TURNING GRAY AND THREATENED WITH BALDNESS The Banger is Averted by Using AVER'S HAIR VIGOR "Nearly forty years afro, after some weeks of sickness, niv hair turned gray and began falling out so rapidly that 1 was threatened with immediate baldness. Hearing Aye-'s Hair Vigor highly spoken of. x commenced using this prepare tio i, and was so well satisfied with the result flint I have never tried any other kind of dressing. It stop, ped the hair from falling out, stimu lated a new growth of hair, and kept the scalp free from dandruff. Only an occasional application is now needed to keep my hair of good, natural color. I never hesitate to recommend any of Ayer's medicines to my friends." Mrs! II. M. Haigiit, Avoca, Neb. Ayer's Hair Vigor I'RKPAltF.n BY DR. J. C. AYER & CO., LOWELL, MASS., U. S. A. Ayer'a Sarsaparilla ltemoves I'lmplet. SUN I MON 1 TUE 1 WED I TfflJ 1 FRI I SAT J 2 3 5 G 7 8 3 10 II 12 15 14- 15 IG H 18 19 20 21 22 23 24- 25 26 27 28 2930 ICQ 1 c& 1 00 1 tfT -SC7 TIME TABLE. Stage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek, John Day and Canyon City, leaves aa follows Every day at 6 a, m., except Sunday. Arrlveeeverydarats p. m..excett Monday. The cheapest, quickest and belt Hue to or from the Interior country. WALT. TUOMPSON, Prop. 1'hlU Cobn, Aleut. Mrs. Susan Brown and daughter. Miss Anna, wbo have spent tbe past summer visiting at the horns of Dr. P. B. Mc- b words, of this city, depart on this afternoon's traio. Mrs. Brown returns to her home at Beverelv. Ohio, while Mies Anna goes to Pendleton, where she win at once take charge of a olass in voice oulture. While here Miss Brown has bad a large voioe culture olaea who will regret her departure. Overwork, either physical or mental. will produce weakness and loss of energy. Too many business or family cares, overwork in the harvest field, an excess of woman's work and worry will produce months of misery. To prevent this, tbe exhausted system should be rem forced immediately. Dr. J. fl. McLean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier is an appropriate remedy. Prioe 81.00 per bottle. Some time since while in The Dalles G. B. Tedrowe oame away, leaving an old friend, in tbe form of an umberella that he had carried for many years past. Low Tillard at onoe departed in search of the lost, but was sidetracked in a sand storm at Kufns, from wbioh point he returned borne. This necessitated another trip by Mr. Tedrowe last week. However, be gave np search and returned home on last evening's train. Tbe chroma grumbler still lives, but there are less cases of chronic Indiges tion and Dyspepsia tbau formerly. Tbe fact is so many people in the past have taken Simmons Liver Kegulator that they are now cured of these ills . And a great multitude are now taking Simmons Liver Regulator for tbe same troubles and they'll soon be onred. "It is the best medicine." Mrs. E. Raine, Balti more, Md. Prof. A. W. Wier and wife are now oated at Reedly, Qui., the borne of Cash Mallory, where Prof. Wier is eDgaged as instructor in the public schools. Miss Jennie Wier hss entered Stanford Uni versity and A. W. Wier, Jr., has returned to bis old home in Iowa. Prof. Wier's many Heppner friends are pleased to learn of his sucoess. Deputy Postmaster Reynolds, who was given a preliminary hearing at Pen dleton last week on charge of having committed the receut robbery of tbe Weston postoffioe, was bound over to await the notion of tbe U. S. grand jury at Portland. J. H. Lawrey, our district attorney, represented the government. Mrs. W. R. Klhs departed last Satur dap with Mamie and Rob to plaoe them in school for the coming year. At the