Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 17, 1895, Image 4

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While jron eep your subscription paid np jrco
can keep your brand in tree of charge.
Allyn. T. J.. lone. Or. Horses Od on left
hnnldnr; nnttle tame on left hiD. under bit on
right ear, and upper bit on the left; range, Mor
row county.
Armstrong, J. 0., Alpine, Or. T with bar un
der it on loft shoulder of horses; cattle same
on left hip.
Allison. O. D.. Eieht Mile. Or. Cattle brand
0 D on left hip and hoiws same brand on right
shoulder, liange, bight Mile.
Ad kins, J. J.. Heppner, Or. Horses, J A con
Infr. flank: cattle, sameon left hiti.
Baird. t). W. anil son. Horses branded D H
on the left hip; oa'tle the same on Inft flunk,
crop off rifilit ear, nndercrop in the left, llange
in Morrow County.
Bartholamew, A. G., Alpine, Or. Horses
branded 7 E on either shoulder, liange m Alor-
..tv nnuntv
nannister. J. W., Hardman, Or. Cattle brand-
H on left hiD and thigh; split in each ear.
Brenner, Peter, Gooseberry Oregon Horses
branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle same on
"HnrkeM 8t C, Long tJreek. Or On cattle.
miv ...nnantari on left hio. ciod oft lert ear. un.
.i. ,lf r,,n fiff riaht. Horses, same brand on
lorf. shoulder. Bangs in (irant and Morrow
Hroflrnan, Jerry, Lena, Or Horses branded 7
oft right shoulder; cbuih n on uui wuw
i iw,tf .r.m unrl riant ear miner slope.
Harton, Wm., Hoppner, Or. -Horses, J B on
right thigh; cattle, same on right hip; split in
Urn' Tn. Lexington. Or. Horses IB on the
right stifle; cattle sameon right hip; range, Mor-
Brown, j. C. Heppner. Or. Horses, circle
n w;tK j.,t in nei ter on loft hip; cattle, same,
n-nu,n w .T.. lna. Oregon. Homes W. bar
nvur it. on the left shoulder. Cattle same on loft
1.1 r.
h'nrar. W. 0.. Heppner, Or. Horses, box
brand on right hip cattle, same, with split in
Borg, P. 0., Hoppner, Or. Horses, P B on left
shonUler; cattlo. same on lert nip.
Brnwniee, W. J., Koi,Or Cattle, JB oonneoted
.... . ;,!. nr,nnn left ear and two splits and
middle pieoe cnt out on right ear; on horses mime
brand on the leu ungu; iwumo tu v...v.
Grant oounty.
edOon right stifle; cattle (three bars) on
riirht ribs, crop and split in each ear. liange in
t-....t at.A M.irpfinr nomitiftR.
Cain.K., Caleb,()r.-y 1) on horses on left sti fle'
. 1 . . - l .... 1, .... aft U 1111 illIP
U With qtianer cirum ivm ....-
and on left stifle on all oolts under 5 years; on
left shoulder only on all horses over 5 yeaiB. All
range in Oraut county.
(late ('has. It., Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses
H C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
ii M..rr.,w mill thmttllln nolintimi.
Corrigall.M M, Onllowiiy, Or Cattle crop out
of f.aeh esr and undorbit, wattle in forehead;
horses half circle (! on left stitle. liange Mor-
ow and Umatilla comities.
Curl, T. H John Day, Or. Double cross on
each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit
in right ear, split in loft ear. Range in Grunt
oounty. n sheep, inverted A ami spear point
ou shoulder. Ear marko" ewes, crop on left, ear
pnuehed tipper bit in right. Wethers, crop Hi
right ami under half crop i" left ear. All range
in Gmiit oonntT. .
Cook, A. J. .Lena, Or. Horses, flOon rightshonl
der; Cattle, sameon right hip: ear mark sijuare
orop oil left and split in right.
Currin, B. Currinsville, Or. -Horses, m on
left stifle. usri man, Or. Claitle, C with
Bin center; horses. CK on left "lip.
Cochran, K. K Monument, Grant Co, Or.
Horses branded circle with bar beneath, on left
shoulder: cattle same brand on both hips, mark
under slope both ears and dewlap.
