CANCER CURED -AND A- LIFE SAVED By the Persistent Use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla "I was troubled for years with a sore ou my knee, which several physicians, who treated me, called a cancer, assuring nie that nothing could be done to save my life. As a last resort, I was induced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, after tak ing a number of bottles, the sore hegan to disappear and my general health improve. I persisted in this treatment, until the sore was en tirely healed. Since then, I use Ayer's Sarsaparilla occasionally as a tonic and blood-purifier, and, in deed, it seems as though I could not keep house without it." Mrs. S. A. Fields, Bloom field, la. AYER'S The Only World's Fair Sarsaparilla. Ayer's Pills Regulate the Liver. SUN IMCN 1TUE I WP I ThU I FKI 5AT J 2 3 J5 G 7 ' 8 3 10 If 2 15 14- 15 IG 1 U" 18 19 20 '2 2 "3124- 25 26 '27 2& Z63QG3) 1 tfl3 j Q3 1 (fstsiS? Take Notce. 1. The turn of five cents per line will be Jharged (or "card of tbaiikn," "renolutinni of renpect," lint! of wedding; princnU and donor, ind obituary notice, (other than thone the edit or shall hlmiell give a a inntter 01 new,) ana noticed of snoclal metliur (or whatever purpose. 2. Notice of church and norlety and all other )ntorUilnmeuUi from which revenue la to be de rived, ahull be chanced (or at the rate of five .enti a line, Thete rule will be itrlctly adher ed to In every Instance. AdvertlaliiK rato reaaonablo aad made known lpon application. Citizens of Heppiier met Inst evening and perfected the organization cif a tucing association. The following are the officers: Geo. Oonser, president; I'. VY. Ayers, Jr., secretary; Geo. Harrincton, E. G. Sperry, Otis Patter eon, E. L. Matlock and Duve MoAtee, directors. It whs intended to meet Wednesday evening next, but the necessary lunus Driving Deen secured, it a. N was not necessary to defer it that long. The races are sure to go. The following are the winners in the last two days racing at Long Creek, with time and distance of each race: Gray Dick, tbree-einhths, time, 0:37 Hon est Dick, five-eighths, time, 1:03'; half mile and repeat, declared off on account of apparent jobbing; Pnddv. ponv one fourth mile, time, 0:24; Jubilnm, special three-eighths, 0:36. The races were all good acd no jobbing wjs per mitted. Mulheur Gazette: A frieud of the Heppner Gazette editor invited him to partake of an elk dinner lately, lie partook. And he hoasted of tue sweet, juicy merit of the game of Oregon's wrests. Afterward the pen-pilot was informed that he had banqueted on horse meat, instead of the tiesh of the stately monarch of the forest. Hoss on Patterson. R. E. Moody, chief clerk of the house of representatives at the last, sesxion of the Oregon legislature, and at present one of Portland's most promising young attorneys, was in Heppner Saturday ou business, ltalph is a son of ex Governor Moody, of this state, and ru Eastern Oregon boy,- too. Such men as Mr. Moody always suoceed. Grant County News: Some time sinoe we noted the fact that the biggest man in Grant county had won a bicycle at a raffle and couldn't ride it. We are now prepared to "retract," for Mr. StmiRell can be seen nearly ev;?ry day learning to ride. Although weighing nearly three hundrod pounds when he began, he falls off some every day. People going Californiaward have been numerous this full. T. B. Hard and U. H. Warren and family, of isutter Creek, passed throutih town with the above destination in view last Saturday. They expect to looate near Jjos Angeles, and were well provided for the journey. Henry Murphy, the Monument merchant who has lately opened up near the postdffice on the north side of the Johu