STOCK. BRANDS. Whfle jon keep yonr subscription paid up yon e&nkeep your brand in free of charge. Allyn. T. J., lone. Or. Honiee Grt on left ihonlder; cattle tame on left hip. nnder bit on riKht ear, and upper bit on the left; range. Mor row county. Armstrong J. C Alpine Or.-T with bar on der it on left shoulder of horees; catUe same on left hip. , . Allison, O.T..Eieht Mile. Or.-Cattle brand, ODon left hip and homr same brand on right shoulder. Kange, Kight Mile. Adkins. J. J.. Heppner, Or. Horses. JA eon nJed on left flank; cattle, same on left hiD. Baird.D.W.aod son.-Horsea branded D B on theleft hip; cattle the same . mi . left flank crop on ngtit ear, mmoit.uw in Morrow County. rTnXlrter, J. W.. Hardman. Or.-Cattle brand ed B on left hip and thigh: split in each ear. Rmnner Peter, Oooeeberry Oregon-Horses bmnded PB on ileft shoulder. Cattle same on $ZrtvL St C, Long Creek. Or-On cattle. MAY connected on left hip, ciop off left ear, un der half orop off right. Horses, same brand on letft shoulder. Range in Grant and Morrow ""Brolman. Jerry, Lena, Or.-Horses branded 7 on righouhfer; cattle B on the left side. Left ear half crop and right ear rer s'ope n Barton, Wm.. Heppner, Or..-HorseB, J H on righT thigh; cattle, same on right hip; split in Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the righTstineicktUe same on right hip; range. Mur- '"Brwnf j. C Heppner. Or.-Horses, circle p with Hot in center on left hip; cattle, name. Brown W. J., Lena, Oregon. Homes w. par over It, on the felt shoulder. Cattle same on left hip- ,, n.nnnu V,r, oyer, y. . -"' mo - lth Boyer, W. G. brand on Borg, P. 0 Heppner, Or.-Horses, P B on left shoulder: oattlo. same on left hip. Brown ee W. J., Fox.Or-Cattle, JB connected .JvPB,?Z loft ear audtwosnlitaand middle piece cnt out on right ear; on horses same CK the left thigh; Bangs in Fox valley, Grant county. nr.-Hnrse. brand ed Oon right stitie; cattle (three bars) on right ribs, crop and split in each ear. Hange in Cain.K., (;aieD,wr. x u - - - r,,v. in Itrant county. . , . Smith Bros., 8osnTllle, Or. Horses, branded H. Z. on shoulder; cattle, same on left shoulder. Squires, James. Arlington, Or,; horses branded J8 on left shoulder; cattle the same, also nose waddle. Kange in Morrow and Gilliam counties. Stephens, V. A., Hardman, Or-; horses 8 S on right stifle; cattle horisontal L on the right side Stevenson, Mrs A. J., Heppner. Or.-Cattle, O on right hip; swallow-fork in left ear. Swaggart. G. W., Heppner, Or.-Horses, tt on left shoulder; cattle, M on left hip. Sperry.E. G, Heppner, Or. - Cattle W C on left hip, crop off right and underhit in left year, dewlap; horees W C on left shoulder. Thompson. J. A., Heppner. Or.-Horses, I on left should-r; cattle. 2 on left shoulder. Tippet8,8.T.,EnterpriBe.0r. Horses. C-on left shoulder. ' a- ij va TTAnnnop Or Small caoital T left shoulder, horses; cattle same on left hip With split in rxitn earn. Thornton. H. M lone, Or.-Horses branded HT connected on left Btifle: sheep same brand. Vanderpool. H. T., Lena, Or;-Horses H V con nected on right shoulderjcattle, same on right hiP .... ,, rr r Walbnllge, wm.. neppner, ur, nun, i th loft shoulder: cattle same on right hip. ,.ff Inft pur nd rirht ear louDed. Wilson, John Q Salem or Heppner, Or. Horsos branded Jq on the left shoulder, liange M nrrnir mimitv. Warren, W B. Caleb, Or Cattle W with quarter circle over it, on left side, split iu right ear. Horses same braud on left bhoulder. liangein Grant oonuty. n Warle. Henry. Heppner, Or Horses branded ace of spades on left Bhoulder and left hip r.Dttin hrniiHoH Htmfl nn left side and left hip. Wolflnger, John, John uay uity.ur n nunta three parallel bars on left shoulder; 7 on sheep, bit in both ears, liange in Grant and Malhuer counties. ,, Woodward, John. Heppner, Or.