Portland Library f I S'S I 1 1 1 I M 11 1 M 11 I IMtH4MIIUMIMt 1 i Z 9 1 I MY SUCCESS Is owing to my liberality in ad-; : vertis'ng. Robert Bonner. z iiaaiai.i i i Mil i:in i in i I'lmi'i'i'i i t i in in in I.IIHI ttiii ma OFFICIAL PAPER it m i i iiiiiiiiiiiiiii i frn m 1 1 1 n.i i !t tt,r 1 FREQUENT AND CONSTANT : Advertising brought me all I? : own, A. T. Stewart. f I Smuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iininiirnii,.,,,,, ,, n,itiiiiii;iS THIRTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1895. WKEKLY riO. 6.',7 j SEMI-WEEKLY NO. ;J75 I SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. PHDN. He stole from her kiss after kiss, And thereupon she wept Not, for a kiss is one of the things That aro worth more stolen than kept. Detroit Tribune. Highest of all in Leavening PowerLatest U. S. Gov't Report n r fssM Baking PUBLISHED Tuesdays and Fridays BY HE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. iICYCLES OTIS PATTERSON, A. W. PATTERSON. . . Editor Business Manager At $2.5il per year, $1.25 fur eix months, 75 cts. ror three uioncns. Aduertis ng Rates Made Known on Appl cation. Are the Highest of all High Grades. W arranted superior to any Bicycle built in the world, regardless of price. Do not be induced to pay more money for an inferior wheel. Insist on having the Waverley. Built and guaranteed by the Indiana Bicycle Co., a million dollar concern, whose bond is as good as gold. 211b. SCORCHER $85. 221b. LADIES' $75. Catalogue free. INDIANA BICYCLE CO., HOMER H. HALLOCK, Indianatoms, IND., U. 8. A. Gen. Agent, for Eastern Oregon, Pendleton, Or. THI8 PAPER is kept on file at E. C. Duke's Advertising Agency, 64 and 65 Merohants Exchange, 8an Francisco, California, where oou- racta for advertising can do made tor it. 0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD. fa No. 9, mixed, leaves Heppncr 1:45 p. m. dnily except Sunday. Arrives at Willows Junction 4:15 d. m. v No. in, mixed, lenves Willows Junction 6:30 p. m. Arrives at Hcppuer 9:00 p. m. daily except Sunday. East bound, main Hue arrives at Willows Junction 3:;W a. m. , West bound, main line, leaves Willows Junc tion 12:06 a. m. West bound Portland fast freight with pas senger coach leaves Willows Junction 4:30 p. m. and arrives at The Dalles at (1:00 p. m. Here nasseneers from the branch lav over till 3:15 a. m. and take the fast mall weBt hound which ar rives at Portland 7:25 a. m. The Dalles and Portland passenger leaves The Dalles daily at 1:45 n. m. and arrives at Portland 6:00 n. m. Leaves Portland 8:00 a. m. daily and arrives at The Dalles 12:15 p. m. This connects with the east bound way freight with passenger coach which leaves The Dalles at 1:30 p. m., arriving at willows junction b:a p. in. I Te U.S. GOVERNMENT United States Ofllcials. President Qrover Cleveland Vice-President Adlai Stevenson Hanratarv nf HtRtfl Richard 8. Olnnv Secretary of Treasury John fl. Carlisle Secretary of Interior Hoke Smith Secretary of War ".....Daniel o. Laniont Secretary of Navy Hilary A. Herbert Postmaster-General William Io Wilson Attorney-Ueneral Juilson Harmon Secretary of Agrionltnro J. Sterling Morion State of Oregon. flnvnrmir W. P. Lord Beontry of State H. R. Kincaid Treasurer Phil, tletschan Mnut. Public Instruction H. M. Irwin Attornuv Hanarol C. M. Idleman " I a. W. MoHride crnniu lj, H. Mitchell ,, I Hinder Hermann (ongreesmen 1 W. R. Ellis Printer W. H. Leeds I II. S. nnan. 