CANCER CUREO -AlfiJ a- life saved by the Persistent Use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla "I was troubled for years with a sore on my knee, which several physicians, who treated me, called a cancer, assuring me that nothing could be. done to save my life. As a last resort, I was induced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, after tak ing a number of bottles, the sore Here and There. "Ah, woe i me," the maiden cried; "I'm leven mllei from town, And here I've lott the pin that keep My knlcki Irom dipping down." Detroit New. A. P. Bradbury, the cracker man, was Oxfobdshirh Bucks. Dour. Belts, of I in town yesterday. He was suffering nmoinu nnnrv. writes the Qazetts that t?TwE! k 6df 1rk,e' 7CeiVed & S be will be at Heppner on Oct let or 2nd roe Dalles by falling down a flight of I u , Hnn(1 Willi 1U Ol Mil u I"" Oxfordshire bucks, wbioh he will offer See Horner & Kbea's new fall ad. See Ed. Day's buck ad. in this isane. Phil Heppner is np from Arlington. Ask to see Minor k Oo.'s $10 overcoats. Millinery at popular prioes at the Ba zaar, tf. The raoei commence Oot. 22, and last five days. Cast your optios over on Ed. Day's new buck ad, I Burns wants a mail route to Wiune mucoa, Nevada. down Tuesday steps, "lirsd" said that it was very dark at the time. His friends are indeed tbankful ror tbe explanation for it re lieves them of a very diffionlt and disa greeable taek, for bad this aooident ooourred in broad daylight, there could have been but one conclusion. In further justification of tbe olaims of Mr. Bradbury, the Gazette is pleased to state that be drinks nothing stronger tban Heppner water. There oan be no pleasure or bappi- for sale on very reasonable terms. Sheepmen should oome early sod seleot their rams before they are all gone. 74-75. Sad Death. The Gazette learns that Lillie May Adkins, the only daughter of Henry and Anna M. Adkins, died at uess for persons whose liver or kidneys Uhenowitn, Wasn., eop. it. ioju, oljeu are unhealthy. They are weak, sick 1 year, 4 months and 17 days. Mr. and and irritable, and find it burdensome to rg Adkins had gone there to look at perform work of any kind. What they ' fa tfa inf(.nt took a, nepd Is n thnrnnch treatment with Dr. """"" . J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm, dying after two weeks sickness. It was This remedy is recognized by many of a granddaughter of Mrs. M. J. Saliog, ef Dave Hamilton from the mill. Marble Works, began to disappear and my general health improve. I persisted in this treatment, until the sore was en tirely healed. Since then, I use Ayer's Sarsaparilla occasionally as a tonic and blood-purifier, and, in deed, it seems as though I could not keep house without it." Mrs. S. A. Fields, Bloomfield, la. AYER'S The Only World's Fair Sarsaparilla. Ayer's Pills Regulate the Liver. IBP v, a r m 'w . - --i The Niles-Vinson, W alia Walla. Wash. G. W. Montague was up from Arling ton over Tuesday night. For fruits, vegetables, or anything in the grocery line, see Saling. 4t. Mrs. A. Eeithly, of Heppner, has Ooobin chiokens for Bale. s27-4-31. Don't forget to attend tbe opening to day at the Ladies' Bazaar. tf. Mrs. 'Gene Campbell, who has been ill. is reported as improving. No bugs on Minor k Co.'s line oi ladies' and gent's underwear. Tom Driskell left a very large radish at tbe Gazette office last . week. Note tbe raoe ad., and you will something interesting to horsemen. La Grande Marble Works, La Grande Ore. 8, 0. Smith, salesman, Heopner. Grass is beginning to start in tbit seotion and fall feed promises to be good. Dr. B. F. Vaugban and wife spent s few days out on their Gooseberry rancb last week. Some interesting Eight Mile news h deferred till Tuesday for laok of time to set it np. McFarland Mercantile Co. are not behind in the matter of newspaper advertising. Fresh candies, any kind, at W. L. Saling's. See him at tbe old Jerry Cobn stand. 