Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 24, 1895, Image 4

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While yon k-uepyoar eurxcription paid up ycu
can keep your brand in free of charge.
Allyn. T. J., lone. Or. Horae GO on left
houlder; cattle earns on left hip, nnder bit on
right ear, and upper bit on the left; range, Mor
row oonnty.
Armstrong J. C, Alpine, Or. T with bar nn
der it on left Bhonlder of horeee; cattle same
on left hip.
Alliaon, O. D., Eight Mile. Or.-Cattle brand,
O D on left hip and horses same brand on right
shoulder. Range, Eight Mile.
Arlkins, J. J., Heppner, Or.-Hnn.ea JA eon
nectnd on Inft flank; cattle, sameon left hip.
Bair.1, IX W.and a-ra.-Horees branded D H
on the loft hip; cattle the mnie ffli left flank,
crop off right ear, nndercrop in the left, ltange
in Morrow County.
Bartholamew. A. O.. Alpine. Or.-Hophm
branded 7 E on either Bhonlder. ltange in Mor-
"SSZw, J. W., Hardman Or:Cartle brand
ed B on left hip and thigh: split m each ear.
Brenner, Peter, Ctooseberry Oregon-Horses
brand! B on left shoulder. Cattle Bame on
ri?i,ntrke8M 8t C. Long Creek. Or-On cattle.
MAY connected on left hip, ciop oil left ear, nn-
der half crop off right,
Hornea, same brand on
Mange in Urant and Morrow
letft shoulder.
county. , - it v,nfii 1
.mrrv. iimui. vi. ............. .
i ilr: cart e on me i mue.
TIZ . Vle H on the
i ...ft ,.,- half nmn and right ear upper slope.
Barton, Wm.. Heppner, Or.-Horsee, J Bon
right thigh; oattle, same on right hip; split in
eHBn.wn', Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the
right stifle; cattle same on right hip; range, Mor-
r"TlrCown,yi. C, Heppner, Or.-Horses. circle
C with dot in nei.ter on left hip; cattle, name.
Brown, W. J., lna. Oregon. Homes W. bar
over It, on the left shoHlder. Oattle same on left
hi&oyer, W. G.. Heppner, Or.-Horses boi
brand on right hip cattle, same, with split in
Borg, P.O., Heppner, Or.-Horses, P B on left
Bhonlder; cattle, same on left hip.
Brown ee, W. J., Fox.Or-C.attle, JB oonnected
. i' r.u. ,.r,r.n loft ear and two splits and
middle piece cnt out on right ear; on horses same
brand on the leic uiigiii iino - -
G7??i"no Wner. Or.-Horses brand
ed O nn right stifle ; cattle (three barn) on
right ribs, crop andsplit in each ear. ltange in
to(53"l I . Bb Or:-Y I) on horBfiH on left stiflol
U with quarter circle over it, on left shoulder
il'.-Cifl. n oil colts nndnr 5 years; on
left shoulder only on all horses ovor 5 years. Ail
rB?.??.,n,', 'r it V Wm or Lena. Or. Horse,
n n 1 ai-hr" Vmnlder: cattle same on right hip.
Range Morrow and Umatilla ooiintios.
Torrigall.M M. Galloway. ()r-(!attle crop out
of wot. ear and nnder bit, wa He in forehea 1;
horses hnir circle i; on inn. ua .." -
ow and Umatilla oonnties.
Curl T. H.. John Day, Or.-Double cross on
each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bi
frright ear, split in left ear. ltange in Gran
conniy. n eiW, inverted A and spear point
on shoulder. Ear markoii ewes crop on left ear
pun hod upper bit in right. Wethers crop in
right and under half orop m left ear. All rang.
1 A X Lene.Or.-Horses, , rightshonl
der; Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark square
nroo off left and split in right.
(iSrrin. B. U Currin.vifle, Or. -Horses, m on
'l'Ed. H.. Harilman, Or.-Caitle, C with
: ..!.... i'U. nn left Sin.
linen.. .,.r. - .,
l l.l. nu in aum A nrHIUl ()U uiimiiipniuini
brands CI on" horses right thigh: cattle sh.,
brand on right shoulder,
right ear,
in urant county.
Hmith ASros., rjovuivuie, ur. nomfw, irauii
H. Z. on shoulder; cattle, name on left shoulder.
Bouires. James. Arlington, Or,; horses branded
J8 on left shoulder: cattle the same, also noes
waddle, ltange in Morrow and Gilliam counties.
