UNTOLD MISERY . FBOX RHEumATism C. H. King, Water Valley, Miss., cured by Ayer's Sarsaparilla "For Bve years, I suffered untold misery from muscular rheumatism. I tried every known remedy, consulted the best physi cians, visited Hot Springs, Ark., three times, spending $1000 there, besides doctors' bills; but could obtain only temporary relief. My flesh was wasted away so that I weighed only ninety-three pounds; my left arm and leg were drawn out of shape, the muscles being twisted up in knots. I was unable to dress myself, except with assistance, and could only hobble about by using a cane. I had no appetite, and was assured, by the doctors, that I could not live. The pains, at times, were so awful, that I could procure relit;! only by means of hypodermic Injec tions of morphine. I had my limbs bandaged in clay, In sulphur, in poultices; but these gave only temporary relief. After trying everything, and suffering the most awful tortures, I began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Inside of two months, I was able to walk without a cane. In three months, my limbs began to strengthen, and in the course of a year, I was cured. My weight has increased to 165 pounds, and I am now able to do my full day's work as a railroad blacksmith." The Only World's Fair Sarsaparilla. AYER'S PILLS cure Headache. t fl A " al las HK wON 1 mcn Ftue TwirTTfio j Ptti jT fT5Ll3 T 10 n ii .5 1 !'H lS& i7 jTTjT9 IO I ::. I li jS I Zh Take Notice. L The sum of Ova rent per line will be )hsnrel for "carils of thanks," "resolutions of respwt," lists of we4iltn presents and donon, nd obituary nntli-es, (other than thoaa the edit ir shall himself live an a mutter of new,) and notices of seclal metlnira for whatever purpose.. 2. Notice of church ami society and all other jntertslnmeuta from which revenue In to be i!o rlveri, shall be ehartred for at the rain of five euu a line. Thiam rules will to strlc-lly adher d to In every instance. AdvertlaliiK rates reasonable and mmlc known Ipon apiillcattou. TIME TABLE. Htstre for Hardman, Monument, T-sina; Creek, lohn Dar and Canyon City, li-avea aa follows : Kvery day at a. m., rxt ept HiitulaY. Arrive every day a' 6 p. m..exrfpt Monday, The cheapest, quickest and buat lift to or from the interior country. WALT. THOMPSON, Prop. Phlil Colin, A Kent. Extra Pal Star Brawary Baar In Half Pint Bottles can ba had only at the City Hotel Bar! Where hlifh (rs'le Liquors ami llb'srs are also kept by Tnl. Frank Khlr. b" has Wn eratiloy ad by bis 11110U V. M. Kuilm, in Long Oretk for tha past year, a aid in Htin- d ami depart! vswtarilaf for bia boras op at Centralis, W-li. On tba way oer from Lmu Cre-lt Fratik fisil-a-1 his nncle, V. . Kalilar, aoil fnmlljr. May good luck B a it It him. Id many oas, Iba 6rat wntk nf Ayar'a Haraaparilla I I" lpl Iba rffeola of Iba other m-ilieitia (but li l'-ao tried la fain. It would l" a stvin of lima and mooey If iprimtitara look Ayer'a Haraaparilla al Omt instead of at last. O. B. UsM, tba lonaorial arht, can ba foood at bi parlora, Matlork onroir, whara ba will diK nsw al itiiilar prir-a, baves, shampoos, bsireuts, rlc. Here and There. Mrs. N. J. Hale is quite ill. Look out for red-hot races this week, Phill Co tin returned from Portland Friday. M. B. Galloway was in Heppner. yesterday. T.J. Ally n returned from Portland Saturday last. J. F. Deos was up from Portland Saturday last. . The Niles-Vinson, Marble Works, .7 alia Walla, Wash. Tom Soroggins is in from Long Creek to take io the raoes. Mrs. A. Keithly, of