Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 11, 1895, Image 2

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Gen. Mahone died in Washing
ton City on the afternoon of the
8th. He was at one time senator
from the state of Virginia, and a
leading figure in politics iu that
Governor F. T. Greenhalge
was renominated for a third term
by the Massachusetts republican
convention at Boston on Saturday
the 5th inst. The platform
adopted declares very Btrongly for
protection, but is not in favor of
the free coinage ot silver by this
government outside of an inter
national agreement.
152,000,000 that we are out for
the year. Those same audiences
ought to remember how two years
ago we were told how the change
in the tariff would increase our
exports; that the ships must be
loaded both ways. That shows
the difference between democratic
theory and democratic fact. It is
the same old law. No country
outside of England ever tried a
tariff for revenue only and clung
to it long enough, that was not
absolutely stranded. Salt Lake
Tbe formal indictment of the
man known as Holmes for the
murder of Benjamin Pitezel gives
promise that enough of the extra
ordinary course of this extraordi
nary criminal will be judicially
uncovered to hang him. This is
all that is necessary, since he has
but one life to forfeit His con
viction on this indictment will be
fortunate, as it will stop the telling
of the full story of his murderous
life. Curiosity, of the ghoulish
type that feeds on bloody deeds,
will be disappointed, but justice,
as far as it is possible to mete it
out to such a criminal, will be
secured. Oregonian.
Ex-Congressman Thompson, of
Portsmouth, Ohio, prophesies the
election of Bushnell in Ohio by
forty thousand, and says if the
proper interest could be aroused
in the election the plurality
against the democratic ticket
would bo seventy-five thousand.
lie considers that there is no
question of the republicans carry
ing the legislature.
Colonel Wat Hardin, who is
running for governor of Kentucky
as a democrat, said in a speech at
Brandenburg the other day: "I
will not surrender my convictions
for any office on God's green
earth." Colonel Hardin believes
in free and unlimited coinage of
silver. His platform indorses the
gold platform of the president and
Secretary Carlisle. The colonel
accepts his platform only as a step
to the accomplishment of his ends,
and it now remains to be seen
whether the democrats of Ken
tucky, who have long followed
Secretary Carlisle and believe9 as
he does, will hold to their con
victions as faithfully as does the
candidates. If they do on election
day Colonel Hardin will be allowed
to hold his convictions and not be
embarrassed by any office. Inter
That Tired Feellhg.
It a common complaint and it is a dan
gerous symptom. It means that tbe
system is debilitated because of impure
blood, and in this condition it is espec
ially liable to attacks of disease. Hood's
Sarsaparilla is tbe remedy for this con
dition, and also for that weakness whioh
prevails at the change of season, climate
or life.
Hood's Pills act easily, yet promptly
and efficiently on the bowels and liver.
The weather is fine, superfine.
Tbe grass has started well, bat another
sprinkle would help it along.
Mr. Ben Case is making arrangements
to build an addition to bis home.
Mr. Ed Glock purchased tbe old
blacksmith shop and two lots and is
ready for business.
Mr. Tom Carle has moved part of his
ranch house down to lone and rented it
to our new teacher.
Mr. E. Olook spent his spare time
digging a well and struok plenty of
water at ten feet deep.
Mr. Joe Woolery shipped several oar
loads of hogs. He makes a specialty of
fattening hogs for tbe market.
Mr. Sando sold his old hack to Mr.
Childs. Mr. Cbilds is now engaged in
walking a well for Mr. Fetteys, but
expects to make a trip by back to
California in the near future.
lone had quite a time of securing a
teaoher, but Mr. Unstrap is now em
ployed and school starts today. Quite
a number of pupils will attend, as the
population of our district has increased
wonderfully sinoe our boom.
Oct. 7, 1805.
Keep the Baby Fat.
" Curt Bpriko, Ga., May 21, 1894.
