TOCK BRASD9. While you aeep jonr subscription paid up yen Oan keep jour brand in free of charge. Allyn. T. J., lone. Or. Horsas GO on left ihoulder; cattle m on left hip, under bit on right ear, end upper bit on the left; range. Mor row OOUDt. Armstrong J. C Alpina.Or.-T with bar nn der it on left ehoulder of horeee; cattle same on left hip. Allison, O. D., Eiaht Mile. ()r. Oattle brand, O D on left hip and horsns aame brand on right boulder. Range, Eight Mile. Arlkins, J. J., Heppner, .TA con rjsntflii "n left flank: cattle, eameon left hip. Biird, D. W. aai Bn. Horsei branded D B on the left hip; oaitle the mm i on left flunk, crop off riajht ear, nndercrop m the left. Kange in Morrow County. Bartholamew, A. Alpine, Or. Horeee branded 7 E on either ehonlder. Range in Mor- TanMstar, J. W., Hardman, Or.-Oattle brand ed B on left hip and thigh: split in each ear. Brenner, Peter. Itooeeberry Oregon-Horses branded PB on left ehoulder. Cattle eame on rifnrke.eM 8t C, W IJraek. Or-On cattle. MAY connected on left hip. oiop off left ear, nn der half crop off right. Horeee. Camion letft ehoulder. Range in Grant and Morrow 0Hnman Jerry, Lena, Or.-Horsee branded 7 on rigTehouhfer; cattle B on the left Bide. Left enr half orop nd right ear ripper slope. Barton, Win.. Heppner, Or. -Horses, JB on right thigh; oattle. eame on right hip; split in MBnwnr', Isa, Lexington. Or. Horses IB on the right Btifie; oattle eame on right hip; range, Mot rn""':T C. Heooner. Or.-Horees, circle left, hio: cattle, eame, Brown, W. J., Lena. Oregon. Horses W. bar over It, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left hiE-,..- W. .. HeDDner. Or. Horses, box brand on ritch; hip oattle, same, with split in Borg, P. 0., Heppner, Or.-Horsee, P B on left ehonlder; cattlo. same on left hip. Brown ee. W. J., Fox.Or-Cattle JB connected on left side; crop on left, ear and two splits and middle piece cot out on right ear; on horses same hranrl on the left thigh; Range in Box valley, G"fnt0o"n&, W.a.i.r. Or.-Horse, brand edOon right slide; cattle (three bars) on right ribs, crop and split in each ear. Range in . 1 M ........ nnlinfina (S3"B. . iStoW r"-Y D on horeej. on left stiflei i ert stine on u oii Smith Bros.. Bosenvuie, ur. nor, uw H. Z. on shoulder; oattle. -ame on left ahonlder. u..i- Jimai Arlinirton. Or.: horses branded JH on left ehoulder: cattle the eame, also nose waddle. Range in Morrow and Gilliam counties. Hlenhens. V. A.. Mum man, ur-; uuraea do on wiht .,;. tfle horizontal L on the right side Stevenson, Mrs A. J., Heppner, Or. Cattle, ti on right hir; swallow-fork in left ear. Wwaggart. W. W.. nt'ppnm. vi. uura,n ra left shouldet; cattle, M on left hip. , . U.--w v li. Hennner. wr. (UI " J OD I left hip. crop off right ana unaernii in leu ir, dewlap; horeee w ton leit anoaiuor. Thompson, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horeee, I on left shoulil-r: oattle. 2 on left shoulder. Tipoets.8.T.,Enlerpriiie.Or. Horeee, C-on left shoulder. Tamer R. W., Heppner, Or. Small capital T feft shonliier, homes: cattle same on left hip with split m not h enra. Thornton, H. M.. lone, Or. Horses branded HT connected on left st.ille; sheen same brand. H. T.. Irfina. Or: Horses H V con nected on right shonldor;cattle, same on right hip WalhridiM. Win,. Heppner. Or. Horses, U. L. on the left shoulder; cattle same on right hip. orop off left ear and right ear lopped. w,iiu.n .limn u Km em or nenoner. vr. Horsos branded Jfl on the left shoulder. Range Morrow comity. ... . , . I Warren, W B, Caleb, Or Cattle W with quarter oirole over it, on left eide, split in right ear. Horses Barao brand on left shoulder. Range in Grant conuty. , Wade, Henry, Heppner, Or. Horses branded ace of spades on left shoulder and left hip Cattle branilefl same on leri. sine hum ih my. WolHnger, John, John Day City,Or-On horses three parallel bars on left shoulder; 7 on sheep, bit in both ears. Range in Urant ana mainuer counties. Woodward, John, Heppner, Or. Horses, Vr oonnected on left shoulder. Watkins, Ijiehe. Heppner, ur. norses uranueo DE connected on left stifle. Wallace. Charles. Heppner, Or. Cattle, W on rightthigb, hole in loft ear: horses, W on right shouluer eonif same on left, shoulder. Whittier Bros., nuntingum. Baker Co., Or.