Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 25, 1895, Image 1

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ti i i t M i m i i in i i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 t i i Liiimi i ii t i i t m mtrnvn
' Is owing to my liberality' in ad-1
t vertis;ng Robert Bonner. Z
Him M 1 1 i i i i ui 1 I tn.i itt I itii 1 1 m i.i 1 1 1 in i mil i'ii it
: Advertising brought me all I
i own, A. T. Stewart.
lll'lll)lllt)IJI)l Illt llll'lllllUill I II IIIIIIMlllltllli
WEEKLY rJO. 660 ,
inn ii tin 1 1 iti 1 1 1 1 1 1 mi 1 1 1 1 1 i ti in t i via
Tuesdays and Fridays
Hosts of people go to work in
t the wrong way to cure a
- Editor
Business Manager
At t,2.50 per year, for six months, 75 ct.
tor three mourns.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
THIS FAPKR iu kept- on tile at E. C. Dike's
AdvertiaiUK Agency, HI and 65 Merchants
ExchanRB, Han Francisco, California, where cou
raote for advertising? can be made for it.
0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD.
Train leaves Hcppncr 10:30 p. in. dully, except
Sunday. Arrives ii:15 a. m. daily, except Mon
day. West bound piiBHeiiRer leaves WillowB June
tion 1:18 a. m. ; east bound 8:30 a. in.
Freight trains leave Willows Junction roIiik
east at 7:25 p in. anil 8: 17 a. m, ; going west, 4:30
p, m. and 5.. a. m.
United States OlliciHlA.
t'resident Qrover Cleveland
Vice-President Ad ai Htevenson
rteoretary of Htate Richard 8. Olney
Secretary of Treasury Juhn 0. Cariinle
Secretary of Interior ..Hoke Smith
Secretary of War Daniel tt. Lament
Secretary of Navy Hilary A. Herbert
Postmaster-General William L. Wilson
Attorney-Heueral Judson Harmon
Bocrotury of Agriculture J. sterling Morton
Stato of Oregon.
Governor W. P. Lord
Hecretjirv of titato H. It. Kincaid
Treasurer Phil. Metschan
Hnnt. Puhlio Instruction It. M. Irwin
Attorney General M. Idleman
u . (. W.Mollride
Senators j Miu.lnU
j Hincer Hermann
ailb. W. H. Ellis
Printer W. H. Leeds
I It. n. rlsnn,
SniireuiB .Indues K. A. Moore,
( 0. K. Wolvorton
Sixth Judicial District.
fllrcnit Jndira Htonhen A. Lowell
l-roeecutinn Attorney John 11. Lnwroy
Morrow County Ottirials,
Joint Senator
I'ounty Jnde
' (Jonimisaionflri...
J.M. Hnltr.
" Clerk
vh.n ft .Teir.Kta OJ1 would cure It In the
t uvviKi -wis. right way, Hunt off.
Are the Highest of all High Grades.
Warranted superior to any Bicycle built in the world, regardless of price.
Do not be induced to pay more money for an inferior wheel. Insist on
having the Waverley. Built and guaranteed by the Indiana Bicycle Co., a
million dollar concern, whose bond is as good as gold.
211b. SCORCHER $85. 221b. LADIES' $75.
Catl,logue ,ree- INDIANA BICYCLE CO.,
Gen. Agent for Eastern Oregon, Pendleton, Or.
De summer's sumpin' mighty gay,
De winter's mighty sober,
But jes' betwix em' an' between
Am gorgeous ol' October.
So doan' git downcas' 'bout do fros.
Dat mek yer bn'n de wood;
De 'simmon am a ripenin' an'
Do 'poSBum'sgittin' good.
De watahmilllon's done played out,
But dah am Joy in sight;
De punkln's mighty temptln' ef
Yoh only cooks it right.
So take yoah pardners an' rejoice
De way dat people should;
Do 'simmon am a ripenin' an'
De 'possum's gettin' good.
A Heppner Girl Writes of Her Impressions
oP'The Hnb," and many other Interest
lng Thine.
