The state fair is now in progress and will doubtless be interesting this year. "Peter the Poet" is no longer on the Klamath Star force, having sold out. New York democracy had quite a row in their Syracuse convention, Tammany coming out fiist best as usual. Marshall Fields, the Chicngo dry goods man, made $7,000,000 last year in his business. Mr. Field advertises in the newspapers. The summer resort girl asked her lover who was a dry goods clerk not to forget her. "Never," he said absently. "Is there any thing more today." A Harney county widow married a rich old codger for whom she had but littlo love. It has been suggested that this kind of mar riage be called matrimoney. EDITORIAL COMMENTS. Now tbftt cycling baa beoome popular, it was ezteoted that lome one worfld invest a disease aa tbe result of that eieroise. iirst came tbe disease ot tbe apiue, cause supposedly, by tbe bending over, in wbioh tbe vertebrae in tbe middle of tbe spine were supposed to get wedge-sbaped, but somehow cases of this kind were so rare that tbe discoverer of tbe disease went hungry trying to find patients, while the use of the bicyole became greater every day. Sow some kind soul has discovered thnt there is a disease celled "bicycle face." It is a peculiar gray bue and is said to be token nervoua exhaustion. Neverthe less, cycling will always be popular, for in moderation and within tbe confines of a person's strength aDd enduranoe, it can not be otherwise than beneficial. One can ride too muob; they can also eat too muob. Secretary of State Kincaid is fearless and uncompromising in bis advocaoy of what he deems to be right. Reoently the New York Herald published a letter from Mr. Kiuoaid io which be reiterated his well-known free silver coinage senti ments in a most convincing manner In part he says: "Silver was the measure of value along with gold at 15 to 1 and 16 to 1 from 1792 up to 1873, a period of eigbty-one years. The present national debt, and nearly all state, municipal, railroad and other debts in the United States were contracted under the silver standard, although many huve since been funded or changed in form, but are still drawing interest. By oliarifinjj the standard from silver and gold to gold alone a few thousand men, who own nearly all the gold and interest bearing liouds, stocks and mortgages, have doubled the value of their gold and their creditri, wbioh are payable in gold, and huve decreased the value of the property and arniugs of their property one-hulf." A Woman's Nerves. A STORY OF A WOMAN TO WHOM NOISE WAS A TORTURE. Prostrated by Physicians the Least Excitement Baffled by Her Cane, IJenry Watterhon, as an ex portent of the "now South," stands at the head of the procession. His Louisville speech of welcome wbb the master effort of a great patriot. The horse is disappearing with the advont of electr icity and the bicycle. Au exchange suggests that there is yet one horse that cuts considerable liijuro with con ventionsthe dark horse. It is said that Champion Oorbett is not in good condition. He can rest assured that when ho meets "l'W he must bo in the pink of condition, aud then put up his best fight, too, or o down forever. Senator Dolph has been spoken of as a suitable persou to inert Congressman liryan in the silver debate at the state fair. Mr. Dolph is a spleudid speaker, but he never tick I en a buzz saw when be knows it. m The success attending Ilepnner'l efforts to huve races this fall proves that there is much of the old time vim and enterprise left yet. Less than one day's work secured the neoBary funds, an organization has been eflecled, poster! printed, und Eastern Oregon ia being advised thut lleppuer takea no back sunt. Tun Oregon Progress issued its first nu:nber last week. It is edited by Win. F. Wallace, assisted by J. F. llawoith, and F. S. l?ar,ee as general manager. The (lazette wisluiH the new venture a success. Mrs. I.asutiiv claims to have lohtowr !?J(K),0lM) wurtli uf jewels recently. She bad them deported