Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 25, 1895, Image 2

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    S I a -a.
7 V
Search Lirfht
England seems inclined not to
respect the Monroe doctrine in the
trestment of Venezuelan affairs.
An Eastern organ says that
Wall Street is not hostile to a
third term. Neither is England.
Jack Dempsey is dying of con
sumption at his hotel iD East
Portland. In fistic matters Jack
was once famous.
J. N. Williamson has Bold the
Prineville Review to L. M. Liggitt.
The Review will no doubt continue
to be a first class weekly.
Late advices state that the big
prizefight is off and that Fitz
BimmoDs has flunked. Prizefight
ing will soon be a thing of the
G'OMITKOLLEIt Eckels says that
bimetallism is not receiving much
attention in Europe. Mr. Eckels
no doubt hobnobbed with the
bankers while there.
Nervous Prostration.
Bnt Brighter Days Camp, Bringing Hope and
Happiness A Grateful Wuman'a Narrative.
The remains of what is thought
to be the lost Alma Miller have
been discovered over in Union
county. It is thought that Bhe
died in the hands of gypBiow.
The mau who told his wife that
he had business in Dallas suddenly
romomberod that he moant Hot
Springs, but now ho is not sure
but what he can stay at homo.
Hon. E. P. Funny, Washington's
nrst governor altor arriving at
statehood, died hint week of heart
dweaHe. He was an energetic,
honorable man and his name will
ever live in the annals of our RiHtor
m a . . .
mis issue (it tne ua.otto is
gotten out uuiler difficulties. The
editor hardly knotts whether he iri
a rnco horse, tinhorn, a patent
medicine man or a Hocomt woiutor
of tho world of ligordiinain. The
probabilities aro that ho will bo
ratnd a gonoral inrnfit, but ho has
hopoH of an parly recovery.
From the A'lvwttte, Oilroy, Cal.
A reporter of the Qilroy (Cal.), Advo-
oate wbs id conversation today with Mrs.
Laura Dixon, ao intelligent lady owning
one of the most attractive homes in that
Incidentally she spoke of her good
health, which she recovered in a re
markable way, after years of suffering
from nervous prostration, the effeot of a
long Beige of la grippe. For years she
bad been under the care of physicians
aud had swallowed innumerable doses
of loathsome medioine, from whiob she
had received no apparent benefit. Her
debility oontinued year after year,
causing much disoouragement both to
herself and her husband. She was un
able to enjoy food or to take proper ex
ercise, ror during tnig time she led a
listless life and oared not whether she
lived or died.
The different doctors employed gave
her no relief, and she finally concluded
to dismiss them and try life without
their experimental preparations.
"In looking over a newspaper," and
we use her own words, "I noticed ao
advertisement of Dr. Williams' Pink
Fills for pale people, for sale by a local
druggist. I thought I would try them,
and so sent for a fifty-cent box. To my
delight I found speedy relief and was
enoouraged to oontinue their use; for
weak as I was, and reduced in flesh after
the sickness of years, I felt oonfident it
would take months before I oould hope
to get my former health restored. Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills were doing me more
good than all the remedies I bad tried,
and I took them regularly for a whole
summer and winter, gradually growing
stronger until I found myself a strong
woman again.
"My cure was permanent. I have
never enjoyed better health than in the
past year, and I attribute my .present
good health to the toning up of my
system by the iico of Dr. Williams'
curative pills.
"I can heartily recommend these pills
to nil who may be suffering as I suffered
from the prostrating influence of la
grippe the after effects common to
many of its victims. I feel assured that
if I had known of these pills in time, I
could have saved myself the outlay of
hundreds of dollars and from the loss of
vitality and other losses and inoon
"If you think my testimony about Dr,
Williams' Pink Pills would be likely to
Induoe other sufferers to try to get relief
from them, I will cheerfully vouch for
the truth of this statement."
HubHcrihed and sworn to, before me
this 10th day of June, A. I)., 1H'.)5.
Mhh. Lacha Dixon.
