Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 08, 1895, Image 2

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The Courier-Journal sod Salt Lake
Tribune are having quite a tilt, in a
good-natured way. Even the saroastic
Watterson baa no business to monkey
with the Salt Lake Tribune which ia one
of the best edited papers in the United
States. The difficulty arose over some
Tribune's comments on Watteraon'a
speeob and of the remarks made by the
present governor (?) of Tennessee at
The American Protective Tariff
League ia Bending oat a well prepared
pamphlet on "Tariff Facts" and is in
tended for speakers and students. It is
well worth perusing.
Heppner should not for a moment
forget that it is necessary to keep
The cold craze is dyirjgout-and rD8tliD( for tbe ioterior ,ra,le- "
here is the evidence, ilie bouod .... ,
, . . . Dulles does not head off our Parish
Money League of Cincinatti, im- oreek road prnjeoti whioh they wil,
pressed by the "great debate" in endeavor to do, if possible. This road
Chicago, engaged lion. Itoswell G. 19 needed and then if Tbe Dalles can
Horr to deliver a BDeech. or lecture offer 89 eod 8 roBd to their Place- Bnd
1 .. . , as short a road, it is a fair field and it
under its auspices in that city. ... . .t ..... .
I 101II ttat ira shara rf tha trnrln 'I'ha
We quote from the Cincinnati En- trutb of the matter fa HeDDOer ja ,
quirerof Wednesday day before about bait the distaoce from Mitchell as
yesterday this account: oompared with The Dalles road, and
The meeting was at Odd Fellows eVflD 8 man 0Bn Bee ,be refu
Vmll onrl ti,a li!nn; uoa. ,uo IBr,BU eree ruuu ,H compieiea. id
rf I all fuirnefla mnsr n laraa nnmmnmtii ha
itnn .vj .i J ' " b- w
ineauenuance uia doe exueeu in0Onveinei.oed to satisfy the selfish
thirty persons, and the paucity of Less of a few merchants? The Gazette
numbers and sea of empty seats thinks not.
at Odd Fellows' hall was a sur
nrmfl in , nf tha rooonfc nntorl Next BPrin2 Heppner should endeavor
debate between Mr. Horr and Mr
Hintory of Orsln.
to get tbe Inland telepboue people to
extend their line to HeDnner. In this
llarvey in Chicago on the moDey manner Heppner can rench tbe interior,
question. As no one ot promi- as well as the Valley and upper oountry.
nence was present, Mr. Horr had Mr- Hopkins, of Spokane, wrote this
tr intmrin hi mud f hv inviting PPr some months airo thnt be iotendtd
' i. 1 :.. i: it .
the stragglers in the balcony to Lprin( Bad Le shoul(, b( ftnC(Jl)r8le(1 to
come down stairs, so that he could j,, ho.
have his hearers bunched, and a
mighty small bunch it was." Secretary Carlisle bd(1 tbe adminis.
Tf r.ho Wt.nrr r.n.1 l,.,pn THirvA,; trat,0D P0"6'1 tue uemoorMio oonven-
fi.n ttxaw in TTut. tunbi; l..it tTnwsl.n nr.rl
. i r . . , , . I VI'JU J J tt IJ 114 uuuiuuifi V) (i V umuiu DUU
insteaaotuorr.wiuiBucn a result, B1(4ckburn Bre Htlll m,lkiui. their re
the wires all over the continent Upectiveoanvassesou the silver side of
would have sung with the "dying the fenoe. The faots are that Kentucky
out of the silver craze" and even str0D ,or Bilver BDd lhftt caonnts to
I L iil!tl .
it. i i- ,.,t,i l, eonje exreni ior me wiiuurawai or uen
the ocean cable would have n , , ,, . . . .
Buckner from the senatorial oontest
inroDoeu me news 10 ionaon. imi nft Ht,i n h.nm hn it n.m ti.
