Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 25, 1895, Image 4

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    'i n
While yon .p yonr subscription paid np yen
osnkeep your brand in free of charga.
Allyn. T. J.. Ions, Or. Horaaa G(J on left
ahoalder; catUe name on left hip, nnder bit on
right ear, and upper bit on the left; range. Mor
row ooontr.
Armstrong:, J. C, Alpine. Or. T with bar un
der it on left ahoaliier of horses; cattle same
on left hip.
Allison, O. D., Eight Mile. Or. Cattle brand,
O D on left hip and horses same brand on right
shoulder. Itange, Kight Mile.
Ad kins, J. J., Heppner, Or. Horses, J A con
nected on left Hank; oattle. sameon loft hip.
Baird, 1). W. and son. Horses branded D B
on the loft hip; cattle the same on left flimk.
crop off right ear, undercrop in the left, llange
in Morrow County.
Bartholamew, A. ft., Alpine, Or. Horses
branded 7 K on either ahoalder. Itange in Mor
row countv
nannister, J. W., Hanlman, Or. Cattle brand
ed B on left hip and thigh; split in each ear.
Brenner, Peter, Gooseberry Oregon Horses
branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle same on
right side.
Hnrke, M 8t C, Long Creek. Or-On cattle.
f orop off right
aouluer. liangi
MAY connected on left hip, oiop off left ear, un
der half orop off right. Horses, same nrann on
letft shoulaer. llunge in Grant and Morrow
Uroumnn .Tnrr. Ixna. Or. Horses branded 7
on right shoulder; cattle H on the left side.
Left ear half orop and right ear upper slope.
Barton, Win., Heppnor, Or. -Horses, J B on
right thigh; cattle, sunie on right hip; split in
MBrown', Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the
right stille; cattle same on right hip; range, Mor
row county.
Brown, J. C, Heppner, Or. Horses, circle
C with dot in nei.ter on left hip; cattle, Bame.
Brown, W. J., Lena, Oregon. Horses W. bar
over it, on the left shouldur. Cattle same on left
htI'oyer, W. G., Heppner, Or. Horses, box
brand on right hip cattle, same, with split in
Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left
Bhonlder; cattle, same on left hip.
Browniee, W. J., Fox,Or Cattle, Jli connected
on left side; crop n left ear and two splits and
middle piece cnt out on right ear; on horses same
brand on the left thigh; llange in Vox valley.
Grant county,
( arsnor. Warren, Wagner, Or. Horses brand,
ed O on right stiHo ; cattle (throe ham) on
right ribs, crop and split in each ear. llange in
Grant and Morrow eonntins.
(Jain.E., Calob.Or. Y 1) on horseHnnloft stifiei
TJ with qnnrter circle over it, on left shoulder
and on left stille on all oolts under S years; on
left shoulder only on all horses oyer 0 years. All
range In Grant nunnty.
Cato, Chas. It., Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses
11 (! on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
ltango Morrow and Umatilla counties.
(Jurrigall, M M, Calloway, Or Cattle crop out
of each ear and underhit, wattle in forehead;
horses half circle (J on left stitlo. Itango llor
ow and Umatilla comities.
(!nrl, T. 11., John lay, Or. Double cross on
each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit
in right ear, Biilit in left ear. Hange in Grant
comity. On sheep, inverted A and spear point
oo shoulder. Kar markou owes, crop on left ear
pniiohnd upper bit ill right, Wethers, crop Hi
right and under half orop in loft ear. All range
iu ftraut oouiitv. . ,
Cook, A. J.,Lena.Or. Horses, BOon nghtshonl
dor; Cattle, sameon right hip: ear mark square
crop oil left and split in right.
Currin.lt. Y., CurriiiBVille, Or. -Horses, on
Cox Kd. H.. Hnrdman, Or. (mile, G with
Ein centr; horsee. Clion left "lip.
Cochran, It. K., Monnment, Grant Co, Or.
