Portland Library gi it iiitiitii in i tv ill 14 wi Mil i miii n u m Mrtnra I S i . x am, psM'iti.H mi im.iiiiiiii.ii mm n i I OFFICIAL ; FREQUENT AND CONSTANT I : Advertising brought me all IS ? own. A. T. Stewart. I I MY SUCCESS 9 9 X e i Is owing to my liberality in ad-E vertis;ng Robert Bonner. i I Edatnj i in 1 1 i i i i i i t i t in i i i i i in i t t t in i ii i i i i C:HIIHtli:l)i THIRTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1895. WEEKLY rIO. 6! I SEMI-WEEKLY NO, S77 PAPER SEM I WEEKLY GAZETTE. PC BUSH Bu Tuesdays and Fridays BY THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON, A. W. PATTERSON. . Editor Business Manager At $3.50 per year, 1.25 fur six months, 75 ate. tor three inomns. Aduertis ng Rates Made Known on Appl cation. r"pH18 PAPER ib kept on tile at E. ( Doka'e L Advertising Agency, Hi and 65 Marchnnra ExehangH, Ban Francisco, California, where coo raoto for advertisiiig can be made for it. 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. No. 9, mixed, leaves Heppnor 1 :45 p. m. dally except Sunday. Arrives at willows junction 4:15 d m. No. 10, mixed, loaves Willows Junction 6:30 S. m. Arrives at Heppner 9:00 p. m. daily except nn day. East bound, main line arrives at Willows Junction 3:;)0 a. m. West bound, main line, leaves v illows June tinn 12:0fi a. m. West bound Portland fast freluht with pns- scnire.r coach leaves mows Junction i: m p. m. and arrives at The Dalles at 9:00 p. m. Here passengers from the branch lay over till 3:1.) a. m. and take the faBt mall west bound which ar rives at Portland 7:25 a. m. The Dalles and Portland passenger leaves The Dalles dally at 1:45 d. in. and arrives -it Portland 6:00 p.m. Leaves Portland 8:00 a. m. daily and arrives at The Dalles 12:15 p. m. This connects with the east bound way freight with passenger coach which leaveB The Dalles aj 1:30 p. m., arriving at willows junction b:us p. m. 03TjFICX.A.Xj DISSCTOET. United States OBlclnl. Proni don 1 Grover Cleveland Vice-Prepldent Ad ai Stevenson Hnnntarc nf Hmt KichHrd 8. Olney Keomtary of Treasnry John O. CarlMe Secretary of Interior none omun Merireiiirv of Wiir Daniel B. Lamon Hwretary of Navy Hilary A. Herbert Postmaster-General William L. Wi son Attorney-General Jndson Harmon Beoreuiry of Agriculture J. Sterling Morton State of Oregon, rinoArnnr W. P. Lord Peoretaryof State H. It. Kincaid Treasurer , Phil. Metsehau Rnpt. Public Instruction . M Irwin Attorney General (!. M. MVman Senators J . W. McHridi I J. 11. Mitchell CongresBinen.... Printer.... I Hiner Hermann ( W. 11. ill. H. Han 0. K. Wol' ell Ellis ..W. H. Leeds U. H. Han ore, lverton Sixth Judicial District. niMinit Jk.Ica Rtwihen A. Lowe i roaecuuna Attornoy John H. Lawrt Morrow County Officials. . . . a. r - ' M - W- AmM joidi nenauir .......... n, ""T?" KoDrwmitative. J-H. lk"thhy I '.umti Jn.lua JllllllS keiltlll ' Commissioners J. H. Howard J M Itakar. Clerk .T.W.Morrow " Sheriff O. W. Hsmnitnn " Treasurer Frank (iilliam AdaMiair. J. f . Wil ttnmmf Geo. liOrd Wohool Bup't Anna llalsiger Coroner l.W.Ayera,. bkppmm Town omoebs, v,,,i Thos. Morgan f .. n V. Karnsworth. M Uohtanthal. Otis Patterson, T. W. Ayart.Jr., M. H. Horner, E. J. Blocum. Haoordar .