Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 04, 1895, Image 1

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Kllll Hill in tIH
f ;
Is owing to my liberality in ad-:
; vertis;ng Robert Bonner. !
; seeseee
e Z
n it 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iii 1 1 11 in 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ti , m , , , j , ,
HTOi lll til l Ml 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MMUWJ III MMa
Advertising brought me all I
own. A. T. Stewart.
iftl 1 1 1 1 HI I N UMil Mil I M I I lllt'lllil 1111 1 II il IHJMlftl3
thirteen year
WEKKIY. dO, 6;,7 I
Tuesdays and Fridays
Business Manager
At f2.sn per year, $1.25 for six months, 75 eta.
ior three momn.8.
Advertis ng Rates Made Known on
Appl cation.
HHIS PAPKR is kopt on lilo at K C. I)ak'a
i- Advertising A penny, H4 and 65 Merchant
Exchange, Han FranciBco. California, whoro cou
racta for advertising can be made for it.
0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD.
No. 9, mixed, leaves Heppner !:45 p. m. daily
except Sunday. Arrives at Willows Junction
4:15 p m.
No. 10, mixed, leaves Willows Junction 6:30
p. m. Arrives at Heppner 9:00 p. m. daily except
East bound, main line arrives at Willows
Junction 3::)0 a. m.
West bound, main line, leaves vWllows Junc
tion 12:0(i a. m.
West bound Portland fast freight with pas
senger coach leaves Willows Junction 4:30 p. in.
and arrives at The Dalles at 0:00 p. in. Here
passengers from the branch lay over till 3:15 a.
m. and take the fast mall west bound which ar
rives at l'ortlund 7:25 a. m. The Dalles and
Portland passenger leaves The Dalles daily at
1:45 p. in. and arrives it Portland 0:00 p.m.
Leaves Portland 8:00 a. m. daily and arrives at
The Dalles 12:15 r. m. This connects with the
east bound way freight with passenger coach
which leaves The Dalles at 1:30 p. m., arriving
at Willows Junction 6:58 p. m.
United States Officials.
President Grover Cleveland
Vice-President Ad ai Stevenson
Secretary of State Kiclmrd 8. Olnny
Secretary of Treasury John G. Carlinle
Secretary of Interior Hoke Smith
Secretary of War Daniel S. Laniont
Secretary of Navy Hilary A. Herbert
PoMtinastor-fiennral William L. Wilson
Attorney-(inernl Judson Harmon
Secretary of Agriculture J. Sterling Morton
State of Oregon.
Governor W. P. Lord
Secretary of State H. It. Kincnid
Treasnrer Phil. MoWchan
Rnpt. Public lnstrnction i. M. Irwin
A I torn, iv ftaneral 0. M. IlPeman
u , ( (i. W. Mcllride
Doiimuro jj H Mitchell
.. I rlinxer Hermann
UKiwu i vy h KUib
Printer W. H. Leeds
( H. 8. H-wn.
Mmiramn .Inrlim i F. A. Moore.
( 0. 1. Wolverton
Sixth Judicial District.
Circnit Judge Stephen A. Lowoll
-ricuiiiii Attorney John H. Lawroy
Morrow Coonty Ofiicials.
4oint Senator A. W. Oowan
Itopnwntiitive. J- S. Hotrtlihy
i '.mnty Jn.Ue Jnlins Knithli
' Ouimiaionars J.U.Howard
.1.51. Haker. .
Clarl- .T.W.Morrow
" SlierilT G. W. Harrington
" Tiwunrnr Frank liilliam
AxwHiir J. '. Willis
Hirvejor (eo- Ixinl
rMiool Sup't Anna Halsiiiiir
' Coroner '. X. W. Ayers. J r
i,,vo Thus. Morgan
(Jmncilinea O. K. Varn.worth. M.
I.iolilentlial, Otis Patterson, T. W. Aysrs, Jr.,
S. 8. Horner, E. J. Hlocum.
!toonlcr F- J- Hallock
rrHimiirr K. L. Fran.l
Marshal A. A. lloborU
l'ree inc t Offlft
Juetieanf th Psac K. U Fraeland
CuMtabU N. . tttietetuii
tutted State! Land Officor.
