Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 15, 1895, Image 3

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La Grippe, for Golds, Coughs,
"Two years ao, I had the grippe,
and it left nie with a cough which gav
nie no rest night or day. My family
physician prescrihed for me, changing
the rcediciiie as often as he found the
things I had taken were nut helping
Here and There
i over from
The MassilloQ EDgine & Thresher Oo
whose advertisement will be found on
- . . 1 1 r 1 1 " . . 3
Hardrnan uuullBr r"?Ke i lQ1 paper, exienu a
uurumi lumaiiuu tu me rentiers oi me
QaSette who expect to attend the expo-
me, but, in spite of his attendance, I got
no better. Finally, my husband, read
ing one day of a gentleman who lmd
had the grippe and was cured by tnldng
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, procured, for
me, a bottle of this medicine, and before
I bad taken half of it, I was cured. I
liave used the Pectoral for my children
and in my family, whenever we have
needed it, and have found it a specific,
for colds, coughs, and lung troubles."
Kmilv "Wood, North St., Elktoii, Md.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Highest Honors at World's Fair.
Cleanse the System with Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Ed Cox i
Harry Warren went down to Portland aition now being held in Portland to call
Monday afternoon. at their ware-room, corner of Front and
The Nila.Vinar.n. Marhlo WnrV. Morrison Sis., and examine their line of
vv'alla Wnlla Wnnh machinery, which includes the Russell
Compound Engine and Cyolone Thresh
Mrs. itios. (4uaid returned from Salem er with the Wind Stacker. Tbey also
on Saturday evening. oarry a complete stock of engines and
Mm. A TCnthi., nr. l boilers, and those who contemplate buy
Cochin chicken for 8al. B27.t.'si 1d wil1 d wel1 to Ket M"
AtfnrnbV T W Ppnmn al....nA,1 ...
Cnvnn r;,tv Rt'n .,,. Overwork, either physioal or mental,
will produce weakness and loss of
Hi. Minor has returned home from a energy. Too many business or family
few week's visit over on the Sound. cares, overwork in the harvest field, an
W. O. Gentrv got back Sunday from a e,c5" ot womn'8, work nd J?0"
ripft n hip ni.i,.f :.: produce months of misery. To prevent
" this, the exhausted system should be
Jja (jtranae Marble Works. La Orande reinforced immnri atolv l)r. J. H.
Ure. S. C. smith, salesman, Heppuer. McLean's Strengthening Cordial and
John Royse and wife, of Hardraao,
were in lleppner FridBy and Saturday.
Mrs. Annie CrumD has moved to town
for the winter to send her children to
Elder J, W. Jenkins and wife departed
Blood Purifier is an appropriate remedy.
Prioe 81.00 per bottle.
Salem Post: Alvah W. Patterson,
manager of the HeppDer Gazette, is in
the oity attending the E. of P. session
us a representative fromDorio lodge No.
20. of that citv. Mr. Patterson has been
for their home at The Dalles yesterday chosen by Grand Cbanoellor Geary as
uiterooon. grand lodge orator for next year, tlis
Who., n no ; a. ; v, . a I oratorical powers are well known in the
v nen a person is down in the world .... A. :
an ounce of help is better than a pound Dlnl ouu lUB BO'eolluu ,B " uou "UB-
or preacniDg. Married At the residence of the
a p Porio D ,.v. n, i bride's parents, on Butter oreek, on
A. U Larle was up from the lower ,17.. j i r... n ,ook .. t
country yesterday. He is a full-fledged " 77.L' T A. hV m '
I lau-LA aYLaWC-tJ AUI at-lV VT V KM KM fa l-l I Jl i.lK
sod Mrs. J. Li. Howard. Rev. J. H.
Mrs. J. H. MoHaley is visiting friends Hoskmg was the officiating olereyman.
and relatives in the vioiuity of Aumsville, A large number of friends and relatives
witnessed the ceremony which was fol
lowed by a suitable spread.
For Horsb Stealing. We take the
following from the last issue of the
Fossil Journal: Deputy Sheriff Tom
Johnson arrived in town Friday with
Jacob Rinearson from Oregon City, who
is charged by Maxwell Ramsby with
stealing three of his horses. He waived
examination and was bound over in the
sum of 3500 to appear before the grand
jury by Jnstioe Donaldson. He gave
the bonds, wbioh be bad prepared be
fore leaving Oregon City. The horses
were taken from Haystack by Rinearson
and four oompanions last June, when
they were up there looking for some of
Rinearson's horses that range there.