F. C. Stanford, Notary Publio,
Io nud for Hants Clara oounty, California,
Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla contain all
the elements Decennary to give new life
and rioliueM to the blood and restore
shuttered nerves. They are for sale by
all druggiHts, or may lie had by mail
from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company,
N. Y., for M) cents box, or six boxes
for li.M.
Astonishing Transformation In One N'lKht
Canard ly Arid.
A singular transformation in the ap
pearance of a statue of the (Treat iini
Kician, Spohr, that stands in the inur;
ket nlace of the town of C'assel. in
Hesse-Nassau. Germany, re nl!y
caused consternation among the inhab
itants of that steeply little municipal
ity, says the Xew York World. The
good old burghers, the staid matrons
and the frivolous young people i-.ll
rubbed their eyes. They could hardly
believe it, but there was no doubt that
the statue had, over night, turned
green. Hitherto the figure had stood
in the market place, a stately memorial
in bronze.
The Cassellites concluded that super
natural means was not an explanation
of particular value, and they investi
gated. It was found that an artful
'prentice boy had been the agent.
The statue was dirty and the town
officials decided that it needed a thor
ough cleansing. They gave the job to
a painter, and he thought the matter
of so little importance that he turned
it over to one of his apprentices, with
the simple instruction to clean the
statue well.
The boy had taken the matter seri
ously to neart ana, pernaps, was in
spired by his subject. It seemed to
him that Spohr was deserving of more
than mere water and a brush or cloth.
He consulted a chemist, who was a
friend of his, as to what would best
clean bronze, and the chemist suggest
ed hydrochloric acid. Speedily f (.Mow
ing its application Spohr became a
beautiful green tint. The terrified
prentice confessed on a promise of im
borrowing from! health.
Pj?, - b If you have borrowed from
AjjQ? health to satisfy the demands
of business, if your blood is
t not getting that constant
W i r r r t
suppiy oi iai irom your iooa
it should have, you must
pay back from somewhere,
and the somewhere will be
from the fat stored up in
the body.
The sign of this borrowing is thinness ; the result, nerve
waste. You need fat to keep the blood in health unless you
want to live with no reserve force live from hand to mouth.
Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil is more than a medicine.
It is a food. The Hypophosphites make it a nerve food, too.
It comes as near perfection as good things ever come in this
Be sure you get Scott's Emulsion vihtnyeu want it and net a cheap substitute.
Scott & Bowne, New York. All Druggists; soc. and $i.
1.-.-K aaV &'
. t
The Wheel now on exhibition at Phill Cohn's drug store is to
be given away. Winner can exchange same for a lady's
wheel or an organ if preferred.
Nn Dice Throwing. On Plan of Drawing.
With each Cash purchase to the amount of 2b cents you (jet one chance. Mailorders
will receive the same attention as purchases made In person. Toilet Articles, Medi
cines and Chemicals of good quality, and prices low us in the past.
PHILL COHSr, Druggist.
mm m 1 -
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
New Cannon That Can Destroy
Ten Miles Hist ant.
Maxim the gunmaker, and Dr.
Sehupphaus, the gunpowder expert,
have invented a new cannon mid tor
pedo powder wliieh will knoek all mod
ern war vessels to pieces like ('""shells.
This big gun will throw a huge cannon
ball full of explosives ten miles? and
when it strikes it will smash into kind
ling wood everything within hundreds
of feet.
In fact, this new terror, doesn't even
have, to hit a warship to do this. If
the shot lands in the water near by
it will sink the ship and stun every
body on board from thp force of the ex
I he discovery is called "the Mimm-
Schupphaus system of throwing aerial
torpedoes from guns by means of a
special powder which starts the pro
jectile with a low pressure and in
creases its velocity by keeping the
pressures well up throughout I he whole
length of the gun." l'atents on the
system have been taken out in the
United States and European countries.
The special powder employed is al
most pure gun-cotton, compounded
with such a small per cent, of nitro
glycerine us to possess none of the dis
advantages of nitroglycerine powders,
and preserved from decomposition
through ft slight admixture of urea. It
is perfectly safe to handle, and can be
beaten with a heavy hammer on an
anvil without exploding.
fiiE (lazottft in in rciit of a
ropy of tho AhiHkn Minim; IUc-
ort'n Houvonir oditinn. It in i
most mvliUUo number, tlovotoi
to Juneau mul Alaska t'lierully
Tho Iki'conl in thrt lending paper
and only iniuin journal publish
in Alaska, and nn ntuli in rortai nly
doHcrviiie; of hearty mippurl.
