Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 20, 1895, Image 2

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    We can get along with a great
deal less of courts, law and liti
gation and officialism. The way
to make times good to the mass of
the people is not to put unneces
sary burdens upon them. When
we sow tares we must reap a
whirlwind. East Oregonian.
The late number of Pythias
that has just come to hand is a
very creditable issue and full of
"Knightly knews." Brother Tozier
is all right, and is now giving the
order a better paper than thoy
pay for. So don't start another
pythian journal, but help Albert
Tozier financially, not by praise,
to build up Pythias.
They pronounce it Val-ky-rie,
but the Telegram says its proper
name is Dennis.
from the B.
8. fagae
Weather Crop
m n l j
iiUKBuo uuam 0ay geeue Weather-Rain hag fallen almost
may not nave mucn sense, but every day during the past week. The
they know enough to go South tal amount to from one inoh at The
in time to get in out of the cold. UttllM ,0 two IDOhe8 Brter c,fy-
I Ti a - a 1
lueee HmuuniB are tar id excess 01 me
normal Rmrmntn vhita tho Infnl vnmfnll
A MINNESOTA lady has started a for the month to date is greater than anv
school to teach girls agriculture, previous reoord, covering from five to
This is another evidence of the 20 Jews- The rainfall was especially
presence of the new woman. beftvy on the ?3tb Bnd 14th in,ts-
reports irom me interior counties show
thnt frennnnr. hnuv rainfalla harA
1HE tot. LiOUlS girl wrote: ooonrred during the present month in
"Don t phale to be thar." Her seotions. amounting to what is termed
Kansas City beau replied: "I will "o'oud bursts." These have in a few
be thar; there's no such word B8 instances been severe and damage has
ii resulted, rue eany commencement or
t " I f Vi U vain !a trapn nnnn 11 n 1 1ml .nnli
wuw i um to t ui t u u un u ni u ii BUUU
The decendants of Davy Crock-
should not be considered as an index of
lh Amnnnr. rtf vain that art niiir dnr.
ett, who are numerous in Kentucky, in the winie, Xhe recorda 10 .
Tennessee, and Arkansas, are made do not indicate that early rains
having a reunion at Almo, Tenn., tamu heavy winter rain. The con
this week. ditions which have produoed the rain so
far have no real winter characteristic?,
Thought is the great force n . p 8 T . , ' .
O I at rr rr a u tint nnm rina..AnihlA 1 n n
which uproots dynasties and apectiD4 the dai,y weg,ber map ig8aed
purges the word of its fossilized from this office, It oan be seen whether
barnacles. When the masses 'he storm areas keep to the north of
think, tyrants trouble. Ex. Washington or not; if thev are far to
tne norm ngnt rams will prevail; it over
Washington heavy rains will Drevail.
"WaitsbuRQ also experienced a and if to the south of Oregon light rains
postoffice robbery a few days since. wil1 ooonr.
n fact the upper country with its lhe temPer8ture during the Pa week
iufi i i i t ubs rangea auriug toe aay nours rrom
r 6 a tn 7rt 1au Koin f ft 11
standing the rains. There has been a
decided improvement in the appearance
of the coontry since the rains com
menced. Grass on the range has made
an excellent growth, and thrown off its
dried, parched look, and become green.
Farmers are well pleased with the
season. More rain is needed to produoe
a perfect condition for fall plowing
Owing to the favorable conditions which
have prevailed it is expected that the
seeding of grain will commence unua
ally early this year. The early arrival
of the fall ruins makes the present
season comparable with that of 1893,
when wide spread danmre of grain from
wet weather resulted. Unlike the
season of 1S03 farmers have profited
from the experience and their crops are
on the market, and their energies ready
to be directed toward the work of the
next season. Improvement of the
range grass has gladdened the hearts of
the stockmen and solved the problem of
care of stock for the future to a larye
Portland, Or., September 17, ISS'j.
