills . blood purifier allowed an exhibit at tbe
strengthen rather than stimulate the ex- World's fair, Chiosgo. Manufacturers
oretory organs. Leading physicians 0f other earsaparillas sought by every
recommend them because they are free meana to obtain ashowini? of their coods.
from calomel or other injurious drugs, but they were all turned away under tbe
oeiug oomposeu entirely ot me dbbi application of the rule forbidding tbe
vegetable aperients. Pntry of patent medicines and nostrums.
E. O. : Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Fell leave Tbe deoision of the World's fair autho
during November for Hartford Conneo- rities in favor ot Ayer's Sarsaparilla was
tiout, and other Eastern cities. Mrs. in effeot as follows: "Ayer's Sarsapa-
Fell will remain two months and Mr. rilla is not a patent medioine. It does
FeP will return earlier, after attending not belong to tbe list of nostrums. It is
to business in connection with tbe wool- here on its merits.
en mill.
Charley Jones, tbe well-known "old-
timer in tbe tonsorial line, bag again
XJ October 21, 18115. Notice is hereby given
that the following nRmed settler has filed no
tice of his Intention to make final proof in sup
port of his claim, and that said proof will bo
made before J. V. Morrow. County Clerk, at
Heppner, Oregon, on November 30, 1895, viz:
Hd. E. No. 4179, for the N4 SW'H, Sec. 4, and
NE'i SRMec. 5, Tp. 4 8. R 24 E. V. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz:
Jacob S Young, Wesley V. Brannan, of David
son, Oregon, and Edwin D. Rood, Gilbert R.
Jones, of Eight Mile, Oregon.
382-93 Register.
Nbw Feud Yard. Wm. Gordon has
opened up tbe feed yard tinxt door to
tbe Gazette office, and now solioits a
share ot your patronage. Billy is right
at borne at this business, and your
horses will be well looked after. Prioes
reasonable. Hay and grain for sale. tf.
Hay Fob 8alh I have 75 tons of
excellent wheat bav on tbe Al
located io Heppner, having purobssed "oe"' wueB' UB uu luo Al OBerB
Green Mathews' shop, Minor building P'soe 8 miles above Olex, which I will
opposite the city hotel. Charley will sell very reasonable. Good location for
appreciate a call when in town.
Tbe Dalles Exobange: Hon. W. R.
Ellis arrived from Portland Inst niitbt
and will remain until tomorrow rooming.
He expects to leave for Washington
about the tenth ot .November,
Pure drugs, chemicals, paints, window
glans and a complete line of stationery
at lowest prices and a ohanoe to win a
$100 prize at Fbill Cohn's drug store,
next door to Minor & Co. tl.
For $22.50 I will furnish a first class.
bigb grad, high arm sewing machine
guaranteed for 10 years. For further par
ticulars call on or address, N. A. beach,
Lexington, Oregon. 2t
E O : W. F. Matlock returned today
from Heppner, where he has been io
attendance on tbe raoes. Mr. Matlock
saw some very good raoes by some very
good horses,
Shilob'a Cure, tbe great Congh end
Croup Cure, is io great demand. Pocket
size contains twenty-five dose only 25c.
Children love it. Sold by T. W. Ayera
Any mveotor io Eastern Oregon who
desires the services of an attorney in
Washington, D. O , will find it to his
advantage to call on or address this pa
pes. Mf
Karl's Clover Knot, tbe great Blood
pnriller, gives freabns end clearness to
the Complexion and cores Constipation,
25 ote., 50 ot... il. Sold by T.W. Ayers,
Mathews Bros., City hotel bather shop,
tooaorial eriist. Uairoatting, shaving,
shampooing, etc., done ecientitloally.
Uatln el 26 oenta apiece.
Fsob 23 cent purehase entitles you to
ticket fur the 1100 bicrole at l'lull
Coho's drug store, next door to Minor t
Co. If
feeding stock.
Co., Oregon.
Ou Rock Creek, Gilliam
O. O. Boyd.
Walt. Thompson ruus stage between
Heppner and Monument, arriving every
day except Monday and leaviug every
day except Snnday. Shortest and oheap
eBt route to the interior. P. Ooho,
Bon Mathews is now sole proprietor of
the oitv meat mnrket where he keeps a
fresh supply of beef, pork, mutton, veal,
sausage, huoon and lard, which he sells
for the lowest market price. Fred Bock,
the Portland butcher, is still with bim. tf
Horace Oreely ouced eeid: "The way
Io rraoroe ta to rranme,'' speaking of
egalo palling gold into oircuUtlnn alter
id. war. "W" "'" """:-"'. Oregon. He vi.iiej ML Hood oo bie
j ut w tl - ea - - -
hlmmoue Liver I (ruinator. Many f'le
wm Io forifrl that Constipation, tilllnna.
Does Sud ai. k hea l eolie ar all Canned
by a sluggish liter. Krp tbe lir
the cl'inh lie was efoumpeolel ry
Urrtnonn Kogolka.