Johnson had some trouble getting bis
man, as he belongs to an influential
family, and on one pretext and another
they managed to get the oounty judge
to delay their departure fonrdays, while
Rinearson's brother, G. O., a young
A Great Blessing
My wife and I have found in Hood's
Earaaparilla. She had rheumatism very
severely, with
ankles and legs
badly swollen, and
hardly able to get
up and down
stairs without
help. Many other
remedies failed,
but Hood's Sarsa
parilla entirely
Cured her. It was
only shortly after
that I was taken
with the same
complaint, affect
ing my limbs and
hips, so I just tried the same medicine
with the same result. My wife and chil
dren take Hood's Sarsaparilla whenever
they feel the need of a medicine and it im
mediately makes them feel better.
lawver who was one of the "immortal
30"in the last legislature, came post Hood's SQI'SQPQJ'i S lei
Iwintr, ft C.Ba;l ,n aArl. milk Pnmnkn '
. Saves me doctor's bills. I am an engineer,
,l uiuuoy uuuiu rjucvj a bcdiicluoiji
Rambsy wouldn't "settle," although he
informs us be agreed to aooept money
to the amount he has been damaged by
the theft. This is a peouliar oase of
wbioh we will have more to say in our
Marion county.
Sam Meadows went out to Hardrnan
yesterday to look after the disposal of
nis property there.
E. P. Voruz returned oh Saturday
evening from the meeting of the K. of
f. grand lodge at Salem.
Now is the time to get the Weekly
Oregonian, the greatest newspaper of
the West. With the Gazette, both strict
ly in advance, for one year, $3. No better
combination of newspapers oan be made
in the state. Besides we will give as a
and well known in this locality." Q. W,
W YATT, White Bead iiiU, Indian Ter.
Hnnrl'a Pillc easy to tmy, easy to take,
nouu s fins easy efIect
I Of the First National Dank at llepp
ner, in the State of Oregon, at the
Close of Business, Sept. 2S, 1H!)5.
Carlton's Company of Players, making premium an additional journal, the Web
their first western tour, are booked for foot Planter, an agricultural paper,
Uonnner dnriniy tha ranefl. PnmA in now nnrl anhanrlhA.
Ben Poppen, of Hardrnan, called on Manager Garrigues hag seoured the
us yesterday and left his measure for Carlton Company of Players to appear
another year of the Gazette. in tbe opera bouse every night of the
.... .... .. .. ta l 1 1 ..
r i j . , j . raueo. iud uuuiuauj' uoujo very niguiv
i,i ?? . ??i T daH"i nd ? 60 recommended and with a first class re-
in ? v hi 8 1 Pf i i n ' pertoire- Prioes ot admission will be 25.
and Wash. Ste.. Portland, Oregon. 35 Bnd 50 0ent9 ReBervod 8eatB D0W on
E. O.: Mrs. Dr. MoSwords and Bale at tbe Citv Drag Store. Opening
daughter are guests of Mrs. C. J. Smith, play "Destiny."
Mrs. McSworda resides in Heppuer. You caQ eRrn 85 eftoh dfty giving
When you want to feel merry call on our absolutely indispensible household
Linlie Sperry, at the Belvedere Saloon, article away. New plan of work, mak-
whero they keep the finest wet goods in mg experience unnecessary and snoeess
None Bnt Ayer's at the World's Fair
Ayer's Sarsaparilla enjoys the extraor
dinary distinction of having been the only
hlnnrl r..irifiar alliMiraH an HYVliV.it. at tha
. T , 1 . 1 : i . tnn no
World's fair, ChiOBgo. ManufBOturers ubum Tiii,au,.io
of other sarsaparillas sought by every Overd fts seoured and unsecured 6,481.93
means to obtain a showing of their goods, U. b. Bonds to secure oircula-
but they were all turned away under the tl.on 12,500.00
application of the rule forbidding the Premiums on U S. bonds 8o-00
entry of patent medicines and nostrums. i00 "ecuntieg, etc . 8,180.54
The deoision of the World's fair autho- Banking-house furniture, and
rities in favor of Ayer's Sarsaparilla was , are5:-:. ,-v . 'i'"-4
in effeot as follows: "Ayer's Sarsapa- Due from National banks (not
rilla is not a patent medicine. It does I rve agen.sj. . . io,m.oo
not belong to tbe list of nostrums. It is De ;rora Btate l,anks 8td
here on its merits." 0BnKere ; '. 'S
lub irom npprovea reserve agts. zu,,wu.o
Checks and other cash items 62.30
A Change op Management. Portland Notes of other National Banks 000.00
Telegram: Mr. Ernest H. Palmer, who Fractional paper currenoy,
founded the house of Palmer & Rey, in
2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
J3J1L5.J6I7 I8 19"
10 i 11 13 4- lb Tb
17 Z8 Z9 30 3 1 T3"
Take Notice.
