Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 08, 1895, Image 3

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Nervous Prostration
tociplete Ejcovcry hy th3 1Tsc of
Ayer's Sarsaparliia
l' Soiim Veins nu, as u rc-sult of. too
Hose utti'iniuii to business, my health
failed. I bitiiiiio weals, nervous, was
Unable to look ufur my interests, and
manifested-nil the s.vu'ptDitis of a de
cline. I took three hott-lcs of Ayer's
Saisiiiiarilla, began to improvo at ouce,
fev 0a
U f sses i
Here and There.
Ike Large returned from Portland Friday.
NeeT. R.
Howard's new ad. in this
and pradually increased my weight from
ono lmndrfil and twenty-tlve to two
hundred poumls. Since then, T and my
family have nsed this medicine when
needed, and wo are all in the best of
health, a fact which vn attribute to
Ayer's Sarsapnrilla. ' I believe my chil
dren would have been fatherless to-day
hail it. not been for Ayer's Rursarmrilla,
of which preparntiou T cannot say ton
murh."-ir. 0. TTinson, Postmaster and
Vault. Kinard's, S. C.
Ajsi'sS Sarsaparilla
A ?if C Hilo Cnvo Dee r's Bills,
6(JNM0NTUtwtDTHUFRl iliff
J I 2 3 43
6 7 8 9 I0 ll IT
13 14- 15 16 17 18 W
10 i ZZ 15 Z4- lb Tb
Take Notice.
L The mo of Are pent per line will be
3hnt(xl for "carrt of thank," "rmolutlmu of
repnet," Hat of wwlrttn; prevent and rtonnra,
nd obituary notice, (other than thooe the ellt
V shall hlmnelf ?lve ma matter of nnwa.) and
ootlcea of apeelal meeting for whatever purpoae.
2. Notice of church ami aoeletT and all other
ntertlnimtit from which revenue la to he 1
rted, ahall be charged for at the rate of five
nt a Hue. Then rule will be (trlctly ulher
t to In Try ltiatanoe.
Advertlaliii rata rvtwonable aid made known
ipoo application.
fttaare for Hardman, Monument, Lon Creek,
tone Day and Catiynu City, leaves aa follow :
Every dar at 6 a. m., except HiiiuIat.
Arrlveaeverydajratt p m..eiccpt Monday.
The cheait, qnlckr't and lirat Hue to or
(rom the Interior mnntry.
Phlll Cohn, Asenl
Bill Ingram is reported as being mtloh
Billy Crank was over front Bitter
Saturday last.
Mrs. R. A. Spivey is here (rom The
Dalles on a visit.
Our old friend, Cy Metier, showed up
in town yesterday.
The familiar ting of the school bell
is heard onoe more.
The Niles-Vinson, Marble Works,
n alia Walla, Wash.
Hon. J. N. Brown is over at Canyon
City (dreading oourt.
Geo. Aiken got baok Saturday from
the Baker City raoee.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hamblel were in
from Ei-ht Mile Saturday.
Mrs. A. Keithlv. of Heooner. has
Oochiu chiokeus for sale. b27-4-81.
Dr. E. R Swinburne leaves this week
for a brief visit to Portland.
Clyde gperry returned from below
Saturday and looks natural.
Mrs. Annie Gilliam has moved back
to town to school her oliilJreo.
E. L. Matlock has had his billiard
table repaired with a new cover.
La Grande Marble Works. La Grande
Ore. S. C. Smith, salesman. Hennner.
Homer Harrington returned from
visit to Salem and Portland Saturday
J. B. Mannirjg save he bag potatoes to
sell. See his ad. elsewhere in these
a. r. tsatriey returned last evenina
from a ten days' visit to Portland and
valley pointg.
Ben Parker, of tbe sawmill, and Bob
Board, of Galloway, were in town Fri
day and Saturday last.
A. Hood and family returned to town
Saturday that tbe children might at
teud eobool for the winter.
The grand lodge K. of P., of Oregon,
convenes at Salem today and promises
to be an mterestiuu session.
J. D. Hickey got iu late last week from
Austin Station where he baa been run
uing his sheep this summer.
