Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 17, 1895, Image 2

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    Murderer Holmes has been in
dieted by the Marion county grand
jury at Indianapolis for the murder
of Howard Pietzel.
TnEay to resume is to resume,
but the way to do business is to
advertise. mmmm
An Ohio man has had his wife's
speech restored after Bix years of
silence. No cause is assigned for
the rash act.
An exchange estimates that had
the Defender lost the cup it would
have transferred $300,000 to
English bank accounts. But the
beauty of it is, she didn't lose it.
An Ohio fisherman has invented
a rubber bait bucket." This may
be a very good thing, but it won't
go in Oregon, as the boys prefer
to carry their bait in the old way.
The Oregon Silver Imprint,
published at Albany, is probably
the latest journalistic venture in
Oregon. As the name would in
dicate it is a champion of the white
metal cause.
Morrow county has not been
blessed with such fall rains as she
has had during the past two weeks
for a good many years. Farmers
are much encouraged, and will put
in larger crops than ever before,
Let us make a long pull, a strong
pull and a pull altogether and
Morrow county and Ileppner can
not help but once more enjoy her
former prosperity.
Vice President Stevenson
says: "Alaska has a great future."
That is the reason .John LSull is
surveying a strip fifty miles wide
off our American possessions. He
has been at work on the job now
for a year. He has about the same
claim as he had to Oregon, which
he came so near capturing as to
make him mad every time he
thinks about it. Inter Oconn.
Pacific coast fruit reaches
ondon in excellent condition and
there is great demand for it. This
means a great deal to Oregon and
Washington as well as California.
A boarding house keeper in a
town not far distant seized the
also teeth of a boarder who would
not pay his bill. We presume he
will now use them to trim pie
crust with.
A Few Broadside o( th Dutch Article
Won the Day.
The most remarkable ammunition
ever heard of was used by the cele
brated Commodore Coe, of the Monte
vidian navy, who, in an engagement
with Admiral Brown, of the Buenos
Ayrean service, fired every shot from
his lockers. "What shall we do, sir?"
asked his first lieutenant.
It looked, says the Pittsburgh Dis
patch, as if Coe would have to strike
his colors, when it occurred to his first
lieutenant to use Dutch cheese as can
non balls. There happened to be a
large quantity of these on board, and
in a few minutes the fire of the old
Santa Maria- (Coe's ship), which had
ceased entirely, was reopened, and
Admiral Brown found more shot flying
over his head. Directly one of them
struck his mainmast, and as it did so
shattered and flew in every direction.
"What the dickens is the enemy
firing?" asked Brown. But nobody
could tell. Directly another came in
through a port and killed two men who
were near him, ana then, strimng tne
opposite bulwarks, burst into pieces.
Brown believed it to De some new
fangled paixhan or other, and as four
or five more of them came slap through
his sails, he gave orders to fill away,
and actually backed out of the fight,
receiving a parting broadside of Dutch
The Chinese missionaries now
enter their held of labor witn bibles
in one pocket and bullets in the
othor. Under the present circum
stances we believe this a "happy
A preacher recently asked a
university don what he thought of
his sermon, "I heard in it what I
hope npver to hear again." "What
was that?" "Tho clock strike
twice." Til Bits.
The Miltonian has once more
resumed publication at Milton, and
comes out with a very creditable
publication. While the Gazette
does not desire to discourage the
venture, yet it occurs to us that
thore is not room at Milton for
two papers, and Brother Hull, of
the old reliable Eagle, is certainly
publishing a paper that is not only
a credit to Milton, but to the entire
of Northern Umatilla county.
The Ilichiuond (Va.) Times
emphasizes the biggest "if" ever
put in type, remarks an exchange.
Tho Times says: "If Hon. James
K. Campbell is elected governor ol
Ohio, it will probably mako him
the next democratic nominee for
president beyond tho txiwcr
any influence to the contrary
When tho vote of Ohio is countct'
Camnbell will hardly know
whether ho ran for governor or in
A New York editor has address
ed the Union Scout editor as
"Editor of the Union Scalp," and
now tho latter agrees with the
Gazette's sporting editor that there
is something iu a name.
A Conneticlt woman is about
to sue her husband for a divorce
simply because he has a cork leg.
that's foolish, she might apply for
a separation from the cork leg and
keep the remainder of the man.
The jealousy of the different
iustern cities over Holmes is
absurd. It makes no difference
where ho is tried ho he ia hanged.
The placo where it can be done
legally and speedily is the place,
The Name of nog Would Be a Compli
ment to ThU Man.