4t. see and lunoh goods, see Just received a brand 4t. I3UNM0NTIEWEPTHUPR5AT J2Jjh56 7 8 5 10 II 12 15 15 16 l 18 19 20 21 22L 25 2 2h 2G 27 26 2sTfco Cfl 1 1 Col OP S7 Take Notce. L Tie mm of nv cents per Una will be Ihanted for "cards of thank.," "resolutions of reepeint," 1UU of weddlmr prenentt and donon, nd obituary notice, (other than thoa the edit yt ihall htinnlf give aa a matter of newt,) and aotlceaolipeclal meeting! lor whatever purpoae. I Notice of church and society and all other sntertalnmenta from which revenue li to be de rived, ihall be charted for at the rate of five .Ante a Una. Thene rule will be itrlctly adher ed to In every Instance. Advertising rate reaeonabU aad made known ipon application. TIME TABLE. Stage for Hard man, Monument, Long Creek, loha lav and Canyon City, leavea aa follow I i Kvery day at 6 a. m., am-pl Similar. A rrtvea every day at I p. m., r.rwpt Monday. The cheapMt, qiilrkMt and beat line to or from the Interior country. WALT. THOMPSON. Prop. Phlll Cohn. Agent. Ertra Pale Star Brewery Beer In Half Pint Bottlee can be bad only at the Hotel Bar! City Whr high grade Uquore and Clgart are alao kept by laa. I - -- Mitohall Monitor J. C. Hay, Heppoar, tad 1. 0. Large, of Portland, been bovera. ara in Iowa and will remain bar for a week or mora. Karl's Clover Root will purify your Blood, clttr your Complexion, regulat your bowel and make your bead clear aa a ball, itfc . &Oo.. ao l II- Hold by T. W. Avars Jr. Hon. W. K. Ellis, aceompaoiad by bla vile and aoo. Kddi. ratoroad from eiaii in Portland aad tbe valley aa laal Tna1. Uuiir Robbie and UtM For groceries W. L. Suling. new stock. P. Cohn got baok from Portland Tuesday. Mrs. Cohn remained below to visit relatives . Minor and Co. have the largest line of boots to be found in Heppner. and compare prioes. Wanted Plain or fanoy sewing. Will go to tbe house or take sewing at home. Mrs. Mary Henderson. Goods delivered to any part of tbe oity at Minor & Co.'a. Don't hesitate ta ask tbem to seud yoa your package. Best aooommodatlon and courteous treatment at tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh and Wash. 8ts Portland, Oregon. A letter from Prof. A. W. Wier, who if now located at Reedley, Calif., stBtei that tbe olimata there is excellent. Bnninesa men advertise and prosper and that is the reason why Heppner' business is increasing all the time. D. B. Zimmerman, of North Dakota, bought 10 oar loads of stock cattle in this section tbis week wntcn na win soon ship Eaat. Kosooe Shaw and Dan Morrow camr in Wednesday from Long Creek, leaving yesterday for home, both loaded with merchandise. P. 0. Thompson Co. are aa usual in tba lead with a large assortment oi inter gloves and mittens at prioes mat defy oompetitioo. J. N. Fordyce, representing the PaoifiV Vinegar Co., and A. A. Yerei, repre tenting Wad bams k Kerr Bros., were in Id town Wednesday. Wm. Col. father of Oliver Coi, an aged gentleman, died lata last week oat on Light Mils. Mr. Cos bad been ill for a number of years. Call aod see Minor & Co.'a line of gents overcoats, the largest assortment aver brought to tba city, at price rangiog from ft to $17. Mathewa BroaCity hotel barber t bop, tooeortal artiste, Uaironttiog, shaving, shampooing, etc., done cieulinoaiiy. Baths at 23 oenta spires. Advertisers who wsot space in tba Oasette must get their enpy in not latar loan Monday for Tuesday's issue aod Thursday for Friday's issue. Jobe J. Murphy is bsnllog out mer chandise forble brother. Henry Moriby. ot Monomrot lie Irft Tneeday with two big loads, principally ttoor. Don Carlo Boyd ha