- Horses branded W B connected on left shoulder Williams, vasoo, Hamilton, Or. Quarter oir- cle over three bars on left hip, both cattle and horses. Range (trant county. Williams, i O. Ijong Creek. Or Horses, quar ter circle over three bars on left hip; oattle same and slit in each ear. Range in Grant, county Wten. A. A.. Heppner, Or. Horses running a on shoulder; Cattle, eame on right hip. Young, J. 8., Gooseberry. Or. Horses branded THon the right honld- A1I I l.,r rirla left shoulder only on all horses over 6 yearn n?r.'nr 'l'1 it"' V or Lena. Or. Horses H C or! right shoulder; cattle same on right hip. i u. a, mid Umatilla countiOB. f rrrill. M M. Oalloway. Or-Cattle crop out of ftach ear and underbit, wattle in forehead horses half circle C on left stifle. Range Mor llmnilllu nrmntinn. Cirl, T. H John Hay, Or.-T)ouble cross on i.': utti .arnliov fork and nnilnr bit in right ear, split in left ear. Range in Gran county. n snoop, inverted A and spear point on shoulder. Ear markou ewes on left ear bit in right. Wethers, crop iu right and under half orop iu left ear. All ratigi in Grant oonntv. ri-i, Cook, A. J.,Liena.wr. der; Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark stjuan juare -Horses, 1 on C with 1 ..ff ult .ml unlit in right. C irrin. R. Y., Currinsville, Or. '''ox'lSd. H., Hnnlman, Or Cattle, . t...Mo. I'M. on left nlD. ("whranVlt. E., Monnment, Grant Co, Or. Horsee branded circle with bar beneath, on left shoulder: oattle same brand on both hips, mark under slope both ears and dewlap. V"i u it.r,lmen. Or. Horses brnndnd O on right hip. Cattle branded the same. Also brands C on horse, right thigh; caUle same n riht ehoulder. and cut off end of UougTass. W. M .Galloway. Or.-Cattle. H Don rigid siile,swailow-fork in each ear; horses. 11 D ""Fr??..: nn.i. Or.-Horses branded ELY on 'left shoulder, cattle (tame on leftliip. hole inEme"c.'H., Hardman. Or.-Horsee branded ..'7,"y' "i'-i.r.ii.,llon eft shoulder; cat '.!-' .:..!, hin. ItHine in Morrow oonnty, iL. I.. A.. Hnnnnor. Or. attle, LK on ;..i,t hin: horse. V with bar under on ngh h2',,.,.i" H P. Henoner. Or -Horses. rigni . i. f'.ttlo brande.1 WK with bar over it, on left side; crop off loft nar.' Horses, same brand on left hip. Gentry. Elmer. Echo. Or.-Horse. br-nded H. u lth a onarler cir 'l" over it, on loft stifle. Range in Morrow and Utnatillaeonntiee I4,..t A H.. Riilge. Or.-Cattle. ponnd top with miarter circle under It on the right hip, TV ' ' i u .nil llmatil ammnties. Hinton A Jnnks. Hamilton. Or-i attle. two hsri on either hip: crop in right ear and split in left. h"s J on right thigh. Rang, in Gretit county ii.i u...nn.l Wner. Or k (T K L fFl evTTT illo E. McNEILL, Receiver. TO THK A DIMINISHEU SEVENTH, GITKS TUX CHOICB Of Two Transcontinental GREAT NORTHERN Ry. VIA Spokane MINNEAPOLIS UNION PACIFIC RY. VIA Denver OMAHA St. Paul Kansas City LOW BATES TO ALL EASTEBN CITIES. GET THE BEST When vou are about to buy a Sewing Machine do not be deceived by alluring advertisements nnd be led to think you can get the best made, finest finished and Most Popular for a mere song. See to It that vou buy from rename manu facturers that have gained a reputation by honest and square dealing, you will then get a hewing Machine that is noted the world over for its dura bility. You want trie one mar, is easiest to manage and is Light Running There is none In the world that can equal in mechanical con struction, durability of working parts, fineness of finish, beauty in aooearance. or has as many improvements as me New Home It has Automatic Tension, Double Peed, alike on both sides of needle (fatenttd), no other has it j New Stand ( patented), driving wheel hinged on adjustable centers, thus reducing friction to UIC U11U1U1UUI. