Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 01, 1895, Image 2

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mously for judga of. the. court of
appeals. General Horatio King
was named unanimously for secre
tary of state. John B. Judson, of
ulton, was nominated for con
troller; Morton Chase, of Albany,
was nominated by acclamation for
attorney-general; D. C. Dow, of
Schoharie, was nominated by
acclamation for state treasurer,
and Russell Stuart, of Onondaga,
was nominated for state engineer.
The sand bars near Celilo have
been located on for placer mining.
Blackbcbn expresses hope of
winning the senatorial fight down
in Kentucky.
Corbett, the fighter, is re
ported in poor health and suffering
from blood disease.
According to a clause in the
Oregon state school laws the new
series of school books must be
introduced and in use in the
public schools by the 1st of Oc
tober. Any district Deglectine to
provide for the introduction of the
new series will forfeit its pro
portion of the school fund for the
succeeding year. The series, how
ever, is the same as the old with
the exception of two or three new
Yom KirruR, the day of atone
ment, was celebrated by all ortho
dox HebrewB Saturday.
Hon. W. J. Bryan, of Nebraska,
is at the state fair this week. lie
is an ardent supporter of the free
coinage of silver.
Senator McBride seconds
Senator Mitchell's demand for the
election of senators by a direct
vote of the people.
A Kansan dropped in behind
the prescription case of a "Wichita
drug store the other day and
asked for quinine. The clerk has
not yet recovered
Lawyer Dupbey, counsel for
Durrant, in his opening speech
before presenting evidence for the
defense, practically accused Pastor
Gibson of murdering Blanche La-
' r
The silver sentiment, the ques
tiou of the rehabilitation of silver,
is as broad and deep in the heartB o
tne American people as it ever
was. And don't overlook
England doesn't count.
Waahinqton and Oregon were
both represented down at the G,
A. 11. encampment at Louisville,
though a statement to the contrary
crept into the Oazette, somehow,
Washington and Oregon nerer get
Clark Wood'h Weston Lendor,
one of the best weekly interior
paper), is dead Clark couldu'
run a paper for fun and abandoned
the fiold for that of Walla Wall
He deserves to do well whorever
ho goes.
A ritoroHirios to give negroes
the right to voto but not to hoi
ofliRH was knocked out in the Bout
Carolina constitutional convention
last week. Tillman opMHtd the
Measure as lxtli toolihh and unjust,
while Col. Hubert Aldrich chain
pionml it.
Capt. W. W. Hai-npeiis Ins
matin application to 1h reHtonnl to
rituiMiahip. KauudiTH in now con
urctivl with a wtll-kuown law lirm
of Spokane ftud aerved part of
lift) atttiUMico iu thi) Oregon pn
tentiary for atutoting a inau named
Campbell iu Albany
FliEE coinage agitation in doa.1.
Iloturiiing proHtity killed it
Portland Telegram, lleturtiing
prosperity! Wheat X cenU; 1hhi
1 cental My eye, but 'r
burtiug with proKerity. Voting
man g auck your gold-headed
rane, and think, if you ever do
that kind of laUfr.-Slieridau Hun.
As Atmitt'AN company haa aiu
cured from the Venezuelan govern
ment a grant of land which, un
fortunately, u aituatist iu the dia
pute territory, Knglatul hating
claitua aa wi lt. Should l'.ngtatid
attempt to force the matter it will
bring th dispute over thi way, aa
the I'uited 8tat-a will iliultlres
-o that the rihta of her citiHie
are riitttt.l
The democratic nnritiD at
HtrauM Lad uuite a row and
The New York reformers will fight
Tammaa ball. Thia ia a foregone con
clusion, (or it is already arranged to put
a local ticket into the field. Tbosa at
the bead of tbe movement or, at least,
some of tbe most prominent leaders are :
Charles 8. Faircbild, Elibn Root, Cor
nelias N. Bliss, Gen. Samuel Thomas,
Cbas. H. Parkburst, Carl Schnrfc and
Jacob H. Scbiff. Carl Scburz is one of
tbe most prominent mugwumps in tbe
United States and as a republican was a
member of Hayes cabinet. Tbe war,
not began bat continued from two years
ago, means tbat tbe republicans will
make oat of it a winning fight, though
bad tbe democratic party united it is
more tban likely that tbe latter would
have succeeded in returning the "Em
pire State" to tbe old fold of Cleveland
and Hill. It is rale or rain with Tammany.
