Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 11, 1895, Image 4

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Wh;l yoo nxep yonr subscription paid up yen
can keep your brand in free of charge.
AUyn, T. J., lone. Or. Horwe OH on lft
h.ml.ler; cattle name on left hip, nnderbit on
riht ear, and upper bit on the left; range, Mor
row counttr .
ArmBtrone J. C, Alpine, Or. T with bar on
derTon"eft .hoilder of horws; cattle same
on left hip.
Alliwn, O. D., Eight Mile. Or.-t artle brand
n 1) on left hip and horww aame brand on right
shoulder. Kane, Eight Mile. j
Adkiue, J. J., Heppner, Or.-Hon.iw. ,TA con
nected on left Hank; cattle, aameon left hjp.
Baird D.W.and Hon.-Honwn branded D B
nntheleft hip; caitle the Bame on left flanlc.
crop off I right ir.undercrop in the left. liange
in Morrow County.
TOHann"iflter.J. W., Hardman . Or.-O.ttto brand
ed B on left hip and thiKh: split m each ear.
Brenner Peter, (iooeeberry Orwon-Horoes
branded. PB on left shoulder. Cattle name on
"BnVk'fM St 0, Lou IJreek. Or-On cattle,
MAY connected on left hip, ciop off left ear, nn
der half crop off right. Hornes, same brand on
letft BhouhFer. ltoe in (iraut and Morrow
county. or. Horses branded 7
J'ZTihX cHlerB on the left ride.
riM'; Seattle. S'on right hips split in
mitZ Im, Lwrinnton. Or. Hor. IB on the
ri"htTtille; cattle sameon right hip; range, ,-lor-
'ZJ. C... Hoppnnr, Or.-Horfl09, mrole
P with dot in nerter on left hip; cattle, earne.
Brow. i W ?J , Itift, Oreson. Horn;. W. ,nr
over it, o the left shoulder. Cattle same on luit
hlR.ynr, W. G Heppner, Or.-Horses box
brand on right hip cattle, same, With split in
Borg P. O., Heppner, Or.-Horses, P B on left
hnnliler-cattle, Bame on loft hip.
Brown e,W:j., Fox.Or-Cattle , JB connected
jjrowniee, t. , Hnd two split and
right ribs, crop and split in each ear,
Umtit ami :'."" V"V,' !., left stifle
in rant county. , ...
Smith Bros.. 8aBnTille, Or. Horses, branded
H. Z. on shoulder; cattie, same on left shoulder.
Squires, James. Arlington, Or,; horse branded
J8 on left shoulder: cattle the same, also noes
waddle. Kange in Morrow and (liUiam counties.
BtephenB. V. A., Hardman. Or-; horees B8 era
right stifle; cattle horizontal L on the right side
Stevenson, Mrs A. J., Heppner, Or. Cattle, ti
on right hip; swallow-fork in left ear.
Hwaggart. G. W., Heppner, Or. Horees, U on
left shoulder ; cattle, M on left hip.
Howry, K. (i Heppner, Or. Cattle W C on
left hip, crop oft right and underhit in left year,
.ii,... i....,mi w ( nn left shoulder.
Thompson, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, Z on
left shoulder; cattle, 2 on left shoulder.
Tipr)ets.8.T.,Etiierprise.Or. Horses. C-on left
shoulder. .
Turner It. W., Heppner, ur..-maii capiuu
left shoulder, horses; cattle same on left hip
with split in both ears.
Thornton, H. M., lone, Or. Horses branded
HT connected on left stifle; sheep same brand.
Vanderpool. H. T., Lena, Or; Horses HV con.
nected on right shoulder ;cattle, same on right
hip , TT r
Walhridge, vm.. lieppuer, Mr. nurem, u.aa.
i ti.a lfi shoulder: cattle same on right hip.
nron off left ear and riirht ear looDed.
Wilson, John w Baiem or neppner, r.
Horsos branded Jg on the left shoulder, liange
Morrf,w conntv.
Warren W H. Caleb. Or Cattle W with quarter
circle over it, on left side, split in riirht ear.
Horses same brawl on left shoulder, range m
Grant con u ty.