11 My habv was it iivinp skeleton. The doctors said he was dying of Maras
rnus. Indigestion, etc. The various foods I tried seemed to keep him alive, but
did not strengthen or fatten him. At thirteen months old he weighed exactly
what he did at birth seven pounds. I began using 'SCOTT'S Emulsion, some
times putting a few drops in his bottle, then again feeding it with a spoon; then
again by the absorption method of rubbing it into his body. The effect was mar
velous. Baby began to stouten Und fatten, and became a beautiful dimpled boy,
a wonder to all. fccorrs Emulsion supplied thd one thing needful.
"Mas. keknom Williams."
Scott's Emulsion
is especially useful fur .sickly, delicate children when their other food
fails to nourish them. It supplies in a concentrated, easily digestible
form, just the nourishment they need to build them up and give them
health and strength. It is Cod-liver Oil :nade palatable and easy to
assimilate, combined with the Hypophosphitcs, both of which are
most remarkable nutrients.
Don't be persuaded to accept a substitute!
Scott & Bowne, New York. All Druggists. 50c. and $ 1.
Seventh Annual Fair
Mr. Q. O. Strong, prinoipa! of the
publio schools at Anderson, Gal,, says
"I have used Chamberlain's PaiD Bulm
and have found it an excellent remedy
for lameness and Blight wounds. '
Lameness usually results from a
sprain, or other injury, or from rheums
tistD, for whioh (JhamberlaiuB fain
Balm is especially intended and un
equalled. It affords almost immediate
relief and in a short time effects a
permanent oore. Eor sale by Blooam
Johnson Drug Go.
A Worm at Hen
Increases the discomfort of the voyager.
But even when the weather is not temp-
! estuom he is liable to sea sickness.
They who traverse the "gigantio wet
Fkance points with pride to the
fact that there is only one lawyer
to every 0000 of her people. This
country cannot make as decent a
showing as that, but some comfort
may be derived from the reflection
that of every 0000 porsons who
claim to be lawyers in the
United States only about one 1b ness" should be provided with Iiostett-
ii . fii.i-(.i ht i er'i Stomach Bitters, whioh quiets
really deserving of the title. Most (liHor(,ered stomachs with grat'fvioa
of them resemble necossitv in that speed and certainty. To the hurtful
ii i i mi iniiueuun oi a iruuui, malarious or 100
lUL-y iiuw in mw.-i0IKKiftui, rianrous or damn climate, as well as to
tbe baneful effects of unwholesome diet
I nnil hud wntMl it la a rnlialilA ar.t.i1otA
UOVEKNOH UCLBEHTSON, Ot 1 0X116 Commercial travelers by sea or land. n.rt- .'"j Vk.J '.i. ifm.
has successfully put au end to mriu!r". "extern pioneers, and al who Notes of other National Bunks
prize lighting down in Texas, and temperature, concur in pronouncing
Then a governor can accomplish " u,e , bw,t Hfc'ud. It prevents
" I rliuu mat in tit Urn I rn 1 itwinnrv ntriinba in
something if lie trios. So many oouee.umiee of damp and cold, aud it is
l.iivi. fillml llm n;,. i.f mwornnr ua an ellioieiit defense agaiost all forms of
tJ I niuluFiu It nun l.a niittfitiilnd ii...n in
,,( 1 1 .1 ... .1 1 1 I .
figure iieacis mni me Kiea lias dyspapria, liver aud kidney trouble,
become prevalont that a governor
amounts to little or nothing; but
uovcrnor uuiuertson lias put a Kd. Oazbtte:
gratifying object Iohhou in the way I have reoently har.srded life and limb Hurplim fund
of tho growth of thirl idoa. ;hh by paasiug through the I'arrish canyon Undivided profits, lesseipen
i with a wagon and a span ot uronoims.
Of the National Bank of Heppner at
Heppner, in the State of Oregon,
al the clone of busmen,
July 11th, m:.
