Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 20, 1895, Image 4

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While jon tttep your subscription paid up yen
can keep your brand in free of charge.
AUyn. T. J., lone. Or. Horses Grt on left
ehonlder; cattle same on left Hp, nnder bit on
right ear, and upper bit on the left; range. Mor
row county.
Armstrong, J. C, Alpine, Or. T with bar on.
der it on left shoulder of horsees cattle same
on left hip.
Allison, O. D., Eight Mile. Or. Cattle brand,
O D on left hip and horsne same brand on right
shoulder. ltange, Eight Mile.
Adkins, J. J.) Heppner, Or. Horses, JA con
nected on loft flank; cattK same on left hip.
Bnird, D. W. and S'in. Horse brandod D B
on the left hip; oa'tle the same on lft fi-ink,
crop off rig'it ear, undercrop in the left, llange
in Morrow County.
Bartholamew, A. G., Alpine, Or. Horses
branded 7 E on either shoulder. Range in Mor
row countv
riannistnr, J. W., Hardman, Or. Cattle brand,
ed B on left hip and thigh; split in each ear.
Brenner, Peter, (iooneberry Oregon Horses
branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle same on
"wllLuM Rt C. Lone t;reek. Or On cattle.
MAY connected on left hip, ciop off left ear, un.
der halt ornp on num. nui, iu
lotft shoulder. Kange in (irant aDd Morrow
dor half ornp off right. Horses, same brand on
Brosman. Jerry, Lena, Or Horses branded 7
on right shoulder; cattle B on the lett side.
Left ear half orop md right ear upper slope.
Barton, Wm Heppner, Or. -Horses, J B on
right thigh; cattle, same on nght hip; split in
eacn ear. .
Brown, Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the
right stifle; cattle same on right hip; range. Mor
row county. .
Brown, J. C, Hoppner, Or Horses, circle
C with dot in nei ter on left hip; cattle, same.
Brown, W. J., I-ena, Oregon. Hones W. bar
over It, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left
hlBoyer W. Q., Heppner, Or. Horses, box
brand on right hip oattle, same, with split in
MBorg,rp. 0., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left
ehonlder; oattlo. same on left hip.
Brownlee, W. J., Fox,Or-Cattle, JB connected
on left side; crop on left ear and two splits and
middle piece out out on right ear; on horses same
brand on the left thigh; Kange in iox valley,
0CarHnern&arren, Wagner, Or. Horses brand,
ed O on right stifle ; cattle (three bars) on
right ribs, orop and split in eaoh ear. llange in
Grant and Morrow counties.
Cain.E., Caleb.Or. Y 1) on horsoH on left s iflei
TJ with anarter circle over it, on left shoulder
and on left stifle on all oolts under IS years; on
left shoulder only on all horses over li years. All
range in Grant oonnty.
date, Chan. K Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses
H C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
llange Morrow and Umatilla counties.
CorrigBll. M M, Oallowny, Or Cattle crop out
of each ear and nnderbit, wattle in forehoad;
horses half circle 0 on left stifle, llange Mor
ow and Umatilla oonntioB.
flurl T. 11., John Uay, Or. TJouhle cross on
eaoh hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit
in right ear, Bplit in left ear. Kange in (Irant
county. n sheep, inverted A and spear point
on shoulder. Ear markou ewes, orop on left ear
imunhod upper bit in right. Wethers, crop m
right and under half crop in left ear. All ranga
in Omtit county. .
Cook K J.,Lena,Or. Horses, (X)on nghtshiml
der- Cattle, sameon right hip: ear mark square
orop off left and split in rmht.
Currin, 11. Currinsvillo, Or. - Horses, on
'"cox' Ed. H., Hiirdman, Or.-yCaitle, C with
m in center; horses. (IE on loft hip.
Cochran, I'.. E., Monnmeiit, (trant Co , Or.
llorsns branded oircle with bar beneath, on left
ehonlder; cattle same brand on both hips, mark
under slope both oars and dewlap.
Chapln II., Hardman. Or. Horses branded
n on right hip. Cattle hraudnd the same. Also
brands CI on horses right thigh; ca'tle aai
brand on right shoulder, and out oil end of
''iimXs. W. M . Oalloway. Or.-Ul, It 1) on
right side, swallow-fork in each ear; horses, U U
""kVt 'rlros.. Douglas, Or.-Horsos branded EIjY
on left shoulder, ORttle same on lefthip. hole
in right ear. . . , ,
Emory. C. H., Hardman, Or. Horses branded
( with liiill on loft shoiililer : cat.
tli.wtine on right hip. llange in Morrow comity.