Heppner, has Ooohia chiokeus for sale. b'27-4-81. Jo n Orisman is here from Long Greek to attend the races. Chas Ladd is here from Lewietou, Idaho, to attend the raooe. Congressman Ellis is back from his trip through Eastern Oregou. Harry Jones, of Butter creek, was doing business in Heppuer Friday. La Grande Marble Works, La Grande Ore. S. 0. Smith, salesman, Heopner. W. P. Snyder returned from Port'and uud the exposition, on Friday evening. The baby son of Mr, and Mrs. Andy Kuod is quite ill with an attack of rhen mattsm. T. W. Marshal, the "oandyman," was interviewing Heppner's confectioners on Saturday. Born On Snturdav, Oot. 19, 1895. to the wife of Albert Willie, of Clarks oftt yon, a son. Dick Bearann was in town yesterday on his wuy to lone where he will remain for the winter. Jim and Albert Willis and Eph Eskle son returned Friday from Idaho where they have been during the harvest BeBt accommodation and oourteons treHtmeoiut the Imperial Hotel, Seventh and Wash. Sts Tortland, Oregon. Tom Williams, Al Craveu, Joe Sewell and Joe King oume in yesterday from Long Creek to take in Heppner's races Robert Sayer, a substantial citizen of the Douglas neighborhood, was in Hepp ner Friday and made ns a pleasant oall When you want to feel merry call on Lishe Sperry, at the Belvedere Saloon where tbey keep the finest wet goods in town. tt. C. N. Peck, the Clarks canyon fruit raiser, was in Heppner Saturday bo companied by bis wife. We acknowledge a very pleasant call from Mr, Peck Karl's Clover P.oot, the great Blood purifier, gives freshness and clearness to the Complexion aud cures Constipation 25 ots., 50 ots., 81 . Sold by T. W. Ayers, Jr. Wills & Slooum are receiving a' fine line or new drees goods, (jail and see tbeir line of plaids for ladies' wear. Tbe newest thing out and all tbe rage in Portland. tf. Ueo. Crane was in Heppner Saturday from bis ranch in the Ella neighborhood. He states that wheat is coming np in that locality and looks well, and bopea to secure a good harvest next season. Ben Poppen called on ns Friday 'and left a sample of apples grown on bis Hardman ranob. Ben saya don't over look the Hardman sectiou tor good apples, and judging from thone be left with ut be is quite right. I E. II. Feldmano, of Feldmann A Cole, of Portland, aocompunled by bis repre sentative, W. T. Markiuie, visited Hepp ner lat week. Mr. Feldmaun ia iu poor health and is seeking relief through change of scene uud climitte. Arlington Reonrd: We are sorry that our Condon contemporary should have nvirfe a better attack against our dittriot attorney, A A. Jaynaisa man t'f im peachable character, officially and other wise, aud we trnst that Ibis week's Gluba will contain an am pit apology for tbe mistake. Wills A Sldcura bava just reoeived a large iuvoie of ladies' and cblldreoa' wraps of all style and colors. Tbey ill ofTer the aama for tba Deit3) days at pices lower Ibau aver waa known. Call early and inspect tba stock he fore tba aasorttnent ia broken. Pionorr brick, opposite postofll . II. Yon cd earn S3 each day "giving" our absolute! indisprnslbla household article asy. New plso of work, mak ing axprrience nooe essry and auocraa rterUm for either sax in any aaotian. Hampla dotn fraa. Credit givan. Kreiirbl paid. Address. Melrose MTg. Co., 30 Melroae Park, 111. 4t. At a mealing of Iba Epwofth Iue of tha M. K. church, Soutb, on Friday erfnitig, tbe following nffinara wara fleeted for Iba ansning Urm: Mapgia Adkina, Pre.; II. T. lisgle. 