-Horses, UP connected on left, uriouliler. Watkins, Lishe, Heppner, ur. normts urttuueu UK connected on left stitie. W I !,., l'l,rlo Hnnnner. Or. Cattle. W on right thigh, hole in left ear; horsey w on ngni Bhoulder sonif same on left shoulder. Whittier Bros., nuntingtou. Baker Co.. Or. Horses branded W B connected on left shoulder TOillioTno vonp.n Hamilton. Or. Ouarter cir cle over three bars on left hip, both cattle and horses. Kange tyrant county. u.Mi;om .1 o Creek. Or Horses, auar ter oircle over three bars on left hip; cattle same and slit in each ear. Kange in tfrant county Wren, A. A., Heppner, Or. Horses running A A on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip. loung, J. H.. Gooseberry, Or. Horses branded THonthe right shonlde-, TJ with quarter oircle over it, on left shoulder u wiui u""'" ,. nmi,,r 5 vnnrs: rn unit on hliho ,"--- - ,, left shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. All range in Orant county. Cat.Cha. K Vinson or Lena, Or. Horse, H (I on right shoulder; cat tle same on right hip. i: V ... . .i iimui.llla counties. "'Jr..!1 .11 m M (lullowiiv. Or-Cattlo crop out of each ear' and underhit wattle in forehead horses half circle (! on left stitie. Kange ilor. (Mr T. H., John Day, Or.-Donble croas on each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under hit wk.ii "'i' .,,!,'; ft. nar. Kange in Grant county. m' slinep, inverted A ami spear point ou shoulder. Ear inarkou ewes, er op . i. . finnchnd upper nit in riKi"'. """ni ,", .' right and under half orop in left ear. All rang. '""VT'na.Or.-Horses, Won rightshonl ,w. (Vttlo. sainoon right hip: ear mark square crop off left and split in right. Currin. K. CurriiiBVille, Or. -Horses, on Cox Kd. H., Hanlman. Or -Cattle, C with E in center; homes. CK on left W. Cochran. K. K., Monument, Grant Co, Or. H rss bran,le,l circle with bar Imneath, on left shoulder; cattle same brand on both hips, mark under slope both ears and dewlap, uniier i"i ui,n. or Horses branded O on right h p. Cattle braude, the same. Also brands CI on horses right thigh; oattlo brand on right shoulder, and cat oil end of ' OonXs. W. M Galloway, Or.-Cattle. It D on right id,swailow-frk in each ear; horses, It D 0nWy',,Brio;'..T)onla..Or.-H..r-e. branded KLY on left shoulder, cattle same on lefthip. hole "jr-u n.imn Or.-Horses branded r, (reversal (i with taill on left shoulder ; cat. thr-ame on right hip. Ka" " ' "V"'!' i. 4 llottitner. Or. t attle. LK on right hip;' horsos', If with bar under on right '''Florence, H. P. Heppner, Or Horses, K on right shoulder; cattle, r on ngnt n. ..r ,,,.,. -l. ii Hik.tnnnr. Or. t'attle brnndef WF with bar over it, on left side; crop oil lert our.' Ilorsm, same brand on left hip. ((entry. K.lmer, Kch, Or.-Horses hrsn.le. H. B. with a quarter cin-ie iver n,rai,i"i rmiih. Kange in Morniw ami imu ' . .,.. n ii. Ur-t all a. romid-ton'art'er "cir.-le under It on the right hip, 7. vi ..,.,1 1 1 mull HColintlea. IlinV.n ik Jenks.llamilton.Or-CaMln ,t.oh.r, on either hip; crop I" ""r " " ' ,"M- ill.,,.- J on right thigh. Kange in I Iraid, county .. .I u....,n..l Wiunier. Or- I- (T F roiiii.i u'dlon right shoulder on horses: on cattl ' Li.. .,( Iuft side, swallow fork I r,l,i wrand slit in left. lUlige in Haystack diiriirt,Mir'ow cuity. . . lisle. Milton. Wagner. Or.-llor hrarid.l -O- (cHttle with Parallol tails) on left shoulder Catt le same on loll hip lso large circle ou left Ida. HowardJ 1.,'lslloway. Or.-llorss r- (cross with bar sImivb III on right shoulder; cattle "sine on left side. lUnge m Morrow and Umatilla " l..hi. !). Or. Cattle K II on riglit hip; hor same on right shoulder. Kange In tirant county. U....1..- Msl. Heppner. Or.-Horses sha.le.1 l .... .1.. ahMidilnr. Kange Morrow i. Ilunwker. H A. Wagner. Or.-Horses, V on left (I ,r:rlll". Humphreys. J M Hardman, Or.