STOCK. BRANDS. WhTlB yon keep yonr subscription pud op yen osn keep your brand in free of charge. Allyn. T. J., lone. Or. Hones Gii on left honlder; cattle same on left hip, tinder hit on right ear, and npper bit on the left; range, Mor row count?. Armstrong, J. C, Alpine, Or. T with bar nn der it on left shonlder of horses; cattle same on left hip. Allison, O. D., Eicht Mile. Or. Cattle brand, O D on left hip and noraon same brand on right shoulder. Hange, Eight Mile. Adkins, J. J., Heppner,, ,TA con Esoteil on lft flank: cattle, sameon lft hip. Haird. D. W. and s in. Horse brand-d T) R on the left hip; emtio the same on left flink, crop off rigiit ear, undercrop in the left, liange in Morrow County, Bartholamew, A. G., Alpine, Or. Horses branded 7 E on either shoulder. Range in Mor row countv tiannister, J, W., Hardman, Or. Cattle brand ed H on left hip and thigh; split in each ear, I I T.... V t II branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle same on right side. Hnrke, M 8t C, Long Creek. Or On cattle, MAY connected on left hip, ciop off left ear, un der half orop off right. Horses, same brand on letft shoulder. Kange in Grant and Morrow connty. Hrosman, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded 7 on right shoulder; cattle B on the left side. Left ear half crop nd right ear upper slope. Harton, Wm., Hnppner, Or. -Horses, J B on right thigh; cattle same on right hip; split in earn ear. Hrown, Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the right stifle; cattle same on right hip; range, Mor row county. Brown, J. C Heppnnr, Or. Horses, circle C with dot in cei ter on left hip; cattle, same. Brown, W. J., Lena, Oregon. Horses W. bar over it, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left hip. Boyer, W. G., Heppner, Or. Horses, bor brand on right hip cattle, same, with split in each ear. Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left shonlder; cattle, same on left hip, Brownlee, W. J., r"ox,Or Cattle, JB oonneoted on leftside; crop on left ear and two splits and middle piece out out on right ear; on horsns same brand on the loft thigh; liange in lox valioy, u rant county, Carsner. Warren. Wagner, Or. Horses brand e1 (J on ngnt stine; cattle (ttiroe wire) on right ribs, crop and split in each ear. liaitgo in Grunt and Morrow counties. Cain.K., Calob.Or. Y I) on horsos on left stifle TJ with onarter circle over it. on left shouldur and on left stifle on all colts nndnr 5 years; on loft shoulder only on all horsoB over 5 years. All range in Grant ootintv. Cate, Chas. H VinBon or Lena, Or. Horses H C on right shoulder; cattle same on rigiit hip. Kanee Morrow ant! Umatilla counties. Corrigall, M M, Onllnway, Or Cattle crop out of each ear and uriuorliit, wattle in forehead horses half circle C on left stitlo, Hange Mor. ow and Umatilla connties. Curl, T. H., John Diiy, Or. Double cross on oach hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit in right ear, split in left ear. Hange in Grant connty. On sheep, inverted A an 1 spear point on shoulder, liar markoii ewes, crop on left ear pnnnlind upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in right and nuder half orop iu left ear. All raiiga Hi Grant oonntv. Cook. A. J. .Lena.Or. Horses. (Won rightshonl der; Cattle, same on right hip! ear mark square oron off left and split in right, Cnrrin. K. Y Currinsvilie, Or, -Horses, a) on left, stifle. Cox Ed. H., Hardman, Or. Cattle, C with E in center: horses. Cr. on lert lip. Cochran, K. K., Monnment, Grant Co, Or. Horses branded circle with bar beneath, on left shoulder: cattle same brand on both hips, mark under slope both oars and dewlap. Chapin, H., Hardman, Or. Horses branded O on right hip. Cattle branded I he same. AImo brands CI on horses right thigh; wi'tlo same brand on right shoulder, and cut off cud of right