, A. W. Gowan
J. 8. lioi.tht.y
Julius Keiihly
J. H. Howard
J.W. Morrow
,.G. W. Harnimton
" TreHsnrer r'riuik liilliam
Assessor J. r Willis
" Hnrveyor Geo. Lord
' School Bup't Anna Hslsir
" Coroner T. W.Ayer. Jr
Mayor Tims. Morgan
Coiinrilrnen O. E. Farnsworth. M.
Llchtenthal, Otis Patterson, T. W. Aysrs, Jr..
8. tt. Horner, K. J. Slocum. .
Recorder F. J. Hal ock
Treasurer K. L. rreeland
Marshal A. A. Huberts
t'recinrt Officers.
Jnstinoof th Pesos E. Kreelnnd
Constable N. 8. Whetstone
United Htates Und OrHeers.
J. K. Moore , It"istr
A. B. Ititctca Ueceiver
B. F, WiliM.n Hel.tr
J. II. Kobbins ItiK i-ivcr
0. A. H.
Uwu at Lezinirton, Or., Ui last rlatnrdigf of
-net. month. All veterans ar tntriuxt t Join.
C'C. H-Kn. Ua-. W. HmTil.
Adjnlant, tf (mmau.Ur.
MONEY LOANED, rnt M.rti!..
i.ll IiiiTm.. .i fnlhl f'r"rtJT Nillullnt
ed i' arc iri-wrpi to niKotlHte llrt
Innrtiniifrt iiimui ttnfri -! tnrms lit
On-uon. ltli rat-rii imrtlin at a rteo( Int.-n-.t
Dot toexriiM V h t rent. t anniiiii. Morti.-sKi't
r'tiewpl that have iwn tsKen i.jr oilier nun
(auk. AddriM ttli atniiiii.
L-r City. iirvi,n.
L U M Ii J: 11 !
if drwnl Lointwr. Inuiuaul llv"ivr, al
what la kuuwn aa Hi
- - (IJCAH,
I 9 00
17 W
rr I'Fuvkkfd it nrvvsrn, who. Aim
i . uu n-r !.'' lift a'llttiMial.
Thii atn "n.ittl'ms arc Iri.-il)- f..r l ull,
To persons who served in the wars of the United Stales or to their
Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a
relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars
on whom you depended for support ?
To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new
law are entitled to an increase of pension. The government owes it
to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present
your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the
time you apply. Now is the accepted hour.
jyWrite for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice.
No Fee unless successful.
The Press Claims Company
PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager,
. 618 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C.
JT. J?. Thii Company U controlttd fry nrarly one thoutand Uniting nevt
papen in the United Suite, and ii yiutrantecd by Uitm.
national flame c! imu.
PrmUnt. r.lr.
M-1o rm rT..rl.lo Tni.
liriTNKIL if OltKOoN
Ootirin-liBras Slaic Line
X fV l
&. FACTS ! !
t- 'it.
. -
YO!' CAN HI'Y ir.nt worth of dry icMt and 1,-roiiiki and then hav
ruoiiKh left out of IlKim to pun hum' a No. 1 CrfM-cnt Hlryele. This it
a drat riaaa niarhllia. U'hv tlii!i' iuit Ittll On f.ir a t.l-v..ln lln.1 will
no better acrvlra ?
CKF.'WENT "Xron her," welitht S) unds, only I A
I .dins' ami Oanta' madstors all th way from I O to T'.
"Hoys' Junior," only l wllh piii'innatlc tire a good math I no.
"Our am'lal," Men I"; Udlcs', I 'I.
tiik rmuiMis nil w.
Hi 'i-i'iii-r, nti-.ii,
Counties. .
-i t UK-
Most Popular Pec utllcan Newspaper of the West
Ani Has the largest Circulation.