'Linrnina .Imliraa r. A. Monro. ( 0. E. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. Clrcnit Judge James A. Fee LmMoutina Attorney John H. Lawny Morrow County Officials. lotnt Senator... ... ."j.. ...... A. W. Wawatt Unpiwntativ J. 8. Hoothhjr i onnty Jailve Julius Kalthli ' Commlssionar J. U Howard " Olerk J.W.Morrow " Sheriff G. W. Harnn atoll M Tnmsinwr Krank Gilliam A-aaar J. Willis - Hnrvnr Geo. Lord " Huluxil Hup't Anna lialsigitr I'unmur T.W.Ayars.Jr uerrKM tow ornosBs. M.voi Thou. Morgan n ,t.Mlin ... : O. K. Varnawiirth. M, UnMonthal. (Nil Pattaratm, T. W.Aysrs.Jr., H. 8. Horner. E. J. ttlooom. ii.,,..-,l. ' F.J. Mallock I'rmsurnr E. L, Fnvland Uarahal A. A. Robsru Prwmrt Ofltr. J.imillli Paati. - K. L. Fraaland I'vn.Ulilii N. B.Whtton I'dltfd Statm lad OtHera. TBi dam.ss, oa. J. F. Moore iWllr A. 8. Mian IUowTW LA 0AHDI. OB. B.F. Wilaon RaH.tr J. H. K.ilthiu lUciT.r ESlttT OCIXTir. KAWLINS POUT, NO. II. a. a. k. V.rtt Lotington, Or tlx 1M Batanky of rt. month. All nWui ar Invito Ut Win. ::. H.. Ubu. W.Hhith. Adlnlant, tf Cooimaiiibw, L UMBER ! tt'I HAVS FOR KAlJt ALL KIND OF CM ilrwxl LumtK-r, Unilol UrppMr, al bat U noo at U BOOTT SAWMZZjIi. 1 1 IS To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their iN Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars on whom you depended for support ? v( PAYING MILLIONS A MONTH Reader, did you ever take Simmons Liver Reoulatob, the "King op liver medicines ? ' ' Every body needs take a liver remedy. It is a sluggish or diseased liver that impairs digestion and causes constipation, when the waste that should be carried on remains in the body and poisons the whole system, That dull, heavy feeling is due to a torpid liver. Biliousness, Headache, Malaria and Indigestion are ail liver diseases. Keep the liver active by an occasional dose of Simmons Liver Reg ulator and you'll get rid ot these trou bles, and give tone to the whole sys tem, t or a laxative Simmons Liver Regulator is better than Pills. It does not gripe, norweaiten, but greatly relreshes and strengthens. Every package lias the Ifed Z stamp on tne wrapper, o. n. Zcilin & (Jo., Philadelphia. THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW "Be sure you're right, then go ahead," Is what a learned man once said ; But Lord Dunraven's not that kind He's sure he's right, and stops behind. New York Mail and Express. The men who fought in blue and gray Grasp each the other's hand, And march together to the tunes Played by a single band. But still they talk of how they could Have cooked each other's goose, If Colonel So-and-So bad but Have turned them wholly loose. Detroit News, To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new law are entitled to an increase of pension. The government owes it to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the fa time you apply. Now is the accepted hour. rt fyWrite for laws and comDlete information. No Charee for advice, vw No Fee unless successful. The Press Claims Company PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager, 618 F Street, WASHINGTON, D. C. lf.B.TMt Company it controlled by nearly one tlumsand leading tietrt papert in the Vniled Statu, ami ii guaranteed by ttiem. SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE C0UN tv of Morrow. State of Oregon. F. B. Vaiicleave, 1 Plaintiff, vs. V L. II . Vancloave, Defendant. I To L. H. Vaiicleave, Defendant, In the name of the State of Orcgen, you are hereby