, THE BEST Family Medicine She Has Ever Known. Words of Praise from a New York Lady for AYER'SPILLS " I would like to add my testimony to that of others who have used Ayer's Pills, and to say that I have taken them for many years, and always derived the best results from their use. For stom ach and liver troubles, and for the cure of headache caused hy these derange ments, Ayer's Pills cannot be equaled. When my friends ask me what Is the best remedy for disorders of the stom ach, liver, or bowels, my invariable answer is, Ayer's Pills. Taken in sea son, they will break up a cold, prevent la grippe, check, fever, and regulate the digestivo organs. They are easy to take, and are, indeed, the best all-round family medicine I have ever known." Mrs. May Johnson, 3C8 Rider Avenue, New York City. AYER'S PILLS Highest Honors at World's Fair. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Cures all Blood Disorders mm f0 CALENDAR 9 III' I It A V. 1 Here and There. See race program. Come to tbe races. See P. C. Thompson Co.'e new ad. John Spray bag moved to Haystack. T. J. Carle was np from lone yester day. Ed. Hale is baok from tbe Baker City races. C. M. Jones is np from Arlington on a visit. Fred Hart got back from Portland Tuesday. Miss Cora Pbea departed yesterday for ecbool. C. M. Long wee in from Galloway Wednesday. Joe Woolery and family were in Hepp ner yesterday. J. R. Esteb, of Gooseberry, was in town Wednesday. Minor & Co. come to tbe front again. ode their new ad. Tbe Niles-Vinson, Marble Works, vv alia Walla. Wash. D. E. Milford came in from Fossil on a wheel Tuesday. Nick Leathers, of Hsrdmnn, was down a few days this week. 8. P. Device left yesterday for a visit with valley relatives. W. A. Fieber oame in with a load of Haystaok fruit Weduesday. For fruits, vegetables, or anything in the grocery line, see Suling. 4t. Mrs. A. Keithly, of Heppner, has Cochin cbiakens for sale. 627-4-81. Mrs. K. 0. Wills was a passenger on yesterday's train en route to Portland. La Grande Marble Works, La Grande Ore. S, C. Smith, salesman, Henpner. Os Wells went below yesterday on tbe cattle train to remain a few days. Dr. 'Gene Vanghan has retarded to Canyon City to look after some dental work. Chas. Ingraham bas aocepted a position with Wells & Warren, of this place. Jobn Shrier, of Fox valley, was in town ytaterday and oalled upon tbe "only." Gray Dick, a Long Creek horse, won the quarter dash in Oi. Pretty lively time. Fresh candies, any kind, at W. L. Saling's. See him at tbe old Jerry Cohn stand. It. E. L. Wood, of Calif., the pioneer sbeepdriver of tbe Coast, is here with some bucks. For groceries and lunob eoods, see W. li. baling. Just received a brand new stock. 4t, Jas. Roberts, one of the well known drummers, dropped in Tuesday to see our merchants. Frankford's Miracle. Samuel hart, a paralytic as tonishes PEOPLE BY WALKING. Once a Cripple and a Paralytic, Spry as a Boy. 6UN M0NTUeWtDTHUrR73frT 2 J) ! 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 l3ilL5 JALZ li. 19 10 Z 11 15 24- lb lb Take Notice. L The sum o( five cent per line will b Jhmrged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of renpoot," lists of wedding present and ilonon, ma obituary notices, (othor than those the edit or (hall himself Rive a nmtUir of nnws.) and aotlcft of special meetings for whsUsvarpiirr.). 