TURNING GRAY AMD THREATENED WITH BALDNESS The Danger is Averted by Using HAIR VICOR AVER'S "Nearly forty years ago, after some weeks of sickness, my hair turned pray and began falling out so rapidly that I was threatened witJi immediate baldness. Hearing Ayer's Hair Vigor highly spoken of, 1 commenced using this prepara- tioi, and was so well satisfied with the result that I have never tried any other kind of dressing. It stop ped the hair from falling out, stimu lated a new growth of hair, and kept the scalp free from dandruff. Only an occasional application is now needed to keep my hair of good, natural color. I never hesitate to recommend any of Ayer's medicines to my friends." Mrs. II. M. IIaight, Avoca, Neb. Ayer's Hair Vigor PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER & CO., LOWELL, MASS., U. S. A. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Semoves I'implet. Elder J. C. Clapp. the Latter Day Saint mioieter, who preached a series of sermons at the opera bouse laet week, departed Tuesday for the upper country. tie was accompanied by tlder John Davis, s minister ot the same cburob, who came over from Condon with bim and beld a series of meetings at Hale Ridge eohool bouse while Elder Clapp held services here. Mr. Davis is a resi dent ot Oilman, Wash., of wbioh town be is tbe mayor. Overwork, either physical or mental, will produce weakness and loss of energy. Too many Daeiness or family cares, overwork in tbe harvest field, an excess of woman's work and worry will produce months of misery. To prevent tbis, tbe exhausted system should be reinforoed immediately. Dr. J. fl. McLean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier is an appropriate remedy. Pnoe 81.00 per bottle. Recent rains have made the road from Long Creek to Heppner pleasant to travel over, and while tbe remainder ot the ronte as far south as Burns is al ways in fair condition, particularly in the summer season, it is now as smooth as a noor and tourists will make no mistake in taking the Heppner-Burns route. One advantage of taking Ayer's Sarsa parilla to purify tbe blood is that you need not infringe upon your hours ot la bor nor deny yourself aoy food that agrees with you. In a word, you are not compelled to starve or loaf, while taking it. These are recommendations worth considering. A yell bas been invented and adopted for the normal school at Weston, says the Leader. When delivered in oonoert with proper emphasis it is calculated to be effective and awe-inspiring. The yell is: "Weston Weston 'rah-'rBb- 'rab-rnle! Eastern Oregon Normal-school!" Compliment to Pbov. Stanley. Prof. J. H. Stanley, of Hillsboro, is in town, assisting Superintendent Helm with bis institute work. Prof. Stanley is one ot tbe best known educators in tbe state, and too bis efforts has been largely due tbe success of the normal institute that bas been in session at the publio school boilding this week. For six years Mr. Stanley was county superintendent of Morrow county, snd in that oapaoity earned an enviable reputation. Sinoe leaving Eastern Oregon, be has been city superintendent ot the Hillsboro schools and is said to be meeting with splezdid success. Prof. Stanley is tbe only professor from abroad that is at tending tbe institute, and to him has been assigned the instruction in language, grammer and music Oorval Hb Gazette. "We had an epidemic of dysentery in this vioinity last summer," says Samuel S. Pollock, of Brioelaod, Cai. "I was taken with it aod suffered severely until someone called my attention to