Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 15, 1895, Image 2

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her type afloat or in process of
The churches of Riverside, Cal.,
are intensely Joyal to California.
It is reported that they have torn
out of their old hymn books the
old hymn "There is a better land."
J. M. Johxs has ceased to be
editor of the Arlington Record,
having disposed of the paper to
W. A. Maxwell, who will in the
future preside over its destinies.
Success to him.
The Indianapolis Journal is
another newspaper that is always
ready to catch at a straw, even to
temporarily bolster up a false
cause. It says:
The fact that all forms of iron
have advanced about 50 per cent
during the paBt five or six months,
and that the present price of raw
cotton is very much higher than a
year ago is a very damaging one for
those wise persons who have in
sisted that the prices of these
staples fell because the United
States has refused to coin every,
body's silver bullion into dollars
which will euhance its debt-paying
value. Silver has not advanced
materially, but iron and cotton
have advanced at a rate almost
without precedent. That they have
not advanced alike destroys the
claim that the necessaries of life
rise and fall in price as silver
rises and falls. Silver does not
control the price of other articles,
as the rapid rise of iron and cotton
demonstrates. So the leading
argument of the advocates of free
coinage falls.
mi T i .
jiiio uournai was just as san
guine about wheat three or four
months ago. Its editor, perhaps is
honest. If he is, he is so narrow
that ho is not fit for his place.
lie knows perfectly well that there
has been a grand rush this year to
put the railroads in condition to
move the tremendous crop, which
has causod the ordering of millions
of tons of railroad stool and thou
sands of cars. He knows this, too,
from the fact that the roads have
not been much repaired during
the last two years. lie knows
that the price of cotton is rising
now for two reasons; the first is the
short crop, the Bocond is the
action of speculators; and both
these causes and those results are
nocossaruy temporary. And yet
both iron and cotton, at their
present price today, show that
they have fallon in value during
mo iasi iwo-ana-tweuty yearB
quite as much as has silvor as
compared with gold. When ho
says that silver iIooh not cou-
trol tho price of other
article, as the rapid rise of irou
and cotton domoiiHtratoH," ho
makes two misstatements, or at
least curries two deceptions to his
1 ho claim of silver men is that
prices aro regulated by the ninount
of money of ultimate redemption
lu the country; that half tho
money beiug thrown away, prices
liavo fallen jiit as much as that
money lias fallen nince it ceaKtsl
to bo money, and became merely a
commodity. That in tho trim
rnuiM for the fall in the prices of
iron and cotton; the preneiit ad
vanco is merely toiiijxirnry, and
there in no more nenno in tho argn-
luent of the Journal tlmu there
would lio iu Hnyiin: that, Imvauho n
limn jieriHhiiig of thirst on the
denert gave a hundred dollar in
gold for A gallon ot water, there
fore a gallon cf water eoryhern
m worth a hundred dolUmin got.L
Salt Iko Tril'une.
Tbe Corbett-Fitzsimmons mill
is now announced to come off at
Hot Springs, Arkansas. The
governor of that state says he
would interpose no objections if
the fight were to take place in the
state house square. This shows
his conception of common decency.
The Pilot Rock Record has
changed form and now appears as
a twelve-page all home print
weekly, under the name Eastern
Oregon Farm Record and Stock
man. If there is anything in a
name, and there is sometimes, the
Record should now succeed. We
hope that it may.
waa more oppressive than orpi-
A close friend savs that ex-
President Harrison's law practice
during the last eighteen months
has paid him more than his salary
while president. It is easy to
understand why General Harrison
is not worrying about who shall
be the next republican candidate
for president Inter-Ocean.
everywhere We Go
We find milrinone who ling been oared by
Hood's Surmipurillii, and people on all
hands are prniHirig this grout medicine
for what it huts done for them and their
friendH. Takeu in time Hood's Hareana.
rilla prevents eerions illness by keeping
the blood pure and all tbe organs in a
bealthy condition. It is the great blood
Hood's Tills beoome the favorite oa-
thartio with every one who tries them.
an per box.
nmr, rurnto tnrt lime umct
compared rreidnt t'levelnn.
with (leorgn Washington. Itut
the employm in tho outuUr
wrtiro, the inoti iu the government
1 riritin cftice, ai.d the (o,(M
democratic font th-cliM tnifiit
ira who iv Uvn liatilMnety
taken rare of and (He, for lifn by
Ixurg iiit. wider protection
rf the mil rn ice ruh-d, will agree
!) an atmot utiMiitiiuua vote that
tin iiam i.f tint filler of bin
country wan honored by the com.
prin. They Miete thia ia the
Reports of the Morrow Coonty W.C. T. U.