required to appear and answer tlie com plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within ten days from thedateof the service of this summons upon you, if served within mis county; or, served in any otner county of this state, then within twenty days from the date of the service of this summons iuonyou; ana it servea upon you by puhllcatvm or by personal service without the State of Oregon. then you are required to appear and answer on or before the first day of the next regular term of SHid court, to-wit: On or before the (irst Mon day in March, 1h'. And In case you fall to so answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will take in oecree againsi you lor tuo dissolution ut me iiiarrlauc bonds now cxlstliur between you and plaintlrt, and for the care and custody of the minor child born as the fruits of said marrlnge, to-wit: K. A. Vaiicleave; and for such further decree as the court iiinv deem Just. inis suininoiis is puiuisneii ny order oi tne Hon. James A. Fee, Judge of the lith Judicial District of the State of Oregon, dated September (ith, 1K9S. (J. W. KEA. 74-86. Attorney tor Plaintiff. An Australian youth showed thBt be had the knaok of "getting there." He was undergoing an examination for position in the civil servioe, and the ex aminer had written: "What u thedis tunoe from the earth to the suu?" Not having the exaot nffinber of miles with him, he wrote: "I am unable to state accurately, bnt I don't think the sun is near enough to interfere with the proper performance of my duties if I get this olerkship." He got it Household Words. "Charley, dear, said a meek looking little woman to her husband, "I want to ask yon a favor." "What is it?" "I I wish you would let me learn to talk politics, chew tobaooo aud swear, "Great Scott, woman! Have you lost your mind?" "No, Charley, dear, I just thought I wonld like to make my society more Bgreeable to you so that you wonld stay at borne evenings more." day, and will be participated in by the Towhom it may concern: Anon Sooiety and the Sons of Herman. Some time previous to my departure Oregon manufactures will l n,m,-. from Eastern Oregon I received a neut feature of tha nnniii.. ti,- hallenge f rom Mr. W. A. Goodwin, of leadina: manufacturers of tha atnta Condon, Oregon, to meet in joint die- have exhibits in whioh the process of onssion Elder J. O. Clapp, of the ohnroh manufacture will be carried on. The of the Latter Day 8ainti. Sinoe my fair will be a bee-hive of industry, mak- departnre I have learned from varioua log the moBt interesting exposition ever quarters in Eastern Oregon that I wonld given in Portland. not meet Elder Clapp in a discussion of the various points of difference In reply I have this to say, that I will most emphatically meet Elder Clapp in joint disonssion, notwithstanding the K . , , " . u,ou u" fanf that W.hlor ni.n k u . "mu Bel Ior lue oi uctober. Xb Knights of the Maccabees. The State Commander writes us from Linooln, Neb., as follows: "After trying other medioinea for what seemed to be i very obstinate oongb in our two children we tried Dr. King's New Discovery and at the end ot two days' the oough entire ly left tbem. We will not be witbont it hereafter, as our experience proves that it will onre where all other remedies f ml." 8igned, F. W. (Havens, State Coin. Wny not give this great mediotne a trial as tt is guaranteed and trial bottles are free at the drug store of T. W. Ayers, Jr