r OVERWORK -INDUCED Nervous Prostration Complete Becovery by the Use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla " Some years ago, as a result of too close attention to business, my liealth failed. I became weak, nervous, was unable to look after my interests, and manifested all the symptoms of a de cline. I tool three iMittles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, began to improve at oiice, Here and There. Mrs. 'Gene Noble is reported on sick list. the C. F. Walker, of Portland, the cattle bnyer, is in the oity. The Niles-Vinson, w alia Walla, Wash. Marble Works. Billy Welch was over from Long Creek Tuesday after freight. Mrs. A. Keithly, of Cochin chiokeus for sale. Heppner, has b27-4-81. Tbe Morrow oounty Sunday sohool convention is in session today. Hon.W. It. Ellis and wife returned home on Monday night's train. La Grande Marble Works, La Grande Ore. S, 0. Smith, salesman, Heopner. Heppner's BChnol is filling up and starts off nicely for the winter's work. Chronicle: Mr. Otis Patterson, editor AI. Binos returned on Monday even- inn from a pleasant aiz weeks' visit with relatives and old-time friends in tbe state of Missouri. He had been away from tbe eeenes of bis childhood for over seven years, and in that time be noted that many wonderful changes had taken plnoe. People in that country raised splendid crops this year and tbey are enjoying a season of prosperity and contentment. Al. says tbey hove the biggest corn crop raised there tor years. Overwork, either physioal or mental. rill produce weakness and loss of energy. Too many business or family cares, overwork in tbe harvest field, an excess of woman's work and worry will produce months of misery. To prevent this, tbe exhausted system should be reinforced immediately. Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier is an appropriate remedy. Prioe 81.00 per bottle. Tbe following is a list ot Heppner people who left yesterday afternoon for Portland to take in' the exposition: K. THE LONE STAGE BOBBER. He was Younc Man Named Kid a Wood Held Dp the Coos Bay and Rose burg Stage Brought to Portland. of the Heppner Gazette, wbs in the oity C. Wills, O. E. Farnswortn and wife, today. B. F. Hynd, John Kinsman, wife and (1 N. War,r nrf n U Wonr !!?. O- P- Mrs. Geo. Swaggart, vn i , n . ' i miH. j. u. aicaiee, mr. Bna mrs. u, ...sue, u,aU. 1U uelJl,ul!r ?D , WnfWv. Jnhn Hughes. T. W. Avers. Jr.. 0. C. Sargent. Wanted Plain or fanoy sewing. Will E. R. Swinburne and Kcsoo Day and go to the house or take sewing at home. wife. They took advantage of the and gradually Increased my weight from one hundred and twenty -live to two hundred pounds. Since then, I and my family have used this medicine when needed, and wo are all in the best of liealth, a fact which wu attribute to Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I believe my chil dren would have been fatherless to-day had it not been for Ayer's Snrsaparilta, of which preparation I cannot say too much." IT. O. IIixson, Postmaster and Planter, Kinard's, S. C. Ayer's ! Sarsaparilla RECEIVES MEDAL AT WORLD'S FAIR. Mrs. Mary Henderson A. Wright returned on Wednesday evening from a sojourn of a few weeks in tbe Willamette valley. Geo. Conser returned from weeks' visit to Salem and other towns on Tuesday evening. AYER'S Pills Cavo Doc -r's Bills. I1;! Iff CALENDAR oheap excursion. The burden of labor is constantly be ing lightened by new inventions, but nothing new bBs yet been discovered to brighten the hours of labor, and make life