Chapin H., Hardman, Or. Horses branded
O on right hip. Cattle branded the mum. Also
brands CI on horses right thigh; ca'tle main
brand on right boulder, and cut oil end of
"ooHglaBS, W. M . Galloway. Or.-Cattln, 11 I) on
right side, swallow-fork in each ear; horses, K U
un left hip. . li,
Ely, Bros., Donglas, Or. Horses branded hl.Y
on left shoulder, cattle same on lerthip. hole
'"Emery. H.. flardman. Or. Horses branded
') reversed C with taill on left shoulder; cat
tleHiimo on right hip. Kange in Morrow county.
Klorenoe, L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, LK on
right hip; horses, If with bar under on right
Florenoe. H. P. Hoppner. Or.-Horses V on
right shimldor; cattle, K on right hip or thigh.
Kronrh, George, Heppner, Or Cattle branded
WK, with bar over it, on left side; crop oil left
ear. Horses, same brand on left hip.
Gentry, Elmer, Echo, Or.-Horses hrsndod H.
H. with a quarter cirele over it, on left stifle.
Kange in Morrow and Umatillaconnties.
limit A.M., Kidge, Or.-Cnttle. round-t4ip K
with quarter cirelo under It on the right hip.
Itnnce In Morrow anil IltiiHtillaooiintins.
Hinton AJenks, Hamilton, Or Cattle, two hva
,nr hint nron In right ear and split in left.
Horses J on right thigh. HangninUrnnt eoiinly
Hughes, Hiimnel, Wagner, Or-K (T K I,
rmiiieetedlim right hoiilderon horees; on cattle,
on right hip and on left, side, swallow fork in
right ear ami slit in left. Range In lliiyalauk
(listrlet.Moreow connty.
Hide, Milton, Wagner, Or. Horse branded
-O-(cattle with parallel tails) on loft shoulder
(laf tin same on loft hip Iho large circle ou left
Howard J L, Galloway. Or. Horses t- (cross
with liirHlmve it) ou rtwhl shouliler; cattlesame
on left, side. Hangs III Morrow and Umatilla
Hall, Edwin, John Hav, Or. -4 nltle K II on
right hip; hors" same on right shoulder. Ilangu
In (Irani county. ...
Hughes, Mat, Hepimer, Or. Horses, shaded
heart on the loft shoulder. Hang" Morrow Co.
Hiinsaker, II A. Wagner. Or.-Horses, H on left
hoiilder; cattle. Hon left hip.
Humphreys, J M Hanlinan, Or. -Horse, II on
let' Hank
Huston. I.nther. Eight Mile. Or. Horse 11 on
the irft shoulder ami heitrl on the left nils ( at.
tie neeieo'l left Inn. Halm 111 M orrow eoiiot y ,
Joeiw. Ilitrrv. Ilipii'r. Or - Horses bran l.
II .1 ell the ift st Iilr; mills bra ldil J nn
right hip. alo underlet in left ear. lUnge in
Abe row coiintv.
Jen km, H. M., Heppner, Or - Horses, liorso.
lest J on left iouilir. Call Is. His mcii.
IUng '" Mile.
J, ,l,n. ,n, r', li, I, su. Or -llorsos. cireteT
left stltle; rattle, same tin right hip, lliehtr half
orop In n.1' sed solit n left Mir
Htlliy, Mike, Heppner, Or. Horses brsnd-l
KNY on left lop csttls same ami crop oil Uft
sr: nniter sloiie in dm 'Ighl
Kirk, J.T.. lUppniw, Or.-Horss A en lefl
h"iil'lr; cattle, n& on left hip.
Kirk. Jm, lleppuar. Or.; horse II on left
loeililer i est 1 1 ssins ell right side, utiderlnl on
rigtit ear.
knuitxrland W.G. Monnl Vemon r.-l I, on
raids on right and left silea. swallow folk in l f 1
ear and under nop In tight ear. Horses aaoi
brand on left shoulder, IUm in Grant mtv.
Imften, Hlepnen, fin.i'i. N I. on left lop
on eel 1 1. crop and split on right ear. Hum
brand left tleeildi'r. Hangs tiiant
Ijensllsn. John W , l,tl'?'T Or.- II .r
rraiid half -circle J I, eottnaHt oa left sleei)
rler. Cattle, same on left litu. Itaiige. nsar lt
ImIi'v. J W Heppner tr -Horses hredl
t.sed nl led stemldnr; celt la mns on l.,fl
hip. Hauls over tight e, lliw sips in tight
rd, llenrira, llstipttsr Of.- I,irw brnn,i1
lieitils II S HS. U I onie(iies rslll S
mf II on 1st sti.HihUr,
Miris. M C . H.Mieief. Or. Cattle line. t.
rirrle on tig'i( lop; l,.rs aine wi rirfl,l sttit...