2. Notices of church and society and all other sntertalnmenU from which revenue la to be de rived, ihail be ohsrired for at the rate of five ,enl a line. Thvoe rulea will be strictly adher d lo in every Instance. AdvertUliK rates reasonable and madekuown Ipoo application. TIME TABLE. Hta for nar.lman. Monument, Iins Crwik, lohn I'ay and Canyon CUT, leaves a follow ; Kvery dav al A a. m., ci ''t rtundav. Arrlveaeverrdarat P m..envpi M imlay. The cheaprat, quicki-st and lt line to or from the Interior country. WALT. THOMPSON. Prop. Phill Cohn. Axent. Eatra Pals Star Brewery Beer in Hall Pint Bottles ran be had only at the City Hotel Bar! Where Men etude Minora and ('Inert art- atao kept by Ted. Wanted Plain or fanoy sewing. Will go to tbe bouse or take sewing at borne. Mrs. Mary Henderson. I. O. O. F. installation occurred Wednesday evemng, a goodly number of brethren being present. W. A. Kirk and family have moved back to town for the winter so that tbe children may attend ecbool. Frank Gilliam, wife and baby de parted yesterday from a two weeks' visit with Portland relatives. Best accommodation and courteous treatment at the Imperial Hotel, Heveotb and Wash. Sis., Portland, Oregon. L. Bliimputhiil got back Tuesday from a visit below. Mr. Blnmeuthul says everything is quiet down there. bill Ingrnra, nf Eight Mile, is ootifloed to his room down at Vioson'a hotel, and tbe pbyeiaus say be has appendioitis. 8 H. Horner, accompanied by bis wife and baby, departed yesterday for a two weeks business and pleasure trip below. Wben yon want lo fl merry call on Li he Sperry, at the Belvedere Halnon, where they keep the Unset wet good in town. " Mrs. J. N. Brown departed today for a visit with home folks at Halem. Hhe will be arcompauied by Mrs. Arthur Minor. H. J. Kramer and 8. L. Re-erl-,,Hhos leather" Heed two representatives of the grip, rams iu Tneaday to aes our people. Mr. Hmltb sod wife, lataly of Browne ville, bavs located in Morrow eouoty. Mr. Smith is nieos ot Mrs. K. u. Hperry. Ont. 22. 23. 24. 23 and 2rt will so copied in raring, aod if apeoiala are btmg perbap a longer urns roiiaumed. Mathews BrosCilJ hotel barber shop. Usireutting, shaving. shampooing, stfl- dooa scientifically. Bailie at 23 cenU apieos. H. I. Plraiton anl wifa earn over from In lt-ok and deprle4 os yealer (From the Philadelphia Record.) Mr. Hart and hie wife oonduot a dry goods store at 4061 Frankford Ave., Philadelphia. He is about 70 years of age, end fought for tbe Union bravely tbrongbout tbe war with Col. Gray's regiment, tbe 28th Penn. Vol. and is a member of Pbil. J. Kearney Post No. 56, (i. A. R. He ftlfo beloogs to Sbftcka maxon Tribe, No. 116, of tbe Improved Order of Red Men, the Knight of Pythias, and numerous other organizations. Here is tbe story be told a reporter. "Six years ago while I was working at my trade as a carpenter, I fell down stairs and fractured my skull, sprained my spine in two places and sustained other serious h.jories. I was picked np for dead, carried borne Bnd laid for thirteen months out of my mind. Then I had my skull trephined at the Hahne mann hospital, "here Mr. Hart exhibited a small portion ot his own skull bone which be carries as a pocket piece, "and I began to improve, but my spine gave me a great deal ot tronble. Although I was under treatment by a skilled physi cian I grew rapidly worse. "On Feb, 14th last I was suddenly seized with locomotor ataxia. Both my leg? below the knees were numb and completely paralyzed and I bad a psioful sensation about tbe hips. I fell and was confined for about five months in an invalid ohair. Besides tbe paralysis ot my lower limbs suffered excruciating pains in my baok and legs, could not sleep soundly, my nerves were completely upset and my appetite went back on me. I oould not walk at all and at times bad frightful convulsions. "My