lit a jjotuiitii imnk. iney were abstracted by means of a forgec order, and now the "Jersey Lilly' 1 1 1 I , m is geuiiig a large amount ot nee advertising, worth more to her than were the big diamonds, sapphires, etc. The new army rille was ti i the other ilny at a convict rump in the F.'ist with teirible effect. . soldier convict tried to cncaiMi an. wad shot through the ln u.1, though j hiding behind an eight inch, trre, the ball going through the Hutu's bend and four inches int.i a dirt bunk Hom diUiice away. Of coiir no the ball pnt d tLrotih the tree. A X M.luni Wiiiiiuii at The lulles got the best of Iht lninband a hhort tun" ago. Coining in bite at night was Ids ountuiu h rang the d'xir bi ll. Hi wife t'lime to the d'nr and wLirpvicd through the keyhole ,"Ia that you, Jim?" The littubnnd'rt Dime wnau't Jim, nti I lie Ma) around home of Ex-Speaker Keed ia planning bow be will run things when lit) geta reinstated back lo bis old place. II ia not likely that Mr. Heed ia making any mistake! in fixing mutters to suit hia royal taatea, but strange things do happen and many a litter of duok fails to oome up to previous estimates. Hoed, however, miido a good speaker and put in vogue rules, fur which be was much assailed by opposing forces, but which have been passed upon by tbe highest judicial tribunal iu tbe land, and finally adopted, iu all their esiieiitiiil details, by the political opponent of Mr. Keed, It is ipiite oerUiu that the protective tanir policy of the republican party will not be relegated to the background in the next national campaign, though the question f tnuiHtallisiu must ocoupy an important position. Ttioiiuli Hon. Henry Medina was bitterly opposed fur tbe oirouit judge ship by many prominent men in I'orl liiud, yet he wh appointed. lion. Jo Hiumn and Met linn are warm, personal (rieiidM, and Ixitil helped tov. Iird to bin present potation. In return ha could not do ot her win than appoint Modinu lo aucoetl Judge Hurley, r'wrpt liy a Cyclone Of approlmliiiD to I lit pinnacle of popu larity, llontettrr'a Stomach Hitters has Hoiuirm a commanding position, widen has iMTHniiitiNlly mudri it bright and inning murk lr anavex. who see, to fi'ixt iipmi I in inimmuniiy n nrioua eora P'iuikI in IIih tMii akin In that of the renl arlii'ltt Tlie ar I y local bit tern or loiiica of grt al impurity, and, of o.Mliat. dr-vmd t. ine lieiual ffflcacy. It. wnrif litem and gel tlm gennina Hit' l , real r-med t,ir malaria, rheuma tism, kidney lriu(ilt',i():'pia,nervotie- Ih-m. iiiliellpailoU and tillltiliaitea. lii)iimiia of eiiunei.i'x every here com lii-n.l Ititt frral invignrnnl, botb for I't rrmeiliHl proprrlira an. I ila purity. A alnrtflae tliuoe a tUv will anon bring lirr ami fonUnlr lo a d lotdered and etifii l ied )lfu, IMI lll.l INK 111 ilOitfti.Mr V llii iMa, Or., KeplemUr El, "A We, tbit uiidetalitiied l'i kanuth aad liorsr.liorra, are well liln, III our o a n.iu le if Capital HureeahiH'tlig Ma (From the Gate City, Keokuk, lowa.) Mrs. Helen Meyera whose borne is at 3515 Vernon Avenue, Chicago, and whose visit to Keokuk, Ia., will long be re membered, was at one time afflicted with a nervous malady wbioh at times drove ber nearly to distraotion. "Those terrible headaches are a thing ot the past," ebe said the other day to a Qate City representative, "and there is quite a story in connection with it too." My nervous system sustained a great ebock some fifteen years ago, brought on I believe through too much worrying over family matters and then allowing my love for my books to get the better of my discretion where my health was oonoerned. Why, whenever my affairs at home did not go along just as I ex pected, I would invariably beoome prostrated from the excitement and I would consider myself fortunate indeed it tbe effects ot the attaok would not remain for a week. I was obliged to give up our pleasant home not far from tbe Lake shore drive, beoanse I could not stand the noise in that locality. I could find no plaoe in