J. F. Moor Klstr
A. 8. But. lUwMTer
B. F. W ilium Rori.ter
J. II. Kobiuna llivr
BSSHET osisTirs.
O. A. It.
tlwliit lrfiington, Or., the ImI 8t unlay of
-act", month. All vtrana are Invited tn iiiD.
i.'C.rU-m, Uao. W. Hxitii.
Adjutant, tf (-oinuiao.li.r.
ri -. I Lumber, It BUM of Hippnor, at
what t known a lb
PKa Low FEET. RoftiH,
- - - CLXAK,
I oo
17 W
L H UU prt I.OU looi. aldllooal.
Tlie atv n iiiUU'im at trk tljr for Cell.
Wm Ui oi uglier.
W. tD. KIHOr.
rrl4L Ctrf.
Are the Highest of all High Grades.
Warranted superior to any Bicycle built in the world, regardless of price.
Do not be induced to pay more money for an inferior wheel. Insist on
having the Waverley. Built and guaranteed by the Indiana Bicycle Co., a
million dollar concern, whose bond is as good as gold. .
211b. SCORCHEp $85. 221b. LADIES' $75.
Catalogue free. INDIANA BICYCLE CO.,
Gen. Agent for Eastern Oregon, Pendleton, Or.
X tyof:
Itmu.s. government!
1 paying millions 1
To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their
2ix Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a m
relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars
f(V on whom you depended for support ? fg)
m To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new a
5$ law are entitled to an increase of pension. The government owes it M
fa) t you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present f)
fi your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the i
time you apply. Now is the accepted hour. Ji
Vv f?Write for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice. VV
(2) No Fee unless successful.
The Press Claims Company
PHILIP W. AVIRETT, Genera! Manager, f)
($ 618 F Street, WASHINGTON, D. C.
f(5 If. B.TMt Company it controlled by nearly one thousand hading nevh
ffil paperi in Hit United State, and i$ yuaranUed by them.
Morrow, State of Oregon.
F. B. Vancleave, "1
L. H. Vancleave,
To L. H. Vancleave, Defendant
In the name of the State of Oregen, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plainUilea against you in the above entitled
suit within ten days from the date of the service
of this summons upon you, if served within
this county; or, if server in any other county
ot this state, then within twenty days from the
date of the service of this summons tuionyou;
and if served upon you by publication or by
personal servico without the State of Oregon,
then you are required to appear and answer on
or before the first day of the next regular terra
of said court, to-wit: On or before the first Mon
day in March, 1896. AndincaBe you fail to so
answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will take
a decree against you for the dissolution of the
marriage bonds now existing between you and
plaintitt, and for the care and custody of the
minor child born as the fruits of said marriage,
to-wit: R. A. Vancleave; and for such further
decree as the court may deem Just.
This luminous is published bv order of the
Hon. James A. Fee, Judge of the 6th Judicial
District of the State of Oregon, dated September
0th, 1805. Q. W. KKA,
4-86. Attorney for Plaintiff.
JD out of the Honorable Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon, for the County of Morrow, on
tne via (lay ot October, in tavor of E. D,
Rood, Plaintiff, and against Alfred Doolittle,
Einma A. Doolittle and Coffin & MeFarland,
Defendants, for the sum of Two Hundred and
Five ($205.00) Dollars with interest thereon from
tne iitn uay ot August, ibsi, at the rate often
per cent per annum and Twenty Dollars attor
ney'sfees and the further sum of Sixteen and
20-100 Dollars costs, and accruing costs.
1 have levied upon and will sell at public
auction to the highest bidder on Saturday, the
2d day of November, 1805, at 2 o'clock P. M. of
said day. at the court house door in Heimner.
Morrow County. Oregon, all the riuht. title, and
interest which the said Alfred Doolittle, Emma
A. Doolittle and Coffln & MeFarland, Defen
dants, had on and after the 3d day of September,
IK'.is, iii or to the following described premises,
North-cast Quarter of Section Nineteen (191 in
TowiiBhip Three (3) South, of Range Twenty
five East, W. M., in Morrow County, Oregon.
