Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 18, 1895, Image 1

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    flM I I I StM II I I III 1 1 1 1 mi I KI4.Mil I Mil IHUIMIifl
3 t
llllifllini IIMI II 1 1 Ml I If 1 1 II Ml KM Ma 1 1 M III
Advertising brought me all
own, A, T. Stewart.
I Is owing to my liberality in ad-1
vertis'ng Robert Bonner.
s :
ll! M l 1 1 1 I I I I i t 1 1 HI 1 I I I I 1 1 I I 1 1 I I 1 1 I'M I HI M II 1 1 I
.in t. in i in i in i i;ii 1 1 in i:nt,i i mm . . . i 1 1 ia.M..a
WKEKLY NO. f.'.9 I
Tuesdays and Fridays
A. W.
. . . Editor
Business Manager
At JS.Wl per year, il.25 fur six months, 75 ots.
for three montcs.
Aduertis ng Rates Made Known on
Appl cation.
on tile at E. CI. Hake's
Advertising Acency. M and 65 AlnroluiQta
Exohaneu. Han Franoisco, California, where co,.-
racU for advortisiriK nan be mndo for it..
nnHIB PAPKKis kept
0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD.
Ko. 9, mixed, leaves Heppner 1: !5 p. m. dnily
except Sunday. Arrives at Willows Junction
Nn in mixed, leaves Willows Junction 6:30
p. m. Arrives at Heppner 9:00 p. m. daily except
Sunday. , . ,,,.
Kant hound, main line arrives at Willows
Junction 3 :H0 a.m.
West bound, main line, leaves A Mows Junc
tion 12:06 a. m. ...
West bound Portland fast freight with pas
seneer coach leaves Willows Junction 4S.0 p. m.
and arrives at The Dalles at 9:00 p. m. Here
passengers from the branch lay over till 3:15 a.
f toko the font, mall west bound which ar
rivai at Pnrtlnnrl 7 25 a. m. The Dalles and
Portland passenger leaves The Dalles daily at
1AHt m and arrives -it Portland 6:00 p.m.
Leaves Portland 8:00 a. m. daily and arrives at
The Dalles 12:15 p. m. This connects with the
uit hniimi uv frnlirht with Dassenuer conch
which leaves The Dalles at 1:30 p. m., arriviug
at Willows Junction 6:58 p. m.
Are the Highest of all High Grades.
Warranted superior to any Bicycle built in the world, regardless of price.
Do not be induced to pay more money for an inferior wheel. Insist on
having the Wavirlcy. Built and guaranteed by the Indiana Bicycle Co., a
million dollar concern, whose bond is as good as gold.
211b. SCORCHER $85. 221b. LADIES' $75.
HOMER H. HALLOCK, Indianapolis, Ind., U. S. A.
Gen. Agent for Eastern Oregon, Pendleton, Or.
$150.00 every month given away to any one who ap.
plies through us for the most meritorious patent during
the month preceding.
We secure the beat patent! for our client!,
and the object of this offer is to encourage inventors to
keep trick of their bright ideas. At the same time wt
wish to impress upon the public the fact that
such as the "car.window"(which can be easily slid up
and down without breaking the passenger's back,
"sauce-pan," "collar-button," "nut-lock," "bottle.
United Mates Officials.
Preeident Grover Cleveland
Vice-President ?'r,r; "u
BooreOiry it Stat Richard 8. O ney
Hocretary of Treasary John H. Carlisle
Secretary of Interior ..... Hoke Smith
Seoretary of War Daniel 8. Uniotit
Secretary of Navy Hi wj A. llwhert
P.wtinnater-General William I.. WHaon
Attorney-Ooneral J udwin Harmon
Secretary of Agrinultnre J. Sterling Morton
State of Oregon.
ftovernor -W. J: t"J
Secretary of State ! 'K'K"1(inl(1
Treasnrer PMI. Motsohao
Snpt. Pnhlie lnstrnction - M .,1,WI(1
Attorney General .X. M. Mbjm.
Senators ij. H. Mitchell
I llinvar Hermann
'nprmne Judge.
!K. H. Hean
V. A. Moo
0. V.. Will'
) W. li. Ellis
V. It. I.WH1"
K. H. Hean,
Wort on
Slxih .Indiclal IM(rlct.
