Portland Library rt M i KM. 1 I I I I I i u i i , , , , , , , , M , , , , mmmrm I OFFICIAL sTSwv PAPER MH irillllllMI III , , , "Mil Ml. ,,, ,,,,,. I .. I z 1 FREQUENT AND CONSTANT I Advertising brought Stewart. Is owing to my liberality in ad-1 "lYl? f lJk - - - v"y mwJrtyfyM& ! i Tirrn'!nMx , . ' 1 , . """""""" .... ,,, 1 i a. ai s-i i .! a - i m nuiiiu i XLArt SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. PUBLISHED Tuesdays and Fridays BY m FATTEIISON PUBLISHING COMPANY, OTIS PATTERSON, A. W. PATTERSON, . Editor Business Manager At S.50 per yenr, $1.25 for six months, 75 ots. Aduertis ng Rates Made Known on Appl cation. THIB FAPJ4B is kept on tile at E. 0. Duke's Advertising Agency, H4 and fi5 Merchants BiXchanfte, San Irancisoo, California, where cou raote for advertisinR oan be rnada for it. 0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD. No. 9, mixed, leaves Heppner 1 :4S p. m. daily except Sunday. Arrives at Willows Junction 4:1ft p. m. No. 10, mixed, leaves Willows Junction 6'30 p. m. Arrives ut Heppner 9:00 p. m. daily except Sunday. East bound, main' line arrives at Willows Junction 3:30 a. m. West bound, main lino, leaves 'A illows Junc tion 12:0a. m. West bound Portland fast freislit with pas senger coach leaves Willows Junction 4:30 p. m and arrives at The Dalles at 9:00 p. m. Here passengers from the branch lay over till 3:15 a. m. and take the fast mall west bound which ar rives at Portland 7:25 a. m. The Dalles and Portland passenger leaves The Dalles daily at 1:4ft p. m. and arrives at Portland 6:00 p.m. Leaves Portland 8:00 a. m. daily and arrives at The Dalles 12:15 p. m. Thin connects with the east bound way freight with passenger conch which leaves The Dalles at 1:30 p. m., arriving at WillowB Junction 6:6t) p. m. fulled States OfllclalM. 'resident. Qn.ver Cleveland Vice-President Ad ai Stevenson Heo-efaryof Hiate Kkhard H. Olney Secretary of 1 reasnry John G. Carlisle Secretary of Interior Hoke Smith Beorelary of War Daniel H. Union! Secretary of Navy Hilary A. Herbert PostinaBter-Oeneral William L. Wilson Attorney-tJeneral Juilson Harmon Secretary of Agriculture J. Sterling Morton State of Oregon. governor..... w. P. I,ord Secretary of State H. It. Kincald Treasurer., . Phil. Metsnhan Hnpt. Public lnstro ction (i. M Irwin Attorney General O, M. Idleman Senators i W. JlcBri.la J. H. Mitchell Congressmen SnS,TJu'!ra"u,a . . ( w. Iv. r Ills Printer W. H. Uetla .... ( H. S. Han. Hupreina Judges V. A. Moore, 1 1. r.. Wolvurton Sixth Judicial District Circuit Judge Stephen A. Lowell I'rowHiiuing Attorney John 11. Uwrej Morrow Coanty OfflciaU. Joint Henntor A. W. firman ltarnntitntiva. J. H. Honthby iMiinr dun jtiiins ruimif Commissioners J. 11. Howard J. M. Baker. " HerV .T.W.Morrow "tienn tiw. liurnmrton Treannrer Frank (iilliam vaswaor J. r. Willi Snrreyor Oeo. Urd ' Hchnul r'up't Anna IIhUUct ' Coroner 1. W. Ar., Jr BKI'PKKK TOWN omOKRS. .. Thou. Morgan j "incomes i). k. parnsworth. M, I.ic'itenthal. (Kin Paitrm, T. W. Aysra, Jr. . H. 8. Horner, t. J. Slocnin. K-ilr K. J. HalWk rrmviirar. f t tWIaiid Barmlial A. A. IMxiru Prwmct Officers, Jnatirw of the Peace K. I.. Frwland Constable. N. M. WbiUlou I'tlted Htalea Und ()tlicm. Till DAU.M, OH. . F. Moore Hoe-inter A. S. Biggs