Florence. L. A., Heppner, Or.-CM tie, LK on
right hip; horses K with liar under on right
'''Florence. H. P. Heppner. Or -Horses, V on
.1,..., i,l..,. nnl. Fon right hip or thigh.
French (ieorge, Heppner. Or. Cattle branded
WK with bar over it. on left, side; crop off left
ear. Horses, same brawl on ion. nip.
, i. ....... k i,...,r Knhii. Or Horses hrsnded II
H with a quarter nin-ln over it, on loft stifle,
llange ill Morrow ami Uinatillftoonnt.iee.
ii...,. i it ltiditi. Or. Cattle, round-top K
with oimrtor circle under It on the right hip.
Ilioigo in Morrow ami DoiMlillaooiinttos.
Hinton A Jotiks, Hamilton. r t Initio. two bsrs
on either hip; crop In right ear iriii -inn in hui,
i .... v,u.t tl.tirh. tlaiitfeintlront county
llimrimi. Hauinol, Wagner, Or-J- (T F L
oiitiii tcdlou right shonldoron hormw. oncittle,
on right hip and on loft side, swallow fork in
right oar and slit in loft. Range m Hayrack
,l,utrtl M.trmar OfOintV-
Hnli," Milton, Wanner, Or.-llorses brandol
-O- (cattle with parallel tans) on iwi snoi r
'nttle same on lull hip elso large oinde ou loft
Howard J hiimii,"' -"'- r
Willi hir alxivo in on right shoulder; out H' sums
mi loft. side. Ilatigj ill Morrow and Umatilla
"""lall'rV.'lwin, John Dav, Or, -Cuttle E II on
riulii Inn: hopi annul on riht shoulder. Kange
i Or,.,,! ihtllllttf.
Iliitrhi. Mut. Heppner, Or - llorses, sha lnl
I.,-. ., il... I, .ft mI,.. older. Ilniia"' Morrow Co,
lluiouiker, 14 A. Wanner. Or. -iluinnn, V on loft
Sli..nl,,.r. I'Hltln. tl mm loft hip.
Iliimphror, J M llardumii, Or.-llorsee, 11 on
lef' Hank
llii.iun, l.n'lier. Fight Mil. Or.-llnraii H on
the loft l Iderand heart on the loft tills Cat.
ft. uikiiii oft hlli. Hinge In Humiw rummy
I..,.,. Hrrv Ilemm r. tlr - llnrstw branded
H .1 on the left imiilder; rnMlii lira uM .1 on
r ik'lti Inn. hI iiiideilnt in loft nr. llange in
Morrow net'itv. .,
Jm.ion. M. II.. Ilimnr. Or -lliiraoa, hi
shoo i on left shoulder. Cattle, the win.
ll...... (. I..I.I M iIm
J..h.. .n. (.Hi. I,na. Or -Hor.. eireUT on
left fl; callle, a ii on right hip, Under half
in ril.t an.l sitlil n lofl ear
K.nnt. Mihu. Ileonnnr. Or. -Itorwe hni'M
RNY on Ufl hip mill same ami crop uQ Ufl
ear: nnder on the rum
Kirk i T., Meiipner. Or.-llornes 9 en left
l.l.li n.MU eU on lofl hill,
Kirk. Jw. Hoppner, Or,; horasp It on lofl
L.ei,,.; mill M IISIIS light sid", nnderbil on
rihl Ml
kii.iit-rlie W.ll. Mount Vernon. r, I ,n
iuiiila.,n ngol end lofl ! t.wllow folk in l fl
ear and uielor ciop in right r, llorww hiii
In .. I ,.n loll h., older, llnngvln Hrnnl i i
l,,flen. Nletilioll. tut. iff. H I. on lofl hlli
on re.nl. rt end eplil on tight ar, llr
hum I, rand i'U loft leoil.l.f. llang Itrai
I.inn n. John W., I,,l.-.. Ilr, llir..
lean I-1 halfwit" ! J I. r..nnc,e. on left ah.nl
dor, Cm. iwktni. on left Ion, IUug. nr
l, 'r. i W lle,,anr lit -llora. I,ae l,.
I.eit'l oi l'll "I id-r; riHi a.a ,iit !'