The champion mean man paid San
Francisco a visit the other day, says the
Post of that city. lie was a big, long
legged, raw-boned fellow, with a nose
like the blade of a hatchet. His eyes,
like little black beads, were set within
half an inch of each other and glistened
and firleamed at everybody and every
thing at once. He clutched the arm of
a sad-faced little woman with long,
bony hand and clawed at his whiskers
with the other as he ordered the waiter
in a Market street restaurant to give
him a cuo of coffee. The waiter
brought it witli some bread and butter
and laid down a check for ten cents.
"Would you give me an extra pitcher
nf cream?" asked the mean man. The
waiter broueht it.
"Yes, by the way, give me a cup or
hot water, will you, please?"
The waiter brought it and watched
the mean man curiously. He poured
the cream into the hot water, put a lit
tle sutrar in it, shoved it to his wife and
flung one slice of bread without butter
in her direction. The little woman ate
it hungrily and the waiter added five
cents to the moan man's check.
The row was heard three blocks up
Market street. He declared he was be
ing robbed because he was from the
country, but he finally paid when
threatened with arrest.
Fiotion and travel are the strong
points of the September Cosmopolitan
whiob.by the way, illustrates better than
any previoni number the perfection of
its plant for printing a magazine of the
highest oIbbs. Oonan Doyle, H. EL Boye-
een and Clark Russell are among the
story-tellers. A well known New York
lawyer relates the story of "A Famous
Crime" the murder of Doctor Parr-man
by Professor Webster. A delightful
cketoh of "Ad English Country House
Party" is from the pen of Nina Larre
Smith the house at which she visited
being no less than the historic Abbots-
ford, still occupied by the direct de
scendants of Sir Walter Soott. "The
Realm of the Wonderful" is descriptive
of the strange forms of life discovered
by science in the ocean's depths, aud is
superbly illustrated in a surprising and
marvelous way by the author, who is a
member of the Smithsonian staff. Ad
article on Cuba is timely. Without
bothering the reader with unnecessary
description of the famous yachts now so
much talked of, the Cosmopolitan pre.
sents four full-page illustrations show
ing these noted boats. Thomas Moran
again contributes a series of the most ex
quisite landscapes of western scenery,
twelve in number, illustrating an artiola
by Col. John A. Cockerill, on "Modara
Utah." And it may be said that no mora
beautifully illustrated number of the
Cosmopolitan has ever been given to the
Fall Term begins September 18, 1895.
Administratrix' Notice of Sale of
Real Property.
tul, 'ItreSSS'iS the Three College Coue.. Clascal. Scientific and Literary. Academy prepare. lor college and
matter 01 (ne estate ol William Knsr, acceascu, jvcg , thorough English education, me oesi. preimraiiuii jur j."is ..-v.
?7 th,V"n,y ?ou ?' tn,e stat? f .Leg0!!,,(r h .lwavs been distinguished for the breadth and thoroughness of its work. It has a Ubrary of
signed "s aXhUs" rat'rix o", MwlS ad equipment, for mathematical and scientific work, and fine building, with the
offer for sale at public auction to the highest t modern improvements. Marsh Hall, just completed at a cot of $,tO,000, Is one of the finest
oiaaer tor casn in nana on Baiuraay, me ui ,,...,:,,. , Pariflp Colleee
day of September, 1K95, at 11 o'clock In the fore- college buildihgs on the racinc i,ouege,
noon 01 that day, at the front door ol tne wun
. .. w RmH and room at the Ladie's Hall K1.00 to 1.00 per week, lnclud-
ofMio The College Dormttory- under excellent management, furnishes
ing to the abovl named estate! situated in Mo board and loom at $2.25 per week. Board in private families, $2.50 and upwards. Many student.
row county, Oregon, to-w.t: 1 ne soumeaai rent roomg and board themselves at a total cost not to exceed fi.au per ween.
For further particulars address, FKES. tuumab mcuilainij, jorest urove, uregon.
quarter and the south half of the northeast
quarter, and the northwestquarterof thenorth
east quarter, and the northeast quarter of the
southwest quarter of section thirty-six, and the
nortn nait ot tne southwest quarter ana tne
northwest quarter of the southeast quarter and
the southwest nuarter of the northeast quarter
of section twentv-five. all in township three
south of range twenty-nine East of Willamette
Meridian; and also the northeast quarter of the
northeast quarter and the south half of the
northeast Quarter of aectinn thirteen in town
ship four south of range twenty-nine East of
Willamette Meridian; said sale is made subject
to all liens and incumbrances now existing up
on the said real property, and subject to the
confirmation of all sales to be made by the
aoove entitled county court.
Dated this 14th day of August, 1895.