Circnit .mUre Stephen A. Ixiwell
, -Mit.inir AttoriiHy John H. UwrI
Morrow ("nntity Otflriala,
u .... . I. W. Oowan
u"'" " ..7 J. H. Iloothl.
..J.ilT. ' Jnliiw Kcl'hli
r.Hnm'lNiionera J. tt. Howard
J. M. Baker,
To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their &
Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a a
relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars
on whom you depended for support ? TO
To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new a
law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes it
to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present
your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the
time you apply. Now Is the accepted hour. fm.
IT-Write for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice, fw
No Fee unless successful.
The Press Claims Company
PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager, f)
618 F Street, WASHINGTON, D. C.
i an. MMMM tm Mnfvnilsd. hit ntttrlu oti thoiitfttid Uadina tieirt-
pa per $ in the United State, and is yaarantred by them.
.t. W. Morma
. Ci. W. HarriiiBtiin
Frank William
J. r . Willi.
Geo. Iat
Anna HaWiner I
T. W. Ayera. Jr
" Clerk..
H Hhwiff
" Treiimirer
.School Sup't..
BtrriotH towk orrtcwi.
,K ThiMi M'Hiwn
. . n K Farnawiirth. M.
l,irhtiithai.'V)Via 'piln"'n, T. W Ayr.Jr..
u u II. ..... f J Mlitmllll.
V 3. Mall.w'k
ttThJl Z A. A- Hubert.
Preeinrt Offlrr.
JnatiMof tha Psaea.
( 'unatahla.
t'nltd Htfi U4 Ortira.
Tui Dali.m. oa.
J, f. MnoT9
A.8. H.Kin
Vk 001. 0.
u s arnM Kl"tr
... . . .... .... , . .
t. II. Kulilims....
. K. U Frlann I
.N. H. Whuiti
, lUcetver I
lrivf I
ItAWUNH tr,Ni.ll.
(. A. K.
H-MMaat Unimtuo. Or, tha taM HalnrtUy of I
. mnth. All niuaarlnit"1 " H
i -i' It.. Iian. W. HniTH
Adioiant. tf ruHio.lf.
T drMl LumtM-r, M miia oi Heppiwr,
that la knows aa the
rKK I.M rtKT, ROl'UH.
- - ruAR,
. Itaol
- IT l
w;tx adu
olj CAS III Y liMirt worth of dry goods and groreiiea and Ihen have
eiiutigh left nut of (too no to pun-haw a No. I Crescent Hli yrle. This la
i flrstlM machine. Why then y $100.00 for a bicycle that will glva
no better acrvlre T
4 af
CttE'EST Hcon her," w?lht 3) outida, only $.).
Laillea' and Ornta rialstra all the way from I'fl to V
"Biya' Junior," only In with pneumatic tire a good mj hlna.
"Our Upeclal." Men a I n; Udlca', A
the nmim m a,
llrppnef, ftrrt'in,
I r
Agtlt fir .
Ir nruvitkro in Htr?,
Vi in tmt I, uuj Iwt. a.eiltuml.
Tha a'wva nitatioa ara sirli tly ftf fah.
Haiual M ol liwi
Wl. PtL4ll. Kt. It mMOP,
rrt4at rklr.
-t tn it-
MOSt Popular Republican Newspaper of the West
And Has the Largest Circulation.
Matwna Fa--vaU Tn.
tir.rrsr.i-. m'u)x
At A
airwapaH ttlH IKfAl a a a4 lk Haws
ASU tnu ni.il i aimiAl UT I u a It atli.
" C IftOO "' - -ti ,
3 1 II , , la- - ff .
aariw tf w .4 -1
t iu a !, a --4 ;
y-. tir r
fa ' '. fwC
t:; a aa i k. rTT 13.
3 TllitT0IalutiCAllCN9C9.:
At tfif l K ' O- aiM
tha a-.i f f rf..r N
taWslia. U U , w 'H - 1 i
topper, and a thousand other little things that most
nr raw can find a wsv of imDrovincr : and these simnla
inventions are the ones that bring largest returns to tha i fact that these women ate
Australian VTomsM bttartXlea BeaUb unit
Hair on the Altar of Good Complexion.
The majority of the female beauties
of Sidney, according to an English ob
server, have peculiarly delicate com
plexions, languid expressions, fragile
physique and a die-away look in the
eyes, which are more suited to the en
ervated temperment of an old civiliza
tion than the active vitality of a new
world. It was easy even for a novice
to detect that these ladies owed a good
deal to their perruquier. The mystery
of this curious com '-nation of pre
mature baldness and unusual delicacy
of complexion was explained by the
arsenic in
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
author. Try to think of something to invent
rr is not so hard as it seems.