ear, Douglass, W. M .Galloway. Or. Catllo, II Don right side, swallow-fork in each ear; horses, It 11 on left hip. Kly, Bros., Donglas, Or. Horses branded ELY on left shoulder, cattle same on lefthip, hole in right ear. Kmery, (!. H., Hnrdman, Or. Horses branded f) (reversed ('with tail on left shouldnr ; cat. tlesame on right hip. Hange in Morrow county. Florence, L. A., Ileppner, Or. Cattle, Lb' on right hip; horses V with bur under on right shoulder. Florence, H. P. Heppner. Or Horses, F on right shoulder; cattle, F on right hip or thigh, Krmmh. Georue. Hummer. Or. Cattle branded WF, with bar over it, on left side; orop off left ear. Horses, same hraiul on lert tup. Gentry. Kltner. Knho. Or. Horses brsnded H H. with a quarter eiHe over it, on left stifle. Kaege in Morrow and Umatillacountios. limit A.M., Kiditn, Or. Cattle, roii'i'l-top with quarter circde under It on the right hip. Itttnirit in Morrow nii'l uurttiiiacouiiiioH. llieton A J links, llamilloti.Or Cat I In, two hats on either hip; crop in right ear a id split in loft. Horses J on right tlilgli, llangein umnl county Hughes, Hamnnl, Wagner, Or J (T F L r. ontn'cti'd) on right sliouldor on linn,.s; on catt le, nil right hip and on left snle, swallow fork in right ear and slit in left. Itauge in lluj ilack UiM'riel.Morrow onririty. HhIo, Milton, Waimi'r, Or. !lormi hrHnded -) (imttle with parallel tails) on left sIihi.,t Cat lie name on lell hip also largo circle ou left side. Howard J ti. (tallow?. Or. Horses t- (cross with hir above it) on right shoulder; caltlesum on left side. Hung) m Morrow and Umatilla counties Hall, F. lwin, John Ihiv, Or Cst'le V, II on right hip; hors s sauieou right shoulder. ituiiue in tlraiit Ciienty. Hughes, Mat, Heppner, Or. Horses s'ia led heart on the left shoulder. Itatige Morrow Co. Hiiusaker, II A, Wagner. Or. -Horses, V on loft sh'iuliler: cailln, ft on left tup. Humphreirs, J M HhiiIiiihii, Or. Horses, II on left tUiik Hiiatoit. Iiiither, Kight Mile, Or.- Horse II on the left shoulder and heart on the left stille Cat. tie Hsuift oti left lop. Ilanir In Morrow count y, ,!.mM, Hurrv, ll"tqm 'r. Or - Homes hrandd II .Ion tin left shoulder; rattle bra mI-mI .1 on rutht Inp, also uiidoitnt in left ear. Hange in Morrow cttiltltv. Juuklll, H. ,M., llntMH'er, Or.-Horsw, hum shun J ou lelt nhotil.ler. Cetile, ilin cans. Itaur ' lrlM Mil. .I.ihim Hi. Knit. I, sua. Or. - Horses. eirele'P let mule; cattle, mh'ii i im right hip, iiteler m!f pr.ui in rt' m.I solil it left ar 'liir, Mike, Hntiiiier, Or. - H res brs-vle-l KNV on Uft tup cattlsnniiie and crop ofl liift mr: nmlsr aim on Mis right Kirk, J. T., Heppner. Or.-Homes HV en left shonlder; rattle, itw on lert hip. Kirk. 1mm, lleiimr. Or.; homes II on left sk.oiil.ler; cat lie muis on right i In, underlet on rii'td K-t. Knnttmrlaed.W. (I.. Mount Vernon, nr.- t Lun ra tie i n riKiu and hft si Ix.sw.dloa fo k im h ft e-r ami tiieier cioo m rorhl er. Iloi.., i,.,.. lit 'ld on left shieilile-. UniofH u O-noi Iv, Lifleil, Hleplieil, ot.Or, H I., .11 I ft (,,(, tin cait). critp afd stdit on riiihi tmr, !l ,r,. sati brand na left shoulder, bmi i.i,,i foeitv. Lieiitlleu, John W., I, t- Pr, tt ,r. br.toP I half -ririds J I, eotmeef .! on (..ft .,,,,,). iter. Caiile, nautti on ef' Mo. IU ... -. t 1,.. llllo. U ii,.. J W Hi II,...-.. I,.,,., .. I. and ou l-tt l.."f: i "Hi. m i .11 I 'I hip, ,lllil otef r, 1,1 rf)e. l,r... , it .t , . i, ir. I1, (iirge, Heimur. (lr. H .tm bri, t,t ietil l Ml.liwli I f,M(oloi,w I'al'el S w.'tg II lin left ah eiMer . M, ' , llepin.-t. Or f .Mt.. I tv ril. I,- oi fiht It 1 1 ; l,.,fe aa'tie 011 Utihl u!le, Un'ofe l C.MIIilr M.iior. 0-r, f(iiiii.r ir 'niti( M ,, lilit (up; ho' M e'l left hollld'.r. Momii, H N . H M.piier. or. Il.irm, $ ) fin left rattle HaiiiM ia left lop, Mil. tmll, ikw, 1 1 mm, nr. lliraa, ,i mi rin'.l Iim-; rniiia. 