time of leaving Mrs. Ellis bad not de- oided as to wbnt sohnol tbey would at tend, but spoke favorsbly of both the Oorvnllis Agriculture college end tbe Newberg Quaker school. One advantage of taking Ayer's Sftrea parilla to purify tbe blood is that you need not infringe npon your hours of la bor nor deny yonrself any food that agrees with you. In a word, yon are not compelled to starve or loaf, while taking it. These are recommendations worth considering. A. M. Armer, representing the firm of Armer & Weinsheuk, of Ban Francisco, of which be is a member, was in Hepp ner over Bunday. Mr. Armer spent yes terday morni g in interviewing bis cus tomers in tbis city and departed on tbe afternoon train for Lb Urande. Before going on a sea-voyage or into tbe country, be sure and put abox of Ayer's Pills in your valise. You may have ocoasion to tbank us for tbis hint. To relieve constipation, biliousness and nausea, Ayer's Pills are tbe best id tbe world. They are also easy to take. Fossil Journal: Qrant oonnty court has allowed the petition for a oounty road np Parrish oreek, between Heppner and Canyon City. Tbis roud will heav ily damage several big stookmen, and its opening will be contested in circuit oourt. Accident and Death. The death of Archie Huston, as mentioned in the Eight Mile items in this issue, occurred over at his father's Gilliam oounty farm near Condon last Friday a week ago, and was tbe result of a very serious accident which he met with the previous Monday. While riding over the pasture trying to catch a borse, tbe stiimnl which be was riding was attacked by a stallion when both horses fell on him badly crushing his body. Archie was not conscious from the time of the accident till the hour of his death, 10 a. m Friday. Tbe remains were taken to his home at Eight Mile the following day and were interred Sunday, September 9th. at the Odd Fellows cemetry at Hardman. Arcbie Huston was tbe second son of Mr. Bud Mrs Huston, ofEight Mile. He was a bright young man, 17 years of age, and well liked by all wbo knew him. Tbe Gazette extends heart felt sym pathies to tbe family and friends. Labqb Cattle Shipment. The large shipment of Crook county cattle by W. F. and J. G. Courtney, of Taooma, as mentioned in last Tuesday's Gszdtte, is now being made from this point. LaBt Saturday 346 head were shipped lutein tbe evening on a special train ooDsisting of 17 carloads, and yesterday another special of 25 oars with 535 head de parted, while this afternoon's special of 22 cars will oarry away about 460 head. These cattle now go to feeding grounds at Ellensburg and Yakima and later to Taooma and Seattle markets. It was first intended that Saturday's shipment should be taken out by the regular train, but the program was ohanged late in the afternoon when the train departed and a speoial was ordered up from The Dulles. As a result the shipment did not get away until about 11 :30 p. m. AN IMPORTANT OFFICE. An Amusing Anecdote of the Edinburgh General Assembly. Among the many anecdotes relating to the celebrated Dr. Chalmers, an amusing one was once told by a gentle man on his return from his first visit to Edinburgh. He had heard a great deal about the wonderful oratorical powers possessed by some of the members of the general assembly, and, being anxious to hear and judge for himself, paid an early visit to it. Next to him, relates the Youth's Companion, sat an elderly, hard-featured, solemn-faced man, who was leaning with both hands on a heavy stick, which he eyed with great con centration of gaze, scarcely lifting his eyes from his absorbed contemplation of it. Soon the stranger's attention was riveted