UNTOLD MISERY FROM Rheumatism C. H. King, Water Valley, Misj., cured by Ayer's Sarsaparilla "For five years, I suffered untold misery from muscular rheumatism. I tried every known remedy, consulted the best physi cians, visited Hot Springs, Ark., three times, spending $1000 there, besides doctors' bills; but could obtain only temporary relief. My flesh was wasted away so that I weighed only ninety-throe pounds; my left arm and leg were drawn out of shape, the muscles Here and. There. Overwork, either physical or mental, will produoe weakness and loss of Matinee Saturday. enerKy- Too many bneinees or family cares, overwork in tbe harvest field, an Tom Carle is up from lone. excess of woman's work and worry will produce months of misery. To prevent bee Fbill Cobu's bioyclead. this, tbe exhausted system should be i. tTT.i i..u .u- reinforced immediately. Dr. J. H. Day. being twisted tip in knots. I was unable to dress myself, except with assistance, and could only hobble about tiy using a cane. I had no appetite, and was assured, by the doctors, that I could not live. The paiiis, at times, were so awful, that I could procure relief only by means of hypodermic injec tions of morphine. I had my limbs bandaged in clay, in sulphur, in poultices; but these gave only temporary relief. After trying everything, and suffering the most awful tortures, I began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Inside of two months, I was able to walk without a cane. In three months, my limbs began to strengthen, and in the course of a year, I was cured. My weight has increased to 105 pounds, and I am now able to do my full day's work as a railroad blacksmith." McLean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier is an appropriate remedy. ' Passion's Slave" at the Opera House Pnoe $1.00 per bottle. 1, 11 in u, uiuuum 11 n n j ' i n i 11 ui 1 1 l u large iu voice of ladies' and ubildrens' races this week. wraps of all styles and oolors. They Leet Greenwood is attending the "iU offer he 8Bm,? for the next 3 dBy" ,...i,; ,UD at prices lower than ever was known. Call earlv and inspect tbe stock before A bicycle given away, See Fbill the assortment is brokeu. Pioneer brick, Cohu's new ad. opposite postoffiae. tf. M. J. Monteith. of Portland, is recis- You oan earn 85 each day "giving" tered at the Palace. onr absolutely indispensible household rno nr-n i,. j i srtiole away. New plan of work, muk- V on. lUbUULUUOl DUU i I) 111 1 1 T UIO UUW I . 3 , raaidinij in Hm.nner. iuK cxperieuuo uuUrB!-rjr uu u.t naptDin f it' 11 1 r 1 1 11 taT in anv Dfidhr.n The Niles-Vinson. Marble Works. Sample dozen free. Credit given. walla Walla, Wash. B'reight paid. Address. Melrose M'f'g. Mrs. P. 0. Borg is down at Portland Oo- 30 Me,ro8e Psrk' UU 4t attending the Exposition. E. O.: Mrs. Jessie Moore, wife of one M. rtvi, j 1 a of the most prominent stockmen in Mrs. .Andy 1. lard returned from a UmBtia oounty" Bnd living on Butter 5 1 to Fossil last Tuesday. fl. djed in Wal,a Waua. having been C. F, Walker will ship 'East Saturday taken there to receive treatment in the four to six car-loads of sheep. hospital. Death followed olosely an , . .... , . operation which was performed. Mrs. A. Keithlv. of Heppner. has v Oocbin chickens for sale. s27-4-81'. We know whereof we affirm when we T , tt n,- ,, . ... 