EDITORIAL COMMENTS. The Oregonian oalls attention to the recent statement ot the Gazette that tba population of Morrow comity bad fallen off as compared witb that of 1890. Aa much as the Gazette regrets to aay it, it yet believes that no figures can be pro duced to show a different condition. It is true that the Gazette stated the popu lation from of 1890 from memory, and that instead of 5,200 that there were 4,205, having since referred to the com pendium of the census of that year. The figures for the present year were given the Gazette by Assessor Willis who stated thBt the population was now 3 400, and who also informed the paper at that time that this number could not be raised a very great many. It is to the interest of every citizen to put bis own section before the world in the best manner possible, but only the naked truth should be told, and this the Ga zette has endeavored to do, though it HENRY M. STANLEY, the great has erred to some extent in stating the African explorer, passed through population for the year 1890, as taken Portland Tuesday last on his way from tbe federB' M.MM- Tber tO the Orient. ori ; ; lial.la tn Inan at nnv limn. ; j-""" ' - - ' About the time that Morrow county was HePPNER proposes to have the oreated settlement of lands was Bctive, Ex-Senatob Madone is very low and his death is expected at any time. A Niw Namb. At the quarterly con ference of what bad hitherto been the "South Salem M. E. church" on Satur day evening the name of the church was changed to "Leslie M. E. church." With the name "South Salem M. E. church" there waa great oonfusion, strangers taking it to be "M. E. church South." The M. E. charch knows no points of the aompaps but tries to be as broad as Use command of the Master, "Go ye into all the world and prearh the gospel to every creature," said Key. J. M. Sbulse yesterday. Salem Statesman . Bncklen'g Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, bait Ebenro, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all skin eruptions and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is gna'anteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. riPce 25 cents per box. For sale by W. Ayers, Jr. beBt races this fall of any in its j history of racinc. No horses are barred, if accepted by the regular associations. Most youDg men think that the term "softer sex" means the women, but after several years of active married life they will begin to conclude that it applies to dudes. Governor Culberson, of Texas, has the legislature in session to but many have sinoe deserted their holdings, not having the industry nor nerve to battle witb the hardships inoi dent to the settlement of a new country. Morrow county stock proved to be equal to the beBt down at the Salem fair, In fact the judges must have thought that they were the best ot their respeo tive classes on exhibition, for numerous first prizes were taken about evenly divided between the exhibitions of N. C. Maris and Oscar Minor. Morrow oonuty can show up as fine cattle, sheep and horses as the older valley counties. Scott's Emission is hot a secret remedy. It ... simply the purest Norway Cod-liver Oil, the finest I Ivpojdiosphites. and chemi cally pure Glycerine, nil combined into a perfect Emul sion so that "it will never change or lose its integrity. This is the secret of Scott's Emulsion's