fliMMt III II Hl I Kl I Ml M Ml I IMM 14 ltlMr PAPER ff tJ Ml W IWI I M II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tMM.I M VftJ OFFICIAL 3 MY SUCCESS Is owing; to my liberality in ad- vertis;ng. Robert Bonner. s 1 FREQUENT AND CONSTANT Advertising brought me all I own, A. T. Stewart. . ilUIKI'IntiMiM VMNIlMWIilUI Mil I'Mtl M Mlll I I il.l I 110 MIMWll I I I I 1 1 III I lllll l HI I I I IH I MJ Mil I I IIIH I IU.HH tl llll THIRTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1895. I WEEKLY NO. 6;1 i I SEMI-WEEKLY NO, 372 rwljcl ttef SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. PUBLISHED Tuesdays and Fridays BY THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS a. w. PATTERSON, PATTERSON. . . . Editor Business Manager At if 2.50 per year, $1.25 fur six months, 75 eta. tor three rnomriB. Aduertis ng Rates Made Known on Appl cation. TiHIU PAPKR is kept on tile at E. C. Duke's Advertisinir Asrencv. B4 and 85 Merchants Exchangs, 8an Frnncisoo, California, where oou- riicta lor advertising can ue mau ior u. 0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD. 40 .CYCLES Are the Highest of all High Grades. Warranted superior to any Bicycle built in the world, regardless of price. Do not be induced to pay more money for an inferior wheel. Insist on having the Waverley. Built and guaranteed by the Indiana Bicycle Cp., a million dollar concern, whose bond is as good as gold. 211b. SCORCHER $85. 221b. LADIES' $75. Catalogue free. INDIANA BICYCLE CO., HOMER H. HALLOCK, INDIANAPOLIS, IND., TJ. 8. A. Gen. Agent for Eastern Oregon, Pendleton, Or. No. 9, mixed, leaves Heppner 1:45 p. m. daily except Bunday. Arrives at Willows Juuction 4:15 p m. No. 10, mixed, leaves Willows Junction 6:30 p. m. Arrives at Heppuer 9:00 p. m. daily except Sunday. East bound, main line arrives at Willows Junction 3:30 a. m. West bound, main line, leaves Willows Junc tion 12:06 a. m. West bound Portland fast freight with pas senger coach leaves Willows Junction 4:30 p. m. and arrives at The Dalles at 9:00 p. m. Here passengers from the branch lay over till 3:15 a. m. and take the fast mall west bound which ar rives at Portland 7:25 a. m. The Dalles and Portland passenger leaves The Dalles daily at 1:45 p. in. and arrives HI roriianu o:uu p.m. Leaves Portland 8:00 a. m. daily and arrives at The Dalles U: 15 p. m. This connects with the east bound way freight with passenger coach which leaves The Dalles at 1:30 p. m., arriving at Willows Junction 6:58 p. m. 1 TM U.S. GOVERNMENT I IS ... PAYING MILLIONS A MONTH is $1800.00 GIVEN AWAY TO INVENTORS. $150.00 every month given away to any one who ap plies through us for the most meritorious patent during the month preceding. We secure the best patents for our clients, and the object of this offer is to encourage inventors to keep track of their bright ideas. At the same time w wish to impress upon the public the fact that IT S THE SIMPLE, TRIVIAL INVENTIONS THAT YIELD FORTUNES, such as the "car-window" which can be easily slid up and down without breaking the passenger's back, "sauce-pan," "collar-button," "nut-lock, "bottle stopper, and a thousand other tittle things that most any one can find a way of improving ; and these simple inventions are the ones that bring largest returns to the author. Try to think of something to invent IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SEEMS. Patents taken out through us receive special notice in the " National Recorder, published at Washington, D. C, which is the Best newspaper published