the city which I deemed suitable to one whose nervous system was always on tbe point of ex plosion. To add to my misfortunes my complexion underwent a change and I looked so yellow and sallow that I was ashamed to venture from tbe bouBe at all. "Madam," said my doctor to me soon after an unusually severe attack of the malady, "unless you leave tbe oity and seek some plaoe of quiet, you will Dever recover." So I oonoluded I would visit my unole, who lives in Dallas county, Iowa, and whose farm would aurely be a good plaoe for one in my pitiable con dition. I picked up the Gate City one day and happened to oome aorosa an interesting recital of tbe recovery of some woman in New York State who was afnioted at I bad been. This woman bad been oured by Dr. Williams' Pink Mia for pale people. I thought that if Pink Pills oured that woman they might do the aame for me. I began to take tbe pilla aooording to directions and I began to feel better from tbe start After I had taken several boxes of them I waa ready to go back to Chioago. My nervousness waa gone and my oomplexion waa aa fresh as that ot any sixteen-year- old girl in Iowa and Pink Pills ia what put tbe color in my cheeks. Mo wonder I am in inch high spirits and feel like a prize fighter. And no wonder I like to oome to Keokuk for if it bad not been tor Pink Pilla bought from a Keokuk firm I would not have been alive cow," laughingly concluded the lady. Dr. Williama' Pink Pilla contain all the elements neoeaaary to give new lite aud riohnesa to tbe blood and restore shattered cervea. Tbey are for (ale by all druggists, or may be bad by mail from Dr. Williams' Medioine Company, Sobeunotady, N. Y., for CO centa per box, or six boxes for 8250. Still on Top! McFARLAND MERCANTILE COMPANY Are still on top at the old stand where they are dealing out . . -At Lightning Kate. DARGAINS IN EVERYTHING ! Gents' Furnishing Goods, Quilts and Blankets, Outinj? Flannels, Calicos and Ginghams, Boots and Shoes, Groceries and Canned Goods, in fact we are offering bargains in every line of goods carried by our large establishment. Call and See Us Before Laying in Your Winter Supplies. NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, IIKPFNER, OREGON. RACES RACES a I a.. Ma tt hi ti lln.iiaaltd "f '"pt an lkilg .l' Hareapanlla ! ieliNiu the eakneoa aud Utitfiiof litt'lt at" e rftiim mi al Hue "n, mhf ate it iiol tl.iitig Ihe mini ! Wlirri yiMi k"W lUnl II fd He aillla lia I'taer I't ftue ri.oiiiii.ii.., i, it -'i a end all lieaM r ll l-T lnii'iir I '"'l, b d'l )! ..i,nni .t !!! t! II I fiin i ll t in, I j ii I y t' 1 1 , . I ',1 at I'frtit pi and ftieitlil "i 1 1 t.l , 1IIMI' MM M m Mi Hit M "it r W- J :JT n1 , The Heppner Soeed Association have deoided to give a Race Meeting at Scini! 0 Anil Tuesday, Oct. II PxlCIFIC UNIVERSITY. Fall Term begins September 18, 1895. Three College Courses. Classical, Scientific and Literary. Academy prepares for college and give a thorough English education, the best preparation for teaching end business. The school has always been distinguished for the breadth and thoroughness of its work. It has a library of 000 volumes, good equipments for mathematical and scientific work, and fine buildings with the best modern improvements. Marsh Hall, Just completed at a cost of $30,000, is one of the finest college buildihgs on the Pacific College. All expenses very low. Board and room at the Ladle's Hall $:i.00 to $4.00 per week, Includ ing electric light and heat The College Dormitory, under excellent management, furnishes board and loom at $2.23 per week. Board in private families. $2.50 and upwards. Many students rent rooms and board themselves at a total cost not to exceed $1.50 per week. 4 For further particulars address, PRES. THOMAS MCCLELLAND, Forest Grove, Oregon. oOO HEAD OXFORD-SHIRE m FOR SALE! BRED FOR MUTTON AND WOOL HIGH GRADES AND FULL BLOODS. Address J. 35. SMITH, Pilot Rock, Umatilla Co., Oregon. BT LflST! F Mr. Columbus were alive to- day and called at Mat