rxt i.ooo riiT, kot'oH, - - CLEAR, - MOO 17 W I Ir-A- FACTS I ' flAyOTi amis I lillilS FACTS ! ! : '!' OU CAN BUY liVOO worth of dry goods and groceiles and then l ave Y enough left out of llitO(K) to purchase a No. t Crescent Bicycle. This Is ! A a rirst-clMs machine. Why then pay Ufl.i lor a Idcyclo that will give ', no better service? ! CRErtCBKT "Scorcher," weight 20 pounds, only '!. ' Ladle' and (tents' roadsters all the way from I O to ITS. "Boys' Junior," only t in with pneumatic tire good machlnt. i V "Our Special," Men s I fl; Ladle', IVI. 'i WESTERN WHEEL WORKS, CHICAGO AND NEW YORK, : THE PITTCRSOS I'll C'l, Heppner, Orrgon, MORROW AND GRANT mVT x4jvj HHEIUFF'8 BALK. By virtue nf an execution Issued nut of the Honorable Circuit Court of the Stnto of Oregon, for the County of Morrow, upon a Judgment rendered ami entered in said court on the Third Day of Septemlier, IWi.i, In fnvor of l.u rim la Hales, plaintiff, and against J. D. Kirk, Mvainma Mrk ami the Morrow County IjiihI a I Trust Company, a cor)ratlon, Defendants, for tne sum 01 iwenty-nve iiunurea if ni doiisis i iioiu com. witn interest inereon irom tne wn day of March, IM'.r Ht the rale of tell imt cent. per annum, and One Hundred and Nliiciv live (ilH'.) Dollars atUiruey fee, and the further sum of Twenty-three and 7," lim (lit T.'i) DulUrs ro-ts, ami accruing coats, I have levied unon and 111 SM-ll at pulillc suction on Satordav, the pith ilay of October. IMi"i, at i o i Iik Ii I'. M.. at I the court house door In llcppner, Morrow county, and state nf Oregon, all Ibe right, title and inicreai a nicn tne said 1. II. Kira. Mtauiin Kirk ami the Morrow County Ixml Trust ( olinxiiiv. Iefeudants. had on or alter the third day of rw'iitemla'r, It'i'i, in or to the following I dcsrrltM-d premtsrs, lo-tl: Hie North Half of -cton TMrtv-sli. the Northwest uuarler of iwtion Thlrtv flva and xouthwest OiiarU-r nf Hrctlon Tent ill. all In Township line (I) Mouth, of Kauge Twenty, all C.Kast. W. M. Terms of sal, rash In hand, the Kroreeda t.i i ai'piiei in in Miisiarllon Ol aalil prliirlpal I mil, liiten-sl. atlorurt lers, rosls, aud coats tnsi may acrru. iau-i at iH'iiner in ma state and county aioreaani tins i.un day or "cpt., ! . it. n, ii AKKnM mi, 371 79 Sheriff ol Morrow County, Oregon. TIMHtll ITLTIKK. rAXIt iKrt(K TMK DAl.l.fl, OKKOOT J Aug. Complaint having hn en lrr. at litis mre by Henry Cramer aiist M- II I amnion inr laliiin- lormnpiy wiih la to tlmlwr culture Kntry No :iu, itc I (k ii ""I h i". iiMin in ' rr.'4 ana i'j pw( iwliiin '11. lownslilp 4 a . (taimr'i K . In Mor row i utility, orefftn, wtin view ui the caurel latlon ill aald entry. roiili-atattl allrln that Hi limn r rtilliire law ha nol b-n r4tmiillel with thai Hie rliitryman haa never brttketi or plowed ml flvearrea nf Ih MM Irarl and this nnlr lor lb Drst year and sot h lallurw atlll riiia. tha I M'd Mriear herhr stnnmoite-i it, atdtear al liiia iillii-r nu II. e "lli tlay l la loia-r, al 10 In Hot a. in , Itt rt-Mttl and lurnla i lttimniij m nliif Mid all." n 1 1 ii it, J, W. M.ittt.w rtttinly rlrt a antlinrl-l ti lak Ilia trM nii.i.v In Mid rase al lilsntl. e al ll' ..nt '. M.ir r-.w i o. inly, on I he lit day of In tmr, lfi, al iiiinri.. aa m. ja. r m'wikf. tr nruviarn in nrrpNr.R, will add I A auu pr i.uuu trt. atdtunuai. Th aixit (ju.ilatloni ar slrlrlly (or Cash. .. Wox. .-top. THE INTER OCEAN tialioiial BdriK ol Heppner. W. I'KMLAXtt, Ml. aV Mailof. rrvwl!. faakkr. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS -w mii- MOSt Popular Republican Newspaper of the West And Has the Largest Circulation. Notice 9f Intention. tAMinrricr at i a .itsi.r, hkko'ii 4 At 71 Hull'. a tx-rrl.r rWrtt lhal Ihe fottow lug nametl artlli has fiird notltanf his Infrtitpti Itt make ft. at ff'tf In .tt-f-.trl ol Ma rlaim ml lhal Mid .f.f will fnmtV llttta J. m Wttffow. ettul.lt t let . al llrt.lttt i tirt-rttn, us a, i"t, yis : i. ruin. r w tiiM Hd n Cr..Mh,,olMl.'wl and w ol w i. IMS Kslifa f .. CULLKOTIONS Mjtl on FamraKU Term, EXCHANGE B0UCHT & SOLD IIKirXEH. If OREtK)S MMttltMtWtWttttMftlfHtmtlff k-4 III III tii 111 lit 111 III 111 III 111 lli fr I now ' ' t M'ta. i-s m 9 t w f XZZ r -M r w tr v . w f sum, Mf -3 t-2 ca -(' - w yrs firt !. i - rtt TTt m ' tt t- $ii'ut cum.?! y. brtrt Thm . VCJqr. DAILY (without Sunday) DAILY (with Sunday). I6.00 per ar SA.oo per yctr TERMS BY MAIL i The Weekly Inter Ocean ($1.00 V rtn TtAR ) S'- A$ A M-W SPAP1 B THB tSXf.9 OCR AH arM at Ik Him In ll smmcs H seam sMtkM fain m ttr- tMMtag ALL I Mil M-W AiO tHIi Lt Of abkLM UTI MAHVb. The Weekly Inter Ocean AS A FAMILY PAPER IS NOT EXCELLED BY ANY. Ma iiatnv iha loltow.ng w Hi., . a in ttrova lilar.,i,liitttt, rMidt-tif iimi and rullhall'ta ttf mI'I lait1. tit i i Joaina. awranel n Tiler John rWin Ji.l.w I'. l4traiiai, ul lr.poe'. l-.ft.w I o , lf, . r . a l lain THE AKIZUNA KICKKK. A CHALLENGE. There will be an Elk's Duy, on wbioh exoureiona will be run ou all rnilroBds. fully 6000 Elk Brjd their friends will visit the city on that day, whioh haa e tJ TVT :n i , . . the Latter Day Saint., have signally l 2l w 7 ,T Z X . .-.u .... . . ber 19th Woodmen of the Wor d. Ooto- fniled to comply with the conditions of the proposed discussion. And I will therefore be in Heppner, Morrow connty Oregon, on the 4th day ot Nov. 1895, in readiness to enter into the discussion. R. H. Sherbill. ber 26; Workmen, October 28, and the United Artisans, November 1. The Woman's Auxiliary of the exposi tion, besides oolleoting the finest display of woniHD'g work ever made in Oregon, will manage four special entertainments. One night when Mr. Isaao Reece was n Ootober 10 there will be a series ot stopping with me, says M. F. Hatch, a paMc-tio tableaux; Ootober 20 there will prominent merchant of Quartermaster, be an arabesque, or fancy dances; Octo- Washington, 1 beard him groaninir. On Der 30 tney wl" 61V8 musioale, and goinu to bis room I found him suffering November 2 8 grand baby oarnival the fair with two chrysanthemum show. Cholera and Diarrrbaia Remedy. He rA-. ? ,he..8t T ' h 0d the fBrm thore i8 oontinnally oo uttered were "what was that stuff you ..., gave mer ' i intormea him. A Tew days " "",,,m l" n",, ago we were talking about his attack beast that cause delay to the farmer In and be said he was never without that his work. The duration of this delay is ..e,ly.-n.ow- 1 .hBve UH6(l " in "7 matter of importance to thai thrifty going io iiis room I round turn suffering November 2 a grr from oramp colic. He was in snob Tbey will wind tip agony I feared he would die. I hastily , . . .. cave him a dose of Chamberlain's Colic, dftys of 8 chry9ftntle family for several years. I know its turn An R i'iM la r,ntti Or ti .Itrm in a-ftto f a ll..rti)r la Wl.rf .. I C, f6 it t Li avl(.t4 u isIUa oi Krr) t- Hl ' It aw s.ai.lttlaf af Iihm I mIi aaaaaaaf 4 k taH t cis ih tl falrl l H M ik a4 s Mski4. ItttJIIIialiV ItatlKI naa.i4. IHHITICAII V IT t Irf Hfl IC1. 