Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 29, 1895, Image 1

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    Portland Librarf
iiiiiiiiMiiniin imminaiiiiiirmin
Advertising brought me all I S
: 1
I ; Is owing to my liberality in ad-
vertis'ng Robert Bonner.
own. A. T. Stewart.
wl.-l. 1 1 .M I Mil 1 1 1:1,1 III 1 1 I.I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II I. lit lil'lilil 1 11 'PI 1 1 u
..MM wil'Mil.t I lllf.llinjilillllili!:iltMil!lll:uml:i:l tlililil mtflilLll
OF v.
Tuesdays and Fridays
A. W. PATTERSON, Business Manager
At 2.5 oer year, tl.25 for six months, 75 ots.
cor til roe mourns.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
THIH PAPKR in kept on file Bt E. (1. Duke's
Arivertiaiue Agency, HI and 05 Merchants
ExohHiiR'8, Han l'rnncieoo, California, where eou
racta for advertising can be mudo far it.
0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD.
Train leaves Hcppner 10:31) p. m. dully, except
Sunday. Arrived 6:15 a. m. dally, except Mon
day. West hound passenger leaves Willows Junc
tion 1:13 a. m.; east bound 3:30 a. ra.
Freight trains leave Willows Junction going
east at 7:25 p. in. and 8:17 a. m.j going west, 4:30
p. m. and 5.5(1 a. m.
United ativte OlilclaH.
('resident Grover Cleveland
Vice-President Ad ai Stevenson
Axvntarv nf Htata Kichard 8. Olney
Secretary of Treasury John O: Carlisle
Secretary of Interior Hoke Hinith
Hecrelary nf War Daniel H. lawiont
Secretary of Navy Hilary A. Herbert
Postmaster-General Wildnm L. Wi son
Att,ir:i9y-(ieneral J udson Harmon
SeorotAry of Agriculture J. Sterling Morton
State of Oregon
Governor W. V. Lord
Beomtaryof Htute
Treasurer .
Hnpt. I'nhlio Instruction
Attorney General
Printer ...
Sipreme Judges
H. It. Kimaid
Plul. Jlet.nlian
(1. M Irwin
C. M. Id'emau
( (i. W. MoHride
H. Jlitehell
I Hintrer Hermann
"J W. It. Ellis
W. M. Leeds
( H. 8. B an,
F. A. Moore.
f 0. L. Wolverlon
Sixth Judicial Dlatrlet.
Cirenit Judee Stephen A. Lowell
riuK'u,iiii; Attorney John H. lawrey
Morrow Omit J
' Joint Henator
loonty Jndtfe....
J. M. Haker.
" Clerk
" Hheriff
" 8nrreyor.
' School 8up't
" Coroner
.. W
J. 8. IWhliy
Julius Koi1 lily
. J. 11. itowan
,T.W. Morrow
,..G. W. Harni'irton
Frank liillinm
J. r'. Willi,
U.h. Iird
nna llalsicr
T. W.Ayera, Jr
Wavoi Tin. Moriran
CmncilineM O. K. Varnsworth. M
Llchtenthal, Otis Patterson, T. W. Avsrs, Jr.
o u II L' I U, ...... ...
Keounler.... .F. J. Hsl ick
v.. Ij. Kre.Unri
Marshal '. A. A. Huberts
Precinct O Hirer..
!.,.;.. r.r tha Paan. K. I.. Frelnl
Constable N. 8. Whetntoti
tailed States Und OtHrer.
J. F. Moore H-a-Lor
A. 8. Bigg Ilwnv
R.F. Wi'xsi Il-.!er
J. H. K..hhin Imlr
axsRzr es;:zrici.
KAWI.IN8 Ptxr,N.lt.
0. A. K.
MtataM ltitmtnn. Or., the lut Haturdy of
mr. month. All ntnui r lniil to Jtn.
I' C. Ihnn. (iwi. W. HaiTH.
Adialant. if I oininxli'W.