upon the speaker who had opened the day's discourse. The won derful command of language which he possessed, combined with his elo quence of style and the peculiarity of his manner, excited the listener's curi osity to a great degree. "Can you tell me who is speaking now?" he asked, eagerly, turning to the sober-faced old man beside him. "Who's speaking nmef" echoed the old man, lifting his eyes from the con templation of the stick to fix them in contemptuous amazement upon his in terlocutor. "That, sir, is the great Docther Ch&wmers, and I'm holdin' his stickl" Makes the Blood Pure This is the secret of the cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Read this: "I am so glad to write that I am now in per fect health and It isall because Hood's Barsa parilla made my blood pure. My health broke down with troubles peculiar to women, m y nervous sys tem was shat tered and I had to take my bed. The physician Bald there was little hope for me. A neighbor told of wonderful cures by Hood's barsa parilla and I decided to try it. When I had taken 3 bottles, I could sit up and now I am perfectly well and strong. Hood's Sarsaparilla has done all this for me." Mrs. C. F. Fadebeb, La Platta City, Colorado. U, j DM1. cure habitual consHpa. UWU a 1 1119 tion. Price 25c. Der box. Farewell Surprise Party. A very pleasant party in the form of a farewell surprise was given Miss Anna Brown on the eve of her departure from this city at the home of Dr. P. B. Mo Swords last evening. Tbe evening was spent in social conversation and in listening to tbe rendition of a number of vooal and instrumental selections, and in all, was a very pleasant affair, of wbioh an appropriate lanohof ioe cream, cake and fruit was one of tbe features. Tbe following is a list of those present: Frank Kellogg and wife, S P. Gar rignes and wife, W. P. Dnttou and wife, 0. S. Vau Duyn and wife, Mesdames E. J. Slocum, Wm Dunn and S. S. Horner, Misses Etta Minor, Lizzie Matlook, Jennie Noble, Laura Muir and Mabel Leezer and Messrs. E. A. Vaughan, Harry Warren, James Hart, Charles Freeland aod A. W. Patterson. A Timely Reminder. Enob season foroes upon our consider ation its own peculiar perils to health. Tbe advent of fall finds many reduoed in strenth and vigor, poorly prepared to oontinue tbe business of life. The stomach and bowels, the great highway I of animal economy, is especially liable to disorder in the fall. Tbe nervous system has also suffered in tbe struggle. Typhoid fever and mnlaria in particular find in tbe fall that combination of earth, air and water that mark this sea son as especially dangerous. The falling leaves, tbe decaying vegetables contri bute tbeir share of oontaminatioo. Hood's Sarsaparilla famishes a most valuable safeguard at these important points, and should be need iu tbe fall before serious sickness has laid you low. It Leads Them All. The "Cyclone" Thresher. Extra Pal Star Brewery Beer In Pint Bottles can be had only at the City Hotel Bar! Where hluh grade Liquors and Cigars are alio kspt by Ted. Here and There. Millions ride the Rambler. Ike Eonia has biryole to rent. Tbe NilM-Vinson, Marble Works, Walla Walla, Wash. Heppner la now enjoying ber usual eaaoo of beautiful fall weather. La Grinds Marble Works, La Grande Or. 8. 