Il'ioge In M .rmw cemty.
Minor, ls.-r, tieppn -r r Cattle, M l h-
rtgtil tup, M i" left sluelldf .
!hori H , lleppiiar. dr. II ir.. V
On Uft stertild-o ratila mmeti left hip,
Mil hell. tm-nr I . r.- llor., II on riht
btp; callis. n rigtit side.
MiS'iartm, 1. It . It..wnsill (r, 'I .r,
jtls-iire s.m h stiontder es!tl. MJ." lot
M slirr, rtaek. r 't iH,.,,(r l
tihb smkim evtU on rila s I under r
a. h ear , horsMi saais hran-l on h't sfin...
MdlU,, . ... .,, eiil -n, I if , nn lie
llh hsll flfrle ed. on Ml .ll ( ..1 I ul i,
f.eir liara e. ou ti on Ihe liM
lisnge In llraiit I'.eiMlf ,
Nal a. ,.!.- ,eis II - 1 W II N f .1.
Asr(f nn hml-l'r. rsrlle a't IWI n-Sl, lOf..
S .idiks r .. ailf-tt.w t - I,ms, rif. 1 ,.n
left llotfti ea'tle 1 l"rt top.
IIUe J,S I arifm I it, l Slonreiile
nti ift lop ita Im. sans m led llosti, Kshm
Id lra, e.HI',l
llllx, l'sf. Idling'.. Itr.-I O X left
nil. H-t.e. 1'isi'te Cili, la esiiu. II
I,!1 ertilieiel nn pfl h'pi nn tell sttHsj
SlitXHiMnS'X IW" la liiael .xtely. j
'.i..i llii l l l 11, It .,.,r-
ef ri, I. I.i.l.l n l.tt .1, il l- sr, I M .... I. 'I '
top aula, f x in U'l . UM cropixkl. H '
Mi left I, lp llr. "e I (.( M .
I'srkef I llleaom. Ilwd nan Ol.-ll wmU'iw i
left ah,,! If .
'li m 4. Ill liih I' Utft I 1
0 r i. e. t.twlel set I-! s.,wl.rti t eaKle I
mm im rig ( l'P Uses w xr-.w cxr 'i
I'll-f.J II . Itl' ' M .-. J e.e,. j
t x lfl ntl.e, C, saias .m teTI ,,t, )
1 U I. II I n
I'eiiis A 1 , !, Of , l-xs ili ..... 1 f ;
.il Ix '"K J l( J e.x.n, I 1 ''
1 tup, bppx l"l la e' I l y la
IUM. i
It... I !'-. Illti ( II x.. ,n,.
I.- i
. m I H I "if. . M X. II .X,
I; ...I. M- - Hrt
i, if H xx l.e I l 1
U en lj. I 'i lot !
'n es a. H'St.g 11 f
f .1. f.l a-'t ,
P f . ft I, -tlf r,.i
Ul' ..J r.,- If J
ih ! i ! 4. . i
u r.. I Mftf Mt. II
- lf I ' MM t. t H t'
J H . IU, ( e. t M 9M, .III . '
efi it fiM ktt. j
fi M w r.u v ft
( !-'. r v i
..eea .! ' - aa t f f
in ixrant conntr.
Hmith Bros.. Hnsanville, Or. Horses, branded
H. Z. on shoulder; cattle, riamn on left Hhonlder.
Kquiree, James. Arlingtm, Or,; horses branded
JM on left shoulder: cattle the same, also nose
wauine. Itange tn Morrow and trilliamoonntiea.
Btephsns, V. A., Hardman, Or-; horses Hdoo
right stine; cattle horizontal L on the right side
Stevenson, Aim A. J., Heppner, Or. Cattle, H
on ngm nip; swaiiow-rorg in ion ear.
Hwaggart. G. W., Heppner, Or. Horses, M on
left shouldei ; cattle, 44 on left hip.
Kperry, E. G Heppner, Or. Cattle W C on
left, hip, crop off right and underbit in left year,
dewlap; horeos W C on left shoulder.
Thompson, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, Sod
loft shoulder; cattle. 2 on left shoulder.
Tipriots.S.T..EnterDriBe.Or. Horses. C-on left
lorntir u. W.. Heppner. Or. Small cnnltnl T
left shoulder, horses; cattle same on left hip
with split in both ears.
Thornton. H. SI.. lone. Or. Horses branderl
HT connected on loft stifle; sheep same brand.