MONEY LOANED, fin Mnrm.e.
on IinpnuiNt l-ro'r Ni-notmt-
hI. r irri ii-d to ucifolli II r
tnortitsB- iioii ItuproviHi inrns in
Orrfon. Ith ruirrn l.trlp mt ratvol Intnntt
not torri rrcnt p. rmMiiu 'oriir
reutl tost bate im-u laaoi iif oinrr ruin.
unite. Adiln-M Ith lamp.
Hr ( Ur. Orrcon.
LUM 11 Ull!
1! dn I Ltiiniwtr. Ittni.Kul ltvpnr, l
M u uua w the
ttt. l,o fktt, HiH't.il,
- - - ILKA.
- I
- 17
L mi r i.fiii im fc iiiifi.i.i
The Uit, J'.iUMoii r ttfl. tly f.if f .h.
Are the Highest of all High Grades.
Warranted superior to any Bicycle built in the world, regardless of price.
Do not be induced to pay more money for an Inferior wheel. IiiBjston
having the Waverley. Built and guaranteed by the Indiana Bicycle Co., a
million dollar concern, whose bond is as good as gold.
211b. SCORCHER $85. 221b. LADIES' $75.
Catalogue free. INDIANA BICYCLE CO.,
HOMER H. HALLOCK, Inoianapolis, Ind., U. 8. A.
Gen. Agent for Eastern Oregon, Pendleton, Or.
To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their
Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension? Had You a
relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars
on whom you depended for support ?
To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new
' law are entitled to an increase of pension. The government owes it
to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present
your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the
time you apply. Now is the accepted hour.
7Write for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice.
No Fee unless successful.
The Press Claims Company
PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager,
618 F Street, WASHINGTON, D. C.
y. R.ThiM Company il controlled by nrtirly one thoutand leading neies
papm in the Vnilcd Hlnlet, and it uuuranlrtit by them.
tr c . c . a . . c . v v 3 . . c f
YOU CAN Ill'V IJ.Vnt north ol dry roods and irorctlvs and then hare
euoimh left nut of IU0 00 In pun hum' a No. 1 Crweut llieyrU. This Is
a flrst-i'lwMi mi Mug. Why then pay iiou.uu ,,r a bicycle that will gvo
no better sertlre ?
i AirKr.
CRK'EMT "Heon hor." weluht poumls, only Ml.
Ilir' and OvuU' riwlsta s all tha way from I'D to ITS.
"Boys' Junior," only fu with pncuiiistle tiro a good roarhlne.
"Hir Special," Men s I i; Udles', 'ft.
lli-ppnr, r-(in,
Apentt fat ,
Kaiiouai nauK ol tim.
WI. r-tLaKK. M. It UltMor.
'rMt4l. rasklvr.
cotu-:crrioNs j
io Fri1d T-rtn. ,
EXCHANGE '.(fr,HT & S0I.H!
l;llio-l)!H1! Wii,
M A r .. VS P rp
Mcst Popular Pcputlican Newspaper of the West
An4 l,as the Largest Circulation.
DAILY If I ludy) 6.oo rry.
DAILY Iwlth Sunday) S. fnr
The Weekly Inter Oceantci.bc
Mil TK-AH )V-
A MPMI THff Mrt OttAH Smvi akM.! W la IIm.. s i
rria l mmim f'" ! SMWMg AU, II, i;
It II ia f ! at A . m. an I
fl at O Uii In (2 b"f.
Sinqlo Fnro 37 GO.
Hound Trip SID OOi
f. ,4.' f ..--'. " -
gl , i . si. - " v - r
tu. r i . - w i- r 1 -
9,1, I "-''PV t . V
The Weekly Inter Ocean
.,' " --'-f - '--' - tr c
l M in pumtMaik.iM, aH ! HskMO. TtSj
I! liMMfc M Ui-s-.a.. II
fM ttlcat 1 V It IS hi M Sll U-Ak UA fa. fa.o. ....
