Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 22, 1895, Image 4

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While 70a kaep roar labscription paid op Ten
Ban keep roar brand in free of charge.
Allfn, T. J., lone. Or. Horeee GO on left
houlder; oattle same on left hip, nmier bit on
right ear, and npper bit on the left; range, Mor
row ooanty.
Armstrone, J. C, Alpine, Or. T with bar nn
der it on left ehonldor of horaee; cattle name
on left hip.
Allison, O. D., Eight Mile. Or. Tattle brand,
O D on left hip and horws eaine brand on right
honlder. Mange, Eight Mile,
Adkins, J. J., Hoppner, Or. Homes, J A eon
nected on Ipft flank: cattle, sameon l'ift hip.
Baird, D. W. and sin. Hornei branded D B
on the left hip; untie the same on left flunk,
crop off right ear, nndercrop in the left. Ilauge
in Morrow County.
Bartholaraew, A. O., Alpine, Or. Hornee
branded 7 E on either shoulder. Hange in Mor
row countv '
Bannister, J. W., Hardman, Or. fettle brand
ed H on left hip and thigh; split in each ear.
Brenner, Peter, (iooseberry Oregon Horsee
branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle same on
right side.
Hnrke, M Ht C, Long Creek. Or On cattle,
MAY conneoted on left hip, oiop off left ear, un
der half crop off right. Horses, same brand on
letft shoulder. Kange in (irant and Morrow
Brosman, Jerry. Lena, Or. Horses branded 7
on right Bhoulder; cattle B on the left side.
Left ear half orop 'nd right ear upper slope.
Barton, Wm.. Heppner, Or. -Homes, J B on
right thigh; oattle. same on right hip; split in
h or I
Brown' Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the
right Btifie; cattle same on right lap; range, Mor
row county. ,
Brown, J. C, Heppner, Or. Horses, circle
C with dot in eei ter on left hip; cattle, same.
Brown, W. J., Lena, Oregon. Horses W. bur
over It, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left
'"E'oyer, W. G., Heppner, Or. Horses, box
brand on right hip oattle, same, with split in
Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left
honlder; oattle. same on leu nip.
Browniee, W. J., Fox.Or Cattle, J B connected
on left side; crop on left ear and two splits and
middle piece cut out on right ear; on homes same
brand on the left thigh; Kange in Fox valley,
Grant county,
Carsner. Warren. Wagner, Or. Hornet brand
edOon right stifle; rattle (throe bars) on
right ribs, crop and split in each ear. Hange in
Grant and Morrow counties.
Cain.E., (ialob.Or Y 1) on horses onleft stifle'
TJ with quarter circle over it, on left shoulder
Rnd on loft etiHe on all colts under (1 years; on
left shoulder only on all horses over 8 years. All
range in Orant oonnty.
Cats Chas. H Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses
H C on right shoulder; cattle same on light hip.
Hange Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Corrlgall, M M, Oalloway, Or Cattle crop out
of eaoh ear and underbit, wattle in forehead;
horses half circle 0 on left stifle. Kanga Mor
ow and Umatilla counties.
Ourl.T. H John Hay, Or. Double oross on
each hip on cattle, swallow fork and undei bit
in right ear, split in left ear. Hange in Orant
comity. On slmep, inverted A and spear point
on shoulder. Ear marko" ewes, crop on left, ear
pnnched upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in
right and under half orop in left ear. All raiigs
in Grant ooniitv. . , ,
n,w,ir k .1. ljna.Or. Horses, flflon right shonl
der; Cattle, satneon right hip; ear mark hiniare
orop oft lert ana spin in rigoi.
Currin. H. Y., Currinsvillo, Or. -Horses, 00 on
left stifle.
Cox Ed. H., Hnnlman, Or Cattle, 0 with
E in oenter: horses. CK on left "it p.
Cochran, It. E Monument, Grant (.0, Or.
Horses brandmi circle with bar Iwiioath, on l"ft
honlder; oattle same brand on both hips, mark
under slope both ears anil dewlap.