Ilorses branded circle with bar beneath, on left
shoulder; cattle same brand on both hips, mark
under slope both cars and dewlap.
Chaiiin, H., Hanlman. Or. Horses branded
n on right hip. Cattle branded the same. Also
brands CI on horses right thigh; cattle mime
brand on right shouldur, and cut oil end of
r'o!mgTas. W. M .Galloway, Or.-Cattle, It Don
right side, swallow-fork in each ear; horses, 11 1)
on left hip. . , , . .,-
Kly, Bros., Oonglas.Or.-HorBos branded KLY
on left shoulder, cattle same on lofthip. hole
in right ear. , . ,
Emery C. H., Hanlman, Or.-Horsos branded
') (reversed ('with Uiil on left shoulder; cat,
tlesame on right hip. llange in Morrow connty.
Klorenoe, L. A., Heppner, Or. t attle, LK on
right hip; horses, V with bar nuder on right
I on right hip or thigh.
in irrant county.
Bayers, Hubert, Douglas, Or. Cattle on
right hip and 8 on right shoulder ; horses, 8 on
right shoulder. Hange in Morrow comity.
Smith Bros., Hnssnville, Or. Moraiaj, Drannea
H. Z. on shoulder; cattle, same on left shoulder.
Hnnirn JnmM. Arliriirtun. Or.: horses branded
JB on left shoulder; cattle the same, also nose
waddle. Itange in Morrow and Gilliam counties.
HtephenB, V. A., Hardman, Or-; horses 8 Boo
right stifle; cattle horizontal L on the right side
Htevenson. Mrs A. J.. Heppner. Or. Cattle, 8
on right hip; swallow-fork in left ear.
Hwaggart. U. W., Heppner, ur. norses, on
left shoulder; cattle, 44 on left hip.
Hperry.fi.lt, Heppner, ur. i,atue ; on
left hin. cmn off right and underhit in left year.
dewlap; horses W Con left Bhonlder.
Thompson, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, Z OB
left shoulder; cattle, it on left shoulder.
Tipnet. o.r..tnterprise.Or. llorsos, C-on left
Turner It. W.. Heppner. Or. Small caprtal r
left shonldor, horses; cattle same on left hip
wrth split in both ears.
Ihornton. H. SI., lone, Ur. Horses branded
HT connected on left stine; sheep same brand.
Vanderoiail. H. T.. Lena. Or: Horses H con
nected on right shouider;cattle, same on right
Walhridge. Wm.. Heppner. Or. Horses, U. L.
on the left shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
orop off left ear and right ear lopped.
Wilson, John (J 8alem or Heppner, ur.
Horsos branded Ju on the left shoulder. Itange
Morrow connty.
Warren, W H, Caleb, Or Cattle W with quarter
circle over it, on left side, split iu right ear.
Horses same brand on left shoulder, ilaiigein
Grant comity.
Wade, Henry, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
ace of spades on loft shoulder and left hip
Cattle brandod same on left side and left hip.
Wolflngor. John. John Day City, Or On Horses
three parallel bars on loft shoulder; 7 on sheep,
bit in both ears. Itange m Grant and Maliiner
Woodward, John, Heppner, Or. Horses, UP
connected on left shoulder.
Watk ne. Lis he. iieiinner. Or. Horses Dranaea
TJK connected on left stitio.
Wiillnco. Charles. Henunnr. Or. Cattle. W on
rightthigh, hole in loft ear; horses, W on right
shoulder sonif sameon left shoulder.
Whittior nros., nunuugwin. Baker Co., Or.-
Homes brandod W B connected on left shoulder
Williams. Vkhco. Hamilton. Or. Quarter cir
cle over three bars on left hip, both cattle and
horses, itange G rant connty.
Williams. J O. Long Creek. Or Horses, quar
for circle over three bars on left hip; cattle same
and slit in each ear. Itange in Grant connty
Wren. A. A.. Henonnr. Or. Horses runmugA A
on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip.