Loans ami discounts $ 80,41)0.00
Overdrafts Beoured and unse
cured 4,075
U. S. bonds to secure circula
tion 12.500.00
Premiums on U. 8. bonds 800.00
Stocks, securities, etc 6,062.57
Bunkiughouse, furniture, & fix. '2,501) 30
other real estate and mortg
ages owned 200.00
Due from National Banks
(not Reserve Agents) 4,505,14
Due from state banks and
bankers 6,31)4.53
Due from approved reserve
agents 6,R51.25
l in M
Fractional uauer curreuey.
nickles. and cents 8.75
Howie M.747.GO
U'gal-tetirter notes... zuim) 3,-jw.du
Redemption fund with U. IS.
1 reiiMiiror (; per oent. of cir
culation) 662.50
Great Bargains
Notice Some of Our Prices :
1 Suit fine knit underwear, 8(5 cents.
1 Good Jersey Shirt, (0 cents.
1 Pair suspenders, worth 35 cents, for 20 cents.
Good canton flannel undershirts Special Bargain
1 dozen good cotton socks, 05 cents.
And many other bargains lower than ever
before sold in Heppner.
-83 cts.
Will arrive in a few days, which will be Bold at low figures.
We are Hole Aitenta for Henry Mouie & Son'. Full Cream Young America
Clieuiie. Call and see ua.
Second Eastern Orep District Agricultural
Embracing the Counties of Wasco, Sherman
Gilliam, Crook, Morrow and Umatilla,
Commencing Tuesday, October 8th, 1895,
S1.500 appropriated by tbe State for Agricultural, Stook, Meohanical Exhib
its, Works of Art and Fanoy Work.
S2.000 given in purses for Trials of Speed. Write or oall on the Secretary
for Premium List and Entry Blanks.
O. MACK, Seoretary. 371-79. A. S. MAC ALLISTER, President.
500 HEAD
Address J. E. SMITH,
Pilot Bock, Umatilla Co., Oregon.
Yon Should Ppjp
For a "big feed" when you come to
Heppner and stop at the
Popular Prices ! Comfortable Rooms !
Mrs. Tom Bradley, Prop.
Total t'.)flH'2.'H
Capital stock paid in 50,non.00
Tk Fakes Hotel
la under mntmirement of Chrln Rorrher. who I con-
ducting it lu a atrictly Flrat-Clau manner.
hps and titles pnid
I I I. ........ I
luosBof your radnrs who bsv ever : lr'-iOOO
undertaken suoh a trip wilt readily re. hi to oilier National banks 4MA)
C.U.YIN N. IiltICK, U. S. Boiuitor ati.e the daiitfttrH through wU'wU I have Due to stale thinks and bunk-
who mrcHnntKl tho BU(r truHt Ihmh1, but lito looms np in the far din- . ' ' i.;;,',,',,'.' '
iu tho hutt conrcflH, n eaitl to have
taut and limbs are all erect and able
1 11 1 1 1 v it 1 ii ul deptwits subject
He has.also re-opened the Hotel Bar
where the Finest Liquors and Fresh
est Cigars will constantly be kept.
W Free Rath, and Free 'But for all Oue.ti.
The Ileppner Kneed Asnoclation have deoldod to give a IUce Meeting at
9 "JU.f
.......La... at In t ( niA tin tiilik Warn . I I i i l,MUir.l
ijiwu, 4.IHklli Jnri.w. Il.i. 9 It nniw, iu mm i urn uu MHvi mi im iKuim !l CllvMH
- .."b ...m.,w. fi ., u.m,,!.. when (Wv IVumnd certilleate. of d-
hIiIo M'liHoti in ViiHliiuLU)n citv. I;. ......i.i..i ..i txMUt 5.7H.I4
it : i. ..t i.:.. .i i.t I ... . ..
iu miii hi i:ih ii in um uuiiiiit;iB pruioipni moiifr oi lue oouniry. i er- ti,. $l'2!tMS-2l
ySOIX) k vctir for inn lnonov. nml Mapa " canyon was Dot particularly Stat or Oukoos. I
i . ...... i.. ....