A woman's character has been
keneu to a postage stamp one
black mark ruins it Man's like
treasury note no matter how
many stains, it shall pass at par,
Wnen a woman tans irom grace
her character is usually ruined
brever. When, on the other hand,
man may straighten up and be
received into the best society
again. All of which is too true;
but being true don't make it right.
Cbabley Nickell, of the Jack
sonville Times, sent to Ira Camp
bell, of tbe Eugene Guard, one
day last week, thirty-nine peaches
that weighed twenty-two pounds.
Charlie desired to show Ira that
the Willamette valley "wasn't in
it" with Southern Oregon when it
came to peaches. Campbell ap
pears to be fully convinced. Nick-
ell's evidence was overwhelming.
E. O.
Among the republicans of Union
county there is an almost universal
demand for the re-election of
Senator Mitchell next year. Of
course this sentiment may change
in the mean time but we hardly
think bo. The senator is a friend
of the people is in touch with
them upon all great questions and
is a persistent and conscientious
worker. Union Republican.
The democrats of New Jersey have
nominated as their candidate for govern,
or, Alexander MoQill, the present chan
cellor of the state. He is a very able
man and will, it is conceded, oarry his
full strength, which is hardly sufficient
to place him safely into tbe gubernator
ial chair. The democratic convention
was enthusiastic bat according to tbe
dispatches quite tame as compared with
tbe convention of tbe opposite party
reoently. New Jersey has always been
safely democratic bat it seems to have
left tbe ranks mayhap never to return.
n crcat raiPP! P"PPY
Perhaps you may think that Scott's Emulsion is
only useful to fatten babies, to round up the angles and
make comely and attractive lean and angular women,
and fill out the hollow checks and stop the. wasting of
the consumptive, and enrijh and vitalize the bibod of
the scrofulous and anaemic persons. It will do all this
but it will do more. It will cure a
Hard, Stubborn Cough
when the ordinary cough syrups and specifics entirely
fail. The cough that lingers after the Grip and Pneu
monia will be softened and cured by the balsamic heal
ing and strengthening influences of this beneficent
food-medicine, namely, Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver
Oil and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda.
Refuse substitutes. They are never as good.
Scott & Bowne, New York. All Druggists. 50c. and 51.
The looal demoorats tbe state lead
ersseem to have enough to do now to
keep them busy. This deoision is reach
ed honestly and fairly. Some months
ago, Collector Blaokman and other offi
cials were bitterly attacked and the
vandalism did not stop with these
parties, bat invaded tbe sanctity of home
affairs. An appeal was made by the
"bosses" to tbe beads of affairs at Wash
ington and from all appearances some
one got sat down on so bard tbat not a
wisp of breath remained in tbe kickers.
Failing in home rule, Amerioan Irish
men are organizing in America to con
tinue the fight May it be a soooessful
one, is tbe prayer of every lover of freedom.
la Your Blood '
In the oh nits of thnt tired, languid feel
ing wbiob eflliots yon at this season,
The blood ia impure and Las beoome
thin and poor. Tbat ia why you have
no strHOglh, no appetite, cannot alnep.
runty your blood with Hood a Karsapa
rillii, which will give you an appetite.
tone your atomach, and invigorate your
Tbe Dr. Miles Medioal Co., of Elkhart,
Ind., ia taking considerable interest in
Cubaa affairs, and is circulating pe
titions asking oongreaa to recognize tbe
belligerenoy of tbe' patriots who are
putting up an excellent fight against
Spain. Whether the Miles people are
working for a lot of free advertising!
or in the interest of suffering humanity,
or botb, they will be aeoonded by every
liberty-loving oiliaen. A black petition
will be found at tbe Gazette office and
all are invited to oome in and sign it.
Bucklta's Arnica Salve.
Tbe best salve in the world for oats,
Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Malt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all skin eruptions
ana positively ourae 1'ilee, or no pay
required. It ia guaranteed to give
perfeot satisfaction or money refunded,
riPoe 25 oenta per box. For sale by
T. W. Ayers, Jr.
Hood's fills are easy to take. eaej In
action and sure in effaot. i!5o.