-'.'J11 mk, rreamirac I'rwdsnd Marshal A. A. llobarta Frwinct Officer. Joatioeof the Peace K. I- rrealand ConaUl.le N. H. W hatetoti. Palled Mute I And Officra. THt DALLES, Ok. J. F.Moore iknrlatar A. & Huge lUoeivar LAOB4SUB, 0. H.F. Wilson fleMr i, II. Kobbine lUoivr J0 ICYGLES Are the Highest of all High Grades. Warranted superior to any Bicycle built In the world, regardless of price. Do not be Induced to pay more money for an Inferior 'wheel. Insist on having the Waverley. Built and guaranteed by the Indiana Bicycle Co., a million dollar concern, whOBe bond is as good as gold. 211b. SCORCHER $85. 221b. LADIES' $75. Catalogue free. INDIANA BICYCLE CO., HOMER H. HALLOCK, Indian AP0I.I8, Ind U. 8. A. Gen. Agent for Eastern Oregon, Pendleton, Or. O I IV1 IVI U N o v. 1 mm to i The U.S. GOVERNMENT I 1 PAYING MILLIONS 1 A MONTH . To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their W Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars on whom you depended for support ? THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes it to vou and is willinc and Anxious to pay. Why not present fi your claim at this present time ? Your pension dates from the 2 time you apply. Now Is the accepted hour. uv rWrite for laws and complete information ft No Charge for advice. No Fee unless successful. The Press Claims Company PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager, 618 F Street, WASHINGTON, D. C. Jf. J. This Company It controlled by nearly one Ihoutand leading newt- piperi in the United Statu, and it tniaranteed by them, KAWUS8 POST, NO. IL (i. A. K. Mu at Lxingu, (rM tha hat KatnrUy of -iwh month. All marana ara InviUvl tn Hn. II- C. !!". w- Hwitm. AdiQtanf, tf Uxninaoilw, L U MB j5 R ! tf TI R4VK FOR HAI.lt ALL K1NIH Of I N Y drrHl UimtMir, W milMol ilcrptwr, at what Is inowa aa the OOOTT BAWMIIjU rix x.m FEIT. BOVUH, " " CUAft, I too - IT 68 ft MCMVCRirn l HrpPKKR, WILL ADD A a bi pr l.mi M syiiiunnai. Th tbor qttniailons ara strlrtlr for Cash. L HAMILTON. Prop. W o! Mw. mn. rmAP. to. k mnop. frM4al. Cash If. TRANSACTS A 6ESER 11 BANKING BCSINCS COIiLKOTIONH Ml nn Fa"ril Tarma. EXCHANGE BOUGHT 4 SOLD HEITSr.K. tf OHr.(M)N -A FACTS I A MK :; K-S FACTS ! ! I K OV CAN BI'Y fi'i.00 worth of dry goods and grwerlea and then have 1 1 J enoiiKh left out of IKiO.ni) to purchase No. 1 Crescent Bicycle. This It ,! a fl nit class machine. Why then pay lino.no for a bicycle that will five J i no better ae rvlce ? ,( i CRESCKNT "Hcorcher," welisht pounds, only I'M. L.ls' and Genls' roaililsrt all the way from '0 lo 7V '' "Boys' Junior," only $n with pneumatic tiro food machine. " "hir fpeclal," Mcn'l I ; Ladlpa. '. WESTERN WHE L WORKS, CHICAGO AND NEW YORK, THE PtTTERSON TLB. OK, A jfa Heppner, Owf.m. f" MORROW AND GRANT Vm rIE INTER OCEAN -l Tn it- MOSt Popular Republican Newspaper of tue West And Has the Largest Circulation. (DAILY (without Sunday) $6.00 per ft DAILY (with Sunday) 8.oo per year BT MAIL Tltf weekly inter ucean j.op At A MWrAM Tftft mil IKT.AS kaa okeaMl a4 Iks IImms la all amoi N far aisiwf m'" a" tr aia ALL Trill M. ASU TMti ft LIT (M UVMLMI UTIHAUKL. g 15s K 15 IS . l (, , tlH nta I I 7 '- v t,aii4 p. t , m mil, a- - ijui fitt, 1 1 w HIIII,(iMlfak ' a.j. ml urtt E TIlTOt'ClllCMOC0.3 tZ fcrw T m Ii it Uy. Or" INTEREST TO FRUITGROWERS. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Liver Regulator, the "Kmo of Liver Medicines?" Everybody needs take a liver remeay. it is a Biuggish or diseased liver that impairs digestion and causes constipation, when the waste that should be carried off remains in the bodv and poisons the whole system. That dull, heavy feeling is due to a torpid liver, umousness, Heactacne, Malaria and indigestion are all liver diseases. Keep the liver active by an occasional dose of Simmons Liver Reg ulator and you'll get no ot these trou bles, and give tone to the whole sya tem. For a laxative Simmons Liver Regulator is better than Pills. It does not gripe, nor weaken, but greatly refreshes and strengthens. livery imclca.c: has the Jiod Z stamp 011 tho wrapper. J. 11. Zeiliu & Co., Philaclcliiliia. f an H.By U Tin: Lancashire Insurance Co. 0 MANcmtMrKMi atwoi.ANia SUMMONS. Editor Gazette: Sioce my yonng orchord oommenoed bpariDg Bnd I have had fruit to sell, peop'e have "acted" as thoueh they oould not get enough, aud keep askiog it I have more peaches, penrs. orabspples or apples to sell. Lately our friends seem quite anxiom to know what I am doing with those big apples, so I send you the following letter to publish entire it you wish, The letter reads: Obroon Indi'striaii Exposition. ) Portland, Oregon, Sept. 24. 1895. f Mr. C. N. Peck, Lexington, Oregon: Dbab Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your conimnoloatioo of the 23d nipt., together with one large box tilled with apples, aud one boihII box ootitaitiiug the largest Hod finest looking apple that I ever seen iu my life. I bud these apples put io cold atrirnge at once bo that they would be io good condition for the openiog of the Exposition . I will assure you that allot these apples will be given a prominent place in the exhibit. I regret, very much, that more trait was not sent from Morrow county, but hope that before the opening of the imposition we may receive large quantt-1 ties. The people in Portland and else where in Oregon do not thoroughly real ize the fact that suoh fine fruit can be grown 10 yonr ooonty and we are anxious to educate them on this point. The few which yon have sent are of an extra quality and I greatly appreciate your kindness in this matter. I en 0 lose you shipping tags, and it yon or.; send os more fruit, kindly pack it as yon have packed these apples, and send it to us by freight. Packages are carried by the railroad company for the Ex position free of charge. You oertainly would obtain the pre DIGEST OF LAND AND V IN1NO DECISIONS. Furnished by W. D. Harlan, land and mining attorney, Washington, D. C. COAL. Au application by an agent of an asso ciation to file a coal declaratory state ment must be made in the manner pro vided by the departmental regulations, Great Shuswap, says the Vancouver and show what improvements have been World, was five hundred and fifty-five - 4. ; ;i .... U ........ .1 made, and the qualifications of the per DANGEROUS LAKES. Mysterious Submarine Currents In Soma of the Northern Waters. Little Shuswap lake is stated to have a flat bottom, with a depth varying from fift3r-eight to seventy-four feet, measured from the mean high water mark. The deepest water found lu the sons composing the association. AGRICULTURAL AND PRACTICE. A contestant who, pending his con test, purchases a relinquishment of homestead entry and files the same, does not thereby acquire the status ot a suc cessful contestant; and the right of a the northwest corner of this lake, at a settler who is then residing on the land depth of one thousand one hundred will take effect at oooe on the filing of and eighteen feet, the purpose ot ue t. .: ... 