1st Vice l'rs.; Iva Dot mm, 2nd Vie Pra.; John Hornnr 3rd Via Pres.; Elsie Ayers, hec'y; Elbel 8prry, Trras. "It ia tbe lxst tatol ir.ediotne in Iba world" ia what Mr. II M. Ilartman, of Msfjistn, Oregon, sas of Chsnili-rlaio'i Coli-, Cbolera and Uiarrbiaa IU-mdy. " hat leads m lo maka Ibis Maertioa la fr-m Iba fart Ibat dainlery in its worst form in prsvaleot around bsra lal summer and it bayrr took over iwo or ihrea dnsa of thai ramedf ife.ta Mi'lHs enra." For tale by Mlnfnru-Juhuson llrng Co. Overwork, either physical or mental, will produce weakness and loss of energy. Too many business or family cares, overwork in tbe harvest fi-dd, an excess of woman's work and worry will produce months of misery. To prevent Ibis, tbe exhausted system should be reinforced immediately. Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier is an appropriate remedy. Price $1.00 per bottle. Al Emerson is suffering from a splint er which he got in tbe middle finger of bis right band, near tbe loiot. some months ago. Part of it was taken out, but tbe other could not be found, but is now making its presence felt. Al will undergo an operation soon. Wills & Slooum, having disposed of their entire grooery stock, have made a reduction of 10 per cent on their dry goods, olothing, boots, shoes, etc Tbey do not now charge vou for what they heretofore lost on tbe grocery butiinees. tf. Geo. A. Brown has bought out W E. Kahler, of Hardman, and will oontinue business at the old stand. George is well known in Morrow oonnty and the Gazette predicts a good trade for him. He has a good ad. in this issue. Boone Mulkey came in yesterday with a band of Press Thompson's sheep. He was accompanied by Os JBuroh. The sheep bad been grazed over in the Greenhorn seotion this summer. Captain Sweeney, D. S. A., San Diego, Oal. says : "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medioine I have ever found that would do me auy good." Price 50c, W. Ayers, Jr. Carlton's Company of Players, who have engaged tbe opera bouse for this week, arrived this morning. Jaok Ellis, who was here with "Evans and Sontag, is with them. Miss Ellen Crabtree is in receipt of a letter from ber parents who have arrived at their destination in California all in good health and well satisfied with their new home. Died On Sunday last after a linger ing illness, Mrs. Jas. Tolbert, of Six Dollar. She was highly respected by all who knew her. She was aged about 36 years. Billy Straight was so unfortunate as to out tbe bone io tbe aroh of bis foot in two last week with an ax, but Dr. Mo Swords reports him as getting along all right. Shiloh's Cure, tbe great Cough and Croup Cure, is in great demand. Pocket size contains twenty-nve doses only 25c. Children love it. Sold by T. W. Ayers Jr. Council M bbtinq. Council called to order by Mayor Morgan, all present ex oept Councilman Farnswortb Marshal reported that Tbe Heppner Light & Water Co. refuses to tap mains for watering-trough on lower main street Ayers made a motion that the matter of tbe use of the small reservoir be permitted, be referred to tbe committee on fire and water Chief of fire department instructed to put in drain boards in engine house. The appointment of J. W. Ras mus as deputy marshal was confirmed. Bills allowed: B. A. Hunsaker, 65 cents; H. L. & W. Co., 870; F. J Hallock, $16 66; P. O. Thompson Co., $1.75; Thompson & Binns, $6; A. A. Roberts, 50. Bills of Wm. Curry, 0. C, Sargejt and Walter Van Duyn. $1.50 eaoh, disallowed. Finance 00m- mittee was instructed to confer with attorneys as to employment