I. hi, a iUo..r ii.l.t . lino aliia in ii
liril. lltei. Ilppn tlr.-Hor brand.
d.Mil.t H r."-'! H,,mrrtti,ai call.!
o, II un let' al..ll lr
Mt.ta M C . tt..."if. Or Caltl lei-I -I
rlr,l im ntfhl hip, hora" ail Ht rirfttl li
111' A. Ill M .! r-HlellF,
Min.n. i-r, ioim" f 'Vila, M H on
tl.l Inn !., M o'l loll aiml lr.
l .f i, rl 4 , lie,.!,,,!. " II wa M )
mi lft ah.oil I-m raltl aa neoah.1i. il
Mil. I 'll 0.-r, I , "r,-llolaai. i! ngh
lit, M'l.a 11 on f..l at la.
l.e, O. II , llr.,wnll. Or,- ICtra
fi i in -h alMoii l" rH I. M J o" h
M.K.rr. I.r k. lti. Or M ile at
Hi .Nt rnt .ei rilai eel n . I .f
e H af . hotao earn br. ..a lft ain
I, 11,1.,.- ii.l'.Ht -llll loa
llh I.. I it 1" l" (efl al,.! laf.aan I '
f.., ha. ,.,.,'.' I ,) ,,p ,m I'm nattl
lla.itfM m Mj,,l I ..
!at tr-ar Itorfc Or llorap- IHiSi
M .! . l..ri l, e,l I x r.'ll t.a -w, leh l
N rtdika . H, ! - II "aa,rin 1 1 ,.n
Irf! Ihi-f, r.ll aai,r lefl l,l
ili. J.aw.i.n I ni-m ( Hi. I on r(ni
fMi lrj loi nt hi.ra., saie on thigh. Ilai
I u.il r.Mi
Uii-f, !'!(, lib . lej.-r O tm Mi
K m. I-.
Hip Mr-an Tiairt Cilt, H f'", l
.l'nnihalil Ml I' l' , on )"' I fl
fcii t a(. IU" la lial r alnlf.
Wa O ut, ' .!. ' " " iar
af r,.. la I mi 11 al-"i, I an I II tw lo
I,, I I "la, f t I'! rlat.l rfipl!.
an-- lf l,t. Ua.,a .n l.l
I'a.k-t llaaaa.t. Ilaxl .Of . - Hon 1 1'
I. r. 9s mti la.
I .. ... i-.mi ,i H tra .ra I
1. f r," .,.l mt aS.Mti i raU
a Hh- ,hi r.a' I I II Iwal.ca H-rff-. r.rtf,'
I J II . H II - J r-i
fct Ufl ...ti I , railia, ftaioa ie l't l,j,
aj. l,tl , a ,
i a ,. i,i -... in i " it i r -
.-,., ,. I II J !' - ' I H !",
.., 4" in Uti a4 --ilr l If.
. !.
I. ..I i, II ( a ( H . !
i. ,, . t.it.iiailiml.1 a . i' -
Itat . i -' I !, (In !'- ' l H..
1.1. .1 i 1
K ..- Il- m ll( i.. It-.. l-ai ! I
M Ii. I " -' 1 , I I ' M.
. .,, ,.4 tt a- I ( a,. 'm. I,, n. ti
tl . m i ! a -."'
t-m--i I'af l.u m, II. - M -a-
1.1 4H .', an.r.1 !, , i
rmu . Mw- i a .! i ,
Ha H '
H-taa, H Iwitl U. II HS1 .a
.Si I '' -I -I i.
WH'"4! " at l '. K aa
H., k, , l .. Wi ' w. Im.,4 is h-r'
U al ' 1 w
U- J M ll.. -w. I . ill
lt , aa . alii II " f(M kiaK
'Ml I- .. t . ' '
J a ,et . "" !)' ia"1 a-., .,.
. l a.' Wl i
a,. I w. , II ..-. ll.iaaaa, H A
ai p '"l aM lft t
e,n J -n -e. ..-a.
jaraai I Sj't.-. ex , a .a (M
rr .f 4 rjM 4 lei l 'mt aw, Reree
in wrant county.
Smith Bros.. Husanville, Or, Horses, branded
H. Z. on shoulder; cattle, amo on left ehonlder.
Hquiree, James. Arlington, Or,; horses branded
JH on left ehonlder: cattle the same, also noes
waddle. Kange in Morrow and (iilliam oounties.
Htephens, V. A., Hardman, Or-; horses B 8 on
right stifle; cattle horizontal L on the right side
Httivenson, lire A. J Heppner, Or. Cattle, B
on right hip; swallow-fork in left ear.
Hwaggart. G. W.. Heppner, Or. Horses, 44 on
left shoulder ; cattle, 44 on left hip.