Lichten- thal's he might make a new discov ery quite as memorable as that of 14'J2. Chi is was a great discoverer in his day. He would at this time discover the finest stock of Shoes ever shown in Heppner, and the cheapest as well. What more does mortal man want ? The Old, Original Shot. Merchant, M. LIOHTENTHAL, Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. Custom Work a Specialty. A J U IHT IV iff j a- c.. Mtt'um vir t: mm m Ivfisstiiijjc Five Doys. Yon Should- PppjijB For a "big feed" when you come to Heppner and stop at the CITY HOTEL Popular Prices ! Comfortable Rooms ! Mrjs, 101x1 Bradley, Irofy. S82 5 IN PURSES! 8 825 nielli liuw MI'I lift MlliMtil hid 1 rl.ioe U r...erly n.r.l il ia lha alteiMt rriniiNa int. an artt iial. jlMmln lha w..rM for tiaoJlinf J, (raduma horara and lrnnria lit abi llnm. J F. MtraiM, . W, Mssixiws. II. t !., W. T. N aivMia, N H MTn'a, W II Mm l'aUi II trtlHma- Mal.iaa .alrii alf,' rtlt).iTely la lli f"ftila, fully 'ill l. nig in au.veMfnl u. Tti I'' il'an I II f.e.l, i t'n.. a al ll..ll. tiiai'l in ami claim for It f ttlr .t It .Ur(.a . thai ll la tha imxl .ifrrt .Utn a , f II. kenaaj oelJ f..r alxwihg Imltra allUoilt IninfT GOLD-FEVER DAYS. AdTantnrea tit tha Araonauts Who Net Una from New A limn jr. I nil. A curious hit of tha gnUI-ferr r timca of '4U In rceallcil by the vcnernlile Wil- 1 in in I'of(f, who in well known all over the atuto aa an ohl-tiiim hanker. Mr. KiKtf at the time waa clerk on one of the ntcainhoata plying' out of New Al huny, for that city waa then a great fttruinlxint biiiuliiifr ami owning center, ami luiliuna hnl the honor of owning a. mie of the fluent veaaela afloat, aaya the ImlinnaiMilia News. .New Alhany hail the iroht fever hail ly, and It ran ao high anally that live hmiilrril men, immtly younir, baniled themnelvea together ami prepnrnl to jfo t the newly -found bhlorado. They built their waifon leila In the ahae of tightly-caiilUeil akilTa, ao a to enable) them to ford any atream ilhout tl i til rulty. Thia iM'eutiiet quite a conaidera- ble while, but at laat they were ready to atart. The bunt they had chartered to take them to St. Joe, Mo., waa ready and they bade farewell. On the day of their departure New Albany, by conr nion coiiaent. maile a irraud holiday l.very factory, atore and huaiiicMi bouse waa cIiwhI, and cannon II red at aiiiiriae to aunounca the event. Kricnda and acquaintance man-hed with the adventurer to the ImhiI. and it waa nor.' aa If an army went to buttle than anything ele. Hut the l ran ire lluiiif W4. that In that crowd of ynuiitr men there wa an old man, naimil Uillinm ll. atrl M(v lire, whom every llv hail trnil Utitiwiiude from finir. and whom. believed, would leave hia Umea withering" upon the plain. A couple of year rolled around and the aurvlvora who could gvl back, or were atill alive. Wiran to return. Aiiiolitf them waa lletiton, and. (ran(fe ly riKMifc'h, he was the only one of all that crowd who had antaed a fortune. He did It by teaming. Histb ii r Onirt, CtTt or Toi atw, I hcliratT, fatal J. C'naaT nakea pa !b that ha ia lha aenior tartnr of lha firm of K. J Cmiiar A Col., d.lD tainea In lha I'll; u( Tidt Jo, Omiaiy aod Mlal afore said, and thai laid flrtii lll pjr lha (am ! f OXK lll'NlHi:t IH1LHR1 f..r eanb and vr eaa of CifihaH thai enni4 enra.1 hf lha DM of II il i a CattaaM Ct aa. HUNK i. CHUNKY. Naora bf r ma and nbm file. la m iireMHiea, I hia l'lb dar f w.n,r, A. IX 1VA, A. W. Hl.F.AHON. Nutary l'uhlia 1" W O (1 Ii A M M 1 FIRHT DAY Rare 1. Hall mllu clnnh. frn fur all. Pur... sum free for ill. Furse, tllH). HKCOSD DAY Race 1 On tliousand runls. free for all. eighths anil repeat, free for all. I'nme, $UK). THIRD DAY Rre .1. Ilnlf iniln ilush. In-n fur alt t f..v..,,r.,.i.i- I. .. Half mllu (lalli, lor sailille horses, to carry 1.V) imiiiiiiIs eac h. Purse, ' KOI'ltTIf DAY Rare?. Flvo-i'luhtlm ilush. free for all. I'nr.M 17.-. ivi I; u .. roa'Uter raee to fart, trotthnr. vwnera to drive, half mile h.'ali, lM.t m In I'lirM.'