TorniB of sale, cash in hand, the proceeds to
be applied to the satisfaction of said judgment,
attorney's fees, costs and all costs that lnav
Dated at Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon,
this second day of October, 1H95.
6-84 Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.
By virtue of an execution Issued out of the
Honorable Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for the County of Morrow, upon a Judgment
rendered and entered in said court on the
Third Day of September, IWfci, In favor of Lu
nula Hales, f lalntlrl. and against J. D. Kirk.
Mvamina Kirk and the Morrow "?nimtv Ijiml A
Trust Company, a corporation, Defendants, for
the sum of Twenty-live Hundred ($2500) Dollars
Gold Coin, with Interest thereon from the th
day of March, lRitt, at the rato of ten tier cent.
per annum, and line Hundred and Ninety live
(15) Dollars attorney's fee, and the further
um oi Twenty-three and 7.i 100 (.':i 75) Dollars
j yr-A FACTS
OU CAS BUY fi'i.OO worth of dry goods and grot-vilcs and then have
i J Y enough left out of 1100.00 to purchase a So. 1 Crescent Bicycle. Thlsli '
a first-class machine. Why then pay floo.Oti for a Idcyclo that will give '
1 no better service ?
'! . ' CRE.SCENT "Scorcher," weight 20 pounds, only I ).
Ladles' and Gonta' roadsters all the way from $.V0 to 7. ''
"Boys' Junior," only ( ) with pneumatic tire a good machine.
V "Our special," Men's t'0; Ladies', I'O. j
cots, and accruing costs, I have levied upfm
aun win sen at puiiuc riiciioii on Saturday, the
10th day of October, W, at 2 o'clock P. M., at
the court house door 111 Heimner. Morrow
county, and state of Oregon, all the right, titlo
no interest ntcn tnesaiu J. u. hlrk, Myamina
irk and the Morrow County ljind i Trust
Company, Defendants, had on or after the third
lay of . September. iw, ur i,u following
described premises, to-wit:
The North Half of Section Thirtv.slx. the
Northwest Quarter ot Section 1 lilrtv rive and
Southwest Quarter of Section Twenty-six, all
in lownsnip one ii) mouwi, oi Kauge Twenty
sit C2H) Kant. W. M.
lennsoi sale, cash In hand, the proceeds to
ne appnea to tne satiriation of said principal
sum, interest, attorney's fees, costs, anil costs
mat may accrue,
Dated at Heppner In the state and county
aioresaiu tins i.un uay oi n-pc, imri.
ii. n. ii AKKi.xnti:,
37I-7D Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon
-IS TH It-
MOSt Popular Republican Newspaper of the West
And Has the Largest Circulation.
, MvU on l".rU Tfrro.
DAILY (without Sunday).,
DAILY (with Sunday)....,
6.oo per tar
SS.oo pcryrar
BV MAIL The Weekly Inter Ocean tci.OO
At A M PH tHR IVTTB tKKA akrMM at sw flaw la ail
rucnu II srr miss s tpt tat artat ALL 1 hU
Mint? wmmwmrwwwwy
The Weekly Inter Ocean
If IMS HSHlklSf a llllftH I a swsistfsl lb laistMf.
I I S IM A ItlWllillllhlu . W- - - 4 torn k l.i
It U11 k lf V I LAIibL mW4. II
J Ana. 2.5. lMi.'i. Coinnlaliit liavlmr I n mi
ti red at this olhce hv Henry t rainer airaiust
roei ii i ninpiH-ii lor inmin- torompiy with law
as to tlmher ciilture Klitrv No. .'m.u. oated (ii-to.
