mNtlWIKI M M4 II 1 1 MMMMII i 1 14 OFFICIAL MY SUCCESS I FREQUENT AND CONSTANT I Advertising brought me all If 1 own, A. T. Stewart. i i Is owing to my liberality in ad-1 vertising. Robert Bonner. I I 4 'laMj !MilMMltittltllWtMill!iirMIMIi1lltji THIRTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1895. ( WEEKLY WO. 6.16 I I SEMI-WEEKLY NO. 874 PAPER SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. rOBUBHID Tuesdays and Fridays BY THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON, - Editor A. W. PATTERSON, . Business Manager At $1.50 per year, $1,25 for six months, 75 cts. tor three moncna. Aduertis ng Rates Made Known on Appl cation. THIS PAPER is kept on file at E. 0. Dake's Advertising Ageney, 64 and 65 Merchant Exohangs, San Franoisoo, California, where oou- raota lor aaverasing can oe maae ior it. 0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD. No. 9, mixed, leaves Heppner 1:45 p. m. daily except Sunday. Arrives at Willows Junction 415 n. Tn. No. 10. mixed, leaves Willows Junction 6:30 p. m. Arrives at Heppner 9:00 p. m. daily except Sunday. East bound, main line arrives at Willows junction :au a. m. West bound, main line, leaves Willows Junc tion 12:06 a. m. West bound Portland fast freight with pas senger coach leaves Willows Junction 4:30 p. m. and arrives at The Dalles at 9:00 p. m. Here passengers from the branch lay over till 3:15 a. m. and take the fast mall west bound which ar rive at Portland 7 :35 a. m. The Dalles and Portland passenger leaves The Dalles dally at 1:45 p. m. and arrives it Portland 6:00 p.m. Leaves Portland 8:00 a. m. daily and arrives at The Dalles 12:15 p. m. This connects with the east bound way freight with passenger coach which leaves The Dalles at 1:30 p. m., arriving at willows junction e:s p. m. United States Officials. ..G rover Cleveland ....Adai Stevenson ....HiohardS. Olney John O. Carlisle Hoke Smith ...Daniel B. Lamont ...Hilary A. Herbert .William L. Wilson ....Jndaon Harmon ..J. Sterling Morton President Vice-President Secretary of State. Secretary of Treasury Secretary of Interior Secretary of War Secretary of Navy.. Postmaater-Oenerel Attorney-General Secretary of Agriculture.. Bute of Oregon Governor Secretary of State Treasurer Bnpt. Publie Instruction. Attorney General Senators ...W. P. Lord ,.H. K. Kincaid .Phil. Metschan G.M. Irwin .CM. Idleman oBnde Mitchell Congressmen Printer Supreme Judges.. JG. W. Mc JJ. H. Mi Ringer Hermann "1W. K. Kllie !R. S. Be K. A. M C. E. W W. H. Leeds Bean, oore. Wolverton I Sixth Judicial District. Clreuit Judge ....Jamas A. Tee froeeouting Attorney John H. Lawrey Morrow County Offleiala. Joint Senator... .representative. County Judge CommiMionars, J. II. Baker. " Clerk " Sheriff " Treasurer.. " Surveyor... School Sup't... " Coroner r r , A, w . uowan i J. 8. Boothby Julius Keithly J. K. Howard J. W. Morrow .G. W. Harrington .... Prank Oilliam J. r Willis n I,rH .....Anna Balsiger I T.W.Ayere. Jrl arena tow ornoiaa. Mator Thoa. Morgan Uounrum-ni . v. . - , ' I.lchtenthal. Otis Patterson, T. W.Aysrs.Jr., S. 8. Homer, E. J. Blooom. Recorder J J J3 n V I.. Vreeland Um7L"""""'.'.'. A. A. Boberu FreeiartOffleere. r.i.s k m-- E. L. Fraaland CoDstebte. N. 8. Whetstone Called State Lead Officer, m stun, oa. J. f . Moore rWieter a. a. Hian Heoeiver LA 11DL 0. H.F. Wilson jlagi.ter j. H. Bobbins .llaoeiver I LUMBER! ria 1.000 niT, rocoh, mm m CLtAB, I m - n r iICYCLES Are the Highest of all High Grades. Warranted superior to any Bicycle built in the world, regardless of price. Do not be induced to pay more money for an Inferior wheel. Insist on having the Waverley. Built and guaranteed by the Indiana Bicycle Co., a million dollar concern, whose bond is se good as gold. 211b. SCORCHER $85. 