great success. It is a most happy combination of flesh-giving, strength ening and healing agents, their perfect union giving them remarkable value in all WAST! KG DISEASES. Hence its great value in Consumption, wherein it arrests the wasting by supplying the most concentrated nour ishment, and "in Anaemia and Scrofula it enriches and vitalizes the blood. In fact, in every phase of wasting it is most effective. Your doctor will confirm all we say about it. Don't be persuaded to accept a substitute I Scott & Bowne. New York. All Druggists. 50c. and $i Grand Opening ! Mrs. M. LeBallister desires to inform the public that she will hold her grand opening of fall milinery, n ii mii i vi i OCT. , , Sj T Bad Accident. On the evening of Sept. 30th, Hazel, the youngest ehild of Andrew Keaney, who lives near Lexing ton, lost her right eye. The child who is about eleven months old had crept under the dining table. By acoident a very Bbarp butober knife fell from the table, the knife Btriking on the end of the handle, rebounding, the point strik ing directly in the ohild's right eye. The eye is irretrievably lost but Dr. Shipley thinks that the child will get along well, with perhaps, only a little disfiguration. The Northwest is not slow in any de-of nass nn ' anti-Drize ficbt measure, partmen.. l.otitly Moran Bros , but is possible that the governor 8e"ule- woro K'"a tba ool,t,raot to CT .... . , , , T , , . struct one of three torpedo boats to be wm uo ueiroum. unn .,!, bujlt f(J. t,e navy u wftf) wjthheld however, say that the administra- from tliem for a Hhort ,)6riod, as doubts tion was successful and no fighting existed as to the ability of the firm to will be done in Texas. complete the contract, but on exami nation Secretary Herbert ootioluded that the Sunt tin duodIh wore fullv able to IN MENTIONING the appointment carry out the ooutraot and thus awarded of Judge Lowell, the Oregonian it to them. Moran Bros, claim that claims that it was a contest be- thev will spare no emetine to make it one tween Umatilla and Baker coun ties. Umatilla and Morrow coun ties form the sixth. Baker has nothing to do with it in any way. Even the Oregonian can make errors. ot the best service. boats of the kind in the Mr. Q. O. Strong, principal of the pnblio sohools at Anderson, Oal., says: "1 have used unumoeriain a raw omui and have found it an excellent remedy for lameness and slight wounds." Lameness usually results from a sprain, or other injury, or from rheuma tism, for whioh Chamberlains' Pain Ru m is esneoiauy intended ana nn- eaualled. It affords Blmost immediate re iet and in a suori nme erieum a permanent oure. for sale by Slooutn- Johnson Drug Co. Still on Top! McFARLAND MERCANTILE COMPANY Are si ill on lop at Ihe old stand where Ihey arc dealing out . . . ; -At Lightning Hi ate. The Salem Statesman oaunot help bat deliver to those who differ witb it in regard to the silver question a few, hard slaps. This is unobaritable. Bome people who profess to have fair sense differ witb the Statesman very materially in some particulars, and yet agree with it as to choice of political parties, lie- Anotiier Bra Stock Shipment. V. F. Bnd J. O. Courtney are making another shipment of cattle from this poict. A special took 22 oar loads down yesterday, another shipment of 20 oars will be made this afternoon and a ship ment ot 10 car