1. i .... st'ientilie explorers was defeated by the 1 greatly appreciate vour courtesy and IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUN- miuni for this large apple, if premiums ty0' M,orrow-state ' OreBn- werB givtti, but owing to our small r. r. ybiiu 'f,ajtlff I amount of money, we will not grant pre vs. ' minms, medals nor awards for anything ii. ii. ancieave, To t. h v.noiv.' . Defendant. kindness in tliia matter. In the name of the State of Orpgen, you are Yours very truly, hereby requited to appear and answer the emn-1 jj g Paoue u-ruii iiieu against, yuu 111 me auuvc eiiuuvu 1 , y-, . . . u, ... a suit within ten davs from the date of the service Chairman of Committee on State and of this summons upon you, if served within I County Exhibits. O' this state, then within twenty days from the Now Mr. Editor, if any of our Morrow umu 1,1 me service ui una Buiiiimnis uj.uii yuu , i . j J and if served upon you bv publlcatCm or by oonnty neighbors have nice fruit, and a personal servieo wl'hout the State of Oregon, UBpeel8ly if they olaim it to be Very ()( then you are required to appear and answer 011 . ' or before the first day of the next regular term nice, let tliem trot It out, and if not fruit, of said court, to.wlt: On or before the lirst Mini- . ,, ,1.1.1 day lu March. WW. And i'i case you fall to so then some vegetables, or any wheat that answer, for want thereof the plaintiir will take d ies erv well here, and if not wheat. a (lwrpp nirRlnKt vnu Inr the niMillllTlon nl IMP I ' ' ' marrtsfte iioiius now existing between you ami 1 tnpn any other Kind ot gram, and It Dot minor child born as the fruit of said marriage, that, then tome hops, Bnd If we Can't to-wit: R. A. Vaiicleave; and for such further u.-. ik . t,;..t, n. . , ai,an decree as the court may deem Just. " - f - ""k 1 111s summons is puiiimnea ny orner 01 tne 1 win tue wool on, SO IDHl Morrow county Ulstrlct of the State' of Oregon, dated September I will not look so "lean, lank, gone and 00- 6th. 1J. anr-onnt likn " Fnidoand T axml aoma Attornev lor 1'lalnti I. I Lipping lags, referred to tn Air. I'ague 74-wi. feet, about six miles northward from Cinnemousun narrows, in Seymour arm, though the whole lake is notably deep. Adams lake, however, exceeds either of the Shuswaps, as its average depth for twenty miles is upward of one thousand one Hundred leet, ana at one point a depth of one thousand niiiB hundred feet was recorded. In scientific explorers was presence of invsterious submarine cur rents, which played with the sounding Hue like some giaut fish aud prevented any measurement being taken. It is a complete mystery how the currents could have been created at this depth, aid scientific curiosity will, no doubt, impel either public or private enter prise to seud a second expedition to the scene this summer to endeavor to solve the riddle. As the height of the sur- the relinquishment and exclude the claim of the contestant. MINERAL. Looation of a raining claim excepts the land from subsequent withdrawal under the arid land aot of Ootober 2,1 1888. NEWSPAPERS AND MINERAL. The discretion vested in the register to designate a newspaper within which a f..e of .,.:' luke is one thousand three notice or application must be published hundred and eighty feet above the sea is subject to review and oontrol by the level its present bed is, therefore, only Oeneral Land OfDoe aud the Depart- one hundred and ninety feet above tne mi sea. although distant two hundred me"!. .' . . i J 11... miles from the nearest pan ot mo .......... n iv., ,n nnil Liu nsRociatea Catarrh Cannot be Cared " . ' , . , f ot the by local applications, aa the.v oaonot nloUntain lukes in the region are many reach the diseased portion of the ear. feet lower than the sea level. There is onlv one wav to cure deafness. and that is by constitutional remedies. GAMES IN THE AHCTIU Ktuiurta. LTm ucno in rounpu ut au iiiuiiurju uuu' 1 . .Htinn nf mnnnn. li.,lD ,,f Ik. " " Eustachian Tube. When this tubs gets iufUmed you have a rnnning sound or mi . . ... oRERirr m balk, ..