worth living like Simmons Liver Regulator does. It's the King of Liver Medioines. A sluggish liver depresses Chas. Jones has purchased the barber one's spirits and causes languor, besides a two valley 5UNM0NTUfcWEDTHIJrR 3aJ J J I 2 3 5 6 7 8 3 10 Ul 12 13 14- 15 16 17 18 19 10 i IZ 15 4- lb lb 11 IS 19 1 30 I 31 53 Take Notice. t The sum of five cent tier line will be ?h anted lor "card! nl thank," "renolutioni of reapwet," Hut of wedding preaeuta and (loiiorf, nd obituary notice, (other than thoae the edit or ahall blmwK Rive a a matter nl newi.) and aotlceaof apecla.1 meetliiK tor whatever purpoe. i. Notice ol church and aoclvty and all other jutertalnmenta from which revenue I to le de rived, 1(111 be charged lor at the rate ol five yent a line. Theae. rule will be atrivtly adher jd to In every Instance. AdvertUliiR rate reuonablo. and made known ipon application. TIME TABLE. Htkite lor tlardman, Mnnnmcnt, Un Creek, Inho Dar and (anyou City, Icnve m lollow : Kvitt dT at It a. m exrept SiimUr. Arrive every day at p. m..eeepl Monday. The choapeat. (julckeat and boat line to or Irom the Interior country. WALT. TIIOMPHOX, Trop. I'hlll Cohn, Agent. Extra Pal Star Brewery Beer in Hall lint Bottle ran be . bail only at the City Hotel Bar! Where hlirh grade l.lpiort nd Cliiar are lao kept by led. E. 0. : O. L. rtternn l. rt for Salem Saturday evening to attend tha grand lodge ot the K. of P. Helem Httmn: Mm. J. N. Urowo, of Ueppoer, arrive 1 In (he city yeater dy on ii to ber parent. I'mf. aod lira. Z. M. l'arvin. Hha la aeooropnie4 br Mra. Artbor Minor ne May luh who will aleo vllt bete. To remove the onnatinalcd bahil, Iba only f treatment le a ootiraa ot Ayr's 1 Pilla. followed by laiatlve diet. Moat other cathartic do mr barm tbao ood. therefor leaOin phleio rwnm mood Ayer'i Pill, apolally aa a family j phytic. shop of Green Mathews aod will take charge ot tbe same at once. Best accommodation and oourteous treatment at the Imperial Hotel, Seventh and Wash, Sts., Portland, Oregon. Frank Hale, accompanied by bia sister, Miss Jennie, came over from Kitter Tuesday, returning yesterday. Mrs. Geo. Swaggart and daughter, Mrs. A. D. McAtee, left yesterday for Seattle on a visit to Mrs. C. L. Andrews. W ben you want to (eel merry call on Lie he Sperry, at tbe Belvedere Saloon, where they keep tbe finest wet goods in town. tf. Mr. and Mrs. S. 1 . Uarnguea were among those wbo took advantage of the $4 50 rate to Portland on yesterday afternoon. Tom Davidson delivered two car loads of sheep to C. F. Walker, at this plnoe yesterday. They go to the Union Meat Co., at Portland. B. J. Forbes, ot Portland and H. J. MoM annua, of ( bicago, traveling men, were in Unppner Wednesday interview' mg our merchants. Mrs. f . J. Uallock and little eons, Earl and Sidney, left Monday for Hood Uiver where thev will visit with Wm Potter and family. Mathews Bros., City hotel barber shop, tousorial artists. Uairoutting, shaving, slminpooing, etc., done aoieutitioally. baths at 25 cents apieoe. W. F. Courtney, tbe atockbuyer, shipped nine cars of cuttle from Hepp ner on Monday. They were destined to the Tacoma packing bouse. Mrs. Dr. P. B McSword aod daughter departed for Pendletoo on Tuesday afternoon wbere they will visit bor sister, Miss Anna M. Brown. Mrs. J. O. Hayes, who bas been visit in if with ber pare its near Lugene, Or for the past tbree monlb. leturned to her Heppner home on Tuesday night It you desire a luxurious growth ot healthy bair of a natural oolor, nature's orownmg ornament ot botb