0. Smith, salesman, Heppner. T. W, Marshall, one of tb well known "knight of the grip," spent Monday In this city. Wanted ritio or fancy sewing. Will go to the borne or take sewing al bom Mr. Mary Henderson. Cut French, cam over from Greeo bora tb latter part of last week, wher h I lending sheep cam p. W. L. Paling baa beeo quit 111 witb throat trouble at tb 0 ly hotel, though it much belter this morning. Beat accommodation and onrteoos treatment al lb Imp-rial iiUl, Heveotb aod Waab. Wis., Port laud. Oregon. Ii Jacob, representing Charles Kohn k Co of Portland, aa circulating among our basin men on day last week. Io Kck Is ona to bar a K. of P. lodtf. Dr. E it. linnlock. ao eolbusi- aatio knight, di serves tb orcUit for thl work. Moro Observer: Heppner batn'l bad a anread of advertising sine th strand log of in Hnotag uproar, Iik br isosot row to cbarrb eiroi. F. IlamDtoo. II. U. Ml!irii and C Alien were among ibos wbo brought over Hit large ahiproeet of catll from Crook eoooty last week. llaH'tVegelebWHeilian Mair IUoewer is. orqaittlonatily, b beat prervtlv oflhebair. It I at Care'tv nt dan druff, litr,aul all wlp affewilooe. Elr HlocW holograph gallery I now fto on lor laia tr tirtetly flrl.l work al rtl p'i ere ofk and get pfioe A a fit. Tbt (lif't fefl wofj ltim 1.11 that oat and Ulf Irtf I ' '' M lo thai vlemity da'it tH last thr data ff lat '. "' , - lbfeof tvr farmer of Ibst Sll'0 Tom HK'i.t f 0'rl ooulf't Hint's '"I "'"'u V teeiMdsi tt -Mb til Inmaa. ab Ui bn Knm t.HU.1 lo lbs loaaa asy lum Irom that fi"' The recent fall rains seem lo have re vived everything. The streets are lined with wagona every day and the mer chants are again doiug business, and, by the way, we might incidentally remark that right now is a good time to advertise. Glacier: Miss Delia Reed came down from Heppner Wednesday and will visit for a ooople of weeks witb her relatives in Hood Kiver. bbeba been attending school aod teaohing in tbe Heppuer neighborhood for two years past. loo was visited by a water spout last Friday night. Tbe rain fell in torrents, in faot simply nonred down, and for short time tbe wnler was a foot deep on tb lone Hat. Howrver, we learn that do serious damag wat done. Hon. W. K. Ellis it now at tbe Good Samaritan Hospital in PorllHod, where be bat bad an operation performed on bis injured leg. II hopes to be ahl to return bom by (he latter pari ( f this week. Oregooian: Mrs. W. It. Ellis, wife of Congressman Ellis, arrived in th city yesterday from Ilfpptier. Congressman Klli will remain br for some lime to reoeive treatment for bit injured leg. Telegram: T. J Matlock and ton IWk aod Jack, of ll. ppuer, are at tbe llolton bonne. Mr. Matlock report! plenty of ram io that aeetion, insuring an abundant supply of fall grass. Walla Walla Doioo: Don't change your "ails loo orto. (live poo pie cbanc In gel acquainted with lb con tenia, and allow nor foreman to keep up lib lb proexeaioD. Captain Sweeney, V. H. A , Hao Die.o. Cal. says : "Hlnloh't Catarrh lUrnedr is the tint medioio I have ever found thai would do m any giwd. Pnec Bt)c T. W. Ay era, Jr. ()o. Well and wif re'nrned laat evening flora a bruf v:sil with Portland relative. Mr. ()o. Fell returned bom from Portliad last evening. If you buy a new Thresher, Engine, HORSE POWER OR SAW MILL You of course want the best. Write for Catalogue and Prices. IheMassillon Engine X Thresher Go. PORTLAND. OREQON. EIGHT MILE NOTES. Party. Messrs. James Hart and H T. Bagley gave a paity in tbe parlors of tbe City hotel on last Thursday evening, where a goodly number of tbe invited guests assembled, considering the iu olemency of tbe weather. Mrs. J. N. Brown acting as hostess and proved to be well up in tbe ways of entertaining guests. All had an enjoyable time until a late hour when they repaired to tbe dining room where an excellent oyster supper bad been prepared by Mrs. Julia Bradley, proprietress of the hotel, Those present were, Mr. and Mrs, J. N. Brown, Missel Ollie Howard, Grace Ball, Elsie Laoy, Lillian Biebee, Lena