Administratrix of the Estate of William Rust,
Chas. H. Cartes, Attorney. 363-71
AmkiiICa'h ynet, tlio Defeiuler,
huh the lirnt nice in a fair couten
tho Ki'eoii'l by a foul ami tho third
by a tluko ait Inl Puuraven with
ilrew th Valkyrie from the third
content after croHning the line, thus
giving the raon t- the PefeiiiW,
nixl tho cup to America. The
rettult if thin scrun of racea in not
what cnthuHiatttic American lmJ
hojxsl for, but that tho iVfeiuler
U the tuHrior lmni, is a.linittil by
all, eteit tho l'.nulisli pre.
"We hsd an epidemic of dysentery in
this vioinity last summer," says Samuel
S. Pollock, pf Bnceland, Ual. "1 was
taken with it and suffered severely until
someone culled my attention to Cham
berlain's CJolio, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. I procured a bottle and felt
better after the first dose. Before one-
half of the bottle hsd been used I was
well. I reoommended it to my friends
and their experience was the same. We
all unite in saying it is the best." For
sale by Sloonm-Johnson Drug Co.
Notice of Intention.
Land Office at La Gkande Oregon.
August 3; 1895.
following-named settler has filed notice
of his intention to make final proof in support
of hi. claim, and that said proof will be made
before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on Sept. 14, 1895, viz :
Hd. 4941, for the NU 8EH, BE NKK, Sec. 34,
8W NWX, Bee. 35, Tp. 3, H. K. E. V. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove hi.
continuous residence upon and cultivation of.
said lana, viz
Address J. 35. SMITH,
Pilot Bock, Umatilla Co., Oregon.
p tun
Andy J. Cook, of Heppner, Oregon; E. Clark,
01 neppner, uregon; HesiKian nnpei, 01 neiu
ner, Oregon ; Jesse D. French, of Vinson, Oregon,
860 70
The regular subscription pnoe of the
Semi-Weekly Gazette is $2.50 and the
retrular nrice of the Weekly Oretronian
is $1.50. Anyone subscribing for the
Gazette and paying for one year in
advance can get both the Gazette and
Weekly Oregonian for $3. All old sub
scribers paying their subscriptions tor
one year in advanoe will be entitled to
the same.
: TF Mr. Columbus were alive to-
X day and called at Mat Licliten-
thal's he might make a new discov
ery quite as memorable as that of
1492. Chris was a great discoverer
and office at the dalles, okegon, in his day. He would at this time
i Aiicnst 21. 189.1. Notice is hereby given J; iv, cnt afrnlr nf Rlinpa
tw th. following named aettler has filed no- UlBUUVtJI uio ulcdl dv. -
Notice Of Intention.
mat me iouowing nameu seiner una meu nu- . IT i 11
tice of his intention to make final proof in sup- ever BB.OWD in H eppner, and 1116
port of his claim, and that said proof will be , lift,.! ,nra Anna
made before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at cheapest as well. Wnat more OOeS
Heppner, Oregon, on Sept. 28, 1895, viz;
Hd. E. No. 3477, for the Wjt. 8EH and Wtf NE4
Sec. 32, Tp. S S. R 25 E. W. if. Oregon.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz:
George Shick, Thomas Driscoll, William Dris
coll, Nathan Shaw, all of Heppner, Oregon.
3G4-74 Jas. F. Moore, Register.
mortal man want ?
The Old, Original Shoe Merchant,
Main Street, Heppner, Oregon.
Custom Work a Specialty.
A Webt Viiigisia man ih
peculiarly affected by riding on
train that ho has to cliaiu hiiusol
to a seat to prevent his jumping
out of tho car window. In Oregon
wo have a placo fr Mich men i
tho insane BHylutn.
WlI.L Ohio democrats lolt to
beat Urico?-Hartford 1W. That
is entirely unnecessary, as th
republicans ran snow him unde
with a majority of 7."),000, ho the
democrats need not givo them-
. .
hcitch any uucnHincHn.
Iris said that a Vox tlatul man,
who had tiecoliirt disgtiHtod with
tint rabbi line, Utught a bieyclo.
On thrt evening of tho first day ha
was brought homo iu an ambu
lance, and now ays even walking
is good enough for him.
(ir.N. John Bidwkll, late prohibition
nominee for president, is seventy-six
years old and has lived in California
fifty-three years. He took the first
watfon overland to the coast.
A oold-wkiohino machine in the
Hank ot England is so sensitive that a
postage stamp dropped on the scale
will turn the index on the dial a aia
tance of six inches.
(liiKFK national elections are held
every four years. The polling places
are churchrs.
Fikdfob Palb. The M. 0. L. A T.
oompany have full stock of all kinds of
feed, snoh as ohop, mill feed, barley,
etc, which will be sold at reasonable
prices. Don't negleot to tee them fur
same. &3tf
O. B. Uatl, the tonsorial artist, oan
be found at his parlors, Matlock corner,
where be will dispense at popular prices,
shaves, shampoos, hsirout. etc.
Ike Ennis has a stock of bioycle
repairs