Convention, Held In lleppner Ut Week.
FlMt I)ny-Tiiwulny.
The Womans' Christian Temperance
Union of Morrow county met for their
semi-annual convention in tbe Baptist
olinroh onTnusday afternoon at 1 o'clock,
Oct. 8.
I lie iPfwion was opened by sinning
"How Firm a Foundation," and the
county president, Mrs. U. F. Itrioai".
read from tbe Book of Esther, in ber
remarks drawing parallel between the
queen's intercession for her tteople and
the women of tho Christian Temperance
After prayer by members of tbe Union
and the usual business idoident to the
opening or a convention, discussions
followed ou the following tntiii-a:
"Duties and Ilcsponiihilltiesnf Huperin
londents, IjiM'al and Connty;" "How
can we Kwp up Interest in Local
UnioLs;" 'Hpeeiid Diltlonltion and
llow tn Overcome Tbm;" "Work for
the Children, Ilwt Methods, etc." Home
lime was prutliably sp.nt on these fruit
ftil subject.
The lUrdmao Union was represented
b Keoording Kerretary, Miss Hylvla
Mhancr and Mrs. Laura Itoisn, delegate.
That iiDioa sent In a fine report, showing
that much has Imno accomplished there,
although they are new in lhe work, and
that they are steadily increasing In
oil m hers.
F.ight Mile ft'. U. T. U. report wo
read hy our president which was also
Kemarks from Itef. Jenkins, following
lhe report of the rounly prees auperio
leudent, were t.ilhe mt and auggenttHl
IMMisihilitiea of alvanlagH to be gained
in that important work
This sesmoo then closed with Ja
voliutial rirrloa.
The In)al Teuiprrane legion
ehil.lreo rendered fery inlereeling
program on Tuew lay evening at lbs M. K,
rutin h, Itotilli. Mnclt Pfe.lit is due to
lhe Ho pi. of this department lu Iraiuing
and arranging ll.a program for Iba io-
ei,n; alwi Miss Myrtle Humor f.ir tier
fsllbfiil eervues in tuueia. (Vilaiily
n.ione who atten.UI the enleiUinnienl
eoiild feel but Itml b U T. L. W4S an
mHrtao department fur tbe training of
young minds in temperance instruction
Ntt c lle. tiun was aakl but alter die
inil a lilvral di nation woe e -olnbiited.
whi. b show an wtprat f..r tbe r.
greM lb work
c. ..I. 1 ! Wot'.,!,,
The third sMia was held m lb
M. K. rlinrrli and wo opened y ng,
'-Noaror my id I.) Thee," and rea l, eg
7 terws of llel rew . Mr IVeW ted
lb merliag lu so earneel frsier. After
leading of ruinatm lb treidal
Imwt aucivenful admiiiistration I artu I frm -M .itr.' i:inae" id
inert thu lf;iiitiiti of the o cm- i Hiial.
liM't.t-Snh t!, Stateeman. ' A ,',r '" "s,,u Al.t!- Me-li-
rali m," t-f M W ilia'd, was t t
, . : M' Mr. iWb, of lenngbniJ
lir I I.lia.li l l.i I.eiMf J e- ; who was t. ti ban llet It s! o -! I
"Beet Methods of Enforcemrnt of Law
and Order," was ably bandied by Rev.
Jenkins, who showed the stronghold of
the saloon, and looking to national legis
lation bb the greatest hope for help in
this respect, urging that in tbe mean
time we nee our whole moral force
against tbe saloon and its following, the
same time giving the authorities our
hearty support in enforcment of suub
laws as we already have.
The noontide hour having arrived,
half an hour was devoted to a most de
lightful and helpful testimony meeting,
closing with prayer, led by our president.
A pleaeant hour was then spent in
which the well filled baskets were the
center of attraction.
Afternoon eslon.