loads Monday. This shipment consisting of about 1100 bead altogether, comes from Crook county. Like the previous shipment made by these gentleman, these cattle will go to feeding grounds at EUensburg and Yakima, and later toTaooma and Seattle markets. (Anr.AIN'S IN EVERYTHING ! Gents' Furnishing Goods, guilts ana Biaimeis, nuHnr Flannels. Calicos and Ginghams, Boots and Shoes, Groceries and Canned Goo Isi in fact we are offering bargains in every line of goods carried by our large establishment. Call and See Us Before Laying in Your Winter Supplies. The mathematical editor of an exchange propounds the following query: Aboytenyoars old has a oune one espouses the cause of silver little sister who weighs 10 pounds, and lie gets tired holding her in five minutfis. When he is twice as old, how long would it tako him to get tired holding someone's sister who weighs 123 pounds? and exhibits an interest in everything that goes to promuteettrly action towards what silver men are wont to call "bi metallism," and whioh is truly that and nothing else, is no good reason that they may not be rightfully euroMml among those who also espouse the priooiple of prolcotion of American imliistriH. Mr. Itryan, the Nebraska geotlomati who recently graced the state fair witb bis presence, is not a protectionist, but he In certainly right on the ailor question, according to the Otzotto's ideas, wint erer they are worth. WnENEVER you find a man find ing fault with a local paper, open it up, anil ten to one he hasn't au advertisement; five to oue he never gavo it a job of work; throo to ono lie dims not take the Tlis announcement of the resignation paper; two to one that if he is a of James A. Fs as oircait ja lgs of the Hiibscribcr ho is d.-linqueut; even sixth judicial dristiot, caused great nor ii ... i ii prise, aa oo ouo bad tua leant intimation hMh ho iH'ver does anything that ' ' , ... ,. li t. of thw action. However unwilling the wiIUmhih. tho pul.lihher toruua llHr(.. m. ,. , ,rt wUh Mlt good paper, Btid forty to ono that valuable services of Jodgn Fee. all were if the pnpr is a good one and full more than pleamxl to bear that (lor of life, he is the most cnger to m the pHnr when it comos out. Press and Printer. There oan be no pleasure or happi ness for persons whose liver or kidneys are unhealthy. They are weak, su and irritable, and find it burdensome to perform work of any kind. What they need is a thorough treatment witn i;r. .1. II. McLean's Liver and Kidney Halm This remedy is recognized by many of the best mmlical authorities as without a peer for the oure of diseases of the kidnevs nr liver. It rapidly drives out diseased conditions, restores health and strength, vigor and cheerful spirits. I'rice tl 00 per bottle. NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, JIEPPNEU. OREGON. The ladies of Heppner and vicinity are in vited to call and examine her stock, in the Lichtenthal building, opposite the City Hotel. HT LIST! I F Mr. Columbus were alive to day and called at Mat Lichten- thal's he might make a new discov ery quite as memorable as that of 1492. Chris was a great discoverer in his day. He would at this time discover the finest stock of bhoeB ever shown in Heppner, and the cheapest as well. What more does mortal man want r The Old, Original Shoe. Merchant, M. LICHTENTHAL, Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. Custom