in America in the interests of inventors. We furnish a year's sub- senpnon to this journal, tree ot cost, to all our clients. We also advertise, free of cost, the invention each month which wins our $150 prize, and hundreds of thousands of copies of the "National Recorder," containing a sketch of the winner, and a description of his invention, will be scattered throughout the United Stales among capitalists and manufacturers, thus bringing to their attention the merits of the invention. All communications regarded strictly confidential. Address JOHN WEDDERBURN & CO., Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, 618 F Street, N.W., Box 385. Washington, D. C. ry Reference editor cfthit taper. Write ertur So-fast pamphlet, FREE. To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their A Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension f Had YOU a a 3 re) United Btates Officials. President Qrover Cleveland Vice-President .Ad ai Btevenson Baoretflry of Htat Kiohard 8. Olney Secretary of Treasnry John G. (JarliHle (Secretary of interior hum ouiuu Secretary of War Daniel B. Laniont Beoretary of Navy Hilary A. Herbert Postmaster-General William L. Wilson Attorney-General Judnon Harmon Secretary of Agriculture J. Sterling Morton State of Oregon. Governor ...W. P. Lord Heoretaryof State .H. B. Kincald Treasurer Phil. Metsehan Rapt. Publio Instruction . M. Irwin Attorney General M. H'enian .. ( G. W. McHnde Benatora i j, h. Mitchell J Hinger Hermann Congressmen J. y. ft. Ellis Printer ;i;"1WnH- LeeU I R. B. Tinan, Supreme Judges K. A. Moore, ( C. E. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. Clronit Judge A James A. Fee I'rueenutina Attorney John II. Lawrey ' Morrow County Officials. Joint Senator. relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars- on whom you depended for support ? , THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new law are entitled to an increase of pension. The government owes it to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present your claim at this present time? Your pension date3 from the time you apply. Now is the accepted hour. gyWrite for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice. No Fee unless successful. Th.e Press Claims Company PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager, 618 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C. JT. B.TM Company U controlled by nearly on thousand leading netoo paper in the United State, and it guaranteed by them. If vou use the Petaluma Incubators ft brooders. Make money while others are wasting time bvoldorocesses. Catalog tell 8 all about it.and describes every article needed lor tin poultry business. 11 SivIU w. 'f.--ym -s-'i' yjr The "ERIE" mechanically the best wheel, rrettiestmouei, We ere Pacific Coast Aeents. Bicvcle cata- logue.mailcd free.givcs r.,114..lnlnn n,U. )( HOF.NTS WANTED. PETALUMA IHCUBAT OR C0.,Pctaluin,Cal. Branch House, .it S Main ht., L,os Angeles. who gave such popular illustrated lec tures on cooking at the World's Fair. The ladies will also make the finest col lection of woman's work, brio-a-brao, art and curios ever colleoted on the Pacific coast. The Oregon counties from whioh speoial exhibits will be sent to the expo sition are Bentoo, Lincoln, Folk, Yam hill, Washington, Ooos, Wasoo, Linn, Union, Umatilla, Baker, Josephine, Jack son, Malheur, and numerous miscellane ous exhibits will be seat in from nearly every oounty in the state and many from Washington. Great preparations are being made for exoursions