Stephens, V. A., Hardrnan, Or-; horses H Boo
right stifle; cattle horiaontal L on the right side
Htevenson. Mrs A. J.. HeDoner. Or. Cattle, D
on light hip; swallow-fork in left ear.
Bwaggart. . W.. Heppner, ur.-nonw, " "
left shoulder; cattle, 44 on left hip.
Hperry, E. G Heppner, Or. l.atue y, on
left hip, crop off right and underbit in left year,
dewlap; horses W 0 on left Bhonlder.
Thompson, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, I on
left shoulder; cattle. 2 on left shoulder.
Tippete,B.T.,Enlerprie.ur. norsee. j-ou uui
shoulder. . ,
Turner R. W.. Heppner, Or Small capital T
left Bhonlder, horeee; cattle same on left nip
with split in ootn ears.
Thornton, II. M.. lone, Or. Horses branded
HT connected on left stifle; sheep same brand.
Vanderpool, H. T.. Lena, Or; Horses H V con,
nected on right shoulder ;cattle, same on right
""walh4lim. Wrn.. ITennnnr. Or. Horses, TJ. L.
on the loft shoulder; cattle Bame on right tip.
orop off loft ear and right ear lopped.
Wilson, John U,, Baiem or ueppner, ur.
Horsos branded Jij on the left shoulder, ltange
Morrow county. ....
Warren. W B. Caleb, Or Cattle W with quarter
circle over it, on left side, split in right ear.
Horses same brand on lelt shoulder, itaugeiu
Grant county.
Wade, llonry, Heppner, Or.-Horses oranoeo
ace of spades on loft shoulder and loft hip
Cuttle brawled same on lert Bioe ana leu nip.
Wolflnger, John, John Day City, Or-On horses
three parallel bars on left shoulder; 7 on sheep,
bit in both ears, ltange in Grant and Malhuer
Woodward, John, Heppner, Or. Horses, UP
conneotod on left shoulder.
Watkins, Lishe, Heppner, Or, Horses branded
0E connected on left stifle.
Wallace, Charles, Heppner, Or Cattle, W on
righf thigJi, hole in left ear; horses, W on right
shoulder some same on left ahoulder.
Whittier rtros., nunungum. Baker Co., Or.
Horses branded W B oonnected on left shoulder
Williams, Vasoo, Hamilton, Or. Quarter cir
cle over three bars on left hip, both cattle and
horses. Range Grant oonnty.
Williams, i O. Long Creek. Or Horses, quar
ter circle over three bars on left, hip; cattle same
and slit in each ear. ltange in Grant, county
Wren, A. A., Heppner, Or. Horses runningA A
on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip.
Voung, J. H., Gooseberry, Or. Horses brander"
THonthe right shonlrte'.
E. McNEILL, Receiver.
Of Two Transcontinental
St. Paul Kansas City
When you are about to buy a Sewing Machine
do not be deceived by alluring advertisementi
n.iil he led to think vou can get the pest made.
tmest timsnca ana
Most Popular
or a mere song-. See to it that
on Day trora rename mnnu
icturcra that have gained a
putation by honest ana square
nling, you will then get a
owing Machine mat la noiea
:e world over lor us uura
illtv. Vou want the one that
is easiest to manage and is
Cochran. It. 1!., Monnment, Grant to, (
H -e. braniled circle with bar beneath on
Bhonlder; oattle same brand on both hips, l
r slope hotn ears aim ""' ';
ipin, H., Hardman. Ut.-H:
right hip. (:atUBbrande.ltl
rsoe branden
the same. Also
ud cut oil end of
' 1 1 uglass. W. M , Galloway, Or.-Cattle, 11 D on
right side, swallow-fork in each ear; horses, H D
Kly, Hr'ie., Donglas, Or. Horses branded KLY
nn left shoulder, oattle name on lefthip. hole
'"Kmer'y.'H.. Hardman Or -Hor.es branded
') I reversed (! with taiH on l.dt shoulder ; cat
t esame on right hip. ltange in Morrow oonnty.
Florence, Li. A Heppner, ()r.-( attle, LY or.
right hip; horses, F with bar under on right
''lllorence H. P., Heppner. Or.-Horses. V on
,,! t Xm der; cattle.'lf on right hip or U,igh
Trench, George, Heppner Or.-Cattle brands.