I " w. w .w . -
not a word Will be sent over the people and he knew it. Geo. Hardin in
wires. Why object then to the ignoring the dictates of the bosses did
tbor nnniifrnMinn Mi at. tlia "rm1,l no more than Cleveland in 1832 wben be
f U.,,.1. :i... evoiveu a nine piauorin or nis own
t i. i i- i
laimre u mn ueou rrairueu bvbu ,IflDri Wattersou is supporting tbe
in Boston or New York. Goose democratic ticket down in Kentucky, so
sauce is gander Bauco alwayB. 1)8 y bat it takes a good deal of
Baker Citv Blade mourn work mid long editorials to make
J 11... 1. .1 !.L II I... t ' 1
iuh peopio iiiidk mat iienri is real
active with his Courier Jonrnul for
A. II. V. SNYDEII H paper, the Hardin. It will end in tbe eleotion of
Valley Transcript, is an out and J"B Bradley, so say republicans who
nnt If orniftnn n,.,.r onl"" ' now' "nu "nmB aemoorMB loo.
blame fur it, for Kentucky is surely
Rpvimn Rnnnrii l.na ,r.n 1,ia aemooratio UDless the tariff issue baa
. . ... ., t made a great many cbauges.
suit to Hcttlo the title of some
l.--t1-C. lll- I 11
vaiuauie wauie rpai eKiaie. n,.it,.n ha. .n . i.tti. ,,,,., in.i
causes and great many gold bngs are
The man who drinks too much h.'""? CBpi!H' ' ,he
t I f..i i -..... i ".. .",
uinj mi. unmiwiwiui m iti ""H but they studiously ignore the faot that
bo IS contiuually getting a head. silver made a strong advanoe earlier in
the season. They also igtiore the fart
The democrats of Kansas will ,h" iU"tuh 1C",'"P V" u"" mor,h
1 M .l.illu' m iiiii ....I.I ftl.t, t Aaisaa
old no conv.Mition thm year to rif,(, f(ir (t ,mly ,)U)i U1(
nomiuato a candidato for jiiHtico of wmt it ought if full bunetalliMiu was in
tUO supreme colllt. Tugue. i I 1 lias appreciateJ on
liiiiiilrccl (ler cent, and dt bta have be
In In.t .. Ii.f.l I.. n. .a !..
T.. it..: ... U 1 .. ' "
iiir. vui-ii "-ui K"i v. ry , ,m,, T,, , . j,,. .. ..
M ...... .... . . 1 " '
lino HliiHtrHtf.l ivlitiuii til tlie iiiH whiiming Hutan around tbe siuniD to
Uti n county fair. The Scout in oall attf nti m from the real gist of the
an cxceodtngly Hyp journal. t-ue won't blind tbe voters. "OoinV
U4ure, year lu ami year out, win oold
WHter, anJ even the great Iloawell (1
TllE neod of uui'Mndont fri'el Horr bd to, or did, admit it
ilvi-r coinagp lv tho Uuitod Statpa
is apparent. Without it tlnro can
be no parity pxorpt roinpHritii
gull miUi gold. All othor tiling
are at a dirn'ouiit
We have reoeived a oopy of a nniqne
publication oalled H M. (ireen & Co.'s
History of Grain and tbe Grain Trade
of the World." It is printed in eolots
and illustrated with a picture some
6,000 years old, from the tombs of
Thebes, representing the ancient
Egyptians elevating their wheat into
granaries. There is also a threshing
song in hieroglyphics, with the trans
lation of eecb charaoter. The bock
covers tbe prehistoric chapter of tbe
subject. Egyptian, Chaldean, Ascyran,
Babylonian, Persian, Indian, Chinese,
Phoenician and Carthagenian historians
are quoted. There is a very rare de
scription of land oaravans and sea
caravans Tbe history of wheat in
Greeoe, Rome, Antioch, and among tbe
Soynthinns, Celts, Gauls, Germans,
Goths, Soots, Britons, Irish, Afrioans,
Mound Builders, Peruvians, and
Amerioan Indiars, finishes the first part,
or Ancient History of Grain. Tbe part
called Modern HiBtory deals with
Venice, tbe Arabs, carrying of wheat to
the New World, the Philippines, the
Dutoh, Antwerp, and the great modern
European and Amerioan cities. There
is an iodex covering all the matters
contained in the book. It is the pub
lishers' desire to present a oopy of the
work to every miller, grain dealer end
interested party in tbe United States,
and all such wishing a free oopy should
address H. M. Greene & Co., Kialto
Building, Cbioago 111. The Liverpool
Corn Trade News has spoken of this
book with admiration, and it bus also
reoeived abundant testimonies to its
merits from such crop experts as S.T. K.
