Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 18, 1895, Image 3

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La Grippe, for Golds, Goughs,
"Two years ago, I had the grippe,
and it left me with a cough which gave
me no rest night or day. My family
physician prescribed for me, changing
the medicine as often as he found the
things I had taken were not helping
J- Ky
Here and There.
. a oew
Heppner, has
me, but, in spite of his attendance, I got
no better. Finally, my husband read
ing one day of a gentleman who had
had the grippe and was cured by taking
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, procured, for
me, a bottle of this medicine, and before
I had taken half of it, I was cured. I
have used the Pectoral' for my children
and in my family, whenever we luivu
needed it, and have found it a specific
for colds, coughs, and lung troubles."
Emily Wood, North St., Elkton, Md.
Highest Honors at World's Fair.
Cleanse the System with Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Destiny, Tuesday Night.
Don't forget Carlton's Company.
Lee Matlock is np trim Portland.
Say Bennett is np from The Dalles.
Geo. Mair was in the metropolis
W. J. Brown called on as while in the
oity yesterday.
Just received at Minor & Co
line of wall paper.
The Niles-Vinson, Marble
Walla Walla, Wash,
Mrs. A. Keithlv, of
Cochin cbickeus for sale.
Geo. Fell and Bob Hynd returned
from Portland Wednesday night.
Something between 30 and 40 horses
are in Heppner training for the races.
La Grande Marble Works, La Grande
Ore. S, 0. Smith, salesman, HeDpner.
Chris Borobers is still proprietor of
the Falaee hotel bar. His ad. ia in
another column.
u.imoua uompany of flayers were
Greeted with crowded houses all this
week. Omaha Bee.
G W. Aehfonj, representing a firm of
Portland cabinet rankers, was doing
Heppner yesterday.
E. E. Feldiaan, representing Feldman
& Co., of Portland, was doing business
in Heppner yesterday.
Jed Carlton as Denver Dan in Destiny
kept the house in an uproar all night.
Sherman (Tex.) Courier.
Mrs. Arthur Minor returned Wednes
day night from a two weeks' visit with
frieuda in Salem and Portland.
Best accommodation nod oourteons
treatment at the Imperial Hotel, Seventh
and Wash. Sts., Portland, OregoD
Minor & Co. have the largest stock of
overcoats ever brought to tuj city. Ask
to see their $10 beaver overcoat.
Fossil Journal : J. C. Hayes, a sheep
buyer from the Heppoer viomity was in
this viomity several days this week.
Zed P.osendorf, of Independence, ar
rived in Heppner Wednesday evening to
look after some business interests here
When yon want to feel merry call on
Lie he Sperry, at the Belvedere Saloon
where they keep the finest wet goods in
town. tt
C. H. Van JJoyn is now in full po
session of the Palaoe hotel and offers the
best of acommudutious to the publio
see uia ad. in another column.
Thompson & Binns have prepared to
sprinkle the streets for the next ten
duys. This will keep the dust down
until the races are over. A good idea.
Tirres-Mouotaiueer: Mr. Charles Sar
gent, proprietor of the Grupd ( antral
Hotel at Heppner, is in the city visiting
bis pureuts, Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Sargent.
Billy Gordon is now proprietor of the
stable and feed yard next door to the
Gazette office and has opened the same
for the Bcoommodutlon of the traveling
Shilo'a Cure is sold on ft guarantee.
It euros lumpient Consumption. It is
the beat Cough Cure only one cent s dose,
25 cts., 00 ota., and SI. Sold by T. W.
Ay era, Jr.
The Epwortb Leagues of tbia place
will hold a union meeting at the M.E.
olmrob Sunday evening at 7 :30. A spec
ial program is being prepared aud the
publio is cordially iovited.
Stephen Lolten sent down his annual
contribution to the Uuztte this week in
the shape of an neellent, well made
water barrel, and if yon are wanting an
article of this description cull and see
K. O.: Herbert Gregg, who repre
sents the Spokane Spokesman-Itevtew
in Walla Walla, returned today from a
visit ia Porllwtid aud speut the day
visiting with C. E. Roosevelt in Pendle
ton. Mrs. T. S. Hawkiu. Chattanooga,
Tenn., says ''Hhilob'e Vttaliwr 'saved
my life.' I consider it the best remedy
fur debilitated system I ever need.'
r'or dyspepsia, livr or kiJney trouble
it rxnels. Price 7A oeuts. Hold by T.