Hperry, E. G.. Heppner, Or. Cattle W C on
left hip, crop off right and underbit in left year,
dewlap; horses W C on left shoulder.
Thompson, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, Z on
left shoulder; cattle, 2 on left shoulder.
Tippet. 8.T.,Enlerpriiie.0r. Horses, C-on left
Turnor R. W., Heppner, Or. Small capital T
left ehonlder, horses; cattle same on left hip
with split in both ears.
Thornton, H. M., lone, Or. Horses branded
HT connected on left stifle; sheep same brand.
Vanderpool, H. T., Lena. Or; Horses HV con
nected on right shoalder;cattle, same on right
Walbridge. Wm.. Heppner, Or. Horses, V. L.
on the left shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
orop off left ear and right ear lopped.
Wilson, John Cj,, Salem or Heppner, Or.'
Horses hranded Jr on the left shoulder, llange
Warren, W B. Caleb, Or-Cattle W with quarter
circle over it, on left side, split m ngntear.
Horses same brand on left shoulder, llange in
Wade, Hen'ry, Heppner, Or.-Horses branded
mm or spnuos un ononioor huu inn. ujy
Cattle branded same on left side and lett nip.
Wolflniror. John. John Uav City. Or On horses
4.1 II.. I I .. I ..I. ,.r. I.l. n n nhoon I
Z ir """H
Woodward, John, Heppner, Or. lioreee, Ur
John, Hoppner, Or. iloreee, Ur
she! Heppner, Or.-Horses branded
I on left stifle.
connected on left
Watkins. Lish
HE connected on left stifle.
tir .ii tt. i rr f TIT
nKhtthiholinleft ear; hnreos, W on right
WHuaco, inariBH. jtHnDner. ur. muo. tt iu i
Bnoamer bom? Hameou ieir, Knutuuor.
tvv,'eiu. n ddw rn n I
Horses branded W a connected on lert shoulder
Williams. Vasco. Hamilton. Or. Quarter cir
cle over three bars on left hip, both oattle and
horses. Kange Grant oonnty.
Williams. J O. Long Creek. Or Horses, onar
ter circle over three bare on loft hip; oattle same
ann slit in each ear. Kange m (irant oonnty
Wren. A. A.. HeDDner. Or. Horses runmnsA A
on shoulder: Cattle, same on right hip.
inung, J. a.. Gooseberry. Or. Horses brander
I N on res right snonlrle
When voti are about to buva Sewina- Machine
do not be deceived by alluring' advertisements
nnd be led to think you can got the best made,
nnesc mnsnea ana
Most Popular
for a mere song. See to It that
you buy trom reliable menu,
fiictuiers that have (rained a
reputation by honest and square
dealing, you will then get a
Sewing Machine that is noted
the world over for its dura
bility. You want the one that
is easiest to munage and is
Light Running
There la none in the world that
can equal in mechanical con
struction, durability of workinR
parts, fineness of finish, beauty
in appearance, or nai
improvements as the
t u.. a... .i. x i n..M. .liv.
on both sides of needle (patented), no other has
It ; New Stand ( patented), driving wheel hinged
on ad instable center, thus reducing friction to
the minimum.
OttiK'H, Mam. Borrow, Mass. Finn Hon , N.T
(.'MICAWI, lT,t HT. UH'IK, Un. IlAI.l.Aa, TKJLAIi.
UAH f lUIfniHIlO, I 'Al ATI.4JI1 A, U .
i n 'run irwiw tin j ,..
x . . x.. ''""nrioBHlSiMr.m E. P. R0QKR8, Asst.
Heppner, Orcijon.
UP rtvjn i"
.Villi fVllMCIKl'O
So. ;'.'( ShIIi r Strert.
faith iti t iNMRtb mm th.
I ttif f 4 if P-4 r
i'ip in lh ft till .
of l i 4 tin W l fi
t tUt l'ft lh Hai f t -J,,ll lt
lt'rt' VaMi f-f J Tlrf
t al if lt,t trfh mk 9 (Ml
a -.a,l li- ..S. II, a ... .
f 4 ; U I-! 11 tav t (tinU v v4 i!