" M rMriMl M fix ! 1 nt L or
I na u.ui
II tl M Of- All rt 1H MII'IMIlMlH MtN AMI I I-I I 1 1
t"!?!" 11' ,Hr ri ih i-uwu; or nut at iin. iha(
PAI'I M I At I HI 4 11
l M la aw.4 H IM
lk h Wk la rsHM( .J 1 1 r-
i llMd I ft A. u . tk. a LI. I..-. I. f.1 V .
Tm: Lancaiihu. Ism-kanci: Co.
.tw 3 a ivl III
t-, ! .'; :
Almost everybody takes some laxativo
medicine to cleanse the system and keep the
blood pure. Those who take SIMMONS
Liver Regulator (liquid or powder)
get all the benefits of a mild and pleasant
laxative ana tonic mat purines tne Diooa
and strengthens the whole system. And
more than this: SIMMONS LIVER REGU
LATOR regulates the Liver, keeps it active
and healthy, and when the Liver is in
good condition you find yourself free from
Malaria, Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick-
Headache and Constipation, and rid of
that worn out and debilitated feeling.
These are all caused by a sluggish Liver.
Good digestion and freedom from stomach
troubles win oniy De nan wnen tne liver
is properly at work. If troubled with any
of these complaints, try SIMMONS LIVER
REGULATOR. 1 he Ring ot Liver Medi
cines, and Better man nils.
Has the Z Stamp in red on wrapper,
J. II. Zcilin & Co., Phila., Vn.
owen : Jit
sn km VJO.AMaX
Trade Mark Dr. A. Owen
Tht latent and nnlv nlpnllfin nrA n.nmi.,.1
tiecirio liolt mudo, for uenural use, produelug
a K'-miliio eiiriont of Electricity, for the cure
of (U'RiiHO, that ran be readily felt and regu
lated both lit quantity and power, and applied
to any purt of tlio Ijody. It can bo worn at any
uiuo during working hours or sleep, and
pttir ninEIWATISJI
S1. 'III4I.O
Oriental Watering Place Where the
Recent Treaty Was Signed.
Chee-Foo, where the treaty of peace
was signed between China and Japan,
and which also (roes by the name of
Yen-Tai, is one of the best known ports
in the northeastern part of China. It is
situated nt the head of one of the bays
of the Gulf of Petehili and is in the
neighborhood of two of the most prom
inent places in the recent Chino-Japan-ese
war. It was here that the peace of
1876 between England and China was
signed; by which three new ports of
entry were opened to foreign commerce.
The signing of the treaty on the 8th
of last May between the two inimical
brothers of the far orient has given
Chee-Foo a new historical importance.
From June 8, 1S50, until the Chino
European war, France had occupied
Chee-Foo without any interference
from foreign powers.
It is thickly populated, having one
hundred and twenty thousand inhabi
tants, according to the consular re
ports of 1891. In summer it is a fash
iouable watering place like Trouville
and Urighton. It is very attractive,
with its villas with vine-enshrouded
verandas clustering on the hillsides
which overlook Semaphore Point or
dotting the plain. Beside the signal-
tower a pretty pagoda rears its head,
crowned by its cap with upturned
wings. America and Eussia send pe
troleum oil to Chee-Foo, England cot
tons and metals. The great article of
export is raw silk.
In the quarter facing the sea, in a
small hotel, bearing the European
name of Beach hotel, the peace treaty
between the Chinese and Japanese
plenipotentiaries was signed.
To Manufacture Glass Pipe.
A new method of manufacturing glass
pipe has been discovered which prom
ises to revolutionize that industry. It
has hitherto been found impossible to
mold largo gluss tubes of any great
length because the glass would cool
Virile running into the mold, and the
structure of the tube was not homo
geneous. The new method consists of
using a mold with a movable piston.
The piston is just enough smaller than
the outer shell of the mold to allow
for the thickness of the tube to be
made. The piston is placed the bottom
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
ny Balding
Some of the Various Theories on the i
Mysterious Cnrrent.