W. Ayera, Ji.
K. O : Alvah W. Pattorsoo. managing
editor of the Heppner Ossltr, arrived
Sunday morning lu PcndMoa and is to
ilia city visitlug bis many friend. Mr.
I'attrrsou bus been selected a the
"Vi.. 11 -V I "! orator at ibe next evasion of Ibe hnigbta
Oliy nOiei Bar I I ol .ytbuia grand lodge.
Ilnr.ian lifa ia haM lim rheanlv when
WiirtiW1t Kta'ie l.l.inira ami riitars rj alao (B Individual who needs toolo for bis
In speaking of the stook show at the
state fair, the Rural Northwest, of Port
land, says: "Mr. N. C. Mans, of Hepp
ner, who haa come to the front in Ore
gon very recently as a Shorthorn breed
er, had a good display and although bis
cattle were taken directly from the
pasture and not in ehow condition took
the sweepstakes premium on bull as
well as a number of first premiums."
The same paper also made compliment
ary notice or W. O. Minor's stook
exhibit. Mr. Minor and Mr. Maris are
very much interested in the raising of
good stock and give much of their at
tention to it. We are glad to note their
snocess at the state fair.
Overwork, either pbysioal or mental,
will produce weakness aud loss of
energy. Too many business or family
cares, overwork in the harvest field, an
excess of woman's work and worry will
produce months of misery. To prevent
this, the exhausted system should b.e
reinforced immediately. Dr. J. H.'
McLean's Strengthening Cordial and
Blood Purifier is an appropriate remedy.
Prioe $1.00 per bottle.'
Fossil Journal; The grand lodge
Knights of Pythias this week eleoted its
grand ofheera for this state. Otis Pat
terson, editor of the Heppner Gazette,
was eleoted grand prelate, the fourth
highest office in the order. Pat must be
a pretty good roan to attain euch high
rank in that great sooiety.
You can earn $5 eaoh day "giving"
our absolutely iudispeDsible household
article away. New plan of work, mak
ing experience unnecessary and success
oertain for either sex in any section.
Sample dozen free. Credit given.
Freight paid. Address, Melrose M f g.
Co., 80 Melrose Park, III. 4t.
Wills & Slooum have just reoeived a
large invoice of ladies and chtldrens
wraps of all styles and oolors. They
will offer the same or the next 30 days
at prices lower than ever was known
Call early and mspeot the stock before
the assortment is broken. Pioneer brick,
opposite poetomoe. tf.
in attempting to ride bis black mare
bareback up at the raoe track the other
day, Ike Ennts was thrown to the ground
sustaining a badly sprained arm thereby.
Ike has oonoluded that be is not a
success at bareback riding and will use
a saddle in tbe future.
Aver's Hair Vigor, which baa outlived
and superseded hundreds of similar pre
parations, is undoubtedly tbe most
fashionable as well as economical hair
dressing in tbe market. By its use the
poorest head ef hair soon beoomes lux
uriant and beautiful.
For Thb Races. Heppner's fall raoe
meeting will begia on next Tuesday,
Oot. 22, and there ia already a large
number of borsea in the city training
for the same. These races are to con
tinue five days and promise to be of
much interest to horsemen and others
interested in this kind of sport. We
have not been able to learn just how
many horse owners are here with fast
stock, but have got the following names:
Harve Sumraerville. of Eugene, with
Black Prinoe; Z. L. Van Wiukle. of
Grass Valley, with Wild Bill; Ebb
Boyenton, of The Dalles, with Hot
Stuff; Andy Allen, of The Dalles, with
Oraoker Jaok ; Elzy Piokard, of Eugene,
with Black Alder; Cass Matlock, of
Pendleton, with Baby Ruth and Her
mann; Pat Kine, of Pendleton, with
Celaui; Fred Pittton, of Yakima, with
Jublium. These as will be seen, are all
outside horses. Ol borne horses we
have the following: Gid Hatt's Chester;
Dave McAfee's Gen. Ooxey; Ben Swag-
garl's Ltdy Opal; Albert Reu s Annie
J; E. L. Matlock's May; T. J. Matlook's
Theresu; G. B. Tedrow'sUmatilh Queen
aud Oregon Danger, and Jim Jones'
four horses wh'ise names we did not
leain. Jim Cowins, of Haystack, is here
with a horse, also, and it is expeoted
that several more will arrive from other
points iu tbe interior.