to Portland during the expo sition in Ootober, These will be run from points on the Southern Paoific, Northern Paoifio and O. R. & N. Oo.'s lines, with rates extremely low. Espec ially on the days set apart tor the Elks, Bed Men, Workmen, Woodmen and other orders, will these exoursions be rnn to acoommoddte the thousands of those orders who desire to attend on those days. A Household Treasure. D. W. Fuller, of Canajobarie, N. T eays that he always keeps Dr. King's New Disooyery in the bouse and his family have always found the very beet results follow its use; that he would not be without it, if procurable. Q. A. Dyke man, Druggist, Catskill, N. x says that Dr. King's New Disoovery is undoubted' ly the best oougb remedy; that he has used it in his family for eight years, and it has never failed to do all that it olaim ed for it. Why not try a remedy so long tried and tested. Trial bottles free at T. W. Ayers, Jr., Drug Store. Kegular size 0O0. and SI. LONG CHEEK.. THAT AWFUL LIAR. After Going Tlirnngh the Valley, btrikes Salem Again. He Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report PURE Mot Canning l.oise Meat. It is a mistake that the factory at Linoton is oanning borse meat, as is generally supposed, says the Times- Mountaineer. Not one oan has so far been put on the market at this plaoe, and the borses have been batohered, and the hides saved and the meat oooked, dried and grouod up and turned into fertilizing material. The oompany has now 8,000 pounds of the meat in piokle, whioh will be sent to Oermaoy and France. About 4.000 or 5,000 of the Switzler tand the oompany has purohas ed at a cost of $2 90 a head, and have reoeived several hundred of this lot. The oaparity ot the works is about 55 head day, 45 horses and 10 oolts. After the animal is killed it is deouded ot its bide by pulling it off. The hide is started in places and then jerked off by a winding machine. This is tanned into leather and used in the mannfacture of boots and shoes. The offal is fed to bogs and this furnishes good feed. Anyone desir ous of purchasing ao animal may take his choioe for $10, but our informant says there is none ho oan sea that is worth this amount A Book For Young Men. Edward Bok, the editor of The Ladies' Home Journal, has written a book for young men called "Suooessward: A Young Man's Book for Young Men," whioh the Revells will publish in a fortnight. The book aims to oover all the important phases of a yonng man's life: his business life, sooial life, bis amusements, religious life, dress, his attitude toward women and the question of bis marriage. This is Mr. Bok's first book. A Big Don't. Don't dodge a bicycle rider either male or female. Stand still and the rider will get along all right. Posts, trees, Btones, etc, never dodge, and only beginners ever ran into them. If you see a "bike" coming straight at yon, don't dodge; it you do you wilj confuse the rider. If you stand still "in the middle of the road," or wherever you happen to be, the rider will take care to g've you plenty of room; but if you go dodging to get out of the way, the obanoes are there will be a collision and yon will be the worse hurt ot the two. Therefore don't dodge. A Pioneer's Recommendation. Mr. J. W. Venable, of Downey, a pio neer of Lob Angeles Oounty, Oal., says: Bicycle Models for Next Season. Bioyole manufacturers are beginning to S3 Culled (rum the Eagle. Wm. Kudio returned Monday from Heppner. Dave MoAtee is over from Heppner with a stable of race horses. Peter Deardorff got in Wednesday