wife and I agreed that it would do no barm to try tbe tbe Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and we got a supply. Before I bad finished my first lot I was able to leave my invalid chair. Tbe life blood again coursed through my cnce dead legs, and I put tbe chair np in tbe garret. It has been there ever since. I have steadily improved ever since and my legs are now as sound as a dollar. My form is more ereot and I walk with the same springy motion that I had wben I was 25 years old. Let me give you an instanoe of my activity." He picked np a cane, held it with both hands a slight distaooe fpart and bopped through it and back again with tbe agility of a sohool boy. That is somethiog a very few young men can do, he said, with a touch of pride in bis tone. X Samuel Hart Sworn to before me this 21st day of Au gust 1894. Geohoi L. Batterkby, sial. Notary Publio Dr. Williams' Pink Fills oontain all the elements necessary to give new lite and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. Tbey are for sale by all druggists, or may be bad by mai from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company Schenedtady, N. Y., for 50o. per box, or tf boxee for (2.50. Overwork, either physical or mental, will produce weakness and loss of energy. Too many business or family cares, overwork in tbe harvest nmd, an excess of woman's work and worry will produce months ot misery. To prevent ibis, tbe exhausted system Bbould be reinforoed immediately. Dr. J. fl. McLean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier is an appropriate remedy. Price $1.00 per bottle. Mitohell Monitor: George Ray, I. N. Moore and others passed through town oa Friday last, returning from Hepp ner where thev had been to deliver a band of some 270 beef oattle belonging to Alf Allen, Geo Ray. Wm Pollard and other stockmen of this county. The boys seemed to be in fine spirits under tbe leadership of tbe genial "Ike." Now is tbe time to get the Weekly Oregoman, the greatest newspaper of the West. With tbe Gazette, both strict ly in advance, for one year, $3. No better Nervousness Cannot be permanently cured by the use o f opiates and sedative compounds. It is too deeply seated. It is caused by an Impoverished condition of the blood, upon which the nerves depend for suste nance. This is the true and only natural explanation for nervousness. Purify, en rich and vitalize the blood with oods Sarsaparilla and nervousness will disappear. Hood's Sarsaparilla will give vitality to the blood and will send it coursing through, the veins and arteries charged with the life giving, Btrength building qualities which .7 ..aunun, uruaa,K, ucvm. make strong nerves. If you are nervous, combination of newspapers oan be made try Hood's Sarsaparilla and find the same in the state. Besides we will give as a relief of which hundreds of people are tel- foot Planter, an agricultural paper. . . j as Come in now and subscribe. W OOfl R ri krlfiOfl fi W WOT VU1, --''-'" n t I 1 i i 1 - ' I iom DaoKiey uas ibbbu a pusuiuu in tM..,. tr' o ..m. i t, nni n . n , , ..l A-"J- nunu j.a v-v a k'niauuni uiu vuu j .7 toe r aiace notel. ue was not aissatis- 0, Blood Purifier prominentlv in the ueu wnu nis oiu place at iuo Jiiy, nor public eye toaay. bola by all druggists, was uih employer, inr wimm ue uhh oe orontaar nf fmr.oiiMiHnri rliaaatiaflafl HrtrtVc Dillcen habitual constlpa- B r . l 1 V- . a awvi J a aau tion. Price S5c por box. wuu uim, uui limes arn oiuoe anu uis services not beinar needed be soueht a new position. He is an industrious For Sale man anywhere. Ten shares of stock in the National "'Pop aalTAeiil mnntha T via Ipnn v,ij Bank of Heppner. Address Richard T with a presistent hnmor on my head Co. Reoelver. Arlington, Oregon. 