Cham berlain's Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I procured a bottle and felt better after the first dose. Before one- balf of the bottle bad been used 1 was well. I reoom mended it to my frieods and their experience was tbe Bame. We all unite in saying it is tbe best." For sale by Slooum-Johnson Drug Co. "MONSTROSITY SHOTT." - ivtv'i v-en-.i El 3UNIM0NITIE WED THU FRI SAT J 23 56 7 J 9 10 II 12 15 14-" J5 IJJT 18 19 20 21 22 23 24- 25 26 2T 28 2030 1 Ca I 4P I Q I W &) TIME TABLE. Blaire for Rtrdmin, Monument, Long Creek, Ion a Day and Csuyon I lly, Ifivei u lollowt : Kvery ajr at 6 a. m., except BuiicIht. A rrlven every day at 6 i. ni.,exrit Monday. The cheapest, uulckent and beat Hue to or Iroin the interior nmtitry. WALT. THOMPSON, Prop, riilll Cobn, Agent. Extra Pal Star Brewery Bear in Pint Bottlca can be bad only at the City Hotel Bar! Where Mich grade Liquor and Cliran are alto kpt by Ted. Here and There. Millions ride tba llambler. Ike Ennis bat bicyolea to rent Tom Driskell dropped io yesterday from Clark's Canyon. Tba Niles-Vinson, Marble Works, (Valla Walla. Wash. John Royse ws down from Hardmen yesterday on busioeee. 01 Jostioe waa ovr yesterday and look the same aa of old. Jerry Oohn was a peasenger on last evening's Iralo from Purlieu d. La Crande Marble Works, La Oraode Ore. 8. C. Smith, eUmeo, iieopner. Mrs. Pry Wilson departed for ber borne at Mooameot yesterday morning Thill Cobn. wife aod child are down at tbe metropolis visiting relative aod friend. Wantd-I'lain or fancy eewing. Will Co to I be bou or take sewing at borne I.. 11 -.a 1 1 -twl f-lf1 Mrs. Mary Uudreon Wall Thompson Ie laying f.fl this work aod is looking aM.r I'hill O.b .'s drag establishment donog Lie ebweno. Heat eeeommodeilon aod coorteoos rtmotetlbe Imp-rial UtL, Heveoln aod Weab. Sis., 1'urtlabd, Oregon. Wo. Tillatd departed for TeodUtoo Wedoeedey totiail with Lis ovlbr who is quit ill at ber borne to that City. Oreo Mathews fr ahevlog, belr .m..d hmtoiiBa aod all other work in th.i hoe. itail.t at any lime dunog bu.tnee boot. T A. Iltio return! lei eoieg from Haeliog'on, where be bad eei4 to rrelig a large number of cattle M eetra shipment. Hsil's Vegetable Median Heir llowr U. OKlUMtfOalily. tbe re prer.i oflhebair. t ie bim eiru ol do draff, !', d all ecalp effeeliooe. C M Ori.tb eTli.ojr, e op again to fltt of t "k. eol Wedr.ee. day !taor o l.inJ I 'ir ceihe U ot estileio the t'ot"0 Company of Tmaldel. l,lmr Jib-euro's t h't-g' apb galle'T ROW open lof Main elreel strictly fi' ! "fl rn M n'wI I at re"..bl " ' ud l'," . work aod a I ! W bil tbe ' ""P " ' " ,fc I II.rdaa eigt.o-ft.-d Ib.e l'a',1 .....II !,. t.ieMf fr aod. t,re. I. -bM 'h. f ' I"'"'' t a't.el I.. I l PrV M Ik. jtrtftttti tear IS '''. tun W'Ua - ' ..! t ' thtfitr meat m.'k-t .'- ' r rot, .irfr -' -. " r- h .an..-. r.o--l I '. H A fond Astoria mother last July bearing that an earthquake- was liable to visit this Beotion, sent ber three boys to a friend in Eastern Oregon, to escape it. After a few days she got a note from ber friend saying: "Take your boys heme and send up the earthquake." The test case relative to prize fighting has been tried down at Dallas, and tbe deoisioo as rendered is to tbe effeot that there is no law against such sport down in Texas. Tbe two contestants will at onoe begin active training and tbe great scrap will surely come off next month. Before going on a sea-voyage or into the country, be sure and put abox of Ayer's Pills in your valise. You may have occasion to thank us for tbis hint. To