-Horaai. II on lln.i..n. l-uther. Kmht Mile. Or -flnrwi II on the left sleMild-raud hrt on the left sIlMe i t tsalieon IhM h'li. liangein Morrow county i ii..... ii,,i,nT. Or - Unrigs liraiid! II 1 ,.n tlie l'f't "tionlder; rattle lira 'd"l J on ritfl.l hip. ali and.Tlnt m left ear. .lUnga In M,.rrtw ctmntr. j.t,n m M . Ilemmer. r.-Hotes. tin shis. J 'rti tionlder. Cattle, the eauis. i. . I,..,.. l,i I ir.ii. I ..,. Or.-Horses. etrrleTiHi 'l siif1s;'ciil. Miueon M hip. nadet hall wh tn nM nd si.lil n lft r i. u.k. Il.,.i,ner. Or.-Horsoe branded S on' left hip call le same anil crop oft left vv, nn,ar ll mi tt right kirk J T., Heppner. Or.-Horses en left l,...ilderi oMIIe.etii left hip. hult Jaw, Heppner. Or.i hnm II on left ss.tildMi rallleMiiMoO rigid side, Uliderlut on k miilsWland W . II.. M.mnl Vsm.Mi. (r.- It, on rattle ns'd arid lft si.l. swallow fork in bit mini in until ear. llorMaam i ...i ... ift ali.uil.lrw. lUege in Grant ronulv. I..fii. Htirien. os,Or.-K I. on lefthip iu. rr,.o and Sldll on tig1'! ear. !! I.,ul ,. Ml shoulibw, lUnge tirant J. .kit W.. Itln'e Or.-tlor ,i,,.l.. llf rlrt-U J I. cmliert-l left shi. E. McNEILL, Receiver. TO THE GIVES THE CHOICB Of Two Transcontinental SHEARING CITY SHEEP. An Interesting Annual Operation in New York. GREAT UNION NORTHERN Ry. PACIFIC RY. VIA VIA Spokane Denver MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA -AND- -AND- St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. GET THE BEST When vou are about to buvaSewine Machine do not be deceived by alluring advertisements and be led to think you can get the best made, must nnisnca anu Most Popular for a mere sonff. Sec to it that you buy from reliable manu facturers that have pained a reputation by honestanu square dealing, you will then get a Scwini? Machine that is noted the world over for its dura bility. You want the one that Is easiest to manage and is Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. Light Running There Is none In the world that can equal in mechanical con struction, durability of working; parts, fineness of finish, beauty in appearance, or has as many improvements as ins For full details oall on 0. It. & N. Anent at Heppner, cr address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen.Ffifls. Agt. Poutiiand. Oregon, QUICK TI3VTE ! NEW HOME SanFraneisco od all points in California, via the Mt, Bhasta route of the Southern Pacific Co. It has Automatic Tension, Double Peed, alike on both Bides of needle (patented), no other has It : New Stand ( patented), driving wheel hinged on adjustable centers, thus reducing friction to the minimum, WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. THE SEW HOUSE SEWISG MACHIKE CO. OaAi'is, Mass. Hostos, Mass. Finns RarABS, K. T Chicaoo, Ir.L. nr. Ims, Mo. liAi.iuri. Texas. Ham KaANciiM 'o, i ' a I,, atlajtta, U4. FOR sat C BY Tha arnat hlchway through California to all points East ana soutn. tirana rjcenio noute of the Pacific Coast. Pullman Baffet Uleepert. Beoond -class Uleepers The Official In Charge lias Trouble with a Kew-Fangled Clipper and Sours on the Job Particulars of the Process. Everr year the sixty odd sheep in Central park are shorn of their heavy winter coats, and the wool is sold l3' auction to the highest bidder. The shearing this year was rather more in teresting' than in former years, says the New York Tribune. It is great tun to watch the perspiring shearers strug gling with the frantic sheep, some of which kick like young steers, and make things lively for those handling them. Some bright man suggested totne parK commission that time could be saved, more wool taken off, and less profanity would be provoked if the sheep were sheared by machinery, instead of by hand. Accordingly, a machine, which is of a nattern in treneral