Duy, whs in town last week on business. Mr, Murphy jeporN trade much better than he anticipated on opening up the bnrdneES on last June. Chronicle: Five cars of cattle from Heppner to Trouldale passed through The Dalles Thursday morning. Hepp ner is shipping a creat amonut of stock this summer, and will have a neat sum to distribute Hmong the stockineu. .Buy ers have been busy in that region. Jonny Beeler whose ranch is up near Colwell grade, had the misfortune to have one of his voung apple trees stripped of its fruit by a poicnpine about a week ao. However, he in rewarded by the tree coming out in full bloom Bgaiu. For yeare." says Capt. C. Mueller, "I have relied more upou Ayer's Pills tUHn anything else iu the medicine chest, to regulate my bowels and those of the ship's crew. These pills are not severe in their action, but do their work thor oughly." Fell Bros, have received part, of their fall millinery, and as soon us balance of their goods arrive from the hast tbey will have their opening. Their stock will be larger than they Lave carried before uud prices to meet all compe tition, tf. At the bead of the local column ap pears rules under which obituaries, cards of (banks, church notices from which revenue is derived, elo., will be DUbliaucd. These rules inner, as a mutter of business, be sliictly a J hired to. A Builder Talks. GREAT SUFFERER FOR YEARS CURED IN TWO WEEKS. Tompkins, of Oiegon City, folates a Wonderful Story. In fob it. Judge W. N. Ruby bid in bis bouse on bit ranch near Colfsz $275 that be had to pay harvest bands. Tbe money disappeared from the biding plaoe, and Frank Hargis was arrested aa tbe one inspected of having stolen it. Oregonian. Frank Hargis formerly re sided in Heppner and was known pretty generally nnder tbe nickname of "Goodeye." TIME TABLE. From tha Enterprise, Oregon City, Oregon. A representative of tbe Oregon City Enterprise visited Mr. A. N. Tompkins, the well known carpenter and builder of Oregon City, and finding bim hard at work, asked if he was tbe man who had been ill of rheumatism. Receiving Bn affirmative answer, the reporter asked if he wonld have any objections to making a statement of bis oase, how he was cured, etc, for the benefit of the public. "No objections at all," said Mr. Tomp kins. "I have suffered with lumbago for years. Having bad spells off and on Sometimes it wonld lay me up entirely Whenever I did any heavy lifting, or got wet or oaught cold, I would have a bad spell. Sometimes I would be so bad I could not straighten up. I was always looking for something on which I oould count for oertain relief, if not absolute cure. I tried many pbysioians, one nearly Buooeeded in making a morphine fiend of me by injeoting morphine into my body to relieve tbe pain he oould not cure and was not honest enough to ad mit. All these medicines and doctors did me no good, some even as in this case, doing me barm. "While working on the Barclay build ing some months ogo, I had an attack. I immediately went to Charman & Co.'s drug store and told Mr. Charman to give me a box of the Pink Pills. Haying bought them, I commenced taking them at once, and after the first day I exper ienced relief, and in two weeks 1 was entirely well. I had iu that time used part of the seoond box. Being at tbe home of my daughter in law, Mrs. Lena Tompkins, and hearing ber oomplain of rheumatism I gave ber the balanoe. "Now, I have worked right along, and in spite of tbe present wet weather and the fact that I have a heavy cold just now, I bave no indication of tbe presence of my old disease, and any one of the three things (heavy work, wet weather, and a cold) wbiob I dow bave combined would have given me a bad spell hereto fore, I oonBider Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a great remedy and I believe they have absolutely cured me. At least, it they bave not it is only a question of oontinn icg tbe remedy long enough, and if I ever bave a return of tbe pain I shall fly to Pink Pills." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain, in a oondensed form, all the eleinentB Deoes sary to give new life and riobness to tbe blood and restore shattered nerves. They are an unfailing speoifiu for such diseas es as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, soiatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous beRdaohe, the after effects of la grippe, palpitation of tbe heart, pale and sallow complexions, all forms of weakness either in male or female and all diseases resulting from vitiated humors in tbe blood. Pink Pills are sold by all dealers, or will be sent post paid on reoeipt of prioe, (50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50) by addressing Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Soheueotady N. Y. Overwork, either physical or mental, will produoe weakness and loss of energy. Too many business or family cares, overwork in tbe harvest field, an excess of woman's work and worry will produce months of misery. To prevent this, tbe exhausted system should be reinforoed immediately. Dr. J. 11. McLean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier is an appropriate remedy. Price $1.00 per bottle. Bogus Money. Counterfeiters are do ing business in tbis looalily, or at least have been quite recently. One W. H. Lane was examined before Judge Bean at Pendleton recently and implicated J. E. Clark in passing bad money at Hard man and in Heppner. Lane, however, convicted himself in the mind of tbe judge, but Clark was released. Tbe money was mostly silver halt dollars, and very poorly executed. Is Your Biood Pure If it Is, yon will be strong, vigorous, (nil of life and ambition; you will have good appetite and good digestion; strong nerves, sweet sleep. But how few can say that their blood is pure! How many people are suffering daily from the consequences of impure blood, scrofula, salt rheum, rheumatism, catarrh, nervousness, sleeplessness, and That Tired Feeling. Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies, vitalizes and enriches the blood. Therefore, it is the medicine for you. It will give yon pure, rich, red blood and Btrong nerves. It will overcome that tired feeling, create an appetite, give refreshing sleep and make you strong. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently in the public eye today. Hnnrl'c Pillc th aftur-dinncr p'U and 11UUU S flllS fmUT cathartic S5c A Wonderful Invention, Yesterday afternoon fully 100 people witnessed an exhibition of Cunningham & Barter's horseshoeing maohine, down at Meadows & Sorivner's. The machine is made to hold the wildest oayuse without injury to himself or those shoeing the horse, Tbe trial was fully satisfactory to all and Meadows & Scrivner bave pur chased the patent for the town of Heppner and will hereafter use it in their shoeing operations. Bucklcn'H Arnica Salve. Tbe best salve in the world for cuts, Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Malt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all skin eruptions and positively oures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to eive perfect satisfaction or money refunded. riPoe 25 cents per box. For sale by T. W. Ayers, Jr. Htage tor Hardman, Monument, bons Creek, lohn pay and Canyon City, Ivave a follows ; Kverjr day at a. m., except HiiihIkt. Arrive every day at 6 p. in.,excet Monday. The clKiiH't, ijuli kvot and beat Hue to or from the