Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 01, 1895, Image 3

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    , THE BEST
Family Medicine
Sha Bits Star Known. Word of Praise
front a How York Lsdy for
" I would like to add my testimony to
that of others who have used Ayer'a
Pills, and to say that I have taken them
for many years, and always derived the
best results from their use. For stom.
ach and liver troubles, and for the cure
of headache caused by these derange
ments, Ayer's Pills cannot be equaled.
Here and There.
See Wills & Slocam's new ad.
Nat Webb is down from Wslla Walla.
Andy Cook was in from Lena Satur
day. Millinery at popular prioes at the ba
zaar, tf.
Phill Heppner returned to Arlington
Wm. Hughes left yesterday afternoon
for Portland.
John Sheridan dropped in from Butter
oreek Saturday.
Cbas. Johnson, of Lexington, Satur
day ed in Heppner.
Geo. Conser is taking in the fair down
at Salem this week.
A Complete Wreck.
the Life of a York Stat Woman
was Wrecked- Mfe Loot It Joys Bnt
the Clouds Famed and Happiness
Came Again.
When niy friends ask me what is ths
best remedy for disorders of the stom
ach, liver, or bowels, my invariable
answer is, Ayer's Pills. Taken in sea
son, they will break up a cold, prevent
la grippe, check fever, and regulate the
digestive organs. They are easy to
take, and are, indeed, the best all-round
family medicine I have ever known."
Mrs. Mat Johnson, 368 Eider Avenue,
New York City.
Highest Honors at World's Fair.
Ajsr's Saruparilla Cures all Blood Disorders.
W. P. Courtney
from the interior.
came iu yesterday
Ike Large is baok from a trip to Grant
and Crook oountiea.
made a trip to
Marble Works,
Doug. Belts is re
moving to
a siege
r Tcrrv7 v ajsw arm
Sal 1 WKM
1 x.
' flf J" 11 Hi' U 11Uk-( X
-2 J) j 2 3 5
JT 7 8 9 10 .11 TT
13 TT 15 16 17 18 19
10 l 11 2.3 4- lb Zb
17 La8 19 I 30 I 31 I D
Take -Notice.
L The mm of five cents per Una will be
Aimed lot "cards of thanka," "reaolutions of
reapect," aits ot wauaiDff presents ana aoooni,
nd obituary notices, (other than thoae the dlt
yt ahall himself give aa a matter of news,) and
aotlceaof upeclal meeting! for whaterer purpoee.
1 Notlceaof church and society and all other
tnterUlnmenU (rum which revenue la to bo da
rived, ahall be charged for at the rate of five
4iitt a Hue. Theae rules will be strictly adher
ed to In every Instance.
Advertising ratee reasonable and made known
tpon application.
Sterling Eeitbley
Arlington Saturday.
The Niles-Vinson,
n alia Walla. Wash.
Pilot Bock Record:
ported on the sick list.
Geo. Utt and father are
Heppner for the winter.
Sterling Smith is having
with granulated sore eyes.
For fruits, vegetables, or anything in
tbe grooery line, see Baling. it
Mrs. A. Keithly. ot Heppner, has
Cochin chiokens for sale. s27-4-81
Several of oar local horsemen
getting np steeds for tbe races.
Don't forget to attend the opening to
day at the Ladies' Bazaar. tf.
Oscar Minor left Saturday for Salem
and is this week ttikiug in the fair,
Mike Kenny, Barney Doherty and
John Mollally were iu town Saturday
Ous Stalter sot in from a shearing
tour through Montana, Saturday last
La Grande Marble Works, La Grande
Ore. S. 0. Smith, salesman, Heppner,
J. H. Piper and Brace MaAlister were
noticed on Heppner s streets Saturday,
The Wallula postofHce was robbed of
$200 in oash and 8100 in stamps last
Geo. W. Smith and wife returned
reoently from a visit to the WalU Walla
W. H. Benbatr, ot Chicago, tbe well
known traveling man, Snndayed in
Assessor Willis and wife went down
to Portland Saturday last, to remain a
few days.
Fresh candies, any kind, at W. L
Saling's. See him at tbe old Jerry
Cobn stand.