DAILY (without Sunday).,... 6.oo rr
DAILY (l(h Sunday) ft.oo H-r i
The Weekly Inter Ocean jjj.QC
A inn tSUII rK.rJ k ssfwl m$ Ik. Vm l al
L Jta H rM whm ft aw r- to mwmi AIJ. inn
la lion lUilr at ii . m. ati I f. .
fitra kl lh lad't ! 4J boQta. ,
Sinqlo Kiirc $7.00. j
noim.l Tripsin OO'
gtrmi , ? '',' I -1' J
.r:.v.s r.i.vjnv i
i -
... i . i i .
r ,4 - -ii ! "..
The Weekly Inter Ocean
. i- M It k" w.iii M i,im..i I. wabi H Ik Ua.il,.
II 111111 bk M.AM HI a.Mua
H4 ITK al I IT l Irt M HI Ii V a 4 Ha nWi Ik. k..l k.
ll, lit I (
?n ivit V (hi j i h im ti ij ink tr rtaa ami emit hcui
mm ii in ni 1,1 i hi i 1 1 'i . Mi t m vti it m iiiv
t.M'i f toi Ml,(, 1H, I ol , m HAl M.kll INAM
Mt'l H AKIIIi m M
It ai-l n tk, M Ik. V M mi -i. a4 I .
-v. ..Mvk.r H.,1 IK, r M Ik. Hlii l.l.ll ,.,, iliM I'tl llli
uaimt.., - Tn: im:K OCLAM. C.i tft.
To Write Articles for Wompn,
Country of Onrs "
iu '-This
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Editor Gazette:
I often see letters in your paper from
home people who ure sojourning in other
lands, but I have never written to you
yet and thinfe a Boston letter might bo
aooeptable. Of oourse the most of it
will be about my present life as I know
you ere all anxious to henr of the New
England Conservatory and its many
pleasures and also of its good work.
The first few days of the sohool year
are very exoiting ones, especially to the
"new girl," who has to go through all
the red tape examination, arranging her
studies, registering, selecting her room
etc. The first tning in order is to "see
Mr. Hale," the manager, whose business
qualifications combined with a musical
eduoation specially tits him for ad
vising pupils as to the oourse best suited
to their pecuniary resources and physical
and mental ability.
The trouble with the "new girl" is
that she wants to take the whole oonrse
in one year. 8he has read in the cata
logue that there are several free studies,
and leotures upon almost every subject
under the sua, and accordingly a pro
gram ia mapped out in whioh sho has
entirely lost sight of the fact that there
are only twenty -four hours Id the day,
a traotion of whioh time must be de
voted to rest and recreation.
After a quiet talk with the manager
she baa consented to give up the idea of
taking piano and organ and harmony
and theory and physical culture and
musioal history and tuning and Engliuh
literature the first term, and la oonteut
to give piano her speoial attention and
take np a eoonle of additional studies
belonging to the con me.
A typlonl conaervatnry day runs anion.
what as follows let ns take Thursday:
The dawn is nshernd in not by a ono
oord of sweet sounds suoh as one would
expect to bear in a innservatory but by
the anmelodioas crash of the gong, ou
whioh years of practice Lave made
"John" an expert pr(orinr. I might
say here that there are three Kpcoins of
girl to bo fouud in a ootiNorvalory as
elsewhere. There is I ho prank who
works eternally and noTor etwtus to take
or require rt; I tin avernga girl who
equalizes things by doing good work and
taking auftliicut rest; and the Inzy uirl
who does a minimum of work and tskrs
a maximum of recreation. I am glad to
say that the mid lie ola predominates
most decidedly Mid wlnl there are few
of the find, there are still fewer of the
last olasa. When the gong, aforesaid
sounds the alarm at G.30, No. 1 who has
been tip for an hour working harmony
now sils down to the piano and praotici-a
with the s ifl (top on: No. 2 arises and
loietirely prepares for breakfast while
Nj. 3 I'irns over for a second nap till
the break f at gong sound an hour ltr
hen she arises and alter a good deal of
primping iu the curling room, trips
luwn stairs and contrives to slip Into
the dioingrtxuti jit as the doors are
being closed. leaving 1 and 3 to their
repi-oti eilrinia li t us follow 2
her morn normal rinnren. vim may say
Ihat ah eipm t o gra tuiiln this year
an I really t"lMlin.Mli" Vimoh! (irH'
leaching an hour In Dial department
aoh day, Hh prvlin fr m mii
ten, i iiii from t lo eleven, pr ltr
from eleven to twelve, ilinner at U:V
KH-r dinner map praeina at
(I t ire at lhr"i on i f th fmei.ciia
thai raoghl th liw girl's and at
fonr aha t-anhet a tinhl lullc il.Mioj
Hie normal ilriarttn i l At Inn al,e i
lake a aula, on of the rnh-a i f Ilia In - ,
ailntia b-ingiLal pnpi t tke an h'.ir's
elreiaa evil da, eill,r III the If ) III
OMiqia nr "n air and r tirns witli an
apittW. fur sipr at an. Cliail la at '
C, .11 at aiglit sh alleluia lit regolar '
riiOfa Uf lltght frCllal In Mer.f Hill!