After the usual exercises, reports of
committees, etc., the president spoke of
the nature and obieot of "Mothers'
Meetings," reading from "The Mother's
Friend" regarding the development,
physical, mental, moral and spiritual of
the child. After prolonged reading and
discussion of this subject so near the
woman's heart, the subjeot of "House
keepers' Meetings, BDd How can We
Improve Our Present Methods of House
keeping," and "Relation of Present
Methods of Housekeeping With Present
Evils of Society," ooenpied some time,
Mrs. Ellis, oar delegate to the dis
trict convention recently held at Pen
dleton, gave us some interesting news
from the work done there, saying that
our report there made a very good show
ing Bmong others.
This being the last business session it
was voted to meet in Hardman daring
May, next. The following resolutions
were then adopted, and the convention
of the Morrow County W. C. T. U.,
whioh baa been sucb an uplift to earnest
workers here, came to an end with the
publio meeting in the opera house.
CIPLES. "RdHolved, 1. That since total ab
stinence from alooholio beverages under
lies every part of our work, and is a
part of the law of God written npon the
tissues of the bnmnn body, as well as in
His Holy Word, that we will make a
strong and oonBtant effort to Been re a
more widespread adherence to this
principle, not only among the so-oalled
drinking classes, but in society and
among Christian men and women."
KfMHvea, i. That we tender onr
siuoere tbaoketo Mrs. Ellis who ho ably
represented us as a delegate to the
District Convention at Pemileton; to the
oitizens of Ueppner for their welcome
and gracious hospitality; the ministers
and others who so kindly assisted with
their words of encouragement; the
proper authorities for tbe nee of tbe
cburohee; tbe ohoir for their excellent
music and to all who have contributed
to tbe sucoess of tbe Convention
( Man. Mart Bbll Tuomi-hon,
Signed Mrs. Lacha Koisr,
I Mkh. Julia Bihiiiik.
Tbe following due acoount of our
evening session was given by a friend of
our union. We thank him and adopt it
as written :
It any one has thought for a moment
that the onuse of the W. C. T. U. was
dead or dying, or falling behind in any
respeot they had the delusion diaptdled
il they were present at the meeting held
Wednesday evening at the opera honse,
for a more enthusiastic meeting, nor one
of greater interest was never held in
our city.
The meeting opened with a selection
from the ohoir. Too muob oould not be
aid in praiee for the members who
furniehed mirh well chosen music which
was one of the most pleasing features of
the oco union.
Kev. K. It. Beach's address on
"Kvangeliatic Work" was able, and
listened to with that earnest attention
showing that his heirer appreciated lhe
fact t but he is a fine scholar and deep I
thinker Mini bnd given his lii ,t tb'iug'its
lo the mil.j. ct.
"NitbUlh Observance," by Will Wal-1
bridge, wm nlxii ably bundled.
"Mercy I hiparlmenl, Tii. Il'imtne'
Law." wm the snhjed of 11. T. liiiglev'
remark. The . C. T. V. In very I
prnnd of Ilia aide and fumble mnnner iu I
which be handled the tuhj.H't. !
"I'liritv in Litertnre and Art," by
Clmrle Freelend, uliowed an aconim
ano with tbe subject (lot I all might
profit by.
Mesrs. Itngley and Freelaud de
serve special pruiee fur their g'tnd work.
Itev. Jxnkii.' remark on "Liyal
Teiuperaiica Legion and hintitlc
Teiuperaiiew Iuatrui'li'iu' a fnm.ir f ir
Inw and or..r wore able an I I t the
point. Brother Jenkins i an esrinol
man anil baa leen ofgrritt h ip lliriiikh.
out the Contention.
a discovery of the greatest possible benefit to mankind
was made in medicine. Physicians universally recog
nized its beneficent results and welcomed it as one of
the most valuable remedial agents that has been devel
oped in medicine, because it covered such awide range
of usefulness and brought into requisition the most
remarkable food-medicine in existence. This discovery
Scott's Emulsion
and this wonderful nutrient was Cod-liver Oil, but
until it was made available in Scott's Emulsion it was
almost useless, but by their process of emulsifying it
and making it palatable and easy of assimilation, and
adding to it the Hynophosphites of Lime and Soda,
they have give:: :!; . world a remarkable curative agent
in ail wasting dictates, both in children and adults.
Scott Ct Bcw.tj, Kew York. All Druggists. 50c. and 51.
Always on top with the best of everything
in his line.
Finest Wines and Liquors for medicinal use. The purest of Drugs.
BSMail orders promptly attended to.
Great Bargains
Notice Some of Our Prices
Suit fine knit underwear, 86 cents.
Good Jersey Shirt, GO cents.
