Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 24, 1895, Image 1

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    flMM 111 IIIII4I Ml If M I II UltIM tHflll.lllMia
i I
i i
i i
Is owing to my liberality in ad-
I vertis'ng. Robert Bonner.
i 1
in miki 1 1 ii i i n in m rra
i .... I
: Advertising brought me all I
1 own. A. T. Stewart.
It 1 1 III III I ) I III M I I I I III II I Mill ) 1 1 I II
i wi 1 1 M i l ii Mil 1 1 m i i i i i i ii i mil l i iiii im i im
Tuesdays and Fridays
A. W. PATTERSON. . Business Manager
At $2.50 per year, f 1.25 for six months, 75 eta.
tor three mrmtns.
Aduertis ng Rates Made Known on
Appl cation.
THI8 PAPER is kept on file at E. 0. Wake's
Advertising Agency, Hi and 65 Merchants
Exohangs, Ban Francisoo, California, where cou
raota for advertising can be made for it.
0. R. & HI. -LOCAL CARD.
No. 9, mixed, leaves Heppner 1:45 p. m. dally
except Sunday. Arrives at Willows Juuction
4:15 p. m.
No. 10, mixed, leaves Willows Junction 6:30
S. m. Arrives at Heppner 9:00 p. m. daily except
East bound, main line arriveB at Willows
Junction 3:30 a. m.
West bound, main line, leaves W illows Junc
tion 12:0ii a. m.
West bound Portland fast freight with pas
senger coach leaves Willows Junction 4:30 p. m.
and arrives at The Dalles at 9:00 p. m. Here
passengers from the branch lay over till 3:15 a.
m. and take the fast mall west bound which ar
rives at Portland 7 :25 a. m. The Dalles and
Portland passenger leaves The Dalle6 daily at
1:45 p. m. and arriveB it Portland 6:00 p.m.
Leaves Portland 8:00 a. m. daily and arrives at
The Dalles 12: 15 p. m. This connects with the
east bound way freight with passenger coach
which leaves The Dalles at 1:30 p. m., arriving
at Willows Junction 6:58 p. m.
United States Officials.
President Grover Cleveland
Vice-President Adlai Htevenson
Baoretary of Htate Kichard 8. Olney
Heoretary of Treasury John (i. Carlisle
Seoretary of Interior Hoke Smith
Secretary of War Daniel S. Lamnnt
Secretary of Navy Hilary A. Herbert
Poatinaster-Oeneral William h. Wilson
Attorney-General JudHon Harmon
Secretary of Agriculture J. Sterling Morton
State of Oregon,
nnvnmnr W. P. Lord
Secretary of Btate H. K. Kincald
Treasurer Phil. Metsohan
Bnpt. Publio Instruction G. M. Irwin
Attiirntw General C. M. Idleman
I G. W. MoBride
oonaior. j, H, Mitchell
I Hinger Hermann
UJUKinuunu w w kjj,.
Printer W. H. Leeds
( H. S. Hnan,
Mil nr Am m .Illdiraa F. A. MooTO.
( C E. Wolverton
Sixth Judicial District.
Circuit Judge ....James A. Fee
Prosoouting Attorney John H. Lawrey
Morrow County Ottlcials,
Joint RAneOtp..
County Ja'lKe....
J. ill. Baker.
" Clerk ,
" Sheriff..
ft, TT , UOWIW
... J. B. Boot h by
...Julias Ksithlf
... J.H. Howard
J. W. Morrow
fi W Hrpinirtnn
T-JI'"" " ' VrAnk Gilliam
1. ' J. Willis
Snrveyor'..'.'.. O". Ifrd
Hi-hool Bup't Anna immgHr
" Coroner T. W. Ayers, .
nr-rrsiB town ornoim.