in city matters Marshal reported 16 feet of water in large reservoir, capuoity 154,000 gallons Council adjourned. CtJuilitiH.'m None But Ayer's at the World's Fair Ayer's Sarseparilla enjoys the extraor dinary distinction of having been the only blood purifier allowed an exhibit at the World's fair, Chioago. Manufacturers of other sarsaparillas sought by every means to obtain a showing of tbeir goods, but they were all turned away under the application of the rule forbidding tho entry of patent medicines and nostrums. The deoieion of the World's fair autho rities in favor of Ayer's Sarsaparilla was in effeot as follows: "Ayer s Sarsapa rilla is not a patent medicine. It doeH not belong to tbe lint of nostrums. It ib here on its merits. I Prize iiooiPs Sarsaparilla more than any remedy I havs ever taken. I have never been robust and was subject to severe headaches, and bzd no appetite. Bines taking Hood's Sarsaparilla and Hood's Fills I am a well woman, have a good appetite and sleep well. I cordially recommend Hood's Sar saparilla. Mrs. S. M. Goriiam, l'illmore l-Wuse, Fillmore, Uaiiiornia. Hnnrl'c DIM c car a11 ,lvcr ills' biioi iiuuu d r 1113 . v,.,i.i,. 95. Carlton's Company of players will pre sent "Destiny, or the Gambler 8 Wife," al the opera house this evening. It will be well worth seeing. Mesdames Dave McAfee aud Geo. Swaggart oame in on Saturday's train from a visit to Clarence Andrews and family, of Seattle. T. R. Howard makes a specialty in supplying atookmen with all needed articles, besides carrying a general liue. See bis new ad. tf . Wanted To trade, a new cart for a saddle. Cart has been used bnt little and is in good condition. Enquire at this offloe. 3t. "Pola" Thompson's sprinkler broke down near tbe Palace yesterday, but was soon repaired aud the good work goes on. Elmer Slocnm, the artist, will make cabinet photos for tbe next 30 daya at i per dozeu. uaiiery opposite opera bouse. tf. Hon. Henry Black man. oollector of internal revenue, arrived this morning from t'ortlaud, and will remain a few days. Born In Detroit. Miob., Oct 13th, to tbe w ife of A. M. Guon. a girl. At last accounts, mother and child ware doing well. Mr. L. D Bo veil and children arrived from Hood River this morning ou a vieit to relatives and friends. Mr. and Mre. Frank Gilliam returned Saturday right Irom a two wet k's vieit in Portlund. Literary Society. A few of the young people of this plaoe assembled at the court house last Saturday evening and commenced the organizing of a literary society. Tbe following officers being chosen: H. T, Bagley, Pres James Hart, Vice Pres.; Cbas. Freeland, Sec; T. R. Lyons, Treas, and J. W. Hornor, editor of the society paper The completing of the organization and a debate will be the program for next Saturday evening. It was decided by tbe eooiety to oarry on the meeting on the invitation plan, henoe after next Saturday evening, none but those bold' ing invitations will be admitted. The literary is organized for the purpose of discussing various topics, by whioh the industrious mind might be trained, and those only who oan come and conduct themselves io a decorous manner will reoeive an invitation. All are cordially invited next Saturday. RUPTU RE Instantly Relieved and Permanently CURED WITHOUT Knife or Operation. Treatment Absolutely Painless CURE EFFECTED From Three to Six Weeks, WRITE FOR TERMS THE 0. E, MILLER CO. Offices : ltooms 700-707, Marquam Building, PORTLAND, OPvEGON. n sis m No Show od This 1 We will fco back to the land of