ii i.: i. i imt, i,t i M lUntferon. or Air. H oouni. to t.a.a over wiiuiiiy l Morrow, i
aiionn inn mmn i-i-i niAnni ill - ... ' i l-i i i,.i . ... n. i
I nit Itjiruuliank Ititl ttliun n.. ......... trtk ' I . I.'l. IV" l"llt !. -nim-i . 't umiiinur
kl'CM) 111) lit VIC. How all this can . ,., .. . tl. . named hank, do elemnly sweHr that the
I , ...:.! . i oome.nio-pair ,,,,,,., ,rilH , uieb,.stol
.,.,..... ,u t.,.. n ,ii in ji.iiu ,te.UIheu the fur ao.I pheasants fly my kuohdi.e and beh.f.
Coruiiri'lli'llMloll. without hoi Ii from and dmi'l voii doubt 1L Ah! one (lew I Kit. R Hiioiol', Canhit-r.
' i - i .. . t i . i . t
. i. i i i.i,. ii.. ..!-..... i ...ii... i.iu I MiOKCrioen ami sworn in in uira iuf
ill" ii iinin im nun inruii'ii i " . . . -". .,w. ,b,i.
i .
Tni'oina Nowh lttcklel the epicurean palate of your our
reepoudent, and kept him In a moderste.
ly fair mMid. We met three droves of
nKNATon IL A. AI.OKU, of Mli'hl- cattle, one from Waterman Flat, one
(hi K'h day of Oat . 11.1
r.. 1j. r a aici, 1 nii,
Notary I'iiIiIic fur Urcn'm.
(irrl-Atet: Mm. lVnland.l). E.
larn.worth, I. I'. Thompoon, Ilirrcturs.
Kan, tho milliouniro lutubcrtiiRU, ia 'rom Hear creek and one from the Oohi
iu Ciilif.irDift looLinir after liiei 11 J "t'', '"r hivm.m ait llefo.r.
I : .
liueinoaa iutcrcHtH thnra lie talka
Meadnwa A rU'rmier, ih black. milhs.
hormhiwrii an I wmii liuluhera. al I lie
whii'h shows that Iu he the oioat practj. U. Ounn aland. Maiu eirewl, lleptui-r.
I ml il ira muno, ho tho nicra any,
ami htutcH that McKiuloy, Alliaon
anil llmsl Imvo tho I tout iroaiilon
tint following iu tho Kaat, and ho
alao of tho opinion that (Ion.
llarriaou will not Ih a ramliilatA.
Hut our Lnowlislo in regard to
oai aiiippiiig (miiiii, and prove that
good roe I would give lleppoer many
advanlaKes by way of trade,
Mtt hell Is the nrnst Ihiariahing hide
town I have jet seen io my travels
throak'h Kaalern Uregnn. Hbe lias many
oew buildings m proo uf erection,
among Ihrm a line Si'liiNilbtiue, wluob
would do cre-lil to roueh larger burg,
('all on the hove.
iidas', Oct II
this niattor of proaidi-Btial caiuli- Surely the bml.liag Ihiii baa struck
.latotil.loul.tl..flUloro acut b,r "', th atubblenelds
are not liarreo iracis or I.11J. The peo
ple complain of poor crops and demand
a con! per pound for any and all kiedsoi
TK itioto of taxation of gram. 1 rph.ud and lung fever aa quite
few month Inter ou.
I . - t a - a I - a. .t a a
church J.roH.rty la now agitating I (ll enrred, aiu ing ih.m a kli.e ll iardiumi,
tho jxs.ii of Multnomah county. " whom a.meir your rrlr are a
. .( 11 f.i . . . iiiii.i.
rteooeaor urcciuoai, 01 uiai itiuiny, Tll, 0(1,,.a ,Uf T, h
We are enj tying tieautiful wrathrr at
Our aehool i ri-gre..ing nn'ely with
Mi. a Thniieiin steadier.
Ili WalUliburgnr hae aUiul e.nn-
ph-li-il lue new hons which he wi'.l sno
Ou Thursday evening laal Itrv. War
ren preai bed al Ihe at'hool hou.e. The
bouae wm well filled.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Avere are riMing
over le titrth rf daughter evrn
tng Jim step. Very high tdy.