By virtue of an execution lmued out of the
Honoruble Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon,
for the County of Morrow, upon a judgment
rendered and entered in iil court on the
1 hird Day of Seetember, lx(i, in favor of Lu
cinda Hales. Plnintlir, and against J. 1. Kirk,
Myamma Kirk and the Morrow County Land t
Trust Company, a corporation, Defendant, for
the mini of Twenty-five Hundred (Jibuti) Dollars
(iold Coin, with interest thereon from the 9th
day of March, lN'.rJ, at the rate of ten per cent.
Full Term begins September 18, 1S95.
Three College Coursea. Classical, Scientific and Literary. Academy prepares for college and
given a thorough English education, the best preparation for teaching end business. The school
haa always been distinguished for the breadth ana thoroughness oi in wont. na a library of
7000 volumes, good equipments for mathematical and scientllle work, ana one nuiiaings with the
best modern improvements. Marsh Hall, just completed at a cost ol .u,uuo, is one ot the nneat
r-'oA"',1!",'!' H"d ,V"e Hl!n(l,re1 " .1,le,y-"ve college buildihgs on the Pacific College.
(silti) Dollars attorney s fee. and the further
sum of Twenty-three and 7" inn (lit 75) Dollars All expenses very low Board and room at the Ladie's Hall $:S 00 to $4 00 per week, includ
es ts, nnd accruing costs, I have levied upon . electric light and heat. The College dormitory, under excellent management, furnishes
and will sell at public auction on Saturday, the l"g 6 e " ' " e ,, , ,... ,,. , w .nA , .n, .t.,H.t.
l.un uay ot uetober, ls., at 2 o clock f. M., at ooaru aim iooiu ai r-.&i fc1 ... . .
the court house door in Heppner, Morrow rent rooms and board themselves at a total cost not to exceed $1.50 per week.
The Sons of Veterans held their
ninth annual encampment this
week at Knoxville, Tenn., thus
going to southern soil as did their
fathers, who held their recent
session at Louisville. Every state
in the Union was represented with
the exception of Colorado, Cali
fornia and Oregon. The session
was a very successful one, and
largely attended by many promi
nent men.
Ohio democrats are the
champion floppers. Under the
lead of Pendleton thirty years ago
they came out strong for the pay
nient of all bonds in greenbacks.
During the war they were Vul
landighamera. Only last year
they were for free silver out aud
out. This year, under the lead of
the state tax-dodger, they are for
gold and nothing elso. Where will
they bo next year? Exchange-.
or southern Oregon with her stage deBreei lower thao ,ne pre0edlng week;
ODOenes. the msht temDeratare has ranged from
30 to 52 degrees, being from 2 to 4
RESIDENTS of Chicago have a degrees cooler than last week. Damag-
novel plan of having their cellars iDg ,08tl, oocarred 8bout Baker City.
nr lnAA- T't anu iirdi irooia in me uoiumoia river
ug deeper. They get someone I nn ....
to hint that one of Ilolme's victims - . '
. . . , ., , ,. , . ,. Crops There have been most bene-
is buried there, and the detectives floi9l raln8 in Bll iectiot)8 ,b(lt hBVe
do the digging.
A constitutional convention is
now iu session at Columbia, South
I . j 1 nuuutui ihiu( uuiU WL" IUI COUCH DUU
Carolina. It was certainly time t. n j
- doui iu uiRiAvi, vouiiiuiuiB ui uaujaeu
TnE IloHoburg lteviow rightly
says: "Homo of tlio biightcst
nowspaptfrs in Oregon Imve tlio
dullest editors. They have jiiht
snnso enough to steal the best
things other editors writo and
tli general public seldom know
iuo uiuerencn. u o cmihl niiino
exchangoH in which an origiona!
thought or idea is an exception
newspaper inon shoulil xHmp
theHrt (Hlitornu i m Motors." Itrotli-
rr rinher might hIho add to this
i'Imhh thoHO whiwe oditoria'
thought nnd opinions coimiht of a
column of patent medieino mlvt r
IlAM'HiiAKlNO may bo tin art,
but it la a HetmeloHg one. There
is oft times morn liypocrirty iu
nliiko of tlio hand than tins been
dreamt of in your philiHopiy.