Patents taken out through us receive special notice in
the " National Recorder, published at Washineion.
D. C, which is the best newspaper published in America
in the interests of inventors. We furnish a year's sub
scription to this journal, free of cost, to all our clients.
We also advertise, free of cost, the invention each month
which wins our $150 prize, and hundreds of thousands
of copies of the "National Recorder," containing a
sketch of the winner, and a description of his invention,
will be scattered throughout the United States among
capitalists and manufacturers, thus bringing to their
attention the merits of the invention.
All communications regarded strictly confidential.
Solicitor! of American and Foreign Patent,
618 F Street, N.W.,
Box 385. Washington, D. C.
t2f Rtftmet editor qfthit fafir. Writtjerour
jo-fagi famphltt, FREE.
t :
DAILY (without Sunday) S&.oq prr eai
DAILY (with Sunday) IS.oo per year
The Weekly Inter Ocean ici.OG
, rtR YCAtt I V -
la aK
ty of Morrow, State of Oregon.
F. B. Vancleave, 1
L. H. Vancleave,
Defendant. I
To L. H. Vancleave, Defendant.
In the name of the State of Oreeen. you are
hereby required to appear and answer the enm-
D'Htnt niea aitaitisi you in tne aoove eiiimea
suit within ten days from the date of the service
ot inis summons upon you, 11 servea wiinin
this county; or, if served in any other county
O' this state, then within twenty days from the
date of the service of this summons upon you;
aim if served upon you by publication or by
personal servico wrnout tne Kiato or ureiion,
then you are required to appear and answer on
I or before the first day of the next regular term
of said court, to-wit: On or before the first Mon
day in March. IN'.. And I 1 ease you fall to so
answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will take
a necree against you tor trie dissolution 01 tne
marrinne bonds now existing between you and
plaliitltt, and for the care and custody 01 the
minor child burn as the fruits of said marriage,
to-wit: R. A. Vancleave; and for such further
decree as the court may deem just.
1 tils summons is ptmnsiien ny orner 01 tne
Hon James A. Fee, Judge of the litll Judicial
District of the State of Oregon, dated September
6th, 1HH5. O W KKA,
74-N6. Attorney for Plaintiff.
order to produce the aristocratic pal
lnr and lannruor. and found to their
horror that another effect of the drug
was to make the hair drop out. Valu
ing their complexion above their hair,
however, they sacrificed the one to the
other. What a woman will endure for
her complexion may bo estimated by
this and also by the fact that these
arsenic eaters rarely live past forty
five. There is no pleasure, moreover,
in the consumption of the poisonous
drug. The arsenic is made up into
dainty looking caramels, which fash
ionable dames will produce from pre
cious little bonbonnieres and suck
quite openly, just as the American girl
chews gum or the English girl enoco
late. The arsenic question, English
men say, was becoming quite a burn
ing one in the antipodes. When a man
married a vounor lookinrr. lovelv erea
ttuoruea with luxurious ringlets,
he was disgusted to find after the cere
mony that she was really a semibald,
prematurely enervated woman, who
was shortening her life to please her
own vanity and was incapable of ful
filling the duties of a mother to debili
tated children which she brought into
the world. Moreover, the suffering
which she would go through in any at
tempt to overcome this pernicious habit
was quite enough to make her break
down, if, indeed, nho could be per
suaded to bear it at all.
Just the Thins; for Farmers In the North
and Northwest.
The plan of sheep barn and yard
shown herewith is one of the best mod
els tor tha sheep fanner in the cold
north, as in the arrangement every
thing is convenient and well arranged.
The long fodder can be fed from the
feeding passages, but to feed the grain
or roots the attendant must go into
the pens among the sheep. This is dono
to insure his looking over the sheep,
when any that are sick would be de
tected. The stone wall is plastered on
the inside. The doors, D, are large and
the windows, W, numerous, so that the
entire building can be kept thoroughly
dry and airy. By means of doors sus-
out of the Honorable Circuit Court of the
S'ate of Oregon, for the County of Morrow, on
theMdnvof October, IHWi, in favor of K. D.
K00O, rmtiitin. aim against Allreii iiooiittiu,
Emilia A. Doollttie ami Collin & McFarland.
