if WAV sir- the feSardj Light iror new "When the frost strikes the bloomer will the cycle be in hock? Arkansas seems willing to ac cept the big prize fight, though even Texas has repudiated it The S. B. traveling man was overhauled down in Jackson county recently and robbed of $lf. His medicineB were unmolested. Famous College President. Kev. Erastus Rowley Made Well by Paine's Celery Compound. San Feancisco has caught the bloomer craze in earnest. A res taurant has been established there with all the serving maids dressed in bloomer attire. The Arlington Record under the able supervision of Editor Maxwell will probably be enlarged at the beginning of the year to a seven column folio. Mas well is a hustler. The Inter-Ocean suggests that the first gripsack that the presi dent should unpack when he reaches the White House ought to be that one containing his "new vigorous foreign policy." Senator Irby, of South Carolina has "unsheathed his sword and thrown away his scabbard." It now remains for Senator Tillman to uncork the bottle and throw away the cork. New York Press. Ira w. Vih) For Thin Children. Children are always thin and pale when they do not assimilate enough fat. This seems strange, perhaps, but it is literally true. Unless there is a healthy as similation of fat lood the blood becomes depleted, tissues waste away, vitality becomes low and the body anguishes lor the need or proper nourisnmeni. a is useful to children, especially in two ways. It is Cod- liver Oil emulsionized, thus being easily assimilated and rendered palatable, with the Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda added to tone up the nervous system and nourish the bones. 1 his combination of these potent nutrients -s jusi. what thin children need to give them flesh, color and vitality. Almost all children like it. Don't bo persuaded to accept a substitute I Scott & Eo'A-ne, New York. AH Druggists. 50c. and $1. - Aa the school year opens, attention ia direotad to the oft-repeated advioe of leading educators, warning teaobers, parents and scholars against the fear ful results of exhaustive brain work among young people. To thousands of girla and boys, un nerved by the strain of school life Paine'a celery compound, (which was first prescribed by Amerioa's greatest teacher, Prof. Edward E. Phelps, M. D., L. L. D., of Dartmouth College) has j been a blessing, making them well and strong, feeding the brain and nerves, and enriching and purifying the blood. The recent recommendation of Paine'a oelery oompound by Prinoipal Camp of New Uuven and the equally outspoken praise of this greatest of remedies by ex-Prewident Cook of the National Teachers' Association, are two of the thousands of snob testimonials from parents and teachers throughout the oonutry. Nothing in the world so strengthens HACKS TODAY. A l,arg Attrnilancfi Kiprrtcil at the 0ra Ink Kvmtn-Th II air and quurtrr 1)mIi. The following are the entries for today: Half mile daah, free for all, Coxy, Tampa, Huliy Hutu and I'.lack AMcr. (Jimrter mil daub, free for all, Steamboat Hill, Mack Prince, Oray Dirk, Pin Ear. These races will be n'd hot and it will take good guessing to pick the winners. The day promises to ha dear, and as