-.- I ittr, and if Buyobe Iims artirleg of merit BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION 1KSUED 'o exniuit, lei tnem put on one 01 inese out ol the Honorable Circuit Court of the , ,1.- ri;i ,h .u:i..h H'ate of Oreuon. lor the Counlv of Morrow, on " the Jd day ol October, 1, In favor of E. 1). agent and it will go free of charge. I do koou. I'lniniiii. and against Aiiren iiiHiiuiie, 1 . . , Kinma A. Poolltlle and t:ollin A McKarland, I ui earn i'i '(mini niiirrow iiuuiny 111 unr Defendants, for theaoin of Two Hundred and 1 tiosalaar hut hi lif vn a lilllo i lTirl in ex Five flJi,', Hill Hollars with Interest thereon from l,p,"r. "m liee IHUtt HI in in H the 17th day of Auanst, Ih'.h, at the rato of ten I hlliits of dim kind would give IIS the per cent tier aiiiiiiin and Twenty Hollars atlor- , ney's fees and the further sum of Sixteen and puhlio Oiedlt our County's product are jo ioo Hollars eosls, and accriilug e.wts. .,iii,i ,,. ,i ilui , ,l, I have levied iiihiii and wl 1 sell at Pill.llr I ' anetiou to the highest bidder on Saturday, Hie I sources of lilir favored loonlities. My 1 .mi ... ...... . , . ...... ... . . .... ... , . . . . , , , sld day. at the emir I houe diior In lleiiiiiier. I "'"J rrrry in umi 1 mil inn "run nun Morrow County, Oregon, all the right, title, and .:, ... u...... .i ... ....! .. Ill.,r...l wtil.t, the .aid Alfred laadlllle. Kinma 1 " '"r -.r,,-,ni A. HHilltlle and t'liilltl A .Merarland. Hi'lfii- I nor rili..ns havH Inlil run tlivv anw milh I . .. 1 I .... ..,, . f... ka 1.i .1... ..I ....(.....I...B I ' iKi.i, In or to the lolloainit desrrilied i.reuil.rs, ing as iiico ni i-aiem. rrorn mr. i ague a lo wlt i..,,. . - .1 1.1 ....! 1... Niirihea.t 'Jiiarlerof Kertlon NinotiH-n ll'M n " r..w..Hi r.ru Iu Township Three Cljaoulh, of Kang. Twenty- mmipetipg With I hilt frtVorwl Mction, I live Ka.t, W. M., In Morrow County, Oregon. I " Terms of sale, ra.h In hand, the priv eeM. to I 1 US alley. lie piiiira to ihe satisiarilun ol sain iiingniviii, Istlorney s fees, costs and all costs that may ai-rnie Ihited at llrppner, Mormw County, Oreaon, tins aecona uay 01 ln oiiM-r, !' li. . HAKKINtlTON. ai Hherlrr of Mnrniw Comity, Oregon. aonal Knjiiyinent. In the matter of amusements the Es- iBrfoi.t liaarinif and when if la entiralv nuimaux are not badlyoiT. Tlieyhave a olesed deafness is the result, and nulesa form of cup and ball, the ball being a the iiitUmmation can be taken out and block of Ivory with Holes at umeren this tube restored to its Dermal oon- angles, iuto one of which the players dition, hearing will be destroyed forever; strive to insert an Ivory peg as the block j nine oases out of ton B'e caused by fuiu, the position of the hole determin- onnrr, wmco is noiniog uui ma in-1 l.icr tl,e vu tie of the stmke. ttamed oondiiioo of the mneoiia.aurfaees. We will give one hnonred dollars for any rase of deafness (caused by catarrh) that oannot lie cured by Hall s Catarrh Cure. Hnd for circulars,, free. F. J. CUENEY & CO . Toledo, O. Cr"Sold by DriiggiHtt 7")C. Kepeol(iilly yours, C. N. PkCK. Livisutik, Ore., H(t 3d, 'K5. MIILKIFI H BALE. One night when Mr. Isaac lUt-ce was slopping with ma, ta)t M. K. Hatch, a nyvlrtueof an "w,l0.n 11"',,J .0",("' ."J prominent merchant nf Quarlermaater, Honorable Circuit Court ol the Mate ol lirrfnn, I r " lor the County of Murmw, tiniii a Judgineiil I W asliioglou, 1 liesnl Li 1 m groaning. 