H-ynr Thos. Morgan
C mncilmim O. K. Farns worth. M
Llrhtonthal, Otis Patterson, T. W.Aysra.Jr.
l U 11 V 1 IlLuwin
PI. IT. nuitini, W. kJ"jM.M.
u i V .1 Hallfiek
nvctiniirr . .....-'-- , ,
1'ririu.iirer K. L. Kreelanu
M.raliii A. A. Hunan
Precinct O Ulcere.
umuvm in UIW mw... -
Constable. N. B.WheUtuua
Called States band Officer.
J. F. Moor K.s.T
A.B. H, lleowwf
l.A aaAMDB. OB.
B.F. Wilson Rlter
J.H. KobniM HeceWer
0. A. B.
Meet at Uxinron, Or., U last Baiarday of
month. Alt fttMM Bra invitod In Hn.
(: (' ikion. Uso. W . Hmitm.
Adjutant, tf ComnuunW,
Wl ll. i n r wn nr . m ' v .-
liHwl Lumbar, It milae of iluppner, at
what Is auown at Ut
tl 1.000 rt(T, ROfOM.
h CUA,
rr wtuvRRro is nrrPNER,' will add
L ta-iHt P I.IMI MM. K"mio'4.
Th abovt quotattuti ar itrtctly for Cash,
National Banc o! Uw
wi. rmiKp, to. k. KtJittop,
trmliftU Caaklf.
n r
Are the Highest of all High Grades.
Warranted superior to any Bicycle built in the world, regardless of price.
Do not be induced to pay more money for an inferior wheel. Insist on
having the Waverley. Built and guaranteed by the Indiana Bicycle Co. , a
million dollar concern, whose bond is as good as gold.
211b. SCORCHER $85. 221b. LADIES' $75.
Catalogue free. INDIANA BICYCLE CO.,
HOMER H. HALLOCK, Indiakapolis, Ind., V, 8. A.
Gen. Agent for Eastern Oregon, Pendleton, Or.
To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their
Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a
relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars
on whom you depended for support ?
To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new
1 law are entitled to an increase of pension. The government owes it
I to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present
I your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the
time you apply. Now is the accepted hour.
' 7Write for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice.
) No Fee unless successful.
The Press Claims Company
- PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager,
) 618 F Street, WASHINGTON, D. C.
' K. B.Thil Company it controlled by neurly one thousand hading netr
) papert in the United Matet, and it guaranteed by them.
1r 1 1 11 1 . " m ft -J
t-i t uaiM M b(Hl MM, hv
ti TNiMivroRiauiiCAiiCNOCO.r
YOU CAN BUY 125.00 worth of dry goods and grocciles and then have
enough left out of 1100.00 to purchase a No. 1 Crescent Bicycle. This li
b flrst'Clui machine. Why then pay (100.00 for a bicycle that will give
no better eervice t
CRESCENT "Scorcher," weight V) pounds, only M.
Ladles' and Gents' roadsters all the way from t'O to 15.
"Boys' Junior," only I N with pneumatic tire good machine.
"Our Special," Men's j0; Ladles', A
; THE PiTTERSQX Pt'B. dl, zA
Heppner, Olfgon, UXJ
Countei. ??Zk
Most Popular Pcputlican Newspaper of trie West
And Has the Largest Circulation.
DAILY (without Sunday) 16. oo per year
DAILY (with Sunday).
. IS.oo per ytar
The Weekly Inter Ocean ($1.00
ItB YEAR J r -
A NrwSPAI-l't TMH INTf.B OCT". ks skrwl ml ItM IIsms la alt
pert It rr SMtiiw mIh star ( la tKsrM ALL THI
B t
AM IliU M il Uf O-VtitATT UTI KAlLVIi.
The Weekly Inter Ocean
Il Baa KutMnf M IMinil B BWMlwt s4 B laisilr It
It V in b l ! ! t iIm o? ka rf RtfcMsB, I JZ1
ltlUUWii IUKM.I m. b l4. II
tH mCAl 1 V IT I BTPt lM JCA. t'' Ne rAs ItM ml IB
' mm all M Btiitel ii, ! tftaa lltlt H tP
J Mil WOt.U.
tut tvTf kii w hi iHfo rt chic Am, trip .rw ah cmnrcii.
lOTis ( all Ttt tMH AUIonatf Mot M l". a"ii l kriit
Ai.arii c To tup it or mi vmrut or ihaI Liri inai Ar
Mr fABIHI h r.Ai.