Red Blood
Is the Foundation of the Wonderful Cures
by Hood's Sarsaparilla.
That la Why the cures by Hood's Sar
saparilla are Cubes.
That Is Why Hood's Sarsaparilla cores
the severest cases of Scrofula, Salt Rheum
and other blood diseases.
That la Why it overcomes That Tired
Feeling, strengthens the nerves, gives
enerjjy in place of exhaustion.
That Is Why the of Hood's Rnr
saparilla have increased jvar af.or j ear,
until it now requires for its production
the largest Laboratory in the world.
Is the only True Blood Purifier promi
nently in the publio eye today. Be sure
to get Hood's and only Hood's.
None But Ayer's at tbe World's Fair
Ayer's Sarsuparilla erjjnys the extraor
dinary distinction of having been the only
blood purifier allowed nn exhibit at the
World's fair, Chicago. Manufacturers
of other sarsaparillns sought by every
means to obtain a showing of their goods,
but they were all turned away under the
application of the rule forbidding the
entry of patent medicine and nostrums,
Tbe deoision of the World's fair eutho.
rities in favor of Ayer's Sarsaparilla was
effeot as follows: "Ayer's Sarsapa
rilla is not a patent medioine. It does
not belong to tbe list of nostrums. It is
here on its merits."
fern imon Tut wlq I thuTfrTTw
L" L-D X?: 3 43
L f-1 J? ! H 9 LLIL 12
nil v n ;0j6 m l j b ny
if' ' JT?. U3 j lb Zb
Take Notice.
L The sura of five rent per line will be
lharited for "cril of thanks," "refciHittom of
rep:t, " lists of wedding presents and donors,
tnd obituary notteHa, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter nf news.) and
notices nlspecial meetings (or whatever purpose.
2. Not lct-s nf church and society and all other
jntcrtalnmeiiU from which revenue la to he de
rived, shall ho rhanicd for st the rate nf five
enta a line. Theoe rules will b strictly adher
ed to lu every Instance.
Advertising riitoa reasonable and made known
ipou application.
Htaire for Hardinan, Monument. Umir Crevk,
lob n Day and I'aiiynti Cltr. leaves aa follow :
Every ilav at a a. m., except Hiindav.
Arrivuaevory day at A p. in.-rx vpt Monday.
Tbe rliMirM. iiilckct and best line ki or
from the Interior nntry.
I'hlll Colin, Aiceiit,
Extra Pale Star Brewory Beer
lu Half IMut Hottlea ran be
had only at the
kapl by Ted.
Mrs. T. W. Ayera depatted for Port
land yratrrday where the will enter the
boepital fur f'tedlral treatment. Mr.
Ayera baa been 111 a prrst deal the past
year and we hope she may return re
stored to health.
No people suffer ao nitich from pbyei
cal diabllie as llio whne nieiiiea
repair litl or no ninrnlar eiertioo.
Tbalaok of nerri caiir tlielivrr to
beoorne alngaiah aud th rrenll le e'0-1 lut n, nf the Palare boll, led for Iiew
slant Constipation, mdigoatmn, liilinna- p'lid'-noa nn yelr lay B'leriioon, wber
syatetn, aeeka to cover bis wants by por
obHkiiig every new mil lure that ia rrcom.
mumled to biro. llmember that Ayer's
Hnraapartlla has a well earned reputation
of fifty year's standing.
The O. It k N Co. 'a oew tiro rard
gna into rfTefll Monday on the branrh.
The train will lea Heppner at 10 3)
p. m, and rrtnrn C 15a. m.. making close
rnnnertlMD with (be nrlnl train at
Willows Junction. We believe tbia
rhantfewill give letter satisfaction than
tbe present chedul.