sexes, use nnlv Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Henewer. Ralph Bengr, of thJ Leiingtoo section, was in Qeppuer Wednesday. He bus Just returned Trora tbe upper cduntry where be baa been working during harvest. Karl'i Clover Bool will purify your Blood, elf ar your Complexion, regulate your bowel and make your bead clear as a bell. liSa. &0o., aod II bold by T. W. Avera Jr. Newborg Graphic: N. C. Marie came down from the state fair last Saturday, liKked after a little bnaioees, greeted hi nomerons Iriend and returned on Sauday evening. Time Mountaineer: (lo. Coneer, racier of Ibe Kirit National bank ot Hennoer. and Wm. Hughe and F. R Minor, also of Heppner, arrived oo tbe local from Portland. Wbat'e tbe matter wilb the street ai.nnkli.ff This duet U ertlinf horrible. I ..,1 auinl nnulil In haanftlnient Hil Hr i u u.-1 . u m " - - - wafer in tbe rrwk for iiicq a purpo Wby oot start ber opT W. K. KlUworth. who wa recently convicted of poiaooiog bia wife at I'ort land, wae oo Halurdav sentenced to serve fifteen yeare in tbe pvoiteaiiary and pay a floe ot HUM Born-To tbe wife ot Mat Ilnghee, op Willow creek, li mi!e ffnffl Ueppoer, on oot. luih. IV '. ao H pound daughter Mother aod chilJ doing welL Mat la rapidly Incoming more robaet Mr. T. 8. Ilawkloe. Cbattaoooga. Teo-. ae "hbllob'e Vltaliaer 'eaved my lif. I cnidr tt Ibe Uet remedy for a dehthlall system I ever o I. Kur dytrpia, lir or kUIoy trouble itemela. I'noe 75 oeota. HIJ by T. W. Ayefa,Jr. Pure Blood Is the pecretof the restoration to hcalti which Hood's Sarsaparilla gives. "It give me upsetting tbe whole system. But Sim mon's Liver Regulator tones up and strengthens the whole body. Puyallup Commene: J. W. Morrow's town cow was slightly indisposed yesterday, and fell off some in her milk, but is all right again today. The trouble was she ate up 4 sax of onions and rorgot to spit up tbe sax., ibis is tbe same oow that reoently ate 2 spools of barbed wire and had no interruption to her general good health. She was raised by Dock Shobe, and has a good strong stomaob. Now is tbe time to get tbe Weekly Oregoman, the greatest newspaper of the West. With tbe Gazette, botb strict ly in advance, for one year, $3. No better combination of newspapers oan be made in the state. Besides we will give as a preminm an additional journal, the Web- foot Planter, an agricultural paper, Come in now and subscribe. Fossil Journal: R. L. Shaw, of the Union Meat Co., is in tbis vioinity buying beet cattle. He bas puro based a fine bunoh of 30 bead of dry cows and steers from W. S. Thompson and N. B. Hastain, paying for cows and 1)& for steers, delivered at Tbe .Dalles. Confusion as to tbe ohoioe of a blood purifier is unnecessary. There is but one best Sarsaparilla, and that is Ayer's Tbis important fact was recognized at the World's Fair, Chicago, 18U3, being the only blond-purifier admitted to be plnoed on exhibition. The Hillsboro public sohoola have enrolled over 500 pupils. Prof. J. H Stanley enters upon bis tilth year aa principal of tbis sohool, in wbiob oapaoity he bas been very auooeesful His many Morrow oounty friends extend congratulations At the election ot officers in the grand lodge, K. of P., yesterday, Oti Patterson of Ibis paper, was obosen Gram Prelate for the ensuing year, and Alvab W. Patterson was chosen to be tbe orator for tbe next session of tbe grand lodge. Pendleton is pushing ahead and tak ing bold of projeots that will be of last ing good to tbat city. Xbrough tl "hustle' of live business men there, Pendleton is now assured a woolen mill and tbe work on tbe same will soon lie commenced We fall Hie Attention ! OF THE PUBLIC fT U Til K FAIT lhaf whr tt trrrkttl wh til iar ffcul h or ll.tf " -n'lrrtrll it yon' re, A foUit.7 thn,t,.j kit fJ hit ; ur, (h ef.rr tronh, k rt Utr nnl IU truth it a-f in Aim. HV ifo ( rtitim to Ulrrtll rtvr im r, Imf oVy my mo to ttmlrrtrU u: ff.it it an tt It att'j f.