N Is la Bf 4 mb tBe swf Is el the ImB Is IMHie eaxl I Moptan,
iH(nwl IB ImB4 Ike (Bwltlr - Ka HUM V tB PwU
w,hu'"' - THK INTER OCEAN. Chlft.
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
Reader, did you ever take Simmons
Liver Regulator, the "King of
Liver Medicines?" Everybody needs
take a liver remedy, it is a siuggisn or
diseased liver that impairs digestion
and causes constipation, when the waste
that should be carried off remains in
the bodv and poisons the whole system
That dulL heavy feeling is due to a
torpid liver. Biliousness, Headache,
Malaria and Indigestion are all liver
diseases. Keep the liver active by an
occasional aose ot Simmons juver Jtteg-
ulator and you'll get rid or tnese trou
bles, and eive tone to the whole sys-
tern. For a laxative Simmons Liver
Regulator is better than Pills. It
does not ffnpe, nor weaKen, Dut greatly
reiresnes and strengtnens.
Every package lias tno J tea z
stamp on tne wrapper, o. u,
Zeiliu & Co., Philadelphia.
Poet (to farmer) See wbat 8 beautiful
prospect is unfolded in yonder billowy
ds; and, bark! the voioe ot the plow
Farmer Yes; he's been a-ousein' of
that mule senoe daylight ; and its one o'
them German moles that used to pull a
beer wbrou, and he can't understand a
word o' it! Atlanta constitution.
Her Choice.
"Love laughs at locksmiths," Btrephon cried.
"All their works he mocks;
Bars, bolts and chains he sweeps aside,
And picks all locks."
Then up spoke Chloe fervently,
With no uncertain voice
'If the young rogue will pick for me,
A wcd-lock is xny choice."
The American.
Ebb and Flow.
I walked beBlde the evening soa,
And dreamed a dream that could not be;
The waveB that plunged along the shore
Said only, "Dreamer, dream no more."
But still the legionB charged the beach,
And rang their battle cry, like speech;
But changed was the imperial train;
It murmured, "Dreamer, dream again."
Homeward turned from out the gloom,
That sound I heard not in my room;
But suddenly a sound that stirred '
Within my breast I heard.
It was my heart, that like a sea
Within my breast beat ceaselessly;
But like the waves along the shore,
It said, "Dream on," and "Dream no more,"
George William Curtis,
Tbe Death of John Allison Strayer Re
calls to Mind Events of the Past. A
Cousin of Henator Allison, of Iowa.
Tbe following appeared in a recent
issue of the Salem Statesman:
Tbe authorities of Qervais telegraphed
to Philadelphia to the son of J, A.
Strayer, who was found dead near St.
Paul Monday morning, and in reply
have received telegraphic instructions
to have the body embalmed and shipped
to bim. These directions have been
followed; tbe remains have been ex
humed, properly embalmed, encased
in a suitable casket and will be started
ou their Eastern trip today.
A subsequent report of Mr. Strayer'i
death gives exposure and obronic
alcoholism as the cause.
J. A. Strayer lived In 1891 in the
Heppner eeotion, following the ooou
pation of day laborer. At times the old
gentleman would indulge to exoesi in
aloobolio stimulants, and while in bis
caps would srein to lose bis mind aud
talk rambhngly ot "Bill," and his family,
often mentioning a son aa tbe manager
of a Chicago paper whom be imngined
lo be in trouble. Prompted by curiosity
and at the request ot Strayer, the
publishers of the Gazette communicated
with tbe Chicago chief of police and
afterwards with the son.