'Jo rrnirrn anil enii-rwi ill pi"i i-imri un inr I , ... , . ,,, tt t lblr.1 Haw ! Sri feml-r. In. In favor of l.n- going to Ills room I found liili) atlfTefing 'Inda Hairs. I'lalnllfl, and against J D. Kir. I from OrailiD CXillO, Ha Wat ID tiioh My. in ma Kirk and the Morrow ountjr lnd A ..., I I....J k. niil,l ilm I liaklil Tru.H ,n,-.i,y. a corporation, la-lrndaiila. for ""U ''Ta n",w" "', ., thasmn ol Twenty Ilia Hundred il-...i laillars gave lillll (Ida of l.liainlernii a Uillc, 'old I "In. wlih lutemt thereon Iroin Hie IHh, Cholera ni I hurt rl ill a Itemeily. lie day of M.reh. Iw... .1 lb. rata of leu per rent. i.lievecl nod lb. U,at word, ha i-r anotim. and Huiiomi aim amiMynvei ....... .. . rSlU.i Hollars aiton.e s t. and Iha further Ullefeil re, "what Wal thai atilfT 0U sum ..f Twi-nty thrfe and 'A l'i lt.1 T.S) lollrs tfa?a nier I ioforined htm. A fW days iz:?:::,:z?,:z''' " "...t ih. attack - ... m ..... - . ..... . I .. . II .11... ....... .1.1 . .1. t h day ol (a iolr, at 1 orlo a r. M., at I ami m aam u waa iirvnr viiuoui 111 11 lli mini hoiiw d.eir In Heppner. MorMW I rrmeilv now. I have llwd it in tnt klik and tba J..rro I oimly land At Iru.l Worill MIDI U-l I101 neanata IO repotu 1 ointHiny. iM-fen.m., had on oraifer tl third ineinl t . m? friends and ene'oiwra lay 01 N.-i,irmiMr. ivv in or to ina inudwii'i w .Mui.. k,.Hni fi.n.!. II North Hall of a-ion ThlrtTJli. lh Vorti,r.i iniarirr of iwiinn liilriy n and niilharal IjM.llrf of knlloti Taetity (Is, all In in. n.l,i, iitii. (I) annia, ol Kaiifa I anil jr. , I hI M t.-n.,... I aala, r. .Ii In hand, tha iaw1i Io ha B 1.' l.-l Io lh Mll.la Hon l.l .il l l.rliM'Ipal I on. Infemt attorn) a I't., rnta. aiol roais Another irame, saya the Pittsburgh Dispatch, elosely resembles dominoes. and contains pieces running as high aa 'double thirties," but the sequencea are not regularly carried out, the breaks in tnem seeming to be with out system. W lii.ii ),..! nn imrrnw or nurchase a Tariff Kaela nm U nf i nr.la tliev will nl.iv with con- For kpeakers and slndenta, or defenders huleruble akill, and they also enjoy document No. 9 (lfiO pages), has just draughta, having learned these games been Isnied by Tlia Amerioao I'r.iteotive from the whalers. J hey Have a game Tariff League. This is perhaps Ilia most exactly like solilaire wan uie excru- rslnahla document ever publiuhed Vh.s, i-b--"' this nrganiBHtion, and inolndaa fnll in- fc' ". UI,111M.I..rllt ,,f the women formation as to the elToct of threatened ( HM.,.j,.H ,,f -rat's cradle." which haa rrce.tr In and the present low tariff law. been brought to such perfection that Order by number only. Heut In any tin y develop from twenty to thirty dif- addreaa for leo t eiils. Address Wilbur f. rent IHrurea in it. Indeed, they ar extremely clever HI ja riormuig iricaa willi atnng. winding and twlaiing a niece in and out among their fingers, and then disentangling it by a aingU pull at one end. F. Wskeman. dan. HrO., W, Wi st 2U 8lreet, New York. Hkks' Hreat Work a Hv. Irl It. Hick, the rclabralel storm prophet, ut Ht. Imis, is now a household nam a iu nearly every homt in America. II. a wonderful A 1 111 an so prn- RKCAI'I rtl.ATIoN or AHr.aar.NT Th following is Iha s'ltnmary of Mor row roiltity aaaeasmenta aa toads by Mm ainiok. It.al Mil .rrrna iMird al IU, .t..,-r In Ihe !' and rouniy 1 Aaaesaof tills aforraalil this I Mb day of , o " 11 isi 1 Mien, 1:1 : aiinriff of Mnirow 1 oiintt. lor..n arras eiiiinair! iano utilrrtltrota land Notice ur micmion. 