Well, what is it? It is scarcely possi
ble to say. There are theories many
of them. It is evidently something of
which we cannot take a part; we can
not cut a piece of it off and subject it
to analysis; nor can we pour a little of
it into a bottle for future study and
contemplation. It is like the wind, its
effects can be measured; its force,
strength and quantity can now be cal
culated to a very nice degree. Still, to
liken it to the wind, it is a stupendous
power, a mighty typhoon, blowing, as
it were, without moving, two ways at
once along all parts of its path; giving
oft a halo of magnetism at right angles
to that path everywhere.
One of the nicest theories, perhaps, is
the one that considers electricity a
"condition" of atoms, brought about
by chemical action, as in a battery cell,
or by what might be called a severe
irritation of the magnetic halo, as in a
dynamo, and by other means, such as
heat and friction.
What this condition is is beyond us;
it may be a violent rotation, or it may
be an equally violent vibration of
atoms; probably the are light.would
prove it to be a vibration. Butcas no
man has seen an atom at any time, not
even with the most powerful micro
scope, it is impossible to sav. FrictioD
in some iorm or oiner is present, as
heat is produced before burning, or de
struction, takes place.
if UK WM A L
Electricity, properly applied, is fast taking
Die place of drills for all IJervous, Hucumntlo,
Kl lncr and Cilu.il Troubles, and will ciroci
cirri, in rsrmtm,w borcltwa caava whoraas.ry
otlif r known means has failed.
Any sIuki'Mi, weak or diseased organ may
! tWs ncras be roused to healthy activity
I.c I'Jtnrt ricdical men use and recommend tha
Owe u Hell In their practice.
ronlilna fullest Information regarding tlio cure
dt anun, chronic and nervous iIImjum's, prices,
slid h .w t I or ler, lil ICncllch, (ieiinnn, ircllih
and Norwegian IniiKunircs, will lm inillel, lijion
api'lu atiou, to any aiMrvis for 6 cents pottage.
T!i3 Owei Electric Dclt and Appllsscs Co.
ui orrn t axd our vsrTonr,
The Owen t Iturio Ci :i CH :.. C0I Is 211 SL.te V.-M,
ToeL"jc-t f-Klr'i r -It r.j:i.ihi.virtin tl . A'i
One t iubt when Mr. Isaac Hoece wbb
stopping with me, ') s M. F. Uati h, a
prominent merohatit of Qiinrtormnsler,
Washington, 1 heard him Kronniiig. Ou
going to hit room I found him suffering
from crump Colio. lie wis in annh
agony I feared tin would Hie. I linlily
If iivo 1 1 i in a doaa of Chamberlain's Col'",
Cliolers and l)inrrrhaa Itemedy. lis
wits si mil reliever! and the first words he
altered wre, "what was Hint atnir you
gave me?" I informed him. A few dHyg
ago we were talking about Ins sttaok
ami h sulci Iib was never without tli.it
remedy now. I have nsed il in my
(ainily for several year. I know il
worth mnl dn nut herniate, to recom
mend It to my friends and enatomeri.
For Ml by Mnonm-Johnson lrngCo.
Notice of Intcnliou,
I AMiOFr'li K At THE !l.i.K-l, OlikiiCiN
I d t. I. Iwi Villi.-1. lo r. In- iilta-ii that
lhi Minn I n u tmim d .i'IIIit hiia tili'.l mdli c ol
III. IiiIimiIIoii to make tinnl prtw, tu mi.iort ol
h s rliilin, and th.t siild pr.Mif i mn,
l-lori-1 oiniu idem, ol Morrow I iiul.l) , l lli'pp.
ucr, Orrrfotl, on I.t i i . 1 ;
lid K. No :. f .r th KS Nl-1. . Vi. HKi,
ht.'f , y. atnlt i, n t m, St. 1p. it H, H.
l r.
Id ii.ttif Hi. f'.llow Iriir ttiici'S to prove
lit. - 1 1 in i.,i rfidf-iM e iimmi mim t-iii liaUou
of .nI'I Und. , :
Iv.iUnilii t I ti . Al.rali.m l uiMi'V. Maltrr
J. II. i. ii-ll, J.... ., n. Ilmu.li r, all ol lUldniau
t. M'Hil'K.