Chad Van Darn, son of C. M Van
Wills ft Slooum, having disposed of
tbeir entire grocery stock, have made a
reduction of 1U per oent on their dry
goods, olotbing, boots, Bboes, eto. They
do not now charge vou for what they
heretofore lost on the grocery business
Jiari a Ulover Hoot will purify your
Blood, clear your Complexion, regulate
your bowels and make your bead clear
aa a bell. 25c., 50c, and $1. Hold by
1. W. Avers Jr.
Wills & Slooum are receiving a fine
line oi oew areas goods, uali ana see
tbeir hue of plaids for ladies' wear. The
newei t thing out and all tbe rage in
Portland. tf
11. C. Wills and wife returned from
Portland on Wednesday night. Bob
purohased a Jine lot of goods for tbe
store of Wills & Slocuin while below,
E.G.: O. W. Rea, familiarly known
as "Governor Rea," ia in the oity from
Heppner, a guest of bis daughter, Mrs
Wanted To trade, a new oart lor a
saddle. Cart has been used bat little
and is in good condition. Enquire at
tnia ttiioe. at
E. O. : Mr. and Mra. 0. E, Fell have
removed from Heppner to Pendleton
aud will make tbeir home in Ibis oity
Llmer Slooum, the artist, will me.ke
cabinet photos for tbe next 30 days at
t'Z per dozen. Gallery opposite opera
bouse. tf.
Isaao Pbips Iihs returned from Aoetio
Station where be bas had otiarge of
band of sheep during the summer.
S. 8. Horner and wife returned no
Tuesday evening from a vimt to Port
land and the ooast.
John Uoroor is now teaching a three
months' teim of school lu the Black
I lores district.
Mrs. I). A. Ilerren ia quite danger
ously ill with typhoid malarial fever.
Phill Coho. the druggiat. went down
' to Portland Tuesday.
Heppner's race meet rg pmmieea lu lx
Vrry successful.
Harry Jonea aa iu from Butter creek
!'.. (1. f-perry ie iu tbe Valley vialting
"Tae Combo l'eil."
Aa Abraham Liuoolo ealled them, do liol
car t e'gne about their abmen'e
What I bey want la a mediciue that eill
rare llirm. 'lb eimpl, honest eteto
meol, "I know that Hood's hareapanlla
eared me," ia tbe lieel argamrnt lo
Portland Excubsions. For the Ore
gon Industrial Exposition which opened
at Portland on tbe 5th inst., the O. li. &
N. 'will make a rate from Heppner and
return at 84 50. Tickets will be put on
sale on the lOtb iost , and the limit is
extended to Sunday, Oct. 13tb. How
ever, on every Tuesday during the Expo
sition, exonrsion tickets to Portland and
return will be sold at $9 90 for the round
trip, including two tickets of admission
to the Exposition. On tbe excursion of
the 10th met., two tickets of admission
are included. The limit of time is the
same for the Tuesday excursions as for
the special exonrsion of Oot. 101b
Those who go on excursions should pro
vide themselves with aooldent insur
There oan be no pleasure or happi
ness for persons whose liver or kidney
are unhealthy. They are weak, sic
and irritable, and find it burdensome to
perform work of any kind. What they
need is a thorough treatment with l)r
J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm
This remedy ia recognized by many of
the best meuical authorities as without
a peer for the cure of diseases, of the
kidney or llVer. It rapidly drives' (ttil
diseased conditions, restores health and
strength, vigor and cheerful spirits.
Price 11.00 per bottle.
Hnnd'c Pillc ' ,0 h"T- e"T to take,
11UUU I IIIS ar in effect. 25 conu.
Instantly Relieved
and Permanently
g$0r rviiue ui vperauoii.
Treatment Absolutely Painless
rom Three to Six Weeks.
Oitu.t.j : l'.oonis 700-707. Marouum HuihUng,
We will pro back to
the land of our
And during their absence Minor &
Co. will be found at their old
stand, selling at
Under djetitois!
If you doubt this Blatement, thous
ands will come forward and con
firm the same.
Styles too Numerous to Mention
SUITS FOR $100, $4.50, $5.00, $5.50, $6.00, 56.50, $7.00 UP TO $20.00
Our line of Boois and Shoes are amongst the largest (if not
the largest) to be found in the city.
Call and examine, we arc here " TT "VT d Ti ? 1 a
arsMcr1" M1JNOK & LU.
Ontario-Bums State Line
-A Pi I
Leaves Burns Daily at 6 p. m. and ar
rives at Ontario id 42 bours.