Chapln, H.. Hardmau. Or. Horses branded
0 on right hip. Cattle branded the Biiino. Also
brands CI on horses right Ihigh; ui'tle hiiiio
brand on right shoulder, and cut olF end of
r'jmgTa. W. M . Galloway, Or.-Oattle. It D on
right side, swallow-fork in each ear; horses, U 1)
on left hip, . , , ,,r
Ely Bros., Donglas.Or. Horsos branded ELY
on left shoulder, oattle same on lefthip. hole
in right ear. . . .
Emery, (J. H.. Hardman, Or. Horses branded
1 (reversed C with taill on left shoulder ; cat
tleHitme on right hip. Hango in Morrow county.
1iiirHima I,. A.. IIiiiiDner. Or. at t le, LK on
right flip; horses If with bar under 00 right
Klorenoe, H. P. Heppner. Or Horses, K on
right shoulder; oattle, K on right hip or thigh.
1 (leiirua lleouner. Or. (battle braued
WK with bar over it. on leftside; crop olf left
oar. Horses, same brand on lefthip.
Uentry, Elmer, Echo, Or. -Horses branded II.
H with quarter cin le over it, on left stille.
Hange in Mrmw anil Umatillaeonnties.
Iliatt. A. H llidge, Or.-Catlle. roiind-toti
withqnarter circle under It on Ilia right hip,
Hngein Morrow and Umatilla munition.
H niton AJenks, Hamilton. r (V tie. two but
on either hip: crop In ritil ear a id nil it in loft,
lioraa J on rightlhlgh. H.iiigoin '2jil noiinty
Hnghee, Hnmnel, Wanner, r-T- (T K I,
rolltiectedlon right shoulil'ir 011 hor-..; 011 c-ittln,
on right blp and on left, side, swallow fork 111
right ear and slit in left- Hange ill llaylnck
distrini,,Morow ronntv.
lisle. Milton, Wagner, Or. Ilntum hreniwl
-O- (cattle with parallel tails) on left should..r
Cattle sains on lefthip lso large circle 011 left
Howard J j, Gllowar, Or. Horses f (cross
with bir atioe t 011 rtghl sWildor; nattlniin
on 1 -f ( side. IUng ill Morrow ami Unuitilln
0'Hall',"V. Iwin, John Duv. Or -I'ulile V. II on
rinht hip; hors su neon right ahnul lur, Hiiiikk
ill tirsiil coin.ty.
Hindu. M'll, lliipl'tinr, Or.-llors slia led
heart 011 the left houlder. Itaiive Morrow Co.
Ilunsaker, II A, Wagner. 1 r. Horses, U on loft
hoiillr: call le. Won left hip.
Ihioiiihmr. J M llarduiau, Or.-llonuw, II on
lefi rtank
Ho. 011, Luther, Eight Mile. Or.- Horse H on
the In't sho'll derail I harl oil the left alitU t 'at.
Ue MW on Infl ton. IWllllH tn Morrow eo,.,l
.l.im. Ilirrr, H'ippiiT, Or llor.i IraUl
II .1 on Ibn left s'lolll.ler-, IMl'tll- ltr iil.-al .1 1,11
fiKhl Inn. li iiiideibit 111 left .-nr. Ijango m
Morrow county.
Jllllklll. H. M., Ilippr, Or - Horses, hems
slow J oil loft shoulder. I Kltle. a n.
Iu.iig " '1,'t VI lie.
Johnson. Keln. I.sii. . Hom.. cir. UT on
left stills; cattle, same on right hip. under half
orop In nM and solil n left ear
Kennv. Mike. Ilellner, r.-llols brsn le
RNY on lefthip oellls seme and orop ofl Uft
sr: nndar sl.esi 00 th rtghl
Kirk. J.T, Heppner. Or.-llors K9 n lefi
honlder; mill. Won left hip.