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.vilirli ur imimiiin.
IAM (it'l l' K 1 1 1 Ml;
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Ihal II... I..II , i.f nan-. ..rf ha. til.. I I.
of hi I-ili'iit mi I.if.aki- filial .fMi' Im lii.Mirl
mm. lain an.i i,l .,,1 ti i. ,(
i.i.,i II.,. , o.iiil , i i..i i,f Mfiffni. rmilily, .
ii I pi.'i, r. mi in i-'uif . im,ii
II I I I I . I.MIiy.
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of ..i l i i. If
Ai.cn I M, 1,1,1, Jam. II William.
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f.i li.. titi .i l rulti.lhi
Th.re Wll Be Many 8urprl.es Whea We
See flur Friends Agala.
Much interest attaches to the rumor
which comes from London that the
of the mold and as the molten glass is J princess of Wales and her daughters
poured in the piston is forced upward "ave oeen lately seen in public in
by hydraulic pressure. Pipes are made
by this process in sections six feet long
and are used for sewers and water pipes.
i i.-,
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I Mal l.
V Mat
li. r't'i
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! h ot k (tf Intention.
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A Keen-Minded Man Wlinm. ItM-ollertlnn
Was at fault.
It would affurd mnti-rial for nit entire
paper to at tidy defecta of iiicni'iry and
lo dcHcribo Hume of the ourioslt ic n
thinking which result from such !
focta. A writer in I'nptilitr Si'icnce
Mimtlily fsys tlmt he saw lately a liusl.
iii'hs man of keen mind and gmtd gvu
t rnl tncinnry, who wna not punil vcd in
liny way and wiih perfectly utile to
ntiileratand mid talk, lint who hud aiid
ilenly lost part of lilt power of reading
and of miitliciimtli iil viilciiliitioii.
Tim Icttera d, it, . und y, though
M-en ja-rfcclly, were no longer n eog.
iii?cd and I'oiiveM'il no inure Mi a to
I 'm than ChliieMi i lwirm ti n vimld to
us. lloliinlrre.it ili:".i"tl'y iti rending
-- liu l to sm-I out nil uord Nttd eoiild
not read woriU eontniiiliig llircc letters.
lie could virile the letter 1il h lie
i wii read, but eotild not write the five
letters mentioned, lie ei.it'. 1 rend lid
a r.te ome miiiiImt., loll . 7 mid H lnul
I..-, tl tost to I.I is, hii.t "Ion I a'ii-il lo
. rite llici.t liia nnlv r'-ni't. after mntiy
ii :,-i;.ti. wan to le(iii l i wnle the
WiirU .ix, aevi ii or lgh. Imt lH lng
nlilo to lltii'.li IIicm. as Die !.rit and last
rotiUitieil letters- and g -tshieli be
did not know.
It could not add T and 5 toi.-tlicr or
any two number of vtlorli il, J ur
formrd a port, for Im could not rail
the in to I, l mind. Ii'lor numbers de
knew rll. Ilf eotild no lolir I'll
tiiiin by tin wati h.
lor a week after the onwt uf th" di
mm In" del iiil r .."i'til" ln Mirround
ii.l's. "il I'.'lnjf out t tr tt !ir .1 teh"
' !" n'ri ets of IV' eity it I uij-ir wtti"-i
.'.u.iliur; mi i-.iii.iii Iiai'U be del ttol
Unow lii io liotiMi Aftr a fmv
Mei ), Iiowrver, all Ins lin-lu. if les bad
rttnriie rs.tpt.ni? Ili. of llin ,-.
t and fiiirt-s iisim I !nl a. tli
.i'.f tin put a '" to bir a l,ii
and to ail bis liutlne. i.' t, amail ile.
f.- I of nwinofT was t l,t-n M rloii
l:lrrirn ha slm' rt t! at ! Ii a
. ,, o i h ! nun io a niii.i area .i i.
- tj lit li" fl of III" br.ilti li ..-.