iUc-Ter tAOAK.t, oa. B. F. WiliKin HtM J. II. Kobliins.., ItwclTar u:aiT aocimzs. KAWUXH POtrr, NO. IL O. A. R. l t ! lnngt.Hi. (rH tU tent SMlardef of -a-t.rn.mtli. All fet-rao. r n,iH lo '-.in, I ' L. I4.. lltUm w. HaitH. Adjnunt. tf CommiUKtM. LUMJJMt! W HAVK FiK eI.K ALL. Ktsm Of C V . Lurni-r, Mii of Hrtibner, at bal latuowD aeibe OOOTT X,VVlVXlrjI. rilt 1.0Q0 riET. Rol'llH. - . . " " " ( 1.KAK. - . im If tFMVKRK MKI-pxm, WILL tut) Tbt a! q iouH m are Mru-tljr f.f rh. . I. IUMii.T0X. I'rop. Kaifoaai m ot umi ww. rrwLAKii, tn. tt utnnor, I I41. fMf. TRlNUCTHCLVFltLBlMISSBCSIMSS COLLI ICTION'8 Ml oo FeofaU Term. EXCHANGE BOUGHT h SOLI) in:ti-Rii ir onrno fci "! TT- -wrs :A MZS MZf 31 cinoo7""" '3, jIIm . -1 "t . . r I 31 fl'T IS tHI0HLl!eAllCl9Cv).r II p wwniwnti 'Ur, '..tii.un.uj.o.tmu'- 1 ' Hliaj Atr fit la ; .! n f w f". 51 Are the Highest of all High Grades. Warranted superior to any Bicycle built in the world, regardless of price Do not be induced to pay more money for an inferior wheel. Insist on having the Waverley. Built and guaranteed by the Indiana Bicycle Co a million dollar concern, whose bond is as good as gold . 211b. SCORCHER $85. 221b. LADIES' $75 INDIANA BICYCLE CO HOMER H. HALLOCK, Indukapous, Ind., U. 8. 1 Gen. Agent for Eastern Oregon, Pendleton, Or. 1 The U.S. GOVERNMENT I ...is... J I PAYING MILLIONS I - A MONTH I To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their A an Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a V yj relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars G7 VOy on whom you depended for support ? fa) f THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW fi To receiv a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new law are entitled to an increase of pension. The government owes it to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the time you apply. Now is the accepted hour. jj-Write for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice. No Fee unless successful. H The Press Claims Company f) PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager, 68 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C. X.RTht Company U eontrolltd hu ;. paptrt in the Imled Rlnlet, and it ffuaranlffd by Oietn. YOU CAN ni:Y ir..00 worth of dry ood. and Kr.K-e,lea and then have nongh left out of IKO.oo to purrhaw a No. 1 C BI.Tcl. Ttla la 8r.t cla.s nisi lili.e. Whjr then pay llun.oo for Urycla that lllflv. no bettar annlie ? CR1WCMT "ttrorrhcr," wrlRht pnumlt, only frt. U11ra- ami Oenta1 mattsuira all tba way from 10 lo V 'noyt- Junior." only ID with .i.r,i,ntlc ttr- mivblm. "Our (Special." Mod i VD; U-IIni'. M. AtlDKKM- WESTERN WHREL WORKS, CHICAGO AND NEW YORK. or the Pint rn dl, llrpnr, Orri.n, Ag'nlM Jar -"r MORROW AND CRM NT Count ei. he inter ocean Most Popular Pcputllcan Newspaper of the West AnJ H3S the Largest Ctrcofatlon. DAILY ltho.t S4ay) , $4 oo daily (ith nu, H BV MAIL The Weekly i ftR YEAR The Weekly AS A FAMILY PAPER IS Ma .V. ! M M t m Ull... wJ at. KUHkaaf Ususi a IMB WU. l-Wsiaw . H aia. gi. (Mas fHk M VI IT IS A TWELVtl.pAOE PAPER. r r t,a oa tut . LA4 flat Hsu, , ET?" ,VM I- THK .oar-no Tr, Tail WI f Uf Of t Ra. Hune IW Tmi: Lancashiki: Inmkanci: Co. L " lillti'. VlUi, '' ? Mir. Wriflrt HEPPNER, MORROW M CMifflSg i