relieve constipation, biliousness and nausea, Ayer's Pills are the best in tbe wcrld. ibey are also easy to take. Journal: Joseph Crabtree, accom panied by bis mother and sister, Miss Mnbel, and several younger members of the family, passed thtoagh Fossil yesterday from their home in Heppner en route to Amador oonnty, Calif., where tbey will speud the winter. Hornblower, whom Cleveland previous ly attempted to appoint to the supreme beocu, will probably get tbe place this time. Senator Hill will not oppose bim, at Hornblower supported Mr. Hill for governor last fall. This makes matter! quite different you know. Fossil Journal: Congressman Ellis is in Portland having bis game leg dootored. Tbis is the leg that was broken when he jumped from the Fossil-Arlington stage three years ago, aod that oost Ed Nelson, the proprietor, some 8400. E. P. Sine, the Lexington attorney, was up from that place yesterday morn ing. Mr. Sine Bays be is now enjoying better health than he baa for many years past, and thinks some of again beginning tbe active praotice of law. E. O.: Rev. W. E. Potwine, rector of the Church of the Redeemer, expects to start next week for Minneapolis to attend the convention of the Protestant Episcopal church. Rev. William Short, ot Astoria will aooompany bim. Mark M. Boyd, who has held down a oaae id this cDlce for tbe past two mouths, departed Wednesday for Baker City, hie old borne. Mark is au ex cellent compositor and will doubtless find work wherever be goes. T. U. Bisbee returned home from Portland oo Wednesday evening's train to wbioh place be accompanied bit daughter, Miss Lillian, who is now a indent at tbe Portland University. Karl'e Clover Root will purify yonr Blood, clear y in r Complexion, regulate yonr bowels and make your bead clear as a bell, itfc , bUo.. and tl bold by T. W. Avert Jr. Oregon La 75H8 more sobool ebildn-o than Washington -U6,'J3i to U'J.347 bowing lbs populattoo of Oregon to be tbe greater, notwithstanding In cenani ot Ih'JO gave tbe advaulage to Washington. Philo'sCore te sold on a guarantee. It cure luoiplent Coosomption. It ia tbe beat Congb Cure only one cent doae. U.'cts.,5oot., and II. Hold by T. W. Ayera, Jr. J. P. Hayden, the popular representa tive ot Lang A Co., of Portland, ram op oo Toeedey bight's trstn and lDtrt d oor merrbaott Wednesday moroiog Out. Ilea returned oo ImI evenlnu't slag from a week 'a stay at MetHiffl Hpringa. l0 Wok 10 tb raoe Bt Iiog creek on bis way over. Otit I'atteraoo. ot tble paper ao- enipind by Lis wif. returned VW.loe day tveniof from an eitoded lour over io the interior country. Russell Montgomery: Pabsbs. Mr. Harry Montgomery yesterday received a dispatch from his brother Russell, at Annapolis, Md., stating tbat be bad passed tbe entrance examination at Annapolis naval academy, and is now a full-fledged cadet. Young Montgomery reported for examination September 2, and the result hat naturally been awaited with some anxiety by his family in this oity. It will be remem bered that Russell Monteomery won tbe appointment from Congressman Ellis several months since in Portland, in competition with several other young men. His standing in all branches of study was exceptionally high, aod it cannot be doubted tbat he passed with equal honors at Annapolis. Oregonian. ''Be regular and punctual in all things' was one of tbe old maxims taught long ago. Tbe last is not forgotten, but the first is soaroe remembered, so irregular is tbe life of most people nowadays. Tbe only corrector ot tbis evil is Simmons Liver