Best accommodation and courteous
treatment at the Imperial Hotel, Seventh
and Wash. Sts., Portland, Oregon.
Last Friday Newt Jones received from
Nebraska 600 head of stnok hogs and
will feed them tor the fall markets.
When you want to fel merry call on
tii"he Kperry, at the Belvedere Saloon
where they keep the finest wet goods in
town. tr
The Gnzette is reliably informed that
there will be a nnrohernf tbe race horses
of the valley and The Dalles at the
Heppner raoer.
Condon Globe: Lee Kilbnnrn, Clans
Johnson and Paul Schiller, of Idea pre
oinot, were over to tbe couuly seat Tues
day on business.
W. A. Allyn, brother of T. J. Allyn
who lives below Lexington, at one time
a resident of Morrow oounty, died ro
oeutly at Vanoouver.
Matbewi Bros., City hotel barber shop,
tonsoria) artists. Uairoutting, shaving,
shampooing, etc., dona soientinoally.
Baths at 25 cents apiece.
A. W. and Mrs. W. G. and U. L. Pat
terson departed on Saturday's train for
Portland and Snlem. A. W. goes as one
of Doric Lodge's representatives.
The Heppner school oorps oonsUts of
tbe following: I'rnf. J. D. Brown, Jay
W, Shipley, Mim Kinsman, Florenoa
Crittenden and Mrs. F. M. Fuqua.
Isaao Largs hss moved bis family op
to Heppner from Portland and tbey will
reside for the winter In the house be
longing to Q E. Fell, on Court street.
Huilob's Cure, the great Cough and
Cronp Cure, is in great demand. Porket
iz e intains twenty-(We dose only 25c.
Children love It. Hold by T. W. Aysrt
Catra Pale Star Brewery Beer
In Half Pint Bottle ran be
had only at the
City Hotel Bar!
Where hlxh (rail Liquor and Ctitart are aim
Ill ny IrU.
lory of the Tarkrjr.
Who killed the turkey f
Hald Uwyer Brown, Haul,
A id I (hot him on the Br,
Tal bo killed the turkey.
Who owned (he turkey?
Quoth 'Gen Slorum. "se my mother,
w lib a 'Ore' li ran bur another,
You kilted my rm.thrt turkey."
Tbe special that came np Saturday
for cattl was five ram short and was
compelled to return to Arlington for
them brfura tbe shipmeot oonld be
If yon desire a Iniurions growth of
beeltby bair of a natural eolur, nature s
crowning ornament of both set, nse
only ilad's Vegetable Htoiliao Uair
F. finrowels baa relnrn'd to Morrow
rotinty after having spent the bare eel
season op at D'lie, Wash. Us will rs
ai'le In U'S Lennglon origbborb'md
this winter.
Ijiet week Minor k Go, bongbt th
gr rery slock of Will A Mooum. The
latter wi'l teot their entire altenima
to dry gimda' gebts' f oroUbin, boots
and shoes, eto.
Caftain Hweeney, U. H. A., Han Dieso,
.t.'Cal. says: "Hlnlob's Cats'fb IUnelf is
To remove tb evnitplJ ba''it.
anly safe
nils, foil
nll.ee flat
OO.I. therefore leadmrf thteln fe oro. Iy pe JU rk rr. C'od..o Olohe: If
mn Ayer's Tille, eaprrially asa family HunWk an J iwts tiMer, mi'J !
i,htaU.. 11. N. r r.ier. K. L. Hmilb and K W.
oove h- et,.upiea paMi. id , b rollPIOt i hi fll0Bj ,h,
treatment I. a ,nn t Ay-r a , A , , - ,.ru, &lr,
lowed hy laiatlve diet. Mmt T ... ,.. t,
albariirw to more barm lban '"'"
: ffe Call llie Altmliot,
mrm Q f H FACT IM fl Wiwfcnf n4 rrrf irs fnlf h or
'J fW r-m nn-frrer rteyono ', A U fiU.aj IhwjK Ai
J lJ .of ; or, in othrf rti, h i fiir l Ihr Irnlh t ml Im
1 Aim, UV fo mil rlmm la un Urilt rrr one , f-f r
Jt f want mttn It tmrre ff fan
JU or nntt.tr .mi i-fiatf f'.'f I lutt.ful l thttr t,rt,thrr mrr
thtnt wA(-A u tin rrj la My it f wifA ;.
rrrhtar )
tie imrilt Ih pit.lif f ffrmr t-k.tt fWfie fm w.ll
fini (I 4 ft l,f, r ". sf-lf 4 wv Urtt, uir
Mini an n rht'tp f'-r in I tttm fjr,m,
a a a
Cll ni k nnl rw w.l tr nn f trM er y.