Htiiti'MiiHii. Tlio lliKMit editor o
11. - Ul t . ..I I
wie niHieMa;Hii, iioiu we Rro cim
to nay in tiMUally right on every
thing, (teem to lint f)intmil front
on liinddiiling. Only n few d i
ago lio rMtko of thin aivoinpli-li
nuMit am n highly tmeful, Ix nutifu
atitl rxuiiNiteiy tri)iiiiieiital nit
nnd now from thn nl o it nj
M I t II
ix'iua mm no iieneven u n neiim
leti tl(. Till SUtenlnitll edil.ir
intiht liv recently l-oeii tho it tinj
of ootiio rotifidoiii'n hnrp.
Swept by a Cyclone
Of approbation to the pinnacle of popn
larity, Hostetier's Stomach Bitters has
aoquired a oonjmaiuliuf pitiou, which
has occasionally makle it a bright and
shining mark for knaves, who sees to
foist upon the oouminuitjr s nrions com
pounds in the guie akin to that ol the
real artiole. Thee are mostly local bit
ters or tonics of great imparity, and, of
oourse, devoid of medicinal efficacy. Be
ware ot them and get the teuaine Bit
ters, a real remedy for nislaria, rheuma
tism, kidney trouble, dyspepeia, nervous
ness, constipation, and bilionsuess.
Physicians of eminence everywhere com
mend the great mvigorant, both for l's
remedial properties aod its purity. A
wineglass thrice a day will soon bring
vigor and regularity to a disordered aud
enfeebled system.
thoroughly soaked the soil and pre
pared it for fall plowing aud seeding.
Fortunately the rains were timely and
season aoie, tne crops ot grain, as a
general role, having been threshed and
or such a move, for no state needs
new constitution worse than
South Carolina.
Colonel Watterson can't
grain Irom rain are very rare. In
Klamath and Harney oountles where
the harvest was late the grain orpg
have also been seoured. Harvest of the
hav cron is complete. exoeDt a few fields
of alfalfa. Alfalfa hnv in of crond
Hardin for governor down in Lnaiitv. mr. Vma hon r.nr...tri
ventucky so lie is going abroad, than expectations warranted before the
I'his is indeed very consistent for ''"' commenoed. The frost that
a straight-laced democrat, but how ocourred 00 the 6th of September injured
. ... , ,, I maoh tender vegetation in Bakercouoty.
b All growing orops are doing well since
aOroaUf IthAmina mmmnnnAd nnd frnat nnnM
not do tbera serious damage. There
It IS commendable to Bee demo- will be a very good orop of potatoes, the
cratic organs lying awake at nights quality will be exoellent, but there will
("murine how "democratic reform ,,e a rewer nDn"er n the hill; this
iu ..rmlnninr, nrrit THa t . peouituniy istraceu o InsulHoient
' . " , J moistare. Fruit shipments contioue;
iciwi h mKu uiey wituv n, nuu vubv lhere wi be ,Rn.9 .biDmellt. of .dd1
they still have confldonco in their and grapes. Drying of fruit has been
medicine. greatly impeded by the wet weather;
there has not been any good drying dnya
IF JAPAN wants fast boats she duriDg the past week. Soma plums and
will know whore to cot them, r0"" nav? DUr" ,,m;e "' wet we",Ler
...... . liit . commenoed; with tins exception fruit
,u,.u ...... uinaro K,u uuiuu, uui hu ..,,. 0(1 .., ...,! nitt
-1 i i a I
uncle oara is a little bit auead as tnrity. In some orchards ths prunes
usual. An Ameiican boat, "all are still in perfeol condition notwith
county, and state of Oregon, all the ripht, title
and interest hich the said J. I). Kirk, Myanima
Kirk and the Morrow County Land & Trust
Company, Defendants, had on "or after the third
day of September, 1MI), in or to the following
aenerioeil premises, to-wit:
The North Half of Section Thirty-six, the
Northwest Quarter of Section Thirty-live and
Southwest Quarter of Section Twentv-Bix. all
in Township One (1) South, of Kangc Twenty.
si" JO r.Hst, . n.