Wade, Henry, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
ace of spades on left shoulder and left hip
Cattle branded sameon lert siae ano leinup. TADTULTDT P.,
Wolfingar, John, John uay iiry. ur-uu uu.. vjf 1 n DIMI 1 J
ihfua r,nrulll hers on left Hhonlder: 7 on sheep.
bit in both ears. liange in (irauc ana juainuer
Woodward, John, Heppner, ur. Horses, w
KuiiMO in
T,.X,eiaver it, on loft shoulder
and on left stills on all colts under li years; on
left sl.onl.ler only on all horees over years. All
rriKf ln,,Vr'"'. 'w'v ,,L,n or Lena. Or. Horses
HCori right shoulder; cattle same, on right hip.
" u. . ' .. .,,,,1 I! mnt ! I la counties.
( orHgiill, M M, Oalloway, Or-Caltle crop out
,,f aih nr and niHl-rliit, wattle in forenwd;
or! half circle ! on left elillo. lbu.Be Mur.
.mil Umatilla counties.
Vur T. H- John Day, Or.-Double cross on
eacl . hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit
?n right ew, split in left ear. Itange ... Hnin
ooumi n sheep, inverted A and spear point
? !i.f..i.i... Kar markoi. ewes, nrop ott left ear
,,, I. " upper bit in right. Wethers crop .n
"..!; , , 1 ,,. ,ler half crop m left ear. All rniiga
1U-.(irf 'T'i'iena Or.-HorHes, Won right sh.ml
j" .name on right hip: ear murk sgimre
T!ti$fCo, -nor.. on
lu "'""T:. u Hlmn. Or.-CaU.le, C with
ir in center; horses. CE on left "lip.
Cochran, H. K Monument, ( rant, Co , Or.
II w and d c r.de with bar beneath, on left
shon der cattle same brand on both hips, mark
under sl..p l.hC'"l "i-llorse branded
O on rig !t h P. Entile branded the same. Also
hramlH CI . horses right thigh; .ale m,m
bmnd on right shoulder, and cut oil end of
''lllXs W. M Oalloway. Or.-Cattle, H D on
MA MK.wa.low-f..rk in each ear; l,.,res, It I)
on loft hip. ,..,. nr.-Horaos branded KLY
or VKh shoulderTcattle Hame ou lofthip. hole
'"KmeryT.'H., Hardman. Or -Horses branded
n ir vers d " I''rt",l",1,1',r ' oat'
) iniverm . it,, in Morrow county.
th.wimnon "'";.", , ( . ,c n
Kloreuce, Ij. H., '"IT ',,. ' .;,,,
right hip; horses, r wo-'i "
shoulder. Heppner. Or.-Horses, K on
rig .., "'"' " ,,, ,,. or Ca o branded
villi liar ove. i. ..,
Hoi-ses, same brand
E. McNEILL, Receiver.
mnected od left shoulder. C 1 r - - a
Watkins, Lishe, Heppner, Or.-Horsee branded OpOKciriC
K connected on left stiHe, 1
OK con.iect.ori
.. ... . .r f,.il 117
Wallace. t;hanes, ueppner, ur. . auiu, ,,u imTVt?i IC
rightthigh, hole in left ear; horses, W on right I MlNNtAtULlo
shouiuor somf same on iej i, miumum .
Whittier tiros., ntinunguin, Baker Co., Or. -
Horsos branded W B connected on left shoulder
William, tnann Humlium. Or. Onarter cir
cle over three bars on left hip, both cattle and
horses. liange (irant oonnty.
Williams, S O. Long Creek. Or Horses, quar
tor circle over three bars on left hip; cattle same
and slit in each ear. Itange in Orant oonnty
Wren, A. A., Heppner, Or, Horses runnmgA A
on shoulder; Cattle, samo on right hip.