' j mrr not niev.iii'ii'iti aol lilfr,'.- u,
m Miralene t.f imr urf..i loeinorir
r . i ad llieir ilrnrndrrtea iii.n i w.u lid
brain. .
jrowns wun small sleeves ana narrow
skirts, remarks tho San Francisco Argo
naut. This bit of intelligence docs not neces
sarily cinch tho doom of the balloon
sleeves and the letter A Bkirts, but it
will tend to make prudent investors
wary of locking up much capital in
those vanities
Of course, the' balloon sleeves must
go preseutly. When fashionable moth
ers began to put them on little boy'
legged nightgowns it became apparent
that the taste for them had come to be
an extravagance and could not last. .
But it will bo a shock to miss them.
Doubtless we will find our friends much
changed when we get down to their
real selves again. Some who have
grown stout will not shrink as much as
we expect, and others who wore uvvny
In the hard times perhaps will ahrinU
much im n o.
But let us have the facts at any cost,
especially as there must be material
enough In the present alcoves and skirts
to cut over into auythlng conceivable
and have enough left over to clothe a
Ou lb farm t tiers It continually oc
curring hill" aoeideota lo man and
lieast Hint cans" delay to the farmer In
hia wmk. Tins duration ol tin delay it
a mutter of importance In the thrifty
Idler of Hie ami. A quick and ri ha
bio remedy for ailments and abrasion
of lb IIomIi, thorn la notie better titan
lr. J. II. Mcb an't Volcanic Oil Lini
ment. It baa proved lit worth by many
yaart f ronalnlil anil tiiiweefnl use,
Trice Via, Mo ami Il ls) per bottle.
Booth's Experience on a Stag. In a Moon
tain Bid. Town.
'"I once produced Yorick's skull from
a real grave," remarked a Chicago thea
ter man recently. "It was years ago,
in Virginia City, Nev., when that was a
great mining camp and a stock com
pany was maintained at Piper's opera
house on B street. The theater was
built the whole town was on the steep
side of Mount Davidson. A street was
thirty or forty foot higher than B street,
so they hnd to blast out rock to make a
level for the theater. The stage rested
square on rock. We got along very
well until Booth came there and 'Ham
let' Was to bo produced. Of course, we
could not get along without a grave, so
a section of tho stage was sawed out
and some workmen with crowbars and
picks dug down about three feet.
"Booth knew nothing about this until
the grave digger's scene was on. I was
the iirst grave digger, and as Hamlet
npproached I lifted my pick and began
digging for keeps. You know we
usually lift the pick aloft and 'do busi
ness' of digging, letting the pick fall
lightly on a box of earth, which is on
the trap platform whore we stand. But
I pitched in and picked like a good fel
low and when Booth heard the steel
rinar out fro'i ini 1 1 '
tne honest rock he was the most sur-prised-looklng
Hamlet I ever say. He
got between the grave and the foot
lights, facing up-stngn, and looked
down into my real grave with a puzzled
smile, and whispered; ,
Miic uitjgerV"
" 'We're going in for Shakespearean
realism,' I whispered back, throwing
out a shovelful of rock I had loosened.
Hoot went on with the scene all
ight, but whenever he fuced up-stage
he would look down into that real
grave nnd smile curiously. After the
show he examined it more carefully
and got down iuto the grave."
ii. i
I. ' . m
o I hanea f IMng I aught.
Judge Andrews, of ('corgis, used to
tell mi mousing story of the way in
wltieli he wui onee "lakrn down" by
one of Ida audience during a olitlcul
inlilrcvi. Ile was a candidate for gov
i rnornf lil .tuto and wa explaining
to the eruvtd of iKiiple that bud aselii
bled lo bear liim bow hi friend bad
prcs. .l I. i in lo lx" a candidate and that
the olll.'o wii ai-eking him; It" was not
ei king tb ufllce. "hi faet," he rt
claimed. "Ibe oniee; of governor has
Im-cii following in" for the last ten
year:' Al tin iniiiit a tall country
man at tin" reur of the udirneei roe
"Hut here' yer coiivlallon. Judf Im
.limited, "You're inlnln'oii II all Die
tunc: 1111 never rati It yol, 1 li.s
cheering prophecy proved ! I ipiila
correct. III apil of the in I rib II pro
voked at tha lint of it ultcienco
Kvldenre of Iteusoulug Power Shown la
Ills Actions.
dog and horse owned by Col. W. J.