Interior country. W ALT. THOMPSON, I'rop. Phlll Conn, Agent, Extra Psle Star Brewery Bear In Pint Bottle can be had only at the City Hotel Bar! Where lilsh grade Mipion and Cltinrt are alao kapt by Tel. Here and There. Millions ride tbe Rambler. Ueppner's races are asunred. Iks Eunis has bicyoles to rent Don't overlook lieppntr'f rsoet. Henry Padberg was in town yixderday Mrs. Jobo Kirk isqniteill at her home on Klies creek. Tba Nilea-Vinson, Marble Works, (Valla Walla, Wash. Oaear HchsfrVr was down from tbe mountains hsturday. C. A. Hah an 1 family were iu from Putter cretkyeetrrday. For fruits, vegetable!, or anything io tba grooery line, sea haling. 4t. Popt. O'Brien and Ra.lmler Pelrrt came op on a ial last cuht. L Crn) Marble Works, I.a OranJ Ore. H. C. MmUh, Umao, Uerpuer. IJppur will bang l"x) io pttrawi. to be raced for the latter part of Ociober. Theodora Cork and family departed rssterdsy for loaa where limy locale. For grortr and lunch loods, VS. h. Haling. Jut received a brand Dew stack. Mrs. Ire, mother of Mrs. '(lena Oilman. ha x-tu quit lit in ttne cily, U revering. Kdiftedoarl J. V. K"'r familiar. Ren Mathews is now sole proprietor of the cttv meat market where he keeps a frexh supply of beef, pork, muttnu, veal, sausage, Imoou uud lard, which lie sells for the lowest market price. Fred Bock, the Portland butcher, is Htill with bun. tf Milt Morgan hud family departed yes terday to locate at their old home near Walla WalU. Milt bus rented hin place for two year, though he think that lie may some time return to Mono county. May they continue to prosper. The regular monibly teachers' con veutiou will be held at Lexingtou, 'Jet 5, opening at h) o'clock a. m All teachers fho'ild be preaeut mid all interested l.i education are kindly invited to attend. K. T. Perkins wfc op from lone yoterUay. Ho inform us that the drug store at that pirn e, with which be was collocated, bus been deponed of, Uud iianey now I eiug the owner. Mrs. Joe Luck ru n came u; from Portland fcnturday and met here by ber liniibaud. Mis. Lurk man baa been in very poor health for some time, pait, and is some bolter at preeent. Mrs. Deo. Conner, hr mother and brother, Mrs. U. A. Rhea iud Curl Rhea, derailed yiattrdoy Io iit relative In Mixmhim. Tliry will be hb-cut about lo months. j F.lmer Slofliiui's photograph gllery in i no open on loorr M'lin Mret Iictm i strictly llret-oliifa work can Im aeourcd at reaoiialil priOc. Cull an t rxMiunie oik and ael price. "oil (Want duuty New: H-n C. W. Pur. tili, f thm my, ha fHco l.".r lo ! nut. In bitfii. proj i i;v iu ( irjnJ K .pul . Michuau, by the d V.u of uu uuot iu that CUV. Then i f UhII's Hir R-oeer moii a tli ut lb of Ui h.or, an alole lis li!il(-l color and laut), fin -tbe clp i f daudrud, l Iter, an 1 nil l it puillli. (biloli'a Cue, It ureal Coiitfl. l.. Croup Cure, la hi gfrul d- llifcl. l. rK tl i. c t-ti' H d. 14) , CUiMren love It. Ml I ly 1. W.Aa Jr. A txnt.Wr f Ih Ri' r l t.l. . for Inch Urn la l i l j urcordii.g to arritf'ti,i " M .1 1 and will im dleiiitli,Ur.; fcficf a i-u. ! W. h. nil h'-'l i snopliM aa la .!. ni ti' i.. it"'i l, .tiil. Ii.k. Al II." oii Je.f) ! C'ot.U tin'. I, M iroa liiid In g . 