Defendants, for the sum of Two Hundred and
Five (1.116 Mil Dollars tilth In'ercat I hereon from
the 17th day of August, In'i , at the rate ol ten
per cent per aiiiiiini and Twenty Dollars attor
I ney'n fees and the further sum of sixteen and
A) ion Dollars coats, and accruing coata.
1 have levied upon anil w ill sell at pillule
auction to the highest bidder on Snturdav, the
ill nsy of Noveinliei, l..i. at 2 oYlock e, M. of
aid dav. at the court limine door In Heppner.
Mo-row County. Oregon, all the right, title, and
I lUTest which the Mild Altrcd D'xdlttle, Kmina
K. Doollttie ami Collin & Mi-Farlaud, Defeii-
datits. h d 011 ami nllcr the :id day of September,
lw.1'1. In or to the following dcucrlbcd premltcs,
to nil:
North-casl Ouarter of Section Nineteen M'.'i In
Township Three (:i) South, of Kniige Twenly-
Itvp K.ast, . 31 ., 111 Morrow rouiiiy, un goii.
Terms of sale, chbIi In hand, tin proceeds to
lie nppl'ed to the satlofartloli of said judgment,
attorney's lein, cunla and all coots Hint may
Dated at lleiipncr, Morrow County, Orenon,
tills St-CUIld dH)' ol ( K'lnlH-r, l"'i.
(t. . H UtltlNOTON,
IM Hie rill ol Morrow County, Oregon.
C fi. A 5 L3'H
---g--BLJ3aJ jW
, CArt I Crrt
ttvvlrtuenf an execution Imih-! mil of the
llomualile circuit onrt of the Mule of Oregon,
lor tha County ol Morrow, tioii a Judgment
rendered and enter") iu aibl court 1111 the
1 bird Day ol Kr-..ttiii"r, I ', In favor of I n-
I rln, la llnl- i. ruinlilt. and agalnat 1. ). K Irk,
Mtainma Kirk ami the Morrow County Mud A
1 mat CoiuiHiiiy, a roriMirnttoti, Ih-b-tiiianta, for
the sum ol Iweiily tne II oii,r,-, i.'.i Dollai.
1 1, old Coin, a Hh titter'! Iln nx.il from the .nh
dav ol Man h. I '.'. at the rat" ol ten per rent.
r annum, and Mif II iiudrrd and Nluef ll
tl'l liollara attorue) a Uf, ami the further
I sum ol 1 aeiity three and " I"' il.M ", ) Ihillara
Ienta. and ac ruing cnua, 1 nav ie u-t iiHin
and lil sell at i.ni.n,- am lion 011 Mturdav, the
I ail day ol la-toller, IS,, at 2 o cm a I. M , at
ihe court houM d'Mtr In H''pfMier. Morrow
I couiily, and slate of nn-goii, all Hie rlali', title
n. Iniert-at a I.I- h ihraaM i D hies Myamma
K Irk and the Morrow 1 oiimy land A I m.l
1 1 oniiiaiiy, livteoiUtiU. had on or alter Ilia third
day ol orptcnilwr, in or li Ilia lolloaing
I it,-., rllid pr.'ii.t.a. to alt'
It a Nnrth Hall ol ration llilrlylx, the
Sorthaeal ijuarirt " wiloii Ihlrty rlva and
",oiha-.t cj .art. r i. m linn Twenty alx. all
tu loanaldp one l Pouth, of Itaiign laaiity.
I t-l r a.t, W M
Tt fir,ao aalt. ra.h In band. Ih t.rorrfl. 11
l ai-t-'led to the Mll.lo' lion of al liltorltail
I aiifii. lulfrr-a! Diliiiiii ) s t. ro.ta, and rta
1 trial may a-rr,s
D.I'd at ii- i t 'i--f in tne aia-a ani routut
aforraahl thta I .Hi d. ol "rpl . l'-
l Him iT'lf,
T ft hriff l Motrow I wuiity. oni.
Touching Tale of an Old Servant of Queen
In the "Life of James Holmes" may be
found a pathetic story of a man named
Darner, the scion of a royal house, who,
in the latter part of the eighteenth
century, was one of the queen s pages,
She grew to have a very warm regard
for him, but the time came when, on
account of increasing age and infirmity,
he was pensioned oft, and some one else
was put in his place.