Hillings, of (Ml City, Pa., says the Der
rick of tnat city, afford the neighbors
considerable iiinuseiiient. The animal
are couipuuioiiH and full of intelligence.
The horse bus learned to pick nod un
til! nil sorts of knots, and unless the
door is fastened by a pud lock it is im
possible to keep him in the stable dur
ing the present hot weather, with the
lawns In tho neighborhood nffering
overpowering temptation In the way
of juicy, clean grass. This trait gives
the dug much trouble, for the horse
pays no attention to his barking or
sharp nipping, but kerne trespassing
on the colonel' lawn or that of neigh
bor without discrimination. After
trying by all manner of stratagem to
gel the hoi m hack into the stable
whore he belongs, the dog will give up
the job in iHsi'tist, rush into the house,
nnd by biiiliiiig or drugging at the
dres of some of the lady member of
the family, entice Ibem to the window
or vaid. und a nl.iiulv u if he told In
worit siiotv unit the In use I in mis
chief. This icrforiii:ilice bu been re
M'iited a d reit time during the sum
mer and in no eiise bu the d"g begged
mitsl.le iissisliin. e until be had tried by
every i n'oil of hi own to mtsuiiiIo Ilia
eoiiipunioii to return lo the stable.
Nlartllug Aiiii'Miiii-emrlil.
Aii Dniflish literary nmn who was on
the vi rc of I ringing out a ImhU at the
I'll! prc ordered b1 proof lo le sent
lo him lit a li.ui .e where bo Ma en
giig'd lo iblie nut. tnU-ndhig to look
litem over in (he biiifbour after din
ner. The printer' Imy, however, su
btle In briiifiiiif tl.' in. and I he gentle
men bud ulremly rejoined Urn I.hIIcs In
Ibe draw In," room, w hen flip company
wa i Icetrilii t by hearing I lie m moron
Voice of I lie l.ut ler announcing: "I lia
il. til fi'Uii (be I'll l hu o Hue for Mr.
.1 ..
tss Urn r-v
Mra. rii.rU Ib' inas, of Jiiaolion
City, III., aslold by l.erdoeloit slia ba.1
ooii.uiiipllon and Ihal theft wa Do bop
for ber but Iwu b-.til of lr. King's
New Ib.ciiTcty lotnplrlvly Cilfisl beff
and sba s)a il .svd l.rr bf. Mr, Tboa.
Kfg. is, .'l.l Florida hi., Kn i'lanriseu.
atin. red lom a tire Iful cold, a, proacb
llig roii.n'iipl un, lii'd iiiniil result
la Watsiaa't Stnas.r K.
In llrj a
V.. tslt-ibad f-- at iiuimU rt.fpsir U-n j U.11.4 ! Ibm I. mgl l ona U.ltla
i 1
f w c
!.'' , , I II- t I ' "
' I'd
i. .-i.
i,'i .it-.
.,1 1'.. 1
t, Il.iy
I '.
M'. fl O. !'.-. f.fliei t,f II..
nb'ie .,!a al tfiUu-n, fal., j:
'I I. as. ii.. I ('Lsmieriiii'g fata lUlm
osM'i with au tniion'roUable dilr
lo swallow fell korlaof indigestible sub-
alaii'f. A rei.rd lirpt .y the pbyl
clan who x rf "tiiM'l tbe aut'.y jriv
lli follow ing a a ltl of tli art 1. b
found In ber .'"in. Ii: l iftv-me bair
pin, slxlerti heiilira, thrt Urtiliig-n-el!r,
thirty two iiaiU of ail anus,
two v rrw. Ibrew il"'-e of an Iron rod
Ihrw lie In t l-Hig and une-fminli of an
Well tbi'k, si roil of hair, two
pii-.e of tsi.. and thrw. pieer of
i lotii, Ii of lha Uttef In-lfiff aUuit'
r." 11. !, 1 ..i ... f.,.i,
of I 'r. King' Nw I in cowry a" I la lo
e. It. . eil'e.l. lie Is liulti l lb. til
lill. III. ip It fmull., t.l wlnrll lli.