1. The inm of five cent per line will bo
7h.nred tor "orrti of thiik." "remilutloni of
reapuct," HaU of wedding prexenU and donon,
ind obituary nntlce, (other tlmn thiMe the eillt
ir ihull hlnmelf rtve an mutter o( uewi,) and
aotloolaiectal mci'tliiin (or whatever pnrpoae.
2. Notion o( church mid Koclcly and allolher
jntcrtaliimiMit Irom w hich revvmie U to t de
rived, atiaU be charged for at the rale of five
jtnX a Hue. Thw rulei will be itrh tly adher
dd to to every lutanc.
Advertlaliur rm roHnonablc and made known
Ipou applli at Ion.
Canyon City News: Dr. E. A. Vangh
au arrived from Heppuer during tbe
week, and is attending to some dental
work here.
Wanted To trade, a new cart for a
saddle. Cart bag been need but little
and is in good condition. Enquire at
tniB omoe. St
A large number of horses are in Hepp-
ner training for tbe races and it is ex
pected that many more will arrive before
the races come oil.
n iii; m
We will go back to
the land of our
And during their absence Minor &
Co. will be found at their old
stand, Belling at
Under Competitors !
If you doubt this statement, thous
ands will come forward and con
firm the same.
Styles too Numerous to Mention
SCITS FOR $1.00, $150, $5.00, $5.50, $6.00, $6.50, $7.00 CP TO $20.00
Our line of Boois and Shoes are amongst Hie largest if not
the largest) to be found in the city.
Call and examine, we are hero Fi TT T "T 'f "l t "I V
ttsv.vs,oTtuu M1INOK LU.
nickels and cents,
this city, 15 years ago and has been in Spocie B
uumKo orm diucd ui hid i.iuC1 Kedeinption fund with U. S.
TroBBiirer (5 per cent, of
oertain for either sex in any geotion
Sample dozen free. Credit given.
Freight paid. Address, Melrose MTg.
Co., 30 Melrose Park, III. 4t.
C. 8. Van Duyn has leased tbe Palace
hotel and is now busy putting it in shape
for tbe accommodation of tbe public It
is unnecessary to say that this hostlery
will in tbe future be run in a strictly
first class manner, and the Gazette
wishes him abundant guocesa in this
new departure.
A obnnge in tbe local time card is
booked to take place on Monday next.
Oscar Minor returned on Friday even- when our train on the branch will leave
in g from the state fair at Salem. He about 930 in the evening, returning at
also took in tbe district fair at The Rome hour in tbe morning, tbe exact
Dalles on his way borne. time we did not learn, but tbe new time
Total $-201 , 720.10
Capital stock paid in 850,000.00
Hurplusfuud 12,000.00
branch of the American Type Founders'
Company, has been promoted to Pacific
coast manager of the different branches
of tbe Type Founders' Company, inolud
iug San Francisco, Portland and Los
Angeles. His headquarters will be San
rrancisco, rorwnicn oity ue win leave Undivided profits, less expeu
nere tne ena or tbis monin. Mr. J. A. I ses and taxes paid
Brands, has heen Hnnointed local National Uauk Notes out
77M 1H
oers company s oranonin mis oity 10 Individual deposits subject to
tans tne place made vacant oy iur. check Vl.bTH.Si
Palmer's promotion, and will leave for Demand certificates of dopomt 17.tl71.H8
the West in a few days
19,00d 73
Htace (or Hardrnan, Monument, Itiar Crock,
Inhn Day and ( anynii Citv. Iravea aa follows ;
Everyday at l a. mnr.il Hunday.