Ier22 1km(. npnii the X1, HV.'i and t", HW14,
rvruon . 1 ownsnip 4 x . Katiu'Z r.., in Mnr
row coiiiuy, iiregou. with a view to the cancel
latloti nf said entry, enntmtant alleging that the
llmhrr-mlliire law ha not Ihhmi romplleil w Ith;
that the Kntryiimn has never broken or nlnwed
hut live acr.t ol the ld tract and this only for
the first year and such failure atlll eilaii, the
sa'd iiarlles are hereby 'iininnne.l lo apta-ar at
this ntllce oil the nth day n( la tidier, )'ii, at 10
iiciik s a. in., to respond and liirnls.i totlmntiy
roiicrrning said ailegH failure, j. W. Morrow.
county clerk, la autlifirir.il tn tnka the testi
mony in saiii raae at hlinttire at llrppncr. Mor
row roil my, 011 the 1st day "f OttoU-r. a'i5, at
III n i.h a. m. JA. , JIIM1KK,
lOi-i.i Keglster.
Notice of Intention.
I 4 Au 'tl. Ia'. Notliw Is hrrrbr alvrii that
he following named s. tiler haa flml liolli nnf
his liitetitlon to make final pnaif In aiiiMirt of
his claim, and that said proof will m made
urlore J. n. Morrow, rnutity clrk, at Heppner,
I'rvauii, 011 iN'uiM-r a, iai, vis :
I.K.OHIIX W. W .ll
Md No. 4T.15. lor the a't nl Mi',Mr H. anil 't.
ol N V iw .f.. Tl. .1 a, haiMta t t.. W. M.
it namHi lha loiiow nc wuiitHWMi u priva
hlsriniliiiuniis rri,i in upon and 1 11IIU atton
01 wni laim. ir
II. O Justus. Haniuel II Trier. John Hrrlrl
John (' Im kliaiie, nl lli ppiier. Morrow I n, Ur,
11. r. nii,Mi,
Editor Gazettb :
I submit Borne bard uuts tor gold bugs
to orack.
Firet. The single gold standard is
merely a scheme to destroy the value of
6ilver for money and so double the
world's great indebtedness, or at least it
would do so if it were adopted through
out the whole world. Baoouae the silver
staDdnrd nations would be oompelled to
borrow nearly one billion dollars iu gold
from Europe and the United States in
order to maintain their silver at par.
But to borrow so much gold would
make it so scarce that all the mints
would be olosed and stay closed against
silver. The silver mines, such as the
Oomstook, would be mined for the gold
in them regardless of tbe value of silver,
and as there would be no demand for
this vast amount of silver, as money, it
must fa'l in value to meet the demand
for mechanical purposes. This would
bring its value down to less than 5 oente
on tbe dollar, and paper currency would
be preferred because its stamp is not so
easy to counterfeit and silver would only
be used for coppers.
No. 2. Tbe vast overproduction of silver
is maintained alone at its present value
by the weak silver standard nations.
Because they alone make any demand
for it ezoept the very small demaud for
mechanical purposes, and tbe value of
silver and gold or anything else, is alone
maintained by the demand.
No. 3. That all fear of loss or pauio
in our going to a silver standard would
be removed by our government requiring
that all past obligations must be paid in
gold or its equivalent, and by our gov
ernment paying its holders ot silver iu
paper onrreDoy the difference between
its nominal value and its real value.
No. 4. That it would be a great relief
to our debtors if our government would
go to a silver basis and issue enough
silver certificates to drive about one-half
billion dollars of gold to Europe. Be
cause our oomuieroe would not let tbe
gold go before we had its equivalent iu
silver, and to drive this much gold to
Europe would add about eight per oeut.
to their uioDey aud compel their oora
meroe to maintain its value instead of
oar own. This would oause gold to fall
eight percent, in value, ami if any of
our creditors would refuse the equivalent
ot gold in payment, the gold ooold be
easily obtained (or less than one per
oent. above its equivalent, and still
leave a gain to our debtor of several p;r
oeut., but seven per oeut. of the debts
in the United Htate amounts to about
one billion dollars. This gain would
partially compensate them for their
great loss on account tit the partial
deatruction ot silver.
No. 5. That if we am on a silver
baaia, our aouuil silver certificates, not
unsound mongrel silver curienoy terti
llo'ites, such B8 we have today, would bo
good to settle our balance of trade,
PHpeoially if there was no prospect of a
derliue in iiilver.