1 . state that Ayer's Pills, taken promptly, John H. Wise, collector of the port of th flt..,nt,,m.t ni.i. na K : . x Jl.i U: I. 11. aj uijiwui. ui mm.Ui, ...... orat,""'u' ""UImlu" Brrest further progress of theBe dis. La Grande Marble Works, La Grande orders, and speedily restore the stomaoh, Ore. 8, 0. Smith, salesman, Heopner. liver, and bowels, to their normal and , , . , , . . . . I regular aotion. The towu is full of neode attending tbe raoes, and many familiar fooes are CbBrley Jones, the well-known "old- seen, timer" in me tonsoriai line, Das again lAnoriH in H nnnar liariin t 1 'lVi na Art as. Johnson, Traw Phipps, Alex a.n Mutt,,.,.." at, unnr hn,u;n Comett and Asa Thompson are taking Lnnnota ,,ia ;. un,' , nirio ,ni in the raws. noii ukn i in.n and Al Vaughan are among the visitors hjgh hj(,h Brm Bewin(? macbioe thirty people get in through tbe fence every day without paying. This in olodes some well known people, and in one case, a well-to-do citizen of our town. Perhaps it is not known that every man who plays this kind of a trick is liable to arrest. The Only World's Fair Sarsaparilla. AYER'S 1'ILLS cure Jlenitache. mil A Good Week's Entertainment. Heppner's lovers of theatrical perform ances are being royally entertained this week by Carlton's Company of Players, who are now playiug a week's engage ment at the opera bouse, with a change of play every night. The company is made up entirely of players of ability, everyone of whom fills hi -,or her re spective parts in the different casts in a very acoeptnble manner. Miss Emma Morris, Messrs. Jed Charlton, A. W Ellis aud Billy Peters are familiar to Heppner audiences, having previously appeared in this oity. The ladies of tbe oompany, Misses Florenoe Earl, Emma Morris and Ada Sherman have all been greatly appreciated in every cast. Their exits and movements on the stage are graceful and in all tbey show perfect familiarity with tbe characters they impersonate. The oompuny opened Tuesday evening with "Destiny" fol lowed Wednesday eveniug by the laugh able comedy, "Complications." Last evening "Hazel Kirk" was very oreditably presented, and this evening the company presents that great play, "Passions Slave." "Our.Boarding House" is slated for tomorrow afternoon's matinee. Makes the Blood Pure This is the secret of the curei by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Read this: "I am so glad to write that I am now In per fect health and it is all because Hood's Sarsa parilla made my blood pure. My health broke down with troubles peculiar to women, m y ujrvous sys tem was shat- ifiafS.'SifeaMfe tered and I had to take my bed. The physician said there was little hope for me. A neighbor told of wonderful cures by Hood's tiarsa parilla and I decided to try it. When I had taken 3 bottles, I could sit up and now I am perfectly well and strong. Hood's Sarsaparilla has done all this for me." Mas. C. F. Fadeker, La Platta City, Colorado. Hood's Pills ETTERS ADVKKT1SED AT HEPPNER Or., Oct. 21, 1805. Parson Mrs Ellen Kmith D W When calling for these letters please say advertised. J. P. Williams, P. M. guaranteed for 10 years. For further par- None Bat Ayer's at the World's Fair Ayer's Sarsaparilla eDioys the extraon dlnary distinction of having been the only blood purifier allowed an exhibit at the World's fair, Chioago. Manufacturers of other sarsaparillas sought by every Mrs. Dr. P. .15. MoSwords and daugh- tioulars oall on or Bddress, N. A. Leaoh, ter, Mary, returned from a visit to Pen- Lexington, Oregon. 