Vandcrtxml. H. T.. Lena. Or: Horses H V con.
nected on right shonJderxattle. same on riaht
Walbriilge, Wm.. Heppner, Or. Horses, C. L.
on the left shoulder: cattle same on right hio.
orop off loft ear and right ear lopped.
vvuson, John y Halem or Heppner, Or.
Horses branded Jq on the left shoaldor. liange
Morrow connty.
Warren. W H. ( a eh. Or Catt e W w th nuartar
circle over it, ou left Bide, split in right ear.
Horses same brand on loft shoulder. Jlatigein
Grant comity.
Wade, lionry. Heppner. Or. Horsns branded
ace of Rpades on loft shoulder and left hip
cat.tie branded same on lett side and left hip.
Wolflnger, John, John Day City, Or On horsaa
throe piinillel bars on loft shonlder; 7 on sheep,
bit in both ears. Itange in Grunt and Malhner
Woodward, John. Heppner. Or. Homes. UP
connected on left shoulder.
Watklim. Lih he. Heooner. Or. Horses branded
UK connected on left stifle.
Wallace, Charles, Heppner, Or. Cattle. W on
nghtt high, hole in left ear; horses, W on right
shoulder some sameon loft, shoulder.
U7l.;it:. ........ u,.i.rt- r1.. n
Hnrsos brandod W B conuected on loft shoulder
Williams. Vasco. Hamilton. Or. Onarter cir.
cla over three bars on left hip, both cattle and
horses, flange Grant connty.
Williams. J O. Long Creek. Or Horses, nnar
tor circle over three bars on left, hip; oattle same
and slit in each ear. Hange in Grant connty
Wren, A. A.. Heppner. Or. Horses runninsA A
on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip.
young. J. H.. Gooseberry. Or. Horses brandaf1
TH on the right shoulrie-
When vounre about to buvaScwIncr Machine
do not be deceived by allurinK advertisements
nnd be led to think you can get tile best made,
1,117)1 OUlSilUU UIIU
Most Popular
for a mere sonjr. See to it that
you buy from reliable manu
f.iuttirers that have Knined a
reputation by honest nnd no. uare
(li'.ilini;, v'i will then get a
Sewing Machine that is noted
the world over for its dura
bility. You want the one that
in easiest to manage and U
Light Running
There Is none In the world that
,'l'ria'J can equal in mechanical con
KJ,jHJ utruction, durability of working;
XW parts, fineness 01 nnisn, beauty
i? m appearance, or has an many
Improvement as the
New Home
It hns Automatic Tension. Double Peed, alike
on both sides of needle (ai-wirrnoother has
it j New Stand fiatrnteft), driving wheel hinged
on adjustable centers, thus reducing; friction to
the minimum.
Oiuifnit, Mam. Botrmji, Makh, 88 Twinn RoTAHit, N.T
lHIUAt, IM,. hT. 1H, n. iHr.I.Aft, ( K1AB,
Man FitANrirwo, riH Ati.antA. Ui.
Jfrjumcr, Orcijon.
Sim AViiim i'h'ii ojjiu-f,
s.wii. ii (iUKK.xsyt:uh:n , co..
So. :'.'. .Stiff, r .Stm t.
.i. ir t,g i.i t. ai ,
hi u t,.i 1 , tU (1 ..ti.l ..f tU.m
ff r- ft) 1 U, i4
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E. McNEILL, Receiver.
Of Two Transcontinental
Spokane Denver
St. Paul Kansas City
Ocean , Steamers Leaue Portland
Every 5 Days For
For full details oall on 0. R. & N.
Agent at Heppner, cr address
OeD. Fass. Agt.
X o
San. Francisco
And all point in California, ria the Mt, HhasU
route of the
Southern Pacific Co.
Th (treat highway through California to all
poiiue uh anu souin, (irantl eoenlo lloute
of thePaoifio Coaet. Pullman Buffet
rileeuen. Heoondlau Uleepen
Klankl iA . : , ,
.v..ii c,m,a Lmiov, nooniing vnpenor
accommodation for eoondjlaiw paiwengera.
For rate, ticket, aleepiug oar reeerratlont,
eto call niKm or addreee
K. KOKH I.KK, Manairer, E. P. ROGERS, Aunt,
Hun. F. b P. Agt., Portland, Oresou
Moat Modern and progressiva
Pur rataloicue or Infoniiatlun write to
New Mavrn, Conn.
la known to moet ptraont.