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. THE HEW HOME SEWISG MACH1BE CO. 0Aes, Mss. Bostoh, Mass. M Thick H.T -iuono, lu. ht. liOi-is.Mo. Pti.i.f.Tim. t k KaAKCIMfl, I 'AU ATLAKTA, OA. ton '. E BY P. V. THOMPSON CO., Agents, Heppner, Oregon. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For fall details call on O. R. 4 N. Agent at Heppner, tt address . W. H. HURLBURT, Get). Pass. Aft. Pohtland. Oregon. QC7IOL TIOVIU ! San. Franolsoo And all points in California, via the Mt, Bhaata route of the Southern Pacific Co. Die great hiihway through California to all points East and South. Grand rloanlo Route OfthePaniflo Coast. Pullman HoBst DlMpers. beoond-cLasa Hleepers Attached to express trains, affording superior aooommodatiena for second-class passengers. For rates, tickets, sleeping oar reservations. etc.. call upon or address H. KOKHI.KK, Manager, E. P. ROGKB8, Asst. (tan. F. A P. Agt. Portland, Oregon I aliolllilnron nn right 'hip and on left side, swallow fork i right ear and sin in mi, ' mi...., W.tiftr. Or. florae hran le' -V- (cnltl with tmlll tails! on left hou(dr Cattle same on left hip also large oiroi. on 1..11 ahle. Howard J l.,(Uloar,lr.-H.riT (cross with oir aliove IO m ruth! shoulderi oattlewime on left side. lUugJ in Morrow and Umatilla ""iiUlri'MwIo. John Dav. Or -Cattle K Hon rigid hin; hor same oil rigid shoulder. Ilange In ilrsnt ooniilf. .... . . . M,ihe, Mat, lliiner. Or.-Momee. shaded heart on the l-ft shoulder. IUna Momiw . Hunsakar, M A Wagner. Or.-llormea, on left lioilldnr:nlila. on left hip. i M Unlinaii,Or.-HorsflS,HoB Uh H.i.k ll,ii..n.l,mher. Kight Mile Vr.-Horee H ob Ihn lfl shoiil Iwand h"rt on Ilia left still t- l-,n..n Uft too. Kvige in -toiT..wemim J. me. H irrv. IIPI"T. tr-Hors .brand II J on the Ml ii.Hil.lnr; caHle lira nlm i on rial, I l,io. also underbit ill Mt ear. lUnge in . 1 .1. u. 14 T.. Hennner. Or Horeee, horsa. J .in Infl slioiiMor. Cattle, the aains. 1. .w 111.1 Ulla 1..1 .ii. I..n llf.-ll.iaw.. eienUTo la'fi iilli'ntile'.wnn right hip, aader hall ... -.-Li ..l ...I.I n Inft M u ti.k. llooner. Or.- Hre hnnil KNIf on Ml hip eul in and erop 08 left ..h i..- on lli rlht Kirk J T.. Hennner. Or.-Ilnrssa en infl .1. ...1.1... Miii eu ,mi Ufi hlu. Kirk j'ae. Ilenimar. Ot.i hor II nn l"ft k Hil.liri raltl "O 'igld side. andrbit kei.iiHwIaed W.l. sl.mnt Vemon. Or.-I l.ofl millaoa ngnt and 'f ei.l.wllow fork In lft ..r ..! nn.Ur m.mi in right r. lion same ... i.n I..M.I.W. hang in 'trant ""1'ilf Utfim. Htl4in, Pot.Or.-H Ij left kip Miiia rnm a.ol ilit n rtg'.t ear, 11 Mm. I.r.i.,1 ou loft sh.eil.t-f. lUng ttraol "Y'.'IZLu. J..r. W . LuMo Or.M bran ll half J-lrcl J I. e.nnd rm Ml s'xml rinr. t'allle. m oa Uft hio. Hang, naar lyl '"fll1i J W th.-llofe rtranil. l..,.l 1 1,1 h'ilinr: p"ttl M-iie on Ml bin. waul oter right l. thre lu Iu r.ghl 1-ir l. tlir. lUlrtiner !.-Il"f d..ul.l II iiinitni elll . .. II U'l ri.Mlltir. i I llxi'iinnr. Or - ('Mil Krandl rurl. oa gM hi. I,.m n right Milt. in MfrW CHlnll Miifrf. . M-iM'tHW . "IU. M II W ..n Ml h.nil laf. V ....... Jl. Or. It., M i.r, .L.M.1 1 miiU ) in Wft top. Mil. I" nr.-Ilr. H MI rtghl Vj.g V, II. I,. Htowa-vill Itr.-ILieai r,.. . -r.r,h.-t.lf. e.MI. Mlw rtirf. rr"k. f-'l VH-T. nkLMli rani M nh I .af I nH w k.M trn. .m l-ti lia, 1..11-1.. . iii..f no" ...1. i..i .... l. Mi 1 hr .l M) l"t ,h rgh 1 . . i . . 