WK with bar over it. on left, side; crop off loft
ear.' Horses, same brand on left, hip
Gentry. Klmer, Koho, Or. Horses brsndod ft.
H with n nuarter eiHe over it, on loft stllle.
ltange in Morrow and Uinatillsconiiti.
HiHtt A H Ridge. Or.-attle, round-top
wltlKiii'arter circle under It on the right hip.
TV ' ,.. m u,,,l I IhiuIi a counties.
ml, A .look., Itaii.i Hon. r- 'at t ie, two bars
nn sillier hip; crop in right ear anil split in Ion,
ll..r.. J on right thigh. Itango ill Grant oouuty
Hughes, Hamnel, Wagner, Or- (T K L
r ,h UkI)iiii right hould"ronhor.;onoiittle,
on right hip and on left side, swallow fork in
right ear and slit ill lft. Range 111 Hayntack
ii M . .sswiBi riiinnli.
u. I.' Milion. Wagner. Or.-Horses branded
i. ...rullel tails) on loft shou liter
Cattle sauie on lelt hip also large circle on loft
Howard J ti. (Hlloway, Or. Hnrse f (nr.
with bur alHive it) on right shoulder; cattle same
.... Ifi ad. Rg in Morrow and Umatilla
e"."."!i""iMln .I..I..I Dav. Or -CsltleK II on
.1..1.1 i.'.n 'l.nrs vsiimeoii right shoulder. Ilimge
li..i. Mat. Ileiiimer. Or.- Iln'm, sha.ed
.... ii.. i.,ri tmiililnr. Range M irrow (
Hiin.Hker, II A, Wag ier. Or.-Horses, on left
,..,il,..r. cattle. Cm left hip.
Huiiitihmi. J M. Uanliiiau.Or.-HorBee, Hon
lr. it.... L
lU.ii.ti. I.nllier, Kiwlit Vile. Or.-Horse Hon
I... 1..I1 -I l,l..r nti.l !inrt oil the loft slllte I'bU
.i ....... Iti Inn. Itn.iire In Morrow noilnly
J.niM. lUrrr, ll-iil'" ''. Or-lloiwa brsli
II J on lh left iMiiiMer; ratlin lira nil J on
rmht loo. nix. uti.Iort.it in Ml r. Rang" in
Morrow piHiiitr.
J,.,, i.,.. M M.. Ilenoner. Or -Horsee. horse.
I,i n. j on Ml hoiiliM. 'attle, the sains.
i,. . . L 1..I.I M,i..
I K.,ti. l..ii. Or. Horses, pircleT n
left stilts: eatll", em"''" M bip. ud"f half
orop in rik"' sulil n left ear
k M,k. II,.., i, nor. tir.-llorsse hrsnU
KN on' Ufi hip mill same end crop of! left
sr: end" s..-nn the right
Kirk J T.. Heimiier. Or.-l,irse at) en left
.1 i Mill, rtil t.n lr hill.
u..k j'.. Il,.i,i,.isr. dr.: hraa II on left
BbiHildM i rallle same on light side, oudorliil hi
"kn "rla.nl W.O. ."inl Vemon. Or.-1 I. nit
rati is. ,n rigid and Ml si,l"s. swallow f..rk In Ufl
ear ami Mintr rmp in ngiii "r. iiorMsaiiu
b.aiid ..n Ml sliimliM. lUnge In tlranl cbo.iv
l,fin. Ml motion. nt.Hr.-H I, on Ml hi
h. dil. rnm and solil m rlghi ear, II
asine titan, I na Ml slunil bw. lUnga l.rat
rfnn,tt-n. John W,, (-"i, Or.-lli.fs
h.siit-l lialf cl'.de J I. c..nn.-' nn nri i
riM rille.Mui on l-fl hto. Range, ri-ar !
'""ov, J W ll.rtir Or Horws lirsnd
I.....I '! Iml sli nl'l'tl ril - n .i I.
I.i... a.ll la. iff light Ihl'"" ellle l f.glil
Steamers Leaue Portland
Every 5 Days For
Light Running
There Is none In the world that
tvs can enual in mechanical con-
'la struction, durability of working
oarta. nneness ui iiiiinu, uenm.
In appearance, or hag as many
improvements as me
For full details oall on 0. K. & N.