221b. LADIES' $75. Catalogue free. INDIANA BICYCLE CO., HOMER H. HALLOCK, Indianapolis, Ind., V, 8. A. Gen. Agent for Eastern Oregon, Pendleton, Or. The U.S. GOVERNMENT I IS PAYING MILLIONS 1 A MONTH I To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a tm relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars on whom you depended for support ? QJ THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes it to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the time you apply. Now is the accepted hour. gWrite for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice. No Fee unless successful. The Press Claims Company j PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager, 618 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C. JT. B.Thl Company it controlled by nearly one thousand leading nrtrs paper in the United State, and is guaranteed by them. 'WWW oxt ocxarnxsi. KAWUMS POST, NO. IL G.A.B. Matte at Lexington, Or, the Uat Saturday of ee-k month. All veterans are Invited to join. ; C. Bona. U to. W . Hurra. Adjutant. tf . . ),,. a.t itf suns na nil ' '- -- ' tunhu. lSaillMal llatiDDar. ai v bat It too a as the 171 lr-A FACTS : rP FACTS!! i C OU CAN BUY lvuo worth of dry goods and groceries and then have 1 1 1 Y enough left out of 1100.00 to purchase a No. 1 Crescent Bicycle. This Is ',, 1 a flrst-clasa machine. Why then pay I100.0U for a bicycle that will give ' "Boys' Junior," only am with pneumatic tire a good machine. , ;; WESTERN WHEEL WORKS, F DIMVIRED IK RtPritIR, WILL ADD I vee Mt luo las, adiuonai. The above quotaUons are sirutly for Cask. uiiFLTON.rroP. THE INTER OCEAN 1 Bait 01 HBODUBf. Kallona -W THR- Wi. f IMLAMDi ID. B. IWHOP, rwMMi Caeklae. UASS1CTS i GENERAL BlMlNG ECSIXESS OOLL.KOTIONH Ifada osj fevo rUa Tarm. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD BtiTSER. If ORF.OOS I itntnrois 7i Most Popular Fcputllcan Newspaper of the West Ani Has the Largest Circulation, DAILY (without Sunday)..... $6.oo per yeer TERMS DAILY (wlth Sun,lty) t8' per f BV MAIL The Weekly Inter Ocean ici.oo V flRTIAR )H'. At a fsrwAPAPr Tnn rreo ocban s aaMw( tta i an l AND IrtU LI Of UltKLM UTIKAKKB. 9- IP tn The Weekly Inter Ocean AS A FAMILY PAPER tS NOT EXCELLED BY ANY. OQ - atM( aSi-4 Mm). agS"i. S' a4 evw) tf 3 SHftSnet, Sra Mra SM te s ' a M m m r mi ir a- 3 ' tiMM -mt avr sM rNMreMa. . 4VUSII Tin i tr rWtmHt. we S AdLjH ttttl s I Kutsil OUTfili. T. IIIIIM U TltlllTORIBUtlCAllCII0CO.i4 gaiaii n imwi a.lf . He fm ui h i in 1 1 1 ii i 1 1 i ii i it i 1 1 1 i . i m ittr-4 kmf !" KaaUfa (Vg Ja,ra tb arr- aU.fB la WasbiBglos). D. C . vili flai II t hi aa4H Inn Tiik Lancashiri: Insurance Co. CM MAMCMItssTICMi l'.(I.ANI SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUN ty of Morrow, State of Oregon. F. B. Vancleave, 1 Plaintiff, vs. L. H. Vancleave, ' Defendant. J To L. H. Vancleave, Defendant In the name of the State of Oregen, you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint' filed against you in the above entitled suit within ten days from thedateof theservice of this summons upon you, if served within this county; or, if served in any other county oi this state, then within twenty days from the date of the service of this summons tuionyou; and if served upon you by publicatvin or by personal service without the State of Oregon, then you are required to appear and answer on or before the first day of the next regular term of said court, to-wit: On or before the first Mon day in March, 1896. And in case you fail to so answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will take a decree against you for the dissolution of the marriage bonds now existing between you and planum, ana tor ine care ana custoay ot tne minor child born as the fruits of said marriage. to-wit: R. A. Vancleave; and for such further decree as the court may deem just. This summons is published by order of the Hon. James A. Fee, Judge of the 6th Judicial District of the