Arrlveaevory day at p m..ei pl Monday.
The rhenix'.t, (julckrot and beat Hue Co or
trora the Interior coiunry.
I'hlll Culm, AKi-nt
Extra Pal Star Brawary Baar
In Hall I'lnt BottU-a can be
had only at tha
City Hotel Bar!
Wli)-ri hhth gradn l.lquorn and Clvara are aln
kpl l.y 1i-l.
Pytbiag: For fnthuaiastio tnemUra
io any organization in which they ara
aaaociatad oommrtid n to the Patier
aon ttoy (f Kit,lern (Iregoo. Orin L.
Alvsh W. and Otis aro wnrksra no
mnttor hr plaoatl. No drrniaa in
that (arolly. Thi-y aralaaya rady and
willing to otk. I'ytlnat lm gain by
having inch worthy mro aa tm-mtwra.
tousorial artists. Hairouttiog, shaving,
shampooing, etc., done scientifically,
liatlis at 25 cents apiece,
Halem Statesman: Emit P. Voroz, a
general merobaut ot lleppner, is io the
city as a representative ot the K. ol P.
grand lodge from Dono No, '20.
Hall's Hair Renewer enjoyt the confi
dence and patronage of people all over
the civilized world, who use it to restore
and keep the hair a natural oolor.
Rev. F,. P. Green arrived from Arling
ton on Friduv evening, and on 8nnday
Aver'a Hair Vigor, which has outlived
and superseded hundreds of similar pre
parations, ia undoubtedly tbe most
fashionable as well as economical hair
dressing in the market. By ita nse the
poorest betd ef hair soon iieoomes lux
uriaut and beautiful.
Miss Atbalia Shnlse, who has been
visiting friends in Heipuer for a few
weeks, returned to her valley home on
Mondity, liev J. M. Phnlse, father of
Mies Athalia,!iR now stationed at Nbedds,
,lnn county, where be will labor the
morning and evening preached to bil coming year.
. . ... .... r u I
L-ouKrrKaiinu i. r.. mn.rcu.
The East Orrgotiian bag put in a Thorn I Association in oonventinn at lleppner
type getting machine and now comes ont last week, closed its labors Saturday
printed In hrigbi new type, luia makes forenoon, ilug proved to be a very
tbe KO i better paper than ever. Interesting and profitable gathering and
Wm. I)nln...n .if. and .lohnn. r''P"r, of "m w"1 "PP" ,u 0,,r
Ayi and wife ware attendsnia on tbe
Sunday school convention aa delegates
from the fohool ont at Butler oreek.
Knrl'a Clover Hoot, tha great Blood
parilier, gives freshness and olearneaa to
the Complexion and cures Constipation,
25 eta., ftO ets.. 1 1 . Hold by T. W. Ay era,
next inane.
Ben Mathews ia now sole proprietor of
the city meat market where be keeps
fresh supply of beef, pork, mutton, veal,
sausage, bacon and lard, which be aella
for the lowest market price. Fred Bock,
the Portland butcher, ia still with him. tf
Hon. Orin L. Patterson and wife
arrived from halem and Portland on
Saturday evening and departed yes'er-
Elmer Sloouin'a photograph gallery is
uuw i.iifii (til iuwtr iiiiu pirt wucrt . i . , , t , :
.t.;,tiJ i... -,k k ...u.i oy morning lor their home at Long
strictly Drsl-olaea work can be eeonred,,,' w Ti,.. . h. i . "
Hnrasn life la held too cbeat.ly when
the Individual who need a tonic for bia
system, seek to cover hit wanta l.y pnr
ohaainif every new mixture that ia fecom.
mended to him. lUmember that Ayer'a tbe first medicine I bava ever found that
Haraapanlla b a well earned repiiiation I would An tna any good." Prn a &V,
of fifty year' atanding. ' T. W. Ayera, Jr.
at reasonable prices. Call and examine
work and get price. "utf
Pythia: The ritv of lleppner gained
a great repntation by having tha grand
lodge meet there. No better treatment
waa ever acoorded any body ot men
than that giveo by tha lleppnerile.
Mt. C MrKemie, a olcea oh W. O.