Afnt at Heppner, cr address
OeD.FasB. Agt.
New Home sanFronoisoo
It hail Automatic Tension, Double Peed, alike
on both sides of needlo (fatentrd), no other has
it New! HtnniH arntra). driving wheel hinged
on adjustable centers, thus reducingifrictiou to
the minimum.
OttMna, Mass. Bosto, Mss. tt Hmog ftoiuss, N. T
UHlCa.lo, HT. Un l, MO. 1)41.1 JS, TEtl.
C. THOMPSON CO., Agents,
Heppner, Orejon.
And all points In California, via the Mt, Uhasta
route of the
Southern Pacific Co.
The great highway through California to all
points Kast and South. Grand Been to lloute
Of the i'aotno ( oast, fuliman Hunet
Hleepers. Beoond-clasa Hleepera
Attached to express trains, affording superior
accommodations for seoonii -class passengers.
For rates, tickets, sleeping oar reservations,
etii.. call nnon fir address
R. KOKHLKR. Manager, E. P. ROGEUS, Aaflt,
Gen. F. 4 P. Agt,, Portland, Oregon
( yl PER5IH
5trt. jffffiiffyblL. Lightest,
Simplest, uJillllUi X Easiest
itrongest. I 7 jJV VP fH W,,kln
Top XlfiflfjPl Accurata,
Receiver. kja& Compact,
Most Modern and progressiva
fur rstslogtie or hifonnstlon write to
New Haven, Conn.
San t'runeiiwii (i)h'f,
s.u it. n ii:t:h:ssyt:ut:u it iv
So. ;'.'il .S'Mff. r Slrfrt
ili.l a. a vaaa vvaai
l.ial. Il..ta. H...na !.- ll.wwe l.ne,.
d.ni'ila II M.na'l. I a.wnlliiiaa rallail
ewie H "I Ml alMHll lW
W...a M I". U.ii.i-. Ir. I alHe tn
rir.de n ngtil hip; same on light SUIU..
Hai-s-a in M nnw chhiiv
M,i,,rt. Ir. n...- tr Vlle, M l nn
rtshl till.. M Ml alwll l.
!n.,e, N. M-,..i.-. iir -H-e, Ml
on Ml aii.ml M raiil ' Ml Inn.
Martial). Itantr. Ia. 'f. - llna. II .HI M t M
kii-i r.iw.ll.rtir.iis"l ,,
urn. II. II. Hr..wnavill IH.- lloraa.,
ti.r. l,m a h at,. !. If nailla, Mli '
M.lirr. )il. r-s Vsllf. M .l-alna.
nH t Mk .hi rail)" " fit "! la
an. K anf, Imhov saiim luati I tfi I'll XilU,
M.llalaa. n.s)ll'. . Ni H.-
Hb haif nfrgiswiaj m Ml ) l ''.
I.mt tans ..) " "'i st'le
lU.iea in IIMV.I I i.l..'r.
S.I amlrw lama R. B Of. Ilofa K N e..
. lfl aK.ail.l-t, r-'lla aana irti la J I, l,-,
S ..,ntlf.a if.- ll.aaa,rT)a I urn
M ... raIUa . l-fl hip.
..i.. i ..k i.ui.al m I -a I. mi rallle
oa Ml k',.,..H tBHam, lft llnart, lasiM
la itwl if .
him. r. Iiln. Ot.-I Ml
.i .....
..... ll.. fi.nU IMr. !- rwIK
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'i.m. n a.a I S 'l' ,,iar.
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"U Jack Tunnicliffe proinc; with you
to-morrow, Tom?" said my wife to me.
"I wish you would take some one else."
"Why, Norah?" I asked.
"lie's been stranger than ever in his
manner since his wife died, I hear. In
fact, I've been told by more than one
person that he's quite insane at times.
It's not to be wondered at it he is, poor
fellow. I don't know a sadder case.
Ile'd only been married a week. Such
a. horrible death, too! It's enough to
turn a man's brain, and I must confess,
Tom, I wish Jack was not going with
"Nonsense, Norah! People always
exaggerate and make the worst of
things, as you Jtnow. If a man's at all
original or eccentric, it's at once
assumed that he's non compos. Of
course, Jack's low-spirited and absent-
minded, and perhaps a bit peculiar at
times. How can he help brooding over
his terrible loss? He wants some ex
citing occupation to take ofE his
thoughts from his trouble. He's fond
of ballooning as I am, and a trip will
do him all the good in the world."