al,ii-li Ut a 'i lioof or ) ani It,
o'elK-k flnta U-t i i Ilia fcnna of I
lif plii.
IWfi.ra ft i 'to J l"t i glatir ! k al
tl.e l i y'i'iiig la lo-a aliotn data e'
in IU" lour iiu.g 'fl,-a mm mum
litlle liafh in calliiig Ho Ul girl lr -11
n a rattier aay tl,al at,a a tl.e g,f
It ia aunouooed that ex-Prasident Ben
jamin Harrison is engaged in writing a
series of magnziue artiolea for The
Ladies' Home Journal in whioh period
ical they will begin in the Deoember
number. The series will be called "This
Country of Ours," and will consist of ten
artioles and probably more. The papers
are boiug written especially for women,
to meet a growing, widespread desire on
their part to intelligently understand the
workings of our government and the
great national questions. It will be the
aim of the artioles to explain in the clear
and conoise Btyls for whioh the ex-president
is famous, just what the United
States government means; tbe origin
atid meaning of the constitution; how
lows are enaoted oud enforced; what
the powers of the president and other
oflioials are; what the judioinry system
means; bow our foreign relations are
brought about and their meaning; how
congress and tho senate legislate, in
fnot, a oomplete explanation of the gov
ernment told in a popular way. General
Harrison writes the articles from the
standpoint of a oitizon who understands
his subject. They have no hearing on
politics whatever. While direotly in
tended for women, the artioles will
nnturnlly have a much broader scope and
likewise interest men, and especially
young men.
Ouo night when Mr. Isaao Ileeco wos
stopping with me, says M. V. Hutch, a
prominent merchant of (Juartorrauster,
Washington, 1 heard him gronning. On
going to .his room I found him suffering
from oramp colio. Ho was iu such
agony I feared he would dio. I hastily
gave hnn a dose of Chamberlain s Coin
Cholera and Dinrrrluoa Ktunedy. He
was soon relieved and the first words he
uttered were, "what was that stnir yon
gave me?" I informed him. A few days
ago we were talking about hm attack
and he ttaid he was never without that
remedy now. I have iifed it in my
family for several years. I know its
worth nud do not heaitato to recom
mend it to my friends and customers.
For sale by Hloonm-Johnson Drug Co.
Wheat sowing is in full blast.
Mr. Joe Qammell and family are mov
ing into town for tbe winter.
Joe Gibson and family came down
from the mountains this week.
The sohool will soon give an entertain
ment which promises to be a sucoess.
Quite a number from Lexington are
attending the races at Heppner this
Quite a number of onr young people
attend the dancing olub at lone on Fri
day evenings.
The Willi3 Bros, have returned from
the upper oountry where they have been
cunning their thresher this season.
Mark Leach has returned home from
the mountains. Mark's many friends
are glad to welcome him back again.
James Lenoh, A. Windsor and Kay
MoAllinter have returned from the upper
country where they have been rustling
in the hnrvost Meld.
