Indianapolis had dollar fire Sept 18th. a million HErPNEB proposes to haTe an October race meeting. The language of a deaf mute is a thing that goeB without saying, says the Texas Sif tings. Union has two good newspapers, the Scout and the Republican, of which she should be proud. Griggs has been chosen by the republicans to make the race for governor over in New Jersey. Senator Peffer was bruised severely in a railroad accident down near Chattanoga last week. The Jewish New ''Tear, 15,056, began last Thursday, and the Fast of Gedaliah, though occurring on Saturday, the 21st inst, was celebrated on the following day. Saturday next, Sept 28th, is the Day of Atonement, all observed by orthodox Hebrews the world over. It is a noteworthy fact that the gold-money people are not circu lating many copies of the Horr Harvey debate. What is the matter with that debate? On the other hand, the friends of silver are sending out thousands of copies, broadcast. May not this fact be taken as an indication as to who was ahead in that famous discussion of "sound, honest money?" Spokane Review. The managers of the Corbett Fitzsimmons fight say that the mill will come off as scheduled, while the governor of Texas has an entirely different opinion. It now remains to be seen who is really at the head of governmental affairs down in the "Lone Star state," and we are inclined to believe that in this instance the man who warms the gubernatorial chair will get called holding a bob-tailed flush. Seven executions followed the missionary massacres in China. Seven heads now hang in public places as a warning to evil-doers. A Long Creek friend of ours remarked recently that a neighbor of his was a Jack-of-all-trades; could do anything. "Or anybody," rejoined a bystander. New York, New Jersey and Kentucky are going through a hard political battle. Kentucky is likely to change front this year and elect the republican candidate. The Chicago Tribune finds that a great many congressmen and senators favor recognition of the Cuban revolutionists as soon as they have formed a de facto government. It happened that a lawyer was called in judgment before his el lows to show cause why he should not be disbarred, the alle gation being that he had uttered a truth. To the manifest surprise of those present he admitted his guilt, but proved that he had merely combated a malicious statement that a lawyer may be lonest. Then his accusers wrung his hand, joying that the code of ethics was scathless; and he in the end became great among them Excelsior, Mystic and Columbia lodges, K. of 1'., of Portland, have consolidated undor the name of AmoricuB, No. 1. This will give Portland one very Btrong organiz ation. Mexico has just completed shipment abroad of S2"0,()00 in Mexican coins. Homo little 2x1 goldbug across tho water evidently finds Home good lino for "cheap money. It is rumored that Queen ictoria doesn't look with favor upon tho new woman. It is a well V . 1 .1 i I I 1 known inci mai nor muchI u docHu't liHik with favor ujxm tho old woman. Senator IIii.l'h "personal liboi ty" is an odd piece of good-, nays the Intor-0vaii. Lad fall tho pwple of New York playod the Banjo gatuo ami Pavid fail.ul to reach the goal Koitii Carolina was ono of the tlaiteen original atiitoa while Montana is but a youngMtor, yet the former spent only $.m2,000 for chotiU whilo tho latter npemW lor that purpotte $7W),(XXl, for tho year lH'.U. The resptvtivo circuit court oi (rant and Harney routitiea nil havo a hatch of cattle thieve to li"jao of that will augment tho crowd down at tho "inni" somo, 1 1110 who dance luunt do tho digging up for tho utuaic. J inn T Himimin put on H-la au indulged ia (hampngno over at Tnpk tho other night. Jerry M j-hed aUnit it but Ih in muted that it wan his ptirixo to cura f.r tho ciiinion nopl otno rf tho limine if life. EDITORIAL COMMENTS. Exemption from labor of any kind ia apt to make one "tired." Such a con dition exiata in certain parts of oar force, and unwillingly the bead works to that degree necessary to eanae the faber" to make marks on the paper in imitation