71 on rgit I t Uw, l tt,, ltr,inill Mr, H in., lttf ir ,mi vh shieilder, caiftM, M.?,et,ii Mttur trunk, .. U'Li, Hi Mm. ,. With i,m rffe on ratilM in ril, aa I 10 I r a H imt, horwea aa-ite liiand on l"ft t,e.,i Mi'lltii, M. tia.niiioa. tr ii.t H..IM, Wilti hlf etretMlin W ihi left !( lef ,,e 1 '-t f-elf lar piiMte,-lft ou top 01 lea f.rf ,t , ttstitfM in ttraot ',Minir, IN ....... o- i fl irm () a' aKr.tHf t rt!ri m Mlv JnU, I ti.A I iff If If -itt r4'if HI "t hip. hf, Ml (Hi if ft MtltfH, III n.Mt,! I t -ii',.-! .ta U h i. I' " , fi kit I t 'in .-1 IU- tn ''. " - i, f-r rif St,j i.m i..f .i' I H ,( , j. 1 Vkm li-.ti. IUt'1 ttv (X. lmu It, J I ilf, J M . I .t.. it M .f it i w if l ! mi , tm if-Mt h. ! It - in m H IV-'m . Of .V-n-., ,u - . , i M J - i . t-t., ici-i in ! ' i ii it. t r t'. i li 4 lf-( M . !f . r 4 t- . ...4-f i i 4. j l. l Uf H ! . . U I fl .r. j i i'i i-- f ,.v ( Uf-ftf, i If KMH I f tm h, f I m i,i'! i f r ' m-. I K i 4 I l -- n4 t,-.. if . (f i 14 .f , lt II , M. f tt Iff .. rvfi 4 I t i. I ( m I " -I "f W Hmt- W, t. M l r I , $ . ti-, , o t .a jn I lMr.l1 W V . II 'l- mm t la r iHi a- ' Kp r-k't -mm mm ' U,.. aaa. .. m t.,. e a!' in Grant county. Bmith Bros., HnsanTille. Or. Horses, branded H. L. on shoulder; cattle. iine 00 left shoulder. Squires, James. Arlington, Or,; horses branded Jo on left shoulder: cattle the same, also nos wanuie. Jiange in Jiorrowann (iililam counties. Btei.hens, V. A., Hardman, Or-; horses Briou right stifle; cattle horizontal L on the right side Hteveuson, Mrs A. J., Hnppner, Or. Cattle, D on right hip: swallow-fork in left ear. Hwaggart. G. W., Heppner, Or. Horses, 14 on left shoulder ; cattle, 44 on left hip. Hperry, K. (), Heppner, Or. Cattle W C on left, hip, crop off right and underbit iu left year, dewlap; horses W C on left shonlder. Thompson, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, z on left shoulder; cattle, 'I on left shoulder. Tipoeti,.3.T.,Enterprise,Or. Horses. C-on loft shoulder. Turner R. W.. Hennner. Or. Smutl oi.,l T left shonlder, horses; cattle same on left hip with split in both ears. Thornton, H. M Jone, Or. Horses branded HT connected on left stifle; sheep same brand. Vanderpool, H. T Lena, On-Horsee H V con nected on right Buooldurjcattle, same on right hio Walhridge. Wm.. Heppuor. Or. Horses, U. L. On the left shoulder: atma ,n rii.hf hin orop olf left ear and right ear lopped. Wilson, John Q balem or Heppner, Or. Horaos branded Jo on the left shoulder. Kange Morrow connty. . warren, w B, Caleb, Or-Cattle W with quarter Yjium ovor u, ou lert sine, split iu right ear. Horses same brand on left shoulder, liange iu Grant couuty. Wade, Henry, Heppner, Or. Horses branded ace of spades on left shoulder and left hip Cattle branded same on left side and left hip. Wolfinger, John, John Day City, Or On horses three parallel bars on left shonlder; 7 on sheep, bit in both ears, liange in Grant and Malhuer counties. Woodward, John, Heppner, Or. Horses, TJP connected on left shoulder. Watkins, Lishe, Heppner, Or. Horses branded TJIl connected on left stifle. Wallace, Charles, Heppner, Or. Cattle, W on right thigh, hole in left oar; horses, W on right shoulder sump same on left, shoulder. Whlttier nros., nunnngion. Baker Co., Or. Horses branded W B connected oa left shoulder Williams, Vaaco, Hamilton, 'Jr. Quarter cir cle over three bars on left hip, both cattle and horses. Range Grant connty. Williams, J O. Long Creek. Or Horses, quar ter circle over three bars on left hip; cattle same a.... 0111, iu eacn ear. iiange in lirant county Wren, A. A., Ileppner, Or, Horses runningA A on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip. Young, J. H Gooseberry, Or. Horses branded THont he right shonlde-. GET. THE BES1 'A' hen you nre about to buy a Sewing Machine to not m: deceived by alluring advertisement r.'