-if homo hut nrrr iifll,rr j.rut'i fmjf thrf t truthful tt thrtr hn.thrr mf r.iaf (a-AwA rv ar rtf to my n .f fl' r- rd fr;..rr 1 t-rrrlxtilt ) HhI tnlvtr w til t m tUrn Or-..). ..a e r m . w a f tlf uH'l trtf f' m - f It V Itii ir tlr 1'il.Ue fo m'f r .. if n firm, frttk. tut cLitt f ni l art nt rhrupt of f..e M a rm an fln-t HOHNER toa if rtn A RHEA. A ! I- Mr 1 , 1 . il I . a H 1 .1 t.t I ... II - t 1 .' ! I'f f Al I i, t 1 M t I s . - f4 ? ' - l y : t i .4 ii l -t fcft ) i t'irW A kA'A 0 The little valley of uood liiver oon tains seven icbool district and 110 saloon. This speaks well fur that locality indeed. Tbis section is aleo gaining a great reputation for the line apple and other fruit grown there abuudanoe. Time Monoiaineer: W. U. Mioo of the firm of Minor A Co., Heppner arrived no the noon train from Salem where be baa bad bia tbnrotiabbre est tie on exhibition at the slate fair, Mr. Minor'e cattle will be exhibited here. Frank Kellogg and family took their departure for Halem on Wednreday afternoon wbere tbey expect to reeide 10 Ibe folate. Thie chtig is made in order to take advantag of Ibe eplendid educational facilities offered In that city. lien Mathews U aow aole proprietor ot the city meat market wbere be keep a freh supply of bf, pork, motion, veal, auag. baooo aod lard, which be aell for the loweal market price, rred IVa k, the Portland butt ber.l elill with bim. if Tbe Daile dulrnt fair opened nn Tin.ty witli a g'Hul atteodanee. After thie fair rloee It ie expected that many ot tbe faet horse there will be brought to Heppner 10 enter the racee and com pel for the purees offered. Grant Abbott, tbe yonng man wbo bad ebarge of Dong. Iklis' baod (f thoroughlired burke here, departed Mb Ihem for I'ilol Untk OD Wrdoeedsy. He did not euocee.l to eellii.g maty of lb Sheep. Toelay wae a good day for oar ll p ttr oier heel ae bauierone large lean were to from the Interior eountry aod i.ld no wiih npplir of all kloda lor Ida winter. Oia flim alone di-p-ed of ; to ear lo l or g'H.d. ('nritand'a hit eip-Mnli'Mj opened oo Maiurday ll in a bnllianl maimer. Th exhibit era very fin and the el j Undat"1 prolee ! m the largeet ol any .f lb preTlou fan beld la I'orV ' latid. M' Too Qiail a pogroo SMut.Uv attooa'a falo for Klra . ,f ah $ aa a deletfal to the j tn and Iflge llathbor-e hitUre, from I iMtert lerople No. ii, of II peer. r 'tlK'iiij'e photi'tfrsph gallerf I , ei of a oti Inoer Mate l'et where !.ien fjra,M wnrfe eaq m ee 11 rl ; al e-. t.l pfiee. Call at. I eianiib rk al t ric, Tulf i rbilo'e Cere 1 ei 1 on a gaareaue. l vofrt t.ni,el l' i.q"i( (( a II M H. ll titbCt'"iy e. i,t a d . it eta . era , aod $'i h ' I t.y T. W. IAer..Jr. Wki'kf )' tmtf 11. tm of k.4 hr anile la . ea-jnenr $ ti-w Ne la era'eer way il j may O.a'. f llee.f V'.e"le-1 fif l.f exe'rly eHlx le-l by From Saturday Telegram. This morning United States Deputy Marshal V. W. Carroll, of Roseburg, ar med here, having in custody Elda Wood, who is charged with holding op and robbing the etage running regularly between Roseburg and Coos bay. It will be remembered tbat tbe stage was robbed on the 6 lb