1 ..nt. vi i,..u. bM li.-k - lliww" 1 ... ui .I,..,! Wi rvil . Hi.,k K .HUr.Ml T, I l-J. ........ . 1 1 .Mt h0. Hi,r-r j.i h I ni'M - " eH m Mi km " ami "'" I lrai r-ntlt M . Illl. Vwrt, lllng'ias, tH - P tl a h'i?,M-. Ii"t Ctlf. Or, eil. l.l- 4. t M Ml k'f. .. HTI , an I l - IU- I"."1 .! , (..i II ... M.I.o .-!... 1W lM 1. . .. I ..n 1-1 "i a I M i M I..,. 1 vu. - ia t-'i '' eiw L I.n he. Hv..t liM IVl Hi.-.. Ilt l,.- Illfi tl HS lt .... ',, i I. ,ti.i . . hfvt m K il. 1 r...M.I mn l-'i wl M 1 nl '.. ' '.'i' Hs" "J.r..w "'i I ,,. J II . Ii .i . H m I , .! i-' .-.! M , il, "") Mt kip. -,,. . tH V-l nt. -.1 r . ... xi tm "l. J 'I J rr-i. nm lh . K.m am". t'f ia U'l al II. . It-w. II-!" '1"' l. I..MJ, H-AM,. H' H ..h ii- - . II v. ' ... 1 wit. Ik m, mti . I l-.l" r M -' wl I. ' " , h.,.. a. kH ,m M . " vwrn ,. ,.,m W-l -wlA ' k'l uv.: - Tr(-.T.i ... . . I Y .-1 r'4 aw l ' w. M --, hm ie . i is 11 .,., ! II 1. 1 . t', tail. 0) lM kir. I a ' ! k kip. l,.k 1 l''H t , , 1 .-.11 . - . r ,-4.., . -V e.l "I Vv II.IIM ll,.r i Ml' ffl 1 1 Srat. jfi JrSSfj. LlBtitest, Simplest, fill rXl j 1 tl Easiest Wrong est, I sW .1 Jf i ? I f aJ Werklnf, Aolld I U3"l IlivJ Most Top kjs I fjj tfJX Accurate, Receiver. i!3r Compact, Most Modern and progressive Fur cslalogu or Inforuistloa writs to THU MARUN FIRE ARMS CO., Nrw Haven. Cnnn. 3 1. 1 r rtrt'rrr lsiiiuii.tuv .Vim fVunn'sfn (iHi, .v.i'. n (Kt:t:ssrKt.i:it .t m, .Vi. i.'O Suttrr Strtrt, Thstempsratlvevslusef these twecsrde Is known to most persona. They Illustrate that greater quantity la Net always meet to ks desired. .'. These serde spree the beaenclal ,! Ity of RipansTabulcs 4s tempered with aay previously know DYSPEPSIA Ct'VB RiyeasTskuloei Price, f ceata a tea. Of emulate, a by mail, Ufi! CMtMlCK CO., 10 tsrace llHi I. The Ikantk I S sfsilln bxtes ciffr.a ilr 1 k kiio. Ti p la INrVCTAt. f,fAT. WJmi BT ECOCNE E. WOOD. She was the youngest but one of a family of eifrht. Physically, her lile was and could be nothing save one long crucifixion. Crippled and de formed, there stretched behind her a record of suffering; before her the prospect of greater torture still. Na ture had used her cruelly, for while her rninv and misshapen frame in spired ridicule, or, at best, shuddering pity, she had been dowered with a capacity for affection that burnt itself into fiercer intensity waiting the love that never came. Misunderstood, she had gradually retreated into a little world of her own, with nothing to love. Nothing? There was her violin, but that could hardly be considered apart from Ida's own individuality. It was her violin that expressed more elo quently than herself could ever have done the loneliness and the loveless ness of her life. "It speaks for me," she once con fessed to the old doctor, who under stood her better thin anyone else. "What other people feel they can ex plain in words: but I seem to have no power of expression except through my violin." Dr. Marshall was silent for a mo ment; then he asked presently: "Did you ever hear my boy Austin play?" : Ida shook her head. She had heard no one. Her morbid consciousness of infirmities prevented her from attend ing any public concert, and Austin Marshall, as she well knew, was a pro fessional violinist of repute. ! "You ought to hear him. They tell me his execution is remarkably good and. besides, creniuses like you two ought to know each other. I'll tell you what I'll do," he added kindly; "I'll bring him round one evening to see vou. if vou like, when he isn't busy." Not many days elapsed ere the doc tor kept his promise, and Austin Mar shell, tall and strong, held the small, wasted hand of the diminutive musi cian, and wondered the while how the perfect soul his father had