Regulator, which keeps the liver active and prevents the ills ot irregular living: dyspepsia, biliousness, constipa tion, etc It also oures these troubles. Record Breakers. C. N. Peok, ot LexiDgtoo, brought to this office last Tuesday a basket ot as fine fruit as we have yet seen this season. The samples consisted of tome very fine tpecimens of transparent crabapples, silver and Italian prunes and a number of very large Bartlett pears. The fruit waa all very large, ot exoellent flavor and perfectly formed. Mr. Peck also bad witb him a box ot 'fruit contittiog ot peaobea, peart tod applet ot monstrous size. In the box waa one apple about the size ot an ordinary bead of cabbage, weighing 29 onocet and about 17 inohee in ciroumferenoe. Tbia specimen ceitaiuly entitled to a place among the record breakers, and tbe entire box will be a portion of tbe Morrow oounty exhibit at the Portland exhibition. Sbutt, ot Antelope, tbe egotistical ass, who is so gloated with self-praise and self-importance, gilded with "gross ig noranoe," again boils over in his last issue. His statements are so rank tbat no notioe is due tbem. He remarks tbat tbe proprietors ot the Guzette are per petual office seekers. Now in response the writer will simply state tbat he has never asked for an offioe or public posi tion of any nature, and if we held tbe positions ot "juatioe, land commissioner, constable, authority to perform the mar riage oeremony, leader of band, yiolin player who furnished all the musio for the dances for miles arouud Antelope, champion foot raoer, ball player, promi nent member of the graud lodge A. O U. W. alona with Senator Dolph, and last but not least, father of two child ren," as tbe East Oregonian says of Sbutt, we would not talk of "sucking the publio teat," "perpetual pap suckers," "perennial office seekers," etc Again Shutt styles the Gszstte as a family paper. Very appropriate, as it is read by every family in Morrow county. But think of the consistency. Shutt's bright little folio, with a patent outside and a patent medicine inside oontains about three oolumns of type matter, while tbe Gazette averages twenty columns weekly. Look at his paper. Gaze on tbe editor ial oolumns, where the editor's thoughts and opinions are supposed to appear, filled with patent medioine advertise ments. Brilliant opinions Shutt must have! His paper is not known of out side of Antelope preoinot; even so insig nificant is it that the various newspaper directories fail to credit bim with a cir culation. In tact tbe majority ot tbem are not aware tnat Anieiope nas a "weakly" paper, edited, patent medicine style, by Shutt, the moostrosity. We will wager the aforesaid egotistloal and idiotic ass, that in one issue of the Semi- Weekly Gazette more papers are sent out than this "weakly," patent medioine edited folio issues in a month. As for being a "dood," if weariug a hickory shirt and goggle-eyed trousers makes ut such, we plead guilty. Altaoks from such au insignificant paper as this affoot us about as much as tbe snapping of a orooked tailed our at the heels ot a well-bred dog, and in the future we shall give him about tho tame notioe. In fact we feel that we owe our readera an apology for giving tpaoe to tbia noneotity tbat thould have been filled witb newt of general interest. The Milton Eagle is certainly right in tbe following: "Shutt, E. M., so-called to distinguish him from others of tbe same name, is certainly a prodigy a monstrosity, we may say and his friends should not again permit bim to leave borne without