The above conversation between my
wife and myself took place on the
evening before the day which I had
fixed for a balloon ascent. Ballooning
was my hobby. I had conceived
liking for it on my first ascent. This
liking had become a "craze," for the
novel experience and strange sensation
of sailing over houses and trees, and of
soaring into the clouds, had a peculiar
fasaination for me.
Recently, I had tried utility with
pleasure, and had made some ascents
solelv for scientific purposes. I had
found a kindred spirit in young Tunni
cliffe, and we had had many delightful
and successful trips together. Owing
to the untimely death of my friend's
wife, our aerial expeditions had been
suspended for awhile. As several
weeks had elapsed since that sad event,
I felt anxious to resume these expedi
tions, and as Tunnicliffe had expressed
his willingness to accomtmnv me
day had been fixed for our next trip,
It was when I was talking to my wife
about this self-same trip that she ex
pressed her regret that Jack Tunni'
cliffe was going with me.
I had not much diftculty, however,
in overcoming her objections and al
laying her fears. She was not averse
to my hobby, and had even accom
panied me in one or two of my jour
neys in the air. Moreover, she sym
pathized with me in my desire "to
make some useful discovery," and was
therefore unwilling to damp my ardor,
or hinder the progress of my obsorva-
tions. She had felt the exhilarating
effect of a balloon ascent, and my ref
erence to the benefit young Tunnicliffe
would probably derive from the pro
jected trip appealed to her experience
as well as to her tender heart.
Accordingly, next day at the ap
pointed time, everything being in readi
ness, we started on our aerostatic
journey. Tunnicliffe, contrary to his
usual demeanor, seemed a little ex
cited, but this caused mo no appre
hension. Ilis interest had apparently
been awakened, and it was only naturtil
that he should be animated on such
an occasion. The balloon was set at lib
erty as soon as we hud taken our seats,
and the machine rose beautifully. There
was a gentle breeze, which bore us
slightly southward. We rose slowly
at first, and so had plenty of time to
gaze on the vast and extending panor
ama below us.
Presently we entered a huge bank or
mountain of cloud of the kind called
cumulus, and were surrounded by
chilling mist which Induced us to put
on the wraps we had brought. When
we emerged from the cloud n scene of
fairy-like beauty suddenly burst upon
us. We were in a kind of basin sur
rounded by mountains of clouds of the
most fantastic uliapes, of enormous
tizc, and of duzzling brightm-M. Now
nd then, as we rose, we caught night
also of wondrous ravine, of curious
shape and great depth. These inouii
tains of clouds, with their silvery aitd
golden sides, their dark shadows, their
varied tint and summits of dazzling
whiteness, presented to our wondering
gaze a nee no of surpassing beauty and
I nil sublime spectacle evoked my
highest admiration, while the silence
and vustnrs of space inspired me with
we. I drank In these rx.iuiaite an
varied delight with such avidity an.
with such absorbing Interest that
had scarcely looked at, or spoken to,
my companion since we had started
Hut an exclamation from him now ill
vrrtrd my attention, and, glancing
him, l wim surprised to are that lie had
risen and wnt ranch excited.
What is it. Jnckr I aakrrV
Isn't il glorioua?' he replied.
wonder if Heaven l much more bcautl
fui? (low delightful it would l If w
could reach It! I should tee my Ada
again, then."
"My dear follow!" I Interpose
hastily, aoturwhat alarmed not i
much ty hi word a ly hi ndte
manner and wild look; "you think U
much of these thing. You hare le
hronilitiaf orr ynur more than
g,x f,.r you. Will you"
"At nv rate," cried he. vehemently.
"it worth trying, so here (, and
fifing tine of the MO.Hg he threw
ll over. The lightened balloon at once
began t rise more quickly.
' H hat are you din.. Jack'"' I h.ut
ed. "IVr heaven aake keep calm
We are gcnl height already. We
khan I ) able to lrrathe if we g
much higher. It getting uncomfort
able, a il Is."