use among farmers, was shipped to the sheepfold at Sixty-sixth street. The shepherd unpacked it and gleefully expatiate4 upon the trouble and time which would be saved by its use. In appearance it resembles a tricycle, with the unfor tunate sheep as a passenger, while the pedals, worked by the operator, actuate the clipping apparatus. The clipper is worked by a flexible shaft, and looks like an ordinary horse clipper. One man can shear a sheep by hand, but three men are required to do so by ma chine. The sheep is held in the frame bv one man, the pedal is worked by an other, while the clipping is done by a third. When all was ready a strurrling ewe was brought and firmly held in the wooden frame, while the shepherd, with a determined eye, sU-rl-d the fly wheel humming by a vigorous applica tion of the pedal. The sheuivr grasped ,he clipper and applied it to the breast f the unfortunate sheep. "Now you'll ice the wool fly," said the shepherd, vith a wink. What wool did fly was tot off the sheep, but oil1 the trousers f the man holding the animal. Her harp hoofs made his clothes look much he worse for wear in about three sec nds. Meanwhile the machine had :ome to a standstill, despite the fran ,ic efforts of the shepherd. "Why don't you pedal, man?" roared the shearer. The shepherd said nothing, but, wip ing the drops from his brow, went to work and soon had the wheel humming again. As soon as the clipper touched the fleece there was a slight scurry of wool and then the machine came to a dead stop. The shepherd refused to pedal any more, and another man tried it, but Boon gave it up. After some caustic remarks it was determined to go back to the old way and shear the Bheep by hand. The machine when worked by mnn power operates very well on country Mr. A. H, Cransby, of Ko 158 Kerr 8U, Memphis, Tenn wriies thai his wile bad can cer wnich had eaten two large boles in her breast, and Which the best physicians ol the surrounding country treated, and pronounced In- curable. Her grandmotner and aunt saa aiea 01 and when told this, the most , eminent specialists of M' York, unuer wuunu 1 ment she was placed, de clared ber case was hopeless. AH treatment having failed, she was given up to aie c a a was recommenaeo, and 'astonishing aB it may Seem, a few bottles cured her sound and well. r., trnatise on tnts dis ease will be seat free to any address. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ca 2, bunches and bottled. Careful cigar dealers have always kept moistened sponges in their show cases, but, un less considerable skill is exercised, this is liable to make the cigars too damp, and even to produce mold. The prob able effect of this new departure on the glass industry when bottling be comes general may be judged from the fact that the number of cigars con sumed annually in this country reaches the astonishing total of five billion. EsLJe RAMBLER Is one of the very best wheels ever made is an indisputable fact. It stands in the ia front rank with all hih grade machines, and if you liny one you will make no mistake. S m Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE if yon want to be happy, for should your wheel begi H punctured, it can be mended by you in five minutes, as it iR equipped with the world i Stj renowned G. & J. clincher tires with wood rims or coppcr-pltited steel rims. 2 Sold in all sizes for Indies or gentlemen at .flOO each. S Tandems for two men or man and woman, f 150 each. m THE RAMBLER is the fustest, lightest and strongest wheel in the market.,! For style, finish nud durability it is unsurpassed, as it is constructed on strict mechan- j eiples. Cliicatro Ideals ( ical and scientific principles DIVERSIFIED FARMING. 