State of Oregon, dated September 6th, 1895. Q. W. REA. 74-86. Attorney for Plaintiff. SHERIFF'S BALE. Bv virtue of an execution issued out of the Honorable Circuit Court of the 8tate of Oregon, for the County of Morrow, upon a judgment rendered and entered in said court on the Third Day of September, 1895, in favor of I,u cimla Hales, Plaintiff, and against J. D. Kirk, Myamma Kirk and the Morrow County Land & Trust Company, a corporation, Defendants, for tne sum ot i wenty-nve ttunarea (jiaou) Dollars Gold Coin, with Interest thereon from the 9th If Bet aaawtalag mt tesree ( awaaka at fix teallf It tin id trt rant l t m taa mtr ( se su ataa. l!UMkbT llaUhl-a mt aa.aaalsa. iXXmtatl V IT It Bill U l A, aaa atM Ha raAa ItM Wat mt h ..... ea. all SxtMKai fa.. It ate glvae Useas I Tim fcwa Ur A PRAYER. Lord God, thou lettest the green things start A new life every year; Out of their sunken selves they rise, Erect and sweet and clear. Behold the lily's pure, white leaves Unfolding by each mere! Again the sap mounts in the fir Thro' every swelling vein; Again the clover stirs and thrills, Responsive to the rain; Again the tender grass makes green The lone breast of the plain. Hear the new, golden flood of son g The lark pours to the blue ! Behold the strong, undaunted shoot Pushing its brave front through The fallen tree 1 .... Lord God, Lord God , Let me begin anew I Out of my own self let me rise! For, God, if It can be A new and noble growth may spring From yon decaying tree, surely a strong, pure life may mount Out of this life for me. Ella Hioqimson, From Demorest's Magazine for October. Highest of all in Leavening Power.Latest U. S. Gov't Report IT IS A TWELVl.PAOE PAPER. ? rvtf ocri nuiro v c"ic'W, thu r am cmrcu. ( Ml a ui aU Mf im'aUI.MNT aiit.Ms. ' lllll Attartiu Tn tnr m rut or t n M.OPU1 or Itial u.1ki iitai m Cart n a1mi m cast. H Is l mmmti mn tmt ae.aai el the Wel mm la IMMka aaa I Hmtmtm. t-m nW ! Ia a a mt Tin eal laav lkaa la lM V 0"l! LH U,M,,IM' THE INTER OCEAN. Chlr?rx day of March, 1892, at the rate of ten per cent per annum, ana une nunarea ana mnery-nve !195) Dollars attorney's fee, and the further sum of Twenty-three and 75 100 (123.75) Dollars costs, and accruing costs, I hare levied upon ana win sen at public auction on saturaay, tne 19th day of October, 1895, at 2 o'clock P. M., at the court house door in Heppner, Morrow ennntv. and state of Oreeon. all the rieht. title and interest which the said J. D. Kirk, Myamma Kirk and the Morrow County Land & Trust Company. Defendants, bad on or after the third day oi seniemDer, ittsio, in or w tne lonowing described premises, to-wit: The North Half of Section Thlrty-slx. the Northwest Quarter of Section Thirty-five and I Southwest Quarter of Section Twenty-six, all in Township One (1) South, oi Range Twenty. six ttf') Bast, w . M. Terms of sale, cash in hand, the proceeds to Ibe applied to the satisfaction of said principal sum, Interest, attorney's fees, costs, and costs that may accrue. Dated at Heppner in the state and county aforesaid this 13th day of Sept., 1895. U. W. HAKK1NUTUN, 371-79 Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. f&fes n Eatdne? ABSOLUTELY PURE EASTER X OREGON. From tbe B. 8. Pague Report Weather I at this office, 909 Oregonian building;, i IMaaae to consider ibis a notice to dig- Crop ' oontinne your weekly postal card report. Portland, Or, September 24, 1895. In the spring the little brooklets Babble to a merry rhyme; But It's different with the gossips For they babble all the time. UB1TDARY. Notice Of Intention. T AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES. OKEGON. IV August 21, 1895. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled no tice of his intention to make final proof in sup port oi nis claim, ana mat asm proot win be made before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on Sept. 28, 1895, vis: ALLEN CRABTKEE. Hd. E. No. 8477. for the Y S7M and W14 NEU Sec. 32. To. 1 S. R 25 E. W. id. Oregon. He names tne following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation I of, said land, vis: Georire Shlck. Thomas Drlscoll. William Dris- I coll, Katnau suaw, all of Heppner, Oregon. hm-74 J as. r. moore, itegisicr. Notice of Intention. T AND OFFICE AT I.A GRANDE, OREGON J A Aug 1895. NotU e is heresy given that the following named settler has tiled notice of nts intention to make nnal proot in support of his claim, and that said proof will he made before J. w. Morrow, county clerk, at Heppner, I uregon, on ucioner a, lira, vis : GEORGE W. WILSON Hd. No. 4735, for the SH of NK' Sec 34, and WJ v titc '. lp:i H, Kange t-. w, M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation I of said laud, vis: D. O. Justus, Samuel D. Tyler, John Beeler, John C. Locknaiie, of Uuppnur, Morrow Co., Or. B. (. Wll-nilN, 865.7S Register. Died at John Day, Grant Co., Oregon, Sept. 18th, 1895, ot typhoid fever, Mrs. Katie Eehm Smith, in the 27th year ot her age. Mrs. Smith was brought to Wagner, a distanoe ot seventy-five miles, for inter- ment, and was buried in tbe Wagner oemetery by the Wagner Seoular Union. The funeral services were oonduoted by 0. N. Wagner and were strictly Secular. Mrs. Smith was born in Warsaw, 111., in 1868 and received ber ednoation in the public schools. In 1885 at tbe age of seventeen, she graduated from the Ottumwa, Iowa, high school and im mediately began life as a teacher whiob she successfully followed in Iowa and Oregon for six years. At sixteen she beoame a convert to free thought and ever einoe she baa been an ontspokea and aggressive worker in the cause, She was a student, an observer and a thinker. She delivered her first leoture at the age of sevepteen. She never neg lected an opportunity to expose the myths and evil effeotsof Christianity. In 1891 she married Hon. D. W. Smith, ot Port Townsend, Wash., bnt did not sacrifice her identity nor lose ber inter est in free thought, tier husband eu oouraged and seconded alt ber efforts. Mrs. Smith organized, Jan. 20th, 1893, Weather The rainfall for tbe week amounted to less than .06 ot an mob; the weather was generally cloudy, cool and threatening, and the amount of sunshine was materially below tbe normal amount. Tbe maximum temperature ranged from 50 to 72 deg., and the minimum from 86 to 48 deg., except South of tbe Blue monntaics, where freezing tempera ture prevailed on the 20th, 21st and 22d. Snow fell in the mountains on the 21st. Frosts ocourred ' throughout tbe Columbia river valley tbe morning ot the 21st. Crops Since the weather has been showery a deoided change has taken plaoe in the growth of grass and some late vegetables. Grass on the range has turned green. Farmers have finished threshing grain and have turned their attention to preparing the ground for (all seeding and to seeding of grain. Some grain that was sown last week bns sprouted already under the favor able conditions whioh ba prevailed. It is tbe general opinion that a large crop of fall grain will be sown ; it will be sown earlier than usual, sinoe the condition of the soil has made it possible, and it is likely that it will be unusually well rooted by the time the winter weatber arrives. Tne seeding of grain is confined, so far, to the Columbia river valley, and the Walla Walla oountry, On the farm there is continually oc curring little Booidenta to man and beast that cause delay to the farmer tn bis work. Tbe duration of this delay ia a matter ot importance to the thrifty tiller of the soil. As a qniok and relia ble remedy for ailments and abrasions of tbe flesh, there is none better than Dr. J. H. McLean's Voloanio Oil Lini ment. It has proved its worth by many years of constant and suooessfnl use. Price 25o, 50o and $1.00 per bottle. 