Terms of sale, cash in hand, the proceeds to
he app'ied to the SHtifa( tiou of said principal
sum, interest, attorney's tees, costs, and costs
that may accrue.
Dated at Heppner In the state and county
aiorcsuiu iiiih lain miv oi epi., iom.
:71-T9 Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.
For further particulars address, PRES. THOMAS McCLEI-LAND, Forest Grove, Oregon,
Notice Of Intention.
I J August 21. lf-'Xi. Notice is hereby given
that the following named settler has tiled no
tice of his intention to make final proof in sup
port of his claim, and that said proof will be
made beiore J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at
iieppuer, uregon on sept. iso, viz:
Hd. E. No. 347", for the Wv, 8EU and WJ4 NE!
Sec. 3-J. Tp. S S. R 25 E. W. M. Oregon.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upou and cultivation
of. said land, viz:
C.eorge Snick, Mhonias Driscoll. William Dris-
coll. Nathan Shaw, all of Heppner, Oregon.
;ttl-7t Jas. F. Moo KB, Register,
fALUllLZ-UlllllLi lliUf
Address J. 1C. SMITH,
Pilot Rock, Umatilla Co., Oregon.
Notice of Intention.
I 4 Aug 22, 1 k;j. Notice la hereby given that
TF Mr. Columbus were alive to-
J day and called at Mat Lichten-
rtVflli Ihtit
the following named settler hiiB filed notice of thal's he midht make a U6W disCOV-
nis intention to mane nnai prooi in support ot . ,
his claim, and that said proof will be made ery quite as memorable as tnat OI
oIwt'X atHeppner' 1492. Ohiis was a great discoverer
geokge w. wilson in his day. He would at this time
Hd. No. 47;!5, for the SV, of NK'( Sec :ll. and V4 discover the finest stock of Shoes
oiXWM Sec 35. Tp3 rt, ftaime 2M E. W. M. . . u ,
He names tne toiiow ng witnesses to prove evtu Biiuwii iu iicuuum. ouu iuo
I!,1" !,T,"!i"T".ri,re8ide'K'e u,ou Hml cultivatlon cheapest as well. What more does
1). O. Justus. Samuel D. Tyler, John Beeler,
John C. Lockimno, of Heppner, Morrow Co., Or.
3U5-75 Register.
News, news, news! It's enough to
give a rusn the bines. Nobody married
and nobody ded: nobody broken an
nrm or a haad; nobody come in to talk
of the "crap," no one got boozy and
started a scrap; no one got run in for
taking a horn; nobody buried Bnd no
body born. Oh, for a racket, a riot, a
f usb I Some one to come in and kick up
aruties; some one to stir up tne peace-
laden air; somebody's comment to give
ns a scare. Somebody thumped within
an inch of his life; somebody run off
with another man's wife; some one
oome in and pay up their dues; anything,
Anything, just so it's news. Colusa
J August 27, l!tS Notice Is hereby given
that the following named settler ha tiled no
tice of his intention to make final proof in sun-
port of his claim, and that said proof will lie
made before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at
Heppner, uregon. on iietonern. i:m, viz:
Hd. Application No. .WttO, for the NE4 Sec. 3,
Tn. 4 S. U 28 E W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said la"d, viz:
Mat Hughes, Joe Rector, David McOullough.
William Hughes, all ol Heppner. Oregon.
B. 1. ttlltl.,
4flfi-7G. Register.
j August 24, 1H95. Notice is hereby given
that the following-named settler has filed no- ()nA anlr ner Pord will furnish Pnnnrrh fWI
tice of her Intention to make final pioof In sup- V B . 1CK per com Will iurnibu enOUgn IUei.
riles! rilest itching Piles.