Hlrk. Jess. Heppner, ttt.x horse" 11 on left
St.. ill Ur 1 oattle sain 00 right side, underbit on
Vltflll tftt
niliiilorlsnd W.li. Mount Vernon Or. - I I, on
rattle n right and left aplea. swsllow folk 111 l ft
and under eio, in tigtit er. 11
Iniui I on left stio'llder, lisioe In llisnl .'ooo'v.
tiftn, M-piien, F.n.Or. H I. on lefr lop
lei rattle, crop and split on rlgt I eer. Il.oow
sue brunt l-'fl sieeil If. King l.lsol
I,insllen, John W., n Or. Il.r
loi, .- l,lf clrcl" J I. cone, lrl on . ft .1,.. i
iter. I sills, seine oa lU hln. It ii.g". loir Ir t
l4U,-y, J W. Il-Mooier Or t,o bran l-1
I, and on lell shonl. !.! i'.eile us 011 l ,f
lop, WUU oref fisM -. Hum s.iis III ,lit
I.rd. tt.ls. Heppner Or. II o t,.,,,t
d'Hltd II e s ee-e -I .,oietl nm rl',
wo,g II l left leHit.t. r
M.tia. M. f . Il..p.,,r, Or Cll'.. lo, 1.
nreU ih t,rfhl lo. le.,-, saoie ,,, ii'1.!
Ilaofsin Me row f-siott
Minor, , Ht.po" r. I'si'le, M It .,
n',t hip. korM M oe lft I. miI i-r.
', . N. Iln.p''. " " Ml
on Mt sh-eild rsHls swm Wl l.i(i,
Mit,-hil.ier t t. ll .r u ihi rig'.l
kin; rutin, J7 nn right id.
Mm kmi, II. , Hr..wndl Or. Il ,
t,.(r. .m s h sli-nMer. es'tis. M ' .e. '.10
Me"inr. rr..k. n. r Hi'"hs
nil ti it raiile rrt I e . ...
fa -h snr. Imstws saovi ltfad l-tl ,l .,
ti.llU,, , ., m fio' .a, ( 11..
Oh I...I r rvl ! "O '' ,
ttmt hr .,,,hOl l..p i I' s Iw'-I
Ils', le ,! t it
Hl in !" H k II t V
tto.l ,mi .el S eitd- n'l't" t '!., I
l "lit f .aui.i f - iioMs.nrrl I
tr ttogt, rll lfl o.
llo J.K Isofrel i' ! Uerll:
on l-tl hip mt h-nm, M -oi Wt t'oh, hus
a ll'nl ewntf
I .!. I'sftf, ll'"". " ' O lfl
,1 ,, .l.f
I ,. l'..,.U I I, lf 1 !. I
I IVmv VIm pll hp. l-'i Hsi
I ! H- ' m '' ' ' 'I j
(l,l S'-l It H I oe 1
t4 rtf- I .... t .'t 4! I I 0 , I-1
lop "!. I l "' Mrtl HtL .
,. Il hll He- ''
t ilwe lll . Il. ir
. iVsl I
,. !. ltt--" II lonl
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0 , ttflM hip li, W r.. r,.
I ,,. i H . r li
- ltt 1- . r' o.'l !
H l.i la h
! a , I 1 ., I f ....
M, .l.. ,"l. i t
h.p. an si ! m ! e' I I .
H,.t 1-1 Hlrs " " .'
I !.., It-,
M . II.' '
,. to
tl ...
I . - I
.. '. 1 - I I -
Iw ,
hwi.i h " .ii-,
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',! .i
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tl't l Mil ris.
I,,.., m4 . .. ' o,
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I.. . . t VI it-,, "
l.f. I. I 1 1 't' l il
it m. 4 r
. J , v- .
in urant oonnty.
Beyers, Robert, Douglas, Or. Cattle J oa
right hip and rj on right shoulder ; horses, 8 on
right shoulder. Kange in Morrow county.
rjmith Bros.. Hnssnville, Or. Horses, branded
H. Z. on shoulder: cattle, name on left shoulder.
tiquires, James. Arlington, Or,; horses branded
J 8 on left shoulder; cattle the same, also nose
waddle. Hange in Morrow and Gilliam counties.