4 fi H rnltn lias rrt ml fc tMMl mt-mmm as U h avtiiaual II i Iaa I lib M. A Of f nu v wt i., IT IS A TWELVt-.PAOE PAPER. Tmi wt ocrt w HfiiaHro ti cnKru). m .rt Airi colircui. HMIluS ll l ) i.l ini ii.lli.HtM Mot utaisa. ash l an 1 1 1 H Aliaflll T' I HI M I bl OC I Hit flAMM Of IHAI Stcllul Idsl AH rii santHiK !:!. N Is 4 MS tlx ils al IBM Wl kask M PatHk aa I H(a. na.M . lka Ik ! Wkl Imm (Km iillM t UMI IWL Ut Hi ti.i. 4"- THE INTER OCEAN. Chleefa Tin; Lancasiiikk Insukanci; Co. ! M AMI'llltSI I I'.Mi i;.MII,ANM 1 W. UTTtnON. iCLM jjv vr' MltHK Of IMIMIMX IAIli liiri' r. AT I A I.KAM'K. iSI'.t, I -.-t 4 Soli.. ! I.-OI (l.rti I'.al tl I'.Iioib lot t,am.t ' la f.'l lot If .A hi lolrolt.tn t.t mil ft.l .t.. in a.ti I I'.tl ol I i .aiiN lhal aa. l .1 al l l I .. . la ll..t I VI M..ti.. I I. , al M'1 nl. "I''-n on l. f i - u ( l I ll I i IM J SI. n ., H, n., 4 . if f r s Ita .a-n ll.a 1UrmU'1 llt,rara lo f.,a ha t-H ii,.t,.,a r.i ia- uiti mu i.tiiitaiioa I Ol Mil iar'1, til 1.1 II I' M i-m Kl... Itatlt V. ...lata II . !.. a,. l II. ... ... n r n.ti The following is taken from the Kioker column ot the Free Press Thore is altogether too much fooling with deadly weapons in this town, and t the last meeting of the oommon couDoil the city marshal was instrnoted to take radical steps to put a stop to the uaiance. No roan should he per mitled to carry gun for ornamant or bluff. If he can't rnnke use of it for the purpose of shooting, and shooting with results, he should he disarmed and compelled to carry club or a briok-bat, Saturday afternoon lasts oow-puncher named lloan pollrd Mnj. Baker's nose on the street as the resnlt of a dispute over a game of poker. The major pulled bis gun and fired throe abuts and wounded two horses. Io Lis last Issue onr esleemtd con temporary asserts that oo Friday eight last bs encountered ns oo C'lOtiiae place and ohaaed ns halt a mile aod fired twelve shots io the darkness at our Ueeing form. Friday eveoiog last we made a social call oo a willow living on the street osmed, and as we had do umbrella, wa started on a run for our bumble bachelor lodgings iu The Kioker oflloe. We ran up auainst somebody's old mule as we turned into I'awnee street, but as for our tttneintd eootetn- ptirary, we neither saw our bsard bun If be fired bis guns at os we mistook the reports for the galloping of boofs of the otd mole after we bad stopped to kick him, and we era willing to wagsr tso to one, that sot oe of bis bullets cams wilblo fifteen fft of our person. We reooguite lbs right of oar eaUemaJ ooolamporsry to drag not a miserable Mlalrore while pretending tot engagod io Anions juornalism, but wbso it oomee lo shooting poob I Tine aflar lime Io Ibe last five years be Las loaded bUoldroaty guns and strtl oat to MaMii)kte us. IU baa shot at os Io our saurtum on Ibe atreol io various saloons around too boloa no oreaalon oo tiisltar bow chats ha was to as, bsve e br I lb sing of bis ImlUU. Ho fs as bis sbmiliag goes be may baof awsy si as all day luog from a diataaea of laai.ly fset and ws won't raise any otjlKin. Years sg tee wba be same oit vilb sneh eananl in ti wratflbed dial. rag nf a jtioraal, Ml like bootleg worth and do not hesitate to reoora- lilwr 01 u,e 011, As B anfl rt,l,ft mend it to my friends and customers, ble remedy for ailments and abrasions For sole by Sloonm-Johnson Drug Co. of the flesh, there is none