No. G. That it our government would
require that all time contracts made 00
a silver baais, unless otherwise specified,
must be measured by the value of silver
in gold, we would hava a double stand
ard that would prevent all loss In
delitor or creditors by tha lld (nations
ot silver aud avoid all tha evils of a
single gold standard, including the evil
of giving Japan and China a llnaiioinl
II ond and a tnongli capital to build
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
&U&M)'$m PURE
M)1 1 K or IMKMION.
I AND Hri f. AT l,A I.KAMtK. DHKun
Ii Autfuat 77, I" Note U brlT all
Iliat tha full. .wins tiamd settler ha filed HO'
tli of his Intention lo make final Wif In Sup,
l.rt ol his rlalm. and thai said pi.ail will -
n 1 a. 1 a ii.ire t n. Mormw. 1 niniy leik
l!'Pf nr, orr(o on i t..ir s !',, vu
JAVM W. I KAllr.V.
ltd Application No lof I lie NfW Kw
It. 4 a Hi' 1 M. M
Ha fiamea tit ('iHoallig ullne In .rnt
hlaroniifiurHis resl'lnaa Uia and rultKsllon
itl mm ia"l. tn
U.l ll.irl.t.Jo. Ke.l..r lla.ld M.ri,lonti
liilain Hughes, ail id Heppner 'rii
n. r. au.n.
. ul.ler.
1 anii ftrru r at inr mi t i.r,'n,H,
present silver commeroe so we must I Pursue." Disoussion, opened by A.
wan tor international agreement to bold
silver at par. If we undertook to hold
silver at par, we oould do so as long as
it was driving out the gold fast enough,
but after the gold was driven oul it
would fall much lower in value than if
we undertook to hold it at 80 oents on
tbe dollar, because it would open more
silver mines.
No. 10. If the United States would'
attempt to hold silver at 80 cents and
make it a legal lender for that amount
as long as gold stays in our country,
Then issue enough paper ourrenoy to
drive all our gold to Europe except
about one hundred millions, and then
burn the paper ourrenoy fast enough to
bold that muoh gold in the country. It
would do all it could to relieve the
present finanoial situation. Because it
would lower the value of gold and raise
the value ot silver as muoh as possible
and give cur commerce as muoh money
as it oould support, as long as the gold
did not return and drive the silver to
Asia. Tbe only good it would do to
make silver a legal tender, is that it
would drive the gold out fast enough to
hold the value of silver to 80 cents sharp.
Question. It the silver standard
nations would be foolish to adopt a gold
standard aud so destroy all their money,
are we not foolish to maiutain the same
I would like to see tbe Oregonian take
these nuts whole, aud endeavor to oraok
11. F. Ubahonbh,
Aliobl, Union Co., Sept. 25.
One night when Mr. Isaac Reece was
stopping with me, aayi M. F. Hatch, a
prominent merohant ot Quartermaster,
Washington, 1 heard him groaning. On
going to bia room I found him suffering
from oramp oolio. Lie was iu anon
agouy I (oared be would die. I hastily
gave linn a dose ol Uliatnuerlaiu a Uolic,
Cl'olern and DiarrrlimA liemedy. He
was soon relieved and tbe (irat words he
uttered were, "what waa that stnfT you
gave me?" I informed him. A few day
ago we were talking about his attack
and be said he was never without th.it
remedy now. I bava used il in my
famiiy for several years. I know its
worth mid do not hesitate to reoom-
nietnl it to my friends and flualoranra
tor sale by Sloomii-Johnson Drug Co.
W. C. T. H. M ATrK.lt.
11:00. A paper on "Non-alooholio
"Symposium," Mrs. Beaoh.
11:30. Consecration meeting. Noon
tide prayer. Adjournment.
Afternoon session.
1:30. Devotional exercises. Reading
of minutes.
2:00. "Mothers' Meetings," Mrs.
Drew, followed by disoussion.
'2:30. "Housekeeper's Meeting." "Re
lation of Food to Intemperanoe," Mrs.