?f 1 f t 1 tb t, 1 ll i If
. I irf I' i" fc'f M i-Ha
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wM . I I in !. !. 4 nth f
J 1 I. , 01 vf i "f
i, I ' . - 4
IU l M-. hf Vf
t rraj. f f lfj
H Jt I hl.uMf,
t . .ft lt
k ti ft m ttft
f4w l H.aft
t . 7 ft -4 (N
' - .' f Krw
M ft f' f ft4
f a. ! If Mi
r -v. Tfc. iMimb i i nf.!iir.. mm I Jtl'-"1! ,iJ 0 TAH . fs T - "An' if yer wanl ii mnUe yourelf lut the houn-, nnd then he wan t!.le to
II I il,aalf 1 Ur hitai, I i in I - Ta.'l.-ariT . X?.iv rlt , i " 1 ai , , . , . . ! , , , , , . . ,
IV, j rti,a.r aii,s r,i .. r.fV. j , ' i V liU ju ebd her a real alutilu t ! i" Jk. mid wml what wn Iruf tuoinrli
W.y1 . !--' irt i. iim f aJ ; VA, ; i , s, .jr -a vf m m." that h lia4 l.t bia he4 for a wu.
. iHi, h.ikntibai,. Ul,., fl 7 VJ'' r K,-7 L Ii I I "How kin li? 1 rcekott nhe kin 'lhrtwo nit ri)irrt cyclinta on th
v A r." .v::;; u.. & 'h'l 8--v 3 f ern mUur- y,,m i 1 " 1 vttn M,u N'llu- v um
f' V,n riiaii, M h .ra.i a PCf fS ( t aV Jk , ,a i f.ff V y tliere ain't iiolhin' Nell ninti wi reeotiij! her y her Wow n llMimrr
J T.nI'X;? t'XSZ fVA , "-' -yiil nortlmt." auit.whi.-h U umeh a.lroirr.l. an4 ht
V t KfiMnkU.,..,! MT4 7' V; v ti With tbi a.WI. an4 wrti to' r4 amil whieh niaatW hia
I 111S?V!!!'? txil "'"' Jl' j ' 'yt.'vi '"'" aeereev. the miiall t-rror U.w led l,lm-i rjreiv countenaiiee. Nrllln know
E. McNEILL, Receiver.
Of Two Transcontinental
iinnTTtrmt r 0i"ltri- DV
(IK tir.S IVV. TALill IVy 1 1 .
SpOKcHie DeilVer
witrtTn in - t t
M 1 N IN t A I U Lib KJmJtlJ
St. Paul Kansas City
Ocean Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
For full details call on O. K. & N.
Agent at Heppner, cr address
God. Pass. Agt.
quick: tithe :
h .it i rvuf ; tt,. iwt hw.
route of the
Southern Pacific Co.
The great hiahwny through California to all
poinu fciujt and Mouth, trrnnd noenio Kouta
01 the fsoino liaiit. Fullman Hnttet
Hleepers. 8eoond-olaaa Hleepers
Attached to express trains, aft ordins tuDerior 1
aocuin tuiKlHtloiii tor second-olaus passeDgers.
Fnr rAtM. tinkfttji. alnmiino nar manrvAtitina.
.m ..,..,1.'
Goa. F. & 1. Agt., Portland, Oregon
Moat Modern and progressive
For ratalngiie or Information wrlto to
New Haven, Conn.
Thecompirallvt value of thasttwocardi
I known to most persons.
Tht lllustrato that greater quantity la
Not always most to bt desired.
Thsss cards sapreaa the beneficial qual
4l compared with any previously knows
Rlpaat Tabulea 1 Pries, 50 centa boa)
Of druggists, or by mail.
tlPaNI CNIMICaL CO., 1 0 laract It., T.
tl inHI
m ii
k mi I- n fttt
Fal-Ul'f rV. IV
Mti Ita.&cfV.
9" "
1 tl V 1 g inip
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"''II ln
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a ','. ffrt rr'a'al.--a.a.
a',r, ti.a i r i,. y In O.a aai
a.aaa II I. a .1 l I t m Hill a IB.
a I haura n.at i (u l . j )4 la to tiara
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tluint aa t.la laai wl.
I.-, .rff a . i.l r.r- M.Jt.a at.4f al laaaal
It la !. ! , tt,t a wrf
t .' !, a.l a r I. . a7 II ra.
a. i a , nj,M,nfc,ii.t"l
t iih vr. - tan f r a tatna. 1 1 y,a taif
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"all -.. a I l--l. ,t
1Iiiimi nin i it. aIU1lk
'. ffiflb' Llcnte1
Simplest, iTfyjL Easiest
Strongest. fTWVi 3 Workln
Solid iUalfi&J ' 1 rj Mt
Kecelver. 4L fe-Mt Compact,
jj i
la aw !va ' Waraa l.ltaa
Milo Warren was making a call on a
girl to whom he was fondly attached,
although he had never told her so.