our Fathers. And during their absence Minor Se Co. will be found at their old stand, Belling at -10 PER CENT (1 Under Competitors If you doubt this statement, thous ands will come forward and con firm the same. M11S Styles too Numerous to Mention SUITS FOR $4.00, $4.50, $5.00, $5.50, $6.00, $6.50, $7.00 UP TO $20.00 USE TO SEE BOB LINE OF $10.00 OVERSOHTS Our line of Boots and Shoes are amongst the largest (if not the largest) to be found in the city. Call and examine, we are here "M If TT TIT V T 1 ""I to show goods. We are the V I I 1 K I , I leaders. Others follow. J.vJL-LJ.1 V JLj W W Ontario-Burns Stae Line -a iv r- H A. WILLIAMS, Prop. Bucklen's Arnica Sslvr. Tbe best salve in the world (or outs. Bruises, Uorea, Uli'ers, bait Bbeuin, Fever Horee, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all skin eruptinua and positively cures l'ileg, or un pay required. It Is guaranteed to five perfect aatiafaction or money refunded, riPoe 25 ceuts per box. For stile by T. W. Ayers, Jr. ONTARIO-BURA'S Leaves Burns Daily at 6 p. m. and ar rives at Outuno in 42 hoars. Single Fare $7.60. Round Trip $13.00 yTlirough freight 11) 5 cents per pound. It is not at all surprising to see tbe immense crowds going to trade at tbe store of Make Yimrwlf Btrun If you would resist pnenmonia, bron chilis, t)plioid fevrr, and persistent oonifba and ool.it. These ilia attaok tha weak and run down system. They can Und do (ootbold whera tha blood ia kept pure, rich and fall of vitality, tba appt tito good and digestion vigorous, with Hood's Hartaparllla, tba one true blood purilW. Hood's Tills curs liver ilia, coustl patioo, bilionsorsi, jsonJioa, au k head aoba. Hay Fun Hah -I bava 75 tons of f icrllrut wbat bay on tha Al Hayera placs B mtlrs atx. Olri, al.ich I mill sm It vry rraaotiahla. (trod location for liedifg alock. Un Ilork Crk, (hlliaia (Jo., (Jrrk(U. tiw. O. O. Houi. WHEELS AND PUFFS. UStlMI AbOt BURXS-CANYOX leaves Hums dully, pxcput Pundiiy. Connects t ('anyon City with lIciiiicr-Moiiuincnt utauo. Hi'M route to interior irnni I'ortlHiiil. ( otnicrU wlih the Ontario. I'rlnevlllo and Lakevlew stages at Burns, Good Aceonimoiliilions for Tassciigers. P. C. THOMPSON CO. Wben we consider tbat Heppner handles more merchan dise than tbe other seventy-two counties of Eastern Oregon put together, and that P. 0. Thompson Co. handle nine-sevenths of that. It is not to be wondered at that they have all of the local trade and part of that of Cali fornia and Chicago, but they will not be satisfied til) they have the trade of Paris, London and New York also. Get in with the rush and come to the ODD COMBINATION SIGN At the Corner of Main and Willow Streets. Follow the crowd and you can't miss it. .Foutland ExerjBHiONS. For tbe Ore gon Industrial Exposition whioh opened at Portland on the 5th iuat.. the O.lli N. will make a rata from lie ppner and retnrn at $1 50. Tickets will be put on sale on tbe lOtb iost , and the limit ia extended to Hunday, Oct. llltli. How ever, ou every Tuesday during the Expo sition, noursion tickets to Portland and tetniu will be sold at ftl'.R) for tbe round trip, Including two tickets of adiuissinu to tba Exposition. Oo the noumou of tha lOtb met., two tickets of adoiiHaiun are included. Tba limit of time is tha same for the Tuesday excursions aa for the special r-xenrsiou of Out. Id'h. Those who go on excursions should pro vide theuisi Ivrs with annldent insur ance. MONEY LOANED. Klrnt Mortal ii 1 1 1 in ).n h u i hi Property N cm t mt -eil. Wearu prepared to