3:00.- "How oan our Present Methods
of Housekeeping be Improved and Re
lations ot Present Methods to Present
Evils of Society." Discussion opened by
Mrs. Ellis.
3:3J, Miscellaneous business.
1:00. Prayer, song, benediotion. Ad
journment. '
Wednesday evonliiK.
7:30. Publio mass meeting. Mueio.
Reading of MG Psalm.
1. "Evangelistic Work," Rev. Beaoh.
2. "Sabbath Observance," W. Wal-
3. "Mothers' Meetings, Relation of
Mothers Work to Law and Order,"
Mrs. Ashbaugb, Pres.. Eight Mile W.
O. T. U.
4. "Mercy Department. The Humane
Law," U. T. Bagley.
5. "Peaoe and Arbitration," U. C.
6. "Purity in Literature and Art, an
aid to Law and Order," Charlea Free
land. 7. "Narcotios," Jay W. Shipley.
8. "HcientiUo Teinperanoa Instruc
tion and Loyal Temperance Legion, as
Faotors for Law and Order," Rev. J. W.
9. "Purity Woik Department," Mra.
Ktthler, Pres., Hard man Uoion.
10. "Refuge Home," Mrs. Rush.
1 1. "Horial Reform," Rev. Oreen.
Music Higtiiutr. pledge.
Closing song and adjournment.
11 'a ram of Morrow County hrml-atinual
W. C. T. V. Coayrutloa In lit llrld la
Heppner, Oct N, U
First llay, Tuesday.
1W p. in. Opening hymn, "How
Firm a Foundation." Scripture read
ing. Prayer.
2 fa) o'ulook. Convention calle'l to
order by oonoty prenldent. Roll oall of
tifllnera. Appointments ol ootniuittAuaou
raaoltilions, credential, floanoet and
Qiipatmn Ixil.
Report of treasurer, local president,
faotorira and nasi their cheap labor to ; five minutes atatameut from each aa lo
lake away our trade, and giva us a U- the progress of work, eta,
ouncial drouth lircatisa wa am Compelled j IteMirt of superintendent of each
to lend all tha product ol our allver I department.
minim to theoi, and takn our pay in
trade, Instead of using tha tuouey tier
li develop our oonntry.
No. 7. Hiho lh silver atundard
nations alone maintain Ilia present value
of ailvar, there Ued ha lio fear that the
UhltsJ hlatea (in hold Ida Va!ila of
Silver tip lo H) rx-l.la i,u Um dollar, La
cause Iwfora all our gold and paper
It May Ho aa Much fur Yon.
Mr. Fred Millor, ot Irving, III., wrilea
that he had a severe kidney trouble tor
a number of years, with severe paina in
his buck and alao that his bladder was
afh cto.l. He tried niany so-oallud kid
ney etirea but without any good result.
About a year ago be began use of Elec
tric Bitters and found relief at once.
Electric Bitters la especially adopted to
tha onra of all Kidney and Liver Iron), lea
and often gives almost instant relief. One
trial will prove our statement. Price
only Wn. tor large bottle. At drug atora
of T. W. A)ers, Jr.
9.00 p.m. "Dutie and Kesonsibilitiii
of Hnperlnlemlehls, Iiral and Connty,"
Mra. Hnead. I liaotiaaiou.
3 .IK "How can wa Keep up Interest
In I"oal Unions." Mra. Obey.
"Special DifTUalttes and How to
Overcome Them." Discussion.
4.0D. "Work fr tha Children. H.st
Methods, HO," Dtacussloli.
motiM rouhl U dnvi.0 away by It, ll.a I'rayer, a-mg. a lj.nromsoi.
grant y inrreaac l eororuernn of Asia and 1 loeaday svonli.t teuhin.
America emilil vastly Uka it all at that 7.i A puhlm meting in eliarga nl
valua. Highly reiitann lb dollar would j Tua I.al Temper anoa Lngion. A
ha urarly aa convei.iMil a silvar at par speeial program ta Ireing arranged for
ith gold, Wans f.,nr taentiea in g ! 1 1 Una.
onld inaka otia liOiilf.1 dollar in s...t,d ly. VtdiMday,
ailvar, sola ohanga l a ailter valna a m. Devotional Mrr-iea.