TilK Orriiiiiau in a i;rent Down.
mHr llio pride; of tlm Northwest
an Mich - but wo think Hint it
idinwn bad tnnto in a recent issuo
by editorially handling tho revered
natiion of (iarfield and lUnino in n
manner not altogether rreditnhlo
t their iniMiiorien, They worn
oi ly men, great men mo In Hut nil
concedi, nod had wenlnenaes and
fnultn liko othr men, and thet
nhottciuiiiiign nhotild do buried
with them.
liioi.afc-s lb iliiMXiiilofl (if lb ")fc".
I'.ill h n tlm rtlirf ,. t ini-
u . bn .l ImH eiihiirM.
tl.r alio rjrrsi Hi "kiii0 rl
!" lii. ill I .fi..r .....
ft' M.iinwti llitl.r, alnrli viii-l.
iliikit.Urr ttimarlia oilh tfmt-f) in if
li. rvflmlilf, J.t lid l.iuldil
li, llnri.ro nf lrie, lii.Uriinia or .t
r .tf.it, his r rl'iiml, ell m l.i
lli I lf ll r(1-l uf IuImiImmi, .irt
I l I aslrr, il la frlisl.i kn..ii.
( '.iiiii -r,l Ir.rdi-f hf r Uii t,
lll.l lirl OMlrfn Itl.ilir), Bil l nil al.,1
,at l.i ni.,iiiir ticiMiliiilrt 1. 1 rliniaU ,
n i ii ifp. r..iiriir m iren'itniln
ll Hi Iml s.f. tf.( II ftrtl
lMMim)tMn n I (i ilm 'if IU. In
,i.r ti 1. 1 ttini Sn. ri'l I. an. I il is
no ffi 'imiI .M.iim riil all forma .
nialari. Il fan l il-wn tti )
;fl'f'. Iif nl iHtt iroqbi.
Tun ItKcgrnox Htoiib. II. A. Wright
the popular ami well known frail
merchant is now comfortably settled in
bis new store formerly ocmipipil ss th
Heoeiliiiii saloon. Tim lon has hern
thoroughly cleHiiod and renovated, anil
in now one of th II nest places io lb
oily. Mr. Wright is n natron ir.er ol
horn industries, and is deserving of the
besrty atrutiagft of the oomiiuiuity,
Particularly m ?iew of Ids fael Hint lis
lias Mm only frnit ntul confectionery
ntor in lh city. Port Townaeml leader.
Mr. Wright la n soiiinlaw of P.O. Itorg,
and i well k low hr lbs friwiids eon
graluliiln Lira on his anmwa.
u raa Hrlirt
Th testimonial iiihlishis in Isdnilf of
IIimiiI s HaraHparilla. 'I tiy ar written
by lioaeat iXMipl, who hav actually
found tu their nso rIx-rieno thai
Ibsid'a rtraaarilla purillna Id tim,,
c rent, a an aplil., strrtighlrns Hi
sti'in and abmilntely and ermannily
riirra all iliai-aara i su.e.1 liy impur
(f dclli'll III IdiHhl.
II'nhI's pills fr th lir and IhiwI,
I i romplly, ranily and HT lltrly ,
Vanid Plain or fancy w log. Will
i't to lh hoiia or las arwing al hm.
.Mrs. Mary Hndcraon.
A ('amnion Dish Amona; tlin Indians nf
th Mojav llmerl.