"Fncle1' HrnrrThnmon and wife w.ll
a,n lave tor a vi.il I.t r-rilan,.
They ripe.l l allrnd Ihe fair while
Aiicl JvfiKtiiiu: Five
S82 5 IN PURSES! S82 5
riK-T lV H. .1, Hull nill.iln.il. free for .11. I'iirj, ll'W, Rare t qu.rler mil d..h,
Ir.T fur all. I'lirw, inO.
hKi'OM) PV !! t. One tlmniuii.l yur.li. Irr for all. Purae, 1UU. Rare 4. Thrve-
riiliiln nii.l r. H oi. Ir.f lor all, I'urw, f im.
TIIIKP IUV H'' V II. :f '"He rtn.h. fn for .11 t o-vt-ar oM. Purae, ITS 00, Rat-eS.
11.11 inllr ,U.h. lor M'loie hoiMM. I,i r.rijr I nili l eai n. I'lirw, .'j.io.
Forill II IUV ' Flieeliililli.iliuih.freefot.il. I'urae. T'. no. Ruect. (ienllemen .
r.M l.i. r rur lo mrl I'mIIIhk. o in t lo ,lrlt. hull mile lo .U, leal I In t, l'ure, J6 m. liar.
I'.h )iie nir, It ail liillx, I i.t lo .11 .ni.ieur. Xnlnl lr.liip.1 at ill.
Urril It'iV Ii". e e. i)u.rtrr mile ilMh. 0 U il.M. Piine. loan. Itu-e II. Thoiia.a4 I
; ir.l.mi.l rrieiil, ruree, l i.
I'liMH'. Ut Tli.w nu-e. a ill le ..ivrrtii-.! I.t the rule, of ihe Part He Riomt Hnrae tm la
!'', Fn'raiH e l-e In all r l j-r rn.l of am. "nil of mrae, (! ot more to enter, three to
iutt l. . ie that enifct 1U10 ilteo ilo not ml nh Se r..ini.lete entrlr. Ihe hoanl ha. Ih.
.-.er to re..i.-e the ain .iiiita ol the ti a. In Iheir (ii.l.nienl aeem. lrotief. Th. illrertora I
t. ,'r" the riiHit ! iMiMtne ai.r an.l ail ra.-a on atiomt oi lorletneol weather. It alio, tare.
,l. li I nil. t"ilr III I .Iteli lot !. 11 tai-ea. to lie atil-atlltile.1 ,f Ihe illrrrtnts. l'urrUl
) .IM I..I 7.1 r rent to iw.i n.ov a i mil to i
11 ihevtriiln. Oe.e.Hi the r
Spanish Merino Bucks
Wm. Dutton's Ranch, one and one-half miles
Hclow Heppner, on Oct. 1st, 1895.
WM, DUTTON, Agent.
W loOrt. n.
lantmil. All eiittlr. Utrloae hf e rlora, p. m.,
$300 Held in Reserve for Special Races.
It ia not at all arpriaini! to tea tbe
immoDHO crowd going to trade at
tie store of
T. W. AYK1W. Jr, Seerelary.
K. I. Mail K-k, Iae Mr A lee, K. (.
. Ihreclore.
(1KO. GON8EK, rreei.leot.
Hierry, (lea. Ilsrriogton, OliS Taltereoo,
kS kl'l.1ttlOJ(
I 1'oaaaio F14 raj.io.s -For tbe Ore
" i goo Io In. trial Eipneillott wbieb opeeej
Thai we may t l tie nn.uo.!er.i.K..l, I x VrtUa 1 1 e tbe Sib io.t, tbe O. Il A
.ln l. crta mistake ! by y- hf. will make a rate fmm Hetntiee an J
An ellemi t t... Ihhio male bv eoma ,.f - U at Ihe ri.aa. m lirg la.l Wmtoe-Jey ,ri9n tl et w Thkets will be eat
1 1 1 111 . L , 1 r. . 1.0 1 . F"""- wgaaire a base ball I night. r..h.lng Ihe able addreee of ,,,OB imk , ,0(1 .ha Umii I.