ueKotlatx Unit liiortuHiii-n upon Improved fiirms In Oreirnn, with eHHlern parties at a rateol Intercut not to exceed M percent, per annum. MorlHKei renewed that have heen taken dy other coin patitct. Addrcn with utiunp, MKIIV1N HWOKTH, llHKer City, Oregon, NOTK'K K INTKNTION. IAN!) OKKICK AT THIC KAl.t.KM. OHKllON, J (NtolHT 1. Ix'.ii. Notice la hereliy kIvcii that the follow liiu iiaiticil m tlliT litis lilcil no tice ot lilx Intention to make II on I ptoot In sup port ill his claim, and Hint mil'l proof III la made la-fore J. V. Morrow, t'ouuly i:erk, at Heppner, (irenon. on Niivcinlicr Pi, Iv.H, vU: MCIIOI.AH I.KATIIKItM, Md . K. No .mil'l. lor the h, N ' ; ami NH H i, )7, I'll, a M It 2ii K, W. M . lie tiamefl tiie followltnr h it mohmh to prove ti In rontlliuomi renlih-ure iihiii and cillttviilloll if, said land, t lx; James llllloii, Kmerr fiM-rrv, Mack Itiley, Osiar MonlKontery, all of lliiMmuti, tiri'irnn. JAS. K. .fiHiKK, 77-wt KculMer. There oan ba no pleasure or happi lies fur persons whose liver or kidueya ara nDheslthy. Thy are wank, sick and irritable, and Uud it biinlensoma to lieifiirin work of any kind. What tlmy nafd is a thoroDirh treatment with lr. J. U. Mclesn's Liver and Kidney Italm. This reruody ia recok'niaed by many of tha best ni"iicl authoritins a wilbont a peer for th Cure of disoasHa of the kidneys r liv-r. It rapidly drives out difsaed t'onditiona, rasiorea health and stranirih, vigir and obeerful spirits. 1'riee fl O) per Unla. Uxtoa Mrvnn The lesunfsol this plara held a very profitable mil m aeasion at tha M. K. iburch lt Holiday f vetting. Mr Charles Frisian d, 1'rni c.ftheM. K. Irscne priNiiding, On amount of the illni-s of Mis Maggm Adkilis, I'res. of lha M. K. lNg1P, Koiilh, this Iran il" aanotat atrotigly raprenled aa it would bava lwo ntnir iliff-rent eircuoi atanrwa. Mra L. W. ISrigit. Chas. Freeland ami W L. Saling all Lsti lled their dilfrnl sulj-cls io au aMs inao 0r. Jay Hhlpley M lha drvolkmal A Boi"0 hiertig will ba In hi at Notice f ANIIOKKKK 1 of Intention. AT I.A lillANI'K, OHFIION, HI. II. I"'n. Nollee Is lien l.r riven thai Ihe lollow Itiir riamfl wltlcr has filed nollraltt his Ititenlloti In make final proof In upiiort id ins claim, ami tnai ui.i piooi villi in nnele lM.fnriJ. tiirrnw, riiiintv elerk. t llepimer, Oresoll, oil NfHiMiilM.f 'llt 'i, VI : W II .1.1 AM I 1,1 ..M(. lid. N 4". I. lor the NKi, M ,. Him-. Pi. Tp 'i rt. II K. and N Ntt'4 e. i.alid tt fV', h. 1 p .. i. It f-i K Hi Iistiii-s flit follow na- iliMis-a Io provr Ills rollllniioiis resldi-IH llHH a lid I II II 1 1 St lull ol said land vlr l-luar M Maileaiiti, HoIhtI V. Mall.-son, Nof man A. keily, lio I'l-nland, all ul ll ppin-r, tin sou. it. r. vii-in. r.'t-VI lt.-Sltef. T. R. HOWARD IN DEALS ' Groceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Stockmens' Suitlies, Etc., And Wants Your Trade! I; llcnlioi OF THE PUBLIC jyt 0 Tin: r. fn-y run i I) Tll FACT thll trhrn n mrrrhinl n4ettif Ihftl h 'f run aaifcrsrf (layiiiir t'tt, lie ii l.iUmj llin.vjK hi in t.tU't srorrs, h n lu$r and IU Irnlh u a"f la aim. It V '' ""f rnin Io mn'lrrtll trrrf m i It. f.Mi u iry iioy riri lu tm h rttll as; Ihnt ia innf.ij ll, if no mim h. i rr l..f.-r ).n,r, ln,j ('. U UmIUJmX U ll.'ir hnMrr t'r rhattl (. or at'rrjr f "t "' " '"'' mrfrhantm ) H' tmrilf V J.t. '.i i f'l imrl oar Sfl,ts-f e fun will taf 1 (I r!f tn, frfli, frtrl 'k l tfll fl'tl'l, nnl nr tirfca r rlii u ma s.ir la t,flrrn finj tn. a f'tlln!" a ' ' f"1 w rm jtl a .