Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 04, 1895, Image 4

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While 70a anep roar subscription paid np yen
Can keep your brand in free of charge.
AUyn. T. J., lone. Or. Horsea (Hi on left
shoulder; cattle same on left hip, under bit on
right ear, and upper bit on the left; range. Mor
row county.
Armstrong, J. C, Alpine, Or. T with bar un
der it on left shoulder of horses; cattle same
on left hip.
Allison, O. D., Eight Mile. Or. Cattle brand,
O D on left hip and horsos same brand on right
shoulder. Range, Eight Mile.
Adkins, J. J.i Heppner, Or. Horbes, .TA con
nentd on loft flank; cattle, same on loft hip.
Bainl, D. W. and sun. Horse? branded D B
on the left, hip; OR'tle the same on lft flunk,
crop off riglit ear, nndercrop in the left, ltange
in Morrow County.
Bartholamew, A. G., Alpine, Or. Horses
branded 7 E on either shoulder. Range in Mor
row countv
nannister, J. W., Hsrdman, Or. Cattle brand
ed B on left hip and thigh; split in each ear.
Brenner, Peter, (tooseberry Oregon Horses
branded PB on left shoulder. Cattle same on
right Bide. n n
Unrke, M 8t C, Long Creek. Or On cattle,
MAY oonnectod on left hip, ciopoff left ear, nn.
dor half crop off right. Horses, same brand on
letft shoulder. Range in Grant and Morrow
CBro8man, Jerry, Lena, Or Horses branded 1
on rinht shoulder; cattle B on the left side.
Left ear hnlf crop nd riijlit oar nnper slope.
Harbin, Wm.. Happner, Or. -Hornes, J Hon
right thigh; cattle, same on right hip; split in
each ear. .
Brown, Isa, Ijexington, Or. Horses IB on the
right stifle; cattle same on right hip; range, Mor
row ocmnty.
Brown, J. C, Heppner, Or. Horses, circle
C with dot in net tor on left hip; cattle, same.
Brown, W. J., Lena, Oregon. Horses W. bar
over It, on the left shoalder. Cattle same on left
'S'oyer, W. Q.. Heppner, Or. Horses, box
brand on right hip oattle, same, with split in
eanh ear. , .
Borg, P. 0., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left
shonlder, oattlo. same on left hip.
Brownies, W. J., Fni.Or Cattle. JB oonneoted
on left side; crop on left ear and two splits and
middle piece out out on right ear; on horses same
brand on the left thigh; Range in Fox valley,
Grant county,
Carsner Warren, Wagner, Or. Horses brand,
ed O on right stifle ; cattle (three barn) on
right ribs, crop and split in each ear. Range in
Grant and Morrow oonnties.
Cain.E., Caleb.Or. Y D on horses on loft stifle'
V with anarter circle over it, on left shoulder
and on left stifle on all colts under 5 years; on
left shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. All
range in Grant oonnty.
(late, Chas. H Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses
H C on right, shoulder; cuttle same on right hip.
Uiingo Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Corrigall, M M. Oallnway, Or Cattle crop out
of f.aoh ear and underlet, wattle in forehead;
horses half circle 0 on left stitle. Range Jlor.
ow and Umatilla counties.
Curl, T. H John Day, Or. Double cros on
each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit
in right ear, split in left ear. Range in Grant
county. On sheep, inverted A and spear point
on shoulder. Ear markou ewes, crop 011 loft ear
punched upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in
right and nnder half orop in left ear. All rangs
in Grant oonntv. . , , , .
Cook, A. J Lena,Or. Horses, DOon rightshonl
dor; Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark sijuare
crop off left and split in right.
Currin. R. Currinsviile, Or. -Horses, & on
lojt HtiHe. Hiinlman, Or. Caitlo, C with
E in center: horses. OK on left Sip,
Cochran, R. E., Monument, Grant to. Or.
Horses branded circle with bar beneath, on left
shoulder; oattlo same brand on both hips, mark
under slope hoth oars and dewlap.
Chapin, II.. Hardman. Or. Horses branded
O on riglit hip. Cattle branded the same. Also
brands CI on horses right thigh; ca'tlo bhsio
brand on right shouldur, nd cut oil end ol
" lllmglass, W. M . Galloway. Or.-Oattlo, H 1 on
right side, swallow-fork in each ear; horses, R I)
on left hip. , t j
Ely. Hnis., Donglas, Or. Horses branded ELY
on left shouhler, oattle same on lefthip. hole
in right ear.