of trying to write editorials, and it is to be hoped that unwittingly the Gazette's readers may be induced to believe that real effort in being put forth, thongb in troth it is farthest from the fact. Heppnei's business men are yet pat ting forth much energy in trying to increase their trade. "Grand stand finiuhes" and "brass baiid concerts" will not accomplish this, and Heppner's bnsiness fraternity know it. First of all there mast be good roads leadiog into the metropolis from the interior, and these must be kept in good repair without toll being oharged. Then merchants mnst have plenty of goods to sell at close figures and the public must be made aware of it through that great est of all advertising mediums the newspaper. There must be entertain ment for both man and beast. Heppner has learned well the lessons of the past and profited rauoh by the earl; ex periences of the pioneers in the business arena, ana today Heppner bus good roads leading to it with no tolls any where, and in every department sells at such figures as to defy competion of neighboring towns. This year's trade is gratifying and bids fair to increase with the opening of the new year. I llll Paiiie's Celery Compound A Sure Specific. , - fio weii-ipiM urn Suffers From It. The Disease No Longer An Incurable One. Greatest of All Remedies Pres cribed by Doctors, In Morrow county it is stated that there has not been a term of circuit court held for twelve months. Court convened there a ew weeks ago, a grand jury was impanelod and returned 5 true bills, and there wag a docket suflieiontly long to require 2 or i weeks of court to clear it away, yot court was adjourned without trying a case. We nave seen no explanation offered yet. What's the matter? Malheur Gazette. fhero were no cases ready for trial, uence no noecl of two or three weeks of court This should be n'ghly satisfactory to the tax payers. Everywhere We do We find someone who lias hem oared by Hood's Harsapiirilla, Bud people on all lunula are praising this great niiulicine for Hbut it has diiiie for them and their friend. Taken in time Mood's Harxank- rill prnvrnts Hrrinna illuexH by keeping the blood pure and all the organs in a healthy condition. It l the great blood purifier. Iiimd'a Tills become the favorite ca thartic wild every one who tries them. per imx. Dome or tne goia standard papers contend that the "silver mania" is losing ground. Right now when there i a lull in the politioal field, very little is said either way bat there is a deal of thinking being done all over the country. There is the Inter-Ocesj, however, one of the greatest news papers of the Middle West, that is battling away at the same old rate for the rehabilitation of silver. It is evi dent that the cheapness of products is caused by the increase in the purchasing power of gold, brought about by the use of the single standard, and this will not be lost sight of, though Cleveland may olub the party leaders into betray ing their followers, leading them into the camp of those who operate on Wall and Lombard streets, or the republican politicians smother the honest senti ments of the party at large. The gold-bug organs jumped with joy and greedily gathered inspiration from the alleged interview wherein Senator Vest, of Missouri, was supposed to have renounced bis free ooinnge views and gone over to the ranks of the opposition. The "I-told-yoQ-so's" had uot oeased exalting over the matter when Senator Vest came out and plainly stated that be was where he elways stood in the matter of free silver ooinage and that the so-called interview was the invention of some newspaper writer. Since then the breeze has not blown so strong on the sails of the gold-bug oraft and new devices are being invented to increase it from some other quarter. SHERIFF'S BALE. By virtue of an execution Issued out of the Honorable Circuit Court of the State of Orecon, for the County of Morrow, upon a juilKiuent rendered and etiU-red in suid court on the '1 hird Hay of Secteniher, 1M"), in favor of I.u finda Hales, Plaintiff, and against J. I). Kirk, Myainiua Kirk