better than Dr. J. II. McLean's Volomiio Oil Lini- EIGHT MILK NOTES. ment. It has proved its worth by many years of constant and snccesefnl rise. Austin Niokolson bss rstnrned from L'rice 25o, 5(Vi and $1.00 per bottle. forlland. Tl L L ....... xiio mucu. rniDB ubtb atarieu me grass i Cunnty Oiricera l-rt to growing on the range, A statement of fuel that i. a Very pleasant weathsr and farmers arraignment of the state of Nobrsska are taking advantage ot it. comes from Ashland. There arrived al Henry Furlong baa rented Mr. Charl. the latter ptnos hm nws iwtr fir ton's place north and west of Eigbt Mile lmmir,ints from Nebraska, who have Center. oome to Oregon to go into the farming Mr. Isaao Knightso did Dot havs an t",iDe"- Iu the crowd wan the county operation performed oo bis eye while id JnJ. couoty attorney aud two connty the Valley. commissioners of Hooker county, Ne- n,,. , .n'li t i . braeka, all of whom actually deserted Why does dill Jones seem in so muoh .. . m . . , , .. . , , , . , . , . their offices to net out of the state. The or a hurry to get homer A sou. one , ... , ,, , . i I- .I., i. .i inborn hankering of all men for the hon- month old, is the attrsotloo. , ... ore and emoluments of piiblm olhoe is Some of the fruit trees that were so ,jmi,twi; and Nebraska must ind.Hid be badly stripped by the grassboppsrs are , hr, .,8te that these men would not leafing out and blooming again. ,y , ,( u sR.k Uie w of omiA The school is progressing at Eight uositinu. Mile Center. Miss Bessie Fitswater is "teaching the young idea bow to shoot." Captain (Sweeney, II. S. A., Sail liiKi, I Ati r.r It ..! tl !.. a.rf,.a M I n..l . .tul.:l..l.t. it... I. It I .. , . . ., , uai, ifljs , ouiiitii a vniariii im-iiiimit I Mrs. Msttid Foqua and family will tlin n.H. .lin,,,. t t,.VA f.i tiina move to Heppner next Monday lo order would do me any good." Trice &0u that Mrs. Fuoa n.ay lake obarge ot Ibe T. W. Ayers, Jr. primary sobool. Hspposr will bsvs to offer a good Dries Outlook Karuaiain(. - - " w a for potatoes it they want any from this Mr. Daniel O'Connor, one ol Klickitat's part of ths eountry. Tbsy are acsree progresaive bnaines nien, was in the and farmers aro keeping them to sell io oily Thursday. lie baa lieen op in the the spriog of tho year for seed. I (Ieppner neighborhood looking for fine Coyoles ars settiog vary bold, taking ,UW,P ' 'al w,,b fl'"""- ,u '-V' chickens, pigs, etc No boonty oo you, ,,,, ,h,n ,er 'r,l,,t wu"re bM oyotes. Your scalps are free; oo . ni. owmn u the failure or orops. duoemeot for anyone but a farmer to u"ma ,"'fP ci'M U'raiiiy stir- boot yoa down. E. M. C. ,,nP' ,n "' "r M Eioht Milk, Or., Hept. 23, IW. Iw.nyear ol.l mutton sheep are compare. lively tK-atna in siorriiw eoumy, tna HiM'k omni-r in that aiTtion liavinir dis- II May lo as Mark fur Vua. p.eti 0 their eumlti sh p l ist spriiig Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, III., writes ? ""I1'0 bn", Tl'" """'H'k ,,,r " w I ka?m I. as taoaSils at ai tf at r tf silirtfiil sa Alflif that bs bad a severe kidney troabls fur Arlington lUn.rd. a oumtxtr oi years, wiiu aevero paios id bis back and also that bis bladder was affected, lie tried many eo-calWd kl.l-ITHP ft . . . : . i . . I a a Dy cgn oat wiinoui ray guoa resqii. About a year ago bs lgao us of Eleo Irio Bitters aod found relief at onre. F.Im trie Bittara la especially adopted lo Dm onre of a!l Kl.lnay and LWar Iron I aod often gives