But this was a case where actions
speak louder than words, and leave a
girl alone for finding out if a young
man regards her wit'i favor. Every
girl is clairvoyant where affairs of the
heart, are concerned.
They were talking about their birth
days, and the pleasantcustom of giving
presents at such a time.
"Let me see," said Milo, thoughtful
ly, "did you say your birthday came in
September, Miss Nellie?"
"1 didn't say," remarked Miss Nellie,
"Then it was December, wasn't it?
Some lucky fellow will be giving you a
diamond, perhaps!"
"Or a souvenir spoon," laughed Nel
lie; "you know they made jewel-spoons
for birthday gifts, but all the girls
changed their birthdays to December,
and the young men could not stand the
expense, and they sent a petition to
the manufacturers, asking them to dis
continue the custom, so no more spoons
are in the market."
"I I I really wish you would tell
me when your natal day arrives. 1
might at least send you a 'bunch of
roses, in remembrance of all the the
happy days we have spent together.
Is it this month, Miss Nellie?"
"You remind me of the parlor game:
'Is it this? Is it that?'" said Miss
Nellie, and then fearing that the
young man was becoming sentimental
she turned the conversation to other
But the next day Milo Warren
engaged as bookkeeper, and inquired
solemnly at the grated wiudow, which
t0 appear, if that young man would
taiie luucli Willi luin.
"Certainly," was the brusque reply
from a mouth lull of pens; "I'll meet
thee at Philippi I mean at Hunger &
Co.'s in an hour.
He was there, and at the pleasant
spread of good things provided Milo
Warren propounded this conundrum:
"If you like a girl awfully, but
haven't told her so, and you think she
maybe likes you awfully no, I don't
mean that but if that girl has a birth
day, and you want to make her a pres
ent, and she won't tell you when it is
the birthday, you know oh, hang it
all, I'm everlastingly mixed up. Can't
you help a fellow out?"
uyurnu iicwiuii Jam aaiuc lll Hlllie
and fork, and looking Milo in the face
asked, seriously:
"Anydnsanity in your family, Milo?"
"None that 1 ever heard of outside of
my iown case, was the depressed an
"Reducing your heroics to a plain
statement, then, you want to (five a
,,f nnnr anm-in , o una a l.;l,.ln..
- "'"""
"Ishhe an Old Woman?"
"What do you mean?" roared War
ren, turning red. "I'll thank you to
speak with respect of my freinds be
sides 1"
"Oh, no harm done; don't get riled so
easily. 1 wanted to know if she lie-
loiiL'ed to the past ape or the present.
I take it, then, that she s a Aew
1 understand now. Yes, I believe
she has advanced opinions, but she
isn't one of those dreadful creatures
that advocate the wearing of bloomers.
Nellie is the soul of womanly modesty,
'Nellie? Do I know this bright par
ticular star?"
'Why, of course you do I quite for
got she's your own sister
"Well, I like that! And you want to
make her a birthday present nnd don't
know the day. Sorry, old fellow, but
1 eau't help you out. Nellie would
take my head oil if 1 told."
That ended the lutu-h, but an unfore
seen thing happened. Just as Milo
Warren left his company at the corner
he saw an urchin ho knwtv. It was the
in Oii-lion known as Nellie's youngest
brother, age seven, capacity for mis
chief seven times teven, precocity un
limited by any jhtioiI of tune.
Milo, with malice prepense, engaged
the dear child in a surfeit of avveets,
ami men askca, as 11 uiu iiiea was not
of the least consequence and had just
occurred to lihu:
"When docs Sister Nellie have a
The dear chihl looked at him for a
mi mir ut, drew his mouth round under
bit ear, elevated both eyebrow, and
said. In aronllding, infantile voice:
" hat'll yer give ter know ?"
Advnnt-"eotta frrna bdnrr mr)dr. the
ixy puenereii lit mourn ir wiiimw,
thotik'ht Wttor tf il itiiil jfave the f il -
lowing Saturday hi kuler' birth -
If l.lT,
It ifate Milo Warren aonirthlnif tfid t
tt I'Ur.'liM- that Mevele and lie tl
delivered to Miw Ni llie on dor I irtli-
Uay In an anony nimi inattniT. lie r
lifted It l,u-k erery hour for lUiut a
rrk. l ilt it did not romp, and h f.
afr. Th aum'.l l.n.thrr had tit t
tratp'l hint aftrr all.