Th. Digger Indians and the l'iutes
live in the mountuins and in the forests
on the verge of lleath valley. The
mites tire known as Hie w hite .vims
if the desert. Their staple food b
lizard flesh, which they eonsidi ra great
luxury and which they catch on the
borders of the valley. These lizards
are about two feel long. The Indians
call them "chahwalla" and roat them
ns caught between hot Muncv White
men eat them, too, but dress them and
boil them over a sagebrush tire. They
nre said to be very rood cut nig and to
taste ipiite like f rot's' I" ;
There are no bird in t hit ttr-rhhor'
hood save the weird, uusteii. u, raven,
whose ominous voice fitly ei-oal.s tin
fatal enl ranee of thue who I i .i ve I In
terrors of the valley. Ibnv lin f i m i .ti
mid their hur.ti crie. to the sum of
horrors hInuiI the pl-iec. o i-o in- r-
tiles, iiiicaiiiiv nini iioiii'oiiii in him ' r
mice, lire toiniil here. I lu- must ili-miiy
creature nest to the ISil.i inon-ter i-
what tin-unlives call a ' side . iiiki-r"
Mialie. which is jhciiIuii to thU
desolate tb-serl, ll is u i.itt!r
lllmut tni-nly fiiehes l-'l.1.'. wliiili
moves from side to aide e itan st, -riling
spring instead of gK-loi nl.-i.ir.
Moreover, it has hums. m. I d.-n't
know but biHifs. I hi It . a iind'y
of the evil one. S.-i.i imis liii.mtn! u.
rats. Inn ned tmds km I t-u r s b h.l t ir
aid to render iK uth vail. y m.si ,ij.
palling place mi i .oMi I line nre
lliiee. t -niii e vv hii h live ii -n ,-ei,! i-n-di-
and there mv i.o. vith Ime
rars, a it.-ht to s. are the di.s.
Great Bargains
Notice Some of Our Prices :
1 Suit fine knit underwear, 80 cents.
1 Good Jersey Shirt, 00 cents.
1 Pair suspenders, worth 133 cents, for 20 cents.
Good canton flannel undershirts Special Bargain 35 cts.
1 dozen good cotton socks, 05 cents.
And many other bargains lower than ever
before sold in Heppner.
11' ari ire in a few dnyx, which will be sold at low flyuren.
fJF We nre Sole Audits for Henry Mossle lc Son's Full Cream Yoiiiig America
Cliccne. ('.ill nail see us.
Is the Place for Fresh Groceries, Cheap for
Cash Only.
Yon Should
For a "big feed" when you come to
Heppner and stop at the
Popular Prices! Comfortable Rooms!
jVIr-K. 101x1 Bradley, rr"oiD,
Do You Want a Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
Are You in Need of a Saddle
Horse ?
All these can be procured at Thompson & BinnB, Lower Main Street,
Heppner, Uregon.
Those irentlemcn nre well i'nunlntPl with Grunt, Harney, Cronk. Glllism ami other counties.
mill cull suve money aud time in making thc.xc sections with traveling men.
l'rlt-es In keeping with the times.
X AJBlJI m - ata u .y"-
Tlia 11. 'iiicr Sueil Aitoclntion bne deoideil to Race Mwtinu ftt
Iffiiiiiii I'udny. Oct 22
iicl rvustliitr ltlve Driys
S .") IN PURSES! S8ir
Palace Hotel
C. S. VAN DLYN, Proprietor.
I have taken full control of this
popular house, and will make it
strictly first class.
15 EDS, 25 CTS.
Freellsths and Free 'Bus (nr all Guests'
Kai'i 2 Quarter mile dash.
I'tirar. II'"'. Rail- 4. Thn-e-
I nl I ailalU'll
Aii m?rl tii-ly '.mtil.uii'-'l t-i .i l.-i
l.m fisastriot ri tint li-.,ni .!
Iitt'i U hiiiil vvith lii-rn iit li-r l.m-l '.l
(..ll.nvi-.l In r t.i Inn. Ii mi l -U -I t -r
tlu-nv Tin- lmi-llti.lv Miii- in!-' t'.r v
slttif liT. tnl wlii'ii ! vi t. i'i-
III If III tin' r -klit-aj i lit id' ' V
lii.-rinif t lu r nt-'dt r
Uln-ii It i-aitir t.i tlif r--ii- ' I"-
..nr ln-:iit." tli- Imi.l'.i-Vv !'. I a.! !