almost instant relief, trial will prove onr aialeruenl. only Min. fur large bottle. At drug stors of T. W. Ayers, it. OWEN lELECTRICc BELT f - 1 TrlSMrk-Of. A 0al r.XPOalllol KoTM Arrangements bsvs liesa Dia ls fr ei- ltt IF. . l.,al'. hth4 a.H. haa I hI to. i 1 ni t, o i.. .i,. i ,i, a ai ii in ' gliiri'Hi connus, wha a mso polls a l..t KMr.am H lial Mil .llll , .. , i..i. i-i. i m !.., i,.., ma 1 . I'o sintbirg tliml l drip tiefura tt. J MHf..r...a ,, lti- (lM(fc ai,ll0f . r4 in Mi...itit M tit aotaa ia a bJy P-atib of Joly pro- I iwi.-m iu ..i.mii. iihm in.tt Sliog hk ry me oogbt to 1 5';,l":rri.'w," '"" """- d.eorsre sad M al.ta.4 ol. ,1 " in r- A4 U W tW 4 mmmmmmmmmmm I ll.t'a. ltao, S l n i.. ,u..a M II.. . f I .... i fnar rnii j ia vj, irwiisi, iraani-! FOR MEN AND VOMEN Tli li aft wit? arlant'ffl anl (fa'iltHit r.l ol" Hail ma-la, lt fanaial u. f. liS cnralona la r.trllar.,1 tarin II.. mi.1. Ml--, ll.al . ' " f " ' t i; - m I lata.1 mu In o-iaolll ff au'l l-.ar. ati-l ait.,la4 lion from the eMf oiil i.f lbs I'seirtc '"-r i-'i u.ai 1 iir,., m .in at .f a, ..... , . , . Uma dailo( oiHi U tilliof . o, ao l ilortbwesi, Ineliidirig inlarmxliat point j Lira up and making bin est grass ia rala ranging from one totaooebU VILU fU3lllVLtI UHB pol.he.l.ot we are all over thai bow. pr mile. lUide Ibis there will U ?i m il.i"'11 We eso'l sfffrd lo waste our time on a j special riio-d rales dunsg Ibe entire prC-. ut ttjt.t ill LI TT erillr b'. a lias b polled t.y i ip"i"0 ainouulibs I but little mors TiTT.AfCi inrAl.l Cltlnaroan aoUl tl Is so Ineb liigf Ibso ,bu smgla fare for lbs Mood trip, nature le!i. it hol I U. j ti.. l.a.n- ..I..I..I. ii.a As sd.tor ot Ibe Kisk.r, meyr., ,A the ,,, j(,,,)e, ,Mt , f,jf W..a, MtaM ao l nai-aa a j , IL, M(-lU, .f1. eitii.a leviLg Ibe ht loUiste of this .t ,h, f,ir, . 0,.f ,0,, roiomqany si i.a.ri--. prowNii SfMoai hl , ,,k ... .., . ... Iblblle aill aoastlluU Ibe graataal eol laotttiO of Oregoa pridoeta ever b'ongl,' ktgetbef. It will be socb a display nf nalnral rolie!s as sou Id not I hi jnal s4 by aay olber stele in lbs o it loo. '4 IH Sl Si a i. tsirsa I iron sji IklliMil KiaKAara h'lTHK ir IMIMIU ti- r i lor I'll I t. "r't-t-.. I II . a.rf,.a M l.t.it '' II.. ..a J t. It, -...I ..J I.. I-..I-. a." . haa t -I tw I ' - ' A spiffs it slhlatie algbU will ha glv- WITHOUT MEDICINE "KlUflta, t-'f-''f lltlt I f" laS'llg n.a ...a- r i i ti(StitH'. u .t t.", Kit'r aoi I ti'.al Tto-ti-lta attt -I tfi ! In Sa. ti' f t aM Wbai ttf Ml'f A -t',an m.a. I' fn"-l A' f i.tii'li, M tl .aal iii trmf I' II a l". Ul a.tl( 'al a Na sat IW a.rittt'l Ut (aa O..I la ll.l ta- tl.. It I'd .n, la l't ta I Ut U II. I a-Ut. 'f mum ILLUSTRATED CATUCGUE t tiUmi 1e.f sfvnsun tz V ea. T.e of IhsM. a-oW H a.J ; ttrZ-lZrl, ' will aoesist af stblaiic ii(U aailaf H-t. it... w -i '-a . -. I to...-. Jll f M'v.tf j .. I wdh io4if swilihf. Inf1m't stes. I t.a files f tl.e AmsUor AlhUlis rot'. Tk CiM risMfle PrU I-l I'M '"A Ci. .... t . i . IU 'li.al. fa-, uf Iso.ly. a ; uuo algt,l, (K-loUf 5. v.l Is .lar-.ll lo , ,v , '' . k-, "Mk t '";' "" " H....r.l!a 11 , Wi.,e. aal Ibe f.rtl.. (KUAmt 21. .! ' tH 0. Ioh ..u ., . kvt i, M ... oti'" la'..t. il.. toi'il. ,loeip.''"etsoii fco-ayrs fromihe , " ' '" "'" ' ' ' . ' i-.!,, . , ,...,'.. i,.A. ei-. Al ii.. ..!J J.m; I.I-M Ik. a.atr ,m tgis) Ii ! i siu'lr Hi rtian'm-iit ,4 lb lam . - , . Utitt,lUrw U-Uitg. 4t, Uu u.a4ut IU UM.f, Vtu.u Tl !. iIU 0taa 1 1 1 'Z