Hut after a lilt!" h Wk'an tnwlah
hr ha., for Mim NrUlehM rUrnttjr
rtioiinw.l u ni liU'Vt-lp an, I rl.l.Wn out
of hi lifi. rat lot. tut ulip Hia out
on lir hli-yrlp, tut matter what tlm
hour a. t .a.n .r iua !.t. an 1 htt e,.t
hintMif run iurr on th !rrt an4
kn. .'! iIomii .laity l y ilaahl.ia? mil
fr l i4i iU (rnpr t.t rt lio th
rirr aa, aixl ifrtlitikf hurt f,,y h
ram. h. n he t o.il. I tth. it n,
longer h rainB l. a n I m rra.,iv - ,
wal lniy t.i-j,'!e f,,r lnmac'.f, an I
trrli aiS. lo fin I N.-'.'.io
Ati.l tin l;n an r.iUiiif rhsa f r
ur an i iim-nv, ur at one m.nftil Ui ... ,i ., . . ...... .
HH;s!is--- isi
h Uaua'iy ri) lr I hia r ririi,-. i,r rtlf t,,t 1 .,,.,M-..
l. ! an I li'a ri v. for at one in- rurtil th i
I'U kiria; op h f r ia'y !. I an. I rarry
H ! tli a'.i. o f.-r ItMlra,
Ariitaii thl. I .Ittrt I,h l. .a.fc,.., ... . . ,.f
, '-"
" ' waa itir.ii.
... in i a i.r .,t,i!,'l lie tatia J in!
ins ir..m tit ft a lf flh-y ialrara!
lotf 1. 1 rt4 a tnrei. , t ,, m.hi W
rrviiP' haf t frattx aa n r
tt o i a- iiu r in ( rm-.M v ,,i, ,
lha j miU or. ! l!
In all its stages
completely eradicat
BLOOD POISON natesorsand
ulcers yield to its healinp- powers. It re
moves the poison and builds up the system
Valuable treatine on the disease and its treatment mailed free.
S3 SHOEriiKir.
. cordovan;
4.$3.5j fi til calf &Kangarod.
250$2.WORKINgmem', '
" extra fine-
Over One Million People wear the
W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
All our shoes are equally satisfactory
( ney give trie Dest value tor the money.
They equal oustom shoes In style and I
Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed.
The prices are uniform, stamped on sole.
From J to $ t saved over other makes.
( If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by
Dealer whose name will shortly tip-
pearhere. Agent wanted. Apply at onoe
pairs. He called on the bookkeeper
brother, but found him busy and non
committal. So he waited and tried to
possess his soul with patience, and
learn to ride a bicycle without the zig
zag motion that had endangered the
lives of the populace and nearly caused
his arrest by the police.
Then he made the discovery that if
he gave his wheel its head, it would
behave much better than when he
guided it carefully, to the end that it
traversed both sides of the street at
once. After acting like a thing pos
sessed it learned to behave, and he
found himself skimming along like a
bird on the wing, with an exultant
sense of freedom and delight, and he
longed to see Nellie and tell her what
he had been trying to say for months
that he loved her.
And at that moment there whizzed
past him a vision in bloomers, one of
those dreadful new women of whom
he had heard, and now was to see. He
almost felt that it was disloyalty to
gentle little Nellie to even look at such
an apparition; but somehow she looked
so quaint in her saucy jacket and
I'aggy trousers, her neatly gaitered
feet were so pert aud independent, that
Milo looked and looked again, then he
gave a great vvljoop. and took after the
Hying wheel like a streak of lightning.
His coiitidenee stood him instead of
skill, lie went spinning along in fine
style until he reached a parallel with
the girl with bloomers, then he leaued
over to speak to her, toppled and fell
in a heap, but not before lie had gasped:
That young lady skillfully eluded
the wreck, made a fancy run and turn,
and as Milo gathered himself up, said,
"Why, Mr. Warren, I didn't know
that you rode a wheel."
"I don't," said tne young man, rue
fully, feeling of his elbow to determine
whether it was dislocated or merely
abraded, "but yon, Misa Nellie, are
quite an expert."
Mir,s Nellie murmured something
about the wheel being a present from
her brother, and that she had not cared
to ride, but did just to please him.
"Hut you ou;,jht to see my little
brother ride," she said, with enthusi
asm; "he rides the wheel when I ara
not using it, and he makes it spin.
hy, he rides standing up, and I'm so
afraid homelhiug will happen to him."
Milo waa walking along, leading his
wheel, ns if he preferred that way, and
Miss Nellie gave him several exhibi
tions of her akill, and each moment
Hindi" u stronger and more lusting im
pression on the pisir fellow's heart.