described had managed to find itself in that mis shapen little body. And later on, when Ida had completely astounded him with her rendering of Dvorak's "Romance" wild, intense and heart breaking he told himself that such a thing was monstrous. Here was an untutored genius, beside whom him. self would pale into comparative insig nificance, doomed by nature to perpet ual solitude while, Orpheus-like, she ought by her music to charm into life the rocks and trees. "You want some lessons to correct a few technical errors," he said at last, "and then you ought to be able to hold your own at Queen's hall or St James' with the best of them. If I could be lieve in the transmigration of souls', I would swear the lost soul of some re pentant sinner Is imprisoned in your violin." lie spoke with the generous enthusi asm of genius, mere talent is sparing of rrnie and becrrudges siipcesH. "1 can never play in public," she an swered, briefly, with a painful flush that testified to her sensitive recogni tion of physical defects. "Ida on a public platform! Why they'd never see her!" interpolated a jovial elder brother with the brutal candor admiring friends had sometimes mis taken for frank geniality. "We call her the Diminished Seventh," he added, with a conscious smile that betrayed the originator of the questionable pleasantry. Poor Diminished Seventh! She winced as from a blow, and Austin, with the intention of covering her con fusion, observed with ready tact: "I suppose because the ininor bar1 monies aro most perfect and least un derstood." That evening was but the forerunner of many similar. Scarce a day passed without Austin Marshall contriving to spend tome time with the deformed musician. And as the days lapsed into weeks, and the weeks Into months, it was noted that when Ida played alone her airs were more rnmao tic than be fore. And even her unmusical family became Infected with their gayety; her mother (who frequently allcrrcd she eould enjoy gixxl music as much as anyone If she eould only get it) was cheered to the verge of joyful antlclpa tlon. For who knew that Ida might not attain the supreme height of in spiring dance-music, such as her mother loved, and abandon forever thime ghoulish walls she said were classical. Hut when the old doctor noticed the change he shook his head in snprrhrn slon, while tears of pity filled his eyes. Ills profession had trained htm to read the longings of the heart as well as the Infirmities of the tenement It Inhabited, and if all he thought and dreaded were trite I Had things 10 airier cut! If Ida had rot been distinctly Isolated by lis lure from the sweetest gifts that life can hold! AnJ one evening tame the trials the MERCURIAL POISON b the result of the nana treatment of blood disorders. The SVStem is filled with Marenrr and Potash remedies more to be dreaded than tha disease and in a short while is In a far worse couuiuon uian oeiore. uo common neut at RHEUMATISM for Which SSS. is the mmt mllahl mihl a fv bottles will afford relief where all else has failed. I suffered from a severe attack of Mercurial Ehenmatism, my arms and legs being swollen to twice their natural size, causing; the most excruciating pains. 1 spent hundreds of dollors witnout reuei, dui alter taking a few bottles of 1 improvea rapiaiy ana am now a well men-comnlete- ly cured. I can heartily recommend it to any one suffering from this painful -I i TIT W nilFV Brooklyn Elevated B. E. Our TnaUteoa Blood sed Skin DImsms nulled fte to say saoiau. swirT arm-if 11- u, aiiws,w. ttije RAMBLER Is one of the verv best wheels ever made is an Indisputable fact. It stands in the j front rank with all hieh grade machines, and if you buy one you will make no mistake. Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE If you want to be happy, for should your wheel tie s punctured, it can be mended by you In five minutes, as It is equipped with the world j renowned G. & J. clincher tires with wood rims or copper-plated steel rims. Bold in all sizes for ladles or gentlemen at 100 esch. Tandems for two men or man and woman, fl&O each. THE RAMBLER is the fastest, lightest and strongest wheel in the market. For style, finish and durability it Is unsurpassed, s It Is constructed on strict mechan ical and scientific principles. Ida's eyes all the strange discords had not confessed. ' It was but for an instant. For, in the next, overcome by the strong ex citement she had just, experienced, the bow slid helplessly from her nerveless fingers and she fainted. Symptoms of little moment in an ordinary person might in her case prog nosticate the worst, and any new phase, however slight, was at once submitted to medical opinion. In the present in stance, as she failed to respond readily to the customary treatmont, Austin hastened for his father while she was carried to her room. She had over-ex cited herself with her music was the general explanation of the seizure, and this was what the doctor was told when he answered the hasty summons. In a brief space, however, she yielded to his restoratives, and before he left the house she had dropped into a sleep quiet and natural. For some time father and son went homeward in silence. Then the doctor asked abruptly: "Does Ida know you are going away?" "I told her this evening," Austin an swered, and in some confusion as he re called the way 6he had received the news. "i atner, uo you Know . . . i "Ah! That accounts for it," said the vou need exercise -need it badlv. In Viirr,. J Chicago Ideals For men. women, bovs and irlrls. with 2S. 26 and 24 Inch wheels, at 165. 155. 145 respect ively, are splendid medium grade wheels, with G. & J, high-grade double locking edge cinicner tires ana are may warranted, Before you buy a bicycle, write for cutalogue, circulars, terms nnd discounts, or call on our numerous agents. Rambler Rustlers Wanted In every town in Oregon, Washing-1 ton ana laano. - ., ; -. FRED T. MERRILL CYCLE COMPANY, Northwest representatives Gormrtlly & Jeffery Manf. Co's "Rambler Bicycles." Main 1 Store, 327 Washington ft., Portland, Or. Ma) K. A. Weed, Gen. Traveling Agent and 1 lecturer. Oils finis tcoufi , Agt. lor Morrow vo., iieppner, uregon. , Hows Your Liver? This question is asked daily. If dormant old man, as though speaking to him. self. "Yes. Do I know what?" "Well I think that is, I'm afraid that Ida " He stopped short, for the confession was alike tender and humiliating. But his father, who had feared such a contingency well-nigh from the first, understood what had been left unsaid. "I know, Austin, I know. But what is to be done? The friendship that you have felt for her that she believes she has felt for you has been the one bright spot in her life. Seventeen years old and seventeen years of per petual martyrdom. Do you know how long I give her to live?" "1 suppose that when she is twenty- one" Austin began, but tne doctor cut him short. If she lives to see the spring," he said, gravely, "I shall be surprised." The young man was startled, even shocked. There was silence between them for a few moments. Then the doctor said, with hesitation: "Austin, I suppose you would not think of putting off your visit to the Harrisons? I know Marian expects you but I think if she knew the pleas ure vou would be (riving that poor child whose days are numbered, she would Iks the first to bid you stay. In a caso like this there can be no ques tion of disloyalty to her. And, Austin, if you can for Heaven's sake let her still believe that she has found the af fection she has craved all her life. The deception