For groceries and lunoh toods, see
W. L. Haling. Just received a brand
new steok, 4t,
Wanted Plain or fancy sewing. Will
go to tbe house or take sewing at home.
Mrs. Mary Henderson.
Best accommodation and oonrteous
treatment at tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh
and Wash. Sta., Portland, Oregon.
It you mow a good item don't heel
tate to flive it to tbe newsgatberer. Tbe
Gazette appreciates these little favors
Ed. Rood arrived from a visit to
familiar spot ot boyhood's day hack
Id Missouri and Illinois, Saturday last
Born To the wife of Day Preisley,
Stair for Hardman, Monument, Lone Crock,
fob a Day and Canyon City, leavea aa lollowa :
Kvery day at t a. m., eirepl Hunday.
Arrtveaavarydayat p. m.,rpl Monday.
The cheapest, qulrkrat and beat Una to or
from the lutertor mnntry,
Pblll Cohn, Agent.
Eitrs. Palo Star Brewery Boor
In Half Pint Bottle can b
had only at th
Hotel Bar!
When hlKh frad Uquor and Cigars ar alao
kpt by Tol.
Ashland Tidiogs: II. V. Gstee. Esq.,
lb promoter of th new water aod light
plants at Klamath Fall, was oo lt
evening's trttio for th Willamette from
Klamath Falls. Ha says that the
Uotrto lights will b horning there
within a month. Tbe reservoir for tha
weler works baa also bo oompleted.
gbllob's Cnrt, Iba great Couith and
Croop Curs, is la great demand. Pocket
alt anntalna IwentV five doe only tie.
Childreo lov tt. Hold by T. W. Ay art
oar gen
(From the Binghamton, N. Y Republican.)
We have heard so much talk through
out the country of late concerning Mrs.
Martha Gates of Maine, Broome county,
N. Y., that yesterday a reporter of the
Bingboraton Bepublioan, interviewed
ber for publication, and her story
hiob will interest all women, is as
I was born in Hartford, Cortland
County, New York, 42 years ago. I
have been married 21 years and am tbe
mother of eight obildren. About two
years ago I was afflicted with trouble
incidental to my sex and guttered ago
nizing pain. Tbe tremble oootinued to
grow worse, until last winter I was
compelled to take to my bed, I oalled
in a regular pbysioian, but his treatment
did not seem to do me much good, and
only relieved me for a little time, after
wbioh my condition beoame worse than
before. I was ooofined to my bed for
three months and was absolutely unable
to attend my household duties. I could
bardly feed myself so weak bad
become. I had to be waited upon day
and night and was a physical wreok
There was very grave doubts about my
ultimate recovery. The best hope the
dootor oould hold out to me was that I
might be able to get around again and
attend to my household duties after
remaining in bed a few months longer.
But instead of getting better I grew
steadily worse. One day I happened to
1 read in the naner ahnnr. T)r. Williams'
Pink Pills for pale peoplo and decided
to give them a trial. Immediately after
them and before I had need halt a box
I eaw a marked obange tor tbe better
in my condition. All this time, how
ever, I was oonfined to my bed. I
continued taking tbe medloine until I
had used four boxes and by that time
I was able to be about and around again,
Tbe improvement has been steady ever
since. I am still a little weak, but am
growing stronger as fast as nature,
aided by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will
let me. I have great faith in these pills
and shall use them hereafter. My hus
band, who felt real miserable all tbe
spring, took them and they made a new
man of him. I also used them for my
daughter, aged 19 years, who has found
them very beneficial for trouble Inci
dental to ber sex. So far a I am myself
concerned I consider it a wonderful
Mrs. Gatea has lived in North Maine
for many years, and ia highly respeoted,
Any statement she makes is cheerfully
acquiesoed iu by ber friends and
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain, all
the elements necessary to give new life
and richness to the blood and restore
in Heppner, Saturday, Sept. 28th a son. shattered nerye. They are for sale by
Dave is taller than aoy six-footer ia 8n dr0ggiita, or may be bad by mail
town. ,, n. tr.'niam. m-.i,,,;.,. n..