Young, J. H.. Gooseberry. Or. Horses hranrtef
THonthe right shoulde".
E. McNEILL, Receiver,
Of Two Transcontinental
KM k..,.
Wtie:, vot? ur! rihont to buy a Sowing Machine
do ii'.t io dcceivi'd bv iilliirinir ndvertiscmciiU
mi l be l-d t' think you can got thu best made,
linrnt lini. licd uiul
Most Popular
for p. more: scntf. See to It that
viir buy from reliable manu
f;u:t!iri'rs Hint have gained a
reputation by honcstnnd sriiaro
: 'lint;, Y"a will then K't a
iicviiiK Machino that is noted
the world over for its dura
bility. You want the one that
in easiest to manage und is
t Light Running
Pj?i!r There Is none In tho world that
F"Kr fi" ' vl ,:'4 CIln C(l!'al m mechunical con
Pi i.ii'y A'ljl struction. rlurabilit v of working
H'ii 1 vl parts, fineness of finish, beauty
I?.; I i.vl m appearance, or has us muuy
improvements us thu
IVIorenee. H. P. Heiiimer, Or Horses K on
right shoulder; cattle, V on right hip or thigh.
T'roiich, George, Heppner. Dr. I attlo branded
WK with bar over it, on left side; orop oil loft
ear.' Horses, same brand ou left hip.
Gentry, Klmer, Koho, Or.-llorses brsnded H.
H with a quarter rinds over it, on left stille.
llange in Morrow and Umatillsoonntios.
limit. A. H., Hidge, Or. rattle. nmnd-Uip K
with quarter circle under It on the right hip.
llange in Morrow and llHiatillaeoiiiilies.
II i nt n A J en ks, H am i Hon , I r I al t le, t wo brnn
on either hip; crop in right ear and spill in left.
Horse J ou right thigh. IliuigeiiiGmiitcounty
Hughes. Hamnel, Wagner, (- (T K L
roiiniU'd)on right shoulder unhorses; on cattle,
on right hip and on left Bide, swallow fork in
right ear and slit in left. Kanga in Haystack
di.trtet, Morrow cmnty.
lisle, Milton. Wagner, Or. Homes tiranded
-O- (cattle with parallel tails) on left shoulder
Cattle same on lelt hip also large circle on lefl
Howard J UlUlloway, Or.-llorses (crow
wtlh bur alsive it) on right shoulder; caltlesame
on left aide. Ilang in Morrow ami Umatilla
Hall, Kdwin, John Par. Or. I sill K Hon
righl hip; honi. miiimiiii right shouhlr. liangi!
In (Irani comity.
Hughes. Mai. Heppner. Or.- Ilnrw shsle.1
li,url ,.n I ha left hull dr. llange Vurrow I
lliitisaksr. H A. Wagner. Or. Ilomea, V on left
I I,l..p nMtlle. H on left hlD.
Ilitriii.hrers. J M llatdiiisji, Or.-Honwe. II on
llu'on. I.nlher. Kight Mile. Or.- Ilniw II on
he lefl shoulder and hr on the lefl siirle Cal-
ll aaina i,n eft hlU. Ilang" In HianiB nullill
Jones, lUrrr. Hepimer, r - llorxsi brandnl
II J on the left ImmiII't; rn'ile hra-idl J on
nxhl hip. al- onderbit in left ear. IUng iu
Morrow county,
J ni, km H. M.. l.M.nnr. Or-llor, hors
hoe i ou l "'t lioulder. sMIs, the saiuB.
J..l.n..n. K.-ln. I.siia. Or.-MorMi. rlrcl.T on
left Blllle; rallle. Mi on riglil hip, under half
flf,,n in nl'l end SI. lit n left ear
Krn.iiv. M ike. Ilennner. Or. Horses bran led
RNY on left hip ! I Is ms and crop ofl Uf
mr: nniler li. on ili rigni
Kirk J.T.. Hei'tuief. Or.-Horses Ml en left
sl...nl,lr- naltle rsitrtf lefl hip.