4'. I ll A. Ilfftrft C- 111 tr. ti J ll y knoaa a "Blind JoLni, l ftaino rn.k .u; i, I uf.'m a u-i relative al O'lahen. , tyi n'nlue li.a! r- ' it C. N. fVk baa on Ml..l-too .1 -an l ' ' '" '- I '1"'-- Va bum's fa llt champioB aiple. , S . I ' ), r(, rt ! I m of tbeeao. an far. ; rp I BUT NEVER l SQUEEL ! O That is what Minor & Co. are doing. They are constantly rooting for trade ; though they have the bulk of the trade of the surrounding country, they are not satisfied. Lost, Strayed or Stolen. A red Shorthorn cow with slightly drooping borne and white marks on bind feet, right hind teat dried up; and ber winter oalf, a red roan, blocky, Bhortdegged bull caff, botb dimly branded with circle on right hip. Both left the John Q. Wil son ranch about July 10th. Informa tion leading to their reoovery will be re warded. N. 0. Marih, 70-2 Heppner, Or. Commissioner Swick returned from Salem on last evening's train acd de parted on tbis morning s stage for bis borne at Hamilton. Oreen Mathews for shaving, hair cnttius. shampooing and all other work in that line. Baths at any time during business bonrs. ' Heppner's races are "a go." Fresh candies, any kind, at W. L. Billing's. See him at tbe old Jerry Oohn stand. 4t. Bob Watkras was in town Saturday, and be reports slight indications of winter up about "the saddle." Chas. Iugraham was in from Eight Mile yesterday and thinks that he will looate in Heppner for this winter. Best aooommodatlon and oourteous treatment at the Imperial Hotel, Seventh and Wash. Sts., Portland, Oregon. Thad Armstrong and family leave thia week for the Klikitat country where they will make their future borne. Mrs. Geo. Wells is reported by her physician, Dr. MoSwords, bs improving rapidly. Tbis is indeed gratifying. Mrs. Mathews arrived from Athena on last evening's train to visit ber sons, Hick, Ben, Zeke and Qreen, of tbis oity. Pilot Rook Reoord: B. O. DnBtin, a pedagogue of Long Creek, passed through town last Friday on his way to Walla Walla. Heppner will have the biggest race meeting in its history in October. Come all ye horsemen and compete for tbe purses. Wm. Collins, of Haystack, dropped in the latter part of last week with some very fine fruit which be disposed of at good prices. Earl's Clover Root, the great Blood purifier, gives freshness and clearness to the Complexion and oures Constipation, 25 ots., 50 ots., 81. Sold by T. W. Ayers, Jr. T. R. Howard makes a specialty in supplying stookmen witb all needed articles, besides carrying a general line. See bis new ad. tf. "GETTING A NAVY CHEAPLY. Will Go to Yakima. W. G.Sweetser, of Black Horse, was in town Saturday though yet on crutches as tbe result of an ncc'uleut wbiob happened twoortbree weeks ago iu wbiob bis left leg was severely injured below the knee by being st-uck by a horse. Mr. Hweetaer and wife will leave in a very short time for the Yxkima country and will probably l icale there. The Gazette extends its welbwishes and hopes that tbey may like their proposed new location, and that siioccm most bounteously will be their. However, it is to be regretted that Morrow county must lose suob esti muble ooplc. I tun m i mm But ive would like all the people for customers, as the larger the sales the cheaper the goods. We have just received the largest line of Fall goods ever shown in the city. Call and examine them and If you don't buy then we are to blame. We are here to show goods. We Meet and Beat all Competition ! MINOR & COMPANY. Special Sale! Dealers in General Merchandise -WILL OFFER THEIR- Noi lint Ayr's at the World's Fair. Ayer's HarsKparille enjoys the n Inor dinary distinction of having been tbe old blood purifier allowed an exhibit at the World's fair, Chicago. Manufacturers of other snrHKparilUa sought by every means loobtainaahowing of their goods, nut they were all turned away under the application of the rule forluddmg tbe entry of patent medicine and nostrnms. The denimon of the World's fair autho rities in favor of Ayer's Harsaparilla wa in effect as follow: "Ayer's Msrsspa- riila I hot a patent medicine. It does not belong io the 1 tot of oontruiii. It is here on its merit.'' ' I'l If - i:i w At'KKi. On tatuiilsy lat a ntiii,l-r f lleppfir-r's eilixens