64tf, which gave me considerable annoyance, . nntil it occurred to me to try Aver's Notice Of Intention Hair vigor. Before nsiog one bottle, tbe humor was healed." T. T. Adams. Land Office at La Grande Orboon n I i-.,4 fr..v.:M v heptember 0, is'.is, utuc,, uimiiuou., xmur.uio, . . 1 XTOTTPK TS ItERKHY GIVEN THAT THE Mrs. T. 8. Hawkins. Chattanooga, h'" lenD., 8BV8 "feDllotlS Vltalizer '8ayed of his claim, Hint that snid proof will tie made my life.' 1 consider it the best remedy beiorej. w. morrow, rouiuyuieric.atucppuer, for a debilitated system I ever used.' v"b." , For (ivsrjeDfl a. 1 ver or hirtnev trnnh n oE.L-.jAMm ..i-...0, it excels. Price 75 cents. Sold by T. f h fe'Sy If1 V li 4 X 8C ' M n I w !' ...... .. . .. ii. ajcio, iii. no names ine touowiutt witnesses to prove nil t, M , . . continuous residence upon aim cultivation ot, ucu HiDiunna IB uuw nui iirouriciur Ul gala land, VIZ the city meat market where be keeps a fresh supply of beef, pork, mutton, veal, sausage, baoon and lard, which be sells for the lowest market prioe. Fred Bock tbe Portland butcher, is still with bim. tf A large band ot cattle, consisting oF about one thousand bead, bought recently by W. F. Courtney in the neighborhood of Hay and Beaver creeks, arrived yesterday and were shipped immediately. Burns Times: A. C. Dore, the saw mill man, (of Graut Co.,) allowed the shingle saw to take off one of tbe fingers of bis right band and severely injure another one a few days emoe. Unole Tom 8oott was in the oitv from his Pine City home last Tuesday. Uuole Tom bad a very sore band as a result of being bitten by a porker while engaged in "ringing bogs" tbe previous day. Gilliam & Bisbee desire to notifv those indebted to them that tbey have turned all notee and accounts in tbeir possession over to J. N. Brown tor eettlemeut either by oash or good security. 5-7, rill bs Emll Vornx leavea May for a short visit witb friends and relatives at Moo month. From there he wilt so to Halem to attend the K. 1'. grand lodge, tiih anntMM hril Tnmnlav. a a fl rraentativ from lMrlo IjJga No. ), j tooaorial artiste. of I his city. It your child i piny, IreHnl. troubled with glandular swi-lling. ln!lHmd ryes, Of SOreS os Hi S'l. r-. "'. ? - ".ZT t"Z." ' .K t..h eoorasof Ayer s rtaraaoanlla is ni-.it ; nT - ---- to sitl th-ierol.lnns hnmor. from ihei w.ll enter lbs Htsis Normal for the year, blood. Tbs aoooer yon bKto Iinrkingharo's Dys for ths whiekers this msdirltis lb ilrt. u ths bndit. safrst, wl. A. At.rel.em.WVs ion. Anions. a. rlssns.1. tnosl '"' ,,V u!',!. reo..red from ths li.jnry ree-n-d fsoiory d,s s Intsol-L It Is ths gflillrmD s laiwiii roll LIBKKTV. Shoot soms moiiibe ego. OF THE PUBLIC SO 1UF. r.lr mrrrht n,lrrrti lh.it or HrM.wl'""'''.' tllc'J M k,,l or, in ulltt -.r.fi. U rt fior an l th truth M not in h,u M '"- r"r "' '"' r' fciVrf Lrr ,-ro, i..a, tl.r, U UuO.t.t fo ' rlnU ih,h r -"I ' " ' "" r"r ',h , rr J. ihf ) s S U4tirU,n.frr.k. fir .J rrtf .WK..rfr I s s s s HORN EH & RHEA. t'.,U an I To tub Editob: Neatly every paper In this broed land is now giving apace to report tbs eiTorts ot ths Ciibane to gain their liberty Publio eentimeot declares itself iu favor of ths oppressed end it is now lime to givs a sopport that mar bs felt, to th heroes battling for liberty. Vox ;k;h vox Dei. (The voire ot ths people is th voios ot UoJ). Ths people of Cabs ars crying for liberty, their bops is in America, ws se