IVry liffftfUi Y'r
. i t..-. e- ti ' " '' '
AM h r-' 1 " ' mt t" t" 'e w! af
l ti !-. if t ' ' !.
. . I tr -1 ' " ' '
tmmt U A At fi "
r a -.
m t-.. e t
a r- e,n h m Itw
W yUAl.'11 f H ' P'r! ' 1 iSW MAA aaaaaaa
Moore of Condon, successfully organized
a K. of P. lodge here Saturday night
with a charter membership of 20 names.
Tbere are b few others that could not be
present that night that will oome in later
on. next morning most of tbe boys
showed signs of having had a bard tus
sel With the goat, but tbey all came out
without a soar, nevertheless. Tbe com
mittee on ao.'ommodaiion bad a fine sup
per prepared at Jaok Andrew's restaurant.
Overwork, either physioal or mental.
will produce weakness and loss of
energy. Too many business or family
oares, overwork in the harvest field, an
excess of woman's work and worry will
produce months of misery. To prevent
this, tbe exhausted system should be
reinforced immediately. Dr. J. fl.
McLean's Strengthening Cordial sad
Blood Purifier is an appropriate remedy.
Prioe $1.00 per bottle.
This is convention week in BeDpner.
Todav tbe Conntv W. U. T. U. meets in
convention and will close on tomorrow
evening. Thursday the Morrow County
Sunday School Association convenes to
remain in sessinn nntil Saturday noon.
Our citizens should avail themselves of
tbe opportunity to attend these con
ventions, as tbey will doubtless be made
very interesting.
Tbe W. C. T. U. oounty convention
begin their work this afternoon at the
Baptist church at 130 o'olock. Tbe
L. T. L. entertainment tonight at the
M. E. ohnroh South. An nil day meet
ing tomorrow at tbe M. E. ohusch, be
ginning at 9:30 a. m Mass meeting
tomorrow evening at tbe opera bouse.
commencing at 7:30.
Now is the time to get tbe Weekly
Oregonian, the greatest newspaper of
the West. Witb tbe Gazette, both strict
ly in advance, tor one year, $3. No better
combination of newspapers oanbe made
in tbe state. Besides we will give ah a
premium an additional journal, tbe Web-
foot flaoter, an agricultural paper,
Come in now and subsortbe.
Elder J. W. Jenkins, accompanied by
bis wife and little daughter, arrived
from The Dalles on Saturday nights
train and will spend this week in Henn
ner. Elder Jenkins preached to bis
ooogregation at the opera bouse on
Sunday morning and evening, and will
preach here also on next Sunday at the
usual hours-
James MoOarty, of tbe Galloway
seotion was in Heppner yesterday. He
has spent tbe summer in the vioinity 1 1
Dale, Grant Co., looking after bis band
of sheep, but has now returned to winter
range. While in the city he did not
tail to remember the Gazette.
Confusion as to the oboioe of a blood
purifier is unnecessary. There is but
one best Sarsspsrills, and that is Ayer's
This important fact was recognized at
the World's Fair, Chicago, 1893, being
the only blood-pnrifier admitted to be
placed on exhibition.
Fossil Journal: Heppner has raised
$1000 to be given la purses at the fall
races to commence in that town on Oct.
221. This date will give horses ample
time to reaoh Heppner from Tbe Dalles
district fair. Fossil will ba represented
at both places.