Kirk. Je. H-ppusf. l : K"r" H left
kieilder; nail Is seine on rigid Bid, underhit
,til Mr.
k iniirla'id W.O MimiiiI Vernon, "r.- I I, on
rattM,.u rgot and lefr biiI. swhiIow furk in Irft
ar and omlef clop In llghl ear. Ilorae aniiis
bran. I fl lefl shouliler. Ilsng" In Uranl c."nlv.
I, .flee, hlrl.hMl. Ur.- H I, on le'l hip
i hi mill, etop a-. I splil on rhl r, ll..r.
ti,. brand left hinhl.f. IUgr Inant
LieosMen, John W , kI'iI"1 Or. HorM
,rn,i,l,. l.lf , Ir.-U J I, e,,nii, (( on ..fl ln,ii.
il-r I elite, miiib on Ml hip. llange. near
I. l .'t J W. Ile.pnf Or ll.rM l.r.i .l,. I
I.U' d I"ll "ihh-r, cMII mm on lfl
l,lp, He olf light )e, three silt III fight
Ir I, ll.,fe. Her. peer Of." Il'rs tre.l
tto-l'iU II rrt I H.,,,ttn rsltAl a
a !. II rl lH slesil Im
Ml M. ' . Il.-Ol'iier, Of, I sltlrt l.tn. l.l
f i U nil ri'M I'll', li-i'" Ntmti ,Ht iii(l,t 1,11,,.
Il rf" mi f.rr,. imtiili
M iier , !.. Il'lfli'f H Vile. M II on
ti'.i lop. !-" M Hi
M.eVi, n S. ll'lfW. r M .'mm. Ml
4 ..l ,.H,I I ,f rMUi Hliiil Wl t p.
Hit, 'il I ir k'. , H.m- j) on nM
lop, rHllle , i .,n f - 4'il i I
M l lrwi, l. ! , llol,llle llf, II tM(
i.ir .e, e l,.-'.-f re'ile VI t.,
M tirr. m k. Ui. I M iU .1,
Biill,M(h,M rwlee fil sl ll'l ,
a. K aM. K.wa aatle lend tei loll il.
MilU', .IUllllll Hi. fl.rfWM
WiiK Kf f if. U a.'l"f l"f' sh-eil-lef, "1 I au.
f -if '.' e.,i ll I. p on llvt flghl
U in llra',1 I f .
S l !. Ik-" k "f I ! s M .-.-n.
ft ,-l .rf, Jll 1. iVti t.a , Iwl, I. .-
S'fliBs , hill.-i "r. M !, rir la ) ,
r, i ,a- r-la a e l't p.
i J. I I e, ll toVt'a
M I l,i ,mi ewa-a, as lie ,,u lfl Ihigll, lift
la I
IhM I'afft. Ill"''". f f O on Ofl
St.. .,ii
II, . I ,i n 1'ia-rla I i'. Of I'n n."U II
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(. I - a II- , . H asaas MP
- -Si
New Home
It has Automatic Tension, Double Peed, alike
on both sides of needle ( patented, no other has
it ; New .Stand ( fiatented), driving, wheel hitured
nn ad just able centers, thus reducing friction to
the minimum.
ORANiiR, Mah. iVrtTnn, MUW. ttrwinw Hot'AVFI.N.Y
'Hi'V., 1Mb. HT. IH IK, Mo. lKM.fi, IKIAH.
bAK KlUNI'ltWi), '41.. AT1.ANTA, O.
ro hai t bv
C. THOMPSON CO., Aijrnls,
5 i ( m
St. Paul Kansas City
The Serpent's Silent Capture of bo t-'n.
suspecting Sparrow.