.ei b,. to think you can gut the best made, iuK.;t tirusucd und lost Popular a mere none. See to tt thfif- 1 ' , for you buy from reliable manu lri.;l.urtrs that have Rained a reputation by honest and square dciilini;, vou will then get a Hewiiiff Alachino that is noted the world over for ita dura bility. You want the one that is easiest to muuuge and la t Light Running , - . . Thcro Is none In the world that Polr; 'fiti can Cfiunl in mechanical con r .i .Vtfll structiun, durability of working iA MB parta, fineness of finish, beauty Jj'lEl in uppcarance, or has us many improvements as the New Home It has Automatic Tension, Double Feed, alike on both sides of needle (patented), no other has it j New Htand (patented), driving wheel hinfre d on adjustable centers, thus reducing friction to the minimum. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS, THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO. Obakof,, Miss. Bostow, Mass. 28TtinnnsonARS,K.T OuoAim, III. Kt. IxiriH, mo. Dallas, Tuxau. bin Frasi im 1), ( :al. ATT.ANTA, UA. TOR 8AI.E BY P. C. TIIOMlSONCO.tAjcnh, Ileppner, Omjon. . www ' r 'J flirt jOin,ctiPAHi, .Villi h'tn nrim'n (Ijjicc, s.ii'ir. it. (iitM.xsrEr.DKii a co.. .V.. .'.'( Sult. r Strci-t. Tea thetnh Is in sthfaillpp IMrt il s ir 1li f.,(,n ,, ,. 11. t. a nr..iig ai.i , i..i ,,,,., ami ... 1 1,.1, s mil i. il H i i.ii. d 1 )) iliha,, n id .!... .. I 1,1. (i ,, ,m S iililf Ik lh ,. llirv h., l tlx ."t li. .n 1,1 ..ii..ti; Ma.. in, .rc lita r-i. lain f. tm ii i. i . t Wt) ..,tli, i,, I,!, i. ,1 lii a iiu.l t 1 1,, ii 'I 'f n at... .-i ,1 . ,.,k f a i." Hi . I r,l in l a t al, ' ' !'" ..! 1 ii I.., i . .1., i. t. ,i, tun si .1 a I hi ' I '.... II. ii. A fir a Willi t!., ,.f ttiut,,!, !,, 11,,,, ' I' ll 11.4 t Cm.... .t H ,..!. Ii,, a l. t Iu Ii . ...i.t a ! iH Irulfin. IM, l .h , I,,, i i. .,.. i.i ,. a, .1,1 M1 r .a, l'. i it iiw ti... Ilr4 t.n, I'm I-.', in,, I , ,i( I,, l .n , )..., ih B..-I (. .11. , ,4 4l X " ' i.i.rr I'liuiin. ni.a Ml i ' -tt n!.r to j 1" ..' Mr m f.4 -a Tkl J i ''' In !. ..I t , ' ; a II- A l '"" ' i it. Hi 4. ,? . ' v l-.i..i. , t , , ,nt M M .,, .,1.4 .. I, i .t . oil. i t .,., ,i . M,, . I It , lt s - I " ' 4 .ii I . .fct 1 1 ,1 I . . ii t. , t i f ' ,4 ! .L ,f i I ' 1 1 1 , ,, I 1. ,l I .. I I'... II,, .j I, ,, , 1.4 I , 1 I I ... ; , ., i: I " ' ' 'i. .. .-,-4 .. f ,( I . . V. ,.. i ,,,( ' ..... .!-..,., , , I . I. ,.,.,, ,, ..., 4 J . 1 ' . "4 Im I ti 1 1 I I ' .. .j , . .. t w . .... ... -. , ..., .1 l w i , . , I it , II 4 I .!..,.. ., . . ,,, ts,i. i i i.k .... s. l, t a- . . a .i. mi4 . ! -ra -.1 ii.ihm l ' :'.'": ."".J1-. 4 t I- i. I m-, -4- ks -I ii t I M I-.. Hal I 7 . ... ' " " ..,"r. u aU a. kaaM Vj Simplest, 4f' A P Idral h! Most MtMlcrn and prngrrssivo A I 1 Kor rstalogue or liifiinnalliin wrllo to ff :1 llSIWlfj THU MARUN HRIJ ARMS CO., V, 4 H H o PI E. McNEILL, Receiver. TO TUB E A. GIVES THE CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental GREAT UNION" NORTHERN Ry. PACIFIC RY. VIA VU Spokane Denver MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA AND AND St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leaue Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For full details call on 0. It. & N. Agent at Heppner, cr address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Phhs, Agt. Portland. Oregon. QCTXOX3C TIJVEia ! TO San. Iroraoisioo And all poinU in California, via the Mt. Hhasta ' route of the iSouthern Pacific Co. The (rreat highwar through California to all pouiMi naar ano. aoutn. Urand Wcenio Koute t f the Facifio Coast. Pullman HuUet 1 Hleepers. Hecond-class Sleepers FAttached to express trains, atfordino; superior uvuuiaiuusiiuiM ror secona-ciass passenirers. For rates, tickets, sleeping car reservations, etc.. call upon or address R. KOHHLKK. Mansirer. K. P. RrtfiKKR. Asst. lion. r. da