ha t.l ,', I cniiMiiIi'ialilil tirnlMrtv tard. bulae u.ual .eotl ioih t.laiu i,f . . " . ." ... ... . . ....... . ! ,B" lir,a ne lieau is
. 1 . ." . . ' . ' ' .ho.l croi s However Ibev are ver. i r" " ' ""'r ( Mr. lUglry ia lhalf or Ihe W-rcy I ; ,UftM , 8(10J,. fv., tu ,..
xuuvw to ii.norcut cuun n.-a, ou ... .rpr ,(ili,M (,r w 0. T. f,, , lrBM w ; t o To d R
bilheir home ..r.r l'ei,..,i..0 I liev i '' liii'ivn omao, up m me , ,idoo, vieareioa tickle to Poftleed and
bare 1 tt.ilii.g twt fane!.. Mr. and j " l-nnelple. -ore . ,,, .,11 b rotad
tin tat loll, and claims that they
elmuld ii't tril tito toward tlic
MMiai . of tho couuty and state)
pivi iniiiciit. W raniiot liolp luit
ario viith ae-oeaor'a iow in
Htm j.iitit at loa-t, an.! that is, all
.roi'ity of church e-iMrtu from
which ti'ti'tiuo ie di'iitcil, eh. ml, I
ay latoa. Thie i to) lui.re tl au
Kir and
ali.l do b.'t .ewiii .i 1 1. vielbg witb ... b
oilier 10 gel the "eimh" on ene oiifor
lunate work bunler.
I'aitieulle is etainl the same It wa.
Ihre )eare ago. Vi building . mnt tier
..iitMlra. will c-'in'laiii unlit lhe". a v.nnli on
nine I ii Io xwrr aril Ihe tVley hill, lug Ihe faftti
J'.aa an ln'lel eobgteaa. I ll.eir ,g
Mrs. t. I M.OI.e...
Il I. lo. nel wial.e.l l
feallirre I .houl l l.e a.ul l.tr.le or lB-la,liB two lo-k.u
maov U.al parte of lue Unliee i f h,tj; M many ,a ,1,. i IDmli,. t, lb- .1mr.la- ,j
nl all eomiUin ol bard It roe. and ! out rouuly e-nmo-eiotirt. would lae 1 ,i0.ls of fealheie. eu.b a. o.lth'h ii, , ... i,i, ...k... . .1 . .
d.oitillra. will cmidaiu unlit lhe"i.i a n.niilt on e -yoira, a. the ate .l.in.g- I . .. ,ki ifcii,-i rf .,.. -1 - "
is..... l..lo iv.rr ..,1 IhetVie. b,ll.flnihef.tn.. a a-.-d de.l l y J ae bu.nel w.lbooi ibil.e!,, g e.,e ag itt,UUi. The ho.it if lioe I the
el..ek.....le . a. I .. ih t '' ''"" l-n- -,, f, u,, Xnee-lay eicureloes as f.i
Ihe specie! eicarehai i OH. oib.
Th.. wbe ge oa etearstoae should pto-
vite tliotoaeWew wiib acei4et Is.ur-
ell, air. r-lii..r, yen win piMee ar
ene f,r my -lme.l ailueioee fof
II, -i.e. I I'eUr. i f l ig'il Mile, .aid. J l.l
ll.te I .l.rll. "ino waa twttet tai. ,
than Io g irT w:ih eueb -atiy " iel
what waa I t.i t wli.e the ol I rarlv Ml i
I n.a aiiJ lit. ii. iita al.Mtd l....bj i
Ihe same rmritee ti'e wl.ih lh i,
PlU artlli- etlltlip Otatore fi. ,,,.t,liean rati, was fqq.le., eel Ihe
t lain to their an Iom.cc th l-cno. r-n.pie .1,1.-1, bad m.,i. ..
e.l. Itoneat I elef h. I toilet procure
fi.t lit Wi.lk i f tlm Wllaoll-dorilian e...n. ew (laM. f. r I .b. a.-l ll.eia be
l .ll. Th.a au lieiov ouicht io!f;''; ?'"'