A sipht very seldom socu by any but
professional naturalists was observed
the other tlay in a German zoological
collection. The boa-constrictor is a
non-pois(nou.s snake, and kills its prey
by squeezinf,' it to death. A young boa
had been kept iu a cage over a
week with three sparrows without
taking any notice of the pres
ence of the birds, nor did the
latter manifest any fright of the rep
tile. One day. savs the I'hiladelphia
Record, the snake appeared to watch
the movements of the birds, then pick
ing seeds oil the floor of the cage, and
slowly began to unwind from the
branch of the tree on which it spent
most of the time. Almost impercep
tibly tho loops on the tree disappeared,
the body of the snake becoming more
and more disengaged, but its head still
remaining at considerable distance
from the iloor. All of a sudden the for
ward part of the snake's body shot
downward with lightning rapidity,
grasping one of the unsuspecting
birds, not with the mouth, but with a
rapid twist of the body, crushing it at
the same time until quite lifeless. This
was done so quickly and noiselessly
that the other birds never noticed the
absence of the victim. The boa then re
turned to tho tree above, and after a
little preparation of further pressing
the bird and covering it with mucus
it proceeded to swallow its prey with
out biting or chewing. As the boas al
ways take their food at night or in the
dark, this spectacle was thought very
Ocean Steamers Leaue Portland
Every 5 Days For
For full details call on 0. K. & N.
Agfrit at Heppner, t.r address
Gen. Puss. Agt.
PoltTtiAND. Orkoon,
And all points In California, via the lit, Hhasta
route of the
Southern Pacific Co.
The frrnat hiuhway throimh California to all
pom Is hast and South, brand rhwnie Koute
of tho Parifio Coast, l'ullinan Huffut
( tiloepers. Hnuond-clasa bloepers
Attached tonxprssB trains, affording supnnor
acuoiuHKKlationa fr Bacond-mans pasneitKers.
For ratsa, tickets, sleeping car rar-ervations,
nto.. call npon or addrsst
K. KOKH1.KR, MansKor, K. P. ROfiKIM, Asst,
Hen. K. a r. Aut., fortlano, Oregon
'(. yjfSffSK Lightest,
Simplest, 'jyiiJjjJsA Easlrst
itronisest, TfttT3f VJTTm Workint'
5oiu 1 vl Mot
Top VJiTfjlBjfbr Accurate,
Kecrlvcf. KigJ Compact.
Most Mialcrn anil progressiva
Ker rstsloirtiq or Informs! tun write Pi
Nr Htnrn, i'i.nn
Sr. n;) !) Cr.i r sa:.:h.!-: Package
Aolrl Fin iiriirit Opli-f,
.v.i'. . iUr:h:.sFFi.it:u , t o.,
. :'.'n .s'uff. r .src. .
y i
r? .1
. i
Thteomparatlvtvalut of these twoearda
la known to moat persona,
they lllu.trats that (reatrr qusnllty la
Hot always moat to bo ilctirtJ.
ThBsa car da eiprfts ha beneflclal qual
ity of
4s (ompaiedwilh any previously know
. .
Riana Tabulea i I'flca, $o tenia a baa;
Of Jiu.gisis, or by mad.
irJ ChCtiCL CO.. 10 lafuca II..H.T.
A Human Face Produced lu e Mlracn
lous IMiiiiner.
In the Oak Hill cemetery at Stony
Brook, L. I., a large tombstone of mot
tled Italian marble bears a remarkable
portrait of an average-sized human
face. The picture is not the work of a
sculptor, nor has it been graven with
the marhle-cutter"s chisel; it is a natu-
:tl production, the outlines of the face
being formed by a peculiar grouping of
the clouded veins and dark spots char
acteristic of first-class imported stone,
The remarkable peculiarity of this par
tieular stone has been known for two
or three years, and throughout the
length and breadth of Long Island it
is referred to as "the miracle face."