Prime and the Secretary of Agriculture,
It reflects great credit on thointelligence
of its authors, and tbe grain trade in
general will feel no uncertain pride in
receiving from its own ranks n work
whioh is at once commercially brief,
and is not the less notable for its
Always on top with the best of everything
in his line.
can, without dcubt, t;o cure ! in its early stages. It is a
battle from the start, but with the right kind of weapons
properly ued it can be overcome and the insidious foe
vanquished. Hope, courage, proper exercise, will
power, and the regular and continuous use of the best
nourishing iood-nicdicine in existence
the wasting can be arrested, the lungs healed, the
u i ,. .1:1.. : .. i i ii. i t I
wuKu tiutu, uuuuy cneicb irneweu ana me pnysicai ga-jfaj order8 promptly attended to.
jjuwtio inuuu ij a-.;ii, urcmtci cs ciuu Kin me germs
that are beginning to find lodgment in the lungs.
This renowned preparation, that has no doubt cured
hundreds of thousands of incipient cases of Comsump
tion, is simply Cod-liver Oil emulsified and made
palatable and easy of assimilation, combined with the
Hypophosphitc-', 'the great bone, brain and nerve tonic.
bcott & liowne. New York. All Druggists. 50c. and Si. l If,
Finest Wines and Liquors for medicinal use. The purest of Drugs.
Seventh Annual Fair
There oan be no pleasure or happi
ness for persons whose liver or kidneys
are unhealthy. Tb'y are weak, sn k
and irritable, and find it burdentKima to
perform work of any kind. What they
need is a thorough treatment with I)r,
J. II. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm.
This remedy is recognized by many of
tbe best medical authorities as without
a peer for the oure of disasns of the
kidneys or liver. It rapidly drives out
diseased conditions, restores health and
strength, vigor and cheerful spirit.
Price $1.00 per bottle.
Still on Top !
A re still on icp at the old stand
where they are dealing out ....
-At Lightning Kate.
A.nOAINS IN EVERYTHING ! Gents' Furnishing Goods, Quilts and Blankets.
Canned (inoils, In net we are offering bargains in every line of goods carried by
our large establishment.
Call and See Us Before Laying in Your
Winter Supplies.
The l,dlc' Home Journal Invent.
What ia generally oonceded in Phila
delphia to be one ot tbe roost desirable
building sites in the city has 'just been
purobased by The Ladies' Iloine.Tonrnal.
The property is located at Sixth and
Walnut streets, which means that It
fronts on two of the most beautiful
squares in Philadelphia, the famous
Independence Hquare on the eaxt and
Washington Piiuare on the south. The
land acquired includes five pro;rrtie.
On May 1st, liext, the houses thereon
will hs lorn down to make room furs
building ousting 2.1'),0(K), to be solely
owued and exclusively oeoupied by the
Journal. The building will require two
years in its construction.
Embracing the Counties of Wasco, Sherman,
Gilliam, Crook, Morrow and Umatilla,
Commencing Tuesday, October '8th, 1895,
31,500 appropriated by the State for Agricultural, Stock, Meohanical Exhib
its, Works of Art and Fanoy Work.
$2,000 given in purses for Trials of Speed
for Premium List Bnd Entry Blanks.
J. O. MACK, Secretary.
Write or oall on the Secretary
A. 8. MAC ALLISTER, President.
F Mr. Columbus were alive to
day and called at Mat Lichten-
thal's he might make a new discov
ery quite as memorable as that of
1492. Chris was a great discoverer
in his day. He would at this time
discover the finest stock of Shoes
ever shown in Heppner, and the
cheapest as well. Vhat more does
mortal man want ?
The Old, Original Shoe Merchant,
Mala Street, Ueppner, Oregon.
Custom Work a Specialty.