Single Fare $7.80.
Round Trip $15.00
3"Throui;h freight :i' j cents ier pound.
It is not at all surprising to see the
immense crowds going to trade at
tbe store of
Leaves nums dully, except Sunday. Connects
at Canyon City Willi llcppucr-Mouuini'nt sIhko.
Kent route to Interior from Portland. Connects
wliti the Ontatlo, I'rlucvllle aud Lakeview
ataifcs at llurus.
Good Accommodations for Passengers.
When we consider that Heppner handles more merchan
dise than the other seventy-two counties of Eastern
Oregon put together, and that P. C. Thompson Co. handle
nine-sevenths of that. It is not to bo wondered at that
they have all of the local trade and part of that of Cali
fornia and Chicago, but they will not be satisfied till they
have the trade of Paris, London and New York also.
Get in with the rush and come to the
At the Corner of Main and Willow
Streets. Follow the crowd aud you
can't miss it.
Hint for Advertlaeia.
ne una sii'k liealari.e. in (trevrni
Ibta lak rininior. Liver K-'uUlnr; tt
keei tba liver srtWe ami rnakra nu'a
aootlitmo aa pomtortatilw as lb l0
bavt ma oh iicl.
Newspaper apace may be onmptred to
a garden, it ia a aucoeca or a failure, just
aa it la nultivatej.
Tbe flrt requisite toward convincing
tbe pu)lio tbat ynur goods at superior
tontbera ia to believe it vonraelf.
Tuf principles of economy are not
best followed by stopping yonr silver
Using, but by advertising more judici
ously. When the days are stormy and tbe
people stay at home, your advartisment
ia the proper meliam is right there
with them.
K gold mine ee to pay Ibe instant
you cease to work it. No one baa ascer
tained wbeo an ad reaaee tj pay divi
dends. Advertising baa long been considered
tbe business magnet lo draw trsdo. l)nt
it eeetns) not ' alt ay a to tm undnralood
that it ia Itka the electro-magnet; It
draaa protMirtioiiately aa the ourrent is
atrong and Continuous.
Hllral 'af M'bUg I'll".
hmptoma Moisture; miens Itching
nd stinging; moat at night; wnrmi by
scratching. If allowed to ContiDO)
tninura form, btch often bleed and
ntcerate. tMimlng very or. Hwatnaa
MONEY LOANED, Hirst Morten
on iinprn vU frano I'ropcrty NoKollat
ed. Vearo prepared to iifKotlate llrnt
inortKaites upon Improved fnrma in
Ori'lfOII, W llll't crn (iKIiirii nil inieiM 1111,
not toexerml i 'il. ',:;;r. "fii',!!'!!;" itllitiiaKea
reneneo inai nawi oeeii initun i,y oilier rum
pilules. Add rem with stamp,
Bsser City, l)rei;oii.
J (Hlolier i, Ih'.i'i. Nolice Is hrreliv Klven
that tlie liillou Inn named settler hns lilcil no
tice ol his Intention to inske Hunt plool tu sop
Hirt of tils I'laltn, and Hint sxld proof III lie
made iM'Inri! J. V. Murrow, ( onoty Clerk, at
Heppner, OreK"ti. oil Ntiveinlier 111, iVi i, via;
MrtHil.AW I.KA I IIKlt-t,
ltd K. No .tin, f,,r the b' Ni. and S'4
it W i4 H e. , 1 p. ft tt. R K, W. M .
tie luones tiie following altoefiiKf tti proxe
his eoiillnooos reslili e Hn,ii and riillHalloii
of, anil! land. U:
James Hilton, Kntery Hn-rry, Mark Kiley,
Oscar Montiioinery, all ol lliirdiiuin, OreKoii.
JAi. t. Mi it ill K.
H KflilKter.
Mlt:iUK")t hAI.K.
bwill!tkaa isi'ion in the (me of
Ida Weal Hid Trading Co. A brother
of Mr. Vaa Uuvn'e ta a part iwnr of
tine etali!stituonl and ta eerrtlary of
the corporation.
! ri... - ...... . ii 1. 1 .....
lavnr nf llila tnaitieina ami llna la . . ' .
many thousand Voluntarily say.