Thtjr lltuatrala that crtattr quantity la
Hot alwayi moat to b dealrtd.
ThM carda aipr th beneficial qual
ity of
Ripans Tubules
4t compared with any previously anewa
Hipent Tebuteei Price, as tent ba.
Of tfnif g lata, ot by mall,
lFt CMIMItH CO., 1 0 lrc. II., N.T.
rnt great. HuSSS
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The Joy of a. Japanese Mother at a Baby
8how on a PaciUc SteamMhlp.
Dr. A. Nelson l!each, surgeon of the
steamship China, wh'n last here, told
the story of the most remarkable baby
show and of the most remarkable prize-
winning family that has yet been put
on record, says the San Francisco Ex
aminer. The China on the last trip to the ori
ent took on board at Honolulu four
hundred and ten Japanese, all home
ward bound after having worked out
their contracts on the Hawaiian islands.
Many of the Japanese had their wives
and children with them, and there
were eighty-three babies under four
years fifty-three girls and thirty boys.
The eighty-three almond-eyed youngs
ters furnished amusement for the cabin
passengers for a time. When there is no
view save the broad horizon eighty
three Japanese baliies are great at
tractions. Somebody suggested a baby
show. The mothers had never heard
of a baby show, but the eagle of an
American dollar is a great interpreter,
and the Japanese commissioner of im
migration to the Hawaiian islands,
who was a passenger on the steamer,
aroused the maternal pride of the little
mothers in the steerage. I!y contribu
tion of the cabin passengers a purse
was made up ami prizes were offered
for the three handsomest girls and the
three finest boys under four years.
The eighty-three little Japs in gor
geous kimonos were placed on exhibi
tion one afternoon, and then the judges
awarded the prizes.
After the prizes were awarded a
startling discovery was made. The lit
tle girls who took first and second
prizes were sisters, and the lit tle boys
who took first and second prizes were
brothers. But when the passengers
found that the prizc-wi'nn.i;r little boys
and the prize-winning lilt rirls were
brothers and sisters, all children of the
same parents, there was astonishment
unbounded, nnd the passengers made
up a purse of five dollars fur the mother
of the prize-winning family, in addi
tion to the prize money bestowed on the
"If there had been more in the fami
ly they would ha ve had the rest of the
prizes, I suppose," said Dr. Beach, "but
the award of four prizes to four chil
dren of the same family, the oldest of
the children four years of age, was suf
ficient glory for the mother, who was
the proudest pnrent I ever saw. The
awards were fairly made, and none of
the judges knew that the children were
brothers and sisters."
The Hidden hilinlu r In the Ancient Caa
tle of Macbeth.
In a certain drawing-room the other
afternoon we were talking of some
well-known superstitions, and among
others of that secret room in the castle
of (ilamis, which Sir Walter Scott
tells us is known only to the earl of
Strathmore, his heir apparent, and one
other person to whom the earl may
choose to contiiie. One of our party
told us, says a writer in the Chicago
Tribune, an amusing story concerning
this secret chamber of (ilamis. Once,
when stopping at the castle in autumn,
a curious nnd indiscreet visitor took ad
vantage of the host's absence to sug
gest a plan by which the whereabouts
of the hiddeu chamber should be re
vealed. . The castle was full, and it was pro
posed that each guest hhould hasten to
his or her room nnd hang his or her
pillow out of the window, while one
visitor was told to mark olT such win
dow as displayed no white signal. In
the middle of carrying out this pretty
plan the master of the castle returned
tim-vpe tedly, nnd great was his wrath
nt this unseemly curl"' ity, ,'-ver had
the mvin r i f lllamis ntn'ntvil in so
tinvorin r B ptisr.ii hi. The ili: ,p;y of
temper is li inliy to be wondered at. for
th'- t.Li'iik secret i reg.ifded with tin
extniu 'dhiiitv M'tii'tsn. shy the St rat h
more fiii'iil v. itie! v In n i in tsi i t to the
heir hut been Unimn to till him wit li a
glmiin hard to di-j l.
The tiiliul KcmoiI nirnl of Another
Montiry'a Trl be.
In the Cent nil park monkey Ihhim.
New York, the rin'-taileil monkey mid
the 1 liiiii;i,in. one el.i y recently hud
no end of 11 row. Some woman visitor
had given the rintr tiiileil monkey a hat
pin. It int. rested hint very much, lie
tried it, toi-it mi himself nnd It hurt.