Stephens, V. A., Hardman, Or-; horses HBon
right stifle; cattle horizontal L on the right side
Htevenson, Mrs A. J., Heppner. Or. Cattle, H
on right hip: swallow-fork in left ear.
Hwaggart. G. W., Heppner. Or. Horses, 41 on
left shouldei ; cattle, 44 on left hio.
Hperry, E. G., Heppner, Or. Cattle W C on
left hip, crop off right and underbit in loft year,
dewlap; homes W Con left shoulder.
Thompson, J. A., Heopner, Or. Horses, Z on
left shoulder: caitle. 2 on left shoulder.
Tippeta.8.T.,Euierprise,Or. Homes. C-on left
Turner R. W., Heppner, Or. Small capital T
eft shoulder, horBes; cattle sains on left hip
with split in both ears.
Thornton, H, M., lone. Or. Horses branded
HT connected on left stifle; sheep same brand.
Vanderpool. H. T., Lena, Or; Horses H V oon
nee tod on right shonldig;cattle, same on right
Walbridge, Wm.. Heppner, Or. Horses, TJ. L.
on the left shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
crop off left ear and right ear lopped.
Wilson, John CJ,, Halem or Heppner, Or.
Horsed branded Jq on the left shoulder. Kange
Morrow coonty.
Warren, W B. Caleb, Or Cattle W with quarter
circle over it, on left side, split in right ear.
Horses same brand on left Bhoulder. Hange in
Grant conuty.
Wade, Henry, Heppner. Or. Horses branded
ace of spades on left shoulder and left hip
Cattle branded same on left side and left hip.
Wolflnger, John, John liay City, Or Ou horses
Jhree parallel hare on left shoulder; 7 on sheep,
bit in both ears. Hange in Grant and Malliuer
Woodward, John. Heppner, Or. Horses, CP
connected on left shoulder.
Watkins, Lisbe, Heppner, Or, Horses branded
UE connected on left stifle,
Wallace, Charles, Heppner, Or. Cattle, W on
rightthib, hole in left ear; horses, W on right
shoulaer some same on left shoulder.
Whittier nros., nuncinguin. Baker Co., Or. -Horses
branded W B connected on left shoulder
Williams, Vasco, Hamilton, Or. Quarter ofr
cle over three bars on left hip, both cattle and
horses. Hange Grant comity.
Williams, J O. Long Creek. Or Horses, quar
tar circle over three bars ou left hip; oattJe same
and slit in each ear. Hange in Grant oonnty
Wren, A. A., Heppner, Or. Horses runningA A
on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip.
Young, J, H., Gooseberry, Or. Horses brandar'
THonthe right shonlde
Yhen you I'.ro about to buy a Sewlnjr Machine
do not be duceived by nllurint? advertisements
;oid be led to think you can gut the best made,
llnc-st l.iiishcd and
Most Popular
for ii rnt-re song. See to It that
you buy from reliable manu
facturers that have Rained a
rop 11 tation by honest and square
dealing, you will then Ret a
Sewing Machine that is noted
the world over for its dura
bility. You want the one that
la easiest to manugo and is
Light Running
There Is none In the world that
can equal in mechanical con
Jjjl ntruction, durability of working
partH, fineness of liniHh, beauty
in Appearance, or has as munv
improvements uu mo
New Home
It has Automatic Tension, Double Feed, alike
on both sides of needle ( patenttd no other has
it ; New Stand ( fatented driving wheel hinged
on ad jtiHtable centers, thus reducing friction to
the minimum.
Ousns, Mass. Bohtoh, Mass. tnionwRocAHS, N.Y
V. C. THOMPSON CO., J fjmta,
llcjtpiur, Ornjon.
Sun f'rn 11 risen (iflcr,
s ir 11. n. aiih:KXSFEt.nt:n ,t vo.