bymptoms Moisture; intense ltohirg
and stinging; numt at night; worse by
scratching. If allowed to continue
tumors form, which often bleed and
ulcerate, becoming very ore. Bwayne b
Ointment slops the itching and bleed
tng, heals ulceration, and in most oases
removes the tomors At drnggit-ts, or
by mail, for 5(1 dents. Ir.swayues Son
port of her claim, and that said proof will be
made before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at
Heppner, Oregon, on October ft, m-, viz:
Hd. E. No. 3IIH. for the 8'i SUVV Sec. 28 and the
S' -i 8 EH See. 2'.', Tp. 5 8. It 211 E. W. M.
sne names tne lonowing witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upou and cultivation
of, said 'and. viz:
lleiiiamln Parker. Ada Jones, L. w. Lewis, of
Hardiuan, Oregon, Robert (ttlmnre.of Hepnncr,
uregon jas. t. amour,,
4rt)-7ti Register.
Mathews Bros., City hotel barber shop,
toiisonal artiets. limrcuttitig, shaving
shHtiiprtoing, etc, done scientifically
linths at io cents apiece.
Meadows k Scrivner, thn blacksmiths,
bnrsnhoers and wHid luttohers, at the
old (limn stand, Alain street, Heppner
I'all on the hoys.
or of "Oregon fir,"
I titer Ocean.
In Now York a Chinaman was
Hcntenceil three years in the
penitentiary, ami they cut off Lis
cue. l'or tho latter net ho has
drought suit against tho state (or
IIO.OOC. However, he will likely
grow auother cuo before Le gets it
Seventh Annual Fair
Second Raslern Onon District isiicultot
r li K Ahtftt)i llivonl niul ,f
Halcm HtntfNiuaii fui.l fault with
the (Jfttrt for sn)in Mint "('ti.
lroNsmau llcriiisuii notns ( ,ii(
tnito a rciiitittiii m a liniblxImLi r.
This is rotiliy nun thin thnt
k4s him iu coiir r." Now tho
fcUitrt jHrs hitvo wrongly int. r.
nti our nUti'iin'iit. ' I
i.ot iuli ii.l (. rttxt any tt lh-t tioiiit
mi Mr, llrrinmiii, for u lli cu.
trary o thought that a cviiitdi.
luiMit w i!ut hi in. H'f tiit
StiH withthn ll vol 1 Jhat Initio
fell aiiiinl U haiitUhnkir ri
th'tiCrt f itij r,in .Hii1
iiiliin'l mi! pent kinci'iily t f
i'hrt'ti'r, an ! n niati nt
ladll h Hi U ati. I C'tii tl, I" I !
Utioli of Ihiiij (Ih inly imtly
ll.'C'IUl ilollhl i l.tioUl.nkt r
A lin'rto. l( Iihs uiir I ,i4
Ciin4lslitlirtil It tin lititut..i,
U'AUty Ml I tl ftt!lte t f Alt Mt
(VmrtMtaiuAU llriniiti has il 'i.o
this, Mi. I in thii. ho I, a tUi
Embracing the Counties of Wasco, Sherman
Gilliam, Crook, Morrow nnd Umatilla,
Commencing Tuesday, October 8th, 1895
THAT Kentucky an 1 M try land .rO0 sppropristed hy th Hlais tor Aif-i(ultur!. 8-ook, MecbanicHl Kibil
will Ct rcpuulicau this fall m-tnis
U.000 Biven in parses fur Truls of Hp!, Writ or call w the HcrUrjr
(or rremiutn List aud Entry ttlsuks.
O. MACK, Hrorrtsry. 37179. A. 8. MAC AI.M.SIEIt. IVsi.l.ot
Tiik Union llcjmbltcan truth
fully Hays: "A rxhI newspaper is
doing something for its town am
statu overy Uy every hour. It
works for tho go of every citizen
all tint time, taming Lira dollars
and doing favors he never dreams
to 1 considered ns a very likely
otTurrt'tico ly thtt press of the
country. Iu tho event that such
n thing should happen there would
U no necessity of democratic
natioual convention next year.
The diMimrrntio club of Niagara,
N. Y., voted to "have uniforms,"
) the Niagara CiaettA. Hut
the money was not forthcoming,
m they named themselves "The
Whitney l luh," and sent notice ly
teh-grftpu, aud are patiently wait
ing for a check by mail to uniform
Siuatt fellows these Nisgriana.