, tiuiu A.' 1 . 1 1 ItllU IUOUIVIHV
When yoo want to feel merry oali on Hhpni.nritv. v. T.. for Krin. nap hn nr
, . T. 1 I J . I I - ' w"
uisns cperrj, at me ueiveuero naiuuu,
where they keep tbe finest wet goods Id
town. tt.
Pilot Rock Record: H. Wade and
family of Heppner passed through Pilot
Hock last week eolng to Athena so
P. C. Thompson Co. are as nsoal io
tbe lead with a large assortment of
winter gloves end mittens al prioee that
defy competition. 4-0
Mathews Bros.,Cily bote! barber shop,
tonsnrial artists. Uairoattiog, sbavmg,
bmpeoing, etc., done eoiantiuoally.
Baths at 23 oente apiece.
Kan's Clover Root, tbe great Blood
six boxes for $2.50.
Am Entxbpbisiwo Man. We have
been reliably iuformed that H. V. Gates
rill be In Castle Rock in a short time
and will make a proposition to pot
system ot water works in our town
cheaply that it would be (oily to oppose
so enterprise so beneficial to ths town
Ws doo't mean that ths water works
rill be a cheap jobo affair, but that
water will be furnished very cheaply for
domestic aod fire purposes. Mr. Galea
sod Mr. Foraytbs bav evinced their
nnriner. sivee treehneee and elsarneee to good leitb, along with all others
ths Complexion aod rare Cooetipetion, have property, io tbe towu by investing
23ots.,WeU.,l. soil or their capital, end ws srs ,0, lbil jj
Gatea will invest more capital In a water
Th riaxetts calls ths attootioo of lbs
ladies to Mrs. M. jsBellitr's grand
opening ad. Io this lne. Ths date Is
set for Friday, Saturday aod Mooday,
October 4,0 and I.
Bnckinsbam's Dys for tbs wblaksrs
i (he beet, bandleet. eafrct, sorest.
eUsneat. most eoooomieal and satis-
faelnrv dve ever Invented. II is tbs
gantlemen's favorite.
Elmer Slooom'e pboitrspb gallery is
now open on loosr Maio street bere
atrletlv firet-elaas work can he secured
at reasonable prioee. Call aod siamios
work sad gel prioee. utf
J. U. Csrmtcbeel reports bsvleg
tkn-ahad about tao bushels to tbe
1 bl M
a aeon.
system for the town if the oooocil will
give him a littls encoorsgemeot. Will
it do Ibis, it bis proposition is fair?
Noae Bat Ayer's at Ik Mi Fair.
Ayer's Hamaparilta srijnya tbs extraor
dinary distinction of bavmg Wo lbs only
blood purifier allowed an exhibit at the
World's fair, Cbioago. Manufacturer
of olber sarsaparillas sooghl by evry
means to otitalosshowint of their M..a,
bat I hey were sll laroe.l sway noder the
spplk-etton of the rale forbidding the
entry of relent medieinee and noatrero.
er Tbs deeielon of the World's fair ant ho.
ritiee io fevr of Ayer's Haras parilla was
In effoet as follow: "Ayer's Marpe-
ollhsJeeksoov lis Times, win s ieoa -- . . neiabbors did eooslly ss ..m. u boi . b.ini mixlielne. It !.
to ths bymeoesl altar oos or togeoss Ui beloe. lo ibe l,.t of aoetroms. It is
fairest dsogbtera.
hers on its merits."
JUVvWiir lJuV1flf'YJ"UIAnJVYy'","'ll" f
ffc Call h Attention
SO fUC FACT Ihnt vktna avrrMef ivfterf i fAal fce or
th9 ets smoVrsel ssy"' e Mk(a fart,egk KU
hrtl ; or, to ofAr irwecfi, hi it a luir and fa frf mot in
Aim! It's do so rl fo Mlrrf7 ererg o tlf, M ire
dfw of mnntit'rUi: IMmss froef ijs tktt m evis
JJr an.,thrr ;,rH . f Irmthful U fWr frfvlW awr
rnU (r ire ore er.rr In Ml it f f rfA fr;..rf
tf, int il Ifc i" $lotk,mn4 fVlre y,n ritt
led If W".hA. Hft-rUta rintk wW brll, t w-e
' n rht.ip '"" Ori'J.