Sentry, ot tin city, arrived from Cali
fornia on Hatnrday evening' train and
departed on yeaterday morning' alage
for Grant county to visit with relative
Coder tbe heading of K of P. Notea"
the Haletn Statesman a): Tha good
(Hiking bachelora of Kalero tali) bark
eat when Alvnb Patterson rnmea don
miih tha peach bloom of tha lleppner
pralrn-s nn hi cheka.
Cnptam Haeeney, I'. M. A . Mao Diewo,
Cal. says : "Hbilob'a CaU'rb Itemedy I
He is a veteran'
in the type aud Newspaper Union bosi-
ness, aud tor several years has been
conneoted with the firm of Marder,
Lnse & Co., now a branch of the Ameri
can Type founders Company in
Cure for Headache.
As a remedy for all forms ot Headache
Kleotrio Bitters has proved to be the
very beat. It effects a permauen oure
and tbe most dreaded habitual sink
headaches yie'd to its influence. We
urge all who are atUicted to procure a
bottle, aud give this remedy a fair trial.
In CHHes of habitual oongtipation Flee
trio Bitters cures by giving the needed
tone to the bowels, and few case long
resist the use of this medicine. Try
once. Large bottle only fifty cents at
T. W. A vers, Jr., drng store.
Total $201,720.10
State ok Oiikoon, )
Cot1 NTT OF MolfllOW, J HS
I, Oeorgo Conner, Cashier of the
above named bank, do aolcmuly swear
that the above statement in true to the
best of my kuowledge and belief.
Uko. Conmkh, Cashier.
Subscribed nnd sworn toboforemo this
10th day of Oct., 1H05.
Notary Publio for Oregon.
Correct -Attest: O. A. Rhea, T. A.
Rhea, J. B. Natter, Directors.
What Do You Need?
In the line of Machinery, Wagons,
etc., the public will do well to look
over the large stock of the new firm,
Wills & Slocum.
They carry a very large, well-assorted stock of General Merchandise
which they will sell at prices that defy competition, for cash.
No trouble to show goods, aud the public are invited to call and
examine their goods as to quality and prices.
They are located in the old lilackman stand, lleppner, Oregon.
When you come to Ueppnor, don't forgot
Oreen Mathews for shaving, hair
cuttiug, shampooing aud all other work
in that lino. Hath at any time during
business honrs.
Kkv. HnrLHH Bunions. Tuesday even
ing lUv. J. M. Shnlse announced to his
church bia
Leslie M. K.
T. 11. Howard make a specialty in
supplying stockmen with all needed
articles, besides carrying a general line.
See bis new ad. tf.
O. B. llatt, the tonBorial Brtid, can
be found at his pnrlnra, Matlock oorner,
where hi will illNlieiiap Itl lifx.nltir rirtmm
- J ft I ...ft ft i . . r.-- ,
rt-iKii.uu. i..r. inKiu suave, shampoos. Iiairout. etc
ntmrnh u-aa Hia k-riim nf a .....
...!.) lUni h.,...l ,J hi. e.l - flam or fancy Hewing. ill
iue inemimr ana congregniioa asseiouieu nlr. Mary Henderson
to gret-t the pastor. After music and
. . . a .
prayer, a.wreMee were mana oy nr. -ONEY LOANED, Fir.t .Miirtvairp
Parsons, Prof. T. Mfcttbewa, lievg. J. II. li ''i'""- ('r."i- "v ""''J"'.
' Ala. ed.Me am iri'ni In in-i-iillnln llrnl
II. 1 loyal and J. M. r-blllse. Following hirlifnira iih,ii lin.rn,H inruia In
il,(u i t ft lal I "ii k"'!. wiiii i'H-nin iarins ai a rail-m iiiii-ri-si
.n .. ..rni,iuciin wt n-xc aii.a . un ,, l Ml I ) ,.r rent. ,,T all lllllll. Murli-llvl'l
reiM-Hi-it that hae Imii ImIoiii hy nthi-r rum
palili. Ad-lri-ss with slsiiip,
Itaser I'll)', Ori-Kiiii.
pleasant time while belo
Shilob'a Core. I be great Couuh and
Cronp Cure. I Io great demand. Porket
sire eontain twenty Ove dose only 25c
Children lova it. 8old by T. W. A) era
Hon. Cbaa. IWerer, tha Inimitable
editor of the Walla Wa'.la Coion, writi-a
aa follow :
A wasp rame hii'llh In liHniitk.