Ben Mathews is now sole proprietor of
tbe city meat market where be keeps
fresh supply of beef, pork, mutton, veal,
sausage, baoon and lard, which be sells
for the lowest market price. Fred Bock,
tbe Portland butcher, is still witb bim. tf
Grant Co. News: Miss Florence
Crittenden took her departure tor Hepp
ner yesterday morning, where she goe
to take charge of one of tbe inter
mediate department of the Heppner
publio school.
John Kilkenny, of Galloway, will
shortly leave for Portlsnd wlib a csr
load of mutton sheep. Tbere seems lo
be other attractions, also, down tbal
way for John, if all bis friends say about
bim is true.
Prof. J. D. Brown bat moved no from
Lienogton and yesterday began bis la
bora a principal of the Heppiipr school
No person or factor will tie) more loya
to Mr. Jirown In bis efforts than tbe
Mrs. J. M. Vanghan. wife of tba
popnlsr and ellloieut depnty sheriff o
Haroey county, carne in on rnday's
stage and left immediately for Portland
wbera alia will probably spend tba
The little city of Hood River held
very creditable horticultural fair on
rhurmlav and iriday of last week
Tb display of apples and other fruit
grown lo that reatloo was very Qua.
Hoot I Lnoff, a brother of Mrs. T. It.
Howard, la io tba eity from Union
oonuty, visiting his relatives here for a
few da a. Mr. Ling ta quite eitenaivtly
lo'ereeted la mining over tbere.
Geo. Hmitb recently reoelted word
from Halloa ennnty, Calif., announcing
lbs death of bit brother. Ha wa killed
but baa not learned bow It occurred
probably an accident.
Elmer Kloconi's photograph gallery i
now open no Inner Main eleet wbera
etrlotly flrnl-elaaa work ran he seen red
at reasonable prises. Call and M"nim
work and get prices. 7uif
W. O. rstleraon, tba editor of this
paper, left OO yeeterdsy'a train to alien
lb fand lodge, K. of VH at elrm. W. ;
U. la the prenl grand neter at arms
of Ibis f ratid domain.
II . a. r.J Matlork. Will Ciwlna and
Prer k Natter relomei fmrtt tbe Halera
far Krulay laaL (a Mai lor k will ra
il's la lime l ba lo atieadanea no tba
liepfyaef race.
Nat Yaia and wit are over from
Ykims after bavin tn fr-ta llein.
eer lor en yeaia. Mr. Teals I ke the
Yakima eiia and will r el or a borne la
' a few da) a.
Karl's Clover UI, tba great I11-h1
i ptriflef, alVea ffeehr.ee and aleerbeae lo
1 the (:ai'letnn and rnree (''t alloa,
! 23 ete., eta., . li.Wby T.W.Ajer.
S Hat A)et al lb fair
Atei'a Ha'eepafillatr j ) the stlre
lit.a't l.tirrtee,f t.av.t g (alba
bif-d triSer alio eed an ibihil al the
Wihl'a fair, (t..ea"v Manafartitrera
.f .t.ee sraarilla a .ut,! . ever
tu- l taia h'.aii.- A I heir r l.
l.tt l t were all Inrted a under ll.e :
le e'-ti iff tie 11 f ltlig lhaj
ee.trt r-f ,! re1teie -f4 e'rma.i
IM deeiaw-a f l W'l- ' f.f aalhia. I
li.a ta ef Alef'a H. e.n,! was
In lll'tl a f'dh.e; ' Kltt
filla -a n l a taieet fe-dli
Sot hene. lo tba l et ft S"e
I fcra lie aw u "
Tbey are Frequently Met with lm Texaa
"Houses built of oyster shells can be
seen in a large number of Texas
towns,'' said O. A. Holland, a well
known newspaper man, recently, says
the Cincinnati Gazette. "The state
was at one time undoubtedly a part of
the bed of the Gulf of Mexico. How
many years ago geologists do not
know, and natural historians are puz
zled at the forms of life, so different
are they from any ta be found else
where." Mr. Holland then proceeded
to unfold a remarkable story. Running
across the state from north to south,
he said, is an immense ledge or sheet of
rock formed of oyster shells. This
ledge averages about twenty feet in
thickness and is used for building pur
poses in some places, while in others it
is ground up and placed upon the
ground as a fertilizer. There is a
large quarry near Henrietta, in the
northern part of the state, and a num
ber of handsome blocks have been con
structed from it. When first taken out
of the earth it is white and soft, but
when exposed to the air it becomes
hard and turns to a beautiful buff color.