Tub Jollt Jokbii.
Lexinoton, Or., Oct. 211, "J5.
The longest terms wero those of Chief
Justices Marshall and Story, each of
whom served thirty-four years. Five
others served over thirty years, five be
tween twenty-five and thirty, six be
tween twenty and twenty-five, nine
between fifteen and twenty, six be
tween ten and fifteen, seventeen be
tween five and ten, and eight less than
five years. Some of those included in
this summary are still upon the bench.
Justice Field, appointed in 1803, is the
oldest in point of servico of tho present
bench, and his term approaches tho
tho longest in the history of the court.
A Household Treasure.
I). W. Fuller, of Canajohnrie, N. Y.,
says thut he always keeps Dr. King's
New Discoyery in the house and his
family have always found the very best
results follow its use; that he would not
be without it, if procurable. G. A. Dyke-
man, Druggist, Catskill, N . i" says that
Dr. King's New Discovery is undoubted
ly the best cough remedy; that he has
used it in bis family for eight years, and
it has never failed to do all that is claim
ed for it. Why not try a remedy so
long tried nud tested. Trial bottles free
BtT. W. Ayera, Jr., DrugHtore. Kegular
eizo lx)o. and 5fl.
From the E. O.
John L. Band's announcement, as a
candidate for congress, appears not to
have created a large amount of enthusi
asm. What the undercurrent may be,
no one but the inside figures can toll just
now. Mr. Kmid bits many elements of
strength as a csndidiite. Ids friemls
are always good friends, while his ene
mies never fail to prove thomsi'lvi s jolly
good enemies. It is giiui rully admitted
that Mr, Hand's strength is better out-
siilu Lie own comity tiiuu il is there. At
home he has Donaldson, a fairly good
worker, to contend with, mid Anderson,
who always him eonin support. Hunt
ington, of Burns, received momi.' nsHiir
ttnee of support from I'cii'lleton while
here, but ia not much in it. Yet all
them three Weaken Bund in his own
territory, and an I ho liiat unmml iniial
light like a doHinoti I i carry a delega
lion to l'ortlm l fro u ItiW. Bund's
opposition in linker, at least sumo of it,
fln.il never he Conciliated and a euiTena-
fill man must huV" his home people lie
biud hi in, or drop'inlo Hie newer. Til"
runri who can go to l'nrtlii.d with sever
al counties solid fir him wilt gillli
ririiiiiM I'anea
M. II. CIsfT .rd, New t'tisiel, Wia., waa
trnnhie) w ilh tie iral.ia un l rheumatism,
his a'otiinnli a ss disordered, Ins liver ana
affected o ail aUrtiiiui degree, appetite
fell away, an. I he w ia t.irtd.ly re iee. in
lleali iih. Nlri'llfc'th. I I, tie In. till a III
l.lectrie Hitlers run-d hii.i.
IM d Mi, 1 1,, id, II iiii .ti it, !! .
lul l a running sore im ,i.i. i f i ifhl
leme'a Inlnlll.e. I'i d I'lfie Ifiltleaof
l.lirtno BiMi-ia Mel . , nl.uii .,( I'.iirk
h-ii'a Aniira halve, and liia leg im aound
and well. J din S;,i'k.r, t'atawlia, ).,
ha I flv larg-e li ter ante on ,ia h g, ilon.
Iura bhi I lie waa He'ur li!e. I Inn In, I tin
of IJii'trirt I'.itlera hi,. I nun Inn ;urk.ii'a
Amu a Halt" cir I l.lm i tilinlt. rold
by T, V. Ateia, Jr.
The lirr,rr.,l..
lloU.r 'aiirve)iiig l.ia pk't. bin l Kay, j
pa, ton ain't ,ii) in' ol I inm I, ain)nti?
I'a (willi f iiir ifieena an i a l.ravy
l-.ar- aside) -So, ll..l,l.t, (In .atera)
"I'll n.k a dollar ti,. Irtp "
I'eili'.y (out rlmkeii i (T ) I lleiiiglil n-.l; !
j 'r m J r d ill'l liee I all Hie old fliWI L I'l j
play It aitli, d i yef. pT 'i l llm I.