Standing near, as out! would in reading
an epitaph or inspecting the grain ant
polish of such a memorial shaft, the
outlines of the lace cannot be traced
but at a distance of from thirty-live to
fifty feet it is as plain as though done
with an artist's brush, the grouping of
the spots, veins and waving lines com
bining to make not only a fair resem
blance to a face, but a complete por
trait, including hair, eyes, nose,
cheeks, mouth, chin, etc. Its outlines
are clearest, of course, wlien the
shadows and light play properly upon
it, but at the distance mentioned, and
in the proper direction, the portrait is
plainly visible at all times. The face is
on the back of the stone, and the eyes
are so set us to appear to be looking
down tiHn t ho grave of the person to
whose memory the shaft was erected.
Mr. A. IT. Cransby, of Ka
158 KerrSta, Memphis, Tenn.
writes that bis wife had can
cer wmca bad eaten two
large boles in her breast, and
which the best physicians
Of the surrounding country
treated, and prononnced In
curable. Her grandmother
and aunt naa aiea 01
and when told this, the rnost
I eminent specialists 01 new
York, under whose treat-
I ment she was placed, de
clared her case was hopeless.
All treatment baving laiieu,
she was given up to die
8. S. S. was recommended,
and astonishing as it may
seem, a few bottles cured
her sound and welL
Onr treatise on tbis dis
ease will be sent Iree to
any address.
Atlanta. Cs
1 H
tv of Morrow. State of Orenon.
K. II. Vanclcave, 1
L. II. Vancleave,
Defendant. 1
To L. H. Vancleave. Defendant
In the name of the Btnto of Oroeen, you are
perehv reouirea to appear anu answer tno com
riiiunt lileu iiKiunst you in the above entitled
suit within ten days from the date of the service
ot tins summons upon you, it served within
tins county; or.lt served in any other county
01 this state, then within twenty days from the
date of the service of this summons upon you;
and if served upon you by piihllentioii or by
personal service without the state ol Oregon,
then you are required to appear and answer on
or before the first day of the next regular term
of said court, to-wit: On or before the lirst Mon
thly in March, ix. And in case you fail to so
answer, for wont thereof the plaintiff will take
a decree against you lor the dissolution of the
marriage bonds now existing between you and
plaintiff, and for the CRi'e and custody of the
minor child born as the fruits of said marriage,
to-wit: R. A. Vancleave; and for such further
decree as the court may deem just,
tins summons is pimnshed oy order ot tne
Hon. James A. Fee, Judge of the (ith Judicial
District of the State of Oregon, dated September
(ith, ls',i.". (i. W. KEA.
i-Kii. Attorney for Plaint!!!.
S Is one of the very best wheels ever made is an indisputable fact. It stands In thera
ijj front rank with all high grade machines, and if you buy one you will make no mistake, tjf
H Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE if you want to be happy, for should your wheel beSj
3 punctured, It can be mended by you in five minutes, aB It is equipped with the world S.
g) renowned 6. & J. clincher tires with wood rims or copper-plated Bteel rims.
S Sold in all sizes for ladies or gentlemen at f 100 each.
M Tandems for two men or man and woman, f 150 each.
H THE RAMBLER Is the fastest, lightest and strongest wheel in the market.?
$ For stylo, finish and durability it is unsurpassed, as it is constructed on strict meehan-
! ical aud scientific principles.
1 Chicago Ideals
jjj! For men, women, boys and girls, with 2S, 2fi and 21 Inch wheels, at ft5, 55, JI5 respect-a
(Sj ively. are splendid medium grade wheels, with G. & J. high-grade double locking edge 3,
ij cuncner tireB anu are limy warranted, h
&l Before von hnv a hlevele. write for nfitalnrrne. etrenlnrs. terms nnA rttHeniints nr rail 0
on our numerous agents. Rambler Rustlers Wanted In every town in Oregon, Washing- i
ion anu iuauu. ft
NorthweRt representatives Gormully & Jefl'ery Manf. Co's "Rambler Bicycles." Mainfjj
) Store, 327 Washington St., Portland, Or. ffl
'j OTIS PATTERSON, Agt. for Morrow Co., Heppner, Oregon. !