It was formerly used for foundations
only, but during the past few years a
great many handsome blocks and resi
dences have been built of it."
Marvelous ttmults.
From a letter written bv Rev. J,
Guudermsn. of Dimondale, Mcb., we are
permitted to make this extraot: "I have Lesve8 the Jungle Forever," and tbe
no hesitation in reoommending Dr. King's ctftam is drawn over one of the most
New Disooverv. as the results were brni"B oonoeits io literature. In the
almost marvelous in tbe oase of my wife Bnae number in whioh Mowgli makes
While I was pastor of the Baptist ohurob bis final adieux, appears for the first
at Rivns Junction she was brought down ,ime before an American audienoe, the
witb Pneumonia succeeding La Grippe now-famed Riobard Le Gallienne in a
Terrible paroxysms of ooughing would plea for religion under the title of "The
r'rl? T ? !L",e ir"P:l0.Ji Greatness of Man." A
Cannot be permanently cured by the nsa
of opiates and sedative compounds. It Is
too deeply seated.' It is caused by an
impoverished condition of the blood,
npon which tbe nerves depend for suste
nance. This la the true and only natural
explanation for nervousness. Purify, en
rich and vitalize the blood with
and nervousnees will disappear. Hood's
Sarsaparilla will give vitality to the blood
and will send it coursing through the
veins and arteries charged with the life
giving, strength building qualities which
make strong nerves. If you are nervous,
try Hood's Sarsaparilla and find the same
relief of which hundreds of people are tel
ling in their published testimonials. Get
Hood's oniy Hood's
Because Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the only
True Blood Purifier prominently 1n the
public eye today. Sold by all druggists.
HrwVc Dillc enr habitual eonstlpa
"wus rl 13 tion. Price Sic pr bo.
Late Literary News.
Rudyard Kipling makes his last ap
pearance as a teller of Jungle Stories in
The Cosmopolitan for October. "Mowgli
seemed as if sbe oould not survive r,ooluOH8Ul"iHU' very P"
them. A friend reoommended Dr. PRPer on Mate Universities" is oon
King's New Discovery j it was quiok in tributed to this number by Professor
its work and highly satisfactory in Klv. And amnno ih tor.toiiQr. -
Hcpkinson Smith and Boyesen. No
results." Trial bottles free at T. W.
Ayers, Jr., drug store. Regular size
50c. and $1.
We will pro back to
the land of our
And during their absence Minor &
Co. will be found at their old
stand, selling at
Under Competitors!
If you doubt this statement, thous
ands will come forward and con
firm the same.
n sis ii on
Styles too Numerous to Mention
SUITS FOR $4.00, $4.50, $5.00, $5.50, $6.00, $6.50, $7.00 IT TO $20.00
Our line of Bools and Shoes are amongst ihe largest (if not
the largest) io be found in ihe city.
Call and examine, we are here
to show goods. Wc sre the
leaders. Others follow.
more beautiful work has ever appeared
in any magazine than tbe marvelous
Saved by a Dog. uiuiiuhliuub ui waurmeiy usea bs a
A large Newfoundland dog saved a nontipiece and aooompanying tbe prose
boy's life at Baltimore recently. The poem by Mrs. Csrdozri Drake who is
boy is eight years old, and the dog, said to be Kipling's favorite artist for
formerly a tramp, is now well cared hls j,,Ke Stories-Carter Beard, Outer
ior. ine ooy unu tno aug were romp- , r -j v 1 1
. I 'ind, Denman, and Kemble, are among
k w i,intn f..n ri,rH thoe wko contribute a wealth of illus
There are twenty feet of water in the tration to his number. The Cosmopnli
dock. The bio- Newfoundland saw the tan announces that it will begin the
boy fall, and just as he came to the sur- publication in January of The Aanuul
face sprang into the dock and swam to turisfs Illustrated Magnzine, to be fullv
mx wiuiltv ha it rn tha nnrr u nuilr which I 11
hpnt. him fW.. n,l thpn th' j J tainlng from Bixteen to twenty pages by
started to swim with his burden to the lh",',b ' ib
other side of the dock. A man rushed """'l' ' "K". ".8,,i "LfelE"
. . , . , I nunu'iiiuiiniO) uui iiuuimi IRI UUU
w.v..ciuC ..tuw.v.v...t t0(,k KroWB interests
mo piace jumpeu inu rowuoat onu
managed to pull both the dog and the
boy out of the water. The dog became
a hero in the eyes of the people who
had been attracted to tbe scene and he
was given a first-class dinner for his
Four big BurrfBWS.