. s.-. ill ., Hleyi'le rai-B, half inlle, free to all BiiialcMirs. Mrdul vnluiil at Ij.'i.ikp. KIKTU DA Y-Hwe 10. UuiirUT mile dash. ll:J5 eluss yards sml ri'pi'Ht. I'uisi-, l x). COSDITIll.NHi-Tliese rare will ! Kiivi-nii'd hv tin- nil. nf ilm i' n i i, . Una. Kilt noire fre In all thitb Iti iht I'i'ht of hi nl of pur,., five or inoro to enter ' tUt'Z L Urt. In ease that lumps alHire itlveu tin not till nlih live i-oin hIi-Im enlrl. . o... I ' .. power to rediiee Ihe amounts of the pure aa in their Judgment ins proiier Th , 1Z1 . resirvetherlKhttoiK.l,t1otieHivaiidHll ru es 011 a nut of inclement weather' If a!,m' ''on'" !'" l r ra to he .nhsillnte,! I,v the din- -tor. "', r,es win l divided Iu percent to Itr.t home. Hi iht cent to sei ond. All eniri... 1.. .,.'... . " '" on theevenhiff irercdlnif the rmv. ' ' m- lUce 2. yiiarter inllc diuh, Pnnio, 1100. Race 4. Three- I'urse. .-.uu. l:,K0 n. Thouniiifl ii; Eesky Institute $300 Held in Reserve for Special Races. T. W. AYKK8. Jr., Heoretary. OF.O. CON8EH, rrefident. E. L- Matlock, Dave Me.ltee, 1'.. (I. Hperry, (le0. lUrrifn-ton, Otia rattarsnn nirtintora V'-iv.v '.'fTr .-siV.' '1 Spanish Merino DAY :WILL HAVE; Head or riNi: Bucks l?OM !SVrv15 AT Win. Dutton's Ranch, one and ono-half miles Helow Heppner, on Oct. 1st, 1H0,"). WM. DUTTON, Agent. Z i) IWt You Want a Place to llall'a Calarrh i'ura m taken Inlera- ally and aeta direeily da lha tl.. and mae'Os aafla3 el II ti.Um. Head Ihcmsel l-f el.vf a. 1 to Maelila Tl.a aenil animal coavri.tiea of the ! ! U en a l"i'lr, lit tarinna -afla M ir.ia t'.i Hll. Uv Ht boo Aation it lb S If ale, lloiiih Imt feliljr latrt- i t e tin at IU 1 I lo f . I hut' !, I I ! i e I. u I IU mm ! I,ils (. IIii"i.I., I, K 1 1 evil i lie a'l' huh and fefal, te e- it I. I It all linfebier. J. I'll IN Y A CU TqMo, U. le i ,t, e etwel. I h K. f re'.,i,.'i. C.ianlahai atw rdd f l'f ', 1H. h t'l.Ut I. I In II. 1 "it If, Aa le. A lliir, . II h , iM, Hefamis I "" " ...... ,a.. .n ...1 -... 7.,trr M.h- H,a. j -: irti'r ,,., 1. ,i,,. Il..aii.... alo. a,!! a afl lee'rui ti nt aa la lU.old tlnnn elnl. Maa atrl. lle.ref. .? vi i. i Ai l 1'na 1 i I Call ct tba tn, e Are You in Need of a S.uh 1 ? r 5uiu Street All tlicao ran ln r uri-.l nt III -tin it .V I'snii. I ' Hi j i'tu r, Or. .'U. f timn 1 .... -..- 1 it 1 i.t- ,n (.,. ,...r M 11 !..., .rf e l II l". 4.1 I ! Oh l't l -S Id I -.! eg tt ill, Ih I T.I-IOM pson .v. MINNS. aYttortiorvM fit Lnw I ( ' , I tf . t. All tmiM ailealvl to ma .r.-,fi w- ! . V t !'' !e '-1 j mm n in situmi. i'Ank l in t s.ti. -OF- For the Cure o Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It la located at Salem, Oregon, The Mot Beautiful Town on tite Coant Call at the OAir.TTB office tor particular Strictly conllclential. Treatinout private and sure cure. r Vali. v7t i :C 'sr.-s&N DO YOU KNOW . . v The Palace lei Is unilcr management nl Chris Rnrrhere who la cob-. ilnrtlin 11 In a strictly First-Class manner. He has also re-opened the Hotel Bar where the Finest Liquors and Fresh, est Cigars will constantly be kept. 1 Free Baths and Fret 'Bus for all Guest. TIIUNDKU L1QIITNTNO "Tlure w u i.rV in the affairs of men Thai, if taken at itijlootl, leads on lo fortune." The iIikhI ia Ihto Htlil so it G I .LLIVM & :i3IS13K3fl With a full line of Ilanlwaii'. Tinwaii. C3laHHvait. d-ooks.Tr.vr v.i tiuil Willowwait'.CciliirTubH nt Hctlrock l'ricet. Till: LIGHIhST K USING GANG PLOWS! They run n lltht Inr; tiinuB iu lha nlibl. The only Kitluaivo HarJarare Storo betweo Tbe Dallct anJ Pebdltoa KAIN HepiDor, Orpgoo. KAIN Seventh Annual Fair OF THE Swl Eastern Oregon Ifelrict Agricultural Embrncinn the Counties of Wnsco, Shermrtn Gilliam, Crook, Morrow und Umatilla, TO HE HELD AT THE DULLES, VfiSGQ GODKTY, UEGO, Commencing Tuesday, October 8th, 1895, AMI ruN'TINCIXri nK (t. IU. Wotk i f Art aa I fttttf !. al "'J.nOO fi i fifM r f Trltaif HrI. f. r l'rfbim I a 1 Entry Illaaka. J MU K' A- . MAC AUJlltn. ILhlilL ISIjAN KS. i Plenty of them at tho Gazette Office. .