B . . . I
How's Your Liver?
1 out of the Honorable Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon, for the County of Morrow, on
the u nay ol uctoocr, lX'.i.i, lu lavor ol 1. U,
Hood, Plaintiff, and against Alfred Dnolittle
Knima A. Doolittle and Cortin A McFiirland
Defendants, for the sum of Two Hundred and
Five (?2u".0o) Dollars with interest thereon from
the 17th day of August, lHHI, at the rate ol feu
per cent per annum nnd Twenty Dollars attor
ney's fees, and the further sum of Sixteen and
20-HK) Dollars costs, and accruing costs,
I have levied upon and will sell at public
auction to tne nignest nuider on Saturday, the n
ai.'SSaiSI1 not own one, call at
Morrow County, Oregon, all tho rluht. title, and
interest which the said Alfred Doolittle, Emma
A. Doolittlo and Collin & McFarliuul. Defen
dants, ln:d on and after the f!d day of September,
i -.., in or to tne iuiiowing uescrioed premises,
North-cast Quarter of Section Nineteen (111) In
township inree (;) south, ol Range Twenty
nve nasi. iv. si., in morrow i ounty, uregon.
Tonus of sale, cash lu hand, the proceeds to
be applied to the satisfaction of said judgment,
attorney's fees, costs and all costs that may
Dated at Heppner, Morrow Countv. Oregon.
nils second day ot uctooer, ism.
M Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.
The Marvelous l'.loiiu ore of an Old-Tlmfi
Mt'lhiullit HNIiop.
''Kloimenee is hncaldnif out out of
he. iihundanee of the heart, the only
source from which truth can Mow in a
passionate, lwrsuasive torrent." This
remark of Julius Hare is Illustrnteil by
a story told of the elisiient Methodist
liisliup, the late Dr. Simpson, in the
Youth's Companion:
liishop Siinpsiin preached some years
ngi in the Meripiriul hall, London. I'or
half nn hour he spohe uielly. without
gesticulation or uplifting of his voice;
then, picturing the Son of ihI bearing
our sins in His own ImmIv on the tree.
lie stisipcd. lis if laih'ii with an imnn-av
ural'le burden, und, rising to Ids full
height, he seemed to throw it from him,
"I low far? As f;ir as the eiisl is from
Hie wed. vi far Lath lie re.lioved our
transgression f m lis."
The huh' :issi nili!v, ns if moved Lv
nn irrrsist itile impulse, rose, remained
Miitnliiu' fur n second or two, tin n sank
I'lM U ihtu I heir M'U' s.
A pinf.ss.ir if rl.MMiti.in :isllnri
A friend iin nl-M-rveil him. Iltnl knew
that he had me to rri'n ise, nsl.
him w hen tin- M-rviev muniit; "He
uhal do you think of the liislmp's elu-
lit ion?'
' Ll'suthm?" said lie; "thai limn
ih',ii'l t I'lm'iitiiin; he's H"l the
II .1V I'liosl'"
This question is asked daily. If dormant
you need exercise -need it badly.
The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do
Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery,
Power House.
ll and by virtue of an execution issued out
of the Circuit Court ol the State of Oregon, fori
the ( oiinfv of Morrow, on October 17. ls'.i.v Hud
to me directed and delivered, upon a judgment
rendered aim eniereu in wild court on ine cull
lay of Septeiula'r. lVti. in favor of V. K. Mat-
h k. pliiiiitill, and suiilnst .Miiry Drlscoll, and
Miuv In trai-4.lt us sdniiiilntratrtx of the estate of
nnieliiis Drlseoll. deeissi'd. Maud Drlseoil.