2t. dlt'tou, Wednesday. Mrs. H. A. Wright, daughter of Mr. their entire grocery stock, have made a ""i"! and Mrs. P. O. Borg, departed Tuesday reduction of 10 per cent on their dry "" dioines mi I nostrums for Port Townsend. goods, clothing, boots, shoes, etc. Tbey n"is?"?n".,?i""?JJ" n 1 . ... , ,L , , . do not now charge you for what they ., , J " ;iT 0. J, Curtis, editor of tbe Astoria hertnfnrfi w "lh(1 hllriin' rities in favor of Ayer's Sarsaparilla was tf. Herald, has provided his paper with a new aud attractive beau in effect as follows: "Ayer's Sarsapa- Notice of Intention. AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, -I J Oct. 18, lwt.'i. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of hisclnlm, and that said proof will be made betore County Ulcrk, ot Morrow county, at nepp ner, Oregon, on Dec. , lsao, viz: JAMES 8. REA. Hd. E. No. 507R. for the Y.K NEi Sec. . SE'i 9f."4. nee. ai anasw sw)4 bee, as, xp. 0 a, k, '25 E. He names the followine witnesses to prove nis continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Hedianiin Luelllng, Abraham Luelilng, Walter j. Hennett, josepn w. immstur, an 01 Haraman, Oregon. jas. r. jiiiukb, 81-92. Register. ('CALENDAR, rillii is not a patent medicine. It does uimy ujbio . iub uuu.t uuuoo uu 10- Hwpok of this n ace. will he n attend. morrow evening at 7 o clock. anna nl tha J.,,. fa,lr, , I ',J w.i. vi. v." ... - in BeBt accommodation and courteous Harney county. treatment at the Imperial Hotel, Seventh Shilo's Cure is sold on a guarantee. Fast Timb. At tbe Yakima fair last Friday the world's record for a quarter aud Wash. Sts., Portland, Oregon. It 0,lre, lnoiulent Consumntion. It is mile dash WRB broken two Washing The famous Cabell ledse. near Susan- the best Cough Cure only one cent a dose, ton horses. On that day tbe Indian ville, has been tapped by a tunnel and 25 cts., 50 ots., and SI. Sold by T. W. I raoes were barred, and the only par- shows fully as rich as al the surfnoe. ayers. or. tlcnlar feature of tbe ocoasion was the Chas. Pease met with an accident at I A forger named Downs was caught by Quarter mile dash, with four entries, in tbe "merry.go-'rouml" bust night and 8henff Honser and Deputy Carney at which Roxey, a Yakima bred horse, won the other night. It took inA.2ii -Qnftrter of a second less than Bob Wad tb steer Monday IhbI, hence the injury 13 AWN I iTl 15 WtD I THU FBI 61 17 I 18 I Vj Take Notice. 1. The sum of five rents per line will be Jlmrned for "carls of think," "resolutions ot respect," lists of woddini presents and donors, md obituary notices, (other than ttiowt the wlll ir shall himself Kive as s. mnttir of news,) aud aottwsol BN:lnl meutliiK" (or whatever purpnsx. Notices ol church and sorlnty and all otbor JiiU'rUlninentj from which revenue Is to be de rived, shall be charged fur at the rata of five jenli a Una. These rules will he strictly adher ed to In every Inrtanre. Advertising rates reasonable and made known ipon application. TIME TABLE. HXnite lor Hsrdmsn, Monument, Ixm Crei k, fohn ly and I anymi city, luiv billows : Kery day at a. m., cc-cpt Mun.Uy. Arrlvenvrydyt4 p m.xivp' Mondsy. The 'hmMit, iiil kot sud best Hue to or from tbe Interior i nninry. wall i ii'J.mivmi, rrop. Eitra Pals Star Brewery Bear In Hall I'lnl Untiles run be bad onl)t the City Hotel Bar! Wlicru liljli Krde l.l'iunr and CU'ure sri al kept I.) Td. Horses (Irwly nnoe.l said: "Tim way to rrstime ts to rninr." r"kina f again pulling go. I Int.. oiciiall'in kIut tbe war. Hut ynu mavsay "rMuruw" any Dumber of timrs to that torpid llvvr nf sustained a dislocated shoulder. Peudlet n Waldon Rhe8.smirsiug a dislocated !'D,,I,B l 8,P " 'h' tMed the wVrld's record, made by . ...PL ' .. 