10NE ITEMS. More rain during the week. Farmers are active in putting in their grain. Fred Balsiger sold a load of potatoes at Heppner recently. Miss Alice Glasscock is engaged in teaohing the Pettya school. It started Monday a week ago, Mr. Joe Woolery has of late been purchasing bogs of all sizes. He has shipped some and will fatten more. Mrs. Reub Sperry and Miss Alice Glassoook are the new oorps of teachers in tbe lone Sunday sohool. The Sunday sohool membership is steadily increasing. Bev. B. F. King has been scouring tbe country round for bop-pickers. Quite a Farmers are barely through threshing number ot both , ladies, gentlemen and south of the Blue mountains. There ohildren are busily engaged at ploking were some' beavy rains in Klamath bops. county whioh injured slightly wheat in tbe shock, but tbe quality of grain generally is superior. Frost has oc ourred in all seotiona sufficiently beavy to kill tender vegetation ; alfalfa seems to have escaped injury. In Klamath I county tbe frosts were severe and ioej formed an eighth ot an inch tn tblokness on the night of the 14th. Garden truok the first Secular ohurch in Portland and in KU?B,h ,nd. -joining oountiee has The lone drug store has changed bands. Mr. Perkins sells out to Mr. Bndd Haney who is to take charge ot it. We wish him aucoess in his new venture. Jax. September 23, 1895. NOTICE Or INTENTION. TAND OFFICE AT LA (JRANI)K, OREGON, J August 27, 189. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed no tice of his Intention to make ffiial proof In anp port of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on tvtnlier A. 1H95, lg: .lAMr.n w. i.r.Aiin. Hd. Application No. IM0, for the NE!a Bee. S. Tp 4 a. K2F. W. M. He names me tounwing witnesses to prove his cnntlniioua residence upon and cultivation I of, said land, vie: Mat Hushes. Joe Rector. David MrCuUouch. William Hughes, all of Heppner, Oreon, b, r. si i.hh, 4M7S, Register. "1 ZZ.m ... iiuiiiei tir i.ii&.iuun, T AND OFFICE AT Til K hAI.I.F., OREGON, soon afterward tbe Portland Secular Sunday Sohool, end bas lectured for tbia ohurch ever sinoe, and was, perhaps, at the time of ber death tbe youngest liber al lecturer in the field. Mrs. Smith was quiet In manner and speech, was an orator ot tbe highest order, and will forever live in the minds ot those who best knew ber. WaBBBN CARnNKR. Waonir, Or., Sept. 22, 1895. if given filed no- Aiisriiet It. iMrt. Notlia is herel thai the lollowlns named settler has tire of her Intention In make filial plnof In sup port oi her claim, ann mat aaii proot win i made hefora J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, nn urtnner a, wtx vis: AI'DIE Al.l F.k. Hd F. Nn.MOt. for the H't W ee. . and the ( KKle Her. TV. 1 p. n H. K in K. W. M. Imie tiemea the Mlitwliif wttnraanS tn prove her rnntliiiinua resiilenra upon and cultivation hvnUmln Parker. Ada Jones, I. W. Ile. of tUrdman, Oregon, Koliert lleppuer, Oregon. JAM. f. MiHIKF., ; Kegteter, rmtONCY LOANED, rirrt Mortg.ges i I mi Imnr.n.-l r i 111 I'r.,i-r1 Neenliet. A 1 A. at Wear prepared to negotlata Bret mrlif. main Improved (urine In Oregon, with raairrn i-arllr at a rat of Inu-rrat not to etr V per rent, per annum, wurtgue renewed thai bare tieen taken ty other caul antra. Ad'ireaa with lamp. Baser my, Oregon I t a- f Two Lives Bayed. Mrs. rboebe Tbomas, of Junction City, 111., was told by ber doctors she hrdj consumption and that there was no hope for ber but two bottles of Dr. King's New Disoovtry completely cured ber a&d she says it saved her life. Mr. Tboe. Eggere, 130 Florida St, Ban Francisco, suffered from a dreadful oold, approach ing consumption, tried without result everything else then bought one bottle of I. King's New Discovery and In two weeks was enred. lie faoatueally thank ful. Itieaurh results, of which