Pair suspenders, worth 35 cents, for 20 cents.
Good canton flannel undershirts Special Bargain
1 dozen good cotton socks, G5 cents.
And many other bargains lower than ever
before sold in Ueppner.
-85 cts.
Will arrive in u few days, which will be sold at low figures.
ftf W nre SmIh AiccntK for Henry Mosaic Ji: Hon' Full Cream Young America
Clii't'ne. Call awl ave int.
500 HEAD
Address J. 3J. SMITH,
Pilot Rock, Umatilla Co., Oregon.
Yoti Should Pipot
For a "big feed" when you come to
Heppner and stop at the
Popular Prices ! Comfortable Rooms 1
uVlr-js. Tom Bradley, Prop.
AT L03T!
IF Mr. Columbus were alive to
day and called at Mat Lichten-
thal's he might make a new discov
ery quite as memorable as that of
1492. Chris was a great discoverer
in his day. He would at this time
discover the finest stock of Shoes
ever shown in Heppner, and the
cheapest as well. Vhat more does
mortal man want ?
The Olit, Orifiinal Shoe Merchant,
Main Htreet, Heppner, Oregon.
Custom Work a Specialty.
Tlie ilrppner Speed AduoclntidD huve decided to gle Ruoe Meeting at
I mini i wm
l' 5
Aim! JvfiKtiiitr ilve J3ny.
SS-J.-) IN PURSES! 8825
rr ' -
w vr.'ji
Spanish Merino
The Falaco Hotel
In under mannirement Chrln Borrhera who Ucon
ilurtliiK It In a utrletlv Klmt-CliiM nmnner.
He has also re-opened the Hotel Bar
where the Finest Liquors and Fresh,
est Cigars will constantly be kept.
Free llathi and Free "Bin for all Guetta.
ItM-r 1. quartrr mllf 4li,
riirw. Ilini, Kw 4. Thrr-
rura, Y.SHy RxaA.
Hc-l . lioi Hull iiiIIpHii.Ii. ft,- for alt. I'm-. Iim.
In .' lor a. I I'iimm',
Krninv lu.cl ii.. tli..iuhl jNf.ia, In fur all.
ruini. u. ri'H-iti. irrr inr nil. ruit, itgi.
Til I lilt MO l.f . IU:f mil ih. frr fir all l yr ol.1t.
H ill mil.. .,,.h, , ir u,.l li . . r .- . In rtrtt I Ihiuu Ii r-, h '.,r... a 'm.
I"" I'M lur:. nvriui,ihi.lii.h, ( f..r nil. IVira. :mw. Rar. r.ntlmn'i
r..., i.i.', i in i .il lnnili.it. n. t. , in,,., hnil mil Il-.u. ..t J tl fiint., fvm. Race
w, ,M IB. I'. UK IV, HIT III Hl HTII.II'IIII M.. latllfl at 9.1 IU.
ririiii'41 iuivhi. iiartr mil ila.li, li it !. I'unw. Iim. liare 11, Thonaand
,1'I.HII'l ,--'. 111.4', . I W.
I nl I'IN hi ..- rai-ra I! I I nirrii.-. lit ih rula of Ilia I'n lrtr lllnol Hnraa Aatn-la
' """ '" ' !' I "I amiiiiiii r"'". nr mora lo tilr ti,r u
..I In .mr 1 1. t fiiita iim, t'liiii .1.. ii.. I i i am, A. r,nnl,u rnlrlr., lha Umn haa Uir
- i r i.i r.- i. ,. li,. i. ,,,. ih .in-. i Ihrlr lil'lllnrlll ami lirnlvr. Th .1lr. l,,r.
mil ill Iii-IiiipiiI aimllirr. II .lt ra. r.
Mayor M iririu'a rnnarka lirmul I
tliin Ilia linti.r an.l ra In i'iriill m-I'lauili-.!.
It M clirfini hra to Hi
W. C. T. U. i-f lluai rinnl)r l i l.far t It at
li" l.aa rnlri into 111 rrf.irm ik. na
nioti of In alnlily ran do minli m llna
line. Wo art aali.llol (Imt if Id
Mnii.Ujr i liwintf a i.a nul f,n.u
ulilaiu Hi mir fair rll. Ilia Imi rraPrt
nkra il liavp In li.k l nllrf. f.r
tli rvi-.