"Mian't wc? We shall Me about
thai. I'm going t.t try, anyhow, lie
i.le, I don't care If I can't brralhe. I
waul to see my Ada. That' all I rare
at-.il "
I began to fear the wrt Wa he
I could get relief
from a most hor
rible blood dis
ease I had spent hundreds of dollars
trying various remedies and physi
cians, none of which did me any
good. My finger nails came off and
my hair came out, leaving me
perfectly bald, i men went to
Hoping to be cured by this celebrated
treatment, but very soon became disgusted
and decided to try S.S.S. The effect was
truly wonderful. I commenced to recover
at once, ana alter I had taken twelve bot
tles I was entirely cured cured by S.S.S,
wnen tne wona
renowned Hot
Springs had failed
Our Book oa toe Disease an d its Treatment milled free to any
Auaress. aw it a arcuirit auu.iw,
W. L. Douglas
4.3.sp Fine Calf&Kangarou
POLICE, 3 soles.
Over One Million People wear the
W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
All our shoes are equally satisfactory
They give the beat value for the money,
They equal oustom Bhoes In style and tit.
Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed.
The prices are uniform, stamped on sole.
Prom $i to $ saved over other makes.
If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by
Dealer whose name will shortly ap
pear here. Aeent wanted. Apply at once
4T? X
Is one of the very beet wheels ever made 1b an indisputable fact. It stands In thei
front rank with all high grade machines, and if you buy one you will make no mistake. S
Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE if you want to be happy, for should your wheel begj
punctured, it can be mended by you in five minutes, as it is equipped with the world a
renowned G. & J. clincher tires with wood rimB or copper-plated steel rims.
Bold in all sizes for ladies or gentlemen at $100 each.
Tandems for two men or man and woman, J1S0 each.
THE RAMBLER Is the fastest, lightest and strongest wheel in the market.
For style, finish and durability it is unsurpassed, as it is constructed on strict mechan
ical and scientific principles."
Chicago Ideals
For men. women, boys and girls, with 28. 26 and 24 inch wheels, at $0'). $"5. $45 respect
ively, are splendid medium grade wheels, with G. & J. high-grade doubla locking edge ;
I clincher tires ana are luuy warrantea,
! Before vou buy a bicycle, write for catalogue, circulars, terms and discounts, or call i
! on our numerous agents. Rambler Rustlers Wanted in every town in Oregon, Washing- k
ton ana iaano.
Northwest representatives Gormully & Jeffory Manf. Co's "Ramblor Bicycles." Main (
Store, 327 Washington Ht, Portland, Or. Maj. E. A. Weed, Gen. Traveling Agent and I
lecturer. una fATiUKbUJN, Agt. lor morrow uo,, neppuer, uregon.
How's Your Liver?
with a madman, and about four miles
from the earth. I felt the cold sweat
on my brow, and my brain began to
reel. But with a tremendous effort I
pulled myself together, for my only
chance of safety was in retaining my
self-possession. To attempt to over
power him was out of the question
the strength of a madman is so well
known. My only hope of escape was
to outwit him. But how? Forced in
to unnatural activity as my brain was
by my desperate situation, and by the
necessity of prompt action, I could
think of no device or ruse that would
do any good; I was completely at the
mercy of the madman.
The hopelessness of my case para
lyzed all my energies. I felt unable to
move or speak, and even the power to
think was almost gone. In ray despair
glanced at the valve cord. Owing
to the rotary motion of the balloon it
had unfortunately become entangled.
To free It I should be obliged to leave
the car and climb into the ring. But
to attempt such a thing (even if I were
physically capable of i;) would bo cer
tain to lend to a struggle which would
as certainly seud one or both of us out
of the car.
We were now at such a height that
asphyxia was imminent. I could hear
my heart throb quite plainly. I
breathed with difficulty, and a horrl
ble sensation like that of soa-sickncss
came over me. The cold was so in
tense that I shivered, notwithstanding
my wraps. The mental strain was ter
rible. I was almost frantic Know
ing, however, that in a few minutes I
should be unconscious, and that then
all would be over with me, I nerved
myself for one last effort.
As 1 rose from my sent my eye fell
on the grnpnel. Foitunntcly it was on
my side of the car. A sudden idea
struck me, here was a weapon to
hand. It was an awful thought it
would lie a terrible ilocd. Hut there
was now no alternative, no time for
delay. My senses wero going. 1
stretched out my hand, but the mad
man, who never took ins eve off mo
hud detected my purpose. With a sud
den movement he darted forward and
seized the grnpnel, but in his eager
Dens to forestall mo he had precipitat
ed himself too far over the aide of tht
car and lmot lout his balance. II
made a deaerate effort to recover
himvlf. hut, seized with sudden and
Irresistible Impulse, I pushed hltn over,
and with a horrible yell, which rings
In my ears whenever I recall the oc
iMirrt'ire, the madman disappeared
from my aight.