and the Morrow County Land .V Trust Company, a corporation, Defendants, for the sum of Twenty-five Hundred (iioiJ) Dollars Gold Coiu, with interest thereon from the 1'th day of March, lH9"i, at the rate of teu per cent, per annum, and One Hundred and Ninety-five (l9-) Dollars attorney's fee, and the further sum of Twenty-three and 7."i 100 (f23 7") Dollars eot8, and accruing costs, I have levied upon and w ill sell at public auction on Saturday-, the Mil day of October, lxii'i, at 2 o'clock P. M., at the court house door in Heppner, Morrow county, and state of Oresron, all the ripht, title and interest which the said J. D. Kirk, Myamnia Kirk and the Morrow County Land & Trust Company, Defendants, had on or after the third day of September, 1W.3, in or to the following described premises, to-wit: The North Halt' of Section Thirty-six, the Northwest Quarter of Section Thirty-five and Southwest (Jnnrtur of Section Twenty-six, all in Township One (1) South, of Range Twenty six (ai) East, W. M. Terms of sale, cash in hand, the proceeds to oe aopiiea to tne satisfaction of said principal sum, interest, attorney's fees, costs, and costs that may accrue. Dated at Heppner in the state and county aiorcsaiu mis i.sui uay oi wept., iwo. G. W. HARRINGTON, 3T1-79 Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon, A Long, Brilliant Record of Remark able Cures. Neuralgia and rheumatism two dis orders no longer incurable. Physicians today get rid of rheumatism and neuralgia, as they do sleeplessness, melancholy, hysteria and other results of nervous exhaustion, by building up the system and supporting its delicate nerve pBrts by the use of Paine's celery oompound. Paine's celery oompound attacks the disease by getting the system baok to its properly nourished condition. It stands alone in the history of medicine. It is a certain specific for the cure, not only of rheumatism, but also of all diseases due to impoverished nerves and blood. The close oonneotion of well-fed nerves and brain with health, is the solid rook upon which Paine's celery oom pound stands. The thousands of men and women all over the country who have been ouredof rheumatism'once and for all, by Paine's celery oompound, have made good all that the medical fraternity first predicted for it. That it restores health and strength to the body made weary, listless and des pondent from nervouB debility, needs no proof today in thousands of homes. The list of those it has freed from rheumatism is a long one. It contains a host of well known men and women at home and abroad. Every city and town in the United States and Ganada is rep resented. Paine's celery oompound was first pre pared hy Prof. Edward E. Phelps, M. D , LL. I)., of Dartmouth oollege. Ever since its first appearance it has been the recognized nerve aud brain iuvigorator among medical men. Its constant are by physicians, where au active nutri ment is urgently needed, wpaks volumes for its ellioacy in iliheases of nervous origin. Strength, botiyant spirits and freedom from pain comes with its una, Notice Of Intention. I AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES!. OHEGON, IJ August 21, 1S!I5. Notice is hereby given mm me lonowing named settler tias men no tice of his intention to make final nroof in sun- port of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at ueppner, Oregon, on sept. isa., viz: ALLEN CRABTKEE. Hd. E. No. I77, for the Yi'y. 8EM and W NE'i Sec. 82, Tp. 2 8. R 2ft E. W. M. Oregon. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: George Hhic.k, Thomas Driscoll, William Dris- coll, Nathan Shaw, all of Heppner, Oregon. Ht'd-74 Jas. f. Moore, Register. PACIFIC UNIVERSITY. Full Term befits September 18, 1895. Three College Courses, Classical, Scientific and Literary. Academy prepares for college and gives a thorough English education, the best preparation for teaching and business. The school has always been distinguished for the breadth and thoroughness of its work. It has a library of 000 volumes, good equipments for mathematical and stientiiic worn, ana nue buildings with th best modern improvements. Marsh Hall, just completed at a cost of $-"0,000, Is one of the finest college buildihgs on the l'ucific College. All expenses very low. Board and room at the Ladie's Flail $:1.00 to $1.00 per week, Includ ing electric light and heat., The College Dormitory, under excellent management, furnlshea board and loom at J'i.'ii per week. Board in private families. gi.