.V.i. :.' .Suffer Strrrf.
'4 flitr. I liwili ii4 I lh
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( kLj pepjih
E. McNEILL, Receiver.
Of Two Transcontinental
St. Paul Kansas City
Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
For full detHils call on 0. K.
& N.
A Kent at Heppner, cr address
Gen. Ptias. Agt.
Poutland, Oregon.
San rr rinoijso
And all points in ('slifornis, via the 51 1, Hhasts
route of the
(JSouthern Pacific Co.
The grant hiahwev through California to all
points Kast and South, Urend Keen I e Itouta
t of tho Paoifio Coast. Pullman Buffet
tl...; Hleepers. Heoond-outss Hleepers
F'Attaohed to express trains, nff ordinff superior
socommooatlous for seoond-class pHssenfrers,
For rates, tickets, sleeping car reservation
sto.. call nnon or address
K. KOKHI.KK, MaiiKif.-r, K. P. ROdKltS. Asst
'(en. r. t. aki., rortiana, unmim
Most Modern and progressive
For rslslogtie or Informs! Inn wrlle to
Nrw Hn- rn. C'n.
Is inrag to most persons.
The? Illuitr.ts that f restsr qusntlly !
Not always most to be dtiirtd.
Thsss cards saprtss the bn flclsl qusl
Itjrof RipansTabulcs
4s cant pared with any prsviously know
Ripaoi T.bulrs t Prtcs, jo crnts a boa,
Of aru.fisis, or by mail,
IIFstl CMtMICaL CO., 1 0 !' II . T.
y wtiiiflv'l
lfniw ll.
M.k Hf-nrf who
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Rrcelvcr. "SBt,i3 Compittl,
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tfia'ly W o I 1 1 ho
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In all my travels, from Maine to
Rhode Island, I've never come across a
couple more unlike than what Mr. and
Mis' Niirs was.
Mr. Nims was one of these shut-up-to-himself
men, and he'd glum 'round
for days over some little matter that a
word would 'a' set right if he'd only
been plain-hearted.
Mis' Nims was all the other way
talk it out and done with it; a little
hasty and imprudent, maybe, but she
; ,,,.,n..,. xitu' Vimo is Btiri as l
1 ... !.. .
good a woman to neighbor with as I
want to see.
I hev thought whether or no being
of different persuasions didn't work to
keep em apart. See, she was brought
up an orthodox, and he lavorea tnc
Methodists. She joined with him and
laid out to do her part amongst 'em,
but she never was to home with the
Then, another thing, she hated a
dog, and Mr. Nims must always have a
great clumsy hulk, good for nothing
but to bark and eat and lie around un
der .foot, while Mis' Nims, she marn't
have even a kitten, though she set
everything by a cat. And so it went.
One day I stepped in to borrow Mis
Nims' cutting-board, and just as I got
to the door I heard her say: "You ain't
going to turn Charley in amongst my
flowers, be ye?"
Jle didn t condescend any reply not
as I could hear.
"Now, Mr. Nims," says she, "he's
stepped on my pansy-bed and broke off
dahlia a'ready. Ain't there any
other place on this whole farm where
you can put liim? I don't want him
here," says she.
Mr. Nims' countenance didn t change
more than a wooden Indian.
'I do," says he. "There's a good bat
ing of grass to be fed down, and I cal
culate to leave Charley here for a spell,"
says he. And he budged oil as stiff as
though he'd swallowed a a ramrod.
Mis' Nims didn't say a word more,
but she gave that old dog a push that
sent him out of doors with a yelp; and
I didn t blame her a mite, nuther.
1 brought tho cutting-board back as
they was a-settin' down to dinner, and
Mis' Nims asked me to draw up to the
table. She had an excellent dinner
Mis' Nims is an elegant cook but not
one identical word did ho speak, only
to ask if 1 d have another potato.