met at l'..e tworler's cfll Mi au.l proceeded Io ofn-.mi- for Ibe purpose of having a n.e mi-rtlig al Heppner some tiros during Hit. Utter Pll of October, Tom M oiiii i eh. . a i baiimaa and . L. I I'lrt Un l, S'rr-lary. Tba following 1 r'miiiiiie i ftptxiinted: Finance, ' V. X.. .Ma'lork, U. II. Tdrows and T. W. A)is ir ; I'l' itntn. K. I. KfeeUnd, M k mI T. W. Avers, Jr.; ; Aff4t.fci-iiieril. Jus. Jonea, Otis Tat-I-....,! it, id K. G. Jtperry. Tba Bora it ll-p i.ii finnncs cii.l Ibe Iowa j .in. -,f an I roonyb money as sub ; .criltf 1 to Mi)i i-nrcs sggrrgsting not I. u.a 'i. Cash and rrtln Monopolle OtTnred by I'ortagal to Hhlpbullilnr. Of all atrange proposals mnde lately to the builders of ahipa tbe strangest is tbnt of Portugal, which desires to have a modern navy, but desires to get it ou the lowest possible terms, says the St, Louis (ilobc-Democrat. iho govern mcnt intends to ask shipbuilders how nuinv vcnkcIh of a stated type tbey will supply annnully for twenty years or less for nn annual payment of almut Ave hundred mid iifty-flve thousand dollars, plua certain ndvantagea iu thu way of monopolies. American, lint- ish, French and German builders of the first class are to bo asked to bid, and the successful tenderer will 1 that firm giving the most lu the least time and for tbe abort est period of monopoly. First, a yard Is to Ih built at 1. ish. m and the government shii- I. nil. ling plant closed. The new tl nil will ge t thu machinery and also the. stuff and operatives Nothing Is sold about foreign workmen, but, since the government boes to educate the x-o-ple in shipbuilding, it expentn nativo labor to be employed. Muchlnery, ma teriul and fu"l will bo admitted to tbe establishment free of duty. The new plant will have a monoxly of repairing work, not only in I'ortugal, but olvi in ber colonies, A lores, l aM de Verde and Angola, no other new cstal.lUhinciitH being iM-rmitted, al though existing sum 11 works w ill eon tin lie. The new Vessels it is bojH'd to p't fur Ibe annual payment of live hundred and lifly-ilve thousand d'.'.lurn nre all of rather tiini.iml con st nut i..n. '1 l,e crulvrs ate to Im of whI and n.H r sit allied. nf forty-le.o hundred b in diKplairmilil, twenty. three knots smi1. Willi a protei '.ie dci U and a sti aii.tiifr raliusof ten thou sand loi!r at It'll UlloU. 1 lie lloW fumoiis JiipuiH Hi' miUer Vosbiu.t U re garded as a pattern of the ib sin d t y r. Then there are l I ten torido Itmi d'Hfroer of Ibe l) of the speedy llswx k, which ar" to Im ahl" to iiimW Wrlity-eijbt knots. Slid fttfNIil four thousiiii'l to.l. s at t. ii knots: t.-n first i'Um t..rH do Iniat of M-veiity t'.ns and of the greutil spifit sl.r; m Vera) roloiiiHl guiibt of t'.to hundred and rlgbty-nuix ton and ricr guubouta of forty Ion. 1 hi M-eiiis a pretty gl navy f'r el"it leu n million to bun drr.l thoiisiirid d.illnrs, but Hrl.n a line of I he 'lii 111 tind thai Ibe ti tiiy-j sr nw of a well l.atrd kbipyard .Ui lo.l rn t.U I an In dii' im ril north eonsi.lrriiig G. B. Hatt, the tonaorial artist, can be fonnd at his parlors, Matlock oorner, where be will dispense at popular prices, shaves, shampoos, haircuts, etc. Walt. Thompson runs stage between lleupner and Monument, arriving every day except Monday and leaving every day except Sunday. Shortest and cheap est route to the luterior. r. uono, agent. Organdies, Dimities, Mulls, etc., at the follftwiDg greatly reduced prices : Organelles 25e., reduced to ISc. per yard. Mulls '2flo reduced to 15c. per yard. Dimities 12 to 15c., reduced to Ilk:, per yard. Gents' Ntraw Hut 7fw. to 11.