a ostico tonal help them Tbe best way i to have Hie eongrsss of tbsU. B. recogoiES tbs Cubans as tx-llig' srents, and to bavs ooogreee do it, It mull frsl that tbs eentimeot ot tbs American oitiieoe demand it To belp tbie cause, ws bavs today mailed to every newspaper editor aod lo bnaioeae men in tbs D. H., a petition to ooogreee lor eigoatnrs. You will fin a cony sorlosed lo tbie letter. Ws Lavs oo doubt that the soligbtensd, liberty loving nei eiff r turn of tbs V. H. ars folly lo sympathy with this movement aod therefore believs that yon will el go this petition yonreelf and give it a plofle io yoor office, calling attenlioo to ibia matter lo lbs editorial aod local ooluione cf yoor peprr. Ws bavs bo si to grind in regard to Cobs, but s bavs lbs greatrst sympathy with Ibis movemrsl fur liberty aod jnetioo, I'lesas ere that ( this pelitioo is 01 Ul ont sod seat lo ne 1st yoqrsarlieal cooveuirooe. Ut will be glad to forolab you with any number ol blaoke sod bops lo bavs yo s-od oe a largs Itel In lew days, ! f.tr sbich dus srrdil ill bs ivro yoo. ; Ws V'ij in mail a wrkd sopy or : t.f .f yoor per, satiteloiec rfrr urm to tha sotjw-t, S4 WS Slab to )e.ltM l id American prres has lo i , eti'l us II aa krnlil lo ths I m in. .n. As fgrtbr iiformaiia m , r'ga'.t lo Ibis mailer will gladly ts l ira hy lie IUa(f tfnilf, la. Mii.ea Mrntr t, Co. M. J. Devin. R. J. Hyml, W. B. Barrett, W. L Saline, all of Heppner, Morrow Co., Or. B. K. WILSON. 876-8l KeRister. Hav For Sale. on ! We will pro back to the land of our Fathers. And during their absence Minor & Co. will be found at their old stand, selling at 10 PER CENT Under Competitors! If you doubt thi statement, thous ands will come forward and con firm the same. IS 1 DUE V ! Styles too Numerous to Mention SUITS FOR $4.00, $150, S5.00, $5.50, $6.00, $6.50, $7.00 CP TO $20.00 BSK TO SEE 111 USE OF $10.00 DYERGOHTS Our line of Boois and Shoes are amongst the largest (if not the largest) lo be found in the city. MINOR & CO. Call and ex.imlne, we are here to show goods. We are the leaders. Others follow. I have 100 tons of excellent hay on my place six miles above Olex which I will sell very reasonable. Good range and location for feed ing stock. W. S. PHILLIPS, sw-lm. Olex, Oregon. Ontario-Burns State Line -A IV O- T H A. WILLIAMS, Prop, ONTARIO-BURNS Elmer Slooum'a photograph gallery is Leaves Burns Daily at G p. m. and ar . m . .... I . . . . . " . . J 1 1 1. now open on lower Main street where striotly first-olasg work CBn be eeourej at reasonable prioee. Call and examine work and get prioes. 70t( D. A. Herreo is introduoins a sheen shearing machine that is a marvel of ingenuity. It is exceedingly rapid aod promises to revolutionize tbe old system ol eneepsueanng. Karl's Clover Root will parity yonr riveg at Ontario in 42 hoars. Single Fare $7.BO. Round Trip $18.00 fsy Through freight 3 cents per pound. BURNS-CANYON What Do You Need? (J In the line of Machinery, Wagons, etc., the public will do well to look - over the large stock of the new firm, Wills & Slocum. They carry a very large, well-assorted stock of General Merchandise which they will sell at prices that defy competition, for cash. No trouble to show goods, and the public are invited to call and examine their goods aa to quality and prices. They are located in the old Blackman stand, Heppner, OregoD. When you come to Heppner, don't forget WILlvS Xs STyOCUM. Good Accommodations for Passengers. Tnvpi tin ma liitllv rirriitt Mnnilnv. ('nnnrw'ta Blood, cknr yonr Gomnlexion. reffnluta at ranvmi ;i(v with Him-iumt Monument hUk. your bowels and make yoor head dear WXlX u'llev'iew as s peu. im , ouo., ana i. noia by itHgeiatBu rim. T. W. Avers it, Mrs. W. K. Ellis departed tor Pendle ton on lnesday. where she floes ae a df legate to ths distriot convention of the W. O. T. U., in seeiion lo that oity tbia week. Shilo e Cars is sold on s iranrantee, It cure Inoipient Consumption. It is the beet Cough Cure only one oent a dose, 25 ots. . 