Ani tarlmia ttiliif did tav -kit,
llf atung a boy ami then dof ,
1 hen Riadfl tha Muster ra k Iv.
i last tiw itrnmmi-r's h k,
lUaritiit 4'in li drill.
II .riMi-d Ihera (ur hall an hmii,
And ll.rii be l.roke his hill.
"It i tie beat patent n edioine in the
world" ia what Mr. I' M. 1 1 art man, i.f
Mar. jnaro, Oregon, sava of Chanberlain'a
(Vdir, Cholera and 1'iarrlxea lU-mnty.
"What Irad nis to niak this aarlia
people bad good time generally. The
work tit the) pastor during hi ttav
among them i greatly appreciated, and
many regret were eipressod over his
transfer to another field of labor. The
presiding elder said: "With a revival
J (MiilH-r I, l'i. ,Nm!i Is liiTl-liy illti-ll
thai the lullim Iiir iisiiii-.I Si tlli-r lias II I I Im
Groceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Stockmkns' Suitlies, Etc.,
And Wants Your Trade!
He will make it an object for you to trade with
him as hit prices are right, and all goods that he
handles aro of tlu very bi-Ht.
Store on Main Street, Next Door
to City Drug Store,
J-.Icppimr, Oregon.
each year, an old debt paid and a Dew ' ," ' ; ';' '',"
" I irl of Ids clsltn, stxl llint ftll priHif w 111 U'
parsonage built, Ieslie M. K. rhoreb
will long remember Itev. J. M. 'hulse."
Later: Itev. J. M. Hbulaa got to
Hhedda. Ielie clmrih will ba served
by lUv. Andrew Kershaw. Saletn
There Cu Im no pie a lire or liappi
liee fur prnii wh'Mm liver or kidneys
are nnbeallhy. Thy are weak, sh k
and Irritable, and find it burdensome t
peifnrm work if any kind. What they
lmd is a tl.nroairti treatment wilh Ir.
J. II. Melean'a Liver and Kidney Halm.
Tin remedy it re i,t'uie, by many f
tbe beet tuN teal autliofltl" a wilh'mt
a peer for tha On re of i-aMi til the
kidney or liver. It rapidly drivpa ntit
diseased conditions, restore health and
'isfr- m tha fact that d)mtery In Haiair.nv". vig ir and cheerful spirit.
?c Call the MAb
li lllf I'.UT f't'if htn a mrfUiint ri'firrfiw ,f l,r ,,r
J J l,ty din ttn frieff iinjfiiHr tit, I.f U f.i.'lin. Ihtiwjk hit
I J h'll : "T. " "T hr i it Imr ihI thr truth m anf la
(,,,, HV in Nif rtttim Io unlrrmlt rty-ry tine rise, fif w
ilrff ns aoa fo Hn'Wi-W as; that is an Itunlii-j Ih'il tnn
Al ot rt nm0.'r ;.rot lfj H.rf it fraf.a l thtlr brother arr
rhnntt (waivfc or .rr In lf tt n..l V rf vlh It'l f-nrr
mrtcl.ttnt' )
tlV i' i-if !'" f' in.;-f ' " t. 'til I-Iff jf-.uai
fn,t if it rte in, frfh. riss t'fk tl " srrr f f, fia owe
t.rtrr m i il"p " " ''"
Cuff ' " " J"' k '
IVrj tifjfi-fffl'il I'.ura,
I .1 . I
ria -
i a A
r. I -. t -
u 1 mhiIv
lt l-plft I t
ft 1 1 i .i i r 'M
I ll'i I- i ! I H
!, " a -
, 1 ' i-v I'
A1 t'-t ,i I i i m a
. a tt a '
worst f.ifm waa prevalent around bera
last etin.tnr and It never teik over
to or tbrea ilnar of that remedy to
ertrrl a C'.mtl.U cqfa." I'or al by
' Ml--etini-Jutiusoo lrag Co,
T UK M.W OirirH.s
Tl f dloaitig l list of the nswlv
elixted K P. 4f'n I In-lge t.fflrer:
H ipretae reprriittiva- J. A. Wl-
;di. P. ti. C, of P.-rtland.