given np the Mltobell barbel shop and ba accepted a position on tba Ocboro lleview, pobhsheJ at Priosvill. Oregon. "For ysere," says CepLC Moellar. "I have rhed mora upon Ayer'a Pills than the best medical authorities as without a peer for the cure of diseases of the kidneys or liver. It rapidly drives out diseased conditions, restores health and strength, vigor and cheerful spirits. Prioe $1.00 per bottle. F. H. Snow, of the Pendleton Tribune, formerly a resident of tbis county and who at one time bad one of the best little papers ever printed within its borders, got in Tuesday from Pendleton, making the trip on a wheel. He visited ild friends at Lexington yesterday, and will remain a few days looking after bis interests bere. Rolf-denial is the one thing most lifBonlt to inculcate and always hard to oractioe, especially when there are good things to eat within reaoh. But there ie no self-denial neoesBary if you takp Simmons Liver Kegulntor. It promotes iigeation, prevents Dyspepsia and a lope after a hearty meBl of delioacies will prevent any disoomfort. It's the best good-night toddy. Morrow county oannot boast of s growing population. In 1890 there wore 5,200 people within its borders, vliile the census of tbis year shows but 3400. It is likely, however, that tbis inuld be raised a few, taking into oon lideration tbe number of residents away, Sut it is praotically oorreot and is not s Mattering showing. Paul Boulon, the well known show man, accompanied by Mr. Geo. Gonne. trrived at Heppner on Wednesday'? rain and will give a show tonight aod tomorrow eve. Everybody knows Paul Boulon, and we are assured that bis companion is a first class artist. A good h'.use is expected. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is not' a seoret nreparation. Any physioian may havf he formula on application. The secret if its success as a medicine lies in it' 'xtraordinnry power to cleanse the blood it impurities and cure tbe most deep tested oases ot blood disease. Newberg Graphic: Congressman W. Call L- Elba aud family, of Heppner, Morrow county, were in town Tuesday nigor. Mr. Ellis is still lame from a hurt "eceived two or three years ago, by heing thrown from a stage, and is oom oelled to go on crutches. Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn., says "Shlloh's Vitahzer 'saved ny life.' I consider it the beBt remedj or a debilitated system I ever used.' c"or dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouhh t exoels. Prioe 75 cents. Sold by T. W. Ayers, Jr. Fell Bros, have reoeived part of their 'all millinery, and as soon as balance of -heir goods arrive from tbe East .the) ill have their opening. Their stock will be larger than they have carried before and prices to meet all compe tition. , tf. Representative John Gurdane, of Umatilla onunty, has been seriously ill 'or some time, and is not yet out ol langer. His many friends here regret -o bear ot the old gentleman's illnes ind trust that his reoovery will be rapid. Ben Mathews Is now sole proprietor of the oity meat market where he keeps 'resh supply ot beef, pork, mutton, veal laueage, baoou and lard, which be sell 'or the lowest market prioe. Fred Bock the Portland butcher, ia still with bim. tl The Morrow County W. C. T. U. will hold their semi-annual convention in Qrppnrr beginning Tuesday Oct. Htb at 1 o'olock p. m., and dosing with publio session on Wrdnrsday evening. K full program will appear next week. Two litlgsoti, Isaac RudJoek and Mnlvin Green, undertook to whip A. D Slillman aod W. M. 1'ieroe, two 1'endle inn attorneys, a few days ago, in then office at Pendleton. The disoiplee ot Blaokslooa came off victorious. C. M. Grimes, the storkbuyer, shipped soar load of cattle Wednesday, aod expect to receive and ship 