Young, J. H., Hooseberry, Or. Horses branded
THonthe right shonlde,
Of Two Transcontinental
O T 3E3 S
St. Paul Kansas City
m p 1
When you are nbout to buy a Sewinsr Mnchlne
clo n it bo deceived by alluring advertinements
m.d be I'.-d to think you can got the beat made,
i'mi'-r. iiuhihed and
Ocean Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
Fiost Popular
for k mere none?, fine to it that
yon. buy from reliable manu
facturers that have gained a
reputation by honest and square
(lealini:, you will then get a
Hewing Machino that is noted
the world over for its dura
bility. You want the one that
is easiest to manage and ia
V Light Running
Vi' i Thero Is none in the world that
r,;-, -Jcan equal in meehunicnl con
A,'ST v t1a'v3 mruction. durability of working
L. -VA parts, tineness of hnish, beauty
li-'JO: in uppearnnce, or has us many
ii iSji improvements as the
NEW HOME SanFranolsoo
It has Automatic Tension, Double Feed, alike Anj au points in California, via the Mt, Shasta
on both sides of needle (patented), no other has f th
it : New Stand ( patented), driving wheel hinged
on ad (..stable centers, thus reaue.ng mcuou vo ,v, Uaifi Cm
Ww h ; ove, it, o'n left side; crop oil left
".I . U. same brand on left hip.
limit ry. Klmer, Knho, Or.-ll'.rses brsnnwl i.
,ith a .u.arlw circle over it, oil i left stillo.
('lilt I", I'lMiml-top K
H. Willi . I 1 1 Knit 1 1 la ( tfln t IMH
UK-utem fliornn, e,. ;i ,,, ,.,
Hiiill, n. " . , .. .... ,, ,,, ,,
Illi (imirter circle miner u
Zl, V. . Morrow ami llmallllaeom, es
I . ,v , I enks, Hamilton, Or uHle , .at.
. on- cron in rigid ear and split in left.
ill Hamnel, Wagner, Or-l- (I K I,
r , ue et'ili right shoulder o hor,,,,: on ell le,
A , hi I, i. and on l"'t side, swallow fo' k in
n;,hr'.ara!,dB:iit in" MU Uauge in Haystack
district. Morrow cmntv.
.."leat.h wd 'Jffi Ww.:i wir
Cattle same n Ml MP also large . .mile on left
"'u'lwar.f'.I l,,llloW'V,Or.- H rT (ennw
wiih bar above in on rigid shoulder: 7'''"
,Ti fl side. Hat.K'i i borrow and U.nalilla
,... Dev. Or. CatlleK Hon
-i "1. ,neoii right shoulder, liange
"', I .'.'. .' .. Ilei.iuier. Or.-Horww shadml
. " .', . 1 ..( .i,.,l,ir. Uaiiiio Morrow ( it.
ll",;kT. H A. Wagner, Or. -ll..rH.,tl . Ifl
,h,,Ml,I..M.v,'llo..M, lei. ...U.
Humphreys, J M Hardman, Or.-Ho
II I.u-l r. Purl.t Mile. Or Hr. li on
I..,,.,l l,..H on Hie left l,ll t at.
!.'' . .. ..... I.,,. It,,,,. III borrow Ctiiie.y,
' ' " . ... 11 I. ..I
ll l.t, il-l'l"i'r. t
I,, ft !,i,uM"r, ca ine orn int.i mi
... ,i, .'ill HI I' ll '" ..'.lore , ,
I II eem -r. Mr o ii,
the minimum.
OttANns, Mass. Bostok, Mass. ss TTtnon Sottasf, N, Y
l.'llll'AOO, H.I.. MT. IM IS, MO. llAI.I.AS.'lilXAS.
P. C. THOMPSON CO., Aijmh,
Heppner, OrctjOH.
Mr. and Mrs. Messingcr were simple,
unaffected people, devoted to their
children and tenancy, Mr. Messinger's
young stepsister.
One sunny afternoon in early sum
mer Mrs. Messing-er sat at the open
bay window of the drawing-room reading.-
The door opened presently and
Nancy came in rather slowly. She
came over to the window and seated
herself in a low basket chair wun an
nir nf rTirmtraint.
"I have a letter from Jim," she saicl.
"Does he say when he is coming?"
"Yes; ha came by the same steam
ship as the letter. Ue will Ue nere to
morrow, I suppose.
Nancy! really?" asked .Mary, iook-
ing almost excited. "Are you not delighted?"
I I have a confession to make,
said Nancy, nervously, looking out
over the sea. "I thought 1 loved dim
when he went out to India five years
ago, but 1 was only seventeen then.
and did not realize what love meant.
We had known each other all our lives,
and I mistook our friendship for love.