SATona MiMitLL and Mc
IWtd arr on a tour up through
tin Valley this week getting io
totii h w i tli the cip1e and cjuaint-
iig thrtiii jvei with the demands
of their constituent, When the
tie lection day tolls aronnd the
I fop'e in luru will show Senator
l ii.'l.iill 11, .t ll..,.. . ...f....ll 2a
III I 11 M mj nil' p un I'J IU
i l.iiii li a illi him.
mortal man want ?
The Old, Original Shoe Merchant.
Main Street, Heppner, Oregon.
Custom Work a Specialty.
He Saws Wood!
Has purchased one of the late improved steam saws and is now
fully prepared to saw wood of every description at the low price o
40c per Cord one time in two
50c per Cord two times in two
Wood will be cut neatly, and where possible all knots cut out.
Leave orders with Chris.
Borchers at the Palace Hotel.
J Auir. ar, lHH.i. t'oiniilulut having lieeu en-
lored ni inm ouu e tv iii-nry i-mnier sira'iuit
Nim'I II ( Hiniiticll iir lnl'urc toriiinptv with liiw
hi tn tlmlx-r-iuilturi' Entry No. intd o to-
Iiwb ihx, uhiii the n'i hr.'i mm H'4 nw',
M'rinin zi. lowiiKimi 4 k . KHiitfO'ii in .nor
row Ciiuntv, ori'iidii, w ith vli'W to the CHnc'el
liitliiii o( km ll entry, rc)ntt'tiiiit hIIcuIiib tlmt the
1 1 inlier culture lw h Kit lieen rutuplli'il with ;
Hint the K nt rv run 11 lm never brukeii or ulnweil
lint IheHerei ol the milil truct ami thin only for
the II rut year i"l mien dillure mill exlutit, the
oii'il pHrilcunre heri'tiv ituniinoniMl to Hpiienr nt
tlilK ullii e on the Kth iIhv of (k tolier, lvi'i. nt in
o rliH k n. in., to ri'Kpoinl hii'I furiiln . tentluiouy
eonrerulniE mild Mllfifil fitlliire. J. W. Morrow,
county clerk U Hiithoricil to titles the tciitl-
mi inv In wild cHe nt hi oltli e nt Mcpiiiier. Mor
row county, on the Ut flny of OetoU-r. l'i'i, at
in n ('UN'S a. in. jak. I. .mook r.,
WiT-T.'i Ueiilmer.
Yon Should PppjitB
For a "big feed" when you come to
reppner and stop at the
Popular Prices ! Comfortable Rooms !
Airs. Tom ISrtidley, Prop.
Notice of KIiihI Hettlenirnt.
uiiilcrthrncil Hilinhilntminr of t'ie eRtnte i
Freilrlcii krltu hiiinr ili'i I'lincil, w III umlie llunl
lllciiieiit oi liia ni ioiinla wit Mill tnlc
mirh niliiil'ilMtrHtor nt the next tcrni of the
couiitv court oi Morrow coimtv, nt llcpli'ier, to
In) holilcii nt the court Iioum-. ii u il I'liuutv.
Oil lilt fill till) in niiv,, a. ir. i'.
4' ii 11, l.li ll I r I M
. Ins Keeley Institute
For tho Cure Oa
Liquor, Opium ud Tobacco Habits
It Is locnteil at Salem, Oregon,
The jlfont Beautiful Town on the Coatt
rail at thn (Iathttk oltlee for partlrtilan
f trlctly coiilhleiitlal. Treatment rl ate aud aura
ol ( iIIhI1'pu. Towhnin II mny eoiuerii,
notice li lnTi-l.y K'ven Hint the llonnl ol Kiiinl
lnlloti for lhe roimty nf Morrow, ainte ol ore
son, w 111 tin! nt the ottkee of the rout tr rlrk
of t.ni county au1 tnte on Monday, the r1
ilny ol iN-pleiniier. I ' . niul cmitlnuo In Mlon
lor one tlirn-nfier, Anjf er.inir htoii
tin i ma any roinplninu in mnke will np'nr
the time almie nichllnm-.l. J. MII.I.K
.li.T '.'J 4'oiiiny twmr,
II I "" r1'!""1"! "" rroM'rty Netotint
l. We are irefaml to neaotlnta ft rt
ninrttfntoa uaiu lut.rois farina In
Oreton. with fnii'rn .rrl.- nt a rale of Interest
not to exec,! w ir cent per aiiniim. Mortirnv.-a I
r.oira r. Hint he len tnlicii l.y other cam-
aillc. AililtiM with ininp,
Htr I'ltT. tirt'aon.