It irrieved him much to change ins
habits, but he was in some degree con
soled at being allowed to attend cor
tain rovtil entertainments, and it wns
at one of these that he distinguished
himself by a somewhat eccentric action
which greatly amused his forme'' uns-trw-
- - - - - V .
He was wandering forlornly about,
alone, when the queen, ever mindful of
her old 11 ml tried servants, hastened to
ward him with extended hand and a
word of kindly greeting.
lie took the prolTered hand nnil held
It for a moment, wliilo he gazed with a
smiling though piu.led expression lit
the queen. Tin 11 he said;
"I know that fuee! I know it as well
as I know any fuee, but pnnloit me,
minium 1 ennnot for the life of mo
recollect where 1 have seen it!"
'I'lair Ihtiuer'." hiiiil the queen, with
a sorrowful ntnilo, as a!ie turned away.
I'oor luniier!"
Tlienld 111:111 looked after lu-r for a
liii.tiii iit. and then anked a passing gar
dener who Hie lady might Ihi,
" Us, Hie queen."
Dinner lutlf'lied,
Tin afraid," fall he, "her majesty
will think I have t r Hen lu-r!"
pended from the sleepers above, which,
by the use of ropes, pulleys and a
sand bag, c;vn bo gently let down, one
of the pens can be turned into a closed
compartment for ewes when breeding;
and by the use of hurdles which aro
hinged together, and which, when not
in use are stored neatly away above,
thh closed compartment can be sub
divided into numerous pens for several
sheep. The doors at the ends of the
feeding passages next the walls open
into the passages and are hung in such
a way that when sheep are being
chnnged from one pen to another the
doors prevent them from getting Into
the passageway. The floor of tho feed
room is made of cement and a root
pulpcr and a stripper occupy one side
of this compartment, while in another
corner i: a neat little cupboard for
holding shears, sheep-dip, etc. A dip
ping trough and other appliances are
stored avvuy In convenient. corners. A
larire ineloct water cistern hns been
built :it one cud of the root cellar, and
by means of a tap the hose water can
be carried to any part of the building,
A. Campbell, Ontario, la Farm and
Cure fur Headache.
Aa a remedy for all forms of Heiidanlie
Kloetric Hitter liita proved 10 he the
very Iwst ltelbelM a Dermiiiien pure
ami Hie moat dreaded habitual au'k
headaches yio'il to its inllue-new. We
nruMitll hit ar nlllii tcil In procure a
Imtile, ami give this reumdy a fair trial,
li. rimes nf habitual noiiHtiliation r'.li'"-
Irin Ilittira rurra by Kivit.g I he needed
oiit lo the Imwela. and ft) phmcs lonff
reaiat Him f this mcdmine. Try
dure. IiirifH bottles only fifty rout a at
T. W. Ayera, Jr., drtitf store.
A Figure Which Demonatrates the Power
of the Sun.
,j There is not more than one person in
each ten thousand who has anything
like the correct idea what an icicle
forty-five miles in diameter and two
hundred thousand in length would look
like. It is also true, says the St. Louia
Republic, that there is no necessity for
one being provided with a mind that
would enable him to form a correct
conception of such a gigantic cylinder
of ice, for there is no probability that
anyone will ever live to see an icicle
even half so large, yet it is interesting
to know that Sir John Herschel, the
great astronomer, used such an illus
tration in one of his articles on the in
tensity of the sun's heat. After giving
the diameter of the great blazing orb,
and a calculation 011 the amount of
heat radiated by each square foot of its
immense surface, he closed by saying
that if it were possible for an icicle
forty-five miles in diameter and two
hundred thousand miles long to plunge
into the sun's great burning sea of gas
it would be melted away and utterly
consumed even to its vapor, in less than
one second of time. Such an iciclo
would contain more ice than lias formed
on the rivers and lakes of the United
States during the past one hundred
years; its base would cover the average
Missouri country and its length would
be almost suilicieut to reach to tho
On the farm there ia continually 00-
ourrmg little aoeidents 10 man ana
heast that oanne delay to the farmer In
hia work. The duration of this delay is
a matter of importance to the thrifty
tiller of the aoil. As a qniok and relia
ble remedy for ailments and abrasions
of the flesh, there is none better than
Dr. J. II. McLean s Volosnio Oil L101
metit. It Iihs proved its worth by many
yenrs of constant and snooeRsfnl use.
I'rice 25o, Win and 81.00 per bottle.