Emery, 0. H.. Hsrdman, Or. Horses branded
') (reversed 0 with tail on left shoulder; cat.
tlesamu on right hill. Range in Morrow oonnty.
Klornnoa, L. A Hoi)ner, Or. Cattle, LE on
right hip; horses F with bar under on right
Florence, H. P. Heppner, Or Horses, K on
right shouldei; oatHo, Foil right hip or thigh.
Krench, Geirge, Heppner. Or. Cattlo bnindnd
WF with bar over it. on left side; crop olf left
ear.' Horses, same brand on lefl hip.
Gentry, Elmer, Kcho, Or. Horses brsnded It.
H. with a ipiarter circle ovir it, on left stifle.
Range in Morrow and Umatillaeoniities.
Hiatt A. II., Kidge, Or.-Cattlo. round-tip K
wilhinartr circle under it on the right hip,
lU'ivein Morrow and Ilinatillaconnlins.
Ilinton A .1 links, Hamilton, Or Caltln.twohirs
on either hip; crop In right ear and split in left.
Horses Jonrightlhlgh. Range in Hrnnt county
Hughes, Hamnnl, Wagner, Or CP F I,
connected) on riglit shouhler on homm; on nattla,
in right hip and on left side, swallow fork in
right ear and slit in loft- Range ill 1 1 ay "lack
.1, !, Miimt nonntv.
lisle, Milton, Wagner, Or. Horses branded
-O- (cattle with parallel tausi on ion ariiiiiiinir
Cattle same on lelt hip also large oirule on loft
Howard J L, Osllowsy. Or. Horses -f (cross
with Itir aliove IU on riant shoulder; caltlnsame
on loft side. Hang') in Morrow and Umatilla
coimliii .
Hall. Kdwin, John Dev. Or. CntlleK II on
right hip; hors s saneoii right shoulder. Range
In llrilllt Ihnillty.
Hughes, Mat, Heppner, Or. Horses aWlml
heart mi the left shoulder. Range Morrow Co,
Hunsaker, H A. Wan'inr Or. -Horses, on left
tlw il ler. emtio. W on left hip.
1 1 n utihr 'vs, J M Hsrdman, Or. Horses, II on
lef' Itaiik
H-iai.ni. Iin'her. Eight Mile. 'r. Morse II on
Die lefl shoulder an I heart on the lefl stills Cat.
J.. i ii 1 left Inn. liana n M irr.iw eonnlir
J.i'ies, II irrv, ll'ippi'r. Or Horses bran d I
It J o'i the l"fi ain.nlil.-r; cii'ili, braided J on
ri -hl lni. also unilerliit 111 left ear. Raiign in
Moin.w rou'itv.
Jutikiu, ri. M., Il"ppnr, Or -Horses, tienw
shoe J 011 lefl shoulder. Cattle, lha sains.
Range Mil,
J. thus .n. Kelli, I. "lis. Or. tlnfaaa. mmlaT on
laft s'lile; csiiln. same on right hip, under half
orop in ri-k' sod soht n lft sir
Kmnr. Milt", lUpimer, tlf.-H.iraas hra t t
KNY on la'i hip rati I. asm. and crop of! Uft
sr- under shew on the right
Kirk J T.. Il.pn"r, Or. -Horse nn left
aho'il lr; rattl. a on lef hip.
Kirk Jnaaa, Haponsr. Ot.i horse II on left
sL.eii jer. est lie aania on light side, nndsrlnl on
riif'it air,
kiimtrUnd.W.O.,Monnt Vrnon. r. 1 1. on
ra.nl... 11 rignt and I.f' sides, swallow fork in Ii ft
ear slid uteler ci mii in right ear. Ilorsea seins
bfsi.d 4.11 left shoulder, llniigs in Grant ctnufv.
Ififlmi, Hieptien, Pol, Or. -H L on left hip
nn os'lle. crop and split on right isf, llomt
ants lesnd on lefl should. Iltnss liranl
I,ie.,illn. John W., ,sla-. Hi II itm.
Iirsah-I Uiit -lfele J I. colinee--! oil ef l..il
ler I'sll le, MS 11'- on lef! Illll, I! 'Ills'. Dear l'l
1,1 ....