-'K) and upwards. Many students rent rooms and board themselves at a total cost not to exceed $1.50 per week. For further particulars address, I'UES. THOMAS McCL.EM.AXD, Forest Grove, Oregon. 500 IIIAB 1 I liU'viiiruuuu FOJR SALE! BRED FOR MUTTON AND WOOL HIGH GRADES AND FULL BLOODS. Address J. 3J. SMITH, Pilot Bock, Umatilla Co., Oregon. Notice of Intention. r AND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE. OREGON 1 J Aug 22, 1SII5. Notice is herebv given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will he made oeiore j. vv. morrow, county ciern, at Heppner, ureuon, on uciooer o, inyo, viz : GEORGE W. WILSON Hd. No. 4735, for the S'i of NE'-i Sec 31, and of N yt Sec 35, Tp 3 8, Range 28 E, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: D. O. Justus, Samuel D. Tyler, John Beelcr, John C. Locknane, of Heppner, Morrow Co., Or. B. F. WILSON, 303-75 ' Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Right dow Westerners are rejoicing much over the appointment of that old Indian lighter, Qon. Nelson A. Miles, to the position of commanding general (if the army, vice Oen. Scolield retired. This must not be construed uh evidence that any living person has buy sort of feeling ngaiust the sturdy old soldier who gives up bis place' ou account of old age, but sines the ohange had to occur, it Is conceded that tione were more worthy of following in the foot slept of WaHliiiigt'in, Hcott, Grant, Sherman, Sheridan and Snolleld than Uen. Miles. Ai a txy of 23 years, a volunteer officer, ha wor the alars of a brigadier general, and besides die tingninhing himself In the West iu later years, covered himself with glory during the rebellion. I'llral rile! Itching I'llrn. Symptoms Moisture; intens itching and slinging; most at night; mors by cratching. It allowed to continue tumors form. titcli ofteo Meed ami tllrrrato, txfomiiig very tore. Swatm h Oiwtmint stops the itching and bleed ing, heal ulcM-ration, and in tunot raew removes th tnmors At druggixl. or by mail, for fiOoMUt. Ir.S)tiA Hon, riilladtdphia, Col. III Nkl ni.knVN a.1 (Irwa to tlirt "In) wlm word tt( Uu,".lin at I-ouiMille, Ra mauler i-ITiifL K.iiirt rxrlnnc arU ti know ulifio Mr. Walter n fought. It inattrr not. II ia a thorough patriot an I that ia tlntlgh. Tilt tuwtitiK tf tli Mue an I (jray at Cl.irkainaun waa iuol aurvf ul, atnl Mm tariotia in-iiiu-turi.ts wrr ttirnM ovrr t th Ktotrrttfit. Tim "Yank liti" anl "ti-UI )i-ll " rr l.h tb-i Imwrw r, io it t t ' n an I with iii pomm m j uri .. BRAN IS NUTRITIOUS. A Mlrhlcan Mm T.IH Why II Caatldcmi It lh Chpot FkmI. The frediuir of conrsfly ground heat, bran and all, 1 iu some mras tire an advance on the value of bran fcrding, mixed with other food. Hut there ctnti'it l too much iniUtire on tho valm of bran mUed with other i' Miita. jir. u.i. KorkwiHMl, In a re mit contribution to the Michigan Farmer, refers to tin subject: HranUona of the very brat of the (Train food for all kind of live stock. In fact, it vahm ia not half realiud. Too many tanner and atoek breeder think of il mily In connection with bran mastic, mora a a niedictiia than anything rlao. Tliey ooualdar ll be ueful a a laxative, and cooling to tlx vteui; but tlu-ro ll vatua nd. Iu reality it I of in irA value to tb atoek r.tiwr thau any other amglo f.l for all i'Uva and condition of aiuumU upon lbs farm llhol.U no ran jr bap a fat pro I j,-, r; that la. not strict) pe.kiiig In actual sound, healthy bone and mtivle growing tlx lurtit it la rich, an l summit in thrifty, growing con Mi, oi Mil) alwa.ta b fat t a certain rltit, yet to an animal for lti aliauitdea something brUI Iran would I eri-rwary without doiild. A(l r year f feednnf all kind of grain feed. IkiIU h ull grown aud purvhated. to a. I km U of alork wn"h are usually kept on a farm, I l.a eome to rrk r,t hi an a a lireaaaity, and ronoider it cheap at a'.m.xt any figure, N itliout ,.iuM It a higher price in market than ll th-oil I. In view of the prvteiil l..w priee of wheal, hut In toy ettimalUin It I alill the choice! feed a man can buy. ' I bate It tie of the principal part ,.f tin f,k for mr pn' from weaning lima until Ihiil ll k,l I .M.ld IU .m .. i i . .... . .... .iloalk-tfof in, . 