'I .ipnv "t ri nt " I '' mn.'i-'f i''
kiii.l it vtrv Biiti-'vin,' l"it Hi'if
n iK'M.iiii' i;' ! " ii
r"lir l luel. Il,ill mite .In.'.. tr.- l-.r all, fuw, l.
It.M- .tt Hi! I- (! l
ri iMil I .. 1 line Hi... mii I Val li, Iri-C lur all.
rl KM I t. . ,-( Ii.-. l.-r i I. fill... (!''
IIIH.i-v i:-.' IUU i .i;.- .t.ii, i. ..r all t'M,i,i -ura, ;.vm. Raisa,
II ... I ii i .. .l,'i, ..t ..(.( .- li..fw, . i nf rj I .1 mh!!U m i, I'llMf. I 1
11'' till I'VV I' .i T t'S i-l. !.') .Uali, Iter f-.r all I'llt J V in, Raea. rtlillvmH'S
tm ! t . . I'i . f l'..!!"f itw n. r l. e lia'l nil.e lit-ala. Iri III A, I'ur, sl. K' I
, l ) ' . I I ItfC I" ail iual'ira. Mnlat tallH Bl.' ''.
HI til I'VV l:,.. t !'.((. r mite daali. I'.1. i laa. I'tirsf. !"'. Hart 11. Thousand
)1'UI., t'i- n'. ril-. I.
i"ill'.. I ii. ... ra. lit l- iciuiw I t.v Hie fulra nt lti I'ariAp lliixv) ..rM aaua-la
; I i.t - i .- i i h I i- a t" -ri i". t.i i.l ai'-D'iiit nl Mirw, or m.irv l enter, lhrr 11
-I I i . l',,.l .... ..... ,-1. ii .1.. ii.. I 1.1 Mh lir r..'nplr(a ri'lrle. Ih lM haallM-M.ri-i.-i
.- i..i at ..uii .(!'' i-'i'm in itt.'tr )ii'l.-mrtil armi .r..nr. In ilirmtttra
,. i i ",. t I l . i-. i. a it I a ' I f in a. -i ...nil i.l liirli tnenl rifiier. It ilinl r.'r)
i.. n tin.. !r i-nr-i i-r ti.i4l I.. l. itmiiii. l.f I ! irr- lra rurarawiu
IHi-.l i . . . -.1 I., l !... " I l irnl la. an mikI, A il e'llf li-a In i l.-ae .)r o lia a. 111.
I!.. I. . , -i, . ll-ln.-
Wmsmmm :
jLjs '1 wo.
n$3oo Held in Reserve for Special Races.
Spanish Merino Bucks
Win. Dutton's Ranch, one and one-half miles
Helow Heppner, on Oct. 1st, lHOf).
WM. DUTTON, Agent.
to I I.
T. W. AM I;-. JrH !e.ret,ry.
!. Ma'l k. !' M"lr, ". tl
Iirert -r..
la man faa. II, Hi. I n of Ai
Hrt'arill la In r. la nl il.a
i.Hier Hi llCHi-a ll.al iat Ins Iriavl In
a ii. ll I Iw aant i4 tin. an I
Iniiuejf if el -f i'iii,l( l k X)el
haraatart!U Aral !( of at U .
ll It Halt, tit l"..a-f al aitial. fan
h f ida I al tia arli. lall.x-k a.raa',
liirtM Ahtiail I a la.
'I lif rat ia a nun Ii inalnfm-.l animal
Hr.ni.' It i n-i- at.ftlv aflrr ll prey.
It la rallnl H . U-t ailM' It U il.'lm all.- til
it lnti- aii'l lv at Ii. 'nn-. upmv It
l unrili ful, an.l wlii'ii it rrx iila
hImim'iIi m i liimr. maintain
thai it la Ifra-In li'iia i t ta )
Ih-i ii n tin' i-f 't uf win-ii tlipir
iiii.lii ihi .1 an. I in nmliv Km llirr
vKit-il inti lit Hita f..r whirhwr
ran-tv git I In-n tfrilil , Manil
la. I ! 1 a i-f Ihi ti Miaill-'" at'. ilv
faM ti-at wliu li lie iM ii 1 lir fi
Iiiip da a ifrral foiidnrM f.-r tlie flrali
i f Ini'lt, ami In m.lrr t.t niaUr l.cr
jurat f.'f IliP Mine an. i f nl rln.l.v
tln'm'ini I i.ti-nl 1 V llli.li lktan.1
In If that lit. la iUr an Vw .f in. l.e
-..lis t iniuila r an.l l-unn tin-in in
I In" fr.tltnl Mi Uirn hi.li-a lirar I-f.