I.-,I,. , J w llnw nr nurses iirsn
I. s i I t "i !'! I. ' lld.
pltt n ia iri lri
bill, Wal'ls Off fight
lhr sins to r gM
Iir.1. tltg. ttpptisf ttf.- Ilorsss tiratidnt
fi'Mible II rxH.nifc'ii A,innttniM enlli-l s
. II nn le" h-Mil'lr
Ma'IS M . II-PI'""'. "' -I'sjtlU brSM.UI
nrcU on ght topi h..s siu on right slid.
Ili- 111 "I ' naiiiir
Mni if. o. sr, n.pii ff - t Vtle, M I) oa
rigiil lnni hiirs M shiml l w.
! w, I. N , HtMi!-r. tr.-llnfs. M)
un I-" i.mi.lw Mils se ns 'n wi in p
Mitch.ll. tf. !. 'r.-Hirsi, II B rtglil
,,.. , nilia II " rig'i' sols.
Mlii. I. t., lr.nsvills It?,' tl.11
Ci l.p s , -s.'h l..nl l- rMI, M i tola
M 4, nr. Kis'ih. f"l V.i'i, Hi U'ilol.11.
.Hi l.r... on ran la rd I n-i.l-r in
.Mr . h"' a1 l"n I n .'l sii'l.,
MII.Ui, . ., us .mill. IH-ln ,M
11 h t,lt .m ! m l l"'l li.ntl 1.11 I m(
f ,ir lts i.ri,al on tp on I'M tight si.U
Rhka ia !! I .Htil.
S -,1 , , . I,..,. U -kill II ims s t
l, iM ..s lii It . e-nls i ii .e ti ,
SoliSe.r , H,l,-fi.Mi 'f - H.sws, cm Is J i.s
1-1 'i,, -1. cs'il e tt h,;
1 iiiv-. J.M-i'H. I ii-mi 1 ill. ii s 1 on csiiir
n i-ll lop imi Im-, sns on Irfl Ihish, Itsnss
Is '. I
Hilar, I'afty, llO'S'iMl, tf - I UN Uft
,1 . M t
III!, llMmsn, I'laiita I il r. t'. a ra'lla II
.l" ...,.,- ll ,Mt fc-ft top, fc-iraas IMI lafl slitts
Mi, I asiila Ka Itsa in Mra'tl r.Hii.lv.
- , Ilt-. Mt la. III. It laa. ..la
lf , i, la l.i-l-l ih l-'l al..l I sn I 1 on t-if
,,,, I aula, t .i in I" aai "'il l,. k I H
I,. Uti 1.111 tlas-.ii I il M'.
I'S s lllin. Mai l e,IN.- II I'ii
i .i,..,( 1,
-,,,.., I , t. il. IW, H.ifal I.Ian I
.l I- r c . " a.-- I mi I'l li.ii.- 1 rilia
a 'ila .-a 11a' ! ll-a 1 ' 'l
I J II . I.-SI- IK It .la-a. 1 I-.. I
r. i ,. t-'l . l-l, raiiia, ama Mn lafl :
Si, i- t,l In - I aal j
f MU ' . I it.
l 'a J M J Crtil I ! a I
all I. i,i tl ..! I ! ! lull in li.a ,
..!. 1
l..l i'.l-w, ltltn 11 II --a iai
It . . . .. I I,. .a, II
.,..nat l. II
. I II
, - ,i rf.
K ll'.ai IIS' I " a li
a il.a sH.aal I J rs'ila l II.
r. ., i,l .afi a- t laaial' .
... ll
a ,.
Si TW ati't lj is. nililian
i. -f s . l.aa I. . IK
la lal ill i luU H. l-. a- I
- N a
..-.a i.ias laan.. la' iaaaA.. tm lis .1 I. 1
II a H (
II- aa, Ha, l llailf tt'.t. t aj - II H Mlala
,i, ., .t la m 1.-V a aitia, r,- I k.a
a. r,. .." n I aal an I ft In l-'l II Unas
a .. . 1,. - 1 1.1 a. tiai a in It .s.f
,...la l'l i a m"l.aa,
I -,i. i ll-vtn-a. tlia Jll as
.li (Ma,; l-. I'l( l IkM kli,
I ,a W f . It 'I --a l-l
f 4 , Ul' al.aa . , . I S .. l-'l hli., i,.H'
I . in i a-' a "'i' l l -'l
a,,,. .. , ll.i.t - II nana, Ufa)
al p. -a1 1. aa a- V-'l -
9k ..,a j.-a r'-s.
II. . a.Mat .al
L . l.t Liu ll .a I..,. IM a. a
ran aal (fit al a4 a Ul a 'ati aay WI
in itrsnt county.