these are samples, thai prove tbe womlerfnl efllcaoy of tula medicine in cnnglia ana eohla. Free trial bottle at T. W. Ay era, Jr., drug store. IUgolar sits Wo. and 1. AMBICt'LTl'HAL COLLKliC NOTKH. offered severely by the freeze. Tbe weather bss been cool for 10 days or more, and many ot the bills and monnlaios are covered with snow, Threatening weather oontinnes, but It is desired to better tbe present excellent pros pet1 1 for teed on tbe ranges. Farm era bavs secured good orops of alfalfa; many of tbe last outtinga were superior to the first. Tbe frosts have put an end to the further growth ot potato vines, but tbe crop will snow good results considering tbe unfavorable conditions with which it contended. Fruit shipments continue from The Daiies, Hood River, Walla Walla and other points. The market is kept well supplied with plums, pears and peaches of Ibe finest quality. Apples are also coming in; there are some exceptionally flae fall varieties. The prospects arc favorable for a larger crop ot winter apples than nsnal, and they will tie exceptionally free from defeote caused by insects. Wallowa county ia sending ii market eo aactrle Bitter. t This remedy is becoming so well known and so poDular as to need no special mention. All wbo bave need Eleotric Bitters aing tbe same song of praise. A purer medioine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that ia claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Holla, Halt Khenm and other affections caused by impure blood. w ill drive Malaria from the aystem end prevent aa well as oure all Malarial fevers. For cure ot Headache, Consti pation and Indigestion try Electric Hitters Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 600. and tl per bottle at T. W. Ayers, Jr., drag store. A FooLisa pRiaoMKB. Noah Mulkey, raised In Polk county, aent to the state prison from Morrow county September 18, 1893, for six years under conviction for manslaughter, escaped from that institution yesterday morning, shortly after midnight, and at present writing baa not been captured though officers are on bis trail. lie is 2H years old, m little oyer aix feet tall, weighs 173 W. L. Douclas O CUnC ISTHtMSV. WW1 sJnVsf I-riTrosi AKIN. o. cordovan; rwtaia a laaeuus 4MWfiHCAUll(AiaUMr 3. V POLICE , J soits. .rtA riNi. LAniCS - B)au.arueLS4Aea. Or Oa MllUasi l-a.sls esr la W. L Douglas $3 Sc. $4 Sbocs AM our abort are equally Mtlefactocy ' 'aey gl.e tka aaet elae Say ika saaatv. ' he eaal Shaaa lMr m4 At. ' aeiV m-earl eg aMltllea are aaaafeeaesS. ' aa prteea ere aaieaeea.i i elaig.S mm ails. I 'raaa i le 1 1 aa4 aee asaae aaaAea. ( U yuw 4eaV uuot Mpv't fv a. r-4dtf Dealer fih'raa risma I1I sWtly ep peer bfe. Agelahe4. A ply al fnr "I RH1CKEI1 RilSlKQ P&YS Kaa.ilMfrtabarii m im-mJ ai 1 I f, MM. e aaneglf1 V l.n.alare a - I awMt tm-mf ,N-i"- 1 aar e aa.eslfl - V" Vj I .. bulp-eeeM lei .. I I la..7... III Jtuiu-ll ! ,.iotM U IW(U '" V nil iniaiaa -S Sa- bviuuy aataaa m ThCLRlli fceetraT y tka a avxiUat terlel eS iaa1 V i m? V ' Aiaia fletaie Caaaa a ee.Mi4ifea I f A t VP A I C C A Tf CO . F si s ea.l a. m firta.i iSi,im ,.aa ttu p Professor II. F. French baa beeo dows to Salem lo arrange tbe O. A. tl exhibit at tbe state fair. Professor Bkeltoo, tbe new teacher of mathematics to the O, A. C, eoeompan Ie4 by his wife, arrived Kept. 1Mb from Iowa. Tbe eew dairy is ooder cobslmctino, tbe bulldlsg will soon be completed. Tbe engine and part of Ibe other mi- ehioery bas arrived and will be pid in poaltloo as soon ia possible. The 0w boiler al Ibe mecbaniral ball bas been placed in position aad the lights are being rao from It A boiler room is blog constructed ever it. The 2ib ennnal acholaalic year al the Oregon Agrlroltnrel (Jollega opeoa-l last Thnretay with a large enrollment for tbe Oral day. Mudealc are eomlng from every roooty in Ibe etata. Grant