3 For men, women, boys and girls, with 2S, 20 and 24 Inch wheels, at IfO'i, fS5, $45 respect-8j 3 ively. are splendid medium grade wheels, with G. & J. high-grade double locking edge SS a cuncner tires ana are nuiy warrameu. Attached to ei press trains, affording snperior accommodations for second-class passengers. For rates, tickets, sleeoina car reservations, ulieon. but the sheen in Central nark C. THOMPSON CO., A gents, K. P. ROGERS. As. J -reot a pure breed. Careful feeding Heppner, Oregon. Qeu. Y. A V, Agt., Portland, Oregon Simplest, ?iiiSj(sJipVEet ronge.t,3Vra Working. 5olld tUiJ-lyJ Most Top xl'llajntir Accurate, Receiver. QtiMtfOr Compact, Most Modern and protrusive Kor catalogue or liiforinstlon write to T1IU MARLIN riRI! ARMS CO., New Haven, Conn. 'A J 'itirrIVtrr 301.4 SCioS tic t-lLKAbt t i..m.i n.i. ' S'.iri t'rttnriiWH Vfllct, SM ll. H OIIKKSSFEI.MR C- CO., .Vii. I'.'iJ .Suffer Slrfct. rtw. Islile. mm left . IUn, nmmt I -I- e m (M iVTfV ""fiS-,. J W. H.PPn-r (r -Hor-s rjwUiVi 0sS l,ii, .tt"f naiil . '"" si" I Q Trs ..(. tl. Hpi"r l II p.r.iil .initiai( - II iri X..i. M. f. Ili-I'ii". r. - I'alile l.rsM.UI en, -I on rn'it hip. I..Men nhl siiNa. tii- f in M ri 1 !.,. it, . fi-..tM rr. r'sitlA, M V a ........ V .... UJl ll.Hlll-C. H.on.1. l . M-fl-n-. r II nmm, M I ift -,1,1-a .-II U l bn lop, M.i.l-ll iMr.l. ' -U'tw. 11 i riM kip, nina. J! .. r.M M ...... I. ll.n..ltU, . II.. . h .1,. rn.ll. Mj. h.H u ..... f..s lll. . M.iUt.. a, 1 1, l. r.k V.. . l ! IS m H snin ln.l ihi ltl 4nM. tt. II. t- u .. Mtlll.m. n ll.i in, .if ete. ! Ml ti.i , u, r.n-'t I'f tm he t.l.t .! I. .! ,m I l- r-U " ', .!, r nil.Ht -r ii.n,niM i ... .1 . . im i-ri kit. I . l..,,,l,. t.rlll m i.ri , Immm, n U-H ilnah, IUt l.i I- t mn. I'll. O Ufl i lit. Hf. H. n IS.MU. II I i.i..hi M 'pi ' ... I ,,. U.-.- w Vkn III" "I. ln.lH, H.ifMll' . fc . wn 1"' I rilln i I II I . I . tl It , !. .'...! I"., r'll lt .l.. h.- 1 It. ml .. . .. . . I ... lit " I..1..H1-1 m '" n " Ur.. I"- " .. . ... . , .. u " .. . .. i II-. i if ll- H 1.. , .. .1- L .J. li-- ll.,.t - II M l ... -.- I- " fc,f ul is fllM ..-, ' ., . ii itu.iti uL iw nn fc t u mm" ... . . I M i,i in i-.. I. w ! . Mhn in .t t,mt. a"i II -n lit w r ii i - " t . k 1. . . - I- tt f I . . 1. . , .. J - . ! - I, . . . ' I ThtcompsrstWsvslusofthfsstwocsrdi Ii knows to most parsons. Thtf lllustrsts that grsstsr quantity I Not slwsys most to bo dcslrfd. .'. Thtso cords ti press the bsntftclst quaU Ityof RipansTabutcs 4i comportd with ony previously know) DVli:P5IA Ct'UB Rlpono TsbuUot Prlco, jo cento bo, Of omjilsu, or ky snstl. .. llPlkl CNf MICAL CO., 1 0 Iproco II., N V. and hous'mp; make them prow wool tit a rate which v.'oulil make a Texas sheep farmer open his eyes. The lleeecs often run to fourteen pounds in weight mid are extremulv dense. A clipper which will run through an ordinary ileeee an easily as a knife cuts butter, wwin pets clopfred when it lneets with a jacket fiiicli as is worn by the Central park bheep. In Hhenrinp the Central park sheep much more care is taken tlmn is the ease ttmoiin; farmers. The sheep are expected to present a pood appearance in the park, and prcat attention is paid topivinp nn even clippiup to Hie coat. After the opera: ion the sheep arc un ceremoniously dninpt d into a Irnuph of salt water. Tin wilt combines vitii tl'e oil on the animal's bade, and when vig orously rubbed develops a soapy lather. This cleans the t-Uin tliir niIily. and when the ewe scrambles out of the trouph she Is as white as driven The surplus sheep and Imp k lambs lire also sold at auet ion. to.'clucr w it 1) the wixil. and fetch hi"!i prices. 