(10, reduced to i?5 anil fift cents. tienta' Hummer Klbtx'd Undorweiir ftlic., reiluccil to .15 cents. lollies' Undervests 10 to hoc., reduced to 5 to 2.5 cents. Line of Boys Laced Blioes 11.25, reduced to W cents. ' Best line of Ladies' 10c hose ever offered for sale. Bargain Counter loaded down with remnants of every fabric im aginable at prices never before equalled. Our stock of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes and Groceries complete in every respect at prices that will more than favorably compare with those previously announced by competitors. Special attention called to our Shoo Department Call and ex amine both goods and prices. PIOISnSER BRICK, West Side Main Street, - - - Heppner, Oregon. Tbe Patterson Pub. Co., bave secured Ibe sgency of the Cresoeut bicyoles ' for Morrow and Qrant counties, and will shortly bave some machines for sale at very low figures. Eiamine a Crescent before buying. tf. Ike Ennis has a stock of bicycle repairs and will fix your wheel up at reasonable rates. It is his intention to make a specialty in this line, and as the number of wheels is rapidly increasing, this will certainly be pleasing news to those who are so fortunate as to own a bike. tf Tbe regular subscription price of Ibe Kemi-Weekly daretle is SIM) and the regular price nf the Weekly Oregonian i?l.f0. Anyone subscribing for the Oar.ette and paying for one year in advance ran get I Kith tbe (iaxelta and Weekly Oregonian for IX All old snb- senbers paying ibeir enliseriiilione for one year in sdvanne will be entitltd to the same. Kur Hair. Ten shares of stock in Ibe National Hank of Heppner. Address JlirhaM T Cox. Keoelver. Arlington, Oregon, tillf. Now is Ilia lime to get (he Weekly Oregonian. the ratt newspaper of the WeM. Witb lbe(sR'tle,lotb strict ly in advance, for one year, 1. No better Oonddnation of newspapers can be made in tbe aisle. Ili-Kidee wa will give as a premium an additional journal, Ibe Web foot rianler, an agricultural paper, Come in now and eiilionrll. IP Out of Sight! The boy is father to the man, and wben tbe boy dons tbe man's bat he is "out of sight." Likowise tbe mso who pro. vide himself with one of T. R. HOWARD'S bats, and also purchases his Groceries, Cigars, Tobaooos and (tents' Furnish ings at this establishment where the freshest and latest of tbe above lines are kept. This is also tbe plaoe for (Stockmen's Bnpphes, ss this store mskes a specialty of everything required by this olss of trade. And a casual observer will not fail to notice that our sheep and cattle men take advantage of this fsol. Remember (ha plane .is HEPPNER BLOCK, Main St., Four doors sontb of the Cdy hotel. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, 1 805-.189(i. fTUE CSIVEIWITY OF OHF.OON, EL'OKNR, OUFOON, flVrs free tuition (f to all students. Young men eao obtain board, bulging, beat and light to tha dormitory for 12 M tier week, lloomers furnish their own linen, toung Onliirio-ISiii'iK Ste Line JK. 1M l eURHS-GHHYOK STH6EUHE H A. WllJAMS. Prop. Wsated-t'laio or funcr inif' W'H i-.i to lit bone or lae n g al bon. Mrs. Mi ll". r..n. ' Ffi.k Hal '' " ' " " , Ul ak and lr-.rl c,r,.,.l,f uo Is tl. mountains. W. K. Csra". i.f T( Ia!U. AtV i ..... ..i.. I.. i.i l'ni I ' H hm ta i j ) li.g 'tu.i Iftp. Cayla: h -. I. H. A .H. Cal ' "d"li 'sl'ais'is) lr. lf is ,h.'nr.t .Jo.n I l.ste t.f Tiud at onll da '; g"". 1 rws ac T. W. l. lll. f $ 1J' O t'r , . l ,0 i f il. I H s''' t ji'f in ,.. i,t, if . I,'.,, n ll. . P.i- (' S V .o I ' ' ' ' I 1 I l..f ,rhl ,1.., .... .. I, l.-.h I1' I f I '.! t . ( It." I' I'l I ' ' ! I fl ' T. It I." i '"iei I fi. iu r. t ' i t i I. I. - ..ll I r i I. . I U n id M, .1 o i tl . I O. .' r- it.') 1 1' n i4ii. I. .. t i '.-. i. .. .. .l . '.' li 'Ill ' H. .' .!') !-.' .'