-if r a-ty l'r ,Vsf'ii.,.'s l''.nr, HORNER A RHEA. t i- t ir ! II ai i r H - , 4 I ri Ks-S l4 l l-n lh,f ii fA . 1 .1 I Sr I ' 1 t I'M'"' ll" , , , s-.p in I. -. ... 1 , . e .i ..s-i. am f i . r '4 r a ra f-ti- 1 - . . 1 . ) , . .. . w v . i-, p . m .r a aw Wim lalvrvsllac lafiin lrtiMlls. The DumUr tif puff irivm by a la--mot ire always tlrprnda Um the rir-rumfi-rrnc uf Its ilrlnnif Mho-Is and I he rule of sja-rd al which tba rtiifin is aervina, movlnir. Irri ry .ma round -l tli , th, yj. ,; rbfrh In lha near fulura ilrlvlnir lip-la a Imnmoliv always ', irivra f'irth niffs 1 out of ra' h c) liM drr. all kucb rylindrrs IwlniT tlnulilr. ll,eaii' t.f tha drlvlnir w tm'U vary h I h ( .n ,liS7,.,vtit rlt.rr, f,f ti. ,.it,e,. ,ry larintf fnan I J to U fwt In ! ?'u hw'' . . . . 1 1 Iimora f"i ilinilirier. ll pTi'llrsii run. iikwtiti, ln in(f l. V r 'M fert. I iva riijfim it of rrtry T may tm -t down a hat 1 ilk' dnniilf wbrt-la SO tfl III ilium- rlrr Tin i"d 'f lha apra(f asprrsa fi-siu -ari- fritn &4 Ut &a mile -r b'ir 1 Bknn th arrraifs" rirriimf'-r- rn, i.f !!, -Irnit l 30 f"l. aid lle a ratf'- ) d f x r bmr at Ut ..,i . . '.ill di i'l (,'irr, '.iliir al . 1 ; ! . ., i .ff j.r itiinut. I ; '' pott r lVir Ihir'nitf lh mmr l.ri h Mlinlt Wi.l Tr..lte U.ilJlJ - I . in , 1, Ii i.l 1 an 1 1.- l inli hirii' I .'-'A pif?l t!. I' 1lr" f.ir an r sj.f train ' fn lifi- j mi,r, Wi.J ll.r'. irtil .r. ospifTs ' ,,'t, I rn ll. t n- "ln-n i laa th Mit fllrs! I'll! l hll-I I'llrs. hyniplotna M'liafura; iiitriisa Mahllitt and iiiifiha'. twnsl at aihl; aors- .y If slloaa-l to ruiiiinn im. liirr often lii-d ami ; nharai. tr- mltig t-ry mt. Hasraaa , OiriaSaT t"ps llm llrl.if.sf and hired- i in ir. hls filds-ratMin, aiid in rot aaa ' r'rniva lb I omuls Al iingtfit. r ! mail, f. .Vi cii is. r N)fis A Nin, I'l.iU-l-lll.ls, Notice of Intention. AM' fiirii K AT TIIK HAI I FM. fiMHi'iM, 11 l. I'll. Nollii-ls (n-f. l.v sltrii thai Ilie ImIIiimIms liaiiud s.-lth-r has fil.-d notlrftiif tits llif.-nf ioti Io make fmsl plN,n a-i.M,f i, nst-laittl. in-l Ihal sat-l plool ltl Im tits'lf Im forel onlity I ll-fa.ot M-ifioN I utility, St lll'pp nrr, un-s-iii, mi Is- V, l-n, vit JAMM S UK. IM K. No. . f-.f Hie K', NK e. v., sf. l ' a-, .jr. sml r aa i, are, 1 p b S, R. He tiarnrS IfiS fi.!1,.tlns HMfieftMS In prom l.ls k.iiIIii s rest-1 ni 11 urt,n an, 1 1 uiihsilon ut ti laiel. vii- p.. I, mill l.nrlhiii. Al.lshsm I.Mi l.llif Wall I li,i..ll, Jili Vi Msi.lsli f, all of llal-liiistl. lirr-jfoti. . V'-il K. I 'H. Ini.iif Teachvri' tamnaton. uH K. f IIKI'lllV iillM 1IMT K"H 4V ll, piillft 1 f iftl i.tf an r aoil-iallotl ail f-.ft..i.s n lt'i if -a ? i.c, r 11,, 1. , . - r ss 1 mill ,la'.-a f.,r I' iirii ,f fi, . Ii-w.i ..t II, is rieiiitv I r suift ao'l hi. .i....,u. ti.a f-.,i,t, s i-'-.l s-i-liil 11. Ii 1,1 11.. 1... I a 1,1 I... I .-,'., sistt-l-a'l'.n al Ii. lo'ift I. al Mpp'ii N,. Ij ..i i il I in .. , m. I -at. I II, is .l I, .la of ia I. ANN i l Ifl'.l II, VIM I ft. I. -I ., I , VI .,i..ft I , III I'listTT Ml ira-lUrartly Iba halnn Mslaaa ki fiinay and pr e U l it praisft Op lha c iih I' Ii in of ' ha of th, llsMlla's pf"pi-lofa. It wa all la -!, ' and in Bisks lha j. ks airxafar lha llv ! as'U's foreman, ah'i It s -msahal of a sbr blti.s-lf. e-ipisl fis parss"a h, S All lha mai.M' eaa aar Is Ihal ha will lay f ih.Hi 1 f il,-n with a fnfjar-' I f Mala. Ten shaea ff siia k in II. Na'io llal.fc of III pplief. Ad i'l-aa I'.i, I kl-l i:il, lleai Uf, A'ht a-l'Ui, O-s af-di, lie will rnnko it aa oltjVct for you to trado with hitn au hid prices