1 1 t i t . 1 iiuo. and H rrola for dfied feed II t-tall bree-l ng ti.,'. tvingetpt-I ' Al ruiiy ( n I. f a.'W ii.-lui V i i Niitiie. There will be a meeting of the (i. A K. I'ost and Woman's Holiaf Corps the hint Saturday of this mouth, Sept. 2s:h, at 1 o'clock p. in., in the town of Ilepp ner. All members are reiineHtod to be presfut. JJy tirder of the commander, T. J. Lkaotk. I AND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE, OREGON, J August 27, 18115. Notice is herebv given that the following named settler hat filed no tice of his intention to make final proof in sup port of his claim, and that said proof will he made before J, W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on October 5, 1H05, viz: J A M EH W. I.EAHEY. Hd. Application No. 41M0, for the NEU See. X Tp. -t S. R W E V. M. He names the following witnesses to nrove his continuous residence UKon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Mat Hughes. Joe Rector. David McCullonuh William Hughes, all of Heppner, Oregon. n. . VMI.SON, -76. Register, DISCOVERED 0T I$T! IF Mr. Columbus were alive to day and called at Mat Lichteu thal's he might make a new discov ery quite as memorable as that of 1402. CUnis was a great discoverer in his day. He would at this time discover the finest stock of Shoes ever shown in Heppner, and the cheapest as well. What more does mortal man want ? The. Old, Original Shoe Merchant, M. LIOHTENTHAL, Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. Custom Work a Specialty. NOTICE OK INTENTION. T AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, IJ August S4, 1W. Notice is herebv iriven that the following-named settler has filed no tice of her Intention to make final ploof In sup port of her claim, and that said proof will he made before J. W, Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on October S, 1H'J5, viz: ADDIE ALLEN. Hd. E. No. .lint, for the S'i KW'14 Sec. 2S and the SJ j RE'4 Sec. , Tp. 5 S. K iitt E. V. M. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Benjamin I'arker, Ada Jones, L. W. Lewis, of Ilariliiian, Oregon, Robert Gilmore, of Heppner, Oregon. JAS. K. MOORK, ir.ii-70 Register, " f ON EY LOANED, First Mortgages 11 on Improved Farm Property Negotlat--4-'-a. ed. We are prepared to negotiate ilrxt mortgages upon improved farms in Oreiron, with eastern parties at a rateof interest not to exceed M per cent, per annum. Mortgages renewed that have lieen taken by other com panies. Address with stamp, MERV1.N SWORTS, Kaner City, Oregon. LET ! Kit J.I3X. AT HEl'PSER IETTERS APVEItTISKO J Or., Sept. i), l.t'.i.i. Hatton Jninet Ijicov F M Lowell M A Shaw' Mrs E R Stewart .luhmiv When railing for thes.- h'tters please sny m. ...... I....I I it It- I. . .. .. ' (, 1 l.V'l, tf, J, H II.LIAMP, 1, ,1, Seventh Annual Fair -OF THE- Second hastorn ten District Asriciilfura r'OHilL rLAallMUIim. Krotn III Journal. Tha (liluian-Frenob (Vimpany ia 6lh eriorf up a buoob of ilV) bead of In rf oaitle, whiib will ba their rood fall abipuient from Heppner ,i IroutiUle. CUrrtiea Zehary reiurne-1 from Iti( creek raeea Haturday, liavlntf left ahlle (L raeea vera la full blaet. Totu ! n, I.rlla Morrii and Jobn Morgan r turned Taeadaf afternoon. Hob Wkttenburner and In mother rrtQtned Monday front a ' visit lib Mr. Dk ar Thompnu. an old friend and former neigblmr, at hia plw u llulter rrek. i'i nnl betou.l Heppner They brotitftit homa illi them Ni l-enndt of rliiiii fruit from Mr. Tliotn aon'a nrehard, a rnpl of which, in the form of nine mammoth Hungarian trnnr Ibef reetitsl In Ilia Journal fort a. Mr Tlioi"0 tiaa 10 aerea of Irnil