0.--1-1 .ami ' 1 1 . . 1 aa .s.,1 aillw l,,m fli Mitftwviil tO ) - n I. Oft Ult'l ttff flla.M iiM I U 9 t asu utr it n at inr iM tA. nnrMiH, I . a. .. . - ... I ITk I ava. IW..I I. sal li m a I . at t a ft I ti.al It.. Mlol.. named a.oi.r has Bit n JJ' ,',,,??.. k ll. ol M. li.l..H..n u, m.t. n...l ....l In s ... ' ,", " h..n of hiari.lm aud mat aald .t..f IH I- M u ''h " n.ada l-b.r. J W, Xorrow. 1 onnty !,. .1 u,,h,'"p k. , WII.IUM r SABirtT, im r n i...m..rH sv r.4 stAU,,,.,, I ad S f aw i, te I , k M l I !,.,. ,,l 111. The Weekly Inter Ocean AS A FAMILY PAPER IS NOT EXCELLED BY ANY. It ha. l.i.O.I. ai ImhhI I titt sawaaW mi Ik. tasail It M " IN a HI faul mi at tn. ti mi Ms kia4. I jO HtUimaav ItsUttl an aasj 1.4. II rH ITK Al I V IT l rMTll , N r.atVre Ik. kaw.i al k a-t Imtawiii m all k. MtitMi v-h. H ala fl. Ikaaa t Hk M Or IT IS A TWELV.PAOE PAPER. THft revrt ocr! w tnuHrti tt chicaoo, ti krt aw cHrtci, i.1 Ml M f All V of nil lUKilOM ( ,f AS. all l tt 1 1 1 1) ai.ieii 0 To ten, m rira ( inn nxrtUt Of IrtAf a-L41k" TNai A1 Hit a 1 At t Hi HAal. N k) la aa4 N Ik. issts mi IM wmtm M PmHH 4 I Hrlmr. tnmt eaawtajkM Ikat Ik. aaiaa mi Tk. tkaakly Ma Ota as OSI.V MMt OOt. UKkkk. A4.-. TfE IHTER OCEAN. Chime II. hintrt lh. ..ll..al'. sUn"" ' I 11,.,, l.,.i,l l,.,,,lt. ,.r 1,1. mnllmioiit lial. ul-n alii rulllialloa I ... .ir of aald land l I II...M and mul' J.n tarrnkkeel. Mi1 Fiat,. lol.o T 1 1 aula M' iiiaa, 4aiMa lh. a l i.l l.io. '..,, , -s.. I., ..i.. '." IO'. T1 ii;;i o w it. it, i t ll.i 4i ; i B, i in Vd kl a 7, 4 i ja.i. ;1 i a', IP 14 I- .,, (.. i I !'.' :. . " i S r. I . ( ?J . ... Id. .1 ., I I ist i.a , I ia Artltlrlal Snow. The 1'onuittr Kcienco Monthly tells a rurioiia liiatance of the formation of Br- tillclal anow. It wis witneaM-d in the liiii'n nf Arrin. Ill tVnnei.. finn tilirlil aims urn waainer mr a year ane, D...r. Uht wnl,.ri Br- ,ruVt out lu a correctly and aeouralely than any other lniu w,en the temperature was ten publication or any other system. The 1 degrees below the freezing lailnt. Tha tealiroouy of large numls r of careful water thrown upon the tire was In .,i... i. ii,. i (hi ,ii of iii-k.t atantly vaporUcd, and. rising Into tha predietiona ar, fulfille,! to Iha letl-r. 1,, M. His aerie i.fanonal aiiiiatiaea ara oiiw ,(rj(?)lt MnrIlt , , Mrot.g north. well and favorably known In all part or WP wjn, bbmino-, the whirling snow 1. . . . I . . ! Ihia P'Miiitry ami In fornign lamia. Ilia above aiol the raging fire la-low, a . ... .. . .. i . .1.,i... ... new almatian lor IKto IS III moal praOll- urunani aM vain- nm Vrn m rm-u. I ,, .1 oal and liisirucuva aa wen as ma tiretlieat of thit aplnodld teriea. Il coutaina Idil pages, ptlnled on On bo-k "THE paper, with covers elegantly printed io colore. Tha matter, although at iaotifln, ia wrilteu in popular alyla, Ihera bvlug noihii g difllmiltti umlnratan l aUmt il. Il la also finely IlluslraUd. Um't vm foand Una ailh aoliia pal en I luedmioa pamphlet. II ia noihing of Iht kind, hat i a flna txe k, which sella at all ! slaiols for Tin flu almanaa la given a a pruoinni I'i every yearly aubacrilir It Iha It-v. Irl It II ids' well known ami il'aeiyrdly popular paper, Word and Works Tlita ntil('l j Mirtial ia a p-fl'. ln-aiof ol Iha niaaaasi, and OWEN ELECTRICS BELT t Tra4 Mark-Or. A Osaaa j is f sal Imci tnii.g a l.ona.liol l gnr han A'ofci o Intention. t,tab Kin. I at l. s,f a ...'