a suitable guardian, for some curio-hunter is liable to capture and saorifioe bim in the oause of scieooe before be discovers bis great importance to tbe well being of tbe town ot Ante lope." In bidding farewell to Shntt. E. M., ot Antelope, we respectfully suggest to him to confer with Bobby Burns, aod learn from tbis gifted man the following: Hat troubled me for 11 years. I hava taken four bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla and am perfectly cured. I think Hood's Barsaparilla has no equal, and believe that many who are in poor health and have become discouraged, would be restored to good health it they would only give Hood's Sarsaparilla a fair trial." Vfu. J. Behsch, Astoria, Ore. HnnH'e Dill c cnr 11 llT Uta- biuoua- 11UUUO I Hid hd!he. Mo- It Leads Them AU . The "Cyclone" Thresher. There oan be no pleasure or bappi- nest for persont whose liver or kidueyt are unhealthy. Tbey are weak, tic and irritable, aod find it burdensome to perforin work of any kiod. W bat they need is a thorough treatment witb Lr J. 11. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm Tbit remedy it recognized by many of tbe best medical aulboritiee as without a peer for the oure of diseases of tbe kidoeyt or liver. It rapidly drive out diseased condition!, restores health and strength, vigor aod cheerful spirits. Price 1 00 per bottle. If you buy a new Thresher, Engine, v HORSE POWER OR SAW MILL You of course want the best. Write for Catalogue and Prices. IlisJMilon Engine & Thresher Co PORTLAND. OKEUON. THE?mULT of the age. The fault ot tho ace Is a mad endeavor To loan to hoixhts that were made to climb By a hurst ot strength or a thought that ii clover We plan to outwit and (orestall Tim. We scorn to watt tor the thing worth having We want high noon at the day's dim dawn; We f.nd no pleasure In tolling and saving As our forefathori did In the good limes gone. We force our rosea befors their season To bloom and blossom that we may wear; And then wa wonder and ask the reason Why perfect buds are io tew and rare. We crava the guln, but despise the getting; Wa want wealth, not aa reward, but dower; And the strength that is wasted to uselesi fretting Would loll a forest or build a tower. To covet tbe prize, yet shrink from the win ning; To thirst for glorv. vet foar the fight Wny. what can It lead to at last but sinning, To menial languor and moral DUgnir Better the old slow way of striving. And counllug small gains when tba year Is done, Than to use our forres all In contriving, And to grasu for pliuHurei we huva not won, -Klla Wheel or WUoox, In Woman's Journal "0, wad some power the glftle gte us. To oiinktl'i aa lthen lite tin; It wad true mnnie a blunder tree lit, and loollih notion." Bncklrn's Arnica Halve. The best salve in tbe world for cuts, Bruises. Sores. Ulcers, Malt Rheum Fever Sores, fetter, Chapped Hands Chilblains, Corui, and all skin eruptious and positively ouret Piles, or no pay required. It ie guaranteed to give perfeot satisfaction or money refunded riPoe 25 cents per box. For tale by T. W. Ayers, Jr. Council Miarim Cooooil met in regular tetsion last Monday night with all members present exoepting Faros wort b tod Patterson Minute ot previous tnoetiog read and approved. tire and water Oommittee re ported the water hydrant on corner of May and Court atreelt broken. Said committee ordered to look ioto matters immediately "Pobllo trough" committee reported progreea. ....Conn ed and mayor sgred by uoaoimout Tot to visit and inspect water Works Tortday. Pills allowed