Work a Specialty. OO HEAD m r FOR SALE! BRED FOR MUTTON AND WOOL. HIGH GRADES AND FULL BLOODS. Address J. IE. SMITH, Pilot Rock, Umatilla Co., Oregon. HACES ! IMii Ya firr Thlak Thst you mnnot lie well miles yon have pur, rich blind? If yotiarwrk, lire. I, Utigmd and all run down, it is lie rau your IiImI i impovirihe, and lacks Vitality. Theon troubles may be overoonm by llMid's Harssparilla rne Ibwd'a HtraaparilU tnakra pure, rich him. I. Il is, In truth the great blood pnritler. Hood's 1'illa rur liver ill. cnllpa- linn, tulltnnea, jvilndlOe, tick bead- ache, iiiditrtin. Jim mi iit KuHiirr. At Monrovia, Cl , hrpt. 'Jttli a ni"l horrible arndent oernrrrd at 1 .10 oVhik. p m., whirb feiltel la I be inirtiediat d-aib nf Nrlli W. lg'. wif ot r. Ii. lUget. Ihe arnnaat. Th npl ha lleo travel ing llitmifc-hoiil lhtle making bsll'Hia arenioti so I putvliut juma. Tins a'lein.Mio Mi. Iltfe ni lan eenlin, and alien at a hi ititt i f I KM f.t-t alia PIIUN. Willis Ma, is pa hu srtiat? Ma No, dear. "Ain't a man that draws an artist?" . "Yee." "Well, I heard pa Mi Mr. Jackpotx thnt be bud never arm Anything in nrnttj aa tha Ihrca kirnia he drew lout nitfht."-rbilMdlhia Hoord. tmllr I it,. r..i. Imi rut lb- .eal.ni. i "" "I"' ri...r j.fii..u.Pi I . ... i . .... .1" ' f'tfiiil II frtii Ijorl bad nauind lion. IStPiihcn A IoiwpII, nf IVndleion, aa Jmltta Fee' ui'ceor. Mr. Ixiwell is aa Ideal gentleman, young In yaara, jet barton bad auflioii'Ot eierieno to ably Unlify him for Iba bench. Mr. Lowoll orou- ii au anfiabla place ia tba heart of the HKla of Oregon, and but for a bub aliort-ibtiln on tha part of In delrtfalioii wniilil now In a 1'uited Stalea enal.ir. Tha (latetta heartily endoraea Iba action of (inf. Lord la ap pointing Mr. I-owell. Mural at e Indrenx' tba diaiNiiiilorl of Ilia voyager, Itill pfeu lien III wia'ber la not letup ralitiin hit I linhl lit aea ah a Ilea Kiev aliti tferK the "giganxa ! lie" tiKiild Ih )' ot I led w ii b Ibxiteit er Moinwh Ititlera, bicll iilieta .iiM,rdire I el.miiiclia witb gral't)ing w and reriaimy. T Iba bnrtful inlliiei.ee of a Iri'po', tnatariona or ! fig. .roii nr datip olimnU, aa well aa to h bmnfill rtlm-l of llliahuUiili ilirt and bad oatrr, il i a reliable a ti.l.'t. '..iiioii-ipiI IrnVflira ! a or lao.l. nmiinrr. ae-lrfn pi.meei. an I all lm .Kn l.i .nis.iii l. r tiOi.-ilu 'e. l climate iri'ii(ttii(iing I races ! You SHOULD The hiinh'U of lUr ia oonalantly being lightened by new Inventions, hill nothing new haa yet boen discovered to brighten Ihe linnra f bibor, snd nrnk lifn worth living like SiinumnH lilvt-r Id gnlHlor dues. H a tha king of liver nmdiciiiea. A aliK'glati liver deores.- one'a ai'iri' unit PilHe lanixuor. beeld nosetliiig Ilia whola evteni. Hut Him- m.ini diver KeguUtnr touea up and atrengtben Ihe body. ATIKNIKIN M M IHMHX The semi annnal rnnvnit on of Ihe Mrrow t'o Hundity Hi-bool Ai'ilin will convene al Heppner, ThnraiUy, 1 t. 10, 11 and 11 Tha auperinleiidinla and two tlelegatra ar expected frniii each Hundav aohoi.l in Iba couiily. An Inter rating program will bo prepare,!, and ever) body is invile l lit attend 77 ol H. J. 3, Ai'klfs. l'res. Tim Heppner Sneeil Aiisocliilion have decided to give a IUca Meeting at Tuea For a "big feed" when you come to Heppner and stop at the CITY : HOTEL Popular Prices ! Comfortable Rooms ! Mrs. Tom Brtitlley, Prop. I Vwllllllll I. ay, Oc (hi TriKtintr Five IDnys. S82 5 IN PURSES! 