Bebme, Ethel Sperry and Laura Muir, and Messrs. Bruoe Kelly, Hairy Warren, John Uoroor, Will Haling, James Hart and H. T. Bagley. HOW IT HAPPENED. A story was recently told of how a preaoher tested tbe hard times upon his congregation. At the conclusion of one sermon of bis be said; "Let everybody in Ihe house who pay tbeir debts stand up." Instantly every man, woman and ohild, with one exoeption, rose to tbeir feet. He seated tbe crowd and then said: "Let every man wbo is not paying his debts stand up." The exoeption noted a careworn, hun gry individual clothed in bis last sum mer's suit, slowly assume a perpendicu lar position, and leaned upon tbe back of tbe seat in front of him. "How is it, my friend," inquired the minister, "that you are the only man in this large congregation who is nnable to meet his obligations?" "I publish a newspaper," he meekly replied, "and my brethren here wbo have just stood up are my subscribers, and" "Let ut pray!" exclaimed the minister A Novki. Si Pi sa. The Aid Society of this city, will give a very novel supper at tbe vaoant room formerly oocupied by W. L. Saliog't confection ery store. Tbe occasion might correctly be styled "an old time supper." Three tablet will be arranged, one to represent table service, CO yeara ago, another SO yean ago and tbe laet to represent the present tge. The prioe of access to the three tablet will be respectfully, 10, 25 aod 50 cents. This nipper will be terved from 5.30 lo 10:00 p.m. next Satutdny evening. Keiuember tbe dbie and also tbe tapper. Lost, Stbatid or Htomx. A red Shorthorn cow with eligbtly drooping bornt and while markt on bind fret, right bind teat dried np; and ber winter calf, a red men, Llixky, short-legged bull ralf, both dimly branded with cirri on right hip. Both left the John Q. Wit fm ranrb about July 10th. Inform' tion leading lo th. ir recovery will be re warded. N. C. Mahih, "0 2 Ilrppoer, Or. None Hut Ayer's at the World's Fair. Ayer's Sarssparilla enjoys the extraor Unary distinction of having been the onli blood purifier Allowed an exhibit at Ihe World's ftir, Cbiosgo. Manufacturers of other tarsaparillut sought by every meanatoobtainashowing of tbeir goods, but they were all turned away under Ihe application of the rule forbidding the entry of patent medicines and nostrums. ihe ileoision of the World's fair aullio. rities in favor of Ayer't Sarsaparilla wat in effect at follows: "Ayer a Martapa rilla it not a patent medicine. It does not belong to the list of nostrums. It it here on lit merits." br ran l eeeeI Call an I irom llltf Weak 4 Meriua DfMK-ribet the condition of Ihonaaodt of people al Ibis eti. Tby h no appetite, Cannot aUrp, and complain of th prostrating tffWtof warmer eaihi-r. Tbl Condition tnay be remedial b) Hood's haraaiiarllla. a blob create an si fetit and Ume np all th organs. It givr g Mid beeltti by making lb ll"d mr. Hood's I'ill sre I), pille, aoeist dig'ettun NrwJiiHit ArroiTKii Hon Henry I MuOinn, oi Portland, bat ben ap pointed by Gov. Iof'l lo lb Circuit court bench mad vnonnt by th death of Jndg lisrtwfttl Hurley. Mr. Mo (linn's claims were tlrongly poshed b) a camber of lb mm! prominent at torney in Portland, and hi appoint- uut aa guerlly conceded. 