.....! tl. N'.tl-e la I.eVel.v rtrrn Cotllil ll Ina ! l B I llllg Otie-loUflll I'll lf,..I,j li.ii.ulea
:!:::;,;iv';:r.':;t.rx't.C.h,r.. h.u.t 1.1 ...! iumiua hp ot o...n
l-.r, ,.1 i.erriaim,a'1 u.at tal l r..t win i- la,a flila becau-a got I wolll, I ,.,.,,,
mad l..f $ V. ..fH., I ,.M(.f lleU, all , IIIIH"e,
Wm, " It 1st em of I.aU ir Depart-
Culled (loin Ihs Kaitle
Tom Ithea U baok agiiin from Heppner
on llllsllieaa.
Ham Tillard rams over from Pendleton
last week, returning Sunday,
Fred St ad Ion, a ho formerly raid4 in
this city, baa deridml In remain in Fog
land, being lurale,,) at preaant al Ipaairk,
Fred's many friends iu Orant ooanty
much regret to bear lids.
On the farm there la ooollotially oc
curring littln atvldenta Iu man and
beast that canst delay to Ilia farmar III
hi work. Tha duration uf tin dalay ia
a mailer of Importance In the Ihrifly
Idler of Ida ii. A a qiilck and relia
ble remedy (..r ailment and abrasion
i,f Ilia ll.-ali, lliera U notia livller Itiaa
ir. J . IIMclati' VolnsnloOil Lini
ment. It has proved H iriti by many
eara o( roiialatit and tipeasful uaa,
I'ih a 'J-'io, Uh and 11 U) per boll la.
Heppner, Oregon on 0.1.M.1 I .. I felum alii ilflv Hi ailver lo Asia,
HI r. So mm fJu.L t l-r f a..d ii.1 Thai money l.k atl-r eek
' - f If a I. M ' Its ciinn.rrrial . v, Ihrimgli Iralisieir-
st.ai.amea ll.a l l..a.. llir. lo i r.. i . ..
he e.,i.ii.iowa eeti le.u ue.n and t ullKail'.ti J tIPn of 'r" loee, l,ea timber I j
" h!i7nr'i')''kf 4s I. le.l ..I1 1-lel.tlfal I'llPea !. t, l lb tll'lbr j
ii.i i...ii. it..n, a-i-noom.-r. m iirt,f.ner ,-t m,t9 ,,!,,, are ir Ii buy
mem Willi tmr Work," Mr. Levi Sh
"La t'nfofceinnrit ll-l M'dliol to
Horns Times: Ida Jordan brother,
coi, fined In II. roniily Jail for caltl
stealing, g , int. i a row last night, and
Iwf.ira II. a guar ta ull e to Iham
John bad set p.iiel y hurt bis brother lien.
John will Imi I nl lo r-i.s lialav l.y tb
sheriff lo avoid any further Wool. la.
ja y
ofc 0 Intention,
feel Hei r llfa ai only lo I b . t ar a
lo ttiathtain the Val'l of Hi.io;. 1 Ua ;
o..tiiif.rre of a o .unify and tha diivit g
am. nrrn r at mr osi ir tiarJK :, , n,,, lf 1?t- n
4 banlel i 4, S . .. . I. I. r. . , r i , , ' '
se p inOO """' '-' '
- III IHHI. t,tf k.tl.f -t .,-m.
tt. wiw r,, .... -..v..
... i
let' el eetjM.eJ S. - 4 e) t-T:-M .