' a s
falaad"' r'S) rWJ tad min Jmtt ,if eiy.
IVrg KtirtfUt IVere,
KM !.. tt
-v f " TF
a 1 ' t4'
a, ti t 0 I ,k 'T
OoD Kiu so - Baby Ilith, owsed by
TomMtarky sod Cees M.ll.k. .Ill
well ej the first day's reees at Helen,
ronolng sonod to All Ilobed, lbre
qoarlers of a mile, Is lbs fast tins of
1 .1.1, ene-balf eeoood Iheo the
N.ibet rrord. Tbe little mars bld
fiil t.lsce till aer the eutron, sod
I Ilea was olr tiea a balf Imgth. As
I ,e t a Ihr year-old. end bee shoes
Jeieileol pl Isj sll br rohlee's. wie
! rtl-g ily lt er, it l"r.eeled Ibal
ieUe is hot eoropaay In any eleee of
b and gw-d reeoUs see eitd.
Tb flai or t-ai-IM
f p,ais kideS
nttiby. Tto'y k
4)t ifni.hl. sed fia l It t iH'i,a M
pff m wxk iif eny l l Ubal
i. ti..rfr, i..ir)-n e.ih I e ,
t. II. M. I Ut ! K .!.. luies.
IHo niMi )!! oiibeli
pffrlt Sfr of !! I be
ki leey er lif. It rai!'y -1rtv l
4wad mstt itoee, toe l.Mb ed ;
Mris, ttg- eed rtiff-il epiiiie. j
! 1 1 tt hwii,
- j
Tbe -l i'-r of lb () . ba
lr.e eiiiOi eod obit'
f. fl.leti'M t-t lie etr dte
- Ibal Itote an h asiat b I if M ,
V!t rtt lir-iMt etrf (
' '-' the eiMkd el tbe t-ve-e
Tie Sialic ! SI fUf t'M. 't-e
f , taM, was vs bt 'ttt !. 1
I JnMises. rd. a-l Jtm 0 , li.fi.
4Tis,0i.v .
E. O : James B. Eddy, of tbe rail
way commission, was s cauer ai ine
Commercial Association rooms Wednes
day evening. He is on a tour ot m-
pection with tbe commission ana nas
been east to Hnntington. The (J. K. A
N. lines have never been in as good con
dition as they are at present, since they
were first built, says Mr. Eiddy, ana
improvement takes place each month.
C. 8. Van Duyn arrived home from
the valley Thursday last, leaving his
father in better condition, though not
entirely recovered. Mr. Van Duyn and
his brothers were together tor tne nrst
time iu ten years during bis sojourn
below. He is not decided yet as to
where he will looate in case he lesves
Heppner, but at present is inolined to
look with i favor upon The Dalles.
Overwork, either physical or mental,
will nroduoe weakness and loss ot
energy. Too many Dusiness or iamuy
cares, overwork in the harvest fteld, an
excess of woman's work aod worry will
produce months ot misery. Io prevent
this, tbe exhausted system should be
reinforoed immediately. Dr. J. fl.
McLean's Strenatbening Cordial and
Blood Purifier is an appropriate remedy.
Price 81.00 per bottle.
Fred Dnran brought the Gazette a
healthy specimen of Morrow oonnty
hops Saturday. It came from Eev.
Knw's hoovard. down near the mouth
of Rhea oreek. Many pickers are at
work aud the enterprise promises to pay
well . Others will no doubt go into the
hop business, now that it is proven to be
a success in Morrow county.
Arlington Reoord : Messrs Bonlon and
Gonne gave a oonoert at the Coffin opera
house Tuesday evening, which was well
attended. After tbe oonoert those who
wished participated in dancing, while
Paul gave ns an idea of how a Cremona
may be made to talk when in front of a
competed violinist.
O. L. Patterson, accompanied by his
wife and child, arrived from Long Creek
Sandny evening, and before returning
will visit the metropolis and other towns
ud the valley. O. h. will represent
Hermion Lodge, No. 4U, K. of , at tne
Grand Lodge session wbioh oonvenes ut
Salem, Oot. 8.