11 is a brilliant attorney, well Versed io la end will rwrlmtily luake a very satis- farli ry jOde. IWralea'e Aral' Halve. Tbe best sat v io tb world for cut, !tii.ee, Mirefi, fleers, halt P.heum, fever Horee, letter. Cliapd Hands, Chilblains, Corn, and all k o eruptions BOO T I BUT NEVER SQUEEL ! O 1 I That is what Minor 8c Co. are doing. They are constantly rooting for trade ; though they have the bulk of the trade of the surrounding country, they are not satisfied. i it Wi m mm But we would like all ihe people for customers, as the larger the sales ( the cheaper ihe goods. We have just received the largest line of Fall goods ever shown in the city. Call and examine them and If you don't buy then we are to blame. We are here to Bhow goods. We Meet and Beat all Competition ! MINOR & COMPANY. XecioLl Sale! WriXvXv & SLOCUM, Dealers in General Merchandise -WILL OFFER THEIR- Notlre. There will be a meeting of tbe (J. A. U. Post and Woman's Italiaf Corp tbt laat Saturday of thit month, Kept. 2Hth, al 1 o'clock p. m., in the town of Uepp ner. All members are requested to be present, liy order of tbe commander, T. J. Lkaoi-i. IJltUEAs Root teteary ncf Li i IT wVH i. NCI C Jj't. H n7im;:;:iini?'Mi LI'UJM'L Cj An atnwM tarattve and frrmra Towta. Bold t.f I)nirrl or eent by tea it t&,(uu aod UX) pi-rt-x liarw. HimploHr. ir u r tbiavwriit?iirrmi 1VU IlUfurUMTeetiia&dliraa4i,SM. fur aale hf 1. w. am, jr., Iirusriat Farmers are busy towing summer fal low. Mr. and Mrs. Stanton, who have been visiting at Milton, returned home yet terday. Yesterday we had a rainy day and latt night a heavy frost and ice in some lo calities. We are pleased to bear snob a favor able report of the Hardman W. C. T. U., and to know that tbeir monthly gospel meeting ie a grand sucoess. Mr. O. Royoe, wbo buried bis wife few days ago, bat tbe sympathy of thit neighborhood. It is a great trial for him, and we hope be may be able to go to Him for comfort who never turnt away from those who seek His face. It is not an easy matter to discourage an i!iigbl Mile farmer, lor, aitnongb orops were a failure through drought, aod the ravages of tbe grasshoppers, tbe farmer goes cheerfully about his task of sowing grain as though be was sure of an abundant crop next year, and an other thing the Eight Mile farmer it noted for, it his willingness to pay bit debts as far as be is able. When tbey talk of tbeir future prospeots they will end by saving, "and theu I intend to pay my debts, even if I don't have miieb left." Yesterday was a sad day for Eight Mile. Every family felt sorry for, and lytnpHthized witb, Mr. and Mrs. Hut ton and iuuily in tbeir sad bereavement caticed by the deiitb of their son Archie As Ihe young people who hud associated with blin, who had seen him a short time ago ao full of life and hopes of a long life as any of them, gatbereJ around hit grave they felt teriout, and quietly they left the graveyard where be it resting in tbe iftiet tomb until tbe morning of tb resnrreetiou. His death was sudden and unexpected, "lo tbe midst ot life w ire in death." Art hie will be sadly mieaeil at boiuo, for bow often it bat been taid by those who knew all about him, "thai be wat so good lo his mother An Iik, x-a'efiil lie thy silent slumber, IVaevlul III the (lave ao low; Thou no nun will join our numlier, Thou no ii m irt- our xiiiki shall know. We oornmeod Ihe bereaved to Him bo alone can give them comfort. K. M. 0. Eight Mile, Or., Hpt, 0, IKIfi. Thi re can h no pleti'a or happl- nee fur Mriiit wli'Nw liver or kidueya are unheiiltliy. Tlcy are weak, auk and Irritable, and (liid It liurdiuMitn to (mii fir in work of any kind. What I hey nl ie a It.ornoirli treatment with Dr. J. Ii. M'Iean't I.Wer and Kidney Halm. Iblt remedy It rerotftiited by litany of lb beet niMJiral authorities at Wllbonl a peer fur the Core of ilmeaaee of the kidneys or liver. It rapidly drive out diaeiiaed rotidillona, restores health and strength, vigor and cbsarful spirit Trie l per bottle. Organdies, Dimities, Mulls, etc., at tbe following greatly reduced prices : organdies