Hood's IMIa are the boat after-dinner
pills, aaalal digestion, ear hvadeebm.
I t,y vtrltii of an everntloii lusmd oot
of Hie Itcnlt I onrt ol Hie Hiale of iim oii, lor
tl.iM'oiitity of Morrow. on ih'iolM-r 17, li'it.and
lo me dlrccti'd and dclterd, iimhi a )odifoietit
rendered and entered III said eoort no tlie I'llh
day ill K piemlwr. I. In lator of . . !(
Ii k. plnlntltt. and aralift Mary ltl..ll, and
Mary llllscoll u admliiltialrlt id the late of
I'lirnellus lirix oll, l,. .!. Mnud linn n I,
M uii.le Inlx n and John Hum- ,11. delendanu.
for Hie mil ft hleien Ifillnlnd ! lyhtv silreii
and a't m illl", a, iollrs I Is lntei.. ,,o.
on st the late of a N-r tenl. Mr annum, iioin
the I t day of Kepteuilier, Ik, and the roala
and dtl,oremenis ot siod suit and ol this an le.
And a lierena. Iir ald Jieltfntetil l h as orfcr.(
adj'idued and fte. re.. I ittnt the o.,wntf da
. rll..l lel i.r.iH it v. I,, il I he aeatliallof
tlie iiortli raal lnarter. and tlie ntl lialf ol Ilia
ii.,rth.el .,niter lii .m iioii ,No. .1 iii loa n-
hip 1 south, ol langc fi nil of W HUinelti,
Merldlanlii Morrow i omity, Hist of iireaoti,
tifrltier with Ine letienieiiia. her ditamenis and
aoirirtian ea tlteieunto U'looaint, l a,ld lo
satisfy said peltrmet.t. rota and a i loin -ota
W (ll on the J nd llayof Soleinler, I-',, at
1 i ,a k p til id said da) . Ill flout ol Hie i-,,aM
tioii d.or lit Hepp!M'r Mofftiw n-iiity,
lri.n tell all llierlrlit. 'HI" sn I hit, ,l ol II, a
log, heals nlcoralton, and in roost eaaee "' defendants and ad the ium, mi- ad
lis f ni ii inr uei injiiii ia)if ip mi, IH'l
Grockkies, Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Stockmens' Supplies, iic.t
And Wants Your Trade!
He will ninke it an olijVct for yon to trade with
hita ntt liin prices are riht, and all ixkIu that he
handler! nro of the very lifht.
Stoke on Main Stri:et, Next Door
to Cnv Drug Store,
Pioppi.or, On
remove tlm laninra At drngglala, or
by mall, for fjjol. Ir.Hwa)nA Hon,
ftk Corner H.ai
ye htab mqcb V-nl
h ui'a
THF. t'.f'T frVif wars it merchant o.irifiws I'.of ht or
l.fj rl uiflrrtri nnfinr r, . la f.iUin-y Ihr-iit'jk ls
of ; or, in !)' r trnf'tt. h f's a hir oa-f Ihr friifa la ia
1..... ttV ifo af rilwi In uH lrrmll rrvrst tin r, r.Mf ire
if fy m rnoa fo n trrtl it: Ihul it an u lr.mt ijt Ih'il e..ia
h.it ..irr i. ff.'r i.m, , t,'j thru tmtl.ul lo Ihrir t,rr,1hrr
r.oafa tuhuh ore .rry fo l ts nof f.r r-i-- f if a ., r
H,rr',iii. )
II' ist if l' il he fo i-f I mr tii,4 lUf ititl
flu. I it il !rm, f'th. Jl'tl ' af-Y-t oaf im7 arr. It I, oa I r
.,n .ire ol rk.t;t nty t'-T (i tfUfn thj;n.
if W.ll f4 sr' !; Jntl arftlf
try ,V.;rfH,'.'f )'oBrs,
tt of H nn 1
tt fciy.
A. l.a r
I l
' . I 1 '
lr U f
, I -. ll saf
. i 1. 1
, t. - a i"
t m . t a 1 1
.goto' n on Totky lvtl Jmmi
as a -I Mai Jetilina.
j "11 1 d'aMuV'repli-l Kraalua I'mk-
; ly. In tin. i t eonaternaiion.
j "I'o'k di loll dat yuH done got
i "M.T logagodf
' -YsMlod.a l "
ttolong What
. "tlfkT-
e.l. t aa'n byn' I a word 'Nmt It."