i-. aki... roriiana, urei(oii Thtrampsratlvstslutofthtsstwocards Is knows to moat ptrtons. Thtf llluttrau that frtatcr quantity Is Not always most to bs dttirtd. Thtts cards tiprtaa tht btacflclal qual ity of RipnnsTabulcs As compartd wild any previously knows UVSI1 lMA CI KG Ripsns Tsbults i Pries, jo ctntt bos. Of 4iuig!ts, or by mail. IIPHf CHEMICAL CO., 1 0 Iptscs It.. N T. Cl!CKEHnA!5iHQP:YS If rt u lh frti-. ItXafKalaM m lfrjM4f. tt.' iirjr whttff cthrt ( w.ftitHj It ni tU m t il .iy V j I . II'' tij" mesa. wuUf J ttttMUf The nun 7" arS i t -i f'l.r.lM,4, I, , ,.., . , - ffTAtt'M A IKtrUAIf'l l,Mi',..i.i ji. ia. M II, a. t i M , t ! -. . . ATS.TRACE ! COPYRIGHTS. rij hmtiii rutTf r t. V" - . l ,. .. l,i. i , i . , i, , Hl...l,ll. ..,,,. . 4. A n.fc.a i i ... r ...... .. 'alrl ..! V I.. . LJ,.,'Tt HT - I i r"i ''- ( j,riv.r . . 1 Ii rrgitlaf a.U.'ii( i ,n a ILW if U,! ' ai. ) tlw 'lla f.Nl ll.a ttr,t t,, .. , 'l. .1 4 l, . lf. t ifi'" mat ititi i r., k V'rr1 t' f..r f t Ait !,! tub. r'""" r?'" t'rtr anle it i. t a M MtHI , .tl.K, ..,MI a f! COPYRIGHTS. TLV FK0.1I COO HOCK. BY MAY D. HATCH. It was variously designated the "Turtlebaek," the "Turtledove," and sometimes merely the "Dove." The old salts of. the ilund knew it only as the Turtlebaek r.iek, named for its decided resemblance to the shining brown shell of a monster tortoise protrudinp; from the water; but o i account of its charm in security for a tete-a-tete and for the appreciation it met with from those who were stromr enough swimmers to enjoy its advantages the name which had been j.-iven to it for its crustacean likeness was usually perverted into the simple, melodious appellation: "Coo rock." Indeed, so general hud this term become that even the venerable guests of the Shawkemo house, dis cussing the tide which covered it pretty well at the full, would call it so in all "seriousness, possibly confusing it, men tally spelled wuii a 1C, wit h the various Indian names witli which the island abounded, or believing it had refer once, spelled with a C, to the gentle lapping of the waves about it. U was Monday morning. Most of the men who had come to spend Sun day on the island had returned to town, three hours distant by rail; and, although the day was exquisitely clear and beautiful aud the bay rejoiced in a thousand shifting blues in the sun shine, the bathers were few a half dozen boys at tho school age turning back-somersaults off the lloat, some children paddling around in the wet sand with their clothes tucked up be hind out of the wet like cock feathers, and a staid matron or two near shore, mildly bobljing up and down incased in flannel and bathers' hats. As Marie Trask walked down the tloat for her morning plunge she .jouuea to tne ooys, looifed out over the water, and sat down a moment on the edge to try its temperature. She f .dt a little lonely, a little depressed; ahe swung her feet irreproachable in ize, in shape, aud in black silk stock ingslazily in the water, and medi tated. She was a comely object for the wa ter to rellect; a trim, srdte, girlish ligure in a well-fitting black bathing iuit, her blonde skin browned by the outdoor life she was leading, her eyes clear gray, a small nose which had a tendency to be lioman, a sweet, happy mouth that was quick to smile and show the white teeth that had not yet lo',t their baby uncveiinoss at the edges, and, crowning all, her sunny blonde hair; not so much of it, but it crinkled ami rippled over her head in such a fashion that no one came near her but wanted to lay a hand on it and smooth it down a bit, just to feel how soft and sukv it was. She looked over toward the rock; it was quite a distance out in the little harbor, and the tide ran rapidly there at tne turn. It was about full now. but it would be slack water for some time yet, and she thought she would try