Bmith Bros.. Hnssnville. Or. Horses, branded
H. Z. on shoulder; cattle, name on left shoalder.
Houires. James. Arlington. Or.: horses branded
J8 on left shoulder: cattle the same, also nose
waddle. Range in Morrowand Gilliam oonnties.
Stephens. V. A., Hardman, Or-; horses 8 Hon
right stifle-, cattle horizontal L on the right side
Bteveneon, Mrs A. J., Heppner, Or. Cattle, D
on right hip; swailow-fork in left ear.
Hwaggart. G. W., Heppner, Or. Horses, 44 on
left shouldei ; cattle, 44 on left hip.
Hperry, E. Heppner, Or. t attle s u on
left hip, cinp off right and underbit in left year,
dewlap; horses W C on left shonlder.
Thompson, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, Z on
left shonlder; cattle. 'I on left shoulder.
Tipiiet.S.T..fcnterprise,Or. Horses. C-on left
Turner It. W.. Heppner. Or. small capital T
left shonldur, horses; cattle same on loft hip
with split in both ears.
Thornton. II. M lone. Or. Horses branded
HT connected on left stifle; sheep same brand.
Vanderpool. H. T.. Lena. Or: Horses H V con
nected on right ehoaldar;cattle, same on right
Walbridge. Wm.. Heppner, Or. Horses, XJ. L.
on the left shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
orop off left ear and right ear lopped.
Wilson, John Q,, oalem or Heppner, Or.
Horses branded Jo on the left shoulder. Range
Morrow connty.
Warren. W H. Caleb, Or Cattle W with Quarter
circle over it, on left side, split in right ear.
Horses same brand on left Bhoulder. Range in
Grant county.
Wade. Henry. Honpner. Or. Horses branded
ace of spiMles on left shoulder and left hip
Cattle branded same on left side and left hip.
Wolnnger. John. John Day City. Or Un horses
three parallel bars on left shonlder; 7 on sheep.
bit in both oars, liaugo in Grant and Maianer
Woodward. John. Heppner. Or. Homos. DP
Connected on left shoulder.
Watkins, Lishe, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
CE connected on left stifle.
Wallace. Charles, Heppner, Or. Cattle, W on
right filial, hole in left ear; horses, W on right
shoulder somr same on left shoulder.
Whittier ns nuntiugum. Baker Co., Or, -Horses
branded W B connected on left shoulder
Williams, Vasoo, Hamilton, Or. Quarter cir
cle over three bars on left hip, both cattle and
horses. Range Grant comity,
Williams, 4 O, Long Creek. Or Horses, quar
ter circle over three bars on left hip; oattle same
and slit in each ear. Range in Grant oonnty
Wten, A. A., Heppner, Or. Horses rnnningA A
on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip.
Young, J. H,, Gooseberry, Or, Horses hrander'
THonthe right shonldi-
When you are about to buy n Sewing Machine
do not be deceived by alluring advertisements
and be led to think you can get the bent made,
finest finished and
Most Popular
for a mere song. See to It that
you buy from reliable manu
facturers that have (rained a
reputation by honest and square
dealing, you will then get tt
Sewing Machine that is noted
the world over for its dura
bility. You want the one that
in easiest to manage and is
Light Running
There la none In the world that
mt can equal in mechanical con
Ijjl struction, durability of working
parts, nneness 01 nnisn, Deauiy
In appearance, or has as many
improvements as uie
New Home
It has Automatic Tension, Double Peed, alike
on both sides of need le ( patented), no other has
it j New Stand ( patented), driving wheel hinged
on adjustable centers, thus reducing friction to
the minimum.
Ousns, Mass. Bobtoh, Mass. S ttsios Hottawi, N. T
Ciuoaiio, It.l.. HT. liOi'iH, Mo. Dallas, thus.
Bam li'aASrisiHi, f 'ai., Att.astA, Ga,
v. a
Heppner, Oregon
1. . . . . . . .
S'lin AVimri'srn Ofllrt,
SAI'll. II. niiKKXSt'Kl.liKH A CO.
An. .Siiffi r Stro t.
T IKnmbtt la tttrlllf f Irr
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fttMinr I-- ill M IU It r br.ti
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I ririii rf Mill Jill
il i.tv 4 In iul mi i Kl list
f-.-ti f lh Hbt ir f J tlofk
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0 li lIL
E. McNEILL, Receiver.
TO Til 12
Of Two Transcontinental
St. Paul Kansas City
Ocean Steamers Leaue Portland
Every 5 Days For
For full details call on 0. It. & N.