I sea
Notice Of Intention.
I ami orrir r. at iiif in 1.1 r mil" .on
4 NM,-tui ai 14 f.ii la h rri., ih.n
ll.allba loM t"t ia.tl altinf Ma ft!'! lur
H, td I-1 Dtt.tlt I-, tnmkm B- ai f.Nwtf lo a-ip
).,,( ,,l hi. a l thai I al l
mad IwIm.o J M. .(,.,. ,-, i link, al
i II --nl. "voi i.n s,e.n,Ur I;. l-i. w
11 -I r in 1 o . . , su t
a 1 ', it' I'.ttmr.
IU t-.-n .! I- I l - l. 11 f-r.o.
I hia - I ofeia a ii ad f u!tMail'"i
M at-l ia- d H
l-.ui 1 at.ir ' V.o.rf, Fiana lolm T
Vi;ia), Jafca !' a I .. Itli.afm. iif
a a t 1 .a f M ". H'tr,
The Weekly Inter Ocean
II ta. aawslf a Ix.r.H la ak eaaa al IM iaaailf
il l 11 a l ak I i s at taw ? - sat Ma kiataV
II iltllll atati, tall HI aaa a-ai4.4.
STitlTKall V ft It Until '. awa4 tM Ha ttmtt tfa. taMaaH
at.t iaimMi a all lira H lawaai I Ha. M tf
iHH tau.Ur.
fur tvr txr i Hu-ro w c', t r, f fnirit
O Mi or all t t H ail I ".Ma-it vm "t a-a. . arilll
aiiarif 11 l ii Ml ( Or Ht kktrfUl Of IMAl M.'.tH- l" l
fall II I Akini tt tail.
It la la aaa4 aaa IM sufia al la Ikaat laaak ka Naat a4 Lai !.
n.a Mti. IKa4 K ml k rt ! r,aa la 0 "r IWta
Ur-imtia. -a. THK lUTKH OCKAN. Chlfif
hot let of Intention.
.,a fi a it I t .-a in
k-'itKK l ISH'tHf i.lr 1H It IMi
.. ...a !- . -I Mi,r aaa
11 1 ia t ,'..ii. - a ai .. 4 !- a tH
nIMiSll i a - I ! I M: a-a la
1-1.. a I 1 ....-i Ha.al ll-Bar.
I ttrn, 9 1 i :
plJtUl Mltlliwa
; ) 1 11a .,, it., s . .a ud f aw
1 r I a h a
II .a ia
I m-i
I aat-t .. -I
lur Country Ida More Than a tjuarler ol
I he World'a Hit he.
The wealth of the l lilted States U
more tlmii a fourth aa gn at aa t hut of
.ill of the rest of tin- World put to
gether. So report I'rof. 1'rsii'nU,
htuili tit of jeilitii at ti-otioitiy, in a re-i-ent
unmix r of Moiidn .M'alerne, a
Fn neh pulili-tttioti.
plm-i a Hie wealth of thia eotintry
at 3l3.iai inai.tNal frsif--whleli U
rquivaleht IosIkmiI vj,i'o'i,(Mai.iKio - and
that of the ol her fh'liteen niimtriea
civcrid by his atalialiea t 1,114,700,.
Oiai.OXKI f ram a.
Aeiriliiig to thlat atalialleian lh
value ofall trnM-rty on lied in Fuglnnd,
llieludilig liioln y ill I Irenlalioll, U '.".,
UOO.iKal.lHMJ fiam a aangii,Mki.niMi It a
than this country" wetiltli. Third plaee
la irivm lo rmnrsMailli .ri.'esi.iaai.isio
and fourth lo liiTtimny with lll.ono,.
li iHMf fm hi a. Then eiiirn liuwi with
I 'Tjairi iai "aai, Aui'riu lluiicury with
j ii 001. ii. Hiiiwitli r,l ui.ai iio
Italy ail li f,l.ii.iai.iai.i.r miiliMidaalid
- aa the I'reti' h wiv-of fram a.
I low ar Hi rli h"'l eoiiitn f the
world, 1 lirff r four In Hie it-Ital-r,
hin. liuaaia and Au-.lf.a Uun
,.Bry - rolliloiM d rlll la i.ltlv
litt! larf'T than that t,t llio t"mil
II la lr Ihsl trm h of Hi wraith nf
II, U rouiitrv la In !!, handaitf cm
' !' if Hi
I hlna l annlliala.