7: r . ..... . at Butte. Montana, in the fall of 1800, iico muuiui'iinn, it,o ui luo D.ninnil I . an it vn t iir n 1:11. i Rnxev waa nlnsnlv followed nv tilne J av ffh. vnn w.t fl mrr null on repuoi caoa ot uipauiw oouniy, arrived - - 7. . - . 111,.. ... ..t.u- ... .-1 ' - - I . II .1 I 1 . , 1 : II. III I 1 .,..ln l.A MnnAHAl. tl.A mm 1 !.l n U.,i,.. k .I,- IluliiiiUifl Mulnnn TCUUICV U IK81 CVeniUg. TIB Will IVII.lim uumo, uu vu'CICU o w,.j where they keeD tbe finest wet goods in town. tf. It's cheaper to go to the theater than Fossil Journal. The Heppner track has Wanted-To trade, a new cart for . Btay at borne, Grand Matinee Satnr. , record of 021, made this week by saddle. Cart has been used but little 7JVL71" , ' " " ' - Blaok Prinoe, olosely followed by I'i and is in good condition, iioqtnre at I . . iniSOlIlOe. Ol. """-m "--. "' -I' Tl, ,nr. l,,.a,.er ia fl-911.' isnnDlvint? stockmen witn all neenea - Mr. Dennis A. Reeser, representing nrtilH. hnniilpa rarrv.ni n ontiurnl linA. I mfldrt bv Rob Wftdft, m 1. .. .. 1 . J m . I iud iifiiuuerium men. v x-tt-b jjl8 qqt Ad. ll. f ! h n - YA m liitnaiilii Ae m rw Ifit. I . ' , i.i....vnv " mn I l(A0iilnp nrAQMuno anrvinpe fir flirt I nnrL i.m'. Anl... C.I.. Un.1ni.il. l.o lo. . ...v. ... ...... .... - 1 1 nrur. hnma UntirlAV mnrntno nn.l sv.n. I T'l. - t . I .. I . 1. . .11 J . n.. t - 1UV.. ,i..uai. im.uu..; w. uu.. M 1 luq UCHI BQIVD III IUD WUrill lur UUIO, lug by Elder J. W. Jenkins. You are Timises. Hnr. Hirers. Halt Hheutn. your father and obey your mother? invited to attend. Fever Hores. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Hoy Katbf-r; she oao lick latber, Stia F.mr Hlonnm. Iho artist will m.Vs Chilblnina. Corns, and all skin erUDtious oan. london oketoo. cabinet Dhotos for the next 80 davi at I and Dositivelv cures Piles, or do Pay A. J. Leland. representing the W Pr down. Gallery opposite opera required. It ia guaranteed to ive Chicago and Nortbwestorn K. It., was bouse, tf. pnrfeot satisfaetioti or money refunded, in Ueonner Wednesdav on business con- ri Pee 25 cents per box. For sale by neeted with his comDSiiv. I tub pirrs aiTi'i-xurri. I T. W. Ayers, Jr. H.rii. a 1 1 a His niooum are recoiviug uus ,..,. . t- . .... .n n 1 I t ... L-.......,.v.. t.'... n.. . BA. I WMl ll rll'"S MIHIU-ril S"l SSSs r- J V- I t Ulll UAiV IjAI UnPIUna. l UO VI V ZV Cul ot d" '"d Tomorrow. Also Ball KI4... laAM Exposition which oned newest thibg out and all tbe rage id rrfeo weather and a fast track. Mt I'ortlsnd on the 5th inst., the O. 11. A lortland. tr. , , . .......i;. IS. will make a rate from Hentmer and cure habitual constipa tion, l'rice 25c. per box. LETTER U8T. mi m im No Slow od This i We will sro back to the land of our Fathers. And during their absence Minor & Co. will be found at their old stand, selling at -10 PER CENT- u fl If you doubt this statement, thous ands will come forward and con firm the same. IS ! Styles too Numerous to Mention SUITS FOR $4.00, $1.50, $5.00, $5.50, $6.00, $6.50, $7.00 UP TO $20.00 RSK TO SEE BI HUE OF $101 OVERCOATS Our line of Boots and Shoes cure amongst the largest (if not the largest) to be found in the city. Call and examine, we are here 1 fl" X "1VT 1 "O 4?