a follows: Costa ease Ilea and WbeUlooe, I22.C0; A. A. Iloberi, 75; F. J. Ualloek, 33 33; ILL. k W.Oo., SIM Marshal' report oo water reset voire r4 aod aoeepud Coooml tbra adjourned. ROOT! BUT NEVER SQUEEL ! C) That is what Minor & Co. are doing. They are constantly rooting for trade ; though they have the bulk of the trade of the surrounding country, they are not satisfied. II 11 M 1 MB! But we would like all the people for customers, as the larger the sales the cheaper the goods. We have just received the largest line of Fall goods ever shown in the city. Call and examine them and if you don't buy then we are to blame. We are here to show goods. We Meet and Beat all Competition ! MINOR & COMPANY. DON'T FORGET THAT P. C. THOMPSON CO. Are Still in Business In spite of boycotts. Our enemies are still trying to drive us out, but as long aa our friends stay witb us, we will continue to sell honest goods at honest prices WE DON'T THROW OUT BAITS To catch suckers as we do not expect reasonable people to judge us by the price of one or two articles. Be sure and call when you want fc Hardware, Tinware, M and Willowware, and many other things. Grocer ttnroln an a Lover. Abraham Lincoln's seutiiucntal per plexities are to be shown in au artiole I of singular intorest which John (lilmer 8peed lias written from uupublisbed letters o( Lincoln to Jocbua Speed, for the next issue of The LiidiiV Home Journal. The at tide will show that the 1 great President was hot sto.idy in bis affairs of the heart, that he floundered in bis love, and Anally induced his (rieud Hoetvl to tuarry aud tell bim (Liucoln) whether mnrriuue waa a failure I or not. CAItti or THANKH. Wkether Kepubliraa or Democrat. You surely want to keep fully abreast ot tbe times. You Dot only waut to know bow tbe situation is in Utah for Ileber M. Wells and John T. Gains, but yon want to koow what Reed of Mo- Kinley or Cleveland end Whitney may be doing io the way of rostling fur the presidential cbair. Tbe only way to get suob information, looal and foreign, is from a oewspatmr a real live, metro politao, up to-dale newspaper, and tbe Hall Lake Tribune ie Ibe only one in tbe territory. IVnple who diff-r in politics lib The Tribune admit that it bas no oompetilor In tb Vetro country One dollar a month for the dally, every dev in the month, and but 70 cebte for tbiee months f r the great Hemt-VWkly We desire through the columns ot this noner. to thank Ihn friends and neigh bors who so kiudlv aaxUlHd as through our late bereavement. 1. W. WIIM, (Jahhib E. Well. Thai Tlr4 feellig Is a Common eomplainl end it ia a dn- geraus svintttom. It means Ibat Its Tiiein is debilitated neoaumi of Impure blood, and to this condition II IS rape. tally lUhle to aKark of dieeee. Hood's Harsaparille la tba remedy for Ibis eon d it ion. and elan for tbat weaknea hirh prevai e at tbe ebang of sen, climate j or III. tlond's litis eel easily, yet pc.rot.ity J m?ietitly oo tbe bule and liv-r. r.cts. Koee Bit Ayer's al Ike W wMs Fair. Ayer'e Harsaparilla tijoye the extraor dinary distinct too of having ho tbe only blood purifier allowed an exhibit at tbe World'e fair, Cbleagi. Manofaolorere of other saraaparillas sought by every meaaatuobUioashowing of Ibeir goods, nut they were all turned away nodr Ibe siplkiHiD of Ibe rule forbidding Ibe entry if patent medicine end aoeirome. Tb deeieK.n of the World s fair eoiho ritie to favor of Ayer's Harsaparilla wae In tffect aa follows: "Ayer s Harsspa rule la Dot a patent ojediclne. It iie not heloeg to the l't of eoelruilif. It IS here r lis meriie." rD Iiti.