She seemed chipper enough, but I see
a shallow pass over her countenance
when the old horse sneezed right un
der the window where her pinev bed
was, and the dog, that had got back
under tho table by that time, yopped
out as though somebody had accident
ally trod on his tail.
Mr. Nims was a great hand for rais
ing colts, but she was a terrible scary
creature; and I expect riding after
half-broken colts has given her a fit
of the ncwralogy tnany's the time.
lie was dreadful set in his way
Mime as the general run of men air
ami it was like fiirhting the east wind
to try to move him out of it. Them
two if-ed to remind me of a pair o.
oii.ijawed scissors that you can't cut
with. Some might have put tho heft
of tiie blame on to her; and I s'pose
r tie did nag him some, and Hash out
when hhed belter have kep' still.
I run in one day to borrow a sleeve
pattern, when I heurd Mr. Nims
HptmU'mg out kind ' grulT, ami I hult
eil, for I didn't wish to intrude. (I
never wear Miioaky fchoe myself). I
di In't liud tint what went liefore, but
the first I heard was this:
"I can't please you," says he. (It
beat im if he'd ever tried.) "You
don't like my hired men, ymi ain't sat
isueM wit n in v lireeii or rows, I ho color
of tin corn barn iinn't suit ve. and I'm
thinking you'll Is- h;iipii'r if we divide
ii 1 1 I M'parate. You've always I nought
tmo'o i.f your bttiiluT Asa than you do
of im-. mi l you can be free to go to
linn, fcoyioi II bo iv.'ll llxed.
"Why, Mr Mir,!" 1 hoard her kind
n' nut, an I I surmised by the
s'ohi.I that she h't fall teacup.
I hH.Sool to lu iir her burst out In her
iuti U way, and 1 11 warrant he
supseiltlifM ll.irr up, and thnt would
In I lie no I on L Hut the fcee tiled dum
founded. Hy V by she sai 1, quit quiet:
"I hi sure Asa would W iilrnard to
have mi there. IK misvs rarah Jim,
mid mi do the children. Ther litis to
be moikUnIv at the heal to limUe
tliiiu-s so, Hut what would you do,
I In I tn stnUe, f.ir Uo scarcely ever
i tiili I linn l.li.li.
"I run I... k mil fur myself, " aayi he,
tnd t;i',),,-,l ,:T to the Kirn.
I wi lit ri. lit in, nud mid I )riieri
.ill. I tell 'nit was HI In iniu i Itt
w , . .1. tiijt uiif i.i nuke a home f'r lit
to ' ' r, mi. I Kei al they two t.t
i lur 1 l.i !y Niiii. nrter a n any
! p.irlu iliir. and now she had the
'ii'i'mn; iNy. I roul.1 M,a'
..I'll t r.t'lil to tliiiikiiitr li 'W ttiinir
w .oil. I j-.. i.i n r.i.-U and ruin under such
ii i.i .n.1,-1 oo til. Mil U an awful iiiee
to. ii . ; r herself, and -t a fres.1
t. re iy lo r ili.n,: Mi made an ar
nut it; . !i!:tiis-r preli a.mn, anil was
;.oie .,ii,te A spell, When h came
i, ii f.-r ei . .-re s.oni red, tut she
. :. i
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IO I , .
, .ii., I went n a mailer
! a e.oiitnj looue.
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Is the result of the usual treatment of blood
disorders. The system is filled with Mercury and
Potash remedies more to be dreaded than the
disease and in a short while is in a far worse
condition than before. The common result la
for which S&S. is the most reliable cure. A few
bottles will afford rolief where all else has failed.
I Suffered from A Severn alt.uk nf AfAi.eni.inl
Rheumatism, my arms and legs being swollen
to twice their natural size, causing the most
exeruciatine pi
ams. i spent hundreds ot donors
iWitbOUt relief, hilt Aftl. taking fan, krtlaanf
i improved rapidly ana am
now a well mancomplete
ly cured. I can heartily
recommend it to any one
suffering from thin painful
disease. W. P. DAJLEY,
Brooklyn Elevated R.B.