- i to show goods. We are the I I I t V, leaders. Others follow. ilXAl VXH VV W NOTICE OF INTENTION. I AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES OREGON, J October 21. twin. Notlco is hereby (riven that the following-named settlor has tiled notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made neiore me county ciora ot morrow county, at Heppner, Oregon, on December s, lnus, via: CHARLES S. EMRV. Hd. E. No. 814P., for the lot 4. HKi SVf4 and W' 9KV4, Sec. Si, Tp. 4 H. R. 2li E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon aud cultivation of. said land, viz: Anion E. Wright, .Tames O. Williams, of Hardman, Oregon, and James M. Hayes, Henry Bchcrzlnger, ol llepptier, Oregon. JA. J. AKIOKK, 882-9.1 Register, It is not at all surprising to see the immense crowds going to trade at tbe store of NOTICE OF INTENTION. T AND OFFICE AT THE DAIXKB, OREGON, Ij Oct. 21, lS'.iii. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of her intention to make lliial proot In support of her claim, and that ssid proof w ill be made before the county clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Oregon, on December t, lH'Jii, vli: ANN E. CHAl'EL, (nee Ann E. Barnard), Hd. E. No. .mi, for the K'j SW'.f, and Lots 6 and 7, See. 6, Tp. 5 S, R 2f. E. W. M. Hhe names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon aud cultivation of, saiil laud, viz: Anson E. Wright, James O. Williams, of Hard. man, Orccon, and James M. Hayes, Henry Scherzlnger, of Heppner, Oregon. JAS. F.MOORE, SX2!';I Register. P. C. THOMPSON CO. When we consider that Ileppner handles more merchan dise than the other seventy-two counties of Eastern Oregon put together, and that P. C. Thompson Co. handle nine-sevenths of that. It is not to be wondered at that, they have all of the local trade and part of that of Cali fornia and Chicago, but they will not be satisfied til) they have the trade of Paris, London and New York also. Get in with the rush and come to the ODD COMBINATION SIGN At the Corner of Main and Willow Streets. Follow the crowd and you can't miss it. Ticketa will da pnt cm mil Ho lootmled with a p!eolil attendance, Karl'a Clover IVa.t will purify jronr h. mh.in,t tn m.k. hi Mk' return at Si .10. Dlornl. clrary.inr U-iraplexioa, regulate i ....... , ,, mU on Ihn Kith insf. ami the limit is n..e hn.l. .nrl maka onr hea.l clear ratTiDR in- oe ever .-en in ii-pi-u-r. - - - J -' " I . . , . a . . atlAli.lii, lnMnmluaIlil I (I 11 Kit vr-. win .ml l fii.l.t h Tba Hal or nnraaa ini'liHei aorae r ii, a " ' T. W. Avera Jr. I..t evar race,! ia tbe Northwest. vr. " V"T "'"X IWo-Totlie wife of W. B. Totter, Toes.lay'a fan waa opened by a half "'. Moaraion Ucketa to r-rtlaod and Oct. 2-th. near Ho.M Itiver. a nonod I mila dash, free for all. mtriea. Coif. iro will t aoi.i at f.i'.Mior tbe ronud iKiy. tor the past Mur days, uiiiya Xarapa. Baby Ruth and Black Alder in ,no1 u two iicneta 01 a.imiasion ll.ppnernieodah.v. bad tbnr eiara , ,0 ,. Kipoaiiion. O0 the eienreioo of ibar.edtol.laaoooniiU K,b ,Mt., two ti kela of adrnieaii.n Jmu'ZVh hfnS'li Lhaa8 rr!.n KU.amlK.at 1 Wild Bill. Blaok 1'rii.e ' 'M- TU. limit of lim- ia tl.a one a mail thrntign ot tore tt uaa grown ' ' ... t.....i. ..,ii..f, i, mnsly itl.olt age. Tl.a branch tram dray Uick and Tin Er were tha entriea "me for tl a Tt.ea.lay eictutlone aa f ,r now makea cl.s- coi.nerlliin with tbe in tbe quarter dash, all eoroli out in a eicnrtion or Opt. . Kith. pa,a. BKer. beih east and weetboood. bl1(,h wilb