' (Wand n.ai.rr..r-K. P. deary, nf
, lifstid Vlra Chaitrellnr Taraer 0;i
' f. of t'nt-'n,
if all I I'rrlate ttlli l'l '', .f
' It'll i.ef.
(Ir.u I K"t-f 4 IUr.. O K. Ma.
( Mm, I. i f Asl iai. l l .!k- I. nt M
ri li-bl i.f I' .itlati I
i fanl Mef tA I'feVqef r.. M
'Ha'g-'iit, of l'ufllan-1,
I ll-.ti Mi.ur tl An.-H. II. fleer,
! ol lliilsin-e .
I lirar l ! .; (aM-Ilstry K-l,..f,
' cf 1' irllat. 1.
i llraad Uaita fmf l-Cl.i!a Fa'.
p,wa,rr P'-riiaa l
Itakrr C'tlf waa rh an a II a
ff Rnllg7 I he (neettt.g tha t.sll
ga. l Mi.
I'rir 1 Oi K-r Utile.
" -
I 'on tla xd y.n rfcsioaa - For tha Ore
goo Industrial I'.ipKilion al.irh onrd
at Portland nn the 61 h ih.Im the U. Il A
N. will make a rat from ll'i pner and
rrtqrn al ft 'fl, Ti. ki-ta a ill lie put on
la on iba 1'llb lnt , and the limit I
eitrndfkl to H-inday, Ol. I llh. How
aver, tm avery 1 in- lay during the F.ipo
ition, einriraina Itrlie' t" P'rtlarnl aii l
return will I d 1 at f'll f"f Ida roan l
trip, Irflitdiag 14 tirketa i.f admission
to lb r.lp"ltion. On) ll.e einitsiiio i.f
ll.e Hlb t,st , two II. k'lsof adnnael .11
ar li.r..d. Tha limit f ttinaiath
aan.a f..r ll.a Tt- ly i.iri'ii
II. siiial eirnrsi'.a f fH, I
1 h'e who go o a f nrsi'.ti sl,..ii. pro
vide ll,n.' Ivta Willi tK-c lt)t liisor
mail tM'l.ir J. W. M.irniw. t minty I h-rk, al
Hi-..iii-r, tir-ft..tt. mi Nnvi.MiU-r i., hi'., k:
ltd r.. Nn mm. fi.r ih w. and N',
It tMlni-s ti, IoII.ih luit Ift lttli'w- tii,m
Ills r'.iitliMiiii ri-.ti'iii ii)miii an. I iiIIIimIIuu
it, anlil lm,., lU
JaiiM-s HIM. .ii. Ki"iy utM-rry. Murk lllli-y.
Osi sr Mtintf.ihir)'. ait ol H-ii'ltiiHii. iri..ti.
J An. t. M'Hihl-..
" "W . K.-U'l. r.
Notice of Intention.
IAMHirTH K AT I A iiKAM'K. nllKiiMS,
4 Ihl. II. Ili. ..l. Is l,. . l. Kl.i-li Ihnl
III ("ill. I Ih l.mii! ftto-ll I.f Im flliil linllriif
his i.tnl..ii In ii.hIi HiiMi .r..f In i.j..rt i.f
his llsllll an. I ll.nl Ml-1 .n( lll 1. Ilm.l
t.ur J. H . M.irri.M. rn.ii.ty i l,.ra, t li..t'tir,
in (..ii, nil S.ii. .,Ut 1 1, (., . ,
WII I.IAM lit I'.Ut
if 'I. Iur iii t, " I i, iii :
. K C. ai.-l N MS', Hm . I.ati'l t , SW't
w . I i n r' I
H iiaim-s in ..h.;t ttltii. In f.rma
Ms rii,tii,iinB rt'i'iii. mmiu sii't i ii 1 1 1 1 at Inn
i,i Mii imi.i. ii
.sr M M sK.aw.il. K..I-M I'. Mal'r..li, Sot
It.mi A k-lif. I x.ii i i.im.., all nl i- .iii,
h. r wn.v
f yi1H AtilllleMl AT IIIITMM
I at 'f . I. II.
iri.ii.. t Y
l .1-1. nl lfti .au
I n t. J-ali-ia
IAhn railing
.lllinsii J
T-iri..f J'.l.ii
!.,. I.,,... ii a
ll.. l.llrs .ia aaf
i I-. Willi... I St.
nnu Bushels of Folate!