"I have felt it dimly for a year or
two, but what made it all clear to me
was Jim's last letter, saying that he
was coining home. It filled me with
dismay and fear. I felt that I simply
could not meet him as his betrothed
wife, so I wrote last mail and asked
him to -release me from my engage
ment." "And what doeshe sa?" Mary asked,
"lie is delighted," said Nancy,
brightening. "He says that his feel
ings have changed too.
"You never hinted at any cliange De
fore," said Mary, a little reproach
fully. "I only knew it dimly or 1 might
have done so," replied Nancy, gently.
"And since I wrote to him I have been
silent to spare you any anxiety. My
letters have never been from the pres
ent Nancy, but from the Nancy as I
could remember her at seventeen. In
fact, I have been writing down all the
time to the level of his intelligence as
shown in his letters, and that level is
painfull low."
"He would be much more nueiy 10
object if he once saw you," said Mary,
frankly, "for these five years have
done wonders with you in every way.
"Oh, he's so boyish that he will think
me strong-minded, and therefore dis
like me," said Nancy, laughing. "And
1 did send him my last photograph, you
"Did you send that hideous thing?"
asked Mary in surprise.
"Well," confessed fsancy, rather re
luctantly, "I believe I had some secret,
unconfessed hope that he would olter
to break off the engagement if he once
saw that hideous caricature."
A day or two later Nancy started for
her usual afternoon walk along the
cliffs. Walking quickly along, she did
not hear footsteps behind her, and was
r Attached to eipres. trains, affording superior 1 . . , . iu,.,rin,, herself suddenly
addressed. Looking up with startled
eyes, she found a young man gazinjr at
From early child
hood until I was
grown my family j
spent a fortune ,
trying to cure me!
of this disease. I visited Hot Springs i
and was treated bv the best medical
men. but was not benefited. When'
all thines bad I" n f m u tailed I de-1
termined to l K 1 1 1 1 try S.S.S.
and in four U ll I months was
entirely cured. The terribls eczema
was gone, not a sign of it left My
general health built up, and I have I
never naa any return 01 xne aiseasc.
I have often
S.8.S. and
have never
vet known a failure to enre.
1 vtr T I) III VI Train P.
, Never fails to cure,
even when all other I
remedies have. Our
.treatise on blood and
I skin diseases mauea
' free to any address. I
SWltT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga.
any return 01 ine uiacasc. 1
swered, rising and opening the door
with alacrity. "Will you take me to
your old favorite seat? I have so often
thought of those days when I was
feeling homesick, Nancy."
"I thought you were very happy iD
India?" she said, unresponsively.
"So I was, but I was homesick some
times, especially when I first went
That the RAMBLER
HM ... - 1-1 1., .1 J fent Tf itiinil. x trior
1 In nnn nr tha nnnr hunt ir hua a OVr mn P n H. 1 ilU IB ll U Ln,Uii3 it dl,uub m viavM
W front rank with all hiirh crade machines, and if you huy one you will malte no mistake, t
M Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE If you want to be happy, for should your wheel be g
1 punctured, it can be meuded by you in five minutes, as it is equipped wun me worm
p8 renowned G. & J. clincher tires with wood nma or copper-piaiea sieei r..u.
jjjj Sold in all sizes for ladies or gentlemen at ?100 each.
H Tandems for two men or man and woman, J150 each.
i THE RAMBLER is the fastest, lightest and strongest wheel In the market.
S For style, flniBh and durability it is unsurpassed, as it is construct 011 siriui uieuuau-
fS leal and scientific principles.
For full details oall on 0. K. & N.
Agent at Heppner, or nddress
Gen. Puss. Agt.
Fohtland. Oregon
The ureat highway throuish California to all
point luwt ano out,n. urannoeen.o ihm.uj
of the Paeiflo Coast. Pullman Huffet
'."1.J Hlee tiers. Beooud-elaes Weepers
accommodations for seuond-clas. paonenmirs,
For rata., ticket, sleeping car reservations,
It. KOKHl.KK, Manager, r.. r. lYuna, v. , , jtj mizzled, intent expression
(leu. If. & P. AKt Portland, Oregon i. ,..,'...,..!,
"You are .Nancy, aie you not?" he
said, doubtfully, holding out his hand.