Pfie, Vin E 1 be who o 00 eim.ri..n al.oi.ld pro- ouuru who 1 none in ma iei. 1 in car ,mB,.Vl,a Wltu accident lueur- anra There nan Im no pleasure or Imppi- M..f. ro, waa to (own Wadoesday. t1(,,.,j ,0,Hb race ordered to be run TbeO. V. U firm la ot.w pompaed of ,,. . , . . ... I .. . .. .. .. . l :. over We.luHi.lav. 1 he time otuutit In A-ik-aavr. 1 a..... ,1,iir.rlwl'ffr)fB o-20'f 10 0 2115 oesa lor ir.t.a whose l.veror kidoey. are ...v well and favorably known In tl .a rare van frn 0 , lo , nnM,y. Tl.r nl .ek, t!... aectiou. which in any event la faster than the ,ninluW-. n. Bo.l It t.nr.Una..m to The entriea in the flve-elsbtba for tl.it raoor.l. bat when II waa learne.i mat ua prf..rm work of any kind. W hat they ,n.rn,u.n T.r.a.k. IViiv. TamDa onaft-r waa run abort it twname evident ri-l ! a thoron.i treatmetn win. ir. ml ll.rm.nn. Iii the half-mile birvcle n.,.t it.. ... ,m.-.A ... ,..!.,. J- H. Mclran'a Mver and Kidney llalm -"V:1 nt :rU"' ""m" ,U'r"",,0n We.loe.,1.,'. program waa headed h, Z ZZ wXnJ rininjinis UHT lp.iiir, ,iiwi; 1'i'i.iiuuiini, .vnn-, , , J-.l f- l. , ft ,. 1" 1 a , 1 .1 M.M. In f.itu. l lh.looi,.tll,tlnn. I., loll. ""T"'"' -" ' I"-r '"r rur. "i .0 neas and l. k ha I ach m all Paused by a sluts ih hvir. K-rji the lier active. "It .a tbe palrtil 11 e.licme la the iniiintf in 0 i'l. Bill eecnnd mid la what air. r m. iiariman, ot u.1.1 at ". Mai..itaro.trrK6,aaa3f ChamlM rlaio'e I ., . . 1 1. . .. folic. Cholera and Uiarrh-ea lUmedy. Mra. T. H. Haakiu. t l.atlaooowa, "Wl.sl k-m ms w bsh una aaefim -eii ui vs. ...-r, .... Teno.. aava "Mill.di'a Vitlier 'saved f" tn the lact thai nemry 10 lie Knth. Tampa and Nelarn.Ta'npa l.talof tnv lif.' t ivin.nl.r ll il, l.s l rrme.lv wot.l form wa prevaleol around here , ,. mmh.L i.ai.l f-ra dat.il.tate I s,.i-m I evr n-d.' laat a.ii.mer and ; tmk over i,ree-eigl,ha and frpeal Kor dy.,p..a. I.v-'r or k.de-v lrnhl- t-o or ib.ea .a of I. .at remedy to ! Tb- eeelgl , M an I r.pe IteiMs. Tr.es 71 c-rita. H d t by T. Mt eoo-plM- enre l-or aala by waa atpona. nil ye.ierday. W.Ayefa. Hi .pnm-Jvhriaoo l'0j tV. Tl.urlsy'e racing wa Inangnraie I by lh IhrmeigMba and repeat, ralr-s BU'-k Trine, (tray llick. IUr matia ard Jfil. l'im (ay )ick tofik the fl'! l" in 0 't. -' ianrf. M .'nsls pai l U I'i an I U S'), ric'iv' 'y. lbs. l.s, I mil ilsvh, frit. f .f all tare ! ar... i!. a pretty r.ii,iHi, The Muliiala ki lnets or livr. It rapidly dr.vra out ,ia(i,ad ri.l.'litl oia, reslorea hrallh and t'eiigll., Vlg tr and pheoiful auiril Tr.ee (. ;.. r bottle. Notice of Intention. T AND OFFICE AT THE PAIXER, OREtlON, j Oct. '21, l"'.l.'i. Notice Is horcliy given that lie followlne-iiaaiefl settler has llleil notice ol his Intention to make II nil I tiroof In snmort of his clnlin, ami thst kI'I proot will lis nisilc tietore tliu comity clerk 01 Morrow conniy at llcppiHT, tr., on oecciiiner t, i.' , vis : JEF. EMRY, II. I. E. No. .T.M1, for the N'4 HKV, Ki NF., Sec. 7. ami S '( N W'4 8ec. s, Tp. .. M, It W K. He liHines I lie toiiowlng nn. 10 prove tils continuous rcslilcnc a upon ami cultivation 01 ssi.i isn.l. vis: Anton K. W rliilit. Jiiinea O, llllams. of llsnl man, Oretron, nn.l Jsmcs M. Hhjcs, Henry iM'heriiiKcr, ol Heppner, Oregon. Jif. r. jM"ir M !:! Iti-ainter, NOTICK Of INTKSIION. I ASH KKH K ATTHH PAI I. KM, 11RK1.0H, j (h lolKir .'I, l'H Notice ts lierct.v Klven Unit the fiillowlnit iisme.l selller lias lllcl no lice nl lil. Iiiti.titliiii to make flusl