Alumni mad myself I am not aure
that I wsa not quite so just then I
cliniWd into the ring to reach the
valve line. Hut my hanil were an
atiiT and numb with the cold that I
could not gran the cord. Ily a kind
of inspiration whieh aeemrd provider
tinl I m-Ued the cord with my teeth,
and after two or three tug the valve
opened with a loud rlang. and the bal
loon Wfin to deaeend. Thank heav
en! I wa saved. My hand bring u
le. I - oMige I to throw up my
arm and drop lul l I lie ear, where I
lay motionlfks and uncanacioua for
My wo..n could not haw lasted more
than a few aeeon l. for when I recov
ered the barnttirler showed that I wa
still In a high altitude, atihough the
balloon wa dr'-n.liiif rapidly. I
ruhWd and Wat my hand until the
circulation wa reatorr.L Then I art
alsuit taking the heeory precautions
e.'slnst a too rapid detent Hut I
a.-led mre like an automaton than a
cmei u agent, for I teemed In a kind
of a tupor i-r Iranee all the time.
How and where I rrachfd the aUd
rarlh I rannot aav. 1 have only a dint,
hay tre.i.ell.n of bring nrrounded
y a crowd of fspnple. K.nie Wrrv
Ivn.lilig turf tw and arrmed ti 1
This question is asked daily. If dormant
you need exercise -need it badly.
The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do
not own one. call at
Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery,
Power House.
King of Bicycles, (f
Four Models 885 and 8100.
Monarch Cycle Co.
Factory and Main Office ; Lake and Halstcd Sts.. CHICAGO. ILL.
bRANCHliS : New York. San FrancUco, 5alt Lak City, Deovtr, Mmphl, Detroit, Toronto.
A. IP. PATTERSON, Jyaii for Morrow Counly, Heppner, Oregon,
OF . . .
fmnncial sacri-
It to Advertisers at a
ficc. You need it in your business, and as a
matter of business we must sell it.
Tin: Pattkrson PunusuiNG Co.
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HMril..ninf nin.lnit tNitit ln't mak
k'oinir m.P Wrr th r i.iri ru vift. "l I1 they Mi.l. I f.H an f.il
lil l.rl irr V.f t run, an.l ti-.t ( in In iny Iiph.I, u I rrmrinWr nth
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(r..iit .'..aant T. o'.k dim i(i'..
rfilrt.tljr k'kTl him an I nia
ttiatur tiw Ti hum irhim uii'
il..ii'.t.'.'.jr the .fl r.nirt
' U hff. J-" I eri.L "Y."!
My yr. want . . A la. I ran Ir'l
i.f a lU-r an.l nrr ! g.ng
t(thrtlian tUi If n ui li.in t
Hi - i!ir ln ntuiilar l n.n (nr
lianl l..f. Hi '. .fUift..u
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at. I h t if. Rf.ir al tii
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in t!f IrVtlk, It J.4l.fa,V I
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it li.-iit tn an h.,rr .r. an 1 I
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-T.t li
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A.v..r.l tiif t.t r.-viit lr. Igrw ,.f
Tf.if l,Uffr. ,.f ll.4l. II. af.al
i if f -r a hnmn l ' In a ihxn.l.r
l.m la t.t t-t ll .")i,-l, jr wrt lrat.li
in rm arkf 1 tll l r.M.. ki'.larat
1..nili lrmii"f an fWitwil
i.air. I xt t,t r tl n it " f t
'Ml lr ar -'ii-an '-ii I f i.f up I a t
Jur Vlta'l B;-n !'. -..'ft. fi I I , 1
fali.ro 14 I., ,!, 1.t kv t
UBS : mm PUIS !
Vouiv 1K)UND to Tnku'JCin.
Leaves No Consiipaiioii,-
Car. It. m a. al Il ill , wH .. .( Malaria. Tht nrl
ar- atia. t ill In ll a nf I. i, n fBtr..u rf hf m '
-it, ,t trt MdHll f . Il kAJiS- Mr"ijrt. Ill
111 tJ. f.i i,a rrttim, Cl.
I 4 V V,, ! I Im S t ! II