Strayer'a full name as John Allison
Strayer, and at the time of bis death
must have been about 59 years ot age.
lie was born in Peunaylvauiaand reared
in Ashland county, Ohio. His play
mate in boyhood days was the boy who
now is known uHoatr Win. 0. Allison,
a toll cousin ot Strayer, their mothers
being sisters. This is the "Hill" that
Strayer osrd to mention lo his ravings
rbile intoxicakHl.
Strayer served tbrongb tbe late war,
and afterwards became quite a power in
politics in lila looality in Ohio. He Lad
a fine family, was well-to-do, and oo one
mora highly respected. About
twenty fia years ago be Was kicked by
a borse and dangeronsly hurt, but be
recovered apparently, thongb bis friends
and family say that hia mind never was
right afterwards. Having been
moderate drinker for yar. be sought to
drown Ms imaginary Imu!iI in the
oup and bream an itielirialn. Hi
property went with the winds, lua wife
died with a brokmi heart, his family
ln-Camo acaltered and Htrayer eama to
the I'acifio coast where be lived moat ot
lbs time tor the past eig!,ttrj or twenty
Hirayet's death ends what might hav
been a usful life. In bis younger days
he wea Considered to be aa bright a man
aa bis eonsin who baa monnlod many
round on Iti lad ler of fame. ()
maalor of bims-lf; the other waa ttot.
Among the numerous persons who
have been cured of rheumatism by Cham.
berlain's Pain Balm, mention should be
made of Mrs. Emily Thome, of Toledo,
Wash., who says: "I have never been
able to procure any medicine that would
relieve me ot rheumatism like Chamber
ain's Pain Balm. I have also used i
for lame buck with great suooess. It i
the best liniment I have ever used, and
take pleasure in reoommending it to
my friends." For sale by Slooum-Johu
son Drug Co.
Soon Is the Prophesy of an Old Indian Ills
Reasons Advanced.
Thia rwroedy Is
bnruiftg SO
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
v -r.c
of a sectarian
table institutions
character shall cease.
4. We demand that all religious
services now sustained by the govern
ment shall be abolished ; and especially
that the use of tbe bible in the publio
sobools, whether ostensibly as a text
book or avowedly as a book of religious
worship shall be prohibited.
5. We demand the appointment by
the president of the United States or by
the governors of the various states, of
all religious festivals and fasts shall
wholly oease.
6. We demand that tbe judicial oath
in the courts and in all other depart
ments of tbe government shall be
abolished, and that thesimple affirmation
under the pains and penalties of perjury
shall be established in its stead
7. We demand that all laws directly
or indireotly enforoing
From The American.
We oan hold on to our gold and stop
the drain on the gold in the treasury
only in two ways: First, following the
advice ot Mr. Cleveland, withdrawing
tbe "greenbacks" and treusury notes
(this oan only be done by adding to our
interest-bearing debt), and thus oontraot
ing the currency and depressing prices,
exports of merchandise would be aooel
erated and imports ohecked, the balance
of trade would turn muoh in our favor
and barring the sale, by foreigners, of
our securities, gold exports would be
ohecked. But with the falling off in im
ports our revenue would fall off, while
the interest obarges of tbe government
would be muoh increased, faots which
Mr. Cleveland seems to overlook, and
the observance the national government as well as the
of Sunday as tbe Sabbath shall be re- people would be bankrupted.
peuled. Or, second, instead ot contracting our
8. We demand that all laws looking currency and depressing prioes we oan
to the enforcement of "Christian" broaden the basis on whioh our paper
morality, as Buch shall be abrogated, res'8 by restoring silver to its place as
and that all laws shall be conformed to money and thus raise prioes. Prices ot
tbe requirements ot natural morality, agricultural products having been undu
equal rights, and impartial liberty. ly depressed, would be the first to re
ft. We demand that not only the I cover, and boing placed on an equal
constitution ot tbe United States and Plsne with our silver competitors, who,
of tbe several states, but also in tbe now unduly favored by the premium on
practical administration ot the same, no Bold, are driving us out of the markets
privilege or advantage shall be conoeded ot Europe, we would receive fair prioes
to obnstianity or any other sDeoial ,or on' "ports, whioh would rise in
religion; that our entire political system Price luster than our imports. The bal-
shall be founded and administered on a HDOe ot tr-de thus turned greatly in our
purely secular basis; and that whatever favor and prosperity restored, there
obanges shall prove necessary to this would be no demand tor gold for export.