The ("hlni'tn am rannibalK. Chlna'a
an-ralleil elvllUati'ill of thotiwimls of
yearn han not htieeeeded In doing away
with cantiilialiioit aniotiu ita in
tMnplf. WI1111 I hiiH'se have been r 11
i'iiied in warfare with trilies on the
mainland, we hear of this eating of htl
man Ileah, but not until I reached For
iin 11 did I have tirimf of ita truth
After killings aa age on th lahind, the
In ad U M-vereil from the laxly and la
placed on a le to exhibit to IIiom tin
forltuintea who are not at litind li w it-
im'mi this hciirlh -as dKplay of alailghler
and mtitllatlon. The laidy iathen divid
nl among the enplora and raten. The
kidney, liver, In-art and ttol of the foot
are eoiildered the KvukX ileairttl'l r-H-nia.
and are ttaiially rtitnpiu very
ainull pieera. In tied. Slid eati n as a aort
tif Miint. The fleah ami Inmea r Indled
ami ti.sde Into a Jelly. Tim bine
irofeaat to ldlee, iii aeeoriUne with
an old mih rMilioii, that the rating of
lliia fcavaiff fliah will (fi
alr nif'h arol eotirag. To aiiinf Ihia
iih n,tiin. 11 may ! a partial raeiiw for
Una liorrililei iiMoiii, bill even Hint falla
Hiroiigb tf one at' .pa lo Hiink Ibal u
.r.'iii-iii U-Hefaaro al I lit Imttoin of
!,m,.l-...iii aa praeliewl of tin" nm t
. ; Irilx a of tin world.
lb ti Matli'ae ka Sola ropf ivtof n
i, eily meal rnaillel tahrrai lia .( a
rrlt an .ly of -rll, tiitHl. val,
aang., DaOin and lar I, titcli li aella
f,. il, I .ri mark'l irie Ffd lb" .
II. F.,ftln I I01I1 l.f,Mialill tailh lilm. if
to Which the Animal Will Alwaya
He. Turned.
When railroads were llrst put in op
eration it was predicted tnat, mere
would be a great full in the value of
horses, a deterioration of horse flesh,
ami linally that the aninmls would
siMin become curiosities on tho
wav towards extinction. Of course,
says the Huston Transcript, everybody
knows that nothing of the land Hap
pened. Horses Increased In number,
value and quality. The business tho
railroads developed all along their
lines ocetiMotiod a demand for more and
better horses. Just at present th
popularity of tne bicycle and the appli
cation of eleetrieity to transartation
are eHtising some jH-ople to repeat the
predict ions of llfty years ago concern
lntr the lioran. It ia even said that tho
horse in the near future will Ins raised
simply for slaughter for final. If thai
' ' ... . .1 ! I'.. I!.... I.I-
lioi w' eoulil learn 01 ui;s preim-noi, mm
Intelligence ami his ncnsu of his valn
would prevent him from Inking it
M-rlottsly. Il- might ask: What good
I he elect rie ear oil Hie radV? How
,,., h bieycln net on plowed ground,
Slid whiit enti it draw without Hin aa
Mtiin'o of liiitiuui fiiergy? If horses
la'coiiie very cbi up w ill hot more "ta
pie buy Hierii, mid will not the aggrc
giitu of inilividuiil wants iMviisioti
"nut ileitiniid Hml will acini it prlifa?
Tlie liitelligeiit liorve a lung Hicmi
,iicsli,uiH could well afford lo munch
Ina oata calmly while I lie alarmiata
were cogitating as to what reply was
I mii I tie.
Ikrltvr Than I 01.. II' Ion I'oiaitpra.
When an animal f.illai.fT In sfpetim
and t a a liol M em lo r '. h llm f-nl,
some aniijile Irealmeiit ,)! of 'eii brilif
iir-.ui.il. im li n lo eive t-i a n olio
pint 'f rS V litia -ed oil. relted 111
lliird iluy. 'I'l.cii km bran inaah Uh
1, hp i.iin- of Milt. Iiiitf an ounce of
rroiui I em r. and Hi" aatne iif aul
pliat of iron lini lf idi-re l. If Dm
f .l ia nm I.' up of g I liy. cnl and
wcMi-1, and a ma'l lundful of ibis
mia'iiro la gnew It wdl ro a'.ly
li,B ll.e trouble, A Hit I f ! in-d
tin .il. f 'ur "iin, of i r 1 i'cnlieil
r-e-l, llu'aattic l.f I'cruV.III I .1 k . o.
it,? 1 I. !! iiiici-l e I iwr
Jrrr I. ilic mill.' of M I. I" "f t lattlinl
an IU 1 oiin a i.f cirlt!iii' of Iron.