Our Treatise oo Eloyt snrl Stein Diseases mailed free to any
uucb. swirl sritv.iriu uu., Auaaw, us.
mending stockings and the children's
clothes, and I couldn't help but hear
all that was said in the office.
Mr. Nims made the explanation of
what they wanted, and said it was un
derstood between them that he kep'
the house and farm. I'll warrant ye!
I knew he'd never yield an inch of his
ground, tie was a man who wanted
all the land joining his, and to plant
in your garden.
"The bed and table stuff is hers,"
said he.
"Oh, no, El'sha!" says she, "I don't
consent to that. Sarah Jane had a
gooa setting-out, and Asa s nouse is
full. Besides, if I find I need more
things 1 can make 'em, and your moth
er's eyesight plagues her. She can't
do as she could once," she says.
"The bed and table furnishings are
hers, Mr. .Mras repeated. "What she
didn't make she bought with her but
ter money.
"No, 'Lisha," Mis' Nims began; but
Squire Ilosley interrupted her. I see
they was beginning to wear on his
"Why not put the property in two
piles and draw cuts, if you've no
choice. That would be fair," says he
I knew by the way I heard her snuff
that Mis Nims hadn't give up, though
she said no more not then; but from
that they went on to wrangle over
every stick of furniture. She should
have no use for this, that and the other
thing. An' no more wouldn't he.
I could hear the squire drum on the
table, and I knew he was getting rest
less. Finally he made an end of the
talk by saying: "Why not let Mr. Nims
keep the downstairs furniture, and she
take what is above? How would that
Well, they demurred, each one being
afraid the other would be cheated
but at last, seemingly, let it go, and
worked their way on to the live stock
"Three cows for her," says he. "Two
will be full and plenty for me. She
was always more for a dairv than
wnat 1 was, he says.
Why, 'Lisha, you are going to make
beef of old Urindle," says she, "and
that leaves only four."
I ve coicludcd not to beef her, she
t such a favorite of yours," says he.
fTSI a. .
inai was a great pieoe oi news.
.u rs, inns nau xelt awful cut un
a a .
atmut having lirindlo fatted and
killed, for she called that cow the best
for butter in the herd. Hut Mr. Nims
appeared firm.
And tno pigs," he began. "I don'
want any pigs! I've no use for 'em,
Whut can I do with pigs down to Ilaker
And ahe burst out crying. She had
set a good deal by that litter of pigs,
bringing cm up by hand, as you inigh
say, for the old mother died when the
were eight days old.
After that it was (.till as death for
minute, then Squire Ilosley apoke ud.
.My good friends," aavs fie, "if you
enn t agree almtit living apart, my be
advice la that you agree to tro on llv
ln;r liigetner.
I or a minute or two nil was still
nifaiii. ami the old clock ticked up like
the Hiv of .ludiitnent. Ity V by Mr.
Ninm i ink ii rather low:
"What do you aay, WvY
"1 was thinking whether w hadn't
oiighter drl over to your mother's
and see how her cough is. I'm some
worried about that cough," a ays she.
"I'm agreeable to that." aays he..
A i was leaning forward. I caught
kight through the crack of the door of
him mopping up his face with his old
red handkerchief; ao I ace he had felt
It uime. Squire lloaley, he said noth
ing. Well, I made my way horn middling
early, and was keeping a watchout a
they drlv Into the y nr I Wlwi tt aim
down am! dark, and I see her atop and
pal the yellow d. ir thai was flopping hi
tail on the top t-p of the plan, did
It. wa ao tlekled that he Jumped
round a graceful a a cow; and I
knew by the l.ifkaof tbe back of Mr.
Nitna' rterk that he txik it tn. After
awhile 1 made an arrant W carry over
adlshof Iiul.'h cheese, and there they
were, eating their supper a cheerful
at a basket of chip.