Minnie prlnciill and John Drlscoll, defeiidnnta.
lor the sum of Eleven Hundred Eighty seven
H ml s e I' m iii.ik7.kii Dollars wltli Interest there
on at the rate of s per cent, per annum, from
the pit day ol septeiniier, Is't.'i, mum the cots
Slid dlsbliraelitellts ol suld tan It and ol this sale.
And lien iis. bv said ludgtneiit It as ordered.
sdjinlfeil and .lei reel (lull hr lolloHlllg ile-
wrllied rel iniH'rty, to-wit: I he west half of
the mirth east iiiarler, aud the chm hall of the
iHirto-HeKt iiimrter In seelloii No. .11 In lowu-
e nun a, ol riiiure ."i ram ol HlllHineite
Meridtiin In Morrow Countv. state of I ireuon.
toto'ttier w 1th the trtieiuenls. hereflliaineiits and
siportMnmecs thereunto ludoiigiug, la sold to
fillislv suld Jililgineul, costs soil aeeruuig eialts.
1 w ill on Hie J.:rd Diiv id .Noveniliir, si.i, nl
Till Klip ni. id said .In v. Ill frotil of Ihs eoart
House dnr. In Heppner, Morrow Countv.
( ir. u'.iii tell nil the rltrht, title and Inlen-.l of Hie
ni, I ilefi ielniits, and nil the right, title ami
In'eii t ol ih delendnnt. Mary Driru oll, ami
i fiii h I'oriiellutt Drlat'oll, licensed had mi the
th dav ol April. ss, ,ir ln, h any of the
li feiidiuits. or the snld Cornelius llrlu oll have
slni-e had In llif simoi'iI de-rtlMd preiiilaea. at
Pill. lie sill Hon to Hie lilkdnal ami last I tddef
(or f ault In hand, the priaeeU to im Hiptledto
the iiU-irt!nii of Bald etcriillntl and all rosta
Hist li ny aerrtic,
llilted IS tolH t IT, I vi-,.
i. W. II UtltlMiTOV.
:si -i sin-rirl of Morrow I utility, Oregon.
Notice Of Intention.
1 AM' OH-UK V 1 II K lU Krt. OHKf-ON
!( ni Hio ImMh itit imniiMl tM.r hi fllfl u-
', ni In tit"ttitiii t't ftinl,- luml iitiMit in ui
i-t m Imi ;i'n met llml at rNf til I
Kift.li la.-Ii.fr J W, Mnffti, iHM.lv rii'fh. At
Mi ( 1'i.rr. Or. ton. itn Nut iinl xT. li, U;
wii.i.um f tunvrrr.
til I N'i K . t . li I , K K.
ii m'ishi in lnllnitK llitf-MB-a lit irmf
"it Hii! in.n ria,.li IMC Uni 1 ritltl,,itt
Ml il l h"'t l
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imf l-"l I pf acaara
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Btli. 1 ftt-a-tr! t4 ttH
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I prrNlallona.
In Afti.a Hii-rvi-vsia.il fi-rin ti ni'-ivi
'hi- i f tin' i-r ill i'i litis nn I; ! diH- ktmrt li
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I. IS nil ni!, II .I.' Ill-H "f I 1 '. IP up
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A'afre of Intention.
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i" . ii. !, 11 . il r t 111 :if n r t. f i . a , mi , m j ,i
I I. ' m fl f , l
Four Models S85 and 8100.
Monarch Cycle Co.
Factory and Main Office; Lake and Halsted Sts., ClllCAno, I LL
tiUASCIHiS :-Nw York, ban PriincUao, 5ft L.k City. Denver, Mtmphli, tirtroit, Tcroi.lo.
A. W. VATTE11S0N, Aijmt fur Morrow County, llcpimcr, Oregon,
OF . . .
It to Advertisers at a jrcat financial sacri
fice. You need it in your business, and as a
matter of business vc must sell it.
Tin: Pattkkson Pum.isiung Co.
a , t
t'.. I l
i .1 . r.-j. l IV. l J in' i r ill j
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