it. She had been out there often. but never alone. She was a strong swimmer for a girl, und destitute of fear; but always before to-day there nau ueen someone to go with Iter. She slipped olf the lloat; the water was perfectly clear and just cooler than the air. With strong, quiet strokes she startud for the rock as a goal; half-way out she orew a little tired, floated a few minutes to rest. and then twain on. It seemed much further than usual; but ulwuys before .' lie had been diverted on tho way with manly converse, or given a friendly hand if sins were tired. At last she reacueu u, pulled Herself eagerly up to tne mgiicsi iiiii'iiii,' point of tiiU rock. und gave u sigh of satisfaction. She turned her back to the shore aud looacd out at the hil!-elasped harbor. What a perfect day it was,' .she was irntated w ith herself for beinir blue but how could she hi Ip it when other people made idiots of themselves'.' AVhut n stupid IhiiiT for her not to have limited thiuiik'h the Imok, any way, before she had lent it to him; 1,,'it lit h ast sin' had il:rivcivi in tim,t what n j..loiis, tb.uUing friend s. had iiliu.isl cMiseiited to luairv. Mu ri ineiiiber. d every word of the letter she hud found waiting for her that morning. It ran: iiKAH M tun:; When ou loaned ma tH.b son p,H'M jl liinhl. I do Uot tUllik you k'ii -w ).. I !i:t I lift tiin luciOM'd ,-r... imh. " IVih.n I i hi imt havo rend t hi' in i ri hi. ii. iii. lint, Mnrie lanintl, 1ml I h !.! il i.r. . Tt,. y tiiat a woman l.(. u 1 1 H .(i.i, k in r.uli ut I'ii. irnih. a limn h III. Hin t Ml,. I, 11 1 Into I') til .K. r...! ,r.. J ii u ' I . i rx ut ' Uirv afrt tlutn ' n.'ii -i.l -ii hp nm.t t,4s wr.itrg r.. !-, i.i tmi wii,-a ..ii ii tt ih l..i ri.ui rump l..r, , !.. i -.,v tnr. tt aiM-w.' Il mi. I'll I I In 1. .,i,li !m HhI I tin rik-ht In my ' ' " 'I viu a l!t!i hnr aftt, anil , t. I u hae lit inif tHllrir )uu tutra l. I r t i.i.,- I.i t no Hi S l this uor. I' ." 1 i ii,.i. l t. ar lu st.'p lo av i-.Ki,l.,f. "r, Iui.ui i u" And Hie et "lfur F.yen," thfy Wt-r( in ii, t i.ra tti,.t tiiir rm a il,v i" i ami Ifii I. f al rtr, itii still. r .l ii ai d hi.,. i. an tni autlt I i:i. m i.f ).,.i ttiio laato i. aanf 1 1..' (i .. i.t I . .i, in t.intrii.,, i!-ar. . ir i t, i m i,i i,.i ,iui until liiKtlifi ,nln l,o linr fina, ,ilt , I t si i rt.- tr, .i i,.r Mu lin, i,-r Itli. nn Jaek coill.l IliiiUe , t!,tit ttS! l,rt terxa ltn. I !. r l. ir. Ii.-h. .I Jaelt! how ! trv I . ti...i .I lv if ho knew nil lli ! Ir-w'-V In tia.1 I n.n. l.t U.uU Ni, j a!n- r.Mi! fc'rei ' I I li.tu rcatmn.i. 1 l ie !..f m r tt."rtil ) Ilif. It it j, nil I i r i, i ,i, , i.i . ati.l 1 liril I C ' H' I'l l1 I 111 lh fl ,,( '' i If If .I.I 'i4itr. the toiutita ita f im i t'i.-tia I.i .i-iw ail Itirk- l !'' r ai in hi d lnr i.l One t, i on nway In a laj ti. id,. n f if,T tt'l UMit Xhenu Vrl. f'-r all. In in k'M hat guru h r e!i.t .... i c it. . . . 1 ft. .m I f titer ' ' t" ."".'-'! i ii H ..f a!. r -ai!r.( ! i ' ,- .., . a nit Marie ... i.. ,.( .1 :, .,ji.i, 4 iiMU n aa up 'It ,..,.., !,. ar. l.rp Thjt I . . t I ! i i . r, I tt! I.c ha l i l.ff ! . -i tlr r !.! s A !, n,, tf ait -Wra I Ihrrf .. .(..jit ,f I , j , t.'itt, ! Itill., .,- .-. f, , .., ., a 1 1 . tt' I ,; t t I tr . it U . I. ,rf !f n t it . i r'l , - r nl .,., .1 !, 1 I f - I 'I ' (', .. ...1,. f I.... .' ' II.- 1 . . -I ! . i'H a .( .-f w irtai,i r on i. ' . . I . .i...,n,-.i.,9i i, ,, , , . . ' id Iffrii lite fl'st 4 mm Iw-gan lo . , V .""' I ' ''"a mttmt toe llafM l4ll ...I ...,. , !..,.?!. -p 4 tin,,! a-i. t ta i,..B i, a ,..:,.,. fii je-it ! 