wmLWiMsrw mum- . . - A LONGPKI.l.f! v 1iivmv I FACTS AHU FACTS ! ! Inter Ocean (Ct oo ... J la all fill Inter Ocean NOT EXCELLED BY ANY. au-iV . a a - a . a. ,aw w, JZ - ?r"I Z'.' f " I i I Mat m,41k Jriaj af aal. taw tv-. .., .... .... . INTRR OCKAN, Ctktgn COUNTY, OREGON, T I OJiau-WEEKLY NO, 381 ( L"T--teaw rsaiMia ii m vi Reader, did you ever take Simmons Liver Regulator, the "King of Ln v mi5DiciNE9 f ' ' Everybody needs take a liver remedy. It is a sluggish or diseased liver that impairs digestion and causes constipation, when the waste that should be carried off remains in the body and poisons the whole system. That dull, heavy feeling is due to a torpid liver. Biliousness, Headache, Malaria and Indigestion are all liver diseases. Keep the liver active by an occasional dose of Simmons Liver Reg ulator and you'll get rid of these trou bles, and give tone to the whole sys tem. For a laxative Simmons Liver Regulator is better than Pills. It does not gripe, nor weaken, but greatly refreshes and strengthens. livery package lias the I?ed Z stamp on the wrapper. J, n, Zeiliu & Co., Philadelphia. SUMMONS. p THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUN ,f ty.,"' Morrow, State of Oregon. F. B. Vancloave, 1 l'laiutlff, v. J. L. H. Vanploavo, I Defendant. J To L. H. Vancleave. Defendant In the name of the State of Orpjten, vou are nfj;'. ,V.e1"lred,to Wmr aua ner tne pom P . n,.rr RKtnt you in the almve entitled milt within ten ilayi from the date of the service of thia aumnioiii upon you, if lerved within thin county; or, if nerved in any other cou y oi thin Mate, then within twenty day. from the date of the icrvlee of tl,U ummoii. unon you; ?J!,.A; '""''PU'i you hy publication or by personal service wiUiout the 8tate of Oreton then you are required to aimeur unrt . or before the firm day of the next regular term h... V V "n or Deiore ttie I rst Mon nay In March, Im. And in case you fail to so answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will take a decree aifalnst you lor the dissolution of the ft-fnnS "i" " "T exintl" "wtween you and plaintifl, ami for the care and custody of the I'll C'"'l bvr" ", ,he '""" ' marriage. io-wu. K. A. ancleave; ami for such further decree as the court mav deem inst. - This summons is puhllshed bv order of the Hon. James A. Kee, Judice of tlio lith Judicial ail? ill!- "le M,s,e 01 rt'K"'. l"t''-l Svplomlier 6,!?J O W KKA. . "8i AtUirney for PhilutirT, HHERirr KALE. Y VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION ISSUED i...?',t.;,"heH,""".rH,,ln:l",ltc""rt of the fh- M H Wr,'"" '' oui,ty of Morrow, on the 2d day l October, I In favor of K. I) Kood, l l till r, and airatnst Allred DoolHtle Kmrna A. Iimillttle ami Cottin A McKarland ru,,l.-,'.!.,'V,,'l,,?.,,! T"' 'lrel and ii l i -fh ! l"Kr l,lt,'r""t ""r,,o1 '"'' thl.thdayof Aiimist, lt, at rH, ,,,. INTccnt peraiiiiiiiM and Twenty ioHrs atlnr -1HI IHillara costs, and ccriiln cmis I havnlcvlml i,,Mi ami will sdl t public sue Ion ., , th hlKlic.t I ,.r on N,tur.lav. t J.l dol Noin.l.r. I -. at 2 o'cl, k K M ol "hi day, at the court houw door In llciii.iicr Morrow oiinty Ori-Kon, .11 the rlubt. title ,,j V," hm'.'1' '' "l?"1'.' Aifrn'' """i"'!'-. K a , . ....... 