. , d se art. tliCr J I'sibi al V rents api, 1 lo.. kli l leu U o' .IjtH.lrlV in II. I Sii'lr I'y ll sun li.'r," HJS Ksmuel H . t. .ir.if ( ' '. "I a .. i'i, ll Bid ' .M'fly ntitll ' .1. ii tie. I n.v " nii..ii to Ct m- Urlti.i. I .".Mi lr ami I'irrl.'S . .. ii..dr, I t r"- a li'l' and fll ' . Uiior ' A-' d ". IWf.. i. I j li,- i l.'l t"o uf l I ...J I'li'lu' do III I'l t flHIolSj i I n i if 1 1 ; " i" - s no. Wa j in.i.iiiiiiiii it it li.M F'.r ; . I I ! .Him J ..r.oa Iirug l. .. - j )lii.tivi, V. M, I!illilof, r. I.f M Wm. Wa'fo i, t hm I . I . . I i . i . I t .i .1 irf .1 ii :. ' l.'ol . ') '-, l elt.Pt lt.' I...M ,H,f !.". I .iel.,,lh biit Jifcg, iatil Msia 'rt. Of. Ilmt.l"')i wMh us a f with l.r. I,. do; h'.l lij'ht ll.i'iti fit imr lr, f..r if our Virtue did not if f..Mli..f it., 'lrrf. ai) alike a If w I.a ! Uu oi hot - liak.-j aro usTAUio.uvnsa leaves Ilnrna Daily al A p.m. and ar rives at Ontario la 12 boars. Sinqlo Faro $0.OO. Round Trip $1 1.00 faTTI.r'.'uh lrll.l V ront of pial. UVHSH VASYUS t Nnfi'i AmV mtrmt.t ,t4mf mit)srti t ( ftt"lt I tit ilt M M'MI'Ifl.stil Hy fv-,i. ! inl-fl..f frin --.ft.i.J I (a with ium nAmti'tt r l 1 1, mu4 It M JltrOS.!l!l!iy'-l U l tlpt (9 111V Ul'l Ul 1 1 1 1 J UI V as - .-f women ara nrotided boatd Io pitvele families at -1 (XI mr aerk. Young women desiring board sbonhl a-ldresa IVof. John WiaotH Eugene, Oregon; or Secretary Young Women'a Cbiistisn Assooiation, Eugene. The l'niveiily olfrrs Ihrea baccalaureate degrees, Usebelor of Arts, Bachelor of Hcienca and list belor of let ters wilb orreponding aonrsea of aludy. Tba folloalng aborter eonraea are also offered: An English oootse laliiig in Ism yssrs It a buainras diploma and In three years In iba title graduate in Engliab; an alvancl eonia lor graduates o Dormal schools leading lo Iba degree master of pedsgogy ; A ibrea yrais ronrse in elvil engineering lesding Io Ibe degree civil engineer j a course of Ian years for teaebsra of physical ednrslion la.llng to a diploma and the title director of physical sJuoslion. Tba ITnlverslly rbargi-s so Inciih ntal fee of Ion dollars bleb is payable In advenoe by all students. Htndonls holding diplomas from tba public schools and Iboes having lea. hers' eertinesles ai a.liuillel l Ibe prrparalory department witbont eismmallon. Tboea doeiring iuformatloo regsnling Ibe pre paistoiy deparlmrol sbnnlJ a l liess lbs Ieaa, N. L Nsiregan, Eugene. For estalogoes and lufoimstlon addreaa O. H. C3IIAPMAN. Piiv-i.Ii nt. or.!. .1. WALTON, H 'n taiy. 1 lu'ii". Oivoii. it(JVEl? ainr mm s avwJa f arsia w) arsvf T'w V. 1 1 lf:rr,- f sf t .f bm l. KshIwu. a4 I'.Jti l"f M.t ioa Irw. tf A Yin Ti" ;mi-rti sAU XI U ofUisTwus4 inwixsi. r '. ty 1, iff.i COPYRIGHTS. s 4 aaj-f .4 mm ii,' ttt I's l M40, i-4-ir !-. l Km h4w. sm- mm. r-sa rt'4 V e t tamt al m 4sh M f w - ifV'M t'mtr sv4 lk.M H4 r A 'mn ft ') f ftsftWV4sM a mr 4 mm. Us sw. feassk ! la a. t'-m si Mai mS ffe, PMswtf m, m. piift $ wmtt,nw. 9 4 f h ftf ffl, f ft !! f -a t I'i 4 1 edj 4 jMH I 9 ' f ' )NHjsw1 I f faay I a) t mj f aw i sWI ft 4 ft ft f o . msM t - 4 i ' a t 9 ft . - tt 4 f ' a a ft 4 i ' fttji wf M 'ssi m 'k f V" ii4) 4 ,-. 4 S-wf MMra"! mill S t'-V. IvfttW 4i M4iri?, , i ii i 1 ' 1-4 t L . a I li tWIUI.'lli I Monmouth, Ore. lfal...f I' -'l l'f "' f 'n lto lli f l'lo lf'..l'ff 't '1..rll ... to..., .f..l.i... aafff..ll l.l The Dtsdervta a is aeaaal entitles an la lees la ay eewnty in Ihe slale vilh. awl furthsf eemlnein. a.r4 'l i' I nt...i I m pf o.f w.ilibil r4 r.a'iM'il .o-il.a. In !nnr 1 l.r. u -l .l '. I i..r a. 1 1 minH i l .1 n u,f I.'f 1.1 Ml'll..o1 ! ft. . I h't.Oif ot'l rt. I. l..f' I 1 I I i ii i r I I fot. .t. O.' t. It , .Diis Pailtrsoo NOTARY PUBLIC ...... '..CONVEYANCER T,CW