., Tleaiawbo Want t t kep "P wi'h tha a Ivanerd lli. i,l,l i f Iha aga in aeienea, dro.s alo all p'"p'ri, II ll'.Tll "."n r,,k,,.n fc m,,m., n'.mu.areial, ei. mp'lotia, ir,2.V.7j lo'el Ulslxa pi it.lrll. rtu.l and iloineelia aol.jaeta, ... . I v il yri ?. tllli.trf.r l.f iMllla .1.. ..I I ...la.il.. ... U'...,l ...,l U'...k av'ottr r la irrKIST .l nut inr i.n , i"ioisiniB s.MinusiKi"r noO'cr i.iioo niiir a tear. im van a I . . I' " j Si-HI ' a.,.,1 I U.H. dlr.el I., tt',,.,1 and W.rfka ! 'ilitiai.ltig ! , Ml. I"i a, M l Hih,U expire if ll'itl and Wok, JO eelita. fit hi. I"i itli.rf, r. I i S-il.t-.r! ..II. .. . . -. .-.11.1 m' I I ali' o.... tmln a J W V ,. ' I l"S al lt ("f, aa IV law. ,, nrwi Vltftrwa. M Ml f"f ih. ( aid k s'4 aw rt. Ti- I - k k w II II Ih f.til.i(f' WV"-www ajN - n-i ' On Iha faira Ihefa in eoMH.nally anrribg lil'l" aecid'fcla Ii ii.aa and br.l lb at Paoa. d av Ii ill faimer la A '"'' la)i talked f .f foqr boura ibiawoili. 11.. d'ali.. olil.i. delay ia in t I ,ry, who fell Ik liaelm g Lira. 11,4 i' piknl, fill .'I Olj pf.fea.loo' FOR MEN AND WOMEN 1l. lait and only arl.nllAe and pfai"tlel l.... il lull ni..i. I .r f-i.rr.l ua. p'o-l'irlna a rimli.a rorrai.t of Rl on 117, l"t Iha rura bt illwaaa, 1 1,. I rati I l"adil I'it and fit laid I. .01 ,ti.i,ii and .n,ndiiwll ..a ,f l-.'l i f l'.al--lf It r ai M aorq al ant lliuadiiiiig win sin boursof ,ap, at.4 WILL POSITIVELY CURB a. i i. i 1. iar Mllr. idlllltl WITHOUT MEDICINE lat Is tf Ulln( n... UaimOA f,d mI S r m Hilt I lltlll 1,1 'I lit 1.0 Ii.M ii ti.nr.iiiLITY l.k'll. IMIK M HUM Hlkl.Atti ' I II KIM at IK j 19 4 la1 m t 11 - ' " -' aa.lr.a a. I tA ll.i bMI. ko a r Wlla.iJ r ki ;'. .i-....,. tt il. .11 fad il i kit .Vi...,! n:i c. or 1 H't it., ra. t f nTTEA, iGDT irJlr.'JLlzilltr' al, fcloaa, l-e.k. l ra'ly al Hit jtrlga, an I sail; "Your b mnr, will follow !( etampU if ny i.nag frl.nd ho I lav For Sale. Iillvfiflhaat.il. Aa a tjniat and felia Ida r.rr.al? .rf ailn eki an l al.rai'd I ..f II.. Il-.b. I hare as kofia loll.f I' aa il. J II Urt'. VnlaanieOil I.ini- j nM.' l l aa .f..ta, 114 woMh hi maaf 1 ba J ial Boi-lia-l, akd S'lbnol ,a caa. 1 ! f..'ai.t a. I anre..,f., j a il i.nil a'gt,n..i,l " Tl.ali sal .'oan il-fita iV. U a . I fit .f U.l l, ! ,,. a,, e. waa lifga BJ H tdsaa If. - I". I. I .r, lil-l il. f Irtoifl't. f,...t-r f .Mila-I a. f d n. f ail I IMI a . I I rln .1 Tr-l lea. , in -i' 'f li"ft 'iota wa.a.ay l''t'lt-'.i " r. U,Im, Mul Ada I.L. a. a ho U a-t. a .' is -' I 'i -? i ...... Mi.aatf.n.M. I if il.a W at,'a. . rii l. ral.er easM'.g W li, ' Ul ' l -a -n I .. ' -4 , J,,,,,,!.... (.. t r l.. . (,f ft t'l Il.a liooaw r.f laka aaaribe k miU, lt ' s " t M'.lUl-, I..... un,.h.ii..lla..l. I Urw. Mary llotidarrHi. oO' t k".n riafiS hMll'i'l A- t . .1. i ii, . i- d .4 ettaa af ,i,,. t -...ska try la fca.U.f a4iiy . II i. I -i lia si-.. ,-i'.l man m ta4 ra"-maftd U.4 flu In .1 Ih I-,. I i a. 0" a. CUR URGE IliySTRAUDCmLCCUE t .,t.raf ,Hsl laffimsailnaj ftHit IkamtW a ! t l,M r, ai A.mJm a, SWt'aa. In I I. . I , .. 1-t, In I, n'l.k f.mn, Sa1t. ... S ,f.i... till. Pi.'a-t. l! i-awn.ll S , Mi . f .'. !. !h,Ct.itk:,i:: tt t viWnt Co. ka 'mm I S I H ' . 1 1 M t'a's UrasaJ, Cxi"., 'j. at. fmif lwk f"l t'aala laWa ,, a'4