Mr. O. O. Strong, principal of the
publio schools at Anderson, Cut., sas:
I have used Chaiulwrlaiii a Phiu Kulm
and have found tt nn excellent remedy
or lameness end slight wounds.
IxiueneMK umiHlly rsnlt iron) a
sprain, or other inj uy, or from ihennin-
mm, for which Chamberlains ram
ll.il ui te eiieeiMlly intended him! un
equalled. It hffirds utmost iinieili itr
reli.f niil lu a short tune ilT'iv a
P' rinanei.t onre. tor a ile by .SlnO'im-
Johiiiou Prug Co.
t'u. IIaumn, tlin democratic
ramliilntn (or pM nmr ilin in
Kfiitiit ky, Iihh di li.'.l tho 1'ilitU f
tin 'iicki'l tHMivi tition which do
clateil fir ("lrvcluiiiniii, atnl tniils
for free nilvi-r.
Jt'nr no tlio Kuthnritioit from
one end of tin country to tin other
r imitit; every i lT tt to etop rio
filitim;. Tim IiiIIa4 fiht ie
olT, ao fur n (hit tin i-t roticcrn
rd, iitnl it ia Hot Ltioatl wlicrrt tin
conioataliti lll lilit lioa).
The latent Is "gnvernmrtit ot a eyndi
flute, by a syndioata and (or syudi
A 11 piiner Ixiy with bis "Ta" down at
Portland rtiquirej aa In what groat io
a Iwf greii. Tha old man applied
.nne morn nni1v ice and tnid I.
Mlrvr-J It wa ' Ilie brad."
Xri 4 Nrrt
!-rrilM't the condttiont of tlintleaDila
i't (x-ople at Him eon. Ttiy ba no
aplwiite, e inn.it elp, and oomplain of
(be ptixtmltiig tffvtii( warntor wratber.
This P'Uidili.ui may he rrinnlinl by
iliMi.l'a t4arNrill, aliieb vrmtrs an
i tile ti I tinr np all lh orvana. I
giVrag Mtd tma!i by tuakiug the bluml
ll'M.t'e I'lll are Did l-t after , I nnrr
ii to, mii .! ihu, pure bradiM't t.
Panu Kti rnoioxe -Fir tbe tb
in lndntril KtiMiiliiin hirb nprnrd
at I'oilUnd on tbe t't lli.l, lb O. R A
S. will make raie from 1 1 'print and
felUfO at II M Tli rts a ill Im J ut iv
fa'een lb lltlh teat, anil lb limit ts
ritrn ll .t hun.Ur, (K I I lib. Iluw-
eter, on every I'qMday during ibe Ki
itina, t ifio i ti nek"' I" l'' l'n. and
irima )i'l l Id at f I'M (r lb maud
l'i, IhpIh.Iii g tit tirkrta i f adiuiMion
t.i lli I liiiii . tin ll eieiirtiua i(
the llUb H t , ! Ihk-iai'f a.tiutMO
' "" .ar iti. l i Ud. 1blimiltf lima Is the
iTarirC ttn tu-nk ili-rUrkttoi.fi 'ft II Tu-Iy fieiitau.ee m f.f
. the il i. iiii..s . ( It, 1-Uh.
Hon. JtmUH I'ATrriiHOX.of Ton
t)i-ei, ilcniorrnt nl member of
fotn;r'a, declirra that I'rt'aidnut
(irover l'lee!iii,, liki tin pro.
j lieta of o'.l, ia in-jii".L Moat
ever, hi tK-nUcta to iit out that
moat of Mr. Clfti-Uiura rwiit in
apiratiotia aw mi toliavM uriinatisl
with tliit Uiil tilit-ftt. St
Uiuia Mar Sa)!!),;.
500 HEAD
Ilie lli piier Sueed Ahkoclation have deoided to give a Race Meeting at
7 Vj
The eeml annual rnnvetit-'oii of tha
Murrow Co Mntiday H'h'Md A'eili"n
ill 0'itivetie at lletiier, Thute lat, (f t.
10, and IX The an erin ten JhMm and
two delegates are eiproti d fmru each
Sunday aehixil in the omnity. An inter
ealing program will Im prepared, and
evwrjlMidy i invite,! to attend.