I't'fnr I'lm-a ht t tuiMi si rst
Mr. (I. (I Mr..nt. ifiiiriI i.f Hi
fiillilie xhiMila al ,n.lra.in, '., it
"1 liat U I I'liaiiilvriniu a I'aiii lUlm
and hatr f.uin.1 il an tl n II.m I n-ui-.l)
fit laninaa and alili un I. "
lltiam. ll.iialllr rraulla fmni a
raiO, or ullirf II )H'r, or fmrn Minima
liam, .f lili'h ("I -altitwtlailia'
K, . .
Itaini ta rl"-"ili lnlu,... an
rqallr., II 'T it.ii a.m. tun.
rii-i an i in a aiimi nn iT. ria a
riiini'l tr t .ttt lt hi.. ii ii
J.il,i.a.-a t'furf t'-'.
llll I.. I
fi.-l.l I.. ii.lM.i,r ant n'i.1 il Mr. . .m
ljr a o rim a, p. m
'III tit ti'.l lim.
on Ih ni iili t . in. i-l, i, , r I
mi i I In aranii,!. All mm, lo rli
$300 Held in Reserve for Special Races.
Wm. Dutton's Ranch, one and one-half miles
Hclow Heppner, on Oct. 1st, 1895.
WM. DUTTON, Agent.
W lo (t t.
IIK. tXINHHH, rroaidml.
1. V. AF.li,H. Jr, Secretary .
I. j H ' ' Mi Ms I. (I. htrrT, (Ikv llarnngion, Ol.i r.liaraoo. Tl I UN 1)1 'At
l)t Vou Want a Rig ?
Wmi You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
An- You in Nml of a Saddle
I lorsc ?
All t!nM cftii I rH"ur l Ht Tli'mj'.itt A I'.icnn, lner Miu Street,
Mi- j tii r. Ori;,tri.
I wf Ml.
Tin .Intra f al in II N. ii i.l
Itai k of lir ,r. t ; I, .t l .
. lt0. 1.er, klll..t. U, Or, g i,. i Jtf
I M , . I . ,
. . 1 1. .. II.
f lit l
. II.. .
1,1 II." .. I I. At !!. in. nili,i Fimniiia
, n . a Hi, l .,.,,,( k. a
flrr iht th urmofivl rtuir
"rroiH)ti," lioti f..iiij l.fi, will
hud Lip il!ioii m ier in tl.r
Davie i.f t!. nill, an. I .U
"iVIUllle tin 'Hr'ailljo' Willi
tlo iuil fivrt.t ty ia if artuorr!
C raiaAfg in lh f irein nrric, it f tr"il
, ' . I H i. i f "t a I l.aa, a! .,, t' etd IT.
r ol Iwin t a''l .i anend. la IMt liaa
M' l'f real lha iimial tatiali.n
of II bqraM J Tj National Tan r
ao Tr oii'j ("inca 1. f.IUtn
Mb aaivy fi.. tr io elttaiii
of lUe aa I affreto of ate.itolha rraerir.
'l-tllJV ImM iTiCm mm)
iuuiMitwi ci 1 if r j zz.
t aMH a Aw ti-Vat-, atVtt-al,
Is tin Pl.uv for l;ivh Groceries, Cheap for
C.ih Only.
(Htsx tSttP, Ci(S iP AIWAIS OH HlkO
1 I .. a-..rna I t a I 1'
taa I v r "' I .
r-'a. It
mmi0.m lA CAa mi I'mvjt VWk
A,, If, 11
Ill M A NV mi 1 liHOI.Aiyil
L I iili 1 , ill) M MaJf. . a, vrl,
"There it a li.lr in the afftiiri of mrn
Thai, if fakrn al 117W, U adt vn lo fortune."
Tbe flood i Lore rdJ ia
With a foil line of
Ilanlwan.. Tinwmv. OlaneiNvan.. Orooknrv. Wocxl
niul W tllovvaii..cVUnrTuhet t )U'lix k lM ii oeT
The only llirliuivo llarawar Store Mwevti The iHlU-g unj IViUrtn0
G 1 .LL'IAM & IMS133ilS,
nrjnofr. . . . Oregon.
Ska Keeley Insliiuls
I'ov tho Cum o.
Liiunr.OpuniuaoKirfo Habits
ll la Ual4 at aa w. Ih.g
"I f K-ut Lutia, lt.a.ffi.,,1 ari'auaw.,.
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office. . , .