1 ( Bf I Ifl , If II Isnt. b , t, a, niter the M ,s .,( .,,tei.r I Ilk nt lillLn I..II..- I .. . . ' ' to wlt icpciiiH-.i iirviiiiaea, North east Otisrfer ..r mj-ii.... i-i....... ... Township Three (;!,,,,,,,, ol llsn.e TWelll. n.e r..t. . M . In Morrow ( mint., oreir.,,, Terms of Sn!e. canh lit I.-...I ii.- . I ' apiillH to the Mtlslactioii o'f sold In. Anient attorney a c', routs and all iv . rue 7 lt.-l at Heppner. Morrow Coiinly. Orciion. this . oti, day ul (tcl.,l-t, vv, ' ti W II ft Will l'i:Tnw M Hhrrirr of Morrow HKKirr mi.r. VOTlrr. I IIKHKMV (ilVK THAT t'N)KK i and by virtue ol an nn iillnn l.e. out ritlh ln-ii t nurtiil llm mii ..I i... ..... Ihm oiihly ,, Morrow mi lirii. ii i...'. ! rn ,lll, . I,.. ,lel vr red, i,,.,,, . l,,K!i,i. rendete.! ai,. elilered In Sai l court on tlie I HI, oa? tit .-.ie.lr .,r ( y . Ii- hlalMilft.and ssslii.t V.t. l.,i ..n ..... Wat IM -.11 sdililliUtralrtg ol the .-.l.le ol toMM-Hos lift. nit, d.-..-. VI..,. I Hrioi Ml,e lirl-.,n ,,t i,.i, i,,, ...,, lot lh Clin of I Irl.n ,n,l,., t le,t. , and . N,ii .in, ii.,.i ii at H,e rate ,,l s i. - 1 1 ..I .i,.-, l..,. , Ih r, .i1 .ti.i.Mf.,.,,,. ,,,, ,,l ,,,, ,,, and ol llil. mi I , Uinri.t t at ordered el that ll.e I,. I... I... ... rl.l te .,,., 1b el.. the M,.rl r.O .,.4 ,, , t...f(l,.e.l ., ,,,,, ,,.,, s,, , ,,,!, hlfi 1 a.,1,11,, f . r, Ui:.m- Meridian m Morrow liwiit,. nlaixj .-.. t"Weltief lit, ,. I, ,,rtr.ri,u her. .lhainema ...! l'l-iniafer there, loto i.r jotifior. l S..I4 in ta'laly aaad j'l.lf ami , , ., , , .,!,, ,, 1 111 no li e -rd .t of Smrmtoi a In r,a t, m ol ul l da. la e..oi l in r.'.art !-. 11 lll.l,i.er li..r. i i.f.f..(, a., 1 rati ll,r ,i,, (, ,,,4 n.i.t aid deteodaota ai. a.l li.a rll.t n. I- . iii'rrTi , ,, dlei.,U..t Mart M. II I lrftijH llilwib. itMi-atr.! .... ""' l 'li l" .. at.. I, m;t of fh Itat -e e 1 ,1, aVnel 4,. r.le rl. r 1 n a II.,.. 1., 11 . t,tt. I leal 1 1 i, r Ir m. ia. a at raao in Land the i la I., m at,el I., "''" "I aaid . il.. a.l a.l twl ,. II llftmr.Tl.V mm ai.,,.-; ii n,,,e,, 1 ,.,, hotm Of Intention. I An cirrn t tiir ii 1 r ik.i.,hw I a, t.e.l.r l- .! . ia r.,,. , , 0,,.m 1 11 . a ol I it I I. a , - ff r.a-ei a. t r t.a 1,., - ii.... to a- at .. j a.., a . t..t aal 1 1 f.w.f a 1 . t, a4a la lt-m II. 1 irwr. ir,..n no .i s m urm . 1 ,. 1 i, at '- tj I,, tit SlI'Mlf IllMw r r -n 1.4 I, . o . Sil . St ii 1 1 .... aai-l ia l.a al-.e a it in ..a j . raa. Ir.a ai.t .,l'at- a J. . f aaf. ' iaa,.. a- a a ' let, '4-" a.. I M - as ofc c Irtin'Jon, I ! t at I .a. t l'ry titt Mir -awl a- ' t a ar.,. ... urn !.-. ,u.-. a.a s a- I - a .r a..o ' a a- t I. al a. a I m M.t.. ,. e- a- i a . 4 ,a. I - ' : -a.ta ' 'I I ' at l. Mar. I lwi at a T it . as a) t '.,- .. . , . , i .t ,( ti nl.'i w Ita aa--a.. m. f wo-'a a a. vi. a -It. i aa W '.' t. I I raa. a r fa ni r M.'l. I. t t I .. .1, f, "' a aua kl a be , ae4 a . '" f t '. l-it. r. w'. . a. at. ". l-tsti .'4 lati. l,e-S ai la tf (-.. tarat ti. f r. rV, k tur"Tl bf t.kit'.i afltifc. tf TUESDAY, OCTOBER VEGETABLES. Lettuce then be up and doing, Turnips on the wrongs of life; Beet our rivals, still pursuing, Cabbage honors in the strife. FISH. Salmon life in mournful numbers, Flounders in an empty stream, ' Suckers fancy in their slumbers Soles are not what they seem. MEATS. Liver, die, act in