15 oar loads tomorrow. This shipment come from lbs Oilman-French stork ranch, and all go to the Union Meat Company. Mrs. James Talbot, who ba bren receiving medical treatment at tba OooO -tamam an hospital for tie past month, aa brought borne Wednesday. Wt learn that Mrs. Talliot come hum grrally improved. Miiohell Monitor: Mr. D. C. Boyd baa leased t'ie barber shop heretofore toco pled by Linn Woods, aod will hereafter be found ready In perform, ii.neorielly, at any reasonable hour of i he day or night. Japaneee paper napkius for eociels Eight Mile. Overwork, either physioal or mental. will produce weakness and loss of energy. Too many business or family oares, overwork in the harvest field, an excess of woman's work and worry will produce months of misery. To prevent this, the exhausted system should be reinforoed immediately. Dr. J. fl. McLean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier is an-appropriate remedy. Prioe 81.00 per bottle. Bitten bt a Doa. While playing with a dog and cart, near the First National Bank building, Tuesday Maurice Hansbrough was bitten severely by J. A. Patterson's dog. The latter dog attacked tbe one hitched to the vehicle and the little boy protested, endeavoring to save his property, during wbioh h reoeived a severe bite in tbe arm and face. Dr. Shipley dressed the wound aud Maurice will soon be all right (Tbe Gazette learns sinoe that it was Maurioe's dog that did tbe biting.) Tired Women Must have strength or they will be in the suffering despair of nervous prostration. The true way to win vigorous health is to take Hood's sarsaparilla wnicn win duuo np strength by making pure, rich blood; thus it will also feed the nerves upon tbeir proper nourishment, create an appetite, tone the stomach invigorate every organ. Hood's Sarsaparilla is what tired women need the one True Blood Purifier prominent in the pu blic eye. Hlf 0 : 1 1 act harmoniously with Hood's Surtaparilla. 2uc AMONG THE POULTRY. "We bad an epidemic of dysentery in this vicinity last summer," sayl Samuel S. Pollock, of Brioeland, Cal. "I was taken with it and suffered severely until someone called my attention to Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I prooured a bottle and felt better after the first dose. Before one half of tbe bottle bad been nsed I was ell. I reoommended it to my friends tnd their experience was the same. We ill unite in saying it is tbe best." For isle by Slooum-Johnson Drng Co. Railroad Accident. Freight train oumber 21, west-bound, came in this -norning (23rd inst) ahead ot time. A twitch had been left open, which let tbe train on to a side track, and It crashed into half a dozen box oars. Two flats ere broken to splinters. Tbe oar next thead contained four men and eight Portland racehorses, ooming from La Irande fair, en route to Salem. Da Lashmutt's Blondie, Carl Carney and Stanwix and five others were in tbe oar, bioh was badly smashed. None of the men was hurt. Tbe horses were not xamined olosely to see if any were njnred. Pendleton Dispatch. Don't trust the hired man or boy to look after the chickens. They will neglect them. If you want the poultry attended to properly do it yourself. Do not let the chicks roost on small roosts while they are young. If they roost before their breasts become firm and hardened, they will be sure to have crooked breast bones. Experience: is a great school in poultry raising, and the mistakes are guideposts to keep every one in line. Get all the experience you can and avoid making the same mistakes twice and then you will be on the road to a profitable success. At this season of the year, when there is an unlimited range, care will be necessary to observe, by liberal feeders, not to overfeed the fowls There will be