He thought It might interest Hie
thoughtful chluiitnce. rocping up
iH'hin.l hit himiiiii friend, he j ihUsI it
Into the atiiin il a haeU uud left it hang
ing these,
Then tin" visitors ;iw thr most nl
inateil 1 niitr iM-r-y it hut ever been
their M to tec. The gent lo-spirite.l
ehitnpntiee !ik h.d.l of the rltig-talle.l
innnU' t't tail 11ml umiirl it three timet
an. nn. I hi, nahl hand. Then he jerked
the n,.ifl,i v Int.i Hie mr mid l.y:i'i .i
aili;f hitn ur.Min.1 his hen. I. AIh.iiI
very W..111I uhirl the lii.mkev'a l.euil
fctrilek the Iron hart of the rngo. The
little f.llo.v tvrclio.l nlth nil hit
night, hilt Hit i'hluinliie km relent
lett. He lie r. ly ehtilitfed hit method
of tort 11 iv. He slupt . l,U whirling
tn. ti. , s.i' I in, . ;T 1 1 1 i 1 1 v l.n 11, and.
phieiin' hit f..! 011 the tin .like) a hncU.
I.iy luicit wil'i u'l hit tu'e-ht in nn rff.-rt
l-i 'n I on! I.i, 1. tnii't tuil, I along in
lint, lie t..l hot. I i.f thr liiotiltev a r;ir,
jii'iij up In the itijf and, an Inginjr
ia h'trh at lieo.nl. I. let the p.r fi ilow
tr..p Willi a thr.l Ihia aatUfW'4 th
lll 'i k lit (ill him'ii 11 --,
I Malta,, e I iral l al. al.
In the art hltca ..f the patent i.tT. -r
there rr tunny i-uri-nit ilk m,
prtt.rrr,. hoi i., ji, riliiii.ert thei-
1r,. I if tn, fr,., nlf, ,f,,,
I'rilt.til f..f li.ttHilia" "ut.tti,,.. Bt,
I tit.lili,', 11,. l! W iit- re. .r,
. ,,,e l . i..,,,,,. I .t ,,,
I"' .'kii ef .eir tnitit at. I .-.
U ..d I, i,t4.e . ,., I.,', I,
It.at he. I f I.i, (r... 4. , , i,,,n. (,., ,,, j
lfr.-ati (tr.-e i, !,,, ,.,!i, B,,
Iji im I t.. I he art an I .'n.l.f makitv
a I nt f a l.e f f rll.riiw (
'' ! an I .ui! i,.. 1 . ,
li.n,i'4. t.ire and .. ., r f .. t; i,,
'' kt.,,'t.,i. .r ,t... ;,,,
nitre W,B( 1 .0 I., r 'ea lrn
r'"i'.'' "n ot t, the inten ra of 1. It
arte a may w ,.f j.l. , , , , (
t-tiert. and trl..oUr y Ihr
l u'a e liiiritt l.j , K " )e, th. t'..rr
thai r of ..if r.jt . al ft e. ,..
I itie itKie U Vr. aed n.ttr in - . n
liaref trn an t f tatilcl t 1 1 . ,
tt r nt f . I I 1 a 1 , 1 T
IStte ..tf I.O.lt (se'.i.V stitf U,a
K at . itt (i,e to.. i, t (, ,,. ...i,
U j . f Je. ..art i "
Tot ,-at. r s ,1. r, , f ,!.,.,.,,,,,
!". N!r, r t ,. U'-.U 1 m,1'i j r,f
1 of '.! r I if,.
a, a a a From early child-
LULLllIH ?rown mi famUy l
peni a fortune
' trying to cure me I
' of this disease. I visited Hot Springs i
uu was ireeo. Dy tne Dest medical ,
, men, but was not benefited. When '
all things had I- n ft f aUed I de- i
lermmea to b H 1 1 wfi try S.S.S.
and in four I 1 1 LI III months vat 1
t entirely cured. The terribh eczema I
was gone, not a sizn of it left Mv
general health built up, and I have t
never naa any return ot the disease.
any return 01 tne disease.
1 nave orten
1 recommend
ed S.S.3. and
1 have never.
, yet known a failure to core.
. u.u. w. irwiw. Irwin. Pa.
Never rails to cure, '
1 even when all other I
remedies have. Our
.treatise on blood and 1
j skin diseases mmled
' free to any address. I
win arbiii-ic CO., Atlanta, Ga.
$150.00 every month given away to any one who ap
plies through us for the most meritorious patent during
the month preceding.