, , , , , T, . , 1 beW plgl or et lit nj-ew. t k aU ul
kw-p in tnitid this; ll:a I tittv n.e ilefen.eg from my f.ia.eg 1 vtet.
Mat- et.ll STl'.l".l I.- 1,1 ''; M.ffe.il
I. gtee. that .i ra!t llial .
Kurn Ut J i r than the) yr-ar ; U .it. Iteg .l ail 1 1. we a.. I e
. . . ... . ....... I 1 . . . ... . , . .
i- fof, at. 1 i.niL-t.t IiiJmi.imi .--t . is
. ina . ina.iow 11 1. i wM..er tlf.. lit S
ni'if e in I urj i Iat year than wa ti..i h..i b.. er4 rt ee l iv t.
.hi the tr-r U,f.ra. Th loUl ,,J ,u ' r'',- -rw..,u.
.heein.ee Will I t.r. i. ,
ll.U. ait. Of . Ocl I .
1 Imom I aide Io give e g"-4 In'.
Ihe .fieiile LuifM by ur o'g.mtv
l. io Y wi'tl i-rohahty hear ftt-oi oer
n errj aej.rlitirnl egaiu. I In. 1. work
4 e.luci .n, aed wha eut wotnea ate j a.e
' ma . t inamlt I Willi II e fwl f 'tl. .
lag ihecoel "" "' i -Il M lb tel rt. aed etae la Ih.
Me. II K lia.we I Mat Veg..a.eaeef niaKfla.'e
t',.nni lt W.t t V It-'w'. I bni.fw and Pat thee Um.lt
.. w al lea I. ma jo Bae Ibie aea.tti.Hi
...k.wi.... ",r Ue.biery le He
" ' ti.tif.vinsrt pvetaleal at. .not bere
f t . -M l."i, ibirr-aw Ht l,.i g ( i in.tae ar bait, .
. I atn J,. t. bket at il l, a.-taa. I y 1 ! of llf .' e of lhl rt)ty to
a.-rah 1 114 If a ' we f iii fe.l eonee mm " for eaie by
1 . 1,. .. f rtr, at... I, iHrt I e l ai 1 ri tw ,a.i h( e,
ml Hr-miff Vev w e e
.... . . .. . - 1. . .1.-1.. I 1...!.
liiiTim '" 1 " " '--1 - t
When we consider that Heppner handle more merchan
dise than the other aeveoty.two coubtieg of Eastern
Oregon put together, and that P. C Thompson Co. handle
tiDe.crentha of that It i not to be wondered at that
they haw all of the local trade and part of that of Cali
fornia and Chicago, tat they will not be aatiaficd till they
have the trade of Taria, London and New York alao.
(let in ith the ruah ao rcome to the
At the Corner f f Main and Willow
Strata. Follow the crowd and yon
can't tuis it
m hh kits
For tho Curo o
Liquor. Opium iU Totarro Habit
It M tnral al li ra, Or.fMI.
; IU A -t (e.iaft. Town on IK
Ul al lh. u.um tr h-f ,rtic. are
aitiri., ml teauai. Iraauaeel eri.i.a4 eat
Wilt U f..
diff-TcDc i. io rvjed Btiralr,i it-vr w.ia.Ofe,Cfi n, v
j ewiuea VVUgVl ' mt. b'i. n'eet.l ". at I .1 a, -.lea..! 1-. ' 1 Pfl I I lUIVI'n
j Jltee-Urai rnn'?X 7' ; t.m..vre He I ... t. U iteg. e. . I 1'H'i-m rt lUl i lln N,I(,MI U I If I 1 L
Plenty of them at tho
Gazctto Office. . .
r 1