"Why, Jim, is it really your asKeu
i...- l.l.rt ...1.1, u,i rurihie.
, 11 on
.1 .(
n i !m
J....'- hi. .
l.l.T. full', lh e.i.11'.
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(, . rt IO-!,t 1 il'.
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KNV "I. li'tt hip .i.lMeoa lieami . n.p nil imii
hit J.T.. H.l pner. r. tl..r. HO nn left
h.mlderi elll.wn lef 'dp.
Hltk Hel'l'tiw. ! '"""" ,nfl
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"k' rlted W.H. M.Mint Vern.m Or.- I I. nil
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'A n 1 1 iL I Lly K..r raliilonue or l.,for..M..n wilie to
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Th tomp.rtlv.v.lut of th.M twoe.rdi
1. known to most pr.ona.
Th.f lllu.rt th.t ir.. quantity I.
Hot idw.yi most to b. dctlicd.
Tht.o card, tuptra. th. br nefUi.l qu.l
Hy of
4t cotnp.rt d with .ny prlou.ly know
dvsi'i:pia ciun
Rlf.111 T.bulr.! PtlC, $o MMI bO
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.i.,t,.ii. tu.Cki. -i
Xancv. reirardintr him with Nurprise.
"How you have grown! When did you
coiuu? and how did you lind inc?"
"I came two days a''o," lie said, red-
ili iiinjf slightly in irritation at her tirst
words, "hut i called at the Ness this
afternoon and Mrs. .Mcs'mirer told me
where I should tind you."
"Let us jro homo now, and then you
can see tliein nil," ulie said, turuiii
luuk. "You will hardly know tne
children; they were such mites when
you left."
"I certainly Miall not, if they have
filtered us much ns you have done. I
wnr.-ely knew you," he said, Innkinir
down lit her Willi intent iray eyes,
and inwardly cmnmrin;r this lieailti-
ful. .'r.'.vf'il kroi 'tli the gaucne
h, li(i..l,rii I of live years since.
"I am oid. r," slif s.iid, her heart
sii.'i.insf h(riini.'ely. "lie m'.irlit disjruise
the l.u l that lie finds me a .1 iapH)int-iii-r
I allure," she llioiiht, ratln-r l.it-
1. ile
i if coiii-w ro nrc longer Im.j anil
gii I." he Mil l. "I'"t 1 hope
alwuvs l frielids, Nancy! We have
U . ii Unit nil our live, haven t we.'
"Yes, let us ls friends," tthc said.
And. thinkim? Hint lie was etttfer to im-
j r.-Hs upon her that they were to lw
i.oil.iiu' uiorc. slm mldeil; "And It wo
I very niH' to l.reuk ll that childish
i iieiur. tiieiit U foru Jim came Imme,
j Wilhll't il?'
I "V vis" li" dotil.tfullv
, "1 hose lioy find girl ciiung. im lils never
answer. they? IVople il.'velop mi
,i,iT. r. nilv fr. iu what one would ex
i-.t. .lii.lL'iiiif from y-iir letters, I
s.iil.l have llioiii'ht y..u utu rly dilTcr-
cut fr .m what I tlnd 'u.
" mi arc
1 !,..ti!.l Imvo csisvlc l you to ls," she
ansH.r.il. "Iml ll s ''t l'l
r.u l other as we nn ; WC need fiot
litn. Ii of otic another. ou know.
"Mr. Penstone and I always quarrel
over this view," said Nancy, anxious
to nrevent any embarrassing pause.
"Who is Mr. Penstone aseu jhu,
knitting his brows.
"lie is our curate," sne answereu. i
always say that this is the finest view
in town, but Mr. Penstone maintains
that the view from"
"He must be an idiot, then," burst in
Jim, hotly; "the views are not to be
"You might have waited until I had
mentioned the other," said Nancy,
raising her eyebrows.
"jr teg your pardon," he said, in
utter confusion. "I thought you must
mean in fact, I understood you to say
that that the view from Beacon was
finer than this."
"Yes, that is what Mr. Penstone de
clares," she said.
"What a hideous name the man has!"
said Jim, irritably. "Of course you are
devoted to him, Nancy?"