the present, Lamb live's evils long and late; Steak no future, how'ere pleasant, Chop and labor while you wait. WINE LIST. Spirits long since stilled will make you Stout, aggressive, wise and brave, Alements will at last o'ertake you, Beer will bear you to the grave. -Truth, vno oiebt when Mr. IsHao Reece wna stopping with mo, Buys M. F. Hatch, a prominent merchant of Quartermaster, Washington, 1 beard him frroauint?. On vfoinjf to his room I found him suffering from cramp eolio. He was in snob Rony I feared bn would die. I hastily uare him a Hnon nf PliumiiU.i;' n-:' Obolera and Dinrrrhoea Remedy. He waft soon relieved and. the first words he uttered were, "what was that stuff you gave me?" I informed him. A few days HRowewere talking about his attaok and be said he was never withont that remedy now. I have used it in mv family for several years. I know its worth and do not hesitate to recom mend it to my friends and customers, tor sale by Slnonm-JohnHon Drue Ob EIGHT MILK NOTES. Grasshoppers and drought, are injur ing the newly sown grain. Abner Oactwell and mother are living lone, Mr. Urown and family having moved away. Mr. John Evans made n Eight Mile. He intends Uaytou, Wash. olmrt trip to to reside at Some of the farmers think have to resow some of their grain nt routed Hiid then died they laud, will the Mrs. Mattie Fuqna and family are miesed at the Suuday school, as it took away the secretary, ohoiriater and super intendent. Sunday pohool every afternoon at 3 o'clock; Mrs. A. AshbnoKh, Hnpt., Mre. KuigUlen, Hssistuut Stipt. They are not using lesson leave lu the school, but are studying the book ..f Acts. EvangeliHtirj meeting r ver Hunday after grind ay eohool, conducted by Mis. A. AdLlmug'i. E. M 0. Kiout Mils, Oct. nth, 1HH5. rare for lleatlai lie. As remedy fur all fmiuaof Hcinlache hlectrio Uittta IHa provtil lo tie the very beat It -ff.cts a pennawn cure und tho moNt dnudoil IihIhIomI sick lesdw lies tiil to ita inlliieiirn. n 'irwal who r ulllntid o pmcilrn a Ixitllri, and give Una reino ly a fntr frial. Il, tNea) nf lialtjtiial flotislipNlinti Kb"' Mo Hitter cures ,y giving H. nei-ded l -iie to (lie bowels, and f (,Ml. (,, rnauHt the tiar. o( Una rucdidiiif. Tr) mm. Irftrgw boltli-a only fif,y c,,!, I. V. Acer, Jr., drug alure. Maa Kba Wonld Marry. "I uar lit aid a young girl say, yontig girls are fond of ayiiig."olrai.rvl an old lady on the summer boarding. botis,iMi, "what sort of a man .he ill marry, and what sort only, lln.l I do not Ihink if cerium spcerlie In bicli I, myaelf, tiHVK ll.teiied frm p'rlty bps lir fora U,,,, cHi fnend of mitie ao he, Saw Jefrwy di lata tion I hat aim torn ilw map from ,nr tgraphy. Hhw ti-e, ,, m, oolhlng woiil I imliira ,er , marry man wlm a i .,aer, ttr w..ra a wig or livad in X Jersey. And Ip man fffbr rboioa wm gniilv .f all Ilia IhfeW eoortnltlea. fj wlk OVef my fiMnra with two ronaina. o0, not marry a htiann man, I aa d. Kkla nuM not ti.tt.k ,f clergyman, i.r Carry rrf a farro.r A.d inrn. rwapafllVelf , bua,r.e.a mitt, a rlargy man ati l a farnif-r. It la all like a mart jonag An-rteao lirlj,' n m grari lrn dder'a . ilrlu r, 14 a ,, fa, ulaiW l u rlnl Irett, on II a acorn m liiob U bbl all tnert, alw.ta md, ng np f,r dei,ot,r,l.,,, ,a at I by; '.Vn, I 011M11 I n.arry any n.an H al walks n wn Ia. An I atiw a Ull e e t didn't. H', rn.rrie.l Wan!" - .Saw V"k liuira. boaa laaaa H. II fl.fT .rd, N ( aa. I. Wia, M lfool,!e. ,tli,.,rt,an. rl...mali..n. 