School ooramences at Heppner next
Monday. The term this year will be
six months in length, and the high
hool course has been "ohopped out."
This is to be regretted, but the course
of tbe directors is in accordance with
tbe expressed will ot a majority of the
"For several months, I was troubled
with a presistent humor on my bead
which gave me considerable annoyance,
ntil it occurred to me to try Ayer's
Hair vigor. Before using one bottle, tbe
bumor was healed." T. T. Adams,
General merchant, Turbeville, Ya.
Walter Van Duyn and Osmen Hager,
two grmiuates of Heppner's High
School, that med to be, have entered
the university of Eugene, and their
accomplishments give them one year on
the scientific oonrse. This is what
Heppner's school advertised to do.
E. O.: Tbe East Oregon Herald Is
informed by W. D. Huffman that a mare
mule, on tbe Stein mountain range, is
tbe dame ot s oolt. The colt was born
sbout May 1st Inst, and is a good average
mule oolt. Tbe editor vouches for tbe
truthfulness ot Mr. Huffman.
Hermann, the Heppner raoe borse.
rau fifth in ths half mile race Thursday
Aa the time made was 0:48 '4, Hermann
or any other horse in tbe race not s
inner did well to be in the neighbor
hood. Fast running time is no exoepl
ion in the raoes this yeor.
O. B. Tedrowe's stable of raoe horses
ia now nnder training. It consists ot
Danger, a two year-old, and Queen,
three-year old. "Ted ' is fall of expeo
tation sod enthneiasm over bis "racers
Queen is s full sister ot Duttie Reed, so
animal of reputation.
Fell Rros. have reoeived part ot tbeir
fall millinery, and aa soon a balance of
their goods arrive from tbe Kiuit they
will have their Queuing. Tbeir stock
will be larger than they bave carried
before aod price to meet sll ooinpe
tilion. ti.
Heppner I getting the bulk ot the
Interior trade ttenaose the people cao
buy "right" st Heppner's stores. H
sides llepnoer mrch'inte never fail to
take advantage ot every opportunity to
let the public know what tbey bevs to
Hen Mathews is now sole proprietor of
the oity meal market wbere be keeps a
fresh supply ot beef, pork, mutton, veal,
anagM, baoon aud lard, which be aelle
for the loweet market oriee. Fred Bock,
the Portland butcher. I still a it b birn. tf
The Pilot Rock Keoord preetji a
Very ereditalils appearance, having
s eoted considerable new Imaioeea from
PiMidUluti as eell st bom. It looks
0 w though Pilot It ck was sasared
of e permanent organ.
The (). II A S. are selling etooreton
link! loth Portland elpoailinii wbiob
elloe onlv tvi day time for llppnr
visitor. The iim should t nlmol'd
an I hat people Sao remain foor or Dve
d), st any rale.
Cba. II Carter, a pmmineiil Pendle
ton attorney, eocompauied by J. 11
Ruet. ol Kida-e. arrival in toen hotor-
day to elteo'l to some Irral linein
lbev departed Ibe same day lr their
respective homes.
Reenlar t reachloir aerviore ill be
held at the dtra house 00 Monday
mortiintf and ermine by tbe plr otj
the Christian rboreh, Kl Ur J. W. Jo-,
kloa. Yon ere rof.lially laviird to Ibeee i
Japne paper napkins for eoriel,
enierlalnmente ft borne nae si V er
tun II So lor ti i, Ciepr
than linen napkin en M eLJ.
For sale by I, li TltompeoS) Co. 4-6
(litliam A liiale deir Io sot if y lbe
In lWd to them Ibal ll.ey ha ler jd
sll notes sd arroanle In lbl r pei'B
ov In J. N limwn for ecltlemakt eilhtr
by en or rl sectirtly. S 7.
Orsst AMf.lt be I Vine lull's bend
tf bttrk beee st TtMe'a A Boitt
fe.tird. Patio Ml a day Ot Sq
Seier Ihss be eipevl!.
Otir eer hhlar ftefleeUl la ete that
Frank Willmoflo S4ttiiiii't VV. V.