of last August by a "lone highwayman," while coming from Coos Bay to Roseburg. At tbe time there were only three passengers on board, besides the driver -two men and woman. Tbe robber made a very light haul, getting only $2 from each ot the men. Tbe woman bad considerable money witb ber at tbe time, but the highwayman was too gallant to ask her to hand it over to bim. The hold-up took place about '2 o'clock in the afternoon, while tbe stage was near Olalla nostoffioe, and station. Tbe robber made bia sudden appearnnoe at tbe roadside, holding in one band a cooked bulldog relolver, and in tbe other a 44-caliber navy revolver. He called out in a loud commanding tone to the driver to "halt!" an order wbiob was instantly obeyed. Tbe robber then told the driver to throw out tbe mail. Tbe driver tossed out tbe mail pouch, when the highwayman said: "Throw out the sack whioh has the brass look." This order was also obeyed, when the robber told the two male passengers, who were seated outside with tbe driver, to "pungle. " Tbey threw down all the loose change they had, which was a very small amount. During tbis time tbe woman, who was seated on the inside., as in a state of great trepidation, ex pecting it would be ber turn next, but to her surprise and joy, tbe robber passed her by, and allowed the stage to go on its way. Tbe robber had on a pair of blue oot ton overalls and wore an old ooat. His face wss concealed by a mask made ot a piece of flour eack, his features not be ing visible except tbe eyes. As soon as the robbery was reported, Sheriff Catbcart, bis deputy, Mr. Reeves, and Deputy United States Marshal Car roll started on the track of the perpe trator. It proved rather slow work, tor Wood was not captured nntil September in, Tbe othoers were busily engaged in searching for evideuoe, and in keeping a sharp lookout for tbe robber, tie was finally located by a man who came and told the officers tbat be knew wbere Wood oonld be found. He was working in a eaw mill about 45 miles east of Granl'a Pass, and was going under an assumed name tbat ot Jamea MoMun nns. Tbe oflioers lost no time in placing bim under arrest. He made no resist enoe, but did some kicking because tbe oflicers insisted upon putting handcuffs on bim while bringing him to Roseburg. Wood a few days ago had a preliminary examination before United States Com missioner Loogbary. Two days were oonsumed in tbe examination, resulting in Wood being beld toaoswertbeobarge of robbing tbe United States mails, his bond being fixed at $1500, which sum be was unable to furnish. District At torney Oeorge M. Brown represented tbe government at tbe examination. Wood bad made certain admission to Brown before tbe examination, whioh practically ainouuted to a oonfessiou. Mr. Brown wa placed ou the etand aod tee li fled a to the conversation be and Wood bad regarding tbe robbery. This evidenoe was very conclusive against the priaoner. Wood ie about 2-1 yeare of age, and though Lot a very tough appearing young man, ha a sort or sneaking ex preanioa of countenance. He went to Olalla early last April from Marlon oounty aod began to wore on a farm. pleasure to recom mend Hood's Sarsa parilla. It has cured me ot many com plaints, and puri fied my blood. I was troubled with my liver, had hip disease and other troubles, with swell ing of my ankles. For a long time I had to walk with a cane. For several years I Y7as gradual- breaking down. I had the grip in a severe form. I procured six bottles of Hood's Sarsanarilla and it bnilt me tip. My recovery I owe to Hood's Sarsaparilla. All my ills have gone and I feel like a new person. I sleep wellandeatheartily." Mrs. Cuarlottu Kelly, Haywards, Cat. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the only true blood purifier prominent ly in the public eye today Try it. Hood's Pills cure habitual constipa tion, l'i'ioe ia. per box. MONEY on Imp ed. W LOANED, First MortiriiceB proved farm Property NeKotiat- leare prepared to negotiate first iiiortnaKes upon improved farms In Oretron, with eastern parties at a rate of interest not to exceed v per cent, per annum. Mortgages renewed that have been taken by other com panies. Address with stamp, MKKV1IN BWOHTS, Bauer City, Oregon. There oan be no pleasure or happi ness for persons whose liver or kidneys are unhealthy. They are weak, sick and irritable, and find it burdensome to perform work of any kiud. What they need is a thorough treatment with Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm. Tbis remedy is recounized by many of tbe best medical authorities as without a peer for the oure of diseases of the kidneys or liver. It rapidly drives out diseased conditions, restores health and strength, vigor and cheerful spirits. Price $1.00 per bottle. No Slow od This Earth ! We will ko back to the land of our Fathers. And during their absence Minor & Co. will be found at their old stand, Belling at 10 PER CENT' Under Competitors! If you doubt this statement, thous ands will come forward and con firm the same. B SIS li HIS ! Styles too Numerous to Mention SUITS FOR $4.00, $4.50, $5.00, $5.50, $6.00, 16.50, $7.00 TP TO $20.00 0SK TO SEE m HUE OF $10.00 OVEHCOHTS Our line of Boots and Shoes are amongst the largest (if not the largest) to be found in the city. MINOR & CO. Call and examine, we are here to show goods. We are the leaders. Others follow. BEN C. 1KVV1N 18 DEAD. A Well Know in Portland Hurray, fiUHlllPHS Idaho. Man Dies From the East Oregonian. Ben 0. Irwin, president of the Irwin- Hadson Company, manufacturing sta tioners, died at Murray, Idaho, on last Saturday. He left Portland 10 days ago on a business trip, then in tbe best ot health, and he waa siok for three days. A telegram stated that his oondition was serious, and that Mr. Irwin expressed a desire for bis wife to ooine to bim. Mrs. Irwin left for Murray, Friday night, hastening to join ber husband, and nurse him baok to health, but hours before she reached him he was dead. Although dying far away from borne and denied tbe privilege of seeing his wife and child, there were those bound to bim in strong fraternal ties, who did all possible for a stricken brother, and in true Pytbiau friendship wati'bod over him day and night until the worst had come. Mr. Irwin was well known in Pendle ton and throughout Oregon. For many years, he was the repreeentative ot the St. Louis hnuoe of Oeorge D. Parnard & Co. Several years ago, Mr. Irwin began buxioesa for himself, organizing the firm of Ben O. Irwin & Company, aud going on tbe road a part of tbe time. This brought him in contact wilb oflioials in every county in Oregon and tortious of aabuigton. Mr. Irwin married Mitm Minto.daugh ter ot Chief of Police Minto, of Portland Mrs. Irwin and a sou survive Mr. Irwin. The dinette which carried him away wa typhoid pneumonia. Mra. Irwin met the remains at Wallace and parsed through lVmih Ion KuiidhV evening nn her way to Portland, where the funeral takes place tinder Ibe auxpices of the Knight t Pylhi is. 1 What Do You Need ? In the line of