"It is the beat peetil n.edietne io tbe
oild" Is what Mr. K. VI- Ilartruan. .f
Marmara. Oregon. aa. of Chaoilwrlaia'e
t'oiif, Cbolrra end tiarrh lUmedy.
Though tbe eeiher lias bn fine this , " hat l' ! m- to make Ihla aaarf li.,e
fall. Io e..me rpe Is H Is the ml no- wlfis th" that danlry to He
Meotiahl. N"l a dr. p nf rata bee wor.t f mm prevaUot around bre
-i i . .....i r.n (u,i. ia laai enR,mr end It Dr lnk over
I. K..I ..,.! ii .n Tall erain has !! or lhra rfo-e ff thai rind to
a4 come op. nor wiillt till U baaeome ffH a eotntl-te '" For ?
tDolattire. Hl Kim-Ji.boaoo Drog Co.
e-ri O Tilt: t M T "'f uhrm n mrthnt i frfir. tl,..t a nr
H.rjt r'l U'-l nnr,n tlmt, he it f i.'lm ll,r,j kit
cO ' . ,,r ",,r"'. ' '",f ' i
J i,n nv , H.,t rl.tim In un'trrttll rrrt o tit, f.xf
tit ft "-I "" '" IrrttSI'f, tktl it am n Iriitj0 Ihil m h,h
IU, or.r ""''; "' ' '""' " f'irlr.far awr-
th.inlt hh r or " I1 r' '""'
nttrrUnt.) . .
it (at if i ' ''' 'r"i ''" r""",w !
i fint If 1 ' Iftm.frrtt,. firti fit 4 U tltttrl, a J our
,,r,rtt at , rK ,p nf '" e Hf'trn nrjn.
f '.i.'l oarf f nnl n.1 ft I '" !.
" i . ., "' ..
; r. M 4 ' M f. .. M ;
!- i- a .
V . . . a a i
ledlraliuaa Iuaa4 that Alma Olaay. Mlliri
waa sol Abdarlid.
from the E. O.
All the peoule of Kat-rn Ortgon will
remember bow Mr. Miller, living then
at Humni-ivilU, made eneb diligent
ear on io nn.i bis utile clangbtcr, Alma
Olaihe Miller, eho diaappeared lbi-e
teats ego.
Ihe elory of the loat Alma Miller u
alr-ady a familiar one. The fluid left
hbtoe oo ibe eveomc and since then no
poailive Iree of ber baa It-en found, al
tl.nngb Ibe lalbvr Iravrl-d Ibniiaanda id
mi lea Id era b of her Io lb tlif that
aha bad 10 kldnapp--l by (rpi ho
et Io the nelglib'irtHp! el lime ol
her diaappoeratne llandieds of po le
tnroed aal and made a hat waa suppua
ed Io b a ihoroufc-b arcli ell o-r II e
rO 'ilhtalO aid, end tha falhire Io C
any flaw t eto s alif. of rlolhiig,
aw.hgib-tie ibe mt Ibal lb cb Id
ha'l bo etolee.
lsiij. a .anil ami pim rpinp-j rrp
found el Iba baM of Ml. Ktsily, four
i mil. ir,ro enare ine nine giri aiaap
t-rr lhr ar
The id aoa br Id skull a (onnd
la air ui l"ir ii.H-e ffi in "h-ra lb fl il l
dia.ta'-1. an I ibe eundiit' if the
Great Bargains
Notice Some of Our Prices :
1 Suit fine knit underwear, 8(J ceuts.
1 GoodJersfly Shirt, fiO cnta.
1 Pair BUHpendora, worth 35 cents, fur 20 cents.
Good canton ilnnnel uuderHhirta Special Hurgnin M5 eta.
1 dozen good cotton socks, 05 cent.
And many other ImrKiina lower tlinn ever
before sold iu Heppner.
Will arrive in a ftw day, u hirh will l. o7 of lotr flgnrrt.
gW ttrr Kill. Aeiit. for Henry Mixulii A Hon . Full Cream Yoiiiik Amerli a
riii-. M. ( all and ua.
ni:iiNi:it. OltKOON.
Earth !
"We will go back to
the land of our
And during their absence Minor &
Co. will be found at their old
stand, selling at
r v a -r a t a ml
If you doubt this statement, thous
ands will come forward and con
firm the same.
in suits m ran :
Styles too Numerous to Mention
SUITS FOR $1.00, $4.50, $5.00, $5.50, $6.00, $6.50, $7.00 IT TO $20.00
Our line of Booh and Shoes are amongst Vie largest (if not
Vie largest) to be found in the city.
Call and examine, we are here
to show goods. We are the
leaders. Others follow.