little or no dang-er of overfeeding the chicks, as it takes all they can get to furnish them bone muscle, feathers and flesh. The success of many a man in the poultry business, both commercially and irom a lanciers standpoint in show records, is due to women, who get no credit. They have been the power behind the throne many a time when men have received the honors. Prairie Parmer. Why Farmers Nhould Keep Hooks. Farmers do not have that knowledge of their aflaira that they should, many of them keep no books. Whe the census is being taken they can give but very little information in regard to the number of bushels of grain grown each year, or the value of the live stock; hence much must be derived from estimates rather than from facts presented.' Every farmer should keep books and set down all the items receipts and expenses. BOO T I BUT NEVER 1 SQUEEL! C) a That is what Minor & Co. are doing. They are constantly rooting for trade ; though they have the bulk of the trade of the surrounding country, they are not satisfied. Don ra m m But we would like all the people for customers, as the larger the sales the cheaper the goods. We have just received the largest line of Fall goods ever shown in the city. Call and examine them niidif you don't buy then we are to blame. We are hore to show goods. We Meet and Beat all Competition! MINOR & COMPANY. DON'T FORGET THAT P. C. THOMPSON CO. Are Still in Business In Bpite of boycotts. Our enemies are Btill trying to drive us out, but rb Jong as our friends stay witb us, we will continue to soil honest goods at honest prices WE DON'T THROW OUT BAITS To catch suckers as we do not expect reasonable people to judge us by the price of one or two articles. Grocer if Be sure and call whon you want , Hardware, Tinware, Willowware, and many other things. M Bncklea's ArnlM Salve. Tbe best salve In the world tor onts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Malt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all skin eruptions tnd positively onres Piles, or do pay required. It is guaranteed to aive perfect satisfaction or money refunded, 'il'ce 25 cents per box. For sale by T. W. Ayers. Jr. Tint churn should not be more than half full of cream when berinninr to churn. Oreen Mathews tor shaving, bair-l cutting, shampooing and all other work I in that line. Hatbs at any tune curing business bonrs. T. R. Howard makes a specialty in supplying stookmen witb all needed articles, besides carrying a general lius. See bis new ad. tf . O. B. Hatt. the tonsorial artist, can be found at his parlors, Matlock oorner, where be will dispense at popular prices, haves, shampoos, bairouta, etc. PaCL Boulo! and Qo. Oonn. Wednesday Panl Boulon and Geo. onne dropped into Heppner from tbe ipper oountry. These inimitable artials in the Una of legitimate aoting have journeyed far sioos they left Pan Fraucisoo. Leaving the Golden Oat oily, they played at all tbe important owns op to Portland, took ia almost every part ot Washington, Idaho, Montana and op into Canada, then hack to Spokane, playing the Hound lection, and are tow preparing to take io the ooontry bordering onto tbe Oregon Short Line. Io all tbete gentle men have been oo the road fifteen mouths, and have met with entbnalaatic receptions everywhere. Oo bett Friday aod Sutordav nights they will bold forth t8. P. Uarrigoes' opera Louse. Prices, 70 oeots general admilUtioe, 23 for ohildreo. No extra charge for reserved teals. Walt. Thompson runs stage between Heppner and Monument, arriving every day exoept Monday aod leaving every dav eifieut Sunday. Shortest ami cheap est route to the interior. P. Coho, agent. The regular snlwonption pne of the Semi-Weekly (iasette is $2M ami the regular price ot the Weekly Oregnniao istl.bO. Anyone