50 ots., and SI . Hold by T. W. Ayers, Jr. Andy Tillard and wife earns in from their Mutter creek ranoh yesterday and thie morning Mrs. Tillard left fur Fooxil here ah will visit with boms folks. Preaching st tbe opera bnnsn Hnnday morninir and evening bv Kldsr J. W. Jenkins, nf Tim Dalles. You are invited to attend these service. Wro. r'arre, of Dayville, a prominent storkman, and a most estimable (juntle- man, rsmein Wednesilay sod departed yesterday for Portland. r COPYKICiHTS. 1 anTWH A TATEN'Tt For rtntit Knwr ftitd mn lintirt opinion, wrltn lo nil N N iV ((., who hvp htid lu-ttrlv fl f I f rr r vmrlin't In tUm ptlni kiUNitH'M. 'tiimunirn litMi ptrliily roinflflHiiltnl. A MnnHlmnk of In lirirMlnn rfinrwntiiiii I'ntrnf ,M uow 0, tnln ihfm n.ni inn. AImi mtnltguof BKbsUi Imt and Mlmitino boftka tMul frn, I'Miftita ttkn tlin.iitfh Miinn A Co. Ht VrwriAs n-rtU-oln the Imiitlir Anirrlmn. nd Ihtii nrti liriMirht wii1ljr twfnr tnMicwilh out tMt to tlm tnvciitir. 1 hn iH'fi1ti tmtsr, Irmuffl wevhtr. -liiit is iMnptrilf1. It l (mi Itm UrrKeH rri'uitiitt of iij M-ifitiitin wnrk tw tiiej Viirirl. ' vrar. htifi) riiti sjm f roes. Uui mi tig r'tiitim.rtHtttuiiT, f yenr. HmfH pire -i. otmfa. Verf nuni'M-r fwrnfaina bsNti- nth Itltll ML XX h CO. liftil platssa, In mlora, and tihiHrtejratiha of tit- P'USSL with t' fTAtl mar biitli1ra tiahn ihm It id not At &11 fturprUing to boa the i m m p n ne crowd f going to trade At tbe ttore of P. C. THOMPSON CO. Whn w mnaidor that Iloppuer linndlox motp iwrrliHii -tliao than llio other nfvcnty-lwo couiitii-s f Knutorn ()r(;riti put tKr tlirr, aod (hat I. ('. TlioiiipHoii Co. Iiumllo niticrtovftitliK of that. It is not to !n woinl. rrd at that they LftVH alt of tlm lucal trad and part of that of Culi fornia and Chicago, but they will not 1 snlirificl till thoy have the train, of l'arix, Ixoln and New York aUo. (Sit iu with the. rush ami como to tlx ODD COM HI NATION SKJN At the Comer of Main ai.'l Willo Htrwts. Follow the crowd atxl you can i tuies it I Km Kal Ayr al Ik WM t r j A)' rtr.i.r .lUr j ) lbs sitra 'r dlhsry JiiiirH'Sf bavies ts tbilf . .l.tc( tinflf ali'.w. an nM.rt st the W. fit's fsir, (1irsi. 'Bifetnrre ' r,f o,r rt,t ,IU fi f. t y y ! ft,,AiitissHoitit ..lihir "! S Keehy Hile Ml a Whs Out of Sight! The boy is father to the man, and wben the boy dona the man's bat bs Is "ont of aiitht." Likewise ths man wbo pro vides himself with one of T. R. HOWARD'S bats, and also purchases bis Groceries, Oitrare, Tobnoooe and dents' Foroisb iiiKs at this establishment where the freshest and latest ol ths above lines are kept. This is also the plan fur Hlook men's Supplies, aa this store makes s specially of everything required by tbie olasa ot trade. And a chhiiuI observer ill not fail to nolii's that our sheep sod cattle men take advaiitaite nt thie fact. Kememher ths place k. HEPPNER BLOCK, Main St., Four doors eontb ot the Udy boteL UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, 185)5-180(5. THE USIVEItMITY OF OKF.OON, KI OKNF, OKKION, tfTers fres tuition ( to all sltidents. Yonntf men oan obtain board. Ixltliti, beat and light in the dormitory for li.'sl per twk. IlHimera liiroisb their own linen. Yooof