We secure the best paten ta for our clients,
and the object of this ofier is to encourage inventors to
keep track of their bright ideas. At the same time we
wish to impress upon the public the fact that
such as the "car-window" which can be easily slid up
and down without breaking the passenger's back,
"sauce-pan," "collar-button," "nut-lock," "bottle
stopper, ' and a thousand other little things that most
any one can find a way of improving ; and these simple
inventions are the ones that bring largest returns to the
author. Try to think of something to invent
Patents taken out through us receive special notice in
the " National Recorder, published at Washington,
D. C, which is the pest newspaper published in America
in the interests of inventors. We furnish a year's sub
scription to this journal, free of cost, to all our clients.
We also advertise, free of cost, the invention each month
which wins our $150 prize, and hundreds of thousands
of copies of the "National Recorder' containing a
sketch of the winner, and a description of his invention,
will be scattered throughout the United States among
capitalists and manufacturers, thus bringing to then
attention the merits of the invention.
All communications regarded strictly confidential.
Solicitors ot American and Foreign Patents,
618 F Street, N. W
Box 385. Washington, D. C.
Reference editor of thi paper. Writeforour
jo-page pamphlet, FREE.
W L.Douclas
. cordovan;
43 sj fine CAimANGARoa
f $3.50 POLICE, 3 SOLES,
Over One Million People wear the
W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
All our shoes are equally satisfactory
They give the beat value for the money.
They equal custom ahoes In style and fit.
Their wearing; qualitiea are unsurpassed.
The prices are uniform, stamped on sole.
From $1 to $.j saved over other makes.
, If your dealer cannot supply you we can. bold by
Doiilpr whose nimin will ebortly ap
pefirliere. Aaont wnuted. Apply at once
The Oazptte hu rtc ivej Feverhlcnm
muuioationR reUtivo to tho ilnte of sev
er J tif Ibe liifToreut fnirs of Orpgno, and
in ordwr to rply at once to nil we pub
HnIi below the dnte and place of the d if -frreDt
Oregon fuirs :
Second Houllieru Orfgon Patriot Ag
ricultural H icifty to be held uour Huge
burg. Douglas oounty, commencing
TWday, Sept. 17, ISO, and coutiuues
five d)s.
Firot Southern Oregon Uintrict Agri
I'liltnrnl S'K'icly tn lie held at the Cen
tra! 1'uint fair gr.iunil, ciuniuetiuing
TuisJi,)-, (Jetolier 8, 1.(5, and oontinu
it g five d:iys.
Firm EftNitrn Oregon Uistriot Ajricul
tural Ki.oiety to be In Id at linker City,
linker county, commencing Mondny.
Melitetulier 23. Ih'Xi, and ooiitiuuing sii
Second Kitetcro Oregon District Agri
cultural Society to be hold at The D-illes,
Wafoo county, comtnoiiiing Tuesday,
Ootoljer H, lS'l.'i, and ooutitiuiog life
Nr berg will hold foor days Nir.
The dales are filed for H. ptembir lCltl,
17th. lHh am l'.Hh.
Oirg .q State Fair, Halem. Orefcon.
S-j,ti tuber 'i'l'h to October 4'h, u.ciu
The great Puritanl Kip"aitloo com
inrnrra OcMr 5. yi.", and coutiouet
uii'il N'ivemtr 5, Imi.i.
Th Kifib Annual (lark t'ouut),
I W nIi) Fair iil I held O n.U r 1-t to
4 Ii inclu.i, at Foiittli 1 Un a.
Ibe I'ulon (Vniiite Kair will Iw tilt
fr..in hi trmlier lIib tu the) 'ill inclu-
le, at I tif an. In.
files! I'd.-,! ii, king p,.
hyinptouia Moiature; mien Itrhing
and tuiguig, nmal at o'gti; ore by
a'rati l.tng. If allowed to p.ninne
tumi ta f,.rrn, ,lrb iften ll.. and
ill. i-f nta, Uvmlng afy sort.. hwT!R
Olrii!srat..p ll. itching and ble.,1
tug, IiphU ul..fai,.n, an I in ru.l raw
frtn.ifia the tnmofs At drnggi.te. or
b btail. f.f ,Viiariia. I'r Ha)i, H..ii.
I'l.ila t-t. !..-.
lv.n'1 lufgr-t rtinihrr, my Uy, d..n'l
fnfgrt niotl.rr Jns Ivraua oi hate
ot liar l.'r and fnai) rafre to fill yttf
allrnte a Vn yn ,, t a- sh a gn.w.