The biggest liar on eartn visited onr offioe the other day with a story about the storm. He said the wind blew the from Heppner with freight. bark out of bis dog, tne teeth from nil Tom Moroan Dassed thronab Long barrow, the barbs from the wires on his Creek sa,orjfty on his return to Hepp- fence, the bole ont of a nollow log, pokes from bis buggy wheels, took one side ot his whiskers, and one ot the . A. W. Gowan J. B. Hnothby Julius Keithlj J. H. Howard J, W. Morrow (i. W. Harnnaton .... Frank Uilliam J. . Willis G. Ixrd Anna Halslner T.W.Ayera, Jr Hetiresentative. lountj Jmle ' Commissioners.. J. M. Haker. " fink " Sheriff " Trwasnrer Surveyor School Bup't... " Coroner HKrFNM Town orrioiR. .,, Thou. Morgan Mchtenthal. Otis Patterson, T. W.Aysrs.Jr., . H Horner, t. J. Slocura. . . i, i. F. J. Hslloos I r-easurw L. Kn-land M.r.hl A. A. Bobert FreeiBrtOffleer. ii.nik. I K. L. Freeland ( ..natable N. 8. Whetstone fnltd 8tu Lead Officers. TBI DALLES, OB. J . Mnore tWister A.&HuKS LA 3SDS, OB. ft F. Wilson i. 11. Bobbins , Beoatnr ..Keoelver I Bismn asogixxix:. KAWLlSa POKT, NO. IL (J. A. B. Meets at Leiintftoo, Otm the Uet BattnrrUr of mmrl. tnnnih. AU tetermns are Invited U kiln. f ltrfi. (isu. W. HaiTN. Ailiutant, tf Commander. L U MB Ei 11 ! rt nVt FOR SALI ALL Ilfxl OF C I drreanl Luinhar, MBUeSOl Heppner, bat Is tnowa as the BOOTT BA.WMXIiLfl l I.0D0 FIET.RUl'MM, - CLIAR. Itoe 17 H I I lr-A rACTS I : S FACTS ! ! 'I OU CAS BUY lii.00 worth of dry goods and groceries and then have i ! e""'Kh lot out of f 100 flr) to purchase a No. 1 Crescent Bicycle. This Is 1 1 ! a first-class machlno. Why then pay IliW.ilO for a bicycle that will give i no bettor service T ' !' CRESCENT "Hcon her," weight 30 piiunds, only ladles' and Cents" roadste'S all Hie way from 10 to V ! ' "Boys' Junior," only t with pneumatic tlre-s, good machine. i V "Our Bpeclal," Men s t iO; Ladles', tA J ADORF.HM WESTERN WHEEL WORKS, CHICAGO AND NEW YORK, Or THE P4TTERS0S Kl Cl, yfA ys Heppner, Oregon, y' ( MORROW AHD CRM ST k , XjjV wheels of bis bead. Ei. The same fellow told tne sr me yarn around this town, only be tnnue it a ner. Mrs. T. D. Williams and children re turned Sunday from a visit with relatives at Heppner. ' Bob Oiltnore was in Long Creek Sun. "Whenever I am troubled with a pain in prepare tneir models for 1H!)0, says tbe the stomach or with diarrhoea I nse Omaha Bee. It is announced that the OhBmberlain'a Oolio, Cholera and Diar- ooming wheel will differ materially from rhoea Remedy. I have used it for years, he wheel of this or several preoeding know it to be a reliable remedy, and reo- years. The wheel will be heavier by a nmmend it to everjone." For sale bv pounds aud vastly stronger. It will Slooum-Johnson Drug Co. CJ.2& Throws Away. Lincoln Oounty Leader : The old lay lng that "there is many a alip 'twixt the enp and tbe lip," baa been onoe more verified. Last Saturday Joe Beanlm, of Pioneer, better known as "Dutch Joe," earns down to Toledo and scoured a have wheels of greater diameter and tbe ooming tire is said to be about one-half larger than the one now in use, Whila the wheel will be a few pounds heavier it does not mean that the clumsy frame ot a few years ago will be again in use. It means simply that manufacturers have come to the conclusion that it if bad policy to make a light wheel st the little worse. Up here be said that it UB7' UBV1U r"ur,"u ,rum blew tbe curbing ont of bis well, the tail "bere be dehvered a band ot cattle, from a cast iron bull dog, and tbe wind H. P. Would