and shall be eonaistently. unflinchingly, UolJ could then be employed more pro-
and promptly made. fltably In the United States than else
where, and foreign investors would have
Two Lives Bared. 00 moenuve to dispose or tncir seouri-
Mrs. Thoeba Thomas, of Jnnntinn riaoing Sliver side oy Bide witu
Rii.war,.a.tri. an aired Indian from I Citv. ill., was told by her doctors aim had I su,u ouijr pruutiuauie wajr io main
Okanogsn, says that winter will set in consumption and that there waa no bope t,ln Bpeoie W1118"18-
earlier this year than for a long time tor her but two botllea of Dr. King's
past. He bad discoursed with old men New Disoovery completely oured ber O" Me farm there ia continually oo-
from great distances io all directions, I and she says it saved tier life, Mr. Thoa. cowing little accidents to man and
and sucb waa their unanimous opinion. Eggert, 139 Florida St.. Sao Francisco, beast that cause delay to tbe farmer In
Su-wap a-to is not an astronomer, in Buffered from a dreadful oold, approach- P'1 wor The duration of this delay ia
the sense that white people understand ing consumption, tried without result matter ot importance to the thrifty
that term, yet by long experience and everything else then bought one bottle -Hot of tbe soil. As a quick and relia
little else to do but make observations of Dr. King's New Disoovery and In two ble remedy for ailments and ubrasions
and store ud results io bis memory, be weeks was cured, lie is natuaally thank- of tbe llwb, there is none better thau
equipped with a fund ot knowledge as
fill. It is such results, of wbiob these
am Samtilna. that nrove tlia wnn.lurfnl
to weather signs, which in his Judgment efilnnoy of this medicine in onughs and
are infallible. colds, tree trial bottle at T. W. Ayers,
'Th Great Knirit." he said "irave '-. "rug store, Keguiar Blue fjUo. aud
..I 1. I........ !.., l,.a .l.,lu l,U 91
lightning and killed the cuitan for food
Then the wheel CHroe. . Even with these
Dr. J. H. McLean's Voloimio Oil Lini
ment. It has proved Its worth by many
years of constant and successful use.
Price 25a, OUo and 1.00 per bottlo.
Hand Mnller an to Dale.
Maud Mnller on a summer niirht went
Furnished by W. D. Harlan, land and out on Ler i)iks . B10,,BiII1t
She pedaled around from 0 to 10 on a
trip that would tag the strongeat men;
but ber bear! waa light and ber spirits
gay, fur il waso't work, 'twas nothing
but play. Next nioruing, however,
she'd a tmin io bar bead; she was all
old eyes of mine, and with sick turn-turn
I saw Indian boys from the school, side I mining attorney, Washington, D. C
by side with white-faced kloochmen, I Hale of improvements ia avidenoe
dressed in breech clouts, riding man I abandonment.
style before the wind. I saw Indian I Charge of abandonment should
kloocbinen turn away in shame, for when I specific.