! l-ll l M l--.'---.l-l. "- ;
.y.a i i v i f -t isiSi rv i
ltf fr-W trt tm I Ii. !
ta( , 'It, im (., -3
at s.t
TKl T0aa1LI!CtlCM(JCa.r4
ItovaJvsv T-es I ' Net Ct.
tlollltll alSTII. -a
Aav invatof la ri' 0" i '
iteeieea III -Vtea of " " -t
Wsal.io.l n. I' IS f i' '
a4veU4 ti t! 58 fcf I lai tU
(HMITICAII V IT I U It til ICAH. rirs Ms rsaase laa 0 ml ik
au aa aU H axl.lMal (eesa. H aia la lh as Irtb M.MA Uf
1Mb OWU.
tiir iv7f (km ia innijamti 4iicoi, thi .ra am CAlitacui
UWIH.ll All W it Ol Mil AUtOMAty Mtrt MAI. AMI I I'll II
iii to fit ! i ii m im. iiin-vt Of inal itiim maiAiy
rM U I lr Till M I.AH.
It I la M lb aT I Mk e "lHk ai IJireaiaes.
Iieae lHu,k Ikas Ik 4 Ik ly later Oiaaa I OM V OMI bL
Uhhii. vi a- 44m, THE INTER OCKAN. Chlrao.
Tiik Lancashikk Insurance Co.
1 W HTTILON, 1GIM. tr. ' viri'
U.at tl. 0. Si" i'.f ha-wed ' ' t. f..M f.'
l,.nl I la ,ile,ll,a I,. t S-ai ft'.l I. .
e.l f.f hi mini afi-t ll.l l-l ..l l.t 1
e. J M W it, t i
aonblrlea. I u oir of. s i,l ai. f f slan l
aid o.tii.ln.a, lli val'i of siiv.-r I
mir.iiO"l I f llie.f ..in merit,
. '. '.-4 tllCTlMO BILTft All3 AffllANCta INftUr1" TO T Hi aMC
It n I
f .. lo i tea
t-,t. .i la a a,,e..
I IUilrlee)e. t s St
m.il.la.l.. I alo.al.y ll.e.f . .ii,ii,rre, . I.eee3i. M i )
aiiltiay nrrn. n"""""' "" ' a '"fJ . Vil . , . -..-i. 4 e
JhVv;.7?j '- r::v:taf ; ., Mj;;r.-sV
II ii I..0 vit...".! o. (,'' leeau.e il ..' I n-. I' valo ' ',",' 1' k(7fw 1 , A 1 a4 All.
t. ia n .......... iHil.m Kp. si-4 'iti'aH . , , , , , ' ' . . ' . " f I ' 11 ' 1 a is i i 1 ' a i" ,! la im
aa. Jsa.es l-a s i lo r' ' ll.J, " " a5jt TjtrXm i..'. Mistsmlsiaa
JJJ I" "r' , silser. "'rn. " Vs) : -
iTirit nr
. 9. flval II la r.,.t.i ll.al li.a
I'li lrd Ha M nr.al.ia Ii kt'ii. rsi.a
li. all Um; laaealte. r ! !" al f -a-el l-ieisatl- "
U a a. -I .r'la Ti
' AIMIIM AT Mlirwa . i i , Ml lr .. H Heats.., laiytaltl, P
' - ' ,fc (IU.U.ol .li.ar al tar avl t-.il , T.r tl1lr7M t turn .!
afv. w f.iaai u) fff, I I I'..k..e ! l i r a,,!,!,! fa..te t. i ...... .i iL.wm.
t-ea a l .-! f a aa yin.l.ale iaiaita "i
(et. t.' ,.t, ,t H amn Uu e.. ...,. i e- fa-a. a .-
imU a.. 4 4l .4 l- A ait ik-m
a .ln
iHe t.a ay
I r Mm. r w
W. . iii it k'l- 'wb
sqpid M a iit. t lit at maie.tal.
insl isl" te'i'ti n.'.r.ey ah I il. '
g:. d .., ,' i' ou'i ! of fi. f "if
l.. , ,,- i,. ai.i ul li.ni.aea il s.I.ef
n,-.el. At I 'Mf Jarre lb f .li.rt.e.e
Uka atwid, Mjif l..l Iicg . It. uj
Iwt f I'll tiU4' lt II. f. f tl
SV4 I III ftlasa trel, sH,
ri,a. iik, le Al II a o'.J J'lt ,