It is not at all surprising to see the
immense crowds going to trade at
tbe store of
When we consider that Heppner handles more merchan
dise than the other seventy-two counties of Eastern
Oregon put together, and that P. 0. Thompson Co. handle
nine-sevenths of that. It is not to be wondered at that
they have all of the local trade and part of that of Cali
fornia and Chicago, but they will not be satisfied till they
have the trade of Paris, London and New York also.
Get in with the rush and come to the
At the Corner of Main aud Willow
Streets. Follow the crowd and you
can't miss it.
A Brand New Man!
It ia hot ruf-Mit that th MAN IX ho sew, but tlmt tlii i.Htn-r in called
upoti to MiDtittnen to the public that tli llnrdmaii iin rcniitilo
buniueM of W. 11 Kahlor lift been M to
A Well Known Morrow foinly Jlny.
Groceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Stockmens' Supplies, Etc.,
And Wants Your Trade!
He will make it an objoct for you to trade with
him as his prices are right, and all goods that he
handle-, are of the very best.
Store on Main Street, Next Door
to City Drug Store,
a ui
A(i nri
IIa ro- t-imrry fvcr)tLin niiI l mil hi ti in cumuli -
dun itli I If rMlroiKl. 1 hi i no t!I jot, nnl hu u.Mi'cUuu f Mr.
K ml fell ii? ht rl umtliltfl ltt-ffn I tfm h( v t.I mm .r litiHitirM ill rtuf.tttinrt ,tt
I litliltnnti, Oii'tcmi, Hiici'f-Hf)f to
tti I .it,. A rifll.-f IB-alj,tHn
i . i. m iba.t In Ui k'liitlf mhnm
Sm'I aa f . n. l if a..m i.ll.r
!iiImm tan it-t4 thai ill
II . .t l tt pghi tii a Iba tuif'f
V. 10. KAI I A:u.
i l'i. f liirai .-lf f. as I
V , ll.ait.ii, M.tt J w ,n
1'. .1 id. 'f ll I Ma. II
V ... f. II It irftfrV, A. Htii-r, It
i, I n. -4 i II , ll. i.f eharan.
it, l ii, -tt ki. l 1'jll.i. aw .ii t.anl
..lira fcomlMr M 't.l.fa" aarl
"I ' 61 I -.rivv'l't. !!
f I 'i'i' ' ' i." ' lial (a
m 't'aii nnl ..,.! ,f
ll'.-W l-V. S 4.. K t I'.allhal
, iV.'f a. i.i f .. or b-ir. I N ( UlCE IllkOWING. U.S I LAN or DbWWJNG.
TLi WIiim-I i). w tin Mbibition t I'hill .l. n Ifn tr i Io
t tritrn ay. Uiiinrr ran i-itl.aitn mim f.r a Udjr'n
whool or n orcan if tf-f irl.
At my ranch, ton miloa touthAHt of Ilci'tiiicr, at lo nor pound io
tko fioM, cLod. Or will dflivr at lli-pptK-r at 1 4c jr jkiuh.L lor
M'l putatot'R, my crop ciuiiot lo boaton.
A.tto!noyM til ffa-
All tinaltiwM altviKlaJ to ll. t.mt't ari l alUfa ti.ry
(riano.r. ,iilarl- I'nl.lx- an.) Oillirlofa.
f.l.f ntif HI thtt, Hf H. .l
Inrfi iiaa a. lf .11 " m.i.H la i..m, t f. t
? !. avl allKlat
.i.'l a
:ac dollah invested
Mat tr "u
Systematic Plan of Speculation
Villi H'k 't"l , inl.a In IU I ..M i t 1 f.l W.!n.H
l Mia n m. i.M',ti,rfc.M vl. In ir ii t is-.l All..,. tll!
rl l t4 I l. a rf t '-i a il, . 1 fU h ii I
PHI LI- COHN, I)ruWisi.
ltl lllMI-K t,f tff
i .l,..i., i, )n U IiIt f.n tmf
'. Tl.a ribaf 41 ta lj tl "' It' at
i aa H "!..'. ' ti.a tawaik. " Ibl'
r. it't 6' 't " A'lf - ta I rnV '
).k4 lb pn ao l I II t
rmat4. W1L fil 4m
t if i Ml aitI t, t-'f ! I
! Ma.f Ilia a-al
' n-MM a!il aita' t' llial t4 lUa toaaj '.
I,UM a h"m ) k !" Mi
I I.m i rat - aal a''" 1
1 It tt ia e. l ! I
C7:i;M Kccni the Finest Wines Liquor:, and Ci-an
I tm
t U 4 ! I -U4
s .1. 4tf 'tr
I . ' up to
,1. C. IK) ROM lOHS, Picp.
kf l4tft ll,Hi.i I likri P !'
f 't ' I t ihtmm m tn i I it r-. t
M W n f I IKatl Ih'-tk m mttt Ik f
THOMAt 4 CO , Bikii4 Om.
241-342 nM D-Utfi4 Ct, III.
jfjli fatal
'At. I,
u-jii-fyuru-ri-ri ' ""