trre. 1 ite Ut ll f-fiine. lie find a rdjr green Embracing the Counties of Wasco, Sherman Gilliam, Crook, Morrow and Umatilla, TO UK HELD AT TIE HUB. WRSOQ win, OWN, Commencing Tuesday, October 8th, 1895, ANH CONTISt'INO FIVE DAYS. 1 ,."00 by the Slat for Agricultural, Stock, Mecbaoioa! Exbib. itri. Work of Art and Fitiejr Work. r'J.OOO ii'n in imraea for Trinl of Hpeed. for 1'rrmium l.i't ami I'.ulry I'.Unk. J. (. M CK, H. rri.ti.ry. :i:i 7;t. rttaor oall oo f be Herrelary A. 8. M AC AI.LWTEU, IVai leot. "My Pet" M PROFITS ON e Saws Wood ! o FRED KRUG lias purchased one of the late improved steam saws aud is now fully prepared to saw wood of every description at the low price of 40c per Cord oue time in two 50c per Cord two times in two . Wood will be cut neatly, and where possible all knots cut ont One stick per cord will furnish enough fuel. Leave orders with Chris. liorchers at the Tal ace Hotel. 1m You SHOULD Pitop For a "big feed" when you come to Heppner and stop at 'the CITY : HOTEL Popular Prices ! Comfortable Rooms ! Mrs. Tom Jiiviclley, Prop, lis By k titutsi -OF For tho Cure Oi Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It U locnteil at Knlem, Oregon, The Mont Dfuutiful Town on the Coant , , , . 1 '"tl t the (lAirTTK ofllca for prtlriil S ""wrTTT pj1rr"'t'""l'll,"t1"1- Treatment prlvteudiur a'A DO YOU KNOW mi Wi t t a , . ' m ' Teh Palace lei ! uti'tcr mrnimrnmnit of f'hrla lli.rrhi.r who Ucon 'I111 tlUK It In Mrli lly Hr.lClM roaiiiur. HI - Ho has also re-opened the Hotel Bar where the Finest Liquors and Fresh, est Cigars will constantly be kept. ttf frw llMlitmi'! Fn e 'tin for all Curat. SMALL INVESTMENTS l?.-lMflO!- -fl loitr t ) I I i n r "t 11. Ii, t i l r,. lrl, f,r '! ' "ii i l 1. fa, it, I f..tti a 11. 1 tt. .i ran, h m,i ' I-IOIITNINO "Thrri' i.i a lid,- in ufim'rt of mm Tl'il, if luJ.cii id ih JUhhI, IiivIa on to mimic." Tho 1-hk ia In to atnl an in Gilliam & :msms:is With a full lino of IlanUvan.. Tinwai-.;. Hlns-waiv. Cum-Uovv. Woml THI: 1.1GHT1.ST Kl'NINC, GANG ri ( ) S ' T,t'r ,',n a1 "k"''! ' Hirjr runaft 111 lhnllil. Iho only r.uln.ivo llatdwaro St..r l., tP...i 1 ho DhIIo, n.l lVt,dlctoD G.I LL I AM .HIS.HJi35, ii-'Il'tior. . . . Orciii. KAIN lit trait at a rvut - FOR EACH DOLLAR INVESTED I, .-.r I r ti.unf !., U it i t'i !, itf, in 'I par I ! jr m it r ,.,. i f r! -rr-li. iii h iff ..hi I .rrv or al t"t tha ltir II I (.- 'lirnl rt of thf r raii ni at any lna . an t win! aiflU'iraUf hr ttf n-;f f'lT lif- !, t flkt h.M n M 1 1 It t.t'ior ftt n U t!i U1 la f'l f .Hi !.,, an I thur !l t h . Umil V m,H '..In' Km farmrr fl lr t.i thvif h-far iu i ;itr .1 Ii r-i it ial a a (frni f h t H I, gat f. .f riHirfil, t,t ,f ,,n , wi in f . j.f.i..ii t i thnty ia it-i tin il.t. . a Tl""' fan no tlaanr or 1 f,l- ! w ir fai.iia Ivm liw f mm ii.allh, Th-jr am li, ana; an I Lfiiahla. an.l fln-l it tmf .i-iii.m I i. ffir in anfk i.f anjr iln.l. What hy tifw.l a a lrBlnt ilh lr. J i. II. Mi'ln' Airt a n. I Ki lnrf Halm. ' 111 rriur.l; I tai6ifl l-r m" f Ih Ul tu.ii'al aulh'if in ilhiu a -f f.'f tha fnra pf ittana) ! th. 1 ki lM lir. It rat'MIr fit din hraa. rvii.liliin. rlr lirallh an l ifniii. attfir an.l rbifsil at'ifil l'ii I i -l Unila. Mai H.fitif, lt l!. Vtiiiih .if -1 I.f ! A . ' - raa- Ii I a t ii - It !. "! I. , I. m I -. 1 .i I ' , I .- I' i I w i I.., ! l it a . fa, i i ti t - m i.. Systematic Plan of Speculation UU-I ''. ! ' I- ! ' t . i I tt 111 -It!.- i , Ir l m r l'.t tf r ri4 . t - t In - p t . ! f rf a . tt - , f m , U- . 1 0 ! I I.. I . WTC FOW CONVINCING PROOFS. ' Is t!u; l'lacc for Fresh CWcrics, Cheat) for Ctsh Onlv. mi mto, chfh ad fu ? nws v hud. Iff ( tfii-rt i .r all rut t, THOMAf A CO., Bmtifi i BmIiii. 24t242 Riait Bwila.f , CMt. III. I ! Irfl .-' .t t p ffrMiff of I'll r,,. tnilolif, atl'- -.tii in IH .Lna. hail U" t ' , II U mn alanl. VI-a ainl, llfi ' ltif. I ain't l(Vll ia lb b"a. ffil, BUMS. Plenty cf them at the Gazette Office. . . . 3E3X Atlorno.vH nt Iaw AH l niit all -r I I r .... !. t. Unci'. IN" iir i.Nrn, l1 l a t.iri)t. an, I ..,1.,. ... "'..rt.UKan.ioTi..;,-. """ oiiroox