'O.arti a..l..f, re,, ,,.ef a, affaete, , . alarit.,i g , .ree, api-etila ril a.ay, at. I t a l-fr.ly re .ee I r, ( fteab u4 alrrn. l, 1 1, raw tMlle ,( . I.le-f,e I',, tiara eajr. !... , j l ies I M....r I, HariialHi'a-, 'a , l.al a ai.M g t-.o. r.n i. ,, r.f eiw,l ' m. I'a, i r. letii.a.f r le. l.. llniere a..ae.i,l.,.f i,,ea . laa'a An,.ra Halse. ai, I ,t. .t .., , alw!l J , ,,.,,., t ,t,. it I Be la'f e feVaf a.raai r . ,, , ,),, , trf awi, ,e waa Irenrat.lw II. e til. I 4 I I- Hera a,.. 1 art I. a w:t. ..r. , H ai,l,relr. w.,'1 b T U. A,,,., Jr , . lr...,.r..fl . i... i.fow. ii.a t .. - .laa la . . .. . . ' t -"a.- r-a )., f f iqr r". wU. la wi. t.ta i. l.e II t.il a. . .,1 r t,, v. lie .a.l a f , )!, U I- , t5 st !. f ... . ,,,. N r.i Nt a .a d It w.'.ara, l,i,t, t,,', -.!. f t "i f ' a .. '!. ,e.. , ,,w j-rt '.ia t,i t. v, f .r4fr Highest of all in Leavening Dentistry ln Oregon. "When I was traveling through southeastern Oregon last month," said Attorney W. W. MoNair to a San Fran oisoo Post writer, "I found myself in a small village and with a large tooth ache. I found the local dentist, with bis whirligig engine that resembled o small lathe, at the livery stable clipping a horse.' "Do you treat teeth?' I asked. " Course! What do you suppose I'm here for ?' he replied in a nettled tone " 'Well I have one that needs atten tion.' " 'Want it pulled asked. or plugged?' be '"I want it treated. How treat a tooth that is aohing?' do yon "Tull it or plug it.' " 'I think this oould be saved if it bad proper treatment. '"Want it plugged, then? What is it jew tooth or gnawer? And he tried to foroe a finger that was covered with dirt and horsehair into mv month t had grown a trifle suspioious of him. so thought I would find out what sort of work he did. "'Do you do bridge work?' I asked. '"Notsinoel been praotioin. I did build a bridge across Cow oreek when I was ranohin, but I mostly oonflne mv- self to dragging fangs, dootorin horses and barbenu. "' Do yon ever transplant teeth?' '"Say, I tried that onct. but she didn't work. . Ole Iiil Robi'eon had a tooth that was Benin, ad be wanted it pulled. I got the wrong tooth. I tried to pui her baok, but Dil hollered an out up so that I thought I'd try to transplant it. '"I sawml off the snag and rivited it to Bill's plate o' false teetb, but she wouldn't work. The first time Bill bit a bone with it the tooth swung around in the rivet, and be bit a bi le in the roof of his month a big aa a hazel nnt.' i concluded not to hava my mouth treated. The dxntlst was sorry and told me that 'if it was holler to heat a knit tin noodle hot and poke It in the tooth, or noiu a cliaw o' lei backer in month."' my . ,', 1 H,r'n'. principal of the piitilio si'hiHiln at Anderson, dal., says "I have ued Cbanilwrlaiii't Tain Uahn and have found it au txrpint remedi for liuiifiies and slight wounds." fimetiens iiHtiitity results from a prmn, or older injury, or from rheums- win, for Hliioli tlliauibfrlaiiia' Tain Ibiltii ia ipw,iHy intndid and un--.tiUH. ft aff.iMa Hm,mt ilnrn,1H relnf and In a short timo ilT-cis a rH rmanoi. enre. Kof sale by 8I0011.11 Joliiismi Drug (V Ths town i full 0f airangsra who are b".: to attend tha rami. Norn - On Friday, Oet. H, 19,-,, If of Jus. Hayes, a danghlHr. T,ui WgHw. it.irn-Io Heppner, on Haturday, Oct. n.lr. to tba wife of I). A. Il.rren, a datiglir. Maker (Hly iHiopli. ara tick led (,er tba fai I lliht ll.e ne.t K. of Oram! l.dgt III bs bel.1 Ibefn. Tim svimil local inatiinia fr ,j teaebers of Morrow rtoiinly, will b al lUnlman Nov. , T. A. Rb.