I all dfypo I "it - J 0
Hepresentntlvs Kills Visits Union.
From tho Union Koitihllcun.
Thursday morning's train brought to
the oity our distinguished representative
in congress, l,V. B. Ellis, who remained
in the oity until the westbound train
last night.
During his two days nojourn in Union,
Mr. Ellis met a large number of our peo
ple, ninny of whom are his tcrmum!
Mr. Ellis is well posted upon all mat
ters of ptibliu interest mid talked very
intelligently tijum the gtent issues of the
day and esmiully those ('Meeting the
coast tho Nicanrsgiiu canal, the open
ing of the Columbia river, eta. lie ex
pects to return to Washington the fore
part af November In lie ready for his
duties in the next congress which con
venes ou the first Monday in Deteinlicr,
On the frrm there ia reiitlntiully on
earring littlo accidents lo man and
henst that cause deist to the farmer In
his work. The duration of this delay i
a nintler iit import sure to the thrifty
tiller of the soil. As a quick and relia
ble remedy fur ailmenta and abrasions
of the ll'idi, I hero is none better than
)r. .1, II. Mcl.enn's Volcanic Oil ,n,.
meiil. It hits proved lis worth by many
yams o ronstunl ami aueceaernl use.
I'm e 'i"i, 50d ami f 1 .(HI per bottle.
Nrit to Hi MlMirlnal lii I lie llllrrf III
t ntl'il klalra iirin t nurl.
Jilstiei' .liii liMili's M-rvieeof two Velira
on the kiil-ri-iiii Ix lu li nf the I'liil
ftiiii-H in oin ol t in- Miorti i.l li ruin i tt
I lie liisl.iry of the i nill t. 'I lie ulilv
fchorter ti rni waa lluil of .In . I ire 1 1 ,r
low. M, who w;ih Ii'h,iii1ii IiiIi-i mid
riK'hi'il the iillii r In th Mime ji nr I
iM inlne rhliiiei llur of liix Inline M!e
Mar) Intnl. hii f Jo .1 n e I: ut l-ili'e, t In
nlily Ioiiii tn Im-Iw in M,iiliti ! lo tin
ii.i III.' l. in Ii, KA) Ihe Ni'W VolU
ruin. r i'iii l the nt!ii-i' of a-e ialf
Jo tn in IT'Jl, afl r two arar of M'tt
lii-. In lis,,n' rhii f .,..liir i.l Ni.ii ll
nr., 1. 1, i II" mii, iiiiiiii , Im f jii' l,
of the I iiit.-l M.i'i a iii.n inn iiHirt in
I,''., ant pi. -il.. I one I. rm. bill Ihe
In 'II. ; lint , .11 II- r' Ji" t I I'V I he k'lite
11 tuv it iln.'ii.i rr, t hut I, ii, in, I
hud I in Oil' mHiir. A-" iilte .III'
lieii Ti i in hie. of li Ii' o 1 ) , ill. , in :
after t .n ji nra of m r n . , 'I In ai
the jil-tliiH !, .. I, roe. loit
I- II (. fcl. if t Hilt lull lif J let I.,, Jii.li
lMI. MO' one of In a - ' '' l,'l
t -tt I he Im Mi h
The 1'rofeasor ThouKl't the Under Pie
Crust Was a Little Toiieti.