7' 8. J J. Aiki. Pres.
Pmf. J. I. Uroao ruovwl np from
Leimgtiin Thnradav laai lnt the pro.
nerly ttxhingtug lo I'll a Q I u I, f irmer
y oneiiitiK I tiy Kmil V inilt.
Address J. 15. SMITH,
Pilot Rock, UtnatilUi Co., Oregon,
Yon Should Ppp
For a "big feed" when you come to
Heppner and stop at the
S 8 2 5 IN PU USES ! S 8 2 5 Popular Prices ! Comfortable Rooms !
IMrn. Xotn Urndloy, Prop.
ay, Oct 22
.And rriMtlnu: Flvo Dnyss
Hare t guartf r full dash.
Puree, lion. Rare I. Thrr
ruree, ITJOn. Bar 4,1
b rr rnrrA
I l l A. M IWf IC I
fll!T In V - tlnre I. IUII mile iU.li, Irr for alt. Puree, I1W.
(re luf nil I'urae f I l.
H'liMi inv 1 One llmiiMi l yarila, lre for all.
fMtfhih au. (,'h mi, irw hr all. I ui an).
Hill i IMY - !. " . Hall mile .U.'i. fre lr a'l twivyear Ma.
Mall tulle ilaOi, nf u.l. lie a. ! ft laiittula ri h. I'utM, I 'liM.
fol H 1 1 V Ha. e 7 He eisMtn rt.h. Ire l..r alt. Puf. :aa. R.r.f. nnl1tnn't
r.wUi,.r ra r l.i i art, lt.iitM(. in ti.n In ilri. ball mile hrala heal I In i fur, l-. Ka-
. III. II lr h,l tulle, Itav III all alllali'il r. Meilal aliie1 al .'''l.
HH II IH V - Il4, e in. i latl. r mile .la.h, 0 L rtaaa. I'ura. l'.0O. Thouaanal
arUai.. raal. I'ntae, I .1.
tiiMIII A a 1 1.. raiea III I- (meniM l.y Ih ntlea nt II. a pa-lfle BloM Iter Aaanrla
iimm t ttirani e liv in all ra- a lit tr 1 vnl nl aintMinl nt piirae. Sta or fnnr o anlr, lhre to
.'atl 'i , 11. .1 .iir .i.iii. ifl.rti teil Wil llh St rtnle aittrtra, lha Niart haalha
t.iwrt r. )'!. . tl.f am .iit.Unl ihe .ura.a aa lit Iheir utfmetil aeema tr-far. lite 4 1 rr. lure
f .-ttr ne M.'iil l.t imi. l. , ir ant aMl all rai-.-a .111 .v-.tiinl ,l iM'letnt, aeilner. hn rarc
iril "H a li Im. i. 11 I.. 1 ten lal rn.f ! K a ila)illultl l. ilie .liir. tor I'uraraaill
1... .11, 11. . I 1-1 !, (if. 1 imiv i t 1 nil .i am .iiiI. All anirira lo rliaat bj a il a. p. m.,
11 Ilie rriin( .t.t,-lca I he f.e.
$3oo Held in Reserve fcr Special Races.
h Urn H
I un1r manarrtnenl o rhrla kerrhrn aha la eaa
diiriiut 11 in a airtrllf llrel i laaa aiannrr.
An armeaMa tataltr M KrirTf ToM.
r'wl 1 T I'nitrwa or art t I r at L lsnt
autl lltwivf w tare, fantrha IrMb
If A ilf I'laniwiimrxti
AU IlVIMttiiribali4irTauU,M.
f. if h I II l'-, n .
tiaa saaii awaik ( ava a aa aaa aV
T. W. AYf lH. J' Xeeretary.
V.. I. Ma'l rf, P - Metr H (1.
.rrel .fa.
OEO. CON.HEIt, Preetdenl.
Hp-rry, 0v Ilarnegtoo, Ots ralierMa,
He has also re-opened the Hotel Bar
where the Finest Liquors and Fresh,
est Cigars will constantly be kept.