1 In y nre boupht by farmers to improve their strain of sheep by mfiisiief li;(.di-bn d b'.oMl. Tlnw-e in Vntral park nrecer tnlnlvns line sheep Us one c.uldwi.h to see. and prctit pride is taken in I hem by the park shepherd. He will ivd in dillpe them In a machine hair cut and shainHHi apain, however, an lie Knys, unless lie can pet a foiirdiorne-pmvcr eiijflne to assist him. CIGARS IN DOTTLES. A Qr rail M lib h I timwlng In I'npn Inrlly Among ninokers. "Come and crock a cU':ir wi'li me" promises In In ns popular a f"tin of aalutV.iott !; .vei n fi iettds pi that In which the invitation is i-xtctid- d t.i en Joy a moil ly of a Isittle of rl..iiiiprii:ilO. And th eijjnr linn the obvioa i r. Ivan Upi nf the Hitor in the nutter of prteis ( ip;ir dcalcra viy Hie new atyir It Is, After All, the Only Sure Way to Suc cess for Tanners. Steady farming, with a pood rotation of crops persistently followed, is the surest way to success for farmers. Ab rupt changes in order to meet hiph prices for some farm product are dan gerous practices. It is within tlie re membrance of every farmer when hay was so low that it hardly paid to raise it for market, but since then fanners have been making more profit off hay than almost any other crop. To suit the chaiure, a preat many dropped hay from 1 heir list of farm crops and tried to pet alonrj without it. The steady farmers continued to (rive grass a place in their crop rotation, turninp it un der when it would not pay to cut aud sell it as hay, and when prices went up apaiu for hay they were the only ones who had poo.l crops to sell. 15 j sides enrichinij thiiir soil with the prass, they found themselves prepared nnp rnll nl- to reap a pood harvest when prices I1UL UWll Ulls,, Lclll ell came around apaiu to their normal con dition. Just now sheep have been at a dis count, and thousands have been sellinp them off to raise something else more profitable. Hut sheep, b ith for wool and mutton, will be profitable in the future. Several times in the past the sheep industry has been at its lowest ebb, but It revived in time. Steam aud electricity are said to he drivinp horses out of the market, and that it will no lonper pay to raise Hue eolts. There never was a time, and probably never will be, when it did not pay to raise y-ood horses. L'mlcrbred stock is too plentiful, and will be at a. greater dis count in the future than now; but fine driving road horses or heavy I'.ransjht horses will never loe their value p. r nrineiitiy. It is within the rem-un-brauee of the writer when many farm ers n.iid S and gtl per head for ordinary sheep because a boom in that line was bendiii everylhin;' upward. There are too many farmer engaged in t'nis industry who wait for hiifh prices, and then they rush into that particular line of work. If sheep are liipii they pay exorbitant prices for stock in order to raise others to II. If corn is tho loadinp farm't, that pays well, they turn their farms int. i enormous corn fields, unmindful of the fact often that they do not ioi-iler'-t in.l its culture imr the ex;vnes attached to it. Frequently they have t i mike hi initial outlay to adapt themselves, to the abrupt chanre. which alone will lake away all pr M .lust now more farmers pre prepar in' fir a'iru,it i ii'ia s than ever be f i e. It h is h en a .'.I . ist -nils year with i i 1. 1 of us. M i i ;." have hsl m i:n'V ;.:i I are peneraUy dU.atis'.ied w .tli ti'eir cMie;ili in. 1'a -U one is lo. ilii'i r a roil : I at IIiosk w ho seem t' ') Kefore vou buv a bicycle, write for cntainpne, circulars, terms and discounts, or call r! on our numerous agents. Kambler Rustlers Vi anted In every town iu Oregon, Washing ton and Idaho. 3 FRED T. MERRILL CYCLE COMPANY, :S Northwest reiiresontntives flormully & Jell'ery Manf. Co's "Rambler Bicycles." Main Si ;Vj Store, :i!7 VVasliingtou c-.t., Portlnnd, Or. m i OTIS PATTERSON, Agt. for Morrow Co., Heppner, Oregon. ,S 'SK?TT.:iSS:jii;:S' How's Your Liver? This question is asked daily. If dormant you need exercise -need it badly. The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery, Powci' Tlouse. 