A curtain one of our scientific men a
man whom you can't help knowing if
you have hud much business with tho
Smithsonian institution has tho repu
tation of beiiifr extremely absent-minded,
says the Washington Star. I don't
believe most of tho stories they tell
about him, but hero is ono on whoso
truth I am willing to slake my best
bonnet, lie's a married man, this scien
tific person, and his wife is a good
housekeeper. She is an excellent cook,
too, but she prefers to buy most of her
pastry ready made. She bought a pio
the other day, a juicy pie, n blueberry
pie, in fact. All day ionjr it lny on tho
pantry shelf in one of those thin paste
board plates bakery pies always como'
in. lis juice gradnaly soaked through
the lower crust you know how blue
berry 'pica do and when the lady of
the house- t hut is to sity, the cook
put it on tho dinner table, the paste
board plate went with it. The scien
tille Hum's wife cut, the pie, and to
make the bundling; of it easier, cut tho
pasteboard plate, too. The aeientitie
man took his slice of pie and ate it med
itatively. His wife kept silence. Bo
ate the top crust and the blueberries
and the In it ton i crust and the paste
board slice till he had eaten nbout
half. Then bis look of inward contem
plation gradually changed to surprise,
anil then to mild distress.
"My dear," he said, looking up, "Isn t
this under crust just a little tough?"
Htngular Heanlt of a aiiremi's '.prlient
In tiraftlng IW'iitllea.
Dr. fl. A. Count rvtniin, of Mellette, H.
D., jsiKsesHes a combination snake, says
the Minneapolis Journal. It is half
garter and hnlf kiiiid snake, and this
H'i'iiliiir comMisilioii was mndc possible
by a surgical oerntion MTfortned by a
ihs'tor. His attention wits directed lo
snakes from observm,.' that when a
htiiihe is killed its tail npM-nrs to live
until the nun (.'" down, when life
censes. II is llioiiirni. tv mii'iv unit
this is owing tu Ihe nerves, hot the doe
tor was somewhat skeid ieul on this
IMiint. Ite'ui"" A Mireemi hi' dissected
several and made Mime Interesting dis
coveries. He found that in Isitli the
sand nud (,'nrter snakes I ho spinal col
umn ettemled little more tliuit half the
ni'tli of Ihe lusty. Knowing that it
Hits possible to 'raft flesh, Ibis led billl
l.t chloroform I hem and try splicing
them, making the splice, of course, !
low the end of Ihe spimil column. Ho
made four tin-nci i K-fol iittempta, but
an led in the 11 f 1 1 1 . '1 lie I'rnflcd
snake he bns imw Is apparently in gl
lieallh and the Joined iirls nrc st-f.-etly
knilted together. IU Ixnlyisof
the Kind siuike and its tail is a gnrter
snake. Tin sand make ! dti'd
nud bsilis miellv like a ratllesiinke,
whih' the garter mail" is Iriad and
iU folur Is of the ililTerelit shadea of
I'reeli Bil l v llnw. Il itll of lliesf. tarie
lies ol mi. on s nrc harmlesa and com
tie ill throughout Ihe slate.
Iron In Milk.
Tow's inilU Ih n'm.i'l ui Ihe l.tt.nii of
the let of the f,-l sill.. tames Hist
. ..Iit.liil Ir.ii, ,, il I . vi ii,iNirl.itit t-l
Infant life, I'tof. tnni'e has ls n e.
I.l eK r.nn i,l on ainiiiuU In io In
whal .i ..H.ri ,1,0 Iron Is presenl in the
ay ti in a ililT. r tit ai'e.. ,. l.tids that
Ihe vino,,'! r nn, ii, a! ei.titj ii inn, h
more Irmi th:in iidnlls In a gnimu p,g
or rahhii hm l,,..ir o!., f..r in-danee,
He re is in.. i. l, im f.mr loin s as tmii h
ir.iii ,i i in I !,. . nun ii i. , ii, , I , 1 1 ,, and a
li l'f liioiittis old c Inf. is from tlua
Unit n .il,, e.ilil ,lin. , v .m,,i null!
I,. I U led i,- f..r .ii s. l ot shoithl
! aitppti on tit.-.l l,y wheat pn mr--leifts.