tbey ride straddle they have the ahama An Alien can acquire no right to
is :i . t 1 i 1 I an. i m a a a . m I
io cover up inrir legs w,,u ui.um. t puui.c laua nemra declaration or m- played out and stityed in bed, while ber
a .11 il.!. II al. i..l! .! I !.! '
inew bii mis wonm uussu sau, sua isbiiub to oecome a oiuien, ami uis mthnr hnat in tlm hitnl.n I
waa not surprise,! wheo ha turned bia subsequent qualification will not relate no t rj m WU(,,,( 0I,t to make things
face away from tbe world one day. I baok to the exclusion of an intervening g0 Though the morning waa hot and
mongntii wou.u never seep aga.D .averse ngni. wfhf(j by , firt ,, dulat
and waa glad when he turned and looked Tba f xeoutioo of m power of attorney BMi . ,lllll0inre.l lira. Al.a
bat k, seeming to say ha pitied tba poor I to sell does not oonstitota alienation of lor n,, hi.i .,i ..... ,mf Thinua
old Indians who I) ad watered tba deserl
with blood to prevent the sii koees railed
civilisation from poisoning the pure air
of tbe We!. Ha pitied I lie Indians, but
bis face was red with rage. That night
tba storm king Hashed his atea and
kaivee In tba north sky. Nnl morning
baa the sun arose from a troubled
sleep two aundoga sat oo bia right and
left band. Ha turned tbem looee to
mam all over tba sky and warned the
good aplrita to go to lhlr wlgwama. Tba
In tba absence of an adverse claim, an
entry made la good faith will not be
oaneeled althongb it Include on-
Irrigable laud.
Proof aa to oharerUr of eoal land
must show tba actoal production of
1'rooi that aljoioinf lamia bava pro-
ar not what tbey used to be.
sun polled a blaek blanket ov.r bia fare doesd ooal will not aosBr.
knowo and ao ptiular as lo bel
MTial ma llon All bo bava o
Kleciric luiw-ra mug the ama aiftg
praiw-. - A purer tne-lrnitt doM nl eait
Bad II ia trqaraalel In il l all Dial
!rUiii,fl. J-.lwirtr liitirra will rnra
dlneawHi oflba Ilver Bd Kllnrys, will
romnva I'unplMi, l ulls, Halt lihroro an I
oilier affM-iiid.a raniwd by impure lihwd.
W ill drive Malaria from I ha !
aad rnl as II m eir all Malarial
I fer -K..f nr. i,( lUa larbe, I.hll
lfa'i"0 an t In itfM'i o try !.lelrr
lLI'ra tAiUtm al f -ir" iaratilr1.
r mnitr rwfun.lp.l rr'i fr aol ft
per ln,a at T. W. Am, Jr . droit a.f
and lla folds spread aeros-a tbaaky.
Il-hlod it lha dogs growled all day and
tba little lightning there waa left was
poured out on tba world. Two bights
later tbe frost king floated ovr the
world. Ha oampod last bight Willi a
great army Ibis side of tbe north and of
lha worl l and blew bia braalh to lbs
Ml 1.1. SITB.
Mill sight location must m mala same
aa mineral claim.
Noo-riMnerel cbara-ler of land
claimed aa a null sit ro'it hm abowo.
railqra Pi eomply with loral regit'
Ayer's Harsapanlla ia not a secret
preparation. Any physician may bava
lha lorruula on application. Tba eort
of ils aucceas aa a medicine liia In its
ailraordinary ower to cl'-ansn the blood
lit Irtipurilles and rura tba most deep-
sealed caw a of blood disease.
,, i , . . .-,. - i Ialtaa Is roalter for proleat or adveraa
south. He ia marrblng sail! ana Derea. I 1
Mv i Mi a
lla will lr b-tm earlier than aver Iffura,
au I lha i.l l.t man Bill say this ta lha
eobleal aud Inbgoal winW'r avar kaowu,"
Mr. J
'MMf a Keeaiairaallaa
W. VT.stl, of Ir-Biy, plo-
aer of ! AagoleaCmaly, (VI , says:
"VYbenevsr am lrnlM allb a aia la
lha sloihacti -r wild iliarrlfwa I oa
CbaraUrlaia'a Ci.I.e, Ii iIpib and iNar
rbiea llriu.;. I Lava oawt II for years,
know It ! b- a rliah! rsly, aa I fen
tnoih I II i VtfiMiie." I', Bala by
Hlnra Jbi"i
TrSSS Vtt-Df. It OaaS)
.1 mm it atsix i-r i.iarmuN,
f i, i.f f !'