Machinery, Wagons, etc., the public will do well to look over the large stock of the new firm, Wills & Slocum. They carry a very large, well-assorted stock of General Merchandise which they will Bell at prices that defy competition, for cash. No trouble to show goods, and the publio are invited to call and examine their goods as to quality and prices. They are located in the old Blackman stand, Heppner, Oregon. When you come to Ueppner, don't forgot WIlVIvS Ks SLOCUM. Iii wm employed daring July to assist tome Kill Ayrr'n al I lie World Kair Ayer'n Harsaparilla enjoys the eilraor dlnary d induct ion of having been the only hi I purifier allowed an eibilnt at tbe World' fair, ('hicsgo. Manufacturer ot other suraiiparillas aoiitrht by every meantiiohtiiiiiahowing of their goods, not they were all turned away under the application of I he rule forbidding Ibe T. R. HOWARD DEAL8 IN Groceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods, . Stockmens Supplies, Etc., And Wants Your Trade! lie will make it au object for you to trade with him hh bin pricoH am riht, and all good that ho liHiidh'H nro of the very bent. Stoke on Main to City Street, Next Drug Store, Door in Ibe jMMitcifllce, and wbiU thera ba entry of patent medicine and noxtrnnn. made lilmaell aC'tiiuted wilb tbe work ings of tha nllW and mails. Thera wa a lioy io tha pontoffioa from whom ha leamrxl some matters, by plying him with 0,0 eat tons. It wm from tha lad thai ha aacnrtatnad that tha through mail poiiob had a "braa lock on," aod that waa I he sack be told the atagedriver to throw oat. Wood bail alj told two men 1 1 (Ualla that when begot ready La propoamj lo bol l np tha alage, and in tended to do a good job; tbat La did Dot propose to remain around Olalla all Iba lima. Tha testimony of the boy aod tha two meo at tha examination ruada mattera look fry cloudy for Wood. Tha two lt'il an pp wed to ha a! hy Wood at tha bold a p, r parahd from tha poatmaalrr at Olalla, and wait Identified by tha atagedrtvar. With lh tieeptloo of what Wood told thafrirl Attorney lirown, ha da elioM to make any alaivniaot regarding tha robUry. Wood claim to bava relatitea raaidini In bHh Jackson and Marloo ouQoltea. II waa fdamd io Iba oaoly jail her to awali Iba action of tha 1'r.lUd Mat gratd Jary, wbmb will pubvaaa la a abort lima. U tiled Hlaiea Ifepoty Maratial Carroll will return lo It'awtxirg oa thi teiiing t traia. Flop pi MM, Ol ego n. rr fcig II jwf4t Iba ! I mertt to roof that tttka ftad all lit alrtiiig rlimd f IUra, tha folh itig' four rm.ie The tlePiBion of the World's fair aulho. ritie in favor of Ayer's Hiirssarilla was In ffect a follow: "Ayer'a Mrapa rilla l not a patent medicine. It doe not belong to the it of noetrtlin. It I here on it merit." KHUN I.KXIMITOM Tha Morrow oonnty monthly teacher' meeting 0 lirlied at tha publio Phool honia al M a. m. today. Hnpt. Miaa lialaiger wa preaent ami called Ida meeting to orjir. Tha oljel of tha meeting lo diecnaa tha Ural years work a outlined in our new oooraa of study. .Mia Kii atnkn opened tha dla- euanion of "I'hyaiolngy and IIyviii" whii h waa followed by oth'ra, Mr. A. W. lUUlger then Introduced tha iljje t "Number," which waa lolloned by tha ul.jei t "Lahgilage," l.y J. K Tiblwt. ll,i afternoon aeior pomn -nrn! alionl I 30 p. m and laaled tlironubont tha aarly part ot tiiaaflernoou. KurMier dlonion aef bad tit "Heading." I. Mra. M. Johtion and Mr. K. (aet k and "Writing." by Mit A. I Gentry, primary teacher of unr -m.,. tinea- linn aoonl method ai d tha cor of tody war