Itirk fe ib rat of n inn fmea the
Mtb rio.
Ffask NaHer, II. our HarnSfl' snd
I Am Glad
To tell what Hood's Sarsaparilla has dons
tor me. I had the grip and its ill effects
settlea u over
m.I had cramps
In my legs snd
frequently I had
to get np at
night and walk
to relax the mus
cles. I also had
stomach troub-
v 1a. T then took
Arilla. Onebottl
cared thacramp,
and another has
helped my stom
ach troublt
taken 8 bottles and
nse Hood's Pills which are th best I ever
took." H. A. Mklvin, Bisters, Oregon.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the Only
True Blood Purifier
Prominently In the public eye today.
Hood's Pills
I have
easy to bay easy to take,
auylncSact. 21c
Fell Bros, invite the ladles ot Hepp
ner and vioinity to attend their opening
and inspect their fall millinery. They
have a well assorted stock of ladies
misses' and cbildrens' hats, babies
headwenr, etc. Opening commences
today. 4-5
Peel Your E5r3 For
Purely Business.
The publisher of a newspaper has one
thing to sell and one thing to rent. He
has tbe newspaper to sell and the space
in his oolumns to rent. Can anyone in
form us why he should be expected to
give away either ods or tbe other? He
oan do so if be ohooses, and be does, as
a matter of praotioal faot, furnish a great
deal of spuoe rent free. But it does not
follow that he ought to be expeoted to
do so. It onght to be reoognized as s
contribution exactly as would be tbe
giving away of sugar and coffee by tbs
grooeryman. But strange to say, it is
not looked npon in that light at all, yet
everybody knows that the existence ot s
newspaper depends as much 00 tbe rent
of its spaoe and tbe sale ot the paper as
a merchant's suooess depends on selling
bis goods instead of giving them sway.
'Twill be in this Space next Friday.
(9 q)
Mr. G. G. Strong, prinoipal ot tbe
publio schools at Anderson, Oal says:
"I have used Chamberlain's Pain Balm
and have found it an exoellent remedy
tor lameness and slight wounds."
Lameness usually results from a
sprain, or other injury, or from rheums
tistn, for whiob Chamberlains' Pain
Balm is especially intended and un
equalled. It affords almost immediate
relief and in a short time etieots
permanent cure. For sale by Slooam
Johnson Drug Oo.
What Do You Need ?
In the line of Machinery, Wagons,
etc., the public will do well to look
over the large stock of the new firm,
Wills & Slocum.
They carry a very large, veil-assorted stock of General Merchandise
which they will sell at prices that defy competition, for cash.
No trouble to show goods, and the publio are invited to call and
examine their goods as to quality and prices.
They are located io the old Blackman stand, Ileppner, Oregon.
When you come to Ileppner, don't forget
xviris sivocuM.
Globe: Tbe Globe thankfully acknow
ledges receipt ot a fine wedding card,
announcing tho marriage ot the well-
known merchant, Lester F. OoOln snd
Miss Nellie R. Levees st Mt. Tabor,
Oregon, on ths 18th inst. Tbe contract
ing tsrties formerly resided st Arling
ton snd hsvs many friends in thisconnty
who tender congratulations. Tbs happy
couple will be "st home" st Lewiston,
Idaho, after Oct, 1st.
"It i tbe best patent medicine in Ibe
world" Is what Mr. E. M. Ilartman, ot
Marqnam, Oregon, say ot Chamberlaio's
Colic, uuolers ami uiarrmea itemeuy
"What leads me to make this assertion
is tmm the faot that dyaenlery in its
worst form was prevalent around ber
last summer and it never took over
two or Ibree doses of that remedy to
effect a complete cure." For sal by
Hloonm-Johnsoo Drag Co.
OironiMUtiKS Bitks. Dong. Belts, of
Umatilla oonnty, write the (lasetts Ihst
be ill tie st Heppner on Oct 11 or 2nd
with a lot of half snd quarter blond
Oxfordshire bnrks, wbioh he will offer
for sale on eery reasonable term.
Hheproo shonld eoms esrly snd
select their rams before tbey are all
gone, 74-75.
l or Sale.