nr. Hold
1) un-ter mauneement n( Clirln llnrrheri ho la con
ilu Unit it in a trlctly r lrt Clana manner.
IlliiriO-lilli'IlS m"l w
He has also re-opened the Hotel Bar
where the Finest Liquors and Fresh,
est Cigars will constantly be kept.
If free lutl.iainl Fn Ilm fur all Gueata.
llxil Colxix'
& i i
Tim potuplftiNi tli ninth, aik
( the Purrmt trial, and aa yt tha
pnwution hta tot MinpUttsl
thrir t'uU i( tha cm. Tha at-
r.fUinljf aouaafnu t,t in il) f(lf , M,UHt rUim
In attai t In 0l!lliH lit, r ,,, , ., . i
O M Mly I... tr,.,.M M.,,,,,,,.,.,,,,'1' I,'",r''
If aiN-Umatioit .N.i s,ul 1 n. t if th-Ui;!', ! CMUal .U
Cllti. ia lli.i l.t'.Miinn, f T r f". 4 lt r tlila . Af triy d.'ul lful
tint in tin tixr a Mtupliun Lt and tt U f r tha trial
it cnrtaiulj dui hliu. i )l lat trf Mortal vka
Do You Want a Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
Arc You in Nad of a Saddle
1 lorse ?
All tli can procured at Thomj.ti M litit, 1 oapr Main Stirrt,
( lp'j'ticr, Oregon.
tm til'n ix !! at ii'it !' '- !! i k in "!'m a 1 Mr f ,. i
k4 ran Mw a .4 ti in .atlf lt. i-- ua !. ma .
lttr la le-'" It""
Iatrra Iturna Pally at a r. m. an.) nr.
fitra at IhiUrln In il boar.
"There in ri i-V in the affairs of vim
Thai, ifinh-n ul ilt jlofxl, h'ddt on lo fortune."
The flood i hero aud it
With a full line of
Ilnithvaif. Tinv:tii. OlnMHwmv, C'rx kiTv. Wooil
ntttl Villuvvun. Collar Tuhia at ISoiltwlc l'rU-c-.
rtimngh I
i Until
i oft iu Hi nlbi.
Sinqlo Fare $0.OO,
Round Trip $1 1.00 f HE LIGlin.ST KUN1NG GANG HOWS! V
.riMiah tr-Uhn'.rei.taperr-iniit. 1 bjr MB oft
TLo only r.irluaiv llrdwr Store Mr.n The Dallot aud Petdleton
Ulrtltiill.litl' H.l1t ' li llt ( nM,M u
at i a 't n ii ih Mi t i tt l..u a r t
l,h ! . .o.l.l.... l.l.tli I Ul.HM HAIN
n.fta a ai i!u
r -nt i k ena f mm
ifcm a -M f 4 p' ffs(toN
r .a i IV mm
mm a- . m. u tift ft atl'aa.
I tt a., ,w J
Is the Place for Fresh Groceries, Client) for
y . a
-asli Univ.
Plenty of them at tho
Gazette Off
l . r
U- i-.,c t
!.' ,
0 i ,
' t. '
aw- I fMMa
AltonieyM nt Itw,
i c I fl
J a vw. vaT, Jltri"ER.
A!! tt; ra alt. i
orrici: :.
in a t f"ii-. nt ..u.f.a
'' I'at lw M..t C l't..ra
.N41IUSAL HANK I-tlt t INf.