"Yes, he is so very good and clever
and pleasant," she said, surprised at
his vehemence.
"You are going to marry him, 1 sup- , ? n(a n-
o. , iei.1 with ill-concealed an- 1101 OWll OIlC, Colli ill
"You forget yourself, I think," she
answered, with gentle dignity. "And
whom I may marry can be no possible
concern of yours."
"O, none, of course," he said, furi
ously. "Only you might have told me
the truth when you broke off our en
gagement. It would have been just as
easy to Bay that you were engaged to
some one else at once.
"You are entirely mistaken in think
ing that I am engaged to anyone,"
said Nancv. calmly. "Mr. Penstone is
married and old enough to be my
father. Shall we go in now, or have
you any other interesting accusations
to make?"
"Forgive me, Nancy, I was a fool!"
pleaded Jim, earnestly. "I forget
sometimes that I have not still the
right to speak to you ou such matters.
For five years I have thought of you
as my promised wife, and now that 1
am with vou 1 cannot wwavs realize
that you are mine no longer. Say, that
" . . l.
you forgive me, Jancy, lor my rougn-
ncss and presumption.
After this quarrel Jim Iouna n im
possible to be on the same footing of
friendship with Nancy. She was
colder and more countrained than ever
in her manner toward him, and tie
was too proud and too manly to force
his love on her, believing that the dis
liked him; and at last, after a bitter
struggle with himself, he determined
to return to India at once.
lie had never been to the Nesn lately
Chicago Ideals
8 n. ... v. ofl oiri with 9A and 24 lneh wheels, at MS, t55. $45 respect
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I urn tfoinir mck to India; I have
had i notiirh of Falkland."
"a'o India? At uncc? O, why? aue
Hkrd pitm,ly, ifrowinif ory wbit
and lm.kinif at him Willi iriKBu-neu
. ..u.i
'lo you cari, anrjr no
vnpi-rly. "Woulrt you rather I ataypdr
"My wUhca hare nothinir to do with
thp matUr." lm aaiJ, rather bitterly.
Indord. they hate." ! aid. ery
earn.tly. Naney. tell me, wouiu
yon rather I (.taye.ir
If I wiy yen, wouiu you imji
aU.'!. iiuieily.
tH.ly if you lored tne." h aiiL "I
rsnn.it tnt on and ae yon day after
i hat I ttn.l . u j tf,j that yott wilj ncter care
, , .,.,llv d.iT. r. i.t from lmt ( Uy , Nst,,yr
If you like. he anwered any If.
"I h. re in thlnif 1 want to know,"
he aall. prewntly. U'klntf down Into
her eye; "when dia yon uegm u ie
Hie, ilear.
When did yon Wln tolom7
.he rr i.i ted. Muhlnif under bit fa.
I don't know; I har lo4 yott all
my life." ha answered.
I an't know, either." aha aai.l;
"when I at about four or fl, I
r.ut. in lUrliiitf. you broke i.ff our
eruMcmenl," be mid. wonderlngly.
from four leltera I tbousht I
did t o J..U, TUry wer ao tul.l
- I - I ti.ran
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were i!iy. and I thuifht that wa
the k.nd of thitifc'a y.. l.nr.s. n an.
int. U.-. i ilawnit.if in heje
I Un-Mi'lit Tu wrre terribly bryih.
.t wr.-'e t. iy 'yimn' letters iHinklnf
I hey wtxil-l lnterrl you, aaul. M
.iiiinn t'i la;.'h.
f t..lU f. II Ifl4l.eaw iak.
Il.cn.- he Mid, Uutfbihf, tA
rrlr VI Ja'nue
BRANCHES t-Hm York, San FrandMso, 5.1 1 Uk City. Deover, Mtmphli. Detroit, Toronto.
A. W'. PATTERSON, Aycnt for Morrow County, llrppncr, Oregon,
thfit I -H..U lr.uil.1.' ) a HI) my pr. -
,.fi..u 111.111 l iii'i'. .ri
, i,..l I ," '.. .ai 1. Iiiii.ii.rf In at
in i r.l. r ...t Ii' ii.mi.i
OF . . .
It to Advertisers at a great finnncial sacri
fice. You need it in your business, and as a
matter of business we must sell it.
Tin: Patterson Publishing
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