aiul whrn '! I if'l a! -M l.i ar.-iirr
llirir rirlr nnri alir ar.n,'a from
In f ptini-ra'mrrit an.l funnrra lilatn
them Maiif t ir. tlma fl!a a pn-jr In
iiiar'a hfrw.lnra
an ii aaaa-
J.f ln.ia. .f a .'..ii Ui.t.ar wlU" "VL '."
w ' ' 'iwi-ifiirr wjaj an Tifii r f m tv - p I
I t ls it . : . L
'1 I
li t tt.
OKO. IXIXHKH, rr.i.lrhl.
M,rr. (leo. ll.rnn.tnn. OI,. r.tl.fo. I TJ 1 1! M ) 1 '. H IIOIITNINO
"There m ii tilt in the uffnirn if men
That, if 1'ikrn nt it$ jlotnl, twin on to furtunf."
Tiff ll'xxl U li re tii'l a ii , , , ,
With ft full line; of
I I.mlwnif. Ttiiw.iiT. I l.i-eiwjw, c;im-Uoi v. VkhI
iiikI Vtllovvai',.0 liirriil- at HrlrK"U I'i i' .
A lrand New Man!
l tl... v ia t tt i m. dut that llii I'Nii r t r!U
m ..- I i H i- -iit.ti( tlmt tlit llar.llilau tnfiivlilllc
ll'im f U', I'. Khlili-r I""!! i. t'
HI!-; l.ir.lllLST Kl'NXIMi GANG MOWS!
T i-lt In lh aif.l
' I
fl awiav! t.fatt a-M .fTI T'
Hllf Ifi rrwiif art t lra I. t-A.
and . IV ( i- lira. ranr' Irsw.
Ifrt Wft tk.i.".rifTti
I W II Vi tilitliai4 -v.
r-. ar I I I ttp-a ( ,
1 1
II t"
I i;
I II. ; Vi,.M i .".!., rr.xr f..n.,ty ..y
. I m ii i tl uu' mi l i rl at j'liiva in coin rW
1 Una i ti.i i l!f j't, nn,! an tta"f tn of Mr.
r i
u.iur.a stiil cutitinro yu.
' 1 I. it .Int. in. 0iiMti, HiKH'f "or l
! W. !0. ICAMLKH.
f ?..a a' r
liiua 0 a'. I .1 i ll. r
(.ia i a. a, anal !'-- I
II a lia'ar C I ' ' ' ' - (-.
I r'ai'loa i,a " "'"
,f. i ha n.. ,t, t- ' '
l.an I arl rtl. .., I W, . , tt 0M it. IICU I C!? t
I' ai I - l,l io,Vn ) I',,, , a.. . l.i... t-.. .-. I , ... I . . ,
.' ill I.' i-nt, nau.a - V F . . aaf a at a n , n
l a t
1 1 111
vrv.vMinii INl'K.Ncr.
a (ft!
III M AM'IIKMl ltlli lijtl..J I
, v ' llllrt . IIK llas ts ta U'lifdl
flu' nbly Kultiaiu lNr lmnrc htr l-tci n Tlio I .ltoa nml lVtiIlrUn
llpt't'DrT. a a Orrcxtl.
h Kceley InAls
Tor th Ciiii oi
l,i'lur.(i;urn ii.Tob.ifio ll.ibits
ll Um-4 al mm (Hf(.,
Ik V -1 f)tf; Torn on Ik (Vvtsf
la i al inl.ata Mlra
. i,s i.uii i wmiii itai a4
LrJi.iL liLANivS.
Plenty of thorn at tho
Gazette Office. . . .