wntneo ars providod Ixiar l in privats families at .1 (K er week. Young women desiring txiard ahouM inMreM I'rof. John htraah, F.uirxne, Orrguo; or Het retary Young Women's Christian Aiciatlon, Kniiroe. lb rulversily offers Ibres baccaUtireals drgrein, Hai helur of A rls, llsi'belor f'oietire and l!ai belur of loi ters with Corresponding Sonises f.f study. Tbe following shorter Oonrars Srs slen offered: An Kr-glnh ooorss h-alnig id two years t i s lnsioee diploma Slid In threw years to ths litis graduate in F.tigtisli; so advamcd nonrwt (or graduates ol normal eohmile leading lo the drgres maaler of pedagogy; A threw years rourss in civil sngmwiing leading to tbe degree cuil engineer; s course of Iwo years for teachers i f pl.ysloal lurlioa lsling to s diploma and ths tills director ol pbysii al edunaiion. Tbs t"nlvfmtly rbarites so Incidental f-s of ten dollars which Is payable in sdvanos by all eta Irate. Hin tenle holding diplomas from ths publio schools Stid those bsvitig teac bets' eerllllcsles srs sdrnllted It lbs preparatory department witboot eiammallon. Tbsw diring ibforination rrgarding ths prs psralory department shoo) I ad loee ths Ien, N, K Narregsn, K u'tio. Vot eatalofoes sod liiforrusllon sdJrew C. II. CHAPMAN. Pit'Hitlorit. or.r. .1. WALTON. Hififtm-y. I .n"ii". Oiik. VttV lli ('llio ii l.iiior.Oiium ulTiiliarco Habits l I 'ii ( :. m, '..n, Th Htft I'nmUful Tevn rw f.fVif il si II l .r irii. ,,.., ttiru (, i,i,fOfeiiiwi 1 rtif.it ti.isi.4l SMff Wtt9 m PROFITS ON SMALL INVESTMENTS Vll.ll.f I ,4fMl lit mk , 1. It I ll H. !. T !. tn'fU III. in i.rl lo 1. 1 ., ! nl 'iiail-n In !!'., 1 1.. i.i .i i. I t. -, ,i ci i t"'t. o 1 . . r" o m aa.essss sAAiAAS w i.oi ii er wf a!l mft I awr wndr th I J .iuI" TASrre ! S plr0S lf thw role Mht.Mlog lbs I f i' J I ' eMff f.f pverl wtieiees an1 n.'rama. f I j , , ( - tlj 1 ! Tb le mi.. .f ! World's Nir sstho. ! f L jj ' . V.1 ! rii Is fsof -t Ar'e Hsfsiolls was J,. "3. rills is sol S I Sln mMtcine. II ito I' f i II is I I t.M rwloeg lo IM I l.f Snet'Sil S. ht ci its rnvits Do Vou Want a Ki ? Don't Voti Want a I'l uc to Put up Your Team ? sin no i-on i-:ach dollar invested I (I, Im Ma I I f If Systematic Plan of Speculation , 1.1... im'fm m.mtm fuf'g ' I ! ... M$t fc. I ,' il,. .). tin. tmm a In l.m. ..i.i lt,r.tk.x Rlla nf rm.l MM), wiii . lr lhl All lhs fSO t rorirl 1 ltrn'in A llir.r , srt Mi 1 1 ur. n i v I,.... tm-i Lm Will U al M.j S U. It ft 2n1 : His M t .it sal ssarur t -!; li?,t'.i l.s Is. wb'eb ! wnl !?r . : t.o y r"nl)! lfw ; HhpflMi etisil s--wts sly s1 , ; iB'if rttis lf- Vy ' a l otli'riiM I r 1,1 .'.' .1 riiif .i !' !' t. g. , , I O I t..M,'l. .r .. ., I , I f-mitm II I l. MHiM'k I'. llt,, It I... !. I , I. mm I. I .,..... .f... t't O.a ! I'. .,, Ir'l Btw I'M (f. ... ,,... I.T I I. mt !.' -. I II la ( I O.I Ih-a - h: iat a lha iff ! lim ...a !'. kail It- HI l! a mn . - mm. .f IMI) lf I I l't'"'l toaaat 11 r .. I ( l.f. . 1.0 ' l... I. i t, .'l.4 T.m...mlur Ira'i f f '.'it . au i.. I t'mi tt-.m ll i.aa-l Ia la fc'if .aS sMaa a. -m, . . ( I "' ! il la II l.m.aa a'r -'"'I al fi.aa . i,u III a'lfl I (U 111 N(;nI 'II a r.H U llC ,'"'ul'Tt fOR CONVINCING eHOOfS. t .a. ,l aw..".!!- ..., i b . i . -,.( I , .1 .. a. a i f 'a All f S I . !( Kmwl 5 ' k-S" '" ''' t I' 1 1 aal t.l.i.w.l i a, (' I f .! ... a I aw a ; t-mft.ftmt Inlonwi Hi I'I'Ht f unUlt A m Ha.k..a BnkaM Maui Strrrt, 24ta742rlisiisOniiSixa.Chtssts.lil. I lor; it.. f mm a."f . a'a mm' t a., aaa ..-. 4 tt' l' " -i'.a In (aa) -lr ,f k II.. IS TI 1U.! PSOaV IJIXNS, i i IK NOTARY PUBLIC u, '..CONVEYANCER , s i i 1 1 r r I - If