aro rilit, ami all grnnlii that he liaiullcH aro of tho very IiiiHt. Store on Main Street, Next Door to City Drug Store, E-Ioppnor, Oivon. POTATOES !! POTATOES !! of Potatoes ! One Thousand nushds At my ranch, ten tnilea Koulh-eHxt of ll(''ii r, at lo xT Ixiuml in tho ficlil, aarkpil. Or will deliver at 1 1 innr at IJc jit jtiinL lor acil hiUI(h a, luy crop cannot lx liatcu. al. H. MANNING, HKIT.NCK. OIUXION. aw tf. fit Jvfl'VV, 1iK.rrNF.1t, All hiiiii-a allnlni lo if. a primp' anJ sstafH ,ry msnm-r. N'otsrlaa 1'aKlir siol lilUi lfs. OFFICK IN NATIONAL HANK I:t'IIMN. lit.; s SIS PROFITS ON SMALL INVESTMENTS N 1 u ii ( IliV-ililali. II. lilif li il"t llm Mm Its I l-ifi.li t pfsilr HI ltia. I,, h. l.-.l r, Im ran rr . a ui l allliiaa .. . , . , ! sl.'irl lima as Pi sosi'il (. -nail., i, in drain, I riisi-,i.a si, I .. S m 1 f at ' 1 f - a"I,Ff t i SIP FOR EACH DOLLAR INVESTS I ta lai Ma la I r Our D Systematic Plan of Speculation t h i' ! It arrin-a I 1. d 14 an I tint at at Ha ij.i;i.tifi. . 1 IMtifir Ih lotiriH at o t l'a tha J'rtirttrjr fr-i lr,.- l- tl.titnirirh 1 s.--.-'. shl la Ira 11. an a lumra. j lha lt..,arr W,r f ' l lr.:,. t-.Titif a ! (KftKihinit ,f Vl !, f f Ixittr j r, ,4,', nrf t. II r.-ijfaa alm-an a', , ( ,r Mt'f r r ahtha a h a ym'n'yi !!. I.ma . I t it I g --n f if'h ar-r.s t. -,. tt isl.ivi ( 'I ' liili'al t,- lt i 1 t , f I la !. ''Y tat i VsU a an, -VI s s-v ... U iaf 'v fft' I i-s Wi.a - I hsa f"f ata M t in-.' I'liaif ta ai."l hal ia. I'fi.a 1 f if fja, I ,.f t,al. sail in" isiii a n-r . 1 ' l t a i f hl. 1 1 I a I a 1t ba; li.a l ! I us tl.a faDrti Si o r. Sla sl sb Ysaii -W'n fl "i a ,,(., op II a f. Sal (tail . - t I r,.l f 4m if, , as I a- a ,' a I el i I'fil 'i-.tiji- I !,ia f fc-,l al I, al II, a liSt,s, ah I ".f h.iaa aa ii l ha s1 af. him II, a Vl. U I'll llil.Kl)-. I- Mi slnrl If In a Itanr. , f.,f 1,1, a )-ar. I t N-i liallnf r-.uliii.ali .11 if nr spapi ra r u I a fps-Ia ia tl-a slat'. h lln t a.il tflra aa a t.f ffiitiitu an a I liM-.i.ftl I .11 t.m I II a l ! ..! 1'i.nl.i ah a,.-i'l ,.l I ftfl'-t All "'il sr.ila'.s i.l. aa s -a s,si.-i l . I la'-i-f, an a"ii al iaf. mm, s.h ini-.n i i ii n. ii..,,,ii l ,..1, 1 , 01 !' l im I mut HiN aka, ('..11, a In f"a nn-l su'wO I t , a,sin.a'lr I'a li" ia.sa lilft-i .s.. ln,i a rn-ii- l la a ll.au .Hii niMlu m-isuIi.iiiiii Iim.iH'-i li n-l M - -. i.. i ft -sai l Ma l-is A H- f,ii,M. il. Ii si sn ill-a, I " in.i a n ... I I .1 ft I - 1 . 1 . ill. ' " ' h" " s ta'-i f-f '" .-r,i,l-' t s-s'i I-a"a.s IliiriMh-ail an I "-'-I 'l" f, SI Il.a , , i....,.,s a lift li-.u I 1.1. as., ai-l ! li.l.. (.i.-s.-a bo ll.-.. M mi ii-inn ,iv-l, la 'I a-f-'i. Il-i'l 1 ui,1"i- I Iiii-,.,' Ha ll-.t ( a'l ' a lta la 1 " I a-s ifa aWs ,i.ii,i It-ii4 si -l " ji t aa ii,! ll.s aim trt li f la. II lin. smI fi ifcai i.a f tn"tmntj las '! Ml'I'HI I f l I ! f nHlii. sl.fcn.t-''a, t I 'l 'Hi' amfc 1st Ihal Ilia, Iml! s al aj I "1 l if t sT (.isii .as l.'.n'S WRITJ fOn CON VI N CINQ tmoOfi. ' ""-I .fr4-- 1 1 la, 1 Masfti .,ft.if. -. . ... (as. t 1 A ll t f I C . Xsatal - '1 I a- a ar la f' n- IM I., M Sfti isfsfstt'fts , isiti I . t su-ti a. iiftfta) s ll- Mol'.. as it.. ,f .. ll a .. ;- 4, ' , il llalda al a"i ri a ( 1 I 1- I -,,!. M .'. sl.-p si, a' u a. i i,l s TH0MA4 4 CO., Bankaaa anal naaar. 741 741 Rial'a Oa'iaiafj, Caiaa, III, Vl -1 I I , , I, !.( I NOTARY PUBLIC i'Alili AT Iff I'll? Ii ft tt !,. if l, CONVEYANOER , a M - - - f 1 1-. rU fiss rwKn' riiA - A A aa-aaa. itaavaaoa Uaav4ffa!a A a" tt ' kin. Saai UaarlKam. 1