won't be very long, and It will comfort her more In her last struggles than I or the entire college of physicians could hope to do with all the science that the world hat ever known!" Five weeks later, in Ida's bedroom a thin ribbon of spring sunshine had struggled through a crevice of the window-bund and lay a bright streak across the floor. Outside, the garden was cheerful with the song of birds and the rustling of leaves. Inside, sat the little cripple propped up with pil lows, her pitiful vitality burning Itself slowly away. She knew she was dying, but the knowledge brought her' no fear. I'er hap she Mlrved that If eternity held for hrr worse torture than she had yet endured she had served on rnrth an apprenticeship to pain long enough to lit hrr fur it rerhapa Austin .Mar shall's companionship and sympathy luring the last few weeks were making the end eompurativrly easy. At any rate, when the door wa opened quiet ly and he looked in, violin in hand, aha greeted hint with a grateful smile. "I.lka to have aorue music?" he asked, cheerfully, though he waa pained to mark each day how her tiotd on life waa weakening. "What shall I playr "(ivt me mine, she said, suddenly. you do The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if not own .one, call at Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery, Power House. Lm' Kingr of Bicycles. ( - FINEST MATERIAL, LIGHT, STRONd, XUSS. " fifrr HXV SCIENTIFIC WORKMANSHIP. it ii 1 rs. 1 , p. t'LjrZZ.' : :.' V Tl &. !., 1 Vhl ,1.1 .r... .., i"f V-M'' VI , J li J1, 1 XLiX rr- "-'j a.. 1. ..a, M7 cr- H eMm, h.tiiiM-r.a.., N (iT lY V'V2 b v Vi i "lahall mla all th la dread fully when The violin lay. a usual, on lh UbU -L4 . 1) rmMi.i.ii.ii...Mi IV'ti'A CI f!"i4tV I At ver a pile f inuale f..r a particular "If you really frrl jttal to lha n- ,VtiS 2X?4TZf.'Z.'Z.ThJTZ Si i'V Wt ' t . or "lion." he lan. an I then, answer- y! tr,.4rtnih'.aM4.s..i T? t' vi'l ' 1 tm you ami -didn't I tell yonr he i"if eommaml In hrr eyra, he V avass, a HK"' it' f fil; added, answering the unspoken que a- pard it to hrr wtthogt another word. J , !. .nr. smi a 1... , v?,.-: r I .l!rW). tremulous Snrtr she drew . 1 1 1 w -A II ! I - i 1 ' a. I it. s .m S-. a ', ..11 .Ii - . J 1 I... . . J a.,... I ..a.l h, '-"" I tl l - Ik. I ...-k 1 1 r 1 US. .1 Ha ii in a t- fcaaaif a4 sn. i S aiH t4 ran I -.r IH hr Sft. S'-rl Ml r M lix, li, I II twit r an fnaa 11 M ksi ut IW I.n -., Ih. at abtlnl ar s. kak U. alr kat W . h."M I Ul. li 1 ( 4 l -as TV. . ut I-.. ...affc aafS mt art , , 9, 4 l .-m. W .1 H KM fra H.WW1 A I l. -., ia . . V li.. fli IVTk rwiui.ry h tiauai.? is K Hiesl d4.tlul r I a o- rty pf m,m. a., h m r Ma kltl. I 4 lha l-l i 10 m 1 m ......... . .. ...llB' a. B.l. E't. i-.l a. I a . i.r aval - r " . 1 a tta.. I I la a.. 1 , I. la. J rt r 4 t ! 1 ,4 l II. -a aXa-aae -"'". f rtjl f t fj( J jt I t ar. I . la , mt I 4 a. f,,i if ' y . i a-a I. -a n ta a. , ' ; I . .. i. p. a s-iaa . I v I , , y ; 1 . I .-4 , I ft I F , ' k , . , A t, t. ,. 4 M at iV. a., a, , .l' A 1 .. . . m .r, a !-.' IlljgQD Ktu ' j .a- :4 ka a ,, t t '1'J' ' 1 .- aa.4 IMBtS . , )! N M. i -r iif.4bai M aj V .-ai at t ,t i . 4 f4 ai ilaaaal p 0l!lk., I'lSlfnasa, f. Una aas st ;tk pln(f a lr.. mm S4 to ;.il.l ht Nl . f,, V 1 "W airrth lasts wraiaa aa4 t"i a pa, Ira.fHafM. Nssa I s k 1 1 1 1 a, a at aaa. I silsslaaa, a4 4siitas a4 raiaiata r-raa t .iraj la ta I, haw mf at k.l.lskrta a I I . . .. .. . - t . . l . aaaau-a la It a faja i l .Mla.S'-J l H , I M ,.. .anHsaaaJaai MtkaaS I , !.....,., ,.lut,. I t a U a144 ka S ihr r I a,la ,.4aw.aaJ lV,aa.lMiW, t- .. .. fa. w iWaa ,ka.. . a. .vl t-f tks .V if. t ""' 2 k-.4iaa-lkava)HMlMlHWM . - I S..aa4 , n ll-a ajarr- ,1a, mt SMI I' aarf S - -- 4t sat. a-4 k..w l, t-4 k r a. m4 a (I aa a . ''K- " WIW I Ml . a,a laaat '-- 1 1 taa Wa . '- .,k....