ronureri io inc. per yarn. Mulls 'irK reduced to if, per yard. DtmltleB 12 to lfie., reduced to ion. per yard. ents' Htraw Hats 7ftc. to 1.0l), reduced to 2ft and fi5 cents. Dents' Hummer Klhbed Underwear Win., reduced to il' cents, Indies' t'lidervcsts 10 to Mt, reduced to 5 to 25 cents. Lino of Boys Laced Shoes (1.25, reduced to 80 cents. Best line of Ladies' 10c. hose ever offered for sale. Bargain Counter loaded down with remnants of every fabric im aginable at prices never before equalled. Our stock of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoos and Groceries completo in every respect at prices that will more than favorably compare with those previously announced by competitors. Special attention called to our Shoo Department Call and ex amine both goods and prices. PIOlsnHKH BRICK, West Side Main Street, - - - ITeppuer, Oregon. I, l.KTirK Mir. mfM AtiVHUIxKD AT ff Kf-PNKR or , n. pi. Ik, !. ( ll..f in. W m riifl.-r. I W. Jiliiklll, iel. M. l"Jlltef. I. W. Mr, III, Jolmy. I'eeM, T M. hlnr. links. BMik, Mrs Martha When railing "r Ill"e Irtlert .I.mi tf ,htt!el, f, I. M n.Lltaa. I', M. MIHUH H hAl.fV l'fien n el.'iilloli ImiM ,il .i the M.IMtlel.l I If Ml! i '.till III thi Hlt lit lltrf'.tl. lor ll.e I ii ii.lt 1. 1 M'ilr., iii-ii. a I'mIi'm.i i,l Out of Sight! The boy it father to tbe man, and when the boy done the man's bat be is "out of sight." Likewise the mnn who pro vides hiniHolt with one of T. R. HOWARD'S bals, and also purchases hit Groceries, Cigars, Tobnooot and dents' Furtiish inga at this establishmeat where Ihe freshest and latest of tbe above lines are kept. This is also the place for Rtook men's Rnpplies, aa this store makes a specially of everything required by this class ot trade. And a rasual olmerver will not fail to notice that our sheep and cattle men take advantage of tbis fact. Ilememlier the pUoe HEPPNER BLOCK, Main St., Pour doors tontb of the Uity bote). . u.t .fterdmhrri ,MW(,ll,(.ly ,r o p.y r:uVrM,,j;t.:7i,.,v:.:,',,n,;::::,::i ! i'' lnir-i. it u g..,...,ieed .v. ! vi:vr.z.K V-tvi- To Itaraaiartivia. IValral lodge, So. II, Ki.ls-I. IS of I'tlliiaa, al ncei.t tnolllig elented A. W. (lie. slid I. It, KliliiO a grand reprwenlatitet lo Ik grand 1U of Ibat order wbtcb will n.et la rUi'tn. ennvenieg Tae Uy, Oe tnUf Klb TbeM tebtleruen a't tailhful ami eatbneiaalie Knight and will Bl tt.g'y rpreol lb 'aleui erganitaltoo It It at b'g-b Sem!ly -MlatearniO. ! - perfect ati:erifin or In n ril'f" i mills per !. T. W. A.r. Jr. b) refunded, I 1 ' - .. .. , , ! ll.e . ,.. ..I I ...i.lt f, t'-t ! by i(. , .,, ,!. , I.)r ..I Mi. h ' l 'i lt ..l,',r, ft ,-I llf.p l;ii.sKin) Ml, t-siete.) by Mrs. Win, M. Ils.lliter, W siren, i bow ,--lli"l. M lt '! I. II '. I ' I , t , "' N.' . .t ll.r,fi, 1,.M thm H tl.f lle i,f li I-1 I i'.'lie.l ), ! a Now it lb lime to get tb Weekly Oretr'iniali, lb grealMl newspaper of lb Weal. Witb lhe(' tle.x.lb Slrift ly In a.lfance, for on year, No better Combination uf newspapers nan Ii mad la the rt. Il.el.lim we will glv a a premium an additional journal. lb Web- fixit I'lahler, an agrinillcral per, (Virii in now ami aulMirlliM. UNIVERSITY OF OK KG ON, J805-.1800. fTHE UN1VKKHITY OF OHKOON, Kl OF-SI'., OUI'dON, .fr. rt free I (f to all atudeula. Young men can nblnin Urnnl. lodging, beat and Ii I lilt toll ubt in tbe dormitorv for 12 ft) per wek. Il-Miroere furnish their own linen. ming women are provided lioard in privaU familii t at f.) W) per week. Young women desiring board thould a-Ureaa IW . John Hraob, Kugene, Oregon; or Secretary Young Women Christian Association, Kugene. llm iniversiiy oners mre bcealaureaU degre, Uaebelor of