8 82 5 i in 111111 i 1 1 DO YOUfKNOW Palace it 1 l l JK M IWI IC Half mile laU, Ire lor all. I'une, H. un1nr management nf ( lirl. Boreher who U con ducting It In a atrlctly Kirn (,! manner. Ho has also re-opened the Hotel Bar where the Finest Liquors and Fresh, est Cigars will constantly be kept. ff Fre llallii and free 'Bin for all OuMt. Kse I quarter mile dull, frra fur all. Puree, 1uo. Rar 4, Tare ilyaiMpna, brf and at-lney trouble. JllxiB In ;a.i. Julga Jaa. A. tn likaallh. The air caught the pars- ,., r,rt,. i.l danip and ndd. and H i rliiile, and l( eommeniv l l.i .pn, but ; aa rlllnielil defenas again! all form of a.i.l lei.lt II tH.m ai i .rei.t ll.al ah. I "'" ''I"" l a lalling. f!i earn down like a ranni'ti ball, hi, a strnek on lef I'.J'k, lt. 1,01 imlhJ It. A,f.tA.l MilK ItiA I r, vdii presi it i over in. p.'uri in in aid ilt Judli'ial ilialrirl f ,r a(al yeaia -alhiul one full Irrm-an l talaiy i of Ida aw eitlh dial net. ron.ialirg of I II .iff ii. a. I I'malill Couoliia, r.aignej I b ition 11 rue,y. Till a in ' de4 a ir r, Jutge gat gm. grmind ft'l. and hf kn! rtnatied. Tba 4e.Mal wa X year oil, and a nalit i.f Ill iinU, I'n.f llagal baa lea in ll f iiameiiHt lime. a-nsrvnln. ail ilm. tj ' m, Ayrrt.it, l'i -.i I JT KIR"riV Kni'l fri-v fur all. I'iiim-, alin, airiivii - Usee V One thmiMti.l Tarda, i liilill.. and H i.l. free lor all. I'nrw. ii. Til 1 1: Il i V Hare V lU'.f tulle di.li. fr.- for all r.jrer...da. rur, f.iOl. Kae . Unit mill-dmti. f.r saddle Imraea. rarr I l mel. r h. Ciir, i'i il. K"l 111 II IH V - Itaee T. Kle rlulilha d.h, free fr all. Purae. f: an. Rare, lientlemen l..,..i.T it. . I,, tl I'l'iil". I" -Iflie. ha't mile heau, t In K I'urae. t-W. Hae J. Illi ii le fate, hail mile. Her In all amateur. Mnlal lalne-1 si liMW. HHII I'lV u. ij'iaiier nilIeiUh.i .'A i la". Pur, fio.ua. Kara . ) ,r lm.. t. l. I'llfae, 1 . ri'M'l 1 1 in f tutf f. t l!l l-e nrefie. by Ihe rnlea of lh t'artne Blood Hnraa Aaaorla-t'.-s oati' e it In l ! I" i-r i eni ! mti.uiiii ttf .iira. M. or mora to enter, three w l In .e thai pinat. ie fUeii tin lint ml lth B etimtlrt enlrlea, lh hnaM ha th ,.f t, ft I i. r II e in .nut. i.l Ihe .ita. a. Illlhilr pldimeiil aeem prttpef. Til dlferlnra i,Hii.ii,.fi i.i I,, ,K,.iia,Me am and ail fai r, nit atettnitl ttf Itwlemenl weather. If ahn raeea .1,. ,..! i l ,i Hi l- lfii i-f ial la. In lie iiKittnle.l hf lh dlferlnra I'urara ill i- .In 1. 1. I ,. , , . ,.t i.i l t.i h..i..- i a r i enl In aernnd. All eimlea Ui elna. h o rloc . p. m , tin the rn i i'.. pit t r-lil. Ihe rat e TIlUNUKIt LlQIITNINa "There is a tide in the affairs of men That, if taken at its flood, kads on to fortune" Thouaat.4 TllO ttcKxI il IllTC ftDil 80 II With h fall lino ot I Iiiiil wit n. Tiiiwuro. OhiHivaix'. CJixx-kerv. Wood ami W illow wan;. Cellar Ttibn at Hclrock 1'riccn. $300 Held in Reserve for Special Races. T. W. AYI US. JrM Heerelsry. OE. CXINSEU, rrawident. I'.. U Vs'l rk. I'ava Mci", l' (I. Hi,rrf, dart. UarriD.lon, Oln 1'altara.io, lifeel-r. THE LlGHTlT RUNNING GANG FLOWS ! They run n llhl Thry run ofl In lh night. Tie only K.cluivo Hardware Store bctweva Tbe Dalloi nJ rcullcton lloppocr, ... Oregon. 