aod Grant Abbott, of onl of Ool. Hnfer. Kalern Post. Peudleton, are in the oity. The former He reached Albany. Ha said onr is bore iu the interest of Hendley t streets were blown as smooth as pave- Gould, wool ootumismon merobanti or tnent, our bonded indebted oess out of PeodMou, while the latter is looking siulit. the moss from our moaslmcks. after tbe sale ol bucks for uoug unis, blew 820 pieces into all onr pockets, I of Pilot Rook. and puffed the price ot wheat np to SI. Oeo. Hwaggart and J. R. Simons pass. Albany Democrat. ed through Long Creek Saturday en The same chap was here the other day. route to McDuflle hot springs. They He said the whirlwind raised the duoe returned Monday eaob aooompauied by ot a raoket; that it tore the sound out of bis wifo. Mr. HwsggKrt remained for tbe town bell, twiati'd the ring ont of the races this week, while Mr. Simons tbe steel rails on the railroad track, and departed at oooe for Heppner knocked the varum ont of tbe O. A. R ... . . I 1 1 : . I. I , ii.. -Ill lioense to wed tha Widow Mosier, of .". Pioneer. Sunday w.s the day set for 11 18 lu? oon,,u WD''e' the wedding and Joe bad to hasten home, and did not get to Pioneer until about midnight Saturday night. I in agine bit surprise and oonsternation when ha repaired to the borne of bis promised bride, to be cooly informed by bor that she bad changed her mind and wouldn't marry him, And she didn't, either, bnt left tbe next morning with will carry the rider much farther upon a like expenditure ot physical energy than tbe wheel of todny, and with added ufety. State of Onto, City of Toi.bdo, ) J.t'dAH County, ) Fhank J. Ciiknkt niuk cs oath that be is the senior partner ot the Arm ot F. J. Cheney ft Co., doing business in the IF PFUVFIIRD I HFFFKla, WILL ADD X fitsj per l.vsu has, e.viiual. The above quotations are strktly (or Cash. L HAMILTON. Trop. national BanK oi nmi Wfl. rtXLASD. tD. K. BIHIIOP. Pr44el. Caskler. TRIN5ACTS 1 GLMRiL USWi BCEINtSS audilorom, bnt busted when it tackled the ennglotnorals aggregati.in nf wheels in Editor Prntlend't head.-F.nterprisj. The son of a guo came back again to Salem. He said that the whirlwind, after leaving Halem and Albany, struck Independence where it was crippled, bat recuperstfd and, retorning here re peated tbe attempt to blow the wind out of Col. Hofur. herein it failed, wbeo It turned its attention ti the brick cimplexionml writer of ths apintnalistio mwliitm, blowing all bis golden ideas galley et. af er which It quietly leliKik llUelf tnthe banks of th fllioat latuette and Imrird ilwll in the 0ld I clear wavas. We ht lh fallow has left the niy. for if La at iiil I remain here, fear a n.ob might g"t bla atotiee, like Kal onM oiTer an Itiwrni I Pi st. Among the nninerons persona who have been cured of rbenmnti-m by Cham berlain's Pain Balm, mention should be made of Mrs. Emily Thorns, ot Toledo, Wash., who says: "I have never been able to pn.ptire any medicine that would relieve me of rheumatism like Chamber lain's Pain Balm. I bavn also used it for lame back with great aiiooeaa. It is ths best liniment I bava ever need, and I take pleasure in reoommeuding it to inv Mends." For sal by Nloonni Joho sou Irng Co. her family lor Linn eonoty . Uuton Jos 0lty o Toledo, County and State afore- is unconsolable. The worst part about mj tnh .Hjj fjPm ,, ,UB gIim it to bim aeepis to be tbe mouey wasted 0f ONE II UN DUE!) DOLLARS for for a license. He lias tried to aellltat L.nl, huA Verv case ot Catamiii thai . - . . .I discount to the numarrwd boys