Agent at Heppner, cr addreaa
Gen. Ph8b. Agt.
Srm Francisco
And all points in ('alifornia, via the lit, Hhasta
route of the
Southern Pacific Co.
The great highway through California to all
points East and South. Grand Hoanio lioute
of the Pacific tloast. l'ullman linffet
Uleeoers, Heuond-class Bleepors
Attached to express trains, affording superior
accommodations for Beoond-clasa passengers.
For rates, tickets, sleeping car reservations)
sto,, call noon or address
U. KOKHI.KR, Mansger, E. P. ROGERS, Asst.
Gen. F. di P. Agt Portland, Oregon
Most Modern and progressiva
Fur ralslogiie or liifiiriiiuMon wrllu tit
Nrw Invcn, C'tnn.
Thscempsrstlvtvslut of thsss twecarda
la known te meat parsons.
Thsy lllustrata that grtsttf quantity la
Not always most to b dcslrtd.
Thesa cards ssprass the beneficial qual
ity or
4i comparsd with any pravlously knows
RlpanaTabulrai Pi lea, 50 canta bcj
0( drug flats, or by mail.
IP! CMtHICsL CO., 1 0 Ionic. II.. N T.
irriiaua- s
be moat
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- I Mi... a a. H i.a Usivjiasl In Knk
1 1 11.. iaai.l lln'iaa.
Ti a .' .. aaa fKa.ta fe avr'al.
tti.a'l a. ril Knr HaS.aa Maalfal laaSaal
lllil I an.., a I '.,,! .aw. I- -a aa
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4a(a . l-a., I.lsll A I !!
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:i"jaci', rat uaJ
Srst, ijfiSK Llz'itest,
Simplest, M.jJJmijl!"lest
ron(jest,r KWa Working,
1op SfS i Accur,,e'
-j Compact,
l,.'n " ' ".'im"' . i r
-tJvv K,?.ii rtA-YA
( - "V "r.V'i'i 4 Si r in m. i,t ,.f .;t.- a th. I. iv i .-aar
I :i ,v,v,,'" v ' "I "'' HM.I-. i t
I ' ' W otM-. ... hi h na tin. framr. hill
Tl'a,fa.- IVii-J r.-1.ti,u.u. HI. ..,il . I., tti.-n- tbl. fr.iin ..i-
rr..'.'.i?-,ttl I .aJT '.. l-tl f IUM H mi..t!.T. al ui.lv
""-a ST s' f" - -n
Once In Fivo Yoara by the
Universal Union.
Next Meeting to Take Plare In the I'nlted
States Capital In 1897 Work
and Obiects of the Asso
ciation. The Universal Tostal union holds a
congress once in five years to determine
what changes are needed in regulations
povernitifrthe handling of international
mail. The sixth is to be held in Wash
ington in ISO.'. The director of the
executive committee of the Universal
Postal union, says the Philadelphia
J. lines, comes to the Lnited .states on fell
invitation of the postmaster general,
to make arrangements for the meeting
at Washington. The delegates will be
entertained in New York as well as in
Washington, for in New York they will
have the best possible opportunity for
examining the American system of
handling the foreign mails, which is
the most perfect system in the worldi
1 1 is possible that they will be takeri
west to see the operations of the postal
systems in the other cities in St. Louis,
where the trolley car service origi
nated, in Chicago and Cincinnati.
There are thirty-eight countries in
the postal union, and the mail from
more than 200,000 local post offices is
handled in the international system.
The United States alone receives
82,650,000 for foreign postage each year
and pays out less than that sum for the
service. The international mail is car
ried at a profit, while the domestic mail
is curried at a loss ol sd.U'J.),()!iO a year.
The fact that there is a profit in hand
ling international mail is the text of a
good many postal reformers in Eng
land. We collect $2!!0,0!)0 a year froni
recipients of letters from foreign points
on which postage has not Injon prepaid.
Ihis is equal to one-tenth of the sum
received for prepaid letters. Of the
sum received on letters hound outward
the United States gets only a share.