-Oo Tody al 7.30 i.. In lleppeer, orearred Ibe death Ixwt. Hi a T id oa HtoLt.-A red Hborlhoro cow with slightly drooping borne aod while marks no bio I fe. t, right bind leal dried up; and hr inter ealf, a red ron, blwky, ehorl lrgged bull calf, both dimly branded with circle) on right hip. 1Mb left lb John Q W il- eon ranch etot July 10th. Informa tion leading to Ih-ir recovery will be re warded. N. C. fcUki. 70 2 Heppner, Or. ((eakixaMaa Ellis Ilanovtaea On greeemee W. K. Elbe, t-f Ileppoer, representing the eVffid mrigrevekiDel IneL.ee, inf.el daegbler if Oeorge a.ri-l n. m im wrM m p ia.e W eadCerrieE Welle, ag.d 2 m'-elhe ( 0-4 Hmertee h-eul, aod will re aodlOdsje Cholera M.Mew was lie, "' ' r 'td.y. 0r oae ye mom i-f Me dee'h. It. fuaeral oe-! r'. Mr. Hi.e bad .. f t is legs badly .red al Ibe re.i l.ac ..f lU pareate lreteed, Ihroogh ai a-c;4'ui, a.,1 td Wloelaf eflfe.n. lele rt Im gi l,u v.a.ie.i,ie H-tlr. There will be a meeting of IheiJ. A It. te and Woman's ltellef Grpe tbe last Halorday of Ibis mootb, Hcpl. 2Mb, at 1 o'clock p. m, la the town of Hepp ner. All lnmbre are rej'iele Io m pret. Hy order of lb commander, T. J. l.ot a. r.!dr)W. II. Heifl. of the M. I.. church. Month, will bold Ibe ftrel quer lerly iirg of line o-inferef," er lit tbie etiy tomorrow eretnng and Huaday m t'tilng sad nl''g AC are Ifitiiel t lb e-vvie. T. It. Howard makes a specialty in eupplying stockmen with all Denied artu'lea, bcrnd carrying a general line. Hee hie new ad. u. J. K. Taylor. Ihw txiimlar representa tive of tb 1'acitln l'aier (Vt , of I'orlland, wsa interviewing bis Heppner customers Wednesday morning. (1. B. Halt, tbe lonsorial artist, can be foond at his parlor, Matlock corner, where be will dipctie at popular prices, shaves, shampoiHi, baireiita, etc. Wall. Tbou.i-eon rune etag titwen Henpner and lonumeut, arriving evry day rxcopl Monday and leaving every dav exoeol Huodav. Hhorteal anil chrap- eet mute to tbe Interior. 1. Cobn, agent. Tbel'attereoo I'ub. Co.. have eecorad the egncy of lh Ureeceol bicyol-e for Morrow aod t Irani onunlles, and will shortly bav) soma rnacbinee for eale al rry low nguree. i,mmitii uwni before baying. If. Ike Knots ha a etock of binyole repair and will fix yonr wheel op at reonahl rale. It la hi (Mention to mak a si-vialty in this line, end aa the number .f wheel i rapidly Increasing. Ibia will certainly b dmg oewe o Iboae who are eo forlunale a to own a bike. II- Hi rgulr eabMiripiion prn of the fVml Weekly liaaeil la 12 VI and the reirular prKe ol the Weekly Oregonian Ull.M). Anyone eobwrihing for the Osteite aod paying for one year In advance ran get Mb the Oarelle arid Weekly Or. gonna for I t All old snb errihere pnyirg iheir eilf intione f..r oe yeer IB a Iraoee willies nlit!d to tb Out of Sight! The lioy ia father to tbe man, and when tbe bny dons the man's bat be is "out of eight." Likewise the men who pro vides biuiHulf with one of T. R. HOWARD'S bale, and also purohases his Groceries, Cigars, Tobaooos and Geuts' Furnieb ingH at Una eatahliehment where the freshest and latest of tbe above lines are kept. Thia is elan the plane for H took mens Kntiplies, ss this store makee a specialty of everything required by this ols ot trade. And a raanal oWrver ill not tail to notice that our sheep and cattle men take advantage of this fact Rcmemlier the place HEPPNER BLOCK, Main St., Four diMire south ol the Udy hotel. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, 1805-1890. fTUE CSIVE1WITY OP OHKdON, El-'OKSE, OUFOON, r fT-rn free tuition (f to all etodente. Young men oan obtain board, lodging, heal and light id tbe dormitory for II W per wek. lU.mers furnl.b their own linen. Yonog women are provided board In privaU familn e at 1 00 ir week. Young women deelrlng board ehonld a-Ureee IVof. Joho Wraob, Eugene, Oregon; or Hecrctary Young Women's Christian Aseooletloo. Eugene. Ibe Unlver.ily offrre threw baccalaureate degree, Ilecbelor of Arte. Uacheh.r of Hoicnc and H. heh.r of Ut lera witb orponding aooreee of etudy. Tbe following shorter eour.ee are aleo i a Kn.lish eonrae 1-a.ling in two yeare t? a bo.ioeee diploma and In three yeere to tbe title graduele In English; an edveored courwi for grsduatee of normal echm.le leading to the degree mar of pedagogy; A three years coura in civil engiering leading to tb degree civil engineer; a eonr.ei.f teo yeare for teacher of physical education leading l' n diploma and Ihe till director of physical educeiion. Tbe foiv.rally chargee an Incidental f.e of teo dollars whieh la payable In advance by all etodente. Hlndents holding diploma from the public ioboola and thoM baviog teacbere' eertincalee are admitted to lh prepara'ory department wilbonl examination. Tboe. deeinng informatl-rti regarding lh pre- paiatory deparlmeot should ad Ireee Ihe iwan, n. i sarreg.n, r.-ige..-tot eslalngoee aod Information addree O. II. CI I A I'M AN, Pn-Httlint. or J. .1. WAII ON. NiH-ivtary. K"K''". Oivon. STATE NORMAL Monmouth, L 3 o'clock o lUv. leate delivered tb eerntta, after j which the remaiae were interre-t ia tbe IIepfnr ermtry. The pares U end reUiitee l. lb eyavpatby of ail ia their bervrttat I. ...!.-M. lit.il.Uf, tMi.ie.lhy M' Wm Wrn, ie anw prepeie-l to d i all kic le of drmkir.( In Utt d !". Irfe eeM i m in'm' t I.i'htealhel iuillug, (Ml .1 ! Ma " " 5' if yni wni to rot a !. ' cr sM r t..ii. r ."4. r ail Ik Loo at I s trouble t'nl.r e-Ivic of hie pbyet eian, Mr. I'.ili em Ii I'orlland and ealeted it'ol H.m.nien hMpilal for tre.iu.ent. Mrs. I'.Hw and -.e are eow w,b hiaj al ihe rerkihe.-Orefteieo. Mr tine' roaaf friends will te pl1 In em of Li rrevrv. end will i Sikcrely h p tbat M e Ir j ifeH nernlr ; nay c bios no are trtM. Z TJTXXm .h. if j t. Mrs. T. K. Haekle ChHeeof a. Tr. ee Uil..t.'e Vla'ir a. car If' I co.oler il II. b.l em.r f .f s d.biiil.t eft.e'a I ever !.' ( 4 drep-i. Iir M klle tiW iiil. I'ikn ! m" rll hy T. iW. Iya,;f. 1 -ii w iKSirosftiV Umi. eiry4 ee aW. A bay r. il years ol I, breaded al, h ky. ba a yonog coll Wa leal eeen Iwlaaeq ll'I P'.er Olid ll'lm0. I'm d'.IIar rei I will pi I for her rmro U K-1 Kesasr, till. Heppner, Oregn. i Ore c ,i.ri. .1 1 lnl.lMl"l Uihti ! ),l,..f ..mm .u. K.,. rt,l-l .14 'l..i !-. Tbe Diieene el Ibe eabeel ewiuiee lleleeebiiiaoyeeMniyie) the siete wile). mI fMClbereaemloetiee), e i4t'l !'''". tr k 1 l'."i..n 14 .r It -. Ji" '!' f rf.,"ef'.vn I t- I i Wm Cwa oi Crv Cua J r s.s ky I. . !, ir. wrrvrt l Ml. Ten l ate i f at.wk In lh Nilel lUi-k t Heppner. Ad lie 11.. hard T. Oit, K.ivr, A'liog'-w. 'af Mif. N'oW I II lime to get ll.e We.k'y Oreg-ih, gi.n'e.1 ee. per 4 II. e.t, WiMi U.et...le-h'riet It m . f-v on er, 1 1 Ni l'r .rtt l.i ,.i . n ,.f ae. i !. e.a t . I tl,elie. lee il l a ( ..... l.ktk.L I ,iii"n e t t-n..i j'wni,ir e n ne. it.t l".t.tr, e arfiiltrsl pl. iCoeiia la atid enoMrtow. 7.W i r V X U j 1 i KT7T ."f H 1 !r iw.'i' .i a"-! ' ll- r . . Hijrr ,J 1 . VKM.k)t--l4e.n.l-rli.i-.e4ea.. tfei... u-iy" "T . . rtvrevtl. ... ii ,, a i rr a n ni mi 10 I.. IMH IMUIMHI i-uuui -.... IUIU 1 dllUWII . CONVEYANCER ,um