- Hoe r.inhlii I r irry mi hf. (iiiforl.
ahly .He.!it a l ute l lui ln. t-i tho
t,f t thill Hi ) thill, f I. IS U I II , Is I-
I. r lhn ! i an put il mil Hint -lof(,-e
I U, II l Mfii 'i,e pal i f th.
pnlilifl a hi.,.l al Al, I, ii. si., f
i l l.a m'M liaiitlvr Istti a I sm ll.Jin ,
a, l.e fiHitiil il so i I"- Mi. t r.-ui.-l ;
ti.t l.ii.i.t.. ati.l fttil.l tl.,iit. Im ' i
hsal'laof money an I a """al '!; UIIM,M n.-isilr ..Ha from a'
tl'ii, and who p'tf.i.ia iiiii.4 a an aa aprani, r other it j iy, or fe rn itn nma
.im fcUlTMiG UkkTft ANO Atllianct 5 iNtyfl TO Th tlCft
I t.rlrle nr.
eas I .l,aae4
l-iiit. t" i-si ia
k.mplthtn-ril ralh-r than a fof ' ' .l.alittiia..a I am .i,.mt,Ummm m , , iV n a.-..i
lerf,r,M.,ll,.M.I at. I tv.t f ,U,'"1 ' V'""' ".e...l. I .,, I .,- ; m W l-XrU sk . "-.J- :;-;r,
" tslli I. l all ii fcltiH't jn.rae lis'i . It w. T- ' ' JI o-.. -
irvi.i, i...,,.,i w-.t.-n. i.-arfiHi, , , t I,,,,.. Ht.,.,. , - z riti'v sl' , "'ii..l,-ir,""r.T;
h. n'l-r list 'ha? "i'l'Mll l of-aii. -1 mane i.l mim r.t nl Uf Mi-ftim i . ., .., 1 f7k' , fit' ' f "" )
.4n.. s, I I'lroka-til ...iw.fk hsa I. I J..I.I.. ,H I l H t ' ' f 1 H ks., m o. . ...1
, . . . , . . - i , 1 1 i,. i , v apr - ,M n ' PS -It a ,t..M.. a. i i
"""- i-.-i-) , .... w H.s-j C ,kfr--JT 3 m
mi-.,Hi.i aU'lo a- a I i-- ! la Wa" 1li-.n i' it lot !. U.t..a - M t"" Vl " " """
5 IUl..ri.a tl.at ll.iW. lo rival M,a , ,,.., B i M,,, , i ,,,. . , -'i, S '
M .
lfta I
)..!. J V
M '. I
tfr Ifiiit.
Jt ti B II in
,.,--fi .ft, B-.ioa,
. I I., f ah I h I I I. hi . !!,,f n . t r
.t tisl l ,. si. !.. r.fj
Jsf te 1 s,. ft', ,.l. f ii., rti.'.p ,
,'i .r. r, t
eat f .ol'
l.a, '
Il n f I u r i f. i
It.ar'lv e,.i iis,k,( at,. . t
fi..i, j , 1 1 , ik. -t t ii
a i. I. . . I. S i ! s' I, , I
llstf );-.. a f'.i, -ii.ee
'I . ' . I l.lUlll l, ! S '' f' ll.l
'I... O. Mt'..lh f.t M.. t. Ml Al, I Iflll4lhtf I . a. ..... II
... . . - - m , f f I', vi , i , , 1 f,"i 1
It st at I fl, is ff -. iff iil ""If j I',. ' ,,; -l,,,. t,f.i.,f,!l riM,,.,
l,,f .
f m I
, t' s-
NO MtotriNSt titr 1 1 r t
. i;iin.,..,li.. (,..,. . . ! a . I , . I . I ,., , , , . .i I . - '.I. Il.l't
ri, ... -. i v..i w latfasltlsa. si- u ti ' -
lift tttj II litSII TH! as) la Ike s.l.wUt a I ,... rsa
!..'. s . I is I...I i ,4 i ,j -tr,
s vit. in f . ft fcif Ulfr t.iial.slMt talsl-Hina t , 1 1 , t
' - i . . . . , - . I . , . . p i
.-.. I a .1, . ) - aw4 A f ...
' t. i
Hi Sit Aiaile If; t, H.!,,