subscribing for the I Qaxette and paying for nna year in advance rao get both the (lar.ette and Weekly Uregoniao for t'l. All old sub scribers paying their snlcriiions for one year in advanoe will b entitled U tba asms. Ten shares of stock io the Nation Dank of Heppner. Addreaa Itii hard Cot. Keoelver. Arlington, Oregon, Ulf. IS HP 4 Out of Sight! The boy is father to the man, and when the boy dona tbe man's bat he is "out ot sight." Likewise the man who pro vides himself with one ot T. R. HOWARD'S hats, and also purohases his Qrocerios, Cigars, Tobacoos and Gents' Furnish ing at this estalihslimeat where tba freshest and latest of tbe above lioes are kept. This is also the place for Htooknien's Supplies, as this store makes a specialty of everything required by this otssa of trade. And a cannal nbservsr will not fail to notice that our sheep and cattle men take advaotage of this fact. Kememlier tba placa m HEPPNER BLOCK, Main St., Four doors south of the Udy hotel. oytblog elsa to tba medirina cbt, to I nUrtalnraeots or boma mm at Il'iO pat regolats mr rwiwsla and lh of tbe 1 1) or II BO lor hot of buo. Clipr ship's eraw. Tbeaa pills ara oot sr renalnad Ulow to attaod tba io their action, but do their work tbor oral oollsis at Corvallia. looghly." alsmie sgTicaltoral oollef a m-inmirmir rr - -- -- -- --- yvyyvee)e IWa Pnll IL UUmn OF THE PUBLIC SO THE FACT ff ivlrtrlu Ihnt fc or ffcf tnn 4rH n.xoM Mkg Ikro-K kU knt s or. wardt' kUa ,inr "" ' 'r' Umntin a.-. ir (fa not M f ""nr At ant mam fo ndrmU $: ikat U an afrmf0 Jkat mo man kl ov'r kt prorHimg f fr-fl to !'' .11- r-WH its a -rr. It say U m;l f. iriM '; ;.-'f parr Kit nit ) H irf Ik J""'''" '.' . . .v ifilftoM "k f w mUtUA, nni out P, T II it ' - - .... , . ' m a , m mA r-w md r f r if w a-iy. HORNER & RHEA. Cult a fcl1 s i,ii. i" .... . -i TK1 ' IkMHf IM M ' 1 4hf m "- f in et " m k' t f ii t-4 " I' o ti.i inr- ban linen napkin. Can bo wstid For sals by P. C Thompson Co. 4-5 S. C. Maria and (cr Minor bava Uo bead of fins Sborlboro callla dowo at tha tU fair, under rharga of Mr Maris. They will oo doubt aw-nre 'iit a oomhar of prfmlam. Elmer Mioenm's photograph gallery is now opn on lower Maio trel kr triotly Crat-olaaa work ran ba aeenrvd at reasonable priaea. Call and imio work aod gt pnoa. Tutf Bob Jordan, ona of tba Harney enunty arig of rattla tbitvaa. ha jampxl tbe eooniry eiiig hi tKairan ti foot il bill. Uul and Vo J ir.h.o lav been rnnrtied In jail. Miilo's Cora is ani l on a gorentae. t eueea lneiplft Cnamptio. It la (a tt (-ingbCnreooly or eot a d'. ;. ei . f.l el , and II rV,J by T. W. 4r. Jr. Tl.oa .f lUU'a 1 1 r Iteaaoar ptt ori tba gr-ialb of tl.a bair, sod r i.f lis itqrl rolor and taaly. frw i b rip of dandrofl, Mifr, aod all ta paritw, W. (). AUn.a lo oit ltm b oiiti over in tba I'kiab roantrr t lb pact Week, Started bI t-nf. Ha eiel to remain until f'brietma. W. L. baling k-a V b School appliea aa laMata, writing material, p-nril. Ink. l. At tha old Jerry C"ba staad, Mimw trail Iittf. t. Xoaa Bat Ayer at lh World Fair. Ayer'a Sarparilltnjoy tbe extraor dinary di'tiiictioo ot having been tba only Mood purifier allowed an exhibit at th World'a fair, Chicago. Msnnfacturer A other aaraeparilUa aonght by avary meansloobtaioaahowiog of tbeir good, nut tl.ey were all turned away under tba ppltralioo of tba ml forbidding the niry of patent dieirie and noatrom. The ilem.ioo of tha World' fair aol ho rttiee Io favor of Ayer'a Hsrprllla wa in enect aa follow: -Ayer a nrpa rtlla ia oot patent medicine, It cbiaa ml twlung to tha it of Boatrom. It la bar on ita merit." Now la tha lima to get tha We kly Oregonian, tba greateat oapaper of tha Went. Witb tbsOxetta,lMth strict ly in advance, for one year, t-l. No better combination uf