al the 0Bnnt be cured by the use of Halih uarry, bul all say luey uon i warn a Catauiih Cdmb. second-hand license. FRANK J. CUKNEY. Hworn to before me and subscribed la On the farm there la oootlonally oo- my presence, this Cth day of December, nrring little aocidsnls to man and beast that oanaa delay to ths farmer In bis work. Tbe duration of this delay ia matter ot importance to tba thrifty tiller of the soil. As a qnlok and relia ble remedy fur ailment and abrasions of ths flesh, there is oone better than Dr. J. II. MoUso's VoloanioOit Lini ment It has proved it worth by many ysara of constaut aod successful use, Price 25o, tOa and II 00 par boll Is. HE INTER OCEAN -t TltK- Most Popuhr Pcputlican Newspaper of the West And Has the Largest Circulation. TERMS BV MAIL COLL.KCTIONS U .! on Favorable Term. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD iir.rrxr.n. tf orwkw b FREE DAILY (without Sunday). DAILY (with Sunday).... ,.6.oo rxry car ,.S 8.oo per year OQ (sS. ,,"t-f 'f rr . ay I u .4 e .i'Ha. s.a ef ww fZ f . .t : M (. suae) t- fA1 ''. t eseifc as i sit-' tvf r,ae. tae S 4Ss) a P TNI itBTTOM BlCtlUllCNO CO.r et nemtMMl.a'tUj. -fct (savasat e wsstti a. Am soveatnv la Cswa . ams U a-tv. " t .s-jr la Waeb.t '. " f" " k" ft, The Weekly Inter Ocean i $1.00 l TEH TEAR V - At A KTW SPAP1 B TrtR fTt OCCAI sareeel el lee liases la at rniwu H sr-em MHiof peles e- sipeee la sesswtag ALL, I fill Ls a ASU trill tLM Ot- tllKUM UTtHAILHIl. The Weekly Inter Ocean AS A FAMILY PAPER IS NOT EXCELLED BY ANY. I kes tlt M NHmet teewk nse SB We el Im leaillr l tiis in a ilHtfwtMtellM tr s4 Ha kwi, lisuiikiahv iLaitki.s eai.4. ShH mCl I V IT I f. W IC. t He eeeeW Ifce Ike ffc4.. wme e nil He eituet 'Ht, II alee fives sms Ihfc M, Of inn vwu. IT IS A TWELVt-PAOE PAPER. tii iv7f a ocr ai is mtiiisMro ts chic aim, turf .rwa ceinrciai 41 mi u ir ail it i no a 1 1 I ,M mm liaise. I M I II w anss-iitt to imk . I ia u nit. riijru. ur iiiaI ai.ttii Iham av an a raw tin a I l. N at la soe.4 N4 ke eN el lM H ee4h la felHWs eej 1 eie piHitHSMSH ikelHtiwe la WeeSIr letM Iknl t UM V !: tXJt UIFimaaa. THK INTER OCEAN. Chirac ITiswvllle rbsrrb I'kolr Regular rboir praeiina Is now In vogas at oos nf oar Prinevill chnrche. Hiiii l.im and lonny things bapio al oboir preclioa li-m'a lfK.ro articles, oooaalnoally. Tba af'ireaaid oboir. Ilk ,,1-rrnpt on - H.I. m "" bM Un"r' ' bran bew trhor, Uiat In, the gi-nllmaaO doing lb tenor ant ia new at tb bnaf aperlssaa '" I neaa jtiat learning tba art. I'sin I til . II. ("I ff .rl. New Ca.l. Wis., as given ool. and s Uit.g duly rogM trnobM with iie'iraliiaand ihe'iruatism, I npoO by all Lamia. Tb tenor showed bis s'oiiiaert aehor.r.dl Ins liver ass unnsual Mrneatnea sod bruiuhtool Lis arTetei Li an alamntitf dritree. ai llits tarl Willi SLt.allltig fulM. At lb close fell awsy. and b was lr r it.ly reduced in of the sciad verae, Ih aproo deelar tleb sa l strength Tbrea bottle ol 1 "Iber metbin wroag." Tb Kleetrie !ilir rarel bim. Islti sai l 'nbr might t .mll.loi l-lwa'd Hh. I herd, llartiahtiig. Ills , ... i,0 t,tttlaT amisaal.'' Tb leoor ha. a runt." - s.r- n his lg t.1 eil.l . . . . . . - .. . . - !' ..... i- - i i.i,i l e.i ee.et.lK.i.s .l iLirk. n.y In thai piee Ihao any l.s dstrork tea's Art.ira H.lfe. arid bis l-H la e..utl , The baes Sai l Bolhn I Al Ih Sonoln an I well J.l.n Mpr.kfr, Catawba. O , j (n (nrlb Vera lbgriio Ibre . a m a . s I . . .1 .i nv. large - 'Vr.'IVJV.T. P -" bands, gsv a ga-p or tan, at. ..II Ut l,ll.feaf.,ltieU.ll5nrkle.'e lelalme., -If Cbael (' tenor An.l.a Helve tel bin etiilr. lr. ril l ' y.m'rs an.nir.g on psg CJ'."