Art, Itaebelor of Hoietie and Uarbelor of let ter witb corresponding oonrse of study. Tbe following shorter courses are also offered: An Frlih ooorse luading in two year 11 a ii.ieioeat uipioma ana in thre yeart to lb lltl gradual In Knglisb; en advenrM oonrae for graduate of normal aobool leading to lb degre roaater or pedagogy; a inre yrar ronrae in r . . . . Oivil engineering leading lo Ihe ii-gr civil enginwr; a ooureo m lau ycr mr teacher of pbveieal luetioo laling to a diploma and Hi litie director oi phftu al ediioalnm. Tb University tbargea an Incidental r or ten Hollar wl.ioli la payable in alvano by all todent. Htodei.1 holding diploma rrom lb public anboola and llms having teach!' eertillealet ar admitted to Ihe preparatory department witbont lamination. Tbot deeiiing information regarding tb pre paialory deparlmenl sbonl l a I Ireat the I lean, N. I Narregan, Fug"", for oalalogqe and Inforaialion addrea O. II. CHAPMAN. PifHUl. nt. or. I. .J. WAII'ON. H'-iftHty. Kukcik. Oi-cuott. li.j l...,.f. .H-.i'.ii . !. t.. i, I.I I !) ! " .n't ! . 1"I t M ri la. ai"l r'.l' e n-i. I l.ei l '! i 1 f ''ii k ii lil, i.i, mmu j i-M..ii li"l M("l I 1-1 II.. Karl's Clover IPmiL lb great Itlnod bllh's Cure, It great Conyll Shd txinfler. ttve freahi.e.s and leflie to Croap Cur, la la great demand. I'orkef , th, ('mpieitnn and rnree C'-naiipaima, tea HiUml Iwel.t flv doeee f . B I XV . Mm ll ela II H..1.I l, T. U A ! .-'7 . i. ...... ...i. ,a . v . i7'-, r ' ' ' Ilea ' ' v tiii ireo io ii. wi i "j jr. . I . . . I - .1,, i . I ... ...... : . - . U prepaied lo do ail tlrios oi areeeinasifig n,. , ,,,,m i,o i.-.t m H-i ..er. M .n . :.... l.i.l . ( i . I Vmttmrt m lif.. 1 f '1 and ' n .ti, ., i the im in ID lb latest of !)e. leirCl SalKfeC- ,,,,,,,,,,, h (.. J , k, ,,,,, lli.u BO.r.t.'ee l. I.iebteblhal l.ml Imif. fcus .! n. .. iwnir ln 1 i..u.--r ! h. i ..i of i east eld IaiO strl. 'ivir. n,iin,.i...ui i... u n, ,,. Thlflf alt. 1 Ami "I lil'lwl . . r-.lf (.1... i T,. Mr.rlh lUI f lr.) ll.ll 1 i LcAVEATS.TRAi COPYRIGHTS n sTii a rTiTf r '.ti.j4 lef bV4 f fc'ett S.frtt.Wetl ftf Vf 4 I ).. - fct ti r if'i f ia.tvr li th flatftt r 1 f -. r w V 0ri4lt aw.v.M'ftee.tit)!, t 1 1 4 lf ! f-efta )it'1l y orft.M t'ft V-i In al e.'l . I pfr tatl f reasa, I ! ! eta ll.t....ai Mt. a rH. (v-rtU fval I A A t . '4 (). M'e,h !, j fjpf. pts its fllhs a4 41 f. Ift J.(4 4 MM, laMO-wf ' 't lltMtfkM .Mllftf lis) U'4 ' aVf ! If) itV t i.iis-1 I'. t tat!- )t.n ol .fie Isfe4ir4 W ' w.lhlf f 4 9 ., r f'f I I 'll -. kisaasa. p x tM W a.,-i SM-r I a l lt X. A I'1 Vi.4at (, tlse,jf j,4) ttyr'Xi'XuZt- ffn.t.llorrotaMe7rl...r,r.. r.ttag ,bam,'-ir.gr,1il Mb. r wrk ' "rVl'S''.'."' -"ifl. . h .:l K ! Ml f 1 Pv All . .. ''l); 1 ft,, rair for .,fM. U. tat... at .;. ' .' t.U W. I'..l., at a.y lo.. dif.g "f.'V . .V .. r ie.. U. J-r.rryii.g a ener.l l-n..Ul J I UllllOVil - -',kw"wV;, wlUklaVl tf!!1 '''. ,b-.tbo.'t Ml Uef4Mtfavkt.wttM. Sue bit as a4. tl. p STATE NOIUUL SCIIDOI, fXZf Monmouth, Ore. f ' f f ' f"j A If.lnli.e l''l I'- Ira. h- iiifll.l. eliilit AtI if 1 f le lialnO'S .irtineiil ai. l .)( 'ilai.Miat w' . Ill jfif ai.l a.. I. ml. i. ut I ' i 1.1 , - Th Dilom f lh seheol eitilfi I " JLSt Jl r je)lrlej th stat sellli. IVla T --rAj4 f .Ml Hhf aarleatle). Bfl!i'-S V h flanl I'-UlMg. l"-k. ami I iCI.,11 I a r 1 l r It) 1 Ii KTJ II, ftee'itlbd a-l Kea iMul .l. a. Mo a...i,i. L J.j - JLiuiLll i iV '.' r 1 "' "mi '" '" ' "I b'. r ''.' f l ' IffJ ' I Mieie la an o. i.''r l mii'alne.1 lew lir i t'i 4 f Ull ! 'fW' I-J ft ;" rharrr. i,l ti --li atloit. .wp'r' e-r- z-' i i. r ami km i NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER oialCM