oeaapapere 0u ba insde io tba atata. Iteaidna wa will give a a nreinlum ao additional Journal. tti Web- fnot Plantar, an agrirnlloral pier, (Vima in now and anWrlte. Oniario-lSurns Ste line A M I f UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, 1 S05-18!J(. BURKS-CHHYOH STRGEUKE H . WILLIAMS, Prop Miasm. Wadneailay afuroooo, at tha rldenea of Davt PreaeUy, In llepp. aer, ocourrad ILa merriaga of Mr. F.lgla II. Vlneoo, arm i.f Mr. aad Mrs. im. Vitiaoo, and Mi F.tnm A. Farguaon, daagliter of Mra. Illram CU'k, all real dent of th; !mtneiita lueshty. Ji)g Frelb4 peri.rtn-l II, mrnr rite la tba must Improaaiva otaeaer. after wblcb tha happy roapla raealvad tba agrl lallofi of ratativaa aad frtand prol. Tbaf)xtUtleoda lis Ut wib ff lhir fatora prorlty an 1 hsppiaaM. fAI.U ('rtMM. Fell ttra. lt,U tba U li of Laer aad rcini'y to ) ! li,ir aa i in, I ll.'if fa. I w.r u.rr hrm a al ".fi I at wk f i en '' tn et ;!.)rft' .', j,i4r, a' J. ("V- aty. M-tfe- p.tnf th'J Is. I '. I La' (ur-iar,. 43 .i i OXTAlUO-liUliSS Lravsa Burna I rally at 0 p.m. aud ar rives at Ontario ia il boor. Sinqlo Foro $0.00. Round Trip $1 1.00 faT-1i,f.Mih (it ;jhl I't rm fmt pmn i ItUKXS CAS VOX ImiM a'ir I'M-I T.Amf ti.-rt l I l,,n lf l'h lll 'l.rf W-.BMMl'lit ! Ml r"te l"'lrf ii l""ti"l ' i. !" Uk I, H.iarln, I ili..rl,, nA lan tlc ( RvriM. fTUE CMVEIIHITY OF OHEOON, KUJKSF, OKF.OON, f ffers frew toitloo ( to all stndenta. Young men cao ditaio board. lodging, heat and light in tba dormitory for IITM) par weak. lUiomera furoiah Ibeir owolioeo. Yooag wotneo ara provided board Io privala familiea at H 00 par wk. Young women daniring board shoobl aJ Ireaa Prof . John Mraoh, Eugene, Oreg .o; or Hacretary Youog Women'o Christian Aaolatloo, Eugeoa. Iba Uoiv.raiiy ouera inrew barcalaoreaU degrees, Bachelor of Aria, Bachelor of Soienoe aod Bh helor ot I-at-lers wilb eorreapondmg oonraea of atudy. Tba following aborter eonraee ara alao offerad: An Ecgliah ooorea leading lo two year t a Imainees diploma and In tt.raa years lo tba title gradonta in Eoglwb; an advanre eooraa lor graduates ol oormal acboola leading to Iha Jegrea maatar of pag.f y ; A Ibrea years eooraa la olvilangioeefing leading to Ihadegwi civil anginaer; ooursaof two yeara for leaibara of physical a-lucalioo lea.ling lo a diploma anj ma una uiraou oi physical education. Tba I'nlvereily rhargrs ao inoil.-ntai tea oi tao noiiart w nwo U oatabl In alvanoa by all etodente. Stulenl boldiogdiplornaa fmm tba public eohool and thoa having tea. here' eartlflealee ara a.lmltla.1 lo th preparatory depertroeiil witboot aiaminallon. Tbnaa deeiring Informal l regarding tba pra- paratory department ahool I Ureas II. lo, X, I. narregao, r.ugen. For ealalogqea and loformatbrti addreae C. II. CHAPMAN. PifHiilniit. or A. A. WALTON'. HtHMutary. 1 :tik''itu. Oivkoii. V COPYRIGHTS. rj I najTilw rTMT f- Itil tl., 4 fmt t. I ..m ' k a f'- 1 D1Q PROFITS SMALL INVESTMENTS w ibaafl ' A a a ajt J i. .4 a?,. f f---aay- mr as ibaaj a- n4 af .'a-v4 4 frt km f f It a . kn K1 m elaa ha (Asa t i a - 1 ' m FOR EACH DOLLAR INVESTED 'SysTcmatic Plan of Speculation nftrO e4 r 'i .fl"'t ' " , v, Ii u ...ii .. 1 t ! u. i...m.i. nt .. i I i 'u aaa, t, .,.l...r ir,A,t 'lf-l ' .. t'f'' """ a ,. . ,..,,m, 4 4i ... t.rf tl,. p an a., I....... a-L lwl ul l tmn to-l 4-..iea It I .- l.n (. m hn In. mi the ti,.i'1 Ii .. , . If t IK.t li.-" -hn mmf 1h t.-rMt r'" ""r-'.'l'.'f - t "'"' ..n ti i. t. . at. mhn ll.r flow t t.K.M..l lu.Mt Ui ...., ho..M l"l I t l my,ii.t hm H r U,.. II hoet a Ut -l lii-r l 1 1. . . .i i.-' i. t f 1 n(i'i 'I"' TH0MA 4 CO., gankaea aatf Beakaea. 241243 RiaMa 0'i'a, CHiaaga, Ml. iPsP-H ! mmmm umm notary public tittcntefe;" ; J?::J&& )s 1 illltiM)il CONVEYANCER f m it t. jr. r. ; auaa va, a .'.r. J