Having tbe needed merit to more than
make good all tba advertising claimed
tor them, the following four remedies
have reached a phenomenal sale. Dr.
King's New Discovery, for consumption,
coughs and colds" enob bottle guaranteed
Electrio Bittrs, the great remedy for
Ldver, Btomach and Kidneys, ltiicklen s
Arnica Halve; the best in Ihe world, and
Vt. King's Aew Life nils, wbicb are a
perieot pill. All these remedies are
J Or., Went M. MM.
Bur dnn Mr Martha Barton Mr Martha
Lnva Mr l.liclicll Jhiiics
When ralllnir for the" lcttur nloasu aav
advertised. J. I. Wm.i.iahn, 1'. M.
What Do You Need ?
In the line of Machinery, Wagons,
etc., the public will do well to look
over the large stock of the new firm,
Wills & Slocum.
They carry a very large, well-assorted stock of General Merchandise
which they will sell at prices that defy competition, for cash.
No trouble to show goods, BDtl the public are invited to call and
examine their goods as to quality and prices.
They are located in the old Blacktnan stand, Heppner, Oregon.
When you come to Heppner, don't forget
Id Oetohor 4. lwt'i. Koth'H Is hprehv Klven
that the (ollowliiK'iianied settler tins Hied no
tice of his Intention to inn Ice final lilool In sup.
Kirt ol hla claim, and that said proof will t
tnaile nelore J. V. Morrow, County Cleric, at
uupner, tiregon, on (tovomlier 10, l'.i,, vis:
lid. E. No. 3009. for the H'i NV'.' and NU
HWH Hee. Z7, Ti. .' M. R i E, W. M .
lie Haines the followlnir wllnesae to jirov
nn roiiuniioiia rciiicno upon anil vtilllvatlon
oi, shki 'nun, vik:
James Hilton. Einerv HiH'rrv. Mark Rllur.
guaranteed to do just what Is claimed uomiioniery, an oi ii,ir.iiu,in, ireiion.
. ik.n. ...) ti .i i , . I J AH. r . M t M ) K K,
urui mi i j inn urno-r mm I slim n l Ti- KeKlsler,
uariieii unrpwim win giatl io leu
yon mora of Ihem. Hold atT. W. Avers.
Jr., drug store.
TRY 7HE m7
A short needle In sowing.
TiRrE.tTi.NB for greaM on velvet or
Rniovi.'fo ink from boards with
muriatic acid, afterward washed with
A suitrT of white paper on a dark ta
ble cover, if you must work at it at
Osk ounce of bormi, two ounces of
shellac, one pint of boiling watt-r, for
a glue or cement.
. Ontarior-Burns Stasis Line
-a n li
nt A. WILLIAMS, P-op
Leave Burn Daily al ti p.m. and ar
rives at Ontario io ii hoars.
Single Fare $7.00,
HnrklrasAnilrart.lv. ' . Mv a w
Tbi beat shIvs in the world for cots , rTtir..ugh frrihi J't end. Kr muud.
tirutar, Horra, Ulrers, Mall Hbeuin,
Fever HON, letier. Chapped Hands, HUHXS GV1ATO.V
f'l.l ll.t.in. I...,m .11 . ..n I
" "H""" l,..r Hrt,. ,1. lit nrn.lH, ,,!.. r.inneela
and positively CUreS I'llew, Of OO pay al I iihi il y IUi 1 1 n. r Moiimiiriit aua
reomrl It la v naaiite,l In ! H rted I., inlrior In.m l'.irlland. l otmnu
m'iiri. ii w gu atiM.1 ki ive .,, ,,,,,., c,ll(r,nie and Uku
H'(rot anllafMrlltiM nr monev rafnrtdril, aiu-al llurna.