A (loon Snow. Tboaa old veterans io
the show business, I'aul Houlon and
0o. Oonne, gave ao entertainment at
the opera house on Friday and Saturday
evenings wbiob was very much appreow
atr.l by all who were fortunate enough
to l present. Io fact it ia tbe "best two
tuau" show od tbe road, eclipsing any
thing of the kind that evur cams Io Hepp
ner. llnth are muaioiaoa. hnmoriats and
all round actor. The music waa of a
high order, tba bnnior fresh and spark
ling, bearing tbe imprint of tbat genuine
article wbiob can only emanate from
jolly old souls tbat speak what they
rmi. Mesara. UnnioD A Uoooe give a
two hour show that loavi-a one no time
to think about leaving the theater
There are no delays everything goes
ilhaanap anJ vim thai ia truly re
fmliing. Of llieir mo.io and show iu
general, the (Ktxte cannot aay too
much. Huflu'e la say, it daervra tbe
patronage ol all fuo loving people, for it
ia meritorious tu all nupeels eoj con
dtiotod by two, thorough gentlemen who
bave a reputation In their Iidm, and
bo are aa s i oars roea as one will
ehauee to meet anywhere.
UaDTarTa -Q 8 Van iHite Id
lends to leave shortly for hagene where
l.rtU advantage era offer! In the Hoe
of education than eiiil at proa tit at
llepptirr. Had the so In 4 remained at
tbe bigb alan lard of the paal f uir year.
it is out likrlv tbat Mr. Van I.io aud
family would bave though! of moving
Tbia aetuin will bo doubt be followed
by others, aa in tie u aa tbe Osteite re-
greta to say II, and Indeed of the die
rut following a purely buaiaeealike
eourae, will te trre Io tbe satis
faction if all thai it is farthest fruna It,
that stinginees In edueeiiotiel natters
tl wan't l j, Iron flaaaoial stand
point aud oltirrwUe, No doubt the
traders will do well I Lie year-eo far ae
tbey are able in tbe limit! lime allotted
and with a ehoit corps of leathers, but
il Cannot be a complete euee, aa ac-
'J wllb fn,ef teats. M be I Iter tl
A Fakkb Faked. Last Thursday
youthful looking fellow appeared on onr
streets claiming to bave a bad case of
erysipelas on one arm, tbe result of an
injury, be said, while working with
header. lie told other stories bat this
was not known at the time, and be
wanted money Io take him to a Fort
land hospital. Ilia story was pitiful in
the extreme, and onr good-beartoii
citizens soon bad $10 made up, besides
aeenring transportation part way down.
It transpired, however, that tbe fellow
onlv rude a far aa tbe lower eud of tbe
ewitoh at the Meppnnr depot wbera be
dropped off to meet two other ooro
paoions, II then dawned upon tbe
people that they were bit and Marshal
Huberts gathered them iu. Tbe man
itb tbe "eryaiprlaa," mad by repeated
applications o( aome strong acid, waa
throw a in for trgging, not having
money Io pay bia fine, while tbe others
were marched to tbe town limits and
ebowo tbe smooth, broad road where
tbey were silt posed Io perambulate off
to some other clime. They moved with
out being told Iwioe. As soon aa tli
otber got out of jail be was instructed Io
rrpesl tbe fierformanre, and was soon
loal sight of. Tbia "erysipelas" dudg
is not a dsw eue, yet tbeee fellows may
attempt it elsewhere. Theirdeetioation,
Ibey said, waa tbe interior country.
Tbey are described aa follows: Tom
Panning, the fellow with tbe "aore" arm,
about 21 yeara of age, smooth fate, quite
slender; J at. O'llrteo, tall and eleader,
wears short blarkmuata. be, light penis;
Leonard, low and beavy eel, wore
loose elotbre, sometime makes paper
ornaments, baa thumb off no band,
talks with Insb aceral. !mk ool for
Still on Top !
Are still on iop at the old stand
where they are dealing out ....
-At Lightning Rate.-
BARGAIN3 IN EVERYTHING ! Genta' Furnishing Goods, Quilts and Blankets,
Outing Flannels, Calicos and Ginghams, Boots and Shoes, Groceries and
, Canned Goods, in (act we are ottering bargains In every line of goods carried by
our largo establishment.
Call and See Us Before Laying in Your
Winter Supplies.
Grand Opening !
Mrs. M. LeBallister desires to inforrri the
public that she will hold her grand opening ot
fall milinery,
and Monday
The ladies of Heppner and vicinity are in
vited to call and examine her stock, in the
Lichtenthal building, opposite the City Hotel.