the track la iu tine oonditiini, vit-ilora tiiu rent assured of Una day's sport. Home ,'15 or 40 homes are in attoudaore, oil most of them ir "cracker jacks." Snixtay Tom Kecney got in from I-ong Creek with Pin Ear and Tampa and was oloaoly follow I by Gray Dick, Paddy Kyan, Orasahopper aud Maggia, in charge of Hill Cushman. llilly 3owin is training Uuhtir rtir-rk, a looal bora. Tomorrow ttieciiiiteata will b aa fol lows: One thousand yards, frea for all, piltao 10U; tliroft-aiuhtha and repeat, froo for all, umn f loo. All who waul a good aftrrtmou'a sport should ba iu at tctidanc . Tue powers iu Turkey have at lant agreed to accept the Bchemo for reform in Arnionia drawn up by England, Franco aud Kuaaia. According to this agreement the Turks are to recognizo the Arme nian Christians, and they may to Borne extent ho allowed to hold oflico. It H feared, however, that this (locinioii may cause another Berious outbreak iu that country. IIos. II. V. (Iatkh, president of UeppiHT Light and Water Co., is a progroHaivo Iiuhuichh man and is becoming greatly interested, financially, iu several water and light plants in different parts of tho country. This necessitates Lis traveling About a groat deal and bo does not fail to observe) tho places where busiuess is douo. In the IlillaWo Independent wo find the following mention mode by him iu regard to lleppncr, after Hpoalirg of other towns: "At Ileppuer money is eaay nml in sufficient volume to meet tho ivo nomical needs if tho pinipln. Tho eatiafactory condition f tliinga is attributed to the lnrg sides of beef cattle made laat xpritig siipb monted with a moiety realized n mini.- Senator John II. Mironri.L and Congressman V, 11 V.l have Wen making a tour of lant ern Oregon to nacertain the needs and want of their constituency. This is not construed into an) thing rise, as a rule, and everywhere tin honorable gentleman have lxeu trcatinl with marked courtesy due distinguished guests. 1 low ever, once in a whilo some lowdrowed, low-bred cur, who, failing to at. tract any attention by his eon. tiuued mouthing, biti'S )iima-1f like a snake pinned to earth, and bowls still louder. A gentleman will assist in treating guests de. cently, but what can l riHctel of a fdthy, ill-bud as? HYre it uot that the very paH-r on whic h this ia t lilitisl would le cvt,tniu. i - ! - .....: ... . t "lt.cit.er lUinl lM'ittVf,-.! is natne, who than this slowa, we wottbl 110 doin It ia pleasing to know that tier at but few aueh peopU in tl is world. the weak, so readily restores loot nerve force, bo surely makes the ailing and peevish young woman or growing boy well and cheerful. And for the aged and infirm the whole world knows its wonderful curative powers. Rev. Erastns Rowley, presi dent of the famous Kentuokv Female Cotlege, writing to the proprietors of Paine'a oelery oompoutd, says: "I was for several years a sick man My siokness was attended with consti pation, with nervousness and insomnia, and the least exoitement would oause palpitation of the heart. I have in the last three or four yeara used several widely advertised preparations. Finally I took Paine'a celery compound and I regard it aa superior to all others, especially if used strictly as you direot liy using this I do not sutler from cou stipation, inability to sleep, or from palpitation of the heart as formerly. am still using Puine's celery compound at times, and shall take pleasure in re commending it to others." PHIL I Always on top with the best of everything in his line. Finest Wines and Liquors for medicinal use. The purest of Drugs. OLD SLOCCM-JOHNSTON DRUG COMPANY STAND. 