pohiI Iii sup M.rl of hl I'li.lm. tnl Hint saiil prmil lll l mail.. iH lure J. . Morrow, l ...inly 1 lers, al llepplier, I ireifoll. nil .Sovemlirr -Kl, I1'-!, t; I It A l(. Ml I.I.Kit, II. I r. No. tH'l, for the N'4 HW'a, Hec. I, ami SK'i fK.V iw, .V Ti 4 a. K U Y. W. M. He I.Hines Hie lollont Ilia Itlieaai-a to prove Ills eoiiiliiuiMis realilcm a upon ami riilthsllnii ol. Ml.l Isn.l. vlr. JaioliN 1 W. ikt H Hralinall.ot listlil nil. III.. ,'..ll an. I Mlll I'. Kixal IiIIIb'MK Junes, ol hlKtll Mile, (ILK.'". JA. . M'MHIK. :t' wi Hraisier, T. R. HOWARD DEALS IN Groceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Stockmens Supplies, Etc., And Wants Your Trade! lie will ranke it an ol.joct for you to trml ith him an Inn (iricna are right, nml all pMxla that ho handles aro of tho very Ix'nt Store on Main Street, Next Door to City Drug Store, Oregon. m . si ll,rn m l'ial1 il.rn' fl"', I' f lliM'l frif.H;a h C " "r ' '''',,r r"r I', fc' " 'ore i'f f.e frufA nd A.m. 11V "f rl'iim hi mt,, trr-tl errrf km i, f.f rr .!. l i'i fn k " lUim n hif ljr Ih il ! h.f "r .i.i.rr '.if ifi! f'.'f trnttfl It ll-tr f.r..fr sr ,)..,(. l,..l, irr tr a-.rry f.i t m.l U' "f t ';' r ti. r. i. 1 m r I I! r .... ft' ;"''"'"'' '.'' I'll'" ft till t n I if l ''. fi"' ""' .,rl ,,,' ,f .!."! " ' " I ''" rr7"W. a r,7..f " "" ra.f ' e m k.,1 e ,f HOHNEH A HHEA OF THE PUBLIC rr 1 1ll' I ,' T f'..if na airf.a.lHl n l'itlif Ihnl l,r i f ll I : mi r t 1 it . ' " . 1 t l f a aav .- O L , . I . .a) ft 4 t ,i aer-: Miy, l.ola K a and M..! pt-r. May in M. I.ula j I!...- d M il-ule. p'd $4 J in .hf' .11. 1'iarkrr Jak, It s k I l.s'ir were lh al tie I a ( Hi lar t k the la 11 1 " ' lterrk i'nd Mal'iala allX. I i ii r. it an- r.. 1 i' 1.1 !.. .ii i a .ciai A ("aaa or Aai it - f)n W edneaday, Jndifa Krelaiid' e-mrt waa rxvnpiel IB bearina the ease, Htnte of OfeB-'n ve. C II (Ur.lner, rharifed with assault ing Jerry llr-nnan. Th" Jury disaa-reed, fla Isii'linf fi.r rri.ct.itn and on fr aei.illal. A lie trial waa had yester day afternoon and eteati.tf and tba d fen. lt, aa diarbareed. flle.l .!! IM files hin.t.ma-Moiemre; itiletie itol.tl.ff ah leiinam; mt al l.lwl.', "oro l.y rral. hing. If llnwaxl ,i c.ht.litie tfiiora f.irm. ahlrh oftea l.tw.l and til. erle, laYnmlnK tery iota.. hssi tllt waT al'Hs lli itrliiitf and lilee. laa, heals iinaralia, and in nvt ra remote (he laro'-r Al drn.-tfiele. nr mail, I .t .Virwiots. I if Nts)t.t tv.n, I'I. lis lei, l,l. $1800.00 OIVtN AWAV TO INVENTORS. tiwonrraty monlh (im wtv In any M whs s t)Mt ihrmig a hi Mn awM auuaanwus ysif 1 4v the "vieth peetedinf . tmntn Ilia beet palanU Wr ssr ellenta, llwl llw albert nl Uu. orVf w k ftammf tmt kaentrxk 4 Uwwbni M kkat. Al In. UM IMM tK snaii ia HBperu vpam Uk pwls Om hkI ltd IT S THE SIMPLE, TRIVIAL INVENTIONS THAT YIELD I ORTINES. wti ss iM Vaa.anexirw" rKt I. caa ba taty M wp ea4 o.n HS.Mal kraaiwif Um Srm S " aauca Ma." "'flw aun-a." kk, "koMa tiafan, ' mhI S UMa4 Mnet llll lhar " SVNS any can t4 s r oi ei.si aaatiaaM mmM III 1 ri si sts Ins lhat WHI( la(a MUM S SM MUM, Iff killed JutaMW(W MIS IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SEEMS. PrMa lakaa ) iKmeah m aaren tf ulaaSa; 'm tl " hl ier..t. ' pula.OaM M WaalantW, ll r ,haHlliee'npalT-eM.U4ax Aavam e rtM MnMi ai aama a. t I.M fraaf . toaV nvei In ll.rt inwnal tt nf tnS. la sfl us tie... tS aa a4efti. lees '4 "fl, lK MtaeatfeM a k taaia telmtHi na pnt: tf 1 kelra. ai ! um Si ai tfa 4 IM N a.