Often there is actually a loss to
this country in forwarding n letter to a
remote point. Every country through
which the letter passes collects toll
from us on these letters. On the letters
received not fully prepaid we collect
double postage, and the entire amount
belongs to us. We have no reason,
then, to complain of the number of let
ters which come to us unpaid; yet the
double postage i.i a penalty intended to
be a constant reminder to the people of
the necessity of prepaying postage. In
spite of the penalty, one-tenth of the
foreign mail received in the United
States is not fully prepaid. Probably
this is because the man who sent the
letter is not subject to the penalty.
1 he chief question to be considered
at the congress of is'.)7 is the proposi
tion to make the intermediate nations
handling a letter transport it for noth
ing. 1 Ins proposition is made in the
interest of .simplifying the accounts of
the postal service. Under the conven
tion now in force the nation by which
a letter is forwarded pays to each inter
mediate nation 2 francs per kilo for all
mail in-transit. This increases mate
rially the cost of forwarding letters to
distant points. For instance, a letter
to 1 urkey will go from New York to
London, then to Helgium or Holland, to
(icnnany, to Austria, to Hungary and
then to Turkey. A kilo is two and ono-
lift 1 pounds or thirtv-flve and one-
fifth ounces. Although the postul
union curries, u half-ounce for 5 cent.
the average of letter-weight is leg
than that maximum. The estimates of
the postal union are made on a basis of
three letters to the ounce. Therefore,
'i fnines, or ;!.a cents, will carry Itm let
ters through one intermediate country.
On 10(1 letters to Turkey the United
States post olllee department Would tut v
s.O cents to each of the inf ennediate
unit ri. -i five in' all. This would
uiaounl to more than 1 4 edits on each
letter a considerable t.ix, and one
hit h v i.uld put "penny pu.,t;ige" on
f.ir. i "i li'itils quite o il of I he question.
Thi . tax, of eo;ir-.e, i sii;i hi.J t be
balanced by other government on let-
ti rs net Uimiii'li the I inteil St.itcs, to
Ciiiei.la, to Mei '11:11111 New Zeulund.
There will f l".ii delegate to the
M.stal emigres, mid it has, been said
I hey will be liatidininel v entertained
during their visit to Ainerleu two year
lichee. Thi form of their entertain
ment i now miller consideration by
the post otlii e department.
If Msile I'roperli, Il la said lo lie a Wry
llt.ii.ly lli'tlir.
The fraeie f.ir a:ie;n li-iv, shown
Ih-Iiiiv, ciesi I a i if Uv 1 s.ll i Inelie 1,
:: feet I 1 i.r a. id p! n-. l H feet ipnrt
I ii m tin s,- M r, 1 three frames uiadu
of .'l t' lil'i r: .' 1 fe. t Inn- for t!ie ti'
riiit u't.i i.'iuct .1' the top hv mentis
nf ,' "l iueli lm.ir.is a i'.-cI l.cjf an
l.tiieed at rai.i . the iinjH-r e.iniers
Willi Vxliiuli acj.i'.i...,;. From t lit
''r"""1 "" " U r-U f..r a
li.t.tia I
aii'l nslt it wlun ler iteaire I M4!
Hie ai'.la rnim Siiijj at mir ru t a.i n
lit i.rf t!ie f run 11 I ,a 4 a!. T.i
ui-ii.-lit t. u'aia are ntirua- ttrts.lv
litt 1 the a,!, tliu. n.aa .'. t !i
'r.'iu' nn I iiurt-e II l.ir.-.r an
li k-''. r ai , 4 re t-i t-- I'-, t, a.
I" tin- (i n n-ra-i la ti Ii I . -r I !.
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fiaalrMf Ilia I araaila,
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f .1 I 11 I 1 t I.i- r . . . Mil!.). ii
, II 4 I.i t',, if Si,.. I , , f ',. it 1
1 . .. t.t fi n th in I r .nt.trf t'tn'e
r'''.i i - I i-n ,ufMri a. ,1, It has
a ...I
I l. t. t
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"'at. at. I la In,- ii.. -al a. 1
I al r. f. -t a .f . f I
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jaih,-. aiitrrnif
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I irv
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; I---.. i-1. t. .t
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; I, ; - 1
1 - u
Miss Delia Stevens, Of Boston, Msss,
writes: I have always suffered from
hereditary Scrofula, for which I tried
various remedies, and many reliable
physicians, but none relieved me. After
akinir 6 bottles of
I am now well. I
am very grateful
to yon, as I feel
that it saved me
from a life of un
told agony, and
shall take pleasure in speaking only
words of praise for the wonderful med
icine, ana in recommending it to all.