IW Pre lUil.aao Pre nf all (iuaaia.
iif tl K'd IUi' i.fkl.ir that tuom-jr
it ji'eiitf, thromm .11 ciia nnj.lf
tif tliia frt'ulillO Irflla il Ix!Ct
it Wben rrt)tliiu is rn luc
ttv t) l rosier it v, tLi liartrats
)iel l Wiuuliful kit I all tli( liatutkl
CoUiIitioiia of tfal lal lily tttoat
feaa. inl.n at I a'llVi.'iei.l tulumn hi vata J .bna-n Ieg d
of liioiie) in TiUirh til barter ttk lrt.
No j lauail ! iuial.-a.lii g rgutaet.t
"It la li e auti n a t fine la lh
.ill" ia lil Mf. I'. M llarlman, if
Maf lam. Uteg it. eaanf Cln Ki lain'
liw, ('It- la and I' artt .fa lUmrd.
"W til ta.U tna . bale Ibia aaaatltiHI
m Irm lli fact Ibal fhaotitriy la l
tfal f.ajm aa ta'el a'oiia.l Iter
laal ainaBf aid II fit I. a I eef
d-uriaiiuif. kt.i i-i ti.-t-u i-ot .T vv'rr
Par la.
..i.ui. th- ,m ,.f nk. ; 'Sarfii
v . lafrfT-ef, Aiiiejtt), Knrfv. (4tr. J
M aMMk m
Mrairo INa keal falaaiU amf r lien I a.
aa4 IM ael Mm .W a) Kinn e
frt r-s M f Al - na turn a
tm eafa m i fM la. I Ikal
mx utio iorum:.
fwk-M .U -p. V I
ft ftJ m4 m9 aU ' d i
tm "4 ft l mt f aW Ka m-1 j
Unit 1. t r ft th M iw i h
Paw.ai i.Wmi mi nnkaa ia
l C ,fciaaitfcaaealaaaayil ai e-a Amm a
tm aW an 1 ia.wi a ana.i i l ."a a t
anajn al aa ai i.apaal, iMa a4 taa, aa .i 4 ."
hi M M r. al kaa aa !.. al
af 1 mi m at eW "IimmI " . a
aaa k af aw a m HI M a ? ml m - .
arl aa a aae 4 eeVai iKa I al aawa aw t
aaeaa-) aei le .' lanaa. fnv 1 a m
1 MtaaM am. i't saaltrei il
jomn wmnrumuN a en.,
1 1 tli Haf a4 aaata aaaf I ra(a iTjaaala,
Vaahlnjiai,n, c.
oValf alMavMi
aaaaaa i 4AJS
m ux have
"There it a tide in the njjiilrs of mm
Thnt, if taken nt ilt1of1, hitds un to fortune."
TL (lonj ia n-r fttxl k ia
With full tto of
Iliutlwnii'. Tlnwniv. niaeewmr, Orrxkorv. Wootl
nnl WtUowwnii'.Cnlui'TiitiH at IkHlrot'k 1'riooM.
OF fini-:
Spanish Merino Bucks
Win. Dutton's U.uu h, one and onc-h.ilf miles
Iklnv licppiur, on Oct. 1st, 1003.
WM. DUTTON, Agent.
I. iv
TV nt a ia
th.r tvn t i ih aibl.
Th only I.irluaiv. Itar U ar St..rn 1 d r, Q 1 L Dalii an 1 iVodlctoa
GILLIAM A- Ii IS 13 1010,
.,., H'l J'tllT, a a a OPfO.
Its U Insliluls
For tho Cur o.
Lunr. Opium ul Tobacco Ihbhs
t It baralH al fa). at. 0a( r,,
TM A.arf tUtifml Ttrefk pa) Ik, (W
Cal al (ti.lTt fc aarwrai-ftia
a-. ',f v letuai, T rraiawml fei' a aa4 rr
AH t-tiai rm allati ta. M it. k t r' " aall.fil
fbaaarl. ,S "la' a I'aMaf ai4 l'4.t.ae-Va
ill1'!!!! I'lllll'lll I
Plenty of them at tho
Gazette Olfico. . . .