freely aaked and an'ed and throughout tha aeaaton tha meeting aa attended with ltilrel aad anil ut aarn. A rovrao of study In tin founty I ewrUlnly hil hna i. g needed. O'liia a nomtr of Islington nutans War preaant which prove I ha Ihtareal that our paripla tat In tha a Ivanrrtnaftt ol liiratioa, A Win. a M. 6, K'-. POTATOES !! POTATOES !! One Thousand Bushels of Potatoes ! At my tant h, t'n mih-H nouth-t'Ht of I fiiiT, at 1c wr jKiund b the field, iiekml Or will deliver at lloppia r at 1 jc por auuiL Tor W!1 K)tnt(H"H, my crp cnnnut bo lnntrn. ,1. 1 5. MANNING, HKlT.NKlt, OUEGON. w, tf. tla'kle Antr ! 1'l.a beet ala In ha world for rot. Illii.u M.. t'i.mf Mall I I...I.., 1 . - -i t f ' ' " " " r'wmi a poen"ieo mm, ft. H-.f.a. letter, t l,Pd 110 I King a ? axfy, lor Bif,nmptioo, t'laltiUiii. tVrfi.a. and all kia erupliooa aoagl.aaaerlld.ebltllal't',', p ' ' "o ! l .., I, ii ....i i,.,r"iill. II la gtlaile(t li vita !lrt hna"h aid Kidoaja. HoekWa ' r. o.i.u i a-. lkaNMlb a.:iM vj . , - , , . . . tb.a rrUM iliaaa. I.nl WM ra-! 1. 1 . t . .-r a .! '' lr II "-Vi l Sm '"' ",',, '" ha fW,o.f aptaraa t" I- '' " ; ;'- hnrn- -f II m? ae t' gaol of 'l-l I lo j what la rUit-l l.a ft.rk.or ke.k.t 4r.a l..l iao.r'f o. ai.d II - dealer !" a.r li.. t-l, m lm.- ai. '.. fawn, dl - ai.l .. l-ll a'l Oa n.t ., tt w. ' mnf I T. W. Ayr. .l tr.to Itrrar in ll.a 1 Una l4 M aan6t-''a ' it . r I T. rati la Ayera. Jr rfrhlr. r l by Oreaa Vlatlie f" al. l, l.a.r Ot'Ui. hri. 'oeg an I a'l .tl tint in I'ikl lir e. I'.i'h l ini I .I.ir t f t,qli,aa boat Attorneys BF.ITNKK, All btialnea alien led Io It. a prompt and aatlafaHory manner. Nolan 1'aMic and Odlerlora, omn: in national hank iiuilmno. : t 1 . t OIIKOOM BIS PROFITS -ON SMALL INVESTMENTS Urttifultit .fflH l.rt lii" a III leak rnai.f rl h il ii, In rralii r-' l.n ' ti.aia a. 1 tti'Hh allhiaa 'rlo.i. aitl ai.a k. Sift." tlit.tf f.fftar1tV 111 FOR EACH DOLLAR INVESTED I an I- Ma.1 l.y Our Systematic Plan of Speculation . a rn.ii "n -1 ffitf i'u M -"t a fi;i witi . 11. i- r "! ata ! ..-r!li' I U 4 laiMM, !,( 14 l. Il ' ! a I "a UJ, at I W t. lb'f f-o f-ia ! Itaaj H'l-p'.af and Monntjwiii. arrmug aaafy lr tt M-.ai't aa-l lai ar.ry 4af aieal aialav, tU4i ae I tHaap- rrat, ii it, irwn t . . g'Bt T. II. !!' I loaae a -e,ity In ' H'.II' t ''"kfli"0 Wl'l M .ea-e. j rM !, I -a rrrilr a g-i.'fal ma, ; IrfSf I.f A il t 1" it tr ita'- ..lfate .n fg-i f II la a a ! I '. la 11 at l.. a O a.l..a .. In a l ! -t fcl'1 a a lt, i iiiiii' IMini lii M hl'ii.r'l"a e at iw.mi.' )"' taiaif ! a I, t... .aai.'t d'.i.a'a !.. ll.a "an . li. ...la a km- tr I ! hth i'"l l..aa up U. t f. l I :$ ,r..r l.t tl.'i l.f. lit, aal I I l....at.. Il la a a.. a la I o.al !.. l..i !. 11 .n.ia t.e. f.(ail a'f a'l !" . a - a r..i a a mi II t , Irna I l.e t ao'l lnat 11 il lr-a' a an lfc..',.f ,,,,...1.-1 i'-.aiw l' In .... .......... Unr . an r.a l.a aih.il a"-""M l. eiilmmi Ira I' ', a II al L.iirfr ll.a m.iii.1 ri- .r lata n lii.a a aif .r..sl . ..a '.f '" t la at,,. 1 !' uuiir mu roNuihriNr. nuoni n 'e,r Mni " aai..i at-n,aiii iTTnr lm?t 1 ... ..I i .... 1 ALL tMt, ' a a n l-io. l i', iii.m r. 'i '.t in r. g.i i m ' ..!. a r r l .iM .r Oil. .11.. an. 11 a l loxa THOMAS 4 CO . fJaeitaet aeal Draaara. 241-242 Alalia Baiitfiaf , Cataai. HI. Wa .i a ad tf. ) I'. Ilall. ll.a oi.a.-r'al , e, t qi tl I ta I arl'ira, Vln f. Ittmt : Otis I'atai NOTARY PUBLIC ca...- CONVEYANCER l.ala ba wwl diaria al c) tf t ri Vril -11- -A" - A " '"" ittUi tra".a IbJ tt.. iaitlUlb if b', tOlfrtA, LUfJili. IK 1