4mr' King of Bicycles. r ZZr FINEST MATERIAL. LIGHT. 5TR0N0. yTOs. " ' kW&7 scientific SPE' WORKMANSHIP. If J -ULU r77ry ttt iltir lip.ier ill bonleals taUMU i mt m n .if iEdi mint. k. i. m i ... .. . ... . i u i n, . Ttn tlminn I in nfittr.f Irilfl VIPm"'.r"' (UTA .F J - " " "K"" " - ll II rfrhtnm Th rs,n.. T) w in J ', Jp.T'i'Jr JO' rram thiTP In li'd a larger .ilc of lhi 4 rii(ir4 1 rp I i'i VrfN'V J i1 t V llfactUtiTi of the l.t!.lion bl audn W7 Rlt'j ffoYiA La '" 1 t5','t :"i,,k' "" . nl'l i.. ii,. ...f n.n m n..u..i u.i lt-n ' J. 'tyf" p V ll theory. r..l iblv. thut the r. put ..n ln-M .".; Mn.n.1. ,f f YfX' SMrf ft of th. .r .r..!. t in nillll. ieut'.V .st.ib. TZllA .n.-n inn mt -m ul- . M 1 V' n" Af Mw,t U'" : U ' ,r""1 n,J t.4 m. ...!, - mi is. -Jfiy jrm,y wJVVS - ft' tiieurriint I' - n I (ed tr.Mib!.. nnd i x i m" IM l..niilKlMrt vfwn r. 1 Tlif 1.1 a .f Ixdllirtir U'r U ri.'t I ll mill ll.. Iii vt iKnn nm ih.. I ft iANwiri I ntia II,, l.i .4 iKn.n not ia. m'gtl mm- 1 It ttl.f. nll.wlft 4 h.4l tvuiri 1 H r i4 If i lr.rfl I... fll Ki9 n.4 fi. nir not tnn r,t 'i In lh a..-'! ,nl w Of mt Itmr. PI4 M Iw N.. KfKt, mt 4 .. Ih wen n.ifji mf If iMftriw. M mM r .n.lwl ,4 tiin4 Mi 4itn. niwn nut I ji.n ! tl nlM-i bmf 9m lllkoMM Is ttrf ..1 4 li wa t4 mti H.n II it. 41 .,, I i.K.d f.., Ik f I.1. 11. M .,.ll 1 , t.4..'". ,. I..t I I H. I .l4 m ttr M mt Ih II H t - . I ll 1.4 mm ., I . !' A f I mi4 ii, i M . . tm t 1 f 11. I ... ,4 vl n -t t.; M . twll.1ltlt.Mll4 2m 4'( Ill.HHrh tin' t.rrMll Bj.J.le-li.MI of U i C iSytv!!.! ll rratly nr'u'.nat-l with a f.r cnlnrul m 0 tV t?if kiA ll f,l!f ori,f,na!. .l with a fir-mlnm, t -tfw ) eJl?' V! l uhan rlifrniaU.T tw.ny ..hi Inn I 'sf A' VfyUiiV in V t .. Thf I iil-nii art. I.U.. ll... Ai, r 'mi if' leant, or, l.i l. h;t..ri. ,,;,y a - uri.. V,mtv. flMM n-,-.' ,.,, Ih Amcri an. arr lik I!i.M.i1..ii. - ; ; , 1 ! iMt 1 ij ) it J ; f j t4 tna - t. 4 f 11 1.' m A IM ..I II I , - . . w m f a r'" I -- . m ... , 4 5.-. t mtm .,.4 l, ,4 ll, H .l . I h 1 n - ll m ..,!. H J I..I..4, t.', i 1 i .- a, H Unary I iii.rf It moil nnd r fill rim., ..f IN n.. ( Irn rn. .1 It ll mm I . kn I " m.rm. e.f i,.n n4 . h r. ;f ii. mt . rt ., In . 4 . I v) Hi 'iTT ' ' Ciwltiiiiti, I'lvibM, h!ll ft. nrnr iHMIwurHnff .f !) ! a"4 tatt iwiia. (Iwnjllnn, In v I ul I. ... v ih rn'ir..fn, Mctita r. ! b I I I I f. f r. ...i.. Illil,' nn I .! n'l r.i.rf . n'.ii.-r wt ifcl mtr In t r'ntnnu l .ur l.laa i.f it. n liter nli.utel ! ni' 1 Vtr U'an.lrr In H"t hev n ("r trt il. tlmir r'vnm white tl,v nr. frr? Af, ,-,nri nf l.t I!. ., pr.liit in r',m a r. n't ! r.-. ' ei ,M,t 1.1 It r f..-t mt wni.-,nul it j III ttrdrf t t r. r the a' f l.i ul.:' w. I t' t thui' il i ti.. I 11 xtlup ..(iti 1 I In r'i i.'t.l , la IT'nnt r "Jl.i. w r. '., la lt,o m e. . rt s-r 1 .. I ' ' I i if lit K.I';. V A ,fl.-!l. I I t l- - li . It Ui a f n" nu l ti.- 't 1- i.t . .. t 1,. .1 1 7AW Four Models S85 and 8100. EVERY WACKINE FULLY CUARANTEED. SEND 2-CCNT STAMP FOR CATALOGUE. Monarch Cycle Co. Factory and Main Office; Lake rnd Hatstcd Sts. CHICAQO. iLL. ' ttHANCHUSi-htw York, Sn Francltco, f a't j-kt City, ifsi.v.-. U'.ii v '..Id, ciia.l, Vcro.:to. WEBB SAFE & LOCK CO, Agents, rOKTLANI). OHEO0N. l... ni i r M.meMrnnf m .r.. .n.:n:ih!i.. 11' i i TTKliSOX. A wnt for Morrotr County, Jleppner, urrgon .... . .. .1 - 1. 1. ..I..... I ... , ,, v t erv n.ttfll tile., j.n'.iU.i, nre nil,- mi. nti.l l.y the time tli - chilli 'c i. inii'lo they will 11 I .ri;.'i'f I'tiy i"fal iieet. timi,!, htctily fiiriiiin'. with ii fair rotation of cropv in tlie oi ly mr" w:iy f r tiilV fnrtliiT to liril.c f ii Mii ii' u sure thin. HiM'.n, hnv. outs. v. lie it. io;:it.irs. c..nt. Miccp, cn it nn 1 !r r e niiint u'.wavn U' iinprolita t le. A ; lit ry'.ei'i! Mivcri!l. , (anu in t !i ii.e'.t pru.ii t n certiiinty mi .. i . f t.i.