county bas four. This cooaty bas not bee repraaeated ia tbe loslilqtloe for eateral years. Murrow cennty has five which is mt Inrreaae over previous yeare. Tbs ladiee dormitory bas more tbaa double Its sen el qnote. Caul bom (fall ties more Iba4 ever ttore. There are at Uaat tmt limae ee naey slopidog Is dt5sreel parte of tbe city. Conaiat-Toa. O BVALUa. RH, 23, ItTi, A fleas sg s fcaaaiasa4ailaa Mr. J. W. VeoeUe, of Duney, a pit arof Iie legslee Cooaiy, Cat , ssyi: Wbsoatsr I am troeble4 wltb a pelt lo Ibe stnrneeb of wltb diarrboee I see ChamUflaia's (VI ie, Cholar a act lnr- ! rba IUm4y. I bave ea.t It foye-s, ! know It le ba a rllble raro.!, and re 1 tmeaI H wt et eryooe." fit sale ty wt'8oni"bBt'TiPrtOc. pounds, bss dark brown hair; bas a abundance ot superior ecar oo right wrist; deformed nails on . . t. . i i , a. . , i ai l m rr - a grapee. l rnoes are aoiog wen; mere i irn luumoanu inurs anger, ueesospexi are few eomplaiute ot bursting. Fruit-1 from the brick yard, where be bas beeo drying ooolinoes. though tbe conditions employed aa a trusty. There ia not one bave not been favorable. Tbe orop I chance In a hundred for him to elude season la eseriog a close, and there is I pursuit sod recapture, consequently bis very little produce ot valne nnseesred foolishness ia painfully svident Super- that would be subject to injury by frost, inteudenl Gilbert bas mails an unusually Notet'i Correspoodaole This ia tbe last issue of Ibe weekly bulletin for the current seeeoo. Tbe mould)? bulletin will be continued ae nsual. Tbe intelli gent reports of the correspondents bsve enabled tna lei make them weakly bollelios of Intareate and value to tbe ptiblle, henoe I em deeply grateful for your kind co-oparellon. Neil year these weekly bollrtina will be resumed, and your co-operation will again be repeated. During (he currant eeaaoo there bsve been leaned and sent lo all parls of the Uolud H la tee 27,0(10 copies of these bulletins, so thai many bave learoed of the Oregon weatber and Oregon em pa, when yon or yooi friends shonld be in Ibis city kindly call large percentage of trusties, consequently aa occasional attempt al eecape may be expected, but uoder Ibe clronmaiaocea there have been very few iodeed. Halsm Htsteeman. Among the snmarons persons who have been onre-l of rheumatism by Cham berlaia'e Paio Halm, mention should be made of Mrs. Emily Thome, of Toledo, Wesh., who seye: "I bave never been able to procure any medicine tbal would relieve me of rheumatism like Chamber Iain's I'aln Halm. I have also seej it for lame bark with great atiooees. II le the beet liniment I bsve ever used, aod I take pleasure in recommending II to my friends." For sale by rllocom Jobn enn Drug Co. CTSjrA3jaJKTTP3ES3Es QY.IH BLICTHIO MLTt AND ArftlANCt INtUfsl TO THI ICK THSSI ONSAT SOINTt Of AOVANTAOS OVSH ALL IMITATORS It eaa Ka efcaageS fnaa poellt--. It, a "ami 1 ra tr--,l ia a aeai-ii. Taey kava aedataear. i g irnean4e raf eaas ft Mkieaieaalleaa, 4 tira-ala IMaaaieea ee4 S.nna All IM.ela la a-aa aa4 ananaa (frani aay aaaa ajeeaa rae ,ae4 alaaal tsaafwaut Ialte4 7.e I leelrla Isf. r i l aaaslieaiaSIa ( IS. at ihaa, St aalklef 4 4aie Hio.l eeetaMlva. the s avh ill U- earraat le . ill-. mufiKMs eoa 4 4 ha aearee, aa lit t m en I ll a etoi 14 ana f I-- t -i-l aad earai ay lire (af (tail an-aiaaty (. IM eWuae) aat nn. NO WSOIClNIt AHI NSCSttANY. s-m4 ail anaae raaeall-tj tAm Safe aa4 f-4-,taf iiultaUuM at enf aUw1 Selte aol tp.!aaaa, aa ibaaa aes aa isaajaalllaai, ajwaj lata eaflafteaj. Tnr, eif ri.rrren TSUM le lee awe-H rasUrs aa4 estratia Tse sada e U-S rAti rets S aWytara. tale et aaai aM aaM f- aae aaw IMeta4ree4 4atalaaa la rtlr. (am-, e aal , ut kxevH raatra-si aia-iaialea alMl eavaa iataian U wm iHa-ta a4 eWatf-e i4 tlia aw4 A )ea"S. A,Ufea IBB OWEH ELECTRIC BELT AND APPLIANCE CO. Sl le tit tlete Street, tetew.