-eal )!".' "'" B aVefrk. ai lletVaaaM. M S Hi ai K mmiiS, 4 (WikI iKr.iatKa the I. lw4 m UiaUi ilt a4 Mwla larart, Ka knet tfeia) Mi.Mi ikf nam, at tat Maata. A ..Mwmws Mfl sifKity asas tesl'il AWf aj jhin wmnrRntRS a co.. IMkilaea 4 AsMikts a4 an.ia fatMrts, tiSI'Mrtrl.N.W., IVt Waahlngtnn, D. C. t f- Aoar e'- "" r POTATO ES !! POTATOES !! Olio Tliousand Hushcls of Poialo i At my ranrlt, ton n.iloa ex.utli-i'Hat nf I lo't.T. at lc mt muD'Un Iho fu lil, mm'IipiI. Or will tlolivrr at IIo.uii-r at 1 i101" I ''" aootl h.UIim a, my crop rni.i.ot ihi lioaton. al. 1 5. MANXIXG, JIEl'r.NEIl, OREOON. If. EIjIiIS to LYONS, Attorneyw fit Ttixv All luisirieaa attended to It. a iirnmrl an I aallsfaMory manner. NolariM I'al.lic and (idle. hits. OKIICK IN NATIONAI. HANK T.ni.MJid. H H I'S HI. :t.! OHM ION Bit PROFITS ON lur avale .. I J en al.ar.-a of ilisi In ll.e innal ,inn.i.,( ...,(iij aiu n ... i i,r ii. u. t,..i r.. i i .i n. . . .. a aiiililaa 1 roaHl.-l haa. f..r aal l or m-r. !!' H-l-luer. Allr-e. liuhard T. j .'- 'I- ...'............ I ,.i ... .r. ,..,ef I II. atd Wheal l..f. I.l-j ' - . II I 1 1 II I I ' J I 1 1 U W I I .M V I I M..,.,,.elw..., v ,.n.u iiro. ai- r,,t ' 'VT'ttHhrlMlV'eVi Systematic Plan of Speculation i. , , ., wheal. .rl.a 111 a tin The hay may Huh iI.etl.nM-.le.iii sir.cl r , le.'b ni.'ll aii I a(f ' 'I le'lea tm j . ,i,rh If ll Issne. f..r mie tear, I I.elUr ...ta I t f m. ) in...ail .1 i,ii,nnl.n i.!,'.! iu'i i ..... ., h - . n . rr....d i a, I, r. m. .a j r. e,n ... n.a... , .vj::;.--:;, .:;;Var:rj.r.r r:; t:.;j-.v.. j::.:v.4.:: r:; . , . . I ., I ... . aa . ttt I ! I .! I". . W I' I K I 1 , , , j.. ... I... u . I. , ,h 1... I, -I ,1 . ail ua In t ' M .i4 I'llitll M'l p'FiM IL'. , .... ., ... ' w-. - . - . - , a .. v tt i . i . t remi'iia ao aln'l'.iial lirr,al, Ha Wh . ...... ....a i. it,. ai... i.,a i. u...,.. i .irm..,..,..,!... .. .rj, Ir re... U.,.. ,p Ih. feel yard r.tl d -r t,; JC,!.. , X .,W.- rJl.W.r,:; --....-. ' ah- Hi l'a j.i la Harrae, j (.. O.s-ti. r ffl... aul nw anho ta a HHkrO,,......... fy.,ar Il.ilt I. r Irfl.l j i,'I7,.her. .1 Vha llo-r.r s. ae.rl..f a-im' jalf. la al biro- al It.. I ml y.Mr 1 ,.( ti.,UH u,.. . U, iri. lleH4..r i m... iiir.iiM ,...l T..r, '" 1 j .11 -a Ihe l.is i.U'til l. lis arnl a'aia f r ! II. j , , , . t i, i ... ' ! MaiUwa f-r a..ala. ha.r- list I'.a Msia ! hata 7. I r.a .f ". sLamt'n a... all olhr wnrl r.w II tl !.) tire . arlel set Wa.l T..et.rf. a l tsf (f. .... O'ay t-a-rvl tt It" a I i, i lt lna ... I. aa A.my .. .... IK. K..I !, InnilH I" Ct I"" I .,.... a. .. a, ia. aa, e.oaa A rVrmier, l.'a. hrtill a, ! o.i . h.i.,., ia. a.asas uaa. m Is, s tl tvis a a. tr ai t'" P eai.- ia a "'..' ' las wniTf row convincing noori... .." I M .. .. Ia , V. ,.l 1.. ,t I ... I a. ... I ,- a.. All f f I I . " I .. a a.'fi'ilt.'.hf I' I II lala.a', a I it (f ai I ... -, , a . b a - I , .,,li. i.,i. . I ta,.r tba a' THOMat 4 CO.. tlaalaea Meakaea 241741 MiaM 0nie., Cr.iaaa, III. : sail tt li e. lio eiel!et, ,.! I.a ia tf.a Al Haie'a la ! Im. list a al any I n. di"i. l.it.ti... I,.,n. a I. .a a a al- mm 1 1). a. I..... lai'l ... N,l,j,,a...UI..M.i ".,.,, r.a.a.M. t-'.l I .ef; V..e.wa 'm...M, M.IU,l-,.h.i, it.. rc I'a'k aft I IU U..r.rl u4,'t Oa iK k t'rk, Oiliiaia l-i n.l arii.U Uireali... ahatia, tra.,. (.(..a n.(e. "a. 'e , d'.aa a-Mi"aiy, i fl Is w' k, t !? ff'ta ta-' N 'a U l I 'Mt.. I Hatha al . cna a;re )llf,Kon NOTAHY TUHL U CONVEYANCER l'AI.1. SV' a-4.'