-. r ii .. It W:it any rato (riul l'.:i:u 1 'I'll.' I I'll I-. Ucjit up, Hot nt.i .1 1 1 i. liiMi-u., arc n inn il and ..t :.t . ;i-e ll ! l!i-rcltel hv ntlcli trio ! .' t !. Tli.' e .'. clii.-'(iMi cotvn 11 i ; h ...Mil .t',1 ),eM i l. ilieulell'al ; i I. . .mi le tlie m.ii:i f.inu crop ui.iy llu.'.i.'i. fr 'in, luit not ni .-. i ll.ii. i m.i i.if.i tnre.l nrticlen. 1 ,iie, ...I' e'l.irurteri,! i, of every i.. , ... oil f inner liivt tii more t.ii-i ii.-.f 'lire. Tiie .;.. in i mi -'.t ii . r .).- ti 't tune up pin lunUinif i . I, i , .n ,- luippt'ti t i U iinprollt I I. ( r rt ,, i. . ,,r Irt.t,-tirnualltowu i I'a I Ti I ;i h r.arlrl.lng rnrvnl Inn. Sha.lin Id noil i of grl aWn- taif In e -nrrrtm ammonia Into ni trate, a it ! hit h Ita m rtccl lei rriri. h f.r,.i while the arr e" r-rr.l w ilt ilrti trowtli. 'I It mutt h of a l.le l annuaily it a rarrn-t wliieu prt enl liiltuene by lit ttireel rt t f ihtt tun. That a il wlnrh trow f rnl tree itierrae In fertility in tSfit titrate,t ly the Ur.T cr.-jt frown iii"i nieh "tirifin "! aftf ll !i t-e. il t'lrarr 1 of it f rrl if r..w lh I'n X', "s'ti prin. 1 jile , th inu'.rn.iiif . f tV. . wit'ia tl'inf er..p ur with i t. it Itih-1 11 In i-ertititi rila 'u. V.u-...r..r,k.-v OUR STOCK OF . . . SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD It to Advertisers at a great financial sacri fice. Vou need it in your business, and as a matter of business we must sell it. Tiik Patti.ksos rur.i.isniNG Co. t y f' ', tn mnm mm Vt ill .IM' mmmm mmmmm ntt It I. , r. -mm n.f ml ... H ' V T , - tn-... h., I ... A I - tn - tmm. t jl hnttn. mt . n ' w..t. tmmm4 Itf. In Irt t .... W.f n t In tlw I ....,,. ,.. n,iw n ; .,.. II -m ,,. . . n t ... 4 I t . . . 4 . t .t .. t-.i r .. - I - - . . mm$ .... t t In ju I) Mfntf tM f mi W S m j-, '.-' Cmmf 1 TW f. n .' fit. I nt..vt.. n U..rt. In l 4 . II W a tl l-.n tt attnlnnt - i sr .. t cm M nv la t t m n ni lint.. TMMt mmmm1 IM V .n-Wl. nr..4l'4l Immm . 4tl I il I ll t I- a . . .. f I' m j .1 t. .1 k t. fc.-l t t no t t- (r ( p. n t 4 Ht,..WA,HM i I. an i.l i,.lr "m4 m ntlt.. .! ni-.t..n .tn'r. ll. ........ it... .... iu itntta -i i.iftt. laailft't k ' imiUH -. ' llt, j rrint at. I i. in ii 174 a ";?! hrtm-U." .1 wl. I- it... ... I... Mm. fffl l I .!. .- .. . I i ! j'j'r at. .pit '. m I I f .., r A rfiti , r l, 1.. t 'ifr i,n H..M'.,, .ttt,l re ."tt'i. when til I'M I !. n w t.A. rt rp I'l l rr-.l P.. I t a jrrt.'elinl t.f i rl ,1 a t.'i. la.h i..inirti t,f tH I, ,'!.rr pn --! ( 'r't It li' i t-t p.. if Ti lt, ' I up "t a '! lte r,M ' ni, I I'lwr e.n.1 t.f 1. 1 ., t-.t . .... . I ;" f -..It it .n ) t. : r -f ' in whl. !i ll U l 1 e l-.i-'. . f t-r .i tl i f a KJ i i. ... at i '. 14 i j ,1B,i.,i, 1 he t ,'..,'. .t! nr h ti at I'.rrlin haa t ..i r n. 'I fo-"l the IhiWh l.n.t In . it i a- i". il tin'.! at.? tloi if 'f I i r, r i. . i I , '. ir In .nr. -in It i . i , . , rti.'l .f a t t" . i f I w 1 i t't i it '"t I i .!- ',,. 1 1- I !.- it.'..- ; i' i . . f ii i ' r r re Al t.t ft t'f , it I , t ', . i.-.'t' .ni rt trr.lite It I ', j I.,' t'' ' t'e M tj rntl ttt,l thrir; I i- i.ili nn r' rni'.ti rttefit. tt'.tt-r-1 ! f J.-, 1 nn ' wiii.'ti iiiti.. I tl , i ' I i " ' ' I'll! I it'' II' l I'll. M -i.;-!, tti - M. ittir c I'f ! tf 1 an I to r , m.l al t.1,-1 I, tnrm y t f I a '' ' tfif If 'l..l l-t it nn . , l'.t.,..r, li)eri f'a I ' I e . ., i,,. ' '. riil 4 fa a . "( ll,twt ' m ' It '. I Imm I , '.! ',i,", a I i i t It lorn- M ',,' ef 1 , t ... 1 NiM-.i. i'fHtt h- r. PBISS wrn-i Vnlil-e Lrnvr-. Nfi CtMivtjp.'tt'on. I'nr. il. '! n ' . I! .. ' It . i f tl t I ! ift I '!'. f' ". f . ' I I !'-, '. ." r t ' - t . 4; Cn...vit..a t-t- PIUS ! IIOUN'Dl.iTnUe'Ein. i . ... . e t t a. Tr rr.ll ft M tr ait on 1 1 VI I ICL n. & I iaM (o, l a.