8Mail orders promptly attended to. Great Bargains AT McFARLAND MERCANTILE COMPANY'S Notice Some of Our Prices 1 Suit fine knit underweav, 8G cents. 1 Good Jersey Shirt, GO cents. 1 Pair suspenders, worth 35 cents, for 20 cents. Good canton flannel undershirts Special Bargain- 1 dozen good cotton socks, G5 cents. And many other bargains lower than ever before sold in Heppner. -35 cts. A I TlTf1 Will arrive in a few days, which will be sold at low figures. iff We are Sole AroiiU for Henry Mosste & Son'i Full Cream Young America Cheese. Lull and nee us. NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, IIEPPNElt. OREGON. THE PALACE HOTEL BAR, J. O. BOEOHEES, Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Leeer Bros. Is the Place for Fresh Groceries, Cheap for Cash Only. FRESH BREAD, CAKES AND PIES ALWAYS ON HAND. Yovl Should PppB For a "big feed" when you come to Heppner and stop at the CITY ! HOTEL Popular Prices ! Comfortable Rooms ! Mrs. 1om Bradley, Prop. ERED HT LJST! 11ACES RACES ! CaUrrb (annul b farrd liy Ic'Cil mu'lioaUDiiH, m they cannot rcai'li I lie diKfa-d (Hirtion of t It far. Tlirm ia tuily one y to cur di-kfnc, nd II. kt II ljr Coliatiliitluiiiil ri niisllK. Iial(iioa it ('uavj by no inllatucj cou ilitino ft tli inn emu 1 in In it of Mm Kimtn'liiaO llllx. Wliru till) gelt liifltrord )cin bat f uniiing .mod nr iinpftfn t liraiing, and lira It la rolirely oliwiJ dfalnraa it Ilia n-nll, and nulatt Id iiiflninialiin ran tw taken out and t ti is tuba rrl..n'd In ila normal eon dill. id, liratlt'if ailllwdralroyrd fofi-Vrr; tuna caaca nut of u ara raiiacd tjr ratarrli, l,i. U ia ithiiir but an in- tlallird Oolldlllnn of Hi ltlllMiia.aiir(a'F. Wt ill gia on Imn.irrd dullara fur any rana of Ji-nluraa (i anw.l tjf ralariti) "lial rannol t rnrad If Haifa Catarrh Cura. HftJ f-'f iniilaf. fr. V J air'.M'.Y A Itl.ToUtw.O. W"S'ld ty lfll(lU 7.V. Til K CO V OIK. En. Gazette: From all pcotiona of tliH county oihiiph oomplniut of the depredatlnnH oomraitled npou cheep, ohItph, pis and chiokHoa by ooyotKi, wliioh are multiply idg rHpidly and eiioh year beoominit bold' and murB destruotivu. Thn renidi'iitH of the rural diMtrieU rcnlizt) tlmt ohih thiiiif liiUNt Iia dime to eilerruinuli! tii.'iu TIkiiihrihIh of d'lllara worth of atock hrf mitiiiiilly liHtroid in the county Mini tho fuct ronfrontM iih tlmt the longer hiii urn in dclnyed the greater tlu onnl of I'XlrrmiiiHtUio. S far um e have tirurd any fxproimion frmu the ahi'tp men who re theni'iredooply iutirt-Htid -thny are iu favor of rii in a fund to be addi'd to auy buutity the oouuty mny off or. Il iacoiicfdi'il by all in tUi citiou of the oouuty Hint Iho cmiiity c unt phould ofT. r a bounty of uut k llotu one dii!lhr( aud then if the aliei p men mil dJ I another dollar pi-r Iich.I tt will e ao amount that will ii.atire I ti.