-a and family bav moved ii, L'mu?' k' P U',T tfkinM lo the riank Kellogg Pfupert. Mf. Olia I'aiteraon relumed on rrt day evening from below after visitmg Irteo l. at Oregon Cily and 11,, l,ai,,. u3!! mm 0f',, ,""n " H Fftlay avening aoonmpanM hy mother who .ill fi.it with relalltM bera for a tim. TI..KikaUIarW' .biwn al I'.!. lah,l I..I i . fc. . . iii' a swrpaawe.i any fra'eii.Hl ilrtooi.slf ation .tar . .. Ilia On lr.it.alia. Tba 1'orllar.l Kl.tioa y.ar M much belter 1 1. an any .ver ,el m IWilaiiJ, aid reflecta Ur, r(n,, u ll,e matia.rtt.etit. Haifa tla.tr K.o.wef i. pr,,,,,,,,,. i Ii. beat preparaiion tua.1. fr u,t, k t.rf !. ff.wii, ,,f th. hair at,. re.it(h(l ll.al aliieh gray to Ha original e dor, WUn l.,,p,rf , 4. o I ofllai -t M,.y ,aM,, fi,,! a Mtef ,!ae itil ll.eir .t,,Mt,, n,, ,,, tw(1 ,"'' !' Ibealra. roiner l Ilid and Vaiwl.Hl. iJodray alaa ' st I bow ailLl, t taael, ,,f ail. We too wl,Ma..f .a af?.n .1 . '- a Tills, take ,..fi,i., ! at tt flelaFir,.,m f,,, (j ; arre.1 tot'h tf.frwww of tlVa. ,,. I '" ! ' "' l-llly .. tha ....!, I 'ilf IV' lo r, kg . 1 Mr. r,Hn la l(alw M l In . .!.... t f ll la lllark k.i.i . . . l.al aa at .leaf.rTa aalw ... Mala. a. a,!.,,n. loin. Il.a..r.. .JIM I ,1 aaa ioi ..a ... a u I awla araf a.l ... '-'",. tin,. Tl. laa. I -,!.... t Kill, an I aaa aJt in a.i,... . ' llaamw. 1 1 ft , i , f r. !.- ffc,., r -lla- I, a.a l., . .1. t-e.l. .ft n-i lr, ev.at r,,......, , . , I ,td ),,, . ,. ,, I !.., M.,, W h !.f, af.f.Mfcat f.fleiw4 awt,,t,. wfW r.a) ttakW t. . ! t WEEKLY NO. 660 ( DJian-vvjsjijiLY NO, 381 i PowerLatest U. S. Gov't Report CATERING TO AMERICANS. London Tradesmen Rake In Millions of Our Dollars livery Year. It is estimated that Americans every year in London distribute nearly twenty-five million dollars among the trades people there. They nearly always pay cash and are charged good prices. Naturally, then, says the New York Advertiser, the London tradesmen have become thoroughly awakened to the importance of catering to this trade, and they are using all manner of means to attract it. In nearly all the shops on the Strand, llegent street, Oxford street and other thoroughfares of that character, where prices are given and articles are displayed in tho windows, the United States dollar mark is used in conjunction with the English pound mark. One of the big dry goods stores in Oxford street created quite a com motion among the Americans by dis playing a very large American flag from their flag-post. As I happened to pass by I saw about two hundred peo ple looking reverently at the stars and stripes. The size of this crowd not only demonstrated tho clever move of the shopkeeper, but the large number of Americans in London, that so many of them could be attracted about the same timo and at