1 RAIN KAIN mn Ik. l . awe cllewla. ata iMaiaat. Ik. 4iiaWkti kMIMlaMkHMia Al IV. aaia ktaM Itaiahia sf Ik Masia ! " P"'ln lM I tiew-lay. I lit w in t r 1 . .... .1 avta -. eia. eta r fnitlil tv rvTlrtVC lh. Ht.l-I,..i1..i,l,e anirt n.ff...n "ei a turi f jHlf re gat pN II jlHNiimiwui.i"u.iN.. bn- la.N.b.Mf II.... -ftei t)ll 'a-af..l-i.aMi.n, Ih.tl i. In.me.ai TtUT .HID H'Kn.NLSp . . ' .-1. I I. . ... I ....!... il.,l I 1 HU lW"fa-.ia.alw.'l idh-f lite-llt'.lir. f.f w,sl aeeioevl li I a . ' " 1 4 AM Ntli v f . .It-.lf. I II leant,!. II, 1 rMC l'l I II la -'!.! rn 'a. II extra a In.iriiee, C .aximjititja ai U tha tal Cula aa Crvuff CbJW. f if Sate hf 1 $1800.00 OtVLN AWAV TO IWEXTORS. f iMaameaavaaifi av Aa lM N fca aaaaa Sill 1 1 am I II alaiil av Slat aaaaaS faaaaWf If . ! 'I . . !! II. ED. DAY aa i. MILL HAVE 300 01 ' rtf t,a.M,al e. nli in iuf ! i lnl lien, li.e l r. Kli a Nw 'i-'iiefj sn l si !.a i, I i.f I. 1 data lite r tlg,i etilno It hft ll.am W will li d a wiMi.miI l.elr a'tef, aa i'if lli.l rl . iifuVew thai Will eif I till I Ml I. f frnilira f ad " - a,ai,.. I, W, Mil. t.tn - U If ! na II,,. (feat iw-.eiM. a lilal, a 11 is .ti.fir.laa. I an I lii.l ..ile (' l ll.a .Ii nc al f f T. W, Ai J'. ....a. 1 1. f l!f tlaef .lt.tl pl 1 if II H.u.1 Ha. luxll. M I..'" an I lh lacul.r pi.w nf ll a Wrfkiy llf'f'la Mil VI. Aey nr. ail.i' f II. II. .11 b l I wy it st ' "f S llatie aa a 1.41. l. lla.ell. St I Ukir tt a f 11 Ail oi l an avfilaxa pay Iff their nlawit Ih-i f. r f.s a laew wlH N tf-iijl k !kt ae,a, 1 laantna i, I faMO of la. Jit.a, 1,11,1. ( npiutil and at'. ;i la. Hi '... f l ata lien I'S'llfd an I ia IJ .n, Mefl.en t.iwall, of IVn. i!tit.f,, a 'f a' y. nt s.).r Mr l.iae.l la i-l.'f 'i )aia 4 s, I 'll l rni.uk w aa n.a la in !.ei.n im I J 1. ee. J 11 If a.. It I lb .l ps'enl 1 .1 eu, . l. w..,-ia.lat Mr I! M IU,I,. ,4 Mar (l'0.O.t . aia ,f I'han.'-afl.' ( aii.., ( I,.-lei ai l fi.r laeitidr ''AI..I l.U h. Dik. Il.ia saarili. s I. ff II. a le ll,al ,lHt,al a) l iltfiu piall f nn I here !al a fiiinef ad it , l,l nt.f I ws." a a4 IVa.ia I mM atta, W, l en aa. t aa S4 a aat M a-arf-f-ag a ta. - Ikal a-f kM.aat aa Spanish Merino Head Seventh Annual Fair OF THE Second Eastern ten Dhlriel total FINK Bucks J::VTTrr !Vm. Dutton's Ranch, one and one-half miles Jrrrrarrr.t i lUlnw ! iennner, m Oct. ht. lOuo. WM. DUTTON, Agent. f ,aa.kailaa.a..a-ai-.kalaa-.. i aa aW aw 4 aaaa aa. la . I - a t' I ,-a aa iva ta.a.l, kaa) llllnlM . aa I Uta.Uiliiinaaa.ail.at. .l.ia... 1 ak M .. aa-a. a. t a W 4 .-aa.. 4 arn ' ' ataaj S af W a a i ll a4 I " e1 aa ra .w-M av. a4 aaa. . .ara -M Sal aaa-a-a. aaaa, War Wafal Al, l.aaMlaV A w john wrnnrKTu rn a cn.. f-p n-n a4 laaiial aa4 I ee fwaawla. All I falrct. N. W.a iff Ihaaa ilwl r.f If.al f.tf.. If loin il.. U aatileif IA). D. C. aM iM a.f. " ff t.'f ly ( if. i Mt- ae . AKoimio.vm y.t 1 Hi T-aflXX r.fri! !. I rrui. in I I i. aJ Ha'sjaliafy lar a I'wMar a4 d J er... SOCTKTV Embracing the Counties of Wasco, Sherman. Gilliam, Crook, Morrow and Umatilla, TO HE HELD AT THE DHUES. VRSGQ HOffl, OREGDH, Commencing Tuesday, October 8th, 1895, AND CoNTINClNfl FIVE DATS. H 1 ,."O0 apprnriai4 hf tha Slat. f..r AgMrattfal. t-, Mha.eal FiHiU. iu. Wnr.-f AM sal ratify Work, y-VJ.nOO tw a Hfa. Inf Trial Prav M ,, , fffmUfJ fr I'fawiaa I at .n. r.nlry ttlaa.a. J. O MICK. rea,.Ury. XI Tt. A. S. VI tC AU.tS.tH, rrl4ait I ! CRIOCJt ILM 9M I Plenty of them at tho Gazette Office. . . .