-ir apredy eiterniinatiou. O ioc'iit pir head upon the aurp Kiveu In the a ai aaur lliit apritikt, it ia ml mi, it.'. I, would laiaea auiii audloU-ii In niri'l all di luanda on the alicep ownrra. K.ime may ounaidi-r thia loo Ure a bounty, and th'tta Kna aiiiouut would a'(',iiiiliU the name rvanlt, but fiprrionce in ftVriig bouuliea up"ii any apn ir bianiHli baa proven that an aunmiit Utp ruoiiiili to lie an liiontive to the pr.'i le t.i wae via'orona war of ritermiiiatiuti hat bean the cheaper in the rod. Tina money paid aa buiint alinuld Dol be enhlfred aa li-jtmlali.'n in favr of any particular claaa of r'x,x'ia probably nine lei.tha of li e auiniinl ; '.ll!d b paid bl realdi lila ol Ih t mihtf who iu turn would par it to l'i- o.rr chanta and linliaili and lli'i a'l would reap Ih Ih IiiD!. If an) i bj.-i-l to a boili.ty rl lt.riu tod I U ii lliflr band, A. II. lUaril l.Ma. iii.iiir. Or., IM. Ih. i. IF Mr. Columbus were alive to day and called at Mat Lichten- thal's he might make a new discov ery quite as memorable as that of 1492. Chris was a great discoverer in his day. He would at this time discover the finest stock of Shoes ever shown in Heppner, and the cheapest as well. vVhat more does mortal man want r The Old, Original Shoe Merchant. M. LICHTENTIIAX. Main .Street, Heppner, Oregon. Custom Work a Specialty. The Ht'ppiif r Kneed AHKoclatioo hate decided to give Race Meeting at mm luosuay, Oct. 22 THE Palace Hotel, C. S. VAN DUYN, Proprietor. have taken full control of this popular home, and will make it strictly first class. MEALS, 25 CTS. BEDS, 25 CTS. faT Free Nat hi and Free 'Bui lor ail Guettt. -a"V 1 1 c I JfiHtliiss llve s. 8 825 IN PURSES! 8 825 Rare 2. Quarter mile daah, Pur, lion. Rara 4. Three- Pura. :.V. Karat. I'M Ota HAM IV f 1C I rin-r I' V Iti-.o I. Hall mile itli. fro ir all. I'urae, UU. Ir.M- lor all l'ur , U0. fKi'liNP PAY - Itnrr 1 On tlmn.nn.1 Jtar.l., In-e lor all. t Ih-iiiiih ani ri - hi, ir.r i..r an. riii fni. , tlllHIi iV It,...- V ll.lf mile itn.h. Ir.-r for all l vy-arM. Ilitlt iiilli- .U.li. It-r M1 lioia, In rarry 1 a imiioi.I. rarh. I'ufae, iJ-nii. ri'l lit II l'Y llwf 7, Kite i-luhlh. Uah. Ire fur all. PiirK. :M1, Rare. Oentlemen'i r...l.i-r ra -i nri ifi.iiu.ii. ow n. r lo ilrli. hall will lo-ala. hrt In i. I'u rat, 11 HI. kill v. in, ii in ran, nail 1 1 1 1 , , 1 1 oi all amatt'iita. Miilal talunl at .. r'IKfll IMV in. i,''iarti-r inlli-itaati, 0 .' rlau. I'uraa, l ai.mi. Itara 11. Tbotiaand )nr,i.aii. n ai, I ,ir--f ri C(it I I In . ra-. ill I rnvrrne-l hr the rule. o lh Par I Me Rinn ttnra Am ta li h- r itliaii. f-f. oi nil ra In --r in.l of ai..ouiil of pnrae. nva or mor lo voter, three lo .' .it In r. ti,i ..ii..-a !.,.. flirii iln M..I ml Ith B naiplvie i-nlrlra. Iha lnl ha Ih . -Mcr rr-l.i. tin-at iiita ol iiii i.ir. a. I.I thrlr poltf ttirtil Mtni .rot-r. The dlrvrlor. u ...ftr flu- n'.i im-i-.i- ant ai.. all rari-a on ai'Toiml of irlimrrit Nitnir. If ahnr ra. i.. ii. rt l. ll. n!i a ill alt ..ii ..r tiir. 11 la, ra In Im atill ltulrl hr Iha illn-rlnra fnraiaill ii--.iiii.m ,i.trii.mii e.iran --r orni aivoii.i. All lilrlr lo rloa bj o cloca, p. m. , .... i -.