Fall Term begiDs September 18, 1895.
Three College Courses, Classical, Scientific and Literary. Academy prepares for college and
gives a thorough English education, the best preparation for teaching end business. The school
has always been distinguished for the breadth and thoroughness of its work. It has a library of
7000 volumes, good equipments for mathematical and scientific work, and fine buildings with the
best modern improvements. Marsh Hall, Just completed at a cost of $50,000, is one of the finest
college buildings on the Pacific College,
All expenses very low. Board and room at the Ladle's Hall $3.00 to $4.00 per week, Includ
ing electric light and heat. The College Dormitory, under excellent management, furnishes
board and room at $2.25 per week. Board in private families, $2.50 and upwards. Many students
rent rooms and board themselves at a total cost not to exceed $1.50 per week.
For further particulars address, PRES. THOMAS McCLELLAND, Forest Grove, Oregon.
500 HEAD
Address J. 1G. SMITH,
Pilot Rock, Umatilla Co., Oregon.
"My Pet"
Plxil Columns
The ili-ppner Sueed Association bave decided to glte a Racs Meeting at
'9 9
a j on
nay, ucl ll
And lyfisstliifcE Five IDnyw.
S82 5 IN PURSES ! 8 82 5
Yqu Should Pppot
For a "big feed" when you come to
Heppner and stop at the
Popular Prices ! Comfortable Rooms !
Mrs. Torn Bradley, Prop,
lM(() 14 AMM K I
riHxT IKV-Rm r 1. Half mil .U.h, fru for alt. I'lirso, f UD.
frrt lor alt, l'iir ,
HFCOVD HAY-Kami. On tlioiiwn.1 far-Is, m for all.
rigntns ami r.'t, iih mr an. I iiru hj.
TIIIKIt iY-Hai- Half mil itinh, frea for all twivjrnir-nMs.
Half mile iln, for Mlll hnrwa, to carr jr miuIs h. I'uraa, UU.
for HTM 1AV-Hr7 Klv HttMln dmh, frw for all. Pun. ITS 00.
Ram 1 Quarter mils dash,
Purw, 1100. Rare 4. Thrt
Puree. ITS 00. Rac-e a.
Ram a. r,ntlemrn't I
Ma'Utrr tit tnrart. troitlns. mrnm lo.rl. halt mil hrala, S In &. Puna, l.ou. Ka l" H1' 1 ' ' tl ! 3 Vl- ?"i
t. Blc)-il ram. hall mile, free Io all amateurs. MnUI alue4 at , 11, Ji(J .JU lll'T jj
PIKTH t)Y-K.m 10. Quarter mile dath.O .'S class. Puree. ISO 00. Rare II. Thousand ' Iwf '4--NW I JJ iif S
)ar.Uai..l trprat. Purw. IM. H 1 f 1 V'lfI77
,OMITKs--Thea rarea will hetovcrnrd hy Ih rules af the Parlfle Rlnod Hnrea Aienrle- fff.K'):!1, W 1! 3 ! X I ( 11 li
Una. KulraiH-e Im In all rai'ca IU ier rent of amminl of purse, flva or mora In enter, three Io 'i'i?A V'f.Hrfl
un. In thai iiim alHite len ilo not all with 8e rantileta enlrlea, Ihe ImaM baa the " Jt ' " 'J f) ?
iaer Io mlum the aiiiniiiils ol Hie tiiinm In Ihrlr inlmiil aeems imiprf. The dlrei lore ' ''-f
n-arne Ihe nhl .i ii.nie any and all turn on acrouiil ot Inrlement nealber. If atnva rw ra '
.l..ti..lAtl hi,M. II U .U.n l. I,. ...1,11. .11 t.m .. At. t,....,!! ' i ' 1 '
The Palace
In- ill Mci Tu per mill Io Oral horee er rent h arroml
on ine ereiiltis 'ri- ciiiii uie rai-c,
All enirlra Uicloaa tf a o'clovk, p. m.,
Is under manaeament of Chris Rorehers ho ia coo
ductliif It In a autctly riral-Claaa snaoDer.
He has also re-cpened the Hotel Bar
where the Finest Liquors and Fresh
est Cigars will constantly be kept.
' free lUtlis and Frea 'Bus (or all Guaei.