.Ml si mit' I r rilr an I L,.i In dry
i.lac. I (,, U l tt, r Hi tu any of lb
ni !! cm -litioii
ii Il U- I li f'
111 a ma 1 1 minti' ,'
in Hi lid J-
. ,, .-ra, and eui
- I ah. il I tm girrS
.. al f-oir intrrials
1 a-
! a
I .
t " I. ta
, .,a-"f,
ilicqiiali'y wire ka l-d aa f d l y
Hi" Worat of II. iliwoitlrnla. 1 1, r..t,.- '
llott of I l,r Itiaaaa a hi fx Would Mul bs
tnut h lirtttr II, an It la In Fur..a i
WraMh I loom ...,.rtir d vr In
l.oj; al-I ll.an In ti c l i.i'.d 'ata !
fltaf gll !. Ml la- I'.uft aaa
.r..ai.aal irr rrl, ,i, if 1 1 il' 1 mat t,
r ;,tH ILlCTUlO Ht.Tt HO A--l,iaiCi IN4UW8 TO TrU HCH
! tit Cf-IAT OiNT O 0NTat OKI" Ait IMlTATOi
ant a4 ... I 1 .. .... . ....... - l.iW- "V ... It a hm !
M I .. I Hfi u ft..x!,w I I fh.t.-M l.t Vr. Ia- i-i aaa ; - r- r. r. ' ,iT -,. , - , i,-.,o
a 1. a a., -A lft 1 ---' M ' o i . a, ... , ,li- iiiatstiaa .. i A i r r , - 1. a 1
' " R t ta 11 avi U..,,lr.all, fii.,..iV I.M.i . , .. ......au... yV- IW'iXXY aVAV 1-.. ...-..-
raal ...........a,! irh.i.l . f fl ,.ll. im. .1. f. a . .! sa i'".lflL;r,, ..V ill-i1' .4 ..J
. 1 """" " '- -. !. "I" . . t ,1 hlo.iii.llin,
t V. who .--I , I liaif 1,-m H an h 'In ' L 1 1 f , , .. .
M'nHo. t,t N M,,.r. 1 f-.....i 1 a. ff.fi : . ,::r:'.:.vrz t7 , i: yl V.i
I AM.t.rr!-f T"Vr.,.M-r ..roo.!f-n e.an-p r...e. If. I- '"h J ' 'I'tVl'Vt vA.' k'twT'' , i7 I ",T . '
lt l " -" ' '" f ", " ! .-lt I fal. 1 I., nil I di I fcaallla I ... e ..1 il wn 1 -, t-t4, f'Ak' , . .. -al 1, .- 'a ..-
1. .....- l t - at. M. la 4 I an'-UO a I. .lie, ; -.'. W
' a-l . .. . ''- (.M,i,t, , Mi,r ,rn,.l II.- HO 1-tOtCim MClUH'
1 a "'".- .'.V . ' aa mm .!... I an M,. ft .1 ...!.!, I a I aaaia',aaall4' H-" a.-. Mo -- I ----a - ---
' l.t..-. -ll ttMM ,.! aa ! at allf ...) aal r . a. . a. a.a-4H. a,. I -a ...
. a
.-I 1 ,
Tiii; Lancamiiki. Inukack
NTTtl, atlM ! i r l! ' '- AT r ' ' 1
j .....
... ..... a
1 I '
;! !
... r w
- w i a i
i t
- t
! it - j-i
t..fi "i,al l ( a..T .
0. .1 .... a 1 I ... h 'a.a
ay i at k orf a1-, i a a".
.. l a aa 'I I t.. T II. .1
. la t l-aa n II In ma
! .., f- fMl i.o I - ta
f,nk a I I . I I a.'a'a I't "
aa l . tr.r f'taa-la sad na.,.wf
1 1 trf I'T W I '
t tir a- 1 1 1 ti" f mi mm ia in. '-- -
. 4 t .a - l - '4 H ' a
r. la a I I - lr itt.Ma ,
t . a . .
a ai -a kwt .
a a' t
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-. I"! ml ,