rrr 25 rtil per
T. W. Avr, Jr.
bi. For sal by
M ktcuzziA&m fur rvLfti
It is ii' t at all atirpriaing t tho
iiiimeiiHfl crowd going to trad? at
tbe Ur of
Wlim wet cinail r that Ilrppner liandleo tnoiw rn-rcliaii-iIism
than lh other seventy. tao cftii,ti a of Kantrn
()ri;on t tthrt and that I. i TIiouimio Vak Imtt'tln
tiine.ofVMitli f lliaL It ia ht to ln woinlorrd at that
th7 havrt all of tht local trl and nrt of that f Cnli
fciruia and Cliicafi, but they will hot I aatisfiI till they
liar tin trad of 1'aria, Iibdort and New York la
(tet io with th rush and cxnn t llif
deaths in
Grockries, Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Stockmens Supplies, Etc.,
And Wants Your Trade!
He will make it an object for you to trade with
him as his prices are right, and all goods that he
handles are of the very best
Store on Main Street, Next Door
to City Drug Store,
HoppiuM, Oregon.
of Potatoes!
At my ranch, ten inili-a aonlh-i sht of 1 lepi.ncr, at lo imt ioudI iu
tho Old, narked. Or will didivfr at llpjpiir at la r pound, lor
seed potatot-a, my crop canuot I hi braton.
si. Ii. MANNING,
Is the Place for Fresh Groceries, Cheap for
Cash Only.
At th Corner of Main aiid Willow
MfwU. Follow lli crowd aod jfu
can't lnis It
S.i.irMi .r..m l'l . mni ft. h. . t r" .ifa( lhr mat. o tn irb .lll l
IkiM Him mm t il "! uiatl-.l, III I. '!!, t'lo laloi ai.'l k
rwos. Ilia ' L
M.ry 4ws AtaW..rt,
' Mr 4s .ft(Vfy A..f-e) Lm
vitl.tw iu ',tipi-t ey sltH I
.m. a-l mmfmm ..f IK. - t
ItilrMt g rht tun IKaeft(t
Do You Want a Rfc ?
Don't You Want a I'lace to
Put up Your Team ?
I n t l,f Onr
Systematic Plan of Speculation
i,f ia llif th'ngi t hi ..)sa - ur IM.I.-IMI iMpMf ratifi f tttm
, $ Is ttf l.f K"M tltl htM( a (V (t,'f'it 'I
j 1 1 ta alaft a la 1 h h Iha lar .rv irr,m rr.ir.iri f wmm't inirtissfnit
! ah Hit i r f !' ml 1 1 a itum h' ' IhI IhfMogli t r- a ha lliurtif at f
! .,r, rti ti a f!a iwM lnm4 ; la ImI ra Ma a
! It al kalKaJ II.. BkSItU l.tM Irf la. S II I.. !. A kiiW t'tftll f ti I lti ti U 0 ( it . t I ft
Arc You in Nml of a Saddle! ,UVTI fO CONVINCING OOrS. '"' v,.,.i.j..-r.....l.t-rt.iii
1 .. lm I H....I i .i-.it, I t All ISII. ' .
r ii.rin li.i lm f i '..( i i.t.i.... in !' I .i ln- I
l-.t I il'i.l l'.l-.u.ai, . .1 ltmm
THOMA9 4 CO., Diiit'i Ortliri,
2l242 Rialia Bwil1n . Chiaa, III.
arse : j
akttl ta i&L.I la T L- a. V Ii ft II it - - 1 - 1 f & It.. . - I v, v Y i W
- f ' -w a i 1 1 ifisawt f Q I sap iifip m ill hhiwih rw i if 0 s w 1 i f a l s
: I . t m.1 ft. 11 .4.1 ftJ r . . . .
t.'f. I. II n bf tint St . . . .1
al i.f. . i iw., pt, r........, ku., II, i, U.J. -turn
'tft 'it; u ia Mf; ' x.rrmr . MimTn