-t ... , ,..,..,. aaaaia aaar "Nest autumn, sthea I am Urlt atraio," he aaid. prrarnlly, frslln vaguely thai aumrtMu waa nrnng, " alialt have sofj niore pleaaant tvenlntfa Uethrr, I hrpsx Ida spake not, Tor a ruoroanl h as cotiki'liiua of tiaikht at a rr Ule arovr nf al1te despair an I am rlous tittiilna? la her -lira-l I'.ke the re- tank'in( of the li atrlnf away-abd until lha aaturan! WUt, ty that time she mi tit t drad and t'urhrat. M Iakr4 r -un I Tarsal- ly, a one urotM-s Mindly In the dark f,M7 amw fstillisf ol lart ah trird In airaa, kilt thr Sart rrfltraxl to (utM. Nimrthinf tike dry . roa and waa alrank'lr4 la hrr iHrrsaV Then, Ha unt kinf l .t sl.e l.ak her l aftin a4 drew lite sural. og1 suinfa p la snnBlar) aurpnae Thra he kat s,UU.an4 tthiie aha flajrd the int "fU'tuanpa" of (tvendtea'a. oaea heard, fcr fiH-fottra IU ha l heard It play 4 ry more that Hie flaithr.l fcaiisleiaa, t'tit th was a d ffiiil renderinf II was Ilk the tlrspalria? "7 las'y salantaxr falllaC rl-aaj to iVnt, nr the wail i f a ,t s-l sir vin la a, the ' a. a r-l loflnre sal drtran t-t a h"t I" . , ... . It I -a ara a-. --.4 k a - a t ' aaal m a , .i .-a 1 i k Im ra t a. g aa.. I j t as mmt fc SB.a ska att fc af hrr how arroaa the air iocs, and, reeoff bltinir In I he irtrulna nntrt her favor lu -Lie I.- hy rvhlrl, Austin aoftly f.illowrd, and la a mouirnl waa so ah rld he ararre ntlrr l how hrr bow. Inif lavaror cradually weaker, until It faltered and atopped itt hrfurs) the e-'iii luillns; bar. He looked gp a and Ira apprrlM surely her fae had nit worn that atrange (tray shadow jt Wf.ire? Ma"' " Mir did nl mosav lis: What la the malUr-what is it' Mir o)rnr. hrr eyea, Iml they frtl ot) h!' a sj'.raro of lrr-riiU' Thra ' ilri-t pad thrm the violin I sri at still liot-lin A faint amlle It a..fl!y arrna ' rested ( a nvmirnt on hrr lip. ith Austin haittrd , an nnstradv hand sl.e tna hsnira'.li raised hrr tw. Then, with one eHrl thai of the Dimiaiahed arvrnth-r ' a.a-a-S. kaa a.l.,l. k I nt uriora Austia ha4 lavniueuruy i eonrluilrd the phraa. ko thai iht B triavinishrd tkatenth waa rv4 Inte I trft haste-ay -HUtk aa4 White Four ModelssB85 and $100. EVERY MACHINE FULLY GUARANTEED. SEND 2-CENT STAMP FOR CATALOGUI. Monarch Cycle Co. Factory and Main Office: Lake and Halsted St., CHICAOO. ILL. BRANCHES t Neti Ysrfc. Sss PraacUoa, Salt Uka City. Daaver, Maaspbla, DetraU, Teronta. WEBB SAFE & LOCK CO, Agents, PORTLAND, OREGON. A. H". VATTERSOS, Agent for Morrmo County, Ilepjmer, Oregon. SHHaBBBasaSBKawaaHBKBlssaBBIaKBMaaaasaassaSaBSBSsa OUR STOCK OF ... SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD It to Advertisers at a great financial sacri fice. You need it in your business, and as a matter of business vc must sell it. Tub Patterson Publishing Co. I :AVITH k I l k k ..l t a ta ,- ii aaa.. t. a 1 ' , V . . .1 - .a-. . . VMS. SSI ll Ml lilfll. IS.1I1I tK,k SkUtl i-klak), narfcal 4 l4Hm mmt I rri aaa, I a. rikaa ftlaa! II-kka4 I'lias )iriu-. kjri.inr-, Iklrfa Mrl itf and uiiti4ti lsnt nl ,Mi untar I t arratrhlttst. If r, tim.rra fntrn. ar.-.n!, ifrsi WM ai4 n'-.a'r. tar. tt't-t '. "(tkt I'nilMf ! t IKa l'rt..ra aa I f aal It f. h.k'iS ti'rafklN. a4 ! ". fmwt Ta ty I qlC'TS At 4ff fials. . Ii aaa.l f.a) Sal aula t Masiklt Kaaa nans miifiii Yotiro BO UN D to Tnke 'Jin. . f faUrn aa' th-ia atra'a ha rra4 arr hrart pUitlv. aa th-a l-r h k4 f-4 ltro Ihrsni M kirrw VHtU-raraa ( Iwt li(l h kaw tha VMta fray a ad tarr l.f.n Kan and vba IU !at it d t l Lcnvcs No Constlpntton,- Cn.aa ii. as aa alt Tl ltl. c ur- rl I a II anrM. lara.fl iaa, rali f af U t III ('lihwnii lfl t H-a1r r aaJ ifala.ia TVa l. , ail lts)r(i.a rr rati I , auii M ri:riiru Mri'irALa, a rrcr,iW. V.M "" "",'" " '