the same place by this means. Naturally they all wondered what it meant, and went into the shop in pursuit of knowledge. They were given to understand that it was in the nature of a personal compliment, and they feel it now their pat riotie duty to believe that this is the greatest shop In London. Other shopkeepers are sure to discover tho clevernessof this scheme and follow tho example. It may be come contagious. If it does, the Amer ican flag will be mine familiar in Lon don than in New Yor'c. A LUCKY ACCIDENT. Why a Jaekatonn Maker Turned Ills At tention to l'uiiles. As an example of bow a remunerative apecialty in hardware forced Itself on a receptive and appreciative Yankee the following Incident will be of in- Amnng manufacturers, says the Iron Age, small castings arc often put in re volving cy litulers with pickers or stura inado of cast iron, having usually six points, thei-xlreiiieM of which are alMt an inch apart. They are also fumilif.r to toy ilciileis. who m-11 them to chil dren as juckhUiiies." Tho pickers, together with hiiuill castings, are put Into the tumbling barrels mi that any particles of sand adhering may he re moved and a better finish given the ciistiiii's. A large and well-known New Kngtuiid concent, which, in addition to oilier lines, iii.'itiiif.icliircs screw wrenches largely, formerly used a peculiarly slmpeij malleable Iron fer rule wilh irregular opening, at the two emit wi ii'hing alN.'ut an otinen. Homo nf these fcmilca cliini, r, t,, lt . part of Hie eotiti-iiU lu onn of tho tum bling Larrt-U. When the barrel m opr-niil the at tendant in it iced, u hat to him aeemrd alm.ist inert dil.le, that the picker with all it proiifrfi wu IiiMde the ferrule, tlie iih iiin,-, of which were compara tively aitiaSi, The ol.e rv int mc-hnnid logically i-oiiclud, , that us It had got ten in it n I, I M- g'lll. u nut iigiiin. The ilicii,,ni, ,,,, vt, l.rnilit to the atlctitiuii ,,f ,rti,, nlio il.cl. I.-.I Ul apply the i.leii iii n pul,-, Hl m rr. Mill I., 1 I, t lata t l!ie iiiiiinil I1111IIU f.iclitri ta arc ic.rt iii.iUinif the two part under i-oii trad in .,n ..t. wliiltt the) lirt order i ani l 1., h.,.. 1,, u -L profit i the piiiiiioti t. of ... , i,i.-, i, iminlml cloli.ira, "I l.ia U kiiowti on the! alrerla aa thu Trilliy puS.. I.lt rni-..t. I,., j,,,! , ,t..ndi.. lu liii,.irn ,, Inking In m m 1 ti suburban 1 -t r M-t -a, and ia n , i,e mm on. I largest -ily In the Hrit i-h rinfirr. THE OWEN BELT ft aUrt-tV. Owat) TOR MEN AND WOMEN 1 -a l.m ar.-l y wirni r an4 rttte K In r.h.t.i ae ti.t,. law , "" ' ' ' ' ' a " f . 4 I'.. if u,.i ,,, , r w . r r.it '"' ' " 'fiat.i 'f aol .,a. and SH-law i-.a.t ... i..i. h .aa i. aa ataay '" l oi, .tii..f a-irt.ar .(, a4 WILL POSITIVELY CUHB ps-L ; tt mi L J .!," '""lUTI 'lISHlllSIS a. Ik klk!lU J it-it 1 1 a t taiMaat uisRiaiTt WITHOUT MEDICINE I Is- I if,U Tf. i ! ui mmlU "ftlft f (V ftsst tM k) n.se,...i I... r. "" . a- .!., ski .1 .a1 . wt "a'e-ai!i.ij .. .. . . .. . - .-a la a II . ;,a I t ., .j ... a. r. iiMk4 t) I If clua!:e atcjiPiiw cimcsit f .a!r ,Wa t , r-i .. - . a t -" a- 1 .a. I , . ... (, I . -I la. ewe I H . I la l-aa -"Ml lawa UlCt:lt:t;?r;; vi ;;:ir.si U. Ill ..n ,. t e..f rwSpM taiut 6. I . Ui la ttl tM beast, Chic.", ill, ' amataa k.,ak