' Net'h'f baa I. Da's why I done at
yt . I ib'Migiii rasbtst I waa miasm'
stiu rr rl ,"
) i ,1, . na a' bow tini engrsfd.
W ay I tt gti.n h'ar.
Ai.tun i.ti iiai. ( ot.ix.r. mii m
Tbe nfflr-era liava brro arti cled and
the tiiilitary drill liegnn. There ate fonr
companies) this year.
Tb scbot I la feat Incraaaing In earn
br there now being aleiot 312. (I la
eipecUd to rearb 3i the first month.
The O A. C. will make another
atruggle lo reclaim Ibe Cham pi msLIp to
f. Kit ball, and will go io training lmmsdi
ThaO. A. C. dairy will soniUi rom
tltd. Tbe building la Kuli, !!
fst bigb. with a shl lun Thsy
' ipxH ti eoujtii'ur 'pfatn.t.s ta about
hl h I oriiellot Inla, oil. de, . . d had Milln
COi 'lit ul Af-fll. Ia or wholi inr ol ln
deleielanla, or the ftal.l f'ororll is llflwotl liata
tore liad In the aleoed lira rlte-l l.riiia.-a al
(o,l,l, . Ilol, lo lite hiaheat and let I pl-lef
ol raah In l,aiet lite loo .-la to t applle.lt'.
II, a aallafa. lion of aatd eta-'nlloii atel ad
thai mar a me
, ated I a lot- f IT, I""'.
i. W. II lltl(i.ll1.
Ji wt sherill of tlotiow I onl.ly. lil. tfoli
f ur fell.
Tm sliaiaa nf aim k in II Naiioml
llai k of lli ;..,i.r. Ad lra Ki. hard T,
Col, ltrelvr, A'lihgton, Oregon, l.tlf
irfMl l,lel
a al.al Mr. I.
ill i anal t. ii. Ilatlmao, f
! j't -ni 0'rk' n, aaa 'if ( t an trlam'a
C'-di. , ti !f aid I'. ! IUmdy.
"HI t Ir' lltn ll If'lp I la aii,a
is ff tri II, f-ei lhl d a I t) ia la
i-fal I t u waa -ra i.l loot, I l.ifa I
l hi i in I ai-d ll toti i .k vr '
,sii4 Ibiae .! if .t f, o. ly lo j
i fei a e..rnte " f of ,y
j Hl'ia J l.baoti
list I n NtLa-t lie '! I i. of
cslirt.l whaal hav na Ihe Al hsfa'e
,tse a rndee aii tlief , whtcb I will
a:i ry raasvtnaMa. llmd s"eiirij fr
lMt,eat. ek tin Uk Vfk, Oil'laa
: "., Ursgi'W.
f.w. o. (I. Je.tK
Now le Ilea lime to ga tl.a Win ktf
Orrgonian. Iha wraaiiwl tiai.ai.ir i f
the Vteal. ilb Ibetlat'fiK.ledlt a'nrl
ly In advance, for till )ear, I I No loiter
ixiO'liinatein of aes.aira can ina I
lath stale. t,l.-a mm will giv aa
ifeniliir an additional journal, It. U
f't llaritef, an ar lenllr.ral a-ef,
tin, in n '' an'aMiii,
oiisiikI Bui
IS 0
At tny i niK-li, tin iiiili-M tttitilli-idiht of Ilriitnr, at lo r a mini iu
Iho fii'lil, aarkftl. Or will di-livrr at lli'iiin r nt lc or fx m tu I. Tor
ait'il ritntiM R, tny crop citiiMt ho tn'nt-u.
w. tf.
lit rnxv
All bttlti attend I to in a iromit and aallafartory
mannrr. Nolarina I'uIiIk: and Onet-bra.
ovner. is naiionai, hank i:cilmn(i.