I. Wa dard ll.al rharel-ea aiid
f i?4 lm ii. t:f
W. II. Ilarvy, ll an'h .f .f Omrs
Kiaai.etal K-h.l, will iil ll.ia
slat n sad give a ainUr f lalks
oa lb aiivr Til ti.
nlbel t eH mo Una I MHy at. all t io
J.A.(Vl.a.a, T. I' V illiawa. l laia , fr,.Hi,., ,,-,,
II . I aM ll.llf AaUra r, lo a ,h.,t u JllM, , IUI U a4.yrW.al
4e,M,r. ,Mler ,y lo I la .lie. U,e, f ... , ,,f,,,. , ,M
I lha fee .1 lUs-r ( ,y. ! U ,. .n fc, .
'. Il raatp i mt t"M M, liff ' pii.a, vllh-s, a I ia l i..bf
pru W.aday and P-l ba d.ar- ( i(t,talet4 tij'rt.l by pablm a. obey,
lira ll, day 1-4 1 1 ff . II m i! a- '.r.ln.n I
kl(tl ilSpol la bla fW k m j I. ft . I lbl ad ftUa r
A laring may lps or Jr l Pulolxroilon
ahi'ther Ihera baa leea due rompbane
villi law, though thaeharga I not mala
onlil aflr enlry.
raoa l.niMitoi
Tba farmer ar bmy aoaiug wheat.
Mts Aitha Iaob baa Iwan visiting
(rieti ls oa Hla k Hofae,
Hat I" perry earn da from tba
av.uolalt.s Huadsy lael.
Mr. Kami lU-ameSI I report! lit
at Ixr bortra borlb of Iowa.
Mr, I'M'. Haley and I, is wm, Mum
Carrie. ol Mamoall, arrive. Toeeday
!' vieil Ibmr aai I aad family, IIm.
I, H. IbKiltiby. The fnfmaf will shortly
gtli It '.ii ron itb (, b will lk
t.arg of lb ar bod al (!! plaa. l b
IfHer will abnilly ! Ir 'ei,tll.n,
aai.ieaiJ by Mia I.l llitby
an iifl4 via. l
Joi.ua loa i a
j l.ailafo, Of , Kpl. I ,
thm licI an4 rrnlf a-lnlir, an4 teil'l
tl'.lfl' itt S..lrs I'll re'l tie. .f-pt lit
auOa rr of f iil'il( M the
,r in-i ri li f.iay rii a., ) ifi
Ulell-pii In iami aift I sn .lel
! ai.f feiii ( i,e u)r II , m iMq m muf
Ullrt iltOlt. BIMSIIlt t-UUISUt .', Su I
If f.m wabt t-i rai a '! -t il r
nun i tiai
1.1 TtlMI.O
i.i it i.r.i.niLirv
Hit' HUH
i mm iiir.t.t
1 1 mi m m i
m ii i. i. mrt
muKkt N-riiii
f.,miir1'j ffnf'f i lle la r4 ting
kl.,f I i. .1 Ii evl I tt.
$uf (n ws'nrst lTt,e f .4W4 allele eta
I .r ere..e 14 f le.
At. f m,;,,Uh, A Mt e.f
It IM .t ! imp to Bea.O.f siUii'i
le t II l ,m. 11 I
lee.ll . tnll me tea ea4 fTiWMaea4 Up
'(a Hall la le( r4atl'Ta,
f tvi f s) t: V-'f IH liiNy
4 r !. I th&-,i I , ,
a . -a I I m l In I i.efc . aat-.Bi
I t4 latHf- t Ml tavwi-avl t?-
!, ftnf 1 f 4MaVtaV
! Ui Oiu !:..lc Belt ii l;;'niv. U,
. iiainit r .
In ImIwiis ki . tm w ii ,
Clf SQ, UWi
K t) i l'-eaiis i ss4
to ( t
mitmm h B-ftf of BB B.-f..r B
uMbfl.p. C t .:t i 11 t
llfBBUf M fill tH tl;i l
I air Ijc , sail n II I e
aa, tail n 1 1
e- !
t'lf lltlll MHII
rf ! laf 4lmU0t easH ' Uir
, yH ,