( trees Malhetre for ehevlnf, liair-
raltiiif , sbamiMwnaf anl all other erork
la lhal line. Itallie al aay time darin
liusiiiees boors.
line teri aiie it enll take a lt etlee
leneter tbe rrtaiiilr preeeata.
Tba taiele lusuie t4 g h4 arbtMla of
lea. In as A Hontoef. Ib ba-aaniilha,
boraeebiwee aa I m bnli'bera. at tbe
nlil (laaa at an it, Maa street, Uepiet.
Call na Ibe bote.
... ahti.T-i.,M,n .l..1...ae Infl I 'J' ""t f t. II M Ibe (la
. 7 7. .. . ' ' , '! J.it to rail the .ii,Ik,0 f
tha liall. All rll'ittt to CitlClIiatai j Meaner s eiiirns In tbswe fseie. a.l .J
lltpiu failrsl, ul tlifjr aay flat
t!ifjrii!l lam a ticket of thrir
utoua ill local iaaupa, nl luajr
ali.hala aitli tii rrullirana aa to! n,e resnlar eol.rwm ptuw of tba
.1.1- ,,.!.,. Tl t f.tr,t'rV.m Week I. liaaett ta i Ml anl Ue
: , ' . ' ' I regular frk nt tUe Heekle (Vr(..maa
liltlt cry aw ma ia ixi b aniii- wll.vi. Antoee satwnl.tac f..r the
fieot ti otorrN.ma tlia cr-tiaral J-?
. i t. ! a leaemj raa fel U4b ll.a Clatetle anJ
i mnauei anion in uc rat, is. tus , Weekly orr.)iaa fr t AH Ml aol s . w...- i r .i -
Dominatinca r. Julg4 Trllor,
Of AubutO, Dttsod UDacUi tbe same
$300 Held in Reserve for Special Races.
T. W. AYKIIH. Jr, Hecretary. flE(). OONSEIt, PraeWent.
E. I- Matl Tk, Dave MUr. K. (. Hjierrr. Oeo. Harrloilon, Olia rattaraoo,
T. It ltnar. makes a sterialtf ia
en'HifsT al.tokuieo itb all aelel
arm lea, beaijee rarr) log a lieral tin.
rw bte ne a4. tf.
(I R. Ilatl. lbs tunatinaJ arlial, eaa
be (iiat al bia parlors, klatlovk f'Bef,
here be will diapenee at aqUr frfee,
sba.ee, sbainrMMa, haireula. elc.
Wall. Tboinpeon nine etaa twice
l!ei'iur aal Monuoteiil, arri.ltig evert
JT eiil M n.1ajr aa.l leafifta: etetf
Jf eieei'l SiiaJar. Mb. leal an l fhf ajx
eel mala la lbs laierior. I', ()lia.
I 200
Spanish Merino Bucks
M - .un feet MtKK "i
nlllM1. e' lrenl lata. la
0en 1 1 h M4t i4i"i .1 ft t"4
-ritre fajlft- their mlaciiHinfii l..f a ba eai - v
ose ef ta sl.eoee UiDe eoiillel W , ' Miavta .enate
nt tt.. tti 1 1 itc 1
n.. 1 Jtitton s Ksincn, one and one-nail miles
Ik-low ileppner, on Oct. 1st, 1093.
WM. DUTTON, Agent.
Is the Place for Fresh Groceries, Cheap for
Lash Only.
Seventh Annual Fair
Second Eastern Oregon Uriel Agricultural
Embracing the Counties of Wosco, Sherman,
Gilliam, Crook, Morrow and Umatilla,
Commencing Tuesday, October 8th, 1895,
ASDcuNnsnsci riVK oat.
a I ' lit
Attorneyn lit
avaat CUf,
All btinae aliea 1J in la a tmaiM anJ esiie'a 'fy
SAasaer. Nalarie I'at lar a4 CH"rVfa.
orrici: ix national hank tfiuixo.
fA 1 .r.OO sfpi.le4 bf ll,S Itlata fu Aenenilifel, Stock, kleebaairal Riklb.
IU. Werka oT Art aa4 Faoey Wrk.
6.000 f "a la ptn 1 Trials of Spet
for frettlaea L.et sal Ealrt Maaka.
J. O. M4CK. rUeeetarf,
Writ eall oej lbsecrUr;
A. H. M0 ALLtlTER, rreaWeat,
mum aa.?ur-