Ten shares of stork in lbs National
Bank of Ileppner. Addree lUrbard T.
Coi, Keoelver, Arlington, Oregon, bttf.
Now la tbe lime to get tbs Weekly
Oretfioiaii. the ireetMt newspaper of
the Weal. With tbe 0("tt. both strict
ly In advance, for one year, No beller
combination of newspepera eaa lie made
In Ibe slate. IMd we will give aa a
premium an additional Journal. tbe Web-
foot Planter, an agrtrtiltaral paper.
(Vim in nw anl enrsaflflh".
Out of Sight!
Onlaiio-lSiiiiG Stave line
H a W'L'.laWS. Prop.
leaves Burn Ilailv al ft p. m. aod ar
ri at Ontario ia 42 boors.
Singlo Faro $0.OO.
Hound Trip $11.00
farMa")! leil(hl rtri.te eraw,'t.
Im'H S'ir itn tH SxMef (
al i ' ,tt io. Mi i-". .H..axt
a. n t,lfWrf f"ti,t4 o.
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Mi. I Coatee see lat I Ibe etalef r.
eifif a
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a wri in w, m t
The boy is fstber to tbe man, snd wben
tbe boy dons ths man's bat he is "oat
of sight." Likewise ths man who pro
vides himself ftith one of
bats, snd slso purohases his Groceries,
Cigars, Tobaooos sod Gents' Furnish
ing st this establishment where lbs
freshest and latest ot tho sbovs lioes
sre kept.
This is also tbs plsoa for Stockmen's
Hnpplies, ss this store makes a specially
ot everything required by this elss of
Irsds. And s casual observer will not
fsil Io notice that oar sheep snd cattle
men take advaotsgs ot this fact
Rcmemlier the place aaaew
Fonr doors south of tho City hotel.
n11Z CMVEIWITY OF OKEOON, IXOENE, OI1FO0N, ctTere free loltloa
tc to all student. Yoong meo esn obtain boenl lodging, beat and light is
' ... . . f - B'l mm L It.Mta.. IhmUIi II..1. AB tih.H Yrm fl
IDI OOrDliari IIIT t,W yvi lli iwiwp.tuiiii..iireii-,ti,r.i
womea are provided board io privsls fsoiilies at 00 Pr ek. Yoong woma
deeiriog board sboold mMrees Prof. John WrsOM, Eugens, Oregon; er Secretary
Toong Women's Christian Aseooletloo, Eugene, Ths Uolversity offers Ibree
beccalaureale degrees, llscbelor of Arts, Tscbelnr of Poletice and Bschelor of Ut-
Isrs with ourreepondiog Soorsee of study. Tbs follosing shorter sooreee are also
offered: Aa English ooorss lading ia two yssrs ti a bueioees diploma and la
three years to lbs litis graduate la English; so sdvsnced soar for grsdaslee ol
ormel schools Usdisg to the degree meeter of pevlsgogy; A Ibree years coarse U
Ivil sngiseering lesdisg to tbs degree eivil engineer; a eourss of two years for
teerbers of pbyswal .lurlioo leeltog to a diploms snd tbs title director ol
pbrairaJ adoeelioa. Tbe University rbsriee sa IneidenUI fee ot tea dollsrs a bleb
Is peysble la alvsiias by all stodeols. Htedents holding diploma from lbs poblio
schools snd those bsvlsg lesrbers' eertlnesWs are admitted Io Ibe prepsrslnry
department wiiboot eiamiastlon. Tboae daelring isformstina regsrding lbs pre
paratory deperlmeel shoald SJ Irees tbe Ies, N. U Warregao, Logan.
For catalogs and loformstloa adJrees
O. II. CHAPMAN. Pn'Mltlrtit,
or J. J. WA LTON, HotMuUiry. lintio. OifKon.
Srei f fptnarMlif "Ut Mf rv. VmI eka,a thl aaal a Stuik lll.ISS
akoti Urn a s'l i-rti la Walw, fmtlaiwt 4 u s.
111 U Ma4 t,f 1)1 mmmm-
Systematic Plan of Speculation
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