(!tagrmaa lUrmao waa a viaitr at
lb eilg lal rt . II m ! a abort
a. I lfa in l.l'b b Sb-k tf lhai(ryva !
of the Orsgoo le-s al A I'mat, '
fi.avttua, O I, II. Ij
a' I leas Aran !
lb taa alv In ll world for rn'a.
nut,, rvifM, l.'t.. ?it (((I'ti,
Krvef Ho'a. I (!'. riiaeH llsnda,
t t.i d an. a. fVt.a. and a I kn inii
l. Milly lorts it, nf kn af
f.tial a gnjnl-t lo ,.
sslfai-li -U t,f a,'ib Itto ! I,
r I'na t rt la -f b- t 4 l.y
T. W. At... J,
M ! A Hi-rivt,!, lb titan katt.ilha,
hors,(a-r an t w,- lnii, l,eia, a t,a
oil f in n ilti il. Ma o sir-, I, iia?.r
Call na lh !
'II mala K.ans IW h fc'd r
t..n i.tsln, l l .,
in tl.f
id !.. t
Fe4oM,li.f .i,a1tf aid h
sl.oit llmsaat.) ! 'ii f
I aa Ma ta I O il a
I, a lll las
(ia Mathws f'.f st aving, hair-
rnlilt.g, abattit'eig an I all ll.. f Work !
lit thai In., uil alai7 Ima lnni.g ' il" "l ' '
l,lata bottia
Systematic Plan of Speculation
Mat ? llii..,t'l b l! baihf sli'ifi.
ot,a,ial aitiat. Ilal'eiil',1 , stiafir aT, 1
5aw lt Yskft Km. rt.rfJ.Kt I a
riiialts f. Jt t..t! l l-t
l.l. a r ff, , at, I a w a ,U la a
' i f l - ft It t-af tf
I If ID al II tialeia. Set fwi
A it So" aaal ,1 t n ta'S efla a a ' fl S
t la a .l ft"S II II" i aa It.'M.fcai.'la '.l.i-ilm I l.'inil It a I I. il. d alala hft.
i I,, satf,a't ta-l-'f li...'.,l, I t,h l.,a, I..? a ,.,,! n-.,ii Iimii
f. I , ... & . . A , . . . . I . .. 1 1. u.An Ml... I . .1 - - k,. I . a I ... I .. K ..... I I I ., ..a ', . L, I .1 ..at ...
I .' an 1.1 H.ola f., t a I," lo.eat a fa II ..-. 't
t Is a a la I l l tlx t. aH Ilia ! 1 1 l' i- .! ! I ! Ik.
aa It is u mi ai !.. s hi t aaat lio I l.l'.i'i in I ift iMo at, I n tts t. Iti'.nmaNir
sl,so,ee,iiv, all, i"B a. i l, I , flu al I . uiei.-iiS'-d i an-
!all a al Jo elila at ie I " I a. . in it. . a.'i 4 at ! t .t ta i4 an
It si 1 an.! ll, bit' (at ! 01 a,,s II I.' 1. ,1 S .f 1 r- ' t li si if I lsit I a
I Iboll
liaiialll IO
.1 k..l,.l i a'M
i4'ii-.i'Iiiiiiii i 1 r ,-, ,,''.' n ,tar 1 m
j roi I ,n(. I .t .i a 1 1 '', iia
THOMAt 4 CO , Dkie eg ntekere
at2a HieUe B.iei. Criieet. HI.
T It II iWal t ll.ake
Mli'g a 1! i.iioi a t'i
Mil le. !"! I" rH .1.4 a a
Iw hi 11 a t
4..,l , ..,. , . ,-..1 1 , . I ,., . ; e , , t ALL)t
i,lf III,
t .
I s.-l t '
la'i as
f fa ! a - I hs l'l ! Hi of tt, .1.
It- if tt t.. )! r.v r. ia
f !; Ill ..t whaal Ail I -1,1
ft I. ItaK.
le- I 14. I al !..
a 1. r I. i I
l,taa, a' nj
a f
.1 ,
tdi.t, rati
.It . I f fl.rl,
I 1 ir i,"i,
Oiis ratal
. ..it ti. A.i -i ;u 1 . if
!,.. in. f!A Ik lb ear tui
Cafe I I
i'. a I ii '' f"t !-. . V, i!
t I. . ur is f .! ! k A .
. Ii a' U.aitfi.a.
H t w-trf al i1 af'.al l'c
tt UJ vt tie r'i.
k7 frxl 1.1 lata, ft i
11 o. r. m.i i"