- lUtiew. byT W. Ak. Jr. ..... IkiMeea I ere Wrekil, lte.1l Vtir. ' ,e .. Uual fie ght d'le at Tb I la'l'e al 3 .'elk was bstiy wrecked j Tt e el .... t Uf " i " . , H-jiellf ll- k leal M.l. let altfl.l. !Vi,s,!IU,.,vl ., l'''Tli,,i),h,(()nkll, fro.nll ll,.mm el.n f ,t h I. I.'fl I'e. .. ... in. A. V. 1KH5. . IEAL A. W.OLEASON, Notary Publio. Hall' Catarrh Cure ia taken intern ally and acts directly nil the Mood and miioons surlanes nf the system. Send for tefltimnmsla, fre. K. J. CI1KNKY A CO., Toledo. O. 'Sold by Druggists, 7."o. A New Wsy. A new way of collertitig till drift i Hee (let s Haf.iy M introduced in Malna l-iwns. Tb (Jottsg Orov Lesder : W learn that tatro.lnc-Uoo of the scheme Is a novelty. a acbnol gli I graduated in Lagan read loo Btyi in , bangs. A ynnng worn an an advertisement la tbioago ar. U alleged great altractivt ne.s is ths ad "Oirl waoled to sell bsking pow.Jer. Io fno agent .and lHlw.n her owo at- any girl who will send n I lor Ibre tr.ijM snd th.w of the so hem she 1 doien can ot our rapid selling baking , m , var. cmplet suooeaa. Hha powder will forward l ono beo- n,a eil merchant and secure liful safety." Hb.Ll lb money and irXt membership iu Ih new agency. by Laalllog aroaad lik a boue oo fir 4 frm a(tRr ,pr ,rprlur Iber ao for three week sb managed to unload I n Lr,wn a flwtM r ot in. n ilreea.! a tbe stuff. Tba "saf.t" osm lo ao n- 0 bright gren eoat. who gt Ihs rar- v...s, sod sa on of those brass pins, jirwt ,f ,, drbta and debtor front Lore blsaket sue, bks msoima OeI to l(,a mernU r an I the pr.oe to eall keep op our sljls wilb. loo the veiims. Tb cintrsrt providva that It horribly eon.plrtioii tsilleflior A Here Sbew Klff . all, 5 taa , j,, 0 aa,, .ui.u.r, Mrs. Itnrtoo Harrison La wrllteo I ,wtiiiif luu atrl "re an I everyabre. a hew tiovalell. ilraiitx id me main 1 m'hi "i . ,1b Ih. faehioaeUe." of New York al """ ' '''-" ' . . . . I wh.,1. in iwhlxolii-"! Ihem lielinled the hit bW, Wbiflh Tba leVlles) . . . , airr., ll,.lle.e(la Iloma Journal La aleoil to tgln. Mr. nM several anc-unis 11 wuM bkato W. T. Hodly b lllnslr l lb lory, luro over lo Hi green roat I ciilwtof. TMB OWIN tllCTUlO wiLT AND Aa-a'LIANCI INUlt TO TMt MCM THt alT OlNT OP AOVANTAftt OVIN ALL IWITATONt TM I leelHe C er. , If-. H ean M rsssil iwrnr m m I. at s-. fc-...a U l,aii.ffa'l. 'li Ih liw k , I ..la lab. j ... e.u.. a , fVH fTZJL 'S- ' " 1 W TlZZtu :.. ail i,lf.e at. l.tn I fr 0 . t , . . . . ...t 1 ., . n . twilsMWwa, ' J . L 1' ..... . .. Tile Lancahik! Inm'k.vck Co. MANCIII'.H'rr.Hi ICN.Afil UTTIL'.,N a';fM. ,"J,-M rt ., vtirii If'Qwe'S t4 BlH V.'ys'.et i Tt U'.,jio' A ! '.f the ll'.f.o llaH.iral I'lir-e'it'ia ' .ev'i''s' a , e-ri.. ff 'il eal.fl .m.'.ls f.rlHe j fei, Hi. i Iib a s" i.'. I - . ' '' " ' I a1 ' ' ' f ' , .!.. . 1 !. r !' k f t. . tir a " s tb I 1 ., It,. iral at I egn). ' il.s Ui.i. b'il afur It eagit.e bl pee-l H e rare. fulled h.h -a ! I'SI Th,f ear aa-'lf I .UI WilH l. . w'. I Ism I .ii,i..l. l.iji.s ! Ill M l. I.e leain k,li. I, II, .tsh t Meteif "t-e ut II.. MO MlD'CiNIt Aa( aticittanv Sew4 all ms lw.ee.He4i FJere H.H ! ' ..n e5 al UU '-' Asv.ieeeee.ee these eeea iswBwelll ,. tw U- a6i in r ssii ri naii titH a ta HMr Tie-. tn.t.l .e t'e. Ir.l I Baals tt laHneJ eee krtre. d.t.i l at th. l y h m Wer-s-.. -!. wl " ', ewe SHWte Sm.'I m4 s a-. sm.w-e. a - bfa, Ul b Ms J. , ', Ii. lal; lfea ee tart. THE OSES ELECTRIC LELT AR3 AHLlaSCB CO, v4 a til ft-kBl fc are. I, iaia.