Treatise on
Blood and Skin
Diseases mailed
( free to any ad
W.L Douglas
43$o fine Calf&Kangaroo,
3.5? POLICE, 3 S0LCS,
vKvbniuivwiai 1
Over One Million People wear the
W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
All our shoes are equally satisfactory
I hey give the Best value for the money.
in style and fit.
ire unsurpassed.
r wearing qualities are unsurpassed.
The prices are uniform, ...stamped on sola.
From Si to S i saved over other makes.
If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by
Jjenler wnose nntne will shortly ap-
pear!here. Agent wanted. Apply ftt once
much unnecessary loss is incurred each
season simply from a lack of informa-
tion concerninir its habits and reme
dies for its destruction.
The presence of this insect in corn
can be easily detected by a little ob
servation, ihe corn is light and is
peppered full of little round holes
about the size of a pinhcad, the inte
rior of the kernels having been eaten
out by the young of the moth. Wheat
when attacked is hollowed out in the
same way, so that nothing is left but
au empty shell. The parent insect is a
small gray moth, resembling a clothes
moth, und measures only about half an
luch with its wings spread.
It is represented in the. fi;'ure at 0
and can easily be recKfni.eJ by its
satiny luster anil by its niiiidi-fringe'l
lima wind's, liio iit'tlii l.i.s ltse'-s
only upon lnrJ grain an I they nr
posited both in the field and iu the
gran iry. The egg. hatch in about a
weak and the youn worm1 work their
way into the yrauu ee F In the llure),
where they feed about llirei weeks be
fore the larvas mature (see A). It then
traiisf inns into u pa;a (see It), from
which the full-fld red insect ciii-rge
a lit Ho later. Tim ereatar pass's the
winter only in vimr burns and store-
iiuses. It will iirccd uuinterniptedly,
genenitinn after generation, in stored
wheat. Alter harvest the moth flies
out from the granaries to the wheat
fields and lays its eggs upon grain i of
wheat in the shock. The larvio are
not deslrnyed by thrashing and are
carried back into your granaries sgain.
It is plain from these faets that if the
granaries are kept free from this peat
the Mioekn will not lieeoine infested in
the fields. If the Individual farmer,
however, takes the trouble to disinfect
his granary Ills wh.-nt shocks will be
inf-.'sted from moths flyiiiir from the
barns of his neighbors, provided he
does nut thrash very soou after harvest
or In-fore the eggs haU'h and the larvio
penetrate the grain. I know there Is
more or lets difll.'ulty in getting a
thrasher at the proper time and where
the v li-iit in. 1st bo left in the fields the
farm t should di -111 feet his granary
s... n iiftr the wheat is put Iu.
I In Insert has ai'Veml natural ene-
inlet., mi l I have reeentlv bred several
piviesnf very small w inded psrasites
from it No doubt these natural
ngeuli keep It In cheek t a certain
tent, but the most r UK-lent remedy
now known for its urreat and ilesiruc
tinl t the ue of a very illasgr.vable-
am. Ii'ng liUf. kn.in as tUMilniii le
ufrarlMin. Its atiplieatlon la verr aim-
ii'e. I'rif. V. U. .I.iliiivin. In Western
I'mprf I taool fn 1 hUhros.
hirkens fed nn an ri.lusive corn
diet will in d make a a.itl faetory de
r ln .(nr nt, parlk-ularly ( frali.era.
'I hs' U'lie nf rluekena fed on a ultriv
1 1 in- .ii rjtion are ttftr p r n nL
strn:iei than lh ae fej nn a carNma
-.us ration llrtia fet on corn, while
iti'l attif. ritiif In tfi-nrr.il hral'h, W
i . -.lie ali.-K-iari aaddeaiit large ttiaaae
f fit I 'i the Inirrnul ran. The
!! Ii nf iiitri.gi-ne.uia f,-1 f.mU C"n-
t. litis m. .re album n-i .ia and Iras f4t
thati tli.ne fed on a crtiiiaernu ra
in n, la darker Colored. Juicier atd ten-
1alt.anaal hf I lMala(.