"Set up and have a cop o' tea," aays
the. "We've had unit a ride this
afternoon." aarsshe "We've len to
Mother Nima. and K!ih drove.
r m i i v lhe !.rt !, it is all nil
mde further, but he knows how skit
tish t aionit crts 1 1. if the ferry In
t'nrie frill's ot, a.ow. I'm iiliT, 1
s'l l.'.i.ii ant I, we think mother
l feiunj i-. i.i.l an I feeble to live
a'., i.e. an I we hate a I ft! I persuaded
tier lo t'traa up and c ne lo ua.
fie run fit I. a aprll. lut that
a. I sha a.. ctii-smui iheir arrsnrs-
HmM And Would )n Isrl eve It'
fr mlit tr to It.; Mia' Stm has
err ! I her m ottitt me on the
' (. lh 'li 'ie knows I never
l An I n . . are the two Jof
r. uti l I .kt irr aHer.d l( barley,
i r. t a !i. "at In a nvilpotid. b
..'t m .tf.i.'a it t .,k rut wl a
' ii al -' ! niit tttent
V lo'i iii..il ii ti and the 14
! ; i ' M w.n"l i'i tt frm hon-he
. '.- ifc, v a a fish Anil
Nl lli i;ii - Ihltbaok
K Haal4 Itmmr
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m .:-.r. if. Kr,
"an t alaa f.tal !! ltU
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1' f . . I ,, . ('altat'.l, X Y..M) I Lai
'"'"IH K -,' l .a Uasl it l..
'"'f 1 ! hl , ii . IfcclKafcaa
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t.t mm
I it t k I lt a
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!r4 ttl I;
1 .
Is one of the very best wheels ever made in an indisputable fact. It stands In the IS
front rank with all high grade machines, and if you buy one you will make no mistake. M
Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE if you want to be happy, for should your wheel be 1
punctured, It can be mended by you in five minutes, as it is equipped with the world g!
renowned G. & J. clincher tires with wood rims or copper-plated steel rims. m
S Sold in all bIzcb for ladles or gentlemen at ?100 each.
S Taudems for two men or man and woman, $160 each. 1
3 THE RAM BLER is the fastest, lightest and strongest wheel in the market, g
6 For style, finish and durability it is unsurpassed, as it is constructed on strict mechan- (
H ical and scientific principles. M
1 Chicago Ideals
& For men, women, boys and girls, with 28,
f-SS ively. are splendid medium grade wheels,
iiM uiiuuucr men niiu uie luuy w Hiruuiuu,
'3 Before you buy a bicycle, write for catalogue, circulars, terniB and discounts, or call
,jj on our numerous agents, namoier Kustiers warned in every town in Oregon, Washine
ss ton and Idaho.
Northwest representatives Gormully & Jeft'ery Manf,
Store, 327 Washington St., Portland, Or.
How's Your Liver?
This question is asked daily. If dormant
you need exercise----need it badly.
The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do
not own one, call at
Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery,
Power House.
Four Models
Factory and Main Office; Lake
BttANCHLS i-Naw York, Sin f-'raocUco, 5alt Uka City, Den ver. Mftmplil. Detro!t, Tsronto.
.1. W. PATTERSON, Aynit fur
t Ji a. I
It to Advertisers at a great finnncial sacri
fice. You need it in your business, and as a
matter of business we must sell it.
Tm; Pattf.rson Puni.isiiiNG Co.
UWKrJ i ixx
Lenve No Contipntion,-
C' II. M I a al lllt.
(Vf a1l ft I ta tta fl. 1,
HI lMi.H rM
2fi and 24 inch wheels, at ?l5, $55, $45 respect-S
with G. & J. high-grade double locking edge jS
Co's "Rambler Bicycles."
Agt. for Morrow Co., Heppner, Oregon
g osl-i
- S85 and 8100.
Cycle Co.
and Halsted Sts.. CHICAGO, ILL.
Morrow County, Heppner, Oregon.
OF . . .
1 1
DioTnko J2m.
' r 'rf'.la r.. a..
Ha trtt,