- in I,, H I'm i i . . a ' I immmmi - DAY :WILL HAVE: Head OF FINK $300 Held in Rescrvo for Special Races. T. W. AYKIW. Jr Hrrlarjr. OEO. CXJN8ER, Praaidrot. I".. I.. MaU-k, Ia M.'.Ur. I' (. HrrT, (lao. Harrioglon, Olia raltaraoo. I'lrrriora, Spanish Merino Bucks KOR AX,IS AT Win. Dutton's Ranch, one and one-half miles Below Heppner, on Oct. 1st, 1095. WM. DUTTON, Agent. A Brand New Man! On Iha larrn thrr ia roiillmially ctiri Kiat lil' aivi.l. i.t .i iiuio an I la-a.l llial fauaii dular l i lli fainifr Iu tiia ilk. Thi dmail in o Una ...ar ia f a inaltrr of In pirfaiif l.i ll Htttj' l.ltrr of Hi anil. Aa a .('lira ao I r-ln-l la friii l ..r ail, i run an I ali'a.t.n.' of Ilia .-, ItifirK la li.Mta Ull.r I' l l I'r J II ,:, Uai. a V. lo.n l I l.ni lll hi. II I aa ir. . I il. I ! ii. .,, ' I'r. f. J. !. Itroan and tnr iai rj ( r .,.i.,. ,r .,, ..,.. , ,Hi ftiroda al IaliiMfH alu day laal, ' Ml, ,, lkl j,,f j,M.r TIIIIN DKlt L.IQIITNINQ "There i a lute in the affain of mm That, iflukm at iti Jlotxl, U-wl on to fortune." The tloixl ia Lore mill to it G IX LI AM Sz 13 1 SB! CM With i full liue of Hr rr.iwa aa dn frnm liar I man jaatrda)t. Mr, 'liana Nnl.la ia on Iha lial of roo. talrarvnla. (Mia and A. W. I'al'rra'ia rarua from IVluliolnO B laal ralljay. In It ia li -t linntiUlot tU lt Ih m rw, but tliat thia tmncr It failed HiUilwiui'. TinWMH'. CI litHaiwuit'. Crookorv. WockI I I Itl.ll.. . . ... . .4. dint iiiowwiin'.roiir 1 tuw ti iHMrooK 1'rlceej. iiairtr I'Vru iinfi almit t irikTi !i I . 'l-are Imnaa lliia atrl.lnrf ara It. IS O I fa ll.. lt,raT II, a .'a ,.f Mr M inrlaal, t ilfiat frifu , r' IWfl'iiar, l fPilBd' , : lU'iatiUr. I l l.trf. Ira Nala., fi.tmflr of vit. la tampirariljr ,nal. In r.'rila'i.l al lt'' Sri a raaf. VfDr " m ' " " 1 K. IX. r.ratrl. H'olbar f Manaa! K-iiia fl.harmaa al Arliiit,a faotM IVkard la ti from rj M aM..l aiiiaH.a la.i fri lav that tra. M tt rar ia -la. IhM ia nriri I or ft rtita f j i r-in tt I'-nlaiil II a1a. an lain. ! Watt. 1 h. -a t " a alao llaa-ft' lo .in la of a oil. Id laata tt nr an-l V.-nnl ol. a.riu j ! J p.. no I Tlia'ioa1 arb Irmn una Iu I'aarf!! M h an I Irn .f 1 1 la a U r '' 1 r a t o-.. Mi'n it" i iinn iar. riiartf-.a n-r ... .. . -, tajbatitf rraJatl pf ayr aa." , . I. n mix: r UOlKl!, ff titj t- ahti.intirrt to tli juiMic that th IKrilman tot rfnntilf I uitn a4 of W. l' Knlilrr Liu eu oKl to GEO. A. BROWN, I H'i'I Am.io" .i,.iTiir ('oiitity (y. II. I ! . l.i i att ri r tl.iu a..l to !! at 'rioo in tvmjti- ll II lt!l tl." t',!t I ll.ia ja ,. i.J'.r j.af, n ioJ S"tii D (if Mr. i I i.iwu'a at. k as l J f l .i.im a will (HovitCl JfoU, mi Saad I l.iiiJin.ui. (iivii, Huc'aifaor to NV. II KAWLMH. Co. I 14 ak lli . ara. it, .a k..l f t 1 I HI A-IUUV iNsl'KAN'Ci: MAM-HI;! TKI4, MNUUNtl t t 1 1 VI I ... A. iM, tya Ma t ta y, THE I.1GHTLST RUNNING GANG FLOWS! Thr rnn a lihl thrr ruaoK In Ih. aifhl. Thf outy r.icluaivt IlanUar Htre ln-twin n Th Dallrg ind iVLdlfton GILLIAM ifc 13ISBK 1 A I N llfll'tifr, Orij;ntL HAIN Iks Keeley Institute For tho Ctitu oi Li'Ui.f. 0jium it! Tobacu llaln It it toraw4 at aa, rt.ua, T MM of(af Tor on (A CW.1 C"a:1 al aa (..i.TTt r.ra Mr nMilart atv V,p IMII.I.UI, Iraaimatit n. ao4 .qra mra LEGAL Plenty of them at the Gaxtto Office . . . t