4. We r.n't m.p t.. f ' " ' " ' : ll. lllt - ttrt IW trial at .t,i', I at t, t il.W. A)t I Jr Jlttf sl-ra. r" 1 1 h f e '.' .. r i -a U.,a. A l'mt, Ike MafastaiilA , , , 4 , ' Mh.4s aa t arw4 ait)ra, al ll '-T Ml i alac l. t 'tM, Llafteiaf . ... i.ilfi l.sUni I -u I . ' HEALS RUNNING SORES CURES THE SERPENT'S STING CONTAGIOUS In all its stages Z " completely eradicat- BLOOD POISON edbys s s. obsti. ta.WWat a w.wvil nate sores an(l ulcers yield to its healing powers. It re moves the poison and builds up the system Valuable treatise on the disease and Its treatment mailed free, GUilCTCDiiriL-ii. rn r. w,. .. . " AIIWIW, W. the ferrv, went to the station, and came back. Why did you come out here alone? You should have known better, the tide is running1 out now, and the swim back will be a hard pull all the way." "I am quite capable of taking care of myself," she answered, eomewhat stiffly, "and if you are afraid of the tide you would better go in at once." 4He was astonished to find her adopting- an injured tone; if anyone had a rig-ht to be hurt, he surely was the one to enioy the privilege of that position. He looked at her despairingly; the lit tle curls, dried bj the sun and wind, beckoned maddingly. He forg'ot his grievance i0r a moment "When Venus came ashore on the waves, he said, keeping his eyes on the curls, "Zephyrus blew her ther. and before he left her he hovered about and kissed her until her hair, which the sea had wet, was dry and shining like silk; but it always kept the crinkle tne motion ot the waves had e-iven it. and all true daughters of Venus hav inherited that ripple of the waves ever since. I hat is the story I always think of," he finished, seeking now her clear gray eyes, "when I see your hair in the sun, iviarie." She laughed gayly. "It seems to me some one else is dipping into poetry ueaiuesi poor OJXCii. ms brow darkened. "Don't make a joke of it," he said; "the blood has Deen boiling in my veins ever sin T read it. 1 don't blame Jack for loving tul wnuug ii 10 you. l ought not to have read it; but the thnmrht. nf his having his arm about you, as it clrarV implies, ana that you have cared for him, perhaps care for him sua, Has driven me almost beside mv. self. If you have any pity for me tell me tne truth, or let me go." "You may go," she spoke coldly; "I wm uoi Keep you. "See; we are here," he said, "under tne iree sky, with the pure clear water, all about us, close to honest nat and life would be so good to me if is tnere always to be an if? if onlv I knew the truth and that it is not what t inougnt that you do not care for mm. "I am very fond indeed of Jack; and as for the verses, I thiolc thev are charming, and that any girl should be nappy to inspire a man like that." i i .... '""" jrroanea. "lou ftr mnr frivolous than I believed, and you have iiui iH-'en true to either of us." "I think l will swim ln." ah Kni,V She slipped off tho rock aud struck out for the shore. He followed her silent ly, keeping his eyes upon her, for the tide was making hard out to sea. "Don't try und buck against the tide," he called; "let it carry you down. Just swim for the shore; you waste your strength that way." He was aw immiiig close beside her now. "If 1 needed it," she asked, "would ym lie strong enough to tow me in?" lie laughed grimly. "Try me," ha aiiNwcreu. lie took both her hands in his. awim ming easily his baek; to this healthy younf giuut her added weight was ui'uiing. i ney went rutthlng through inu ,uer hi w.,rH m-emed a U-rritlc rate of h(.,1 i the girl whoms endw iiu. e had already ln-en taxed by the awiiiiiiiuig, ana the aense of security una sirrugm It (are her wm a deli- emus rciiet. At last they reached the float; the i ii ue uoy were tearing up and down the Mill, I lining luiUlllUlf "ala-nta M.. let go of hia hands and he lifted her easily to the tlout. .she wat quite pale; H-rliiiji thure had U-co an me uervous airaiu in ner unusual exhauatiou. ' Ihm t Vtm f,.,.l Well?" ! a-h.,1 he aynul U-aiiln her, taking long, deep 1 , r .. -. I ) , 11. . i I " wr ma r if moll. Nie put out a small, wet hand to nun wui. li he gladly t.a.k in his own damp grap. "I ahould netcr have gotten in" ahe said, catching her ""' I cannot be horrid to you any mor. That book belonged t) uiy l .uln Motile, but ahe does not want to an nun nre her ritni,in.i,i i WW till the f!l"-Dett.orear .Ma.