Hut even bieycle courtship fumes to no
end, and tlit'V were at Nellie's home,
and he must leave her, utile he
asked for (flaw of water, and Wfi.re
it waa brought he sat down with the
heel on the sidewalk.
u vai uiii"ti mm moi elective
i lroke of arl. Nellie cried and Hiked
! If lie wu killed anywhere; Mra. Now
tn hrmisrht rauiihor; they (rot him
ii. .w who i,'4 hrr the wheel, and
Milo hit h. l ailolhrr riie of th
t t.il . lepra. H if the kiuali toother.
Nellie lurth l.iy come In January
tit t- riivdiif luittirr th Imp
vhaitkva il l July. Iloweter, all
lii 'H thai cud wU. l,iroil i rr
Ii ar lha Inrlil larliana a a
rin.lal I liar.
It l a wi U Uii i ;i f,i 't in h al.,rr thai
t'si-1 'in i.!,.- ,f u, ,,nfl.-raSin
I'm l'm ii i', ,.trt tl,,, a,, a of
tli. i;n,-!iaS. . i I . I. r. I i.l at.
a.il.m ! I .. t.- ,. I t ,f
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I ,.. .. r- .,'i,r -4, a,t)a ,.' I H.
' I1- '1. l fi rinliira
' ' '-' ' , I'.i.'il,, I '.i !.. ttit..
i I' I - S t., lM. ,. , l,. ,,,
("ii - I. i -n., , , -, I in t ,a. II. it.
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1 ., I in. I a . , t,. r h -rrr. !, r
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"' ' H H . a. na l,rt f. ,f ,,.
'i '. it. lifal. t t,. f. ,.. ,
!, an-l w ,c. !,. r. , jj., t
I '
nil U0
Is One of the verv hPRt whpnlll pvpr mfldp
ta front rank with all high grade machines, and
Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE If you want
punctured, it can be mended by you in five
renowned G. & J. clincher tires with wood
Bold in all sizes for ladies or gentlemen at $100 each.
ii Tandems for two men or man and woman, f 150 each.
ia THE RAM BLER is the fastest,
4 For style, finish and durability it is unsurpassed, b it is constructed on strict mechan-1
ical and scientific principles.
S For men, women, boys and girls, with 28. 26
jg ively. are splendid medium grade wheels,
uiuiuiici luca uuu aie lull; vvui mil leu,
m Before you buy a bicycle, write for cntalogue, circulars, terms and discounts, or call
on our numerous agents. naniDier Kusuers aiuwiu every town in Oregon. WaBhing
H ton and Idaho. - 6
US Northwest representatives Gormullv & Jeflerv Manf. Co's "RamhlnrRir.vnle.il". Main i
H Store, U27 Washington St . Portland, Or. Mnj,
twS lonlnix.r llTTO P A TT T,' l Ul I V A f ILI
How's Your Liver?
This question is asked daily. If dormant
you need exercise -need it badly.
The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do
not own one, call at
Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery,
Power House.
kin of
Four Hode1s885 and 8100.
Factory and Main Office: Lake
BR ANCMCS: -New York, Sio Franclico, 5tt
H". PATTERSON, A rjvnl for Morrow County, Ilrjipner, Oregon.
It to Advertisers at a great fin.nncial sacri
fice. You need it in your business, and as a
matter of business we nuit sell it.
Tm; Patthrson Puni.isniNr, Co.
a a
aa aw aataawaaj aa
1 : M
Voure nOUXD to Take MCm.
Leaves No Connipation.-
fawvi.l ,f f.. rrtti t.f l
in nn (nrMsnntrihlp. fnnt. Tt. stfinrlR (n (hp
if you buy one you will make no mistake. (S
to be happy, for should your wheel be M
minutes, as It 1b equipped with the world a
rims or copper-plated steel rims.
lightest and strongest wheel In the market.
and 24 inch wheels, at XfiS. IR5. J4r resnpnt.
with G. & J. high-grade double locking edge !
E. A. Weed, Gen. Traveling Agent audi
r U.,...,..- fl t
Cycle Co.
and Malsted Sts., CHICAGO, ILL.
W.t City, f)-incr, f,Urrp'-.'i, UitioU. 1 urM J.
LOCK CO, Agents,
OF . . .
il PILLS !
- aiaaiM ft I II II If
ll!ti. ........ . .. ."
a t'. 1 at.
t'r . ri',uuat
411 OiiMaia PfaaK
.. - - f ( ' c .a a i r n i I t a a I
ua.Lt '.a i , , ;? f r
1 1 ... - .-
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