At my rHiicli, ten inil-n Hotith-i-Aht of Hoidn-r, at lo r Hiund iu
Ihn fii-Id, MHi-ki'il. Or will di'liyi r at H(piiii-r at 1 (o or iiutnl. I'or
mi'hI MitHt(M-a, my crop cntmot Im lii-ntfii.
w. tf. ni:ri'.Ni:i:, okkuun.
AttonievH nl
11 KITS Kit,
All linaiii attndei to It. a prompt an.l gatlafartory
manner. Nolan I'ol.lic and Collc-lor.
Oulario-ltonis Slaae line
S fsf
H i All VS, l'r.p
I. ..ft
r-H! I'll! M'kteg I'll
h)B.lfme Musi ure, i !.!!, Itrt.n.g
aiid I'li g i.ftf. to')! al aiMhl, worse I7
. !' I it f If l.iw.l t'i e. hi. nil
iTtri'.ra f"ffl. abieh i.fien t'
nigral., mil f very it: Pw
Oirwr '"i ti iiri, e.g- and hi.). t
llf. il ulrrti, ga m Mot ee
mi.a I h Intn. 's Al dn.giis. .f Iff I
s !;im s Iiailv at ii p, m. an I sr
rlr al OtiUri'i la 4'i bonr
nurtilii .Min HI !. h.si.i ft. Ii. I... I r. I -e nn Ihtt n.ar , !.!, aitlilti
II in a lit S t" rsal il tj-H i,ia..n In 'itslii, I I.. Itl .i s n l k
I n i Ma i l.y Mir
Systematic Plan of Speculation
f fgf tU4 AH .rrrt if n'tf tttftm t,f ! Itlifm
l li -.I m n Um tl,.t ll,fw mtm If ) ( 1 -e-M t'i -''w "f . ' n1 '() hn,
. tt rf.tf ( ro'HitgT .f ' ri I mft t'f . U0 - f t f " tt,tt 4 I n 4
at l .. f 1 4 4'. :..' I;f h t n aj litM h't' -Ir ttf I ( tHU 14 4.,ff II ft vf i Ut
I tv$ ' or m.r t. it.- hn itl U If f. .t-.-l
J t Mliaiil fa I tl. thmm ltt 4h tffl fj.f - frntvv fm ,) ' tt I n ttl ttttJ
j on II, f tun , t '-'i U'tm lt-i lrff tarr IMf ,ua n ' f
! t')sitU'ti .g)l it IfaVH'.f
j ttut i mt '1e t'4 b mh'' ..fiht it 4 ft ' '. n
i I 4,1 r.,,f th n.ira. rM ..f U,,) It l-r.F tly yf.t.i l!.l tp m,'fim'ttj t
l!"! Sinalo Foro 87.BO.
' " " lUDirP fAB rAkiUIUrlkjA ttBAAffl a a., a.. ( Vl... . . .1 A . A. .'.! ......
Ioun.I Trip $ 1 H OOi"W au i.".;.;,.
(..sl' i i.-a't'i l"'- f f. M'f.rl iiiim lu fs l , i tvli, ( a . I
j l hil. f"f f")aa ar Mwi, M n.
SF.n Tr. hm la. ! "'- !
t,.pl r tar .tt i .f ti Ib.ii.K.n rina slarf Uli
r-tt l-i1l. fi.fi.f ma'K.tl avl i
THOMAS 4 CO., Baekaea aatf iiakae.
241242 Mialie Otiiia-iet, CMaafa, III.
p,..- si. h Hat. .....-. if. slair Wiweeaj ,.Mr
th-U-g-'t i,, aal a-.'ie a IIit t I d ' "ft - . a'luo.g . . , ,. .1,. , .. v , . . i -v r a r" ni ini m
sin. fy.ni.f.B.g. f h k tidi i. hh m 't ' -i e. 1 1 1 ni,, I) ii,., , NUIAKY i ULiLIU call
,vt,. TI ..ii V.elaf ,.. Fe.. -t rm i jnttri'iie, p. (Vila,1 , Ul.HlUlUi a CO N Vf' Y A N C F R A
a.aaiii sii-i"ij