ere ..ii pi"., Ibal '" woe lcffol
sfli -scy of II. . it.'dieiiia In e"'ijli a4
e.... fre.lrl.l UiMla al r. W Ayera.
it., drug atore. Jg il.f s ; Uk. aad
iiiii. hiii.i.
lint remedy It frcn,ir. ti m'
known and to imtoiUr at in ried pn
l-r l m.. I1.10 All who btvt iim I
K eeiftr ltilt.it aiiig lha aim. mtif of
..w ia l. (in,, t't f. h. Wa. k'f
f !.... no -I, . .ivf .f.f r-f
i ". . . u .d, 11 . 1 1., I, 11, . r
; l l 1 " . ' n, m , t t , 1-ll.f
i t . ' .,' i,. i-t r. en ii .l.
i.i... i ' ., I rii. aaa
, I r'lll .'i'Ml,ll 'Alt.
nil' . "tf.
1 ' a I t i
I f - I I I, 1 , l
I fof Isrc.riM tint liarttl ottb'ta "
n.'t. u.nally f'.uM. frons a
, tpi, nf .! f Ii j-iy, or frrft, ihiun.a
Itaii, rt, ClSrt.Ull.ll,.' I'aife
l'.'lil "(.r..l.y ,,l.,, 1, .a t
.,il.l, , ,T.ii. ai.,.,1 ,,.,,.ia
i. i.f . I In t ...( Iitti tfT."e a
i rin.i-i . rTiL ) f rTin..
ii 'le-) I'r tdi.
Praia, - A pnr.f inedieinst b tiol . n.
..,n,f .,....i aa .,M..,l r.m-l,.:u . V; wr"'t .. 7J1 " "
iliM f lha lAwf and Kl lniy., will
i.m .v. 1'imt 1.. lutiit, Hall llb.um a. I
Mr.s fTrlt..a ran"1 l In ten. ,b.
!.. ) HI M
I I ;ami ',1 , i.f
ftot ere i . ..
f .f t i.C .it li'
ol,e f I ,e 1 . 1 1 1" ' , .
I Im- I. hi' He I I l
' 'I l,i a. .,r 1 ;
M.d. a. I." t!.i'.,i
t b 11 i'e 1 ti Ii e
lturlie.1 ir,,. !, A
. 1 I Igl.lnla.
a I '. Ur lreattry
. I .! 1 be ii-trraury
i Ir bt a ri leril la
i f "A .K land, .)
1 ' -,
lo. I 1
I .b'nioj." h
I .l U if
i. f . lit'y lrs
1 Hi middle.
leinj lh t-.,i ai. I l- 't Insfflna.
I he humid p-1 . "i I . it wa niiasiiig
ff.wn t hi.S I !. s'i l bif ln:ha
wd. 1 !i i.i ? . of . ftiiisisf pari
ir chsrred 1 ti" e an I : (," In
t be 1 .iiiu'rt tr.- iii ' irn ' In Hgltl.
II If I I- I, W t ' . .l al
- Milld'lv. M!.'l fiom lb ...rn I t . i . ,1 I i ,. I . , ... j n.
a I .v.nl wall a "' fell M '' ( let i ,' e- ..' .--rr .- ,- . .,, a
r.t.c. I'... ,n'. rf H..1. !,, I',.,.l . ,f,!,! I ,,s h ,1, f ar, t .S.tUt
II O.OJ . I.i I I. .l .r -I n ,iH., I .11.
.......... a. I ...I.i l. -f... ..i ail" ' . f""
f I f
, f . t . 1 I (
jtf tittl T W, Aria Jr , 3f!g"rw '