IhirliiaT a lliiin.li-rat.iftn at llrl.'fe
f"rt. 1'iitin . tr.-. i.tltr Ii.-tittiltiff s'.ru'k
the tnnie i-f Jaun a itarrr. Aiituwl Inv
tiinUa'rljf U.e ria.f t-urat tiil.l f,aiiira,
liarry. In. a,f,. an. f..r rSiMrrn wer
all ,l nil li- ariitl.l fl.a-r Jjll. a Ml-
1 .!, vif. an. I fn i!,i',Irrn v 1 re
I j ... i i n ttii- a. sm4 fl air, TH rl.rtrl
I lal a'... t.r.l I'.ir Hurt.-, n lll'.l tliaii..
t-.si'T I lie IW ! .tiiM nl trti-l iit,
t ill t iie Irmar ia aa uln at liHailtr ite-
a'r. 1.1 t..l)i fal l.l.ra rr.Ni.rrral ff.rta j
t ..1 1 .. . in 1.. k tiiir l.lt'.e t," . . 1 t aav ,
a I'irji ri ! tnarU nn irr arm, an t j
rr; r. a. i.uii .ri nf l!ie flifure i.f the rm- j
1. rni. ! rrn eii rinsr in"r tariiin sue
iliin; Il la a .ne au.l ft r. anj
n. i.. fr.i'it t!ie ii . tUe
a'i.i', Iff an-l - ' t t-i
rilaal t-ilaa- . kl l ilaa
hnil"na-!a!'atife. Ibtenae llet.irj
; a a. I s'liif r( . innal at fct.l; mnt j
' a-rali t.iata. If all .t e4i,iiie
iimna f.ifiB, a t. lla .fta t !aa,4 aaj
n'. aial. hrr. mlr inra. Csitll
O.arttsar ''!- tl- il. t r an. I Ma..
t 4. Meatala-a, at I In ru -!
i. n-.'S tl.e tin. . Al .fa.-,i.t. i.f
l-t iiLI.4'vrlili. t I Kliuit h a
'a J
j I
That the RAMBLER
S Is one of the very best wheels ever made
ki front rank with all high grade machines, and
ffl Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE if you want
S punctured, It can be mended by you in five
fj renowned G. & J. clincher tires with wood rims or copper-plated steel rims.
S Sold in all sizes for ladies or gentlemen at $100 each.
S Tandems for two men or man and woman, f 150 each.
1 THE RAMBLER is the fastest, lightest and strongest wheel In the market.
fS For style, finish and durability it is unsurpassed, as it is constructed on strict median
1 ical and scientific principles.
I Chicago Ideals
iSj For men, women, boys and girls, with 28, 26 and 24 inch wheels, at $65, $55, $45 respect- S
s ively. are splendid medium grade wheels, with G. & J. high-grade double locking edge a?
cuncner tires ana are tuny warranted,
Before you buy a bicycle, write for catalogue, circulars, terms and discounts, or call
on our numerous agents. Rambler Rustlers Wanted in every town in Oregon, Washing
ton and Idaho.
rem t mtrdii i rvn r rnuosiuv
Mni.lliuii.al rnni.aDa,llnHvna (lnv,n 111 1 w .Vr InrTcrv Man! Cn1. URamKln. Ulnrnlai Uain
Store, 327 Washington St., Portland, Or.
Hows Your Liver?
This question is asked
you need exerciseneed
The Bicycle offers a
not own one, call at
Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery,
Four Models
Factory and Main Office: Lake
URANCKUSi New York, San Pranclsco, 5a.1t IxUa City. O.nvcr, Men phi. Ddreit, terAa'.
iif fi j trrr Tn non j i r l f i .. I f ir..nu.
si. it . 1.11 l&ldVy sincnz jor
It to Advertisers at .1 great financial sacri
fice. You need it in your business, and as a
matter of business vc must sell it.
Tin: Patti:kson Pum.isiung Co.
nans : wm : piles
Youiv BOUX'D to Take 9 Km.
Leaves No ConMipnlion,
('araa M. aa a-.tl aa all P
n Mil in It i
aaraHfl .il te. A ea-ftla ff U t
111 Caa.i oeola Blfl
is an indisputable fact. It stands In the i
if you buy one you will make no mistake, m
to be happy, for should your wheel be S
minutes, as it is equipped with the world 5
' k
Agt. for Morrow Co.. Henmier. Oregon, fi
daily. If dormant
it badly.
remedy, and if you do
oi Bicycles.
885 and 8100.
Cycle Co.
and Halsted Sis., CHICAGO. ILL.
sorrow ouniu, iicjnmur9 xsiryw
OF . . .
lli..n.i,,. a Itra t.oe ai4 MaJana. TMlt
ofM. hct. If all At,, .t, Mrl K
ttaa rratxia.C4l
r....a JJj .l.