H'g I'M! M 'te len.lrlty at J tlioro let
lul'y ,.-r ) 1 ).H anll.rrrl.1
liatl a (,.s f,.r a fr-luro i.f lh f.-nj
ear r I. a gltcti lrrl.r. IIf
St. ).!.!... rl.el.c f-m. The fo.e o
Uf il f.ke )., f, t. t, r, ;, J it f,,.
il lr,f . f ,.J 1 ,a !,) ,rf
i. Is. tn l.ily , q lenip'ra.
the fre..r . f br fat- f.r mi. .f l,r
lt.il! at ber ...ii'. as at fun..,
l - n ,af .c. ,s ti .let - it ill not I
!.. .t aill , aU.ui l.,. (.rt
l,.,. f. letr. r,t be dr
oi l ft eb.br' )o. l. I steal l bid m,.
la 1 1 1 1. a dar rt. f.e a.i airae(ait
I..U An I aL.'.a ) Ua l ,,, a
a -ti lf ran. re- I :..ir- n,. AiK.l ,4
ail art 1- ia I.f ,,., h
))'!,( at'.i i - faal a. .,. ll.ar, tr,T
I j a I ' t I j I i I f. u. raa f f . qe
I- .l it. M tf ml leer fnab l I v
' tnt Cii m ibrs,;a.-l a.
Is one of the very best wheels ever made is nn Indisputable fact. It stands in the
pf front rnnk with all high grade machines, nnd if you buy one you will make no mistake.
O ninea KA.njii.r.K uiCYCLK If you
i punctured, it can be niendo.l l.v vm. o,
renowned G.&.J. clincher tires with wood rims or copper-plated steel rims.
U Sold in all sizes for ladies or gentlemen at If 100 each.
W Tandems for two men or man and woman, !f 150 each.
$ THE RAMBLER is the fastest, lightest and strongest wheel in the market,
joj For style, finish and durability it is unsurpassed, as it is constructed on strict mechan
S ical and scientific principles.
I Chicago Ideals
m - , , ' - . . ri'.'i ..ii nil. i 'i linn wneeis, ai -rti;i, 5;;, respect-te;
! ,Y?ly! '"efP'eiKlid nieilium Krade wheels, with G.& J. high-grade doubln locking edge S
a clincher tires and are fully warranted, . P
W Before you buy a bicycle, write for catalogue, circulars, terms and discounts, or call 5
tonTndnidahollB nKU1"8- u,u,,ljll-'r Hustlers Wanted in every town in Oregon, Washing-1
f ' rprn t Mr doi i i -v-i r- m n t.
For mnn wnmon Knvn nnrl r.lnla ..iln. nu
H N"rth7trpnrc!itativeB Oornitilly & Jeflcry Jlanf. Co's "liambler Bicycles." Mainl
M htore, 3ii7 VNasliington M., Portland, Or. Mnj. E. A. Weed, (leu. Traveling Agent and . S
m letfer. OTIS PATTERSON, Agt. for Morrow Co.. He inner (lrZ 8 K 8 d R
Hows Your Liver?
This question is asked daily. If dormant
you need exercise -need it badly. .
The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do
not own one. call at
Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery,
Power House.
Four Models
TV .-. : ."Tf7VHllllslll4lwlJl'
Monarch Cycle Co.
Factory and Main Office ; Lake end Halsted Sts.. CHIC AGO, ILL.
BRANCHES : New York. San Frantbco. 5it LoUc City. Dcnvr. jrVnpliIs. 0rtr7iir,iroo:r
-4. H'. PATTERSON, Aynil fur Morrow County, llcjqmrr, Oregon.
a. w. .
. a.
It to Advertisers at a great financial sacri
ficc. You need it in your business, and as a
matter of business we mut sell it.
Tim: Pattkkson IYi-msiiing Co.
FBISS : 1IIFB : m !
Vouiv I JOUXD to Tiik, 'Jiin.
Lcnvc No (!(M.ujiati(ui.
Cr.alt. a. m, .. J- I Vt,.,
r-tir at.nia , i i h li a , f; I
want to be happy, for should your wheel betf
......o. . o iu an,iinn ..rio. ...n.i ffl
, n, i i .... - - - .
of Bicycles.
11 siievy
885 and 8100.
. OF . . .
: qi a fir ic
-S -r .1,,,. Mi , j, . . .
;-. . . . ' " Tfc ft.