-,. tiller. I ii i to as lie M aa. He regarded liimaelf aa very KnglUh, an. I In aerUiiily aa ery young. He fjiuie.l that he mt Tery lming figure a li KAtllileml pat the theater n the nwilne.. girla emerged on the alrvet. it large, earo man who una going .v ajaiUed It all ,y r,.. m.irUhig In a loud Ue: etla. iUie! Uiial are ji gg . with that ? l...Uig to blow a.p l.ul.ti,-r And i..w iiu tr I, ,,t,e young man ho wiil in ter again awoke a liie tm the street. 1m p tiiaa fmaa I aeallaf At nne time the I'reahytrrtan f n.ter were ttlaetiaalnf the Ignoranre and alujtl.lily ,.f t ne i.f r,rtf tlml f, " tt.l what a n-AUm he ha In hla head .... . :, ,,. i, f it,P , r. ia 1:1 ' t. "he l.a I.t f hat) ti ;t a lii-a l ottij a top knot that hia Mirr fnt Ihrre .t krea him frtun rf rhli , ttl " la lt..i) a4 Nta tjra Mf. t'ai l.'tt'tU, lfiirf,-it, lavr. 'M 111, ; IV. Kinc'e t' "' I tnf life, Uaa lalirA lft t tlfipr art I ire4 a. I the tts :- a r.. ,,i: .1-.hI I .. I ..f , . - , -. ... , ... .-, ! . .1 m a m n I til I .... I I .. . . .. " .:r . . ' ""' " ' 2 taTT1".-..- 3 W.' 4.'. S?atie . j uvbv itniciDctci mauc front raiilr with all vi..v, i,t " " eitnuc lutujiiiiteo, Buu u vuu uuy one you wm maKe no mista&e. fai Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE if you want to be happy, for should your wheel bel nnni'tnrj-iH linan Umitnrinj v... i , , , ..... . 1st r inu uc ululucu vy yUn llx nve minutes, as u is equippea witn tne world renowned G. & J. clincher tires with wood rimo or HmH M Sold in all sizes for ladies or gentlemen TaniiptTlH fnr flVn tnon nf .nn ,1 .... - .v,. v i.n,u wa iiittu auu wuimiu, fiou eaun. THE RAMRI r D ,R thfi. fnafoHt Ot,nno rl 1 t it , A ffi - - - ........ . . - t iibiiitDij nun Duuugcni, TYiicci in tinj marKei. For Btyle, fiuish and durability it is unsurpassed, as it is constructed on strict mechan-1 left. A.nii sn1pntif?o, lac V- Chicago Ideals Fnr Trip n wnmnn Wi.n UI. r i , ,V "vv" li'iio, " mi cn, aim limn wneeis, at fio. Jm. S45 rpfinpnt- fdoub?.fl',oras-e Before yon buy a bicycle, write for catalogue, circulars, terms and discounts or call m I tonaUndnidTo!U8 agem8- amb'er KUBtlerB Wanted in ev4ry town Oregonrwashing-1 ! FRED T. MERRILL CYCLE COMPANY, 1 ! BtoWrglollWffl 'elleryManf. Go's "Rambler Bicycle.." Main! How's Your Liver? ijOhyi7SiXaNaTJrt This question is asked daily. If dormant you need exercise need it badly. The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do not own one, call at Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery, Power House. King LIOHT, 5TR0N0, v RNE5T MATERIAL. SPEEDY, HANDSOHE. wifwfii SCIENTIRC Four ModeIs885 and 8100. EVERY MACHINE FULLY GUARANTEED. Monarch Factory and Main Office .Lake bKANCHCS i-New York. San I'raacUco, Aalt WEBB SAFE & LOCK CO, Agents, rOUTLAN'D, OHEOON. A. 11'. PATTEHSOX, Agent fur It to Advertisers at a great financial sacri fice. You need it in your business, and as a matter of business vc must sell it. Tin; Patti:kson PunLisniNC Co. 10 : WITH FIEIIISS : mm : PIUS ! Vouro BOUND to Take 'Km. Leaves No ComUpntion, ----w If RAMBLER ib nu -luuioy liwiuie JHUb. It HUtUUfJ 111 IRQ SH n v.... . (w at $100 each. i- no jin.i... .. . . . utis t-ATTEKSON, Agt. lor Morrow Co., Heppner, Oregon. i of Bicycles. SEND 2-CENT STAMP FOR CATALOGUE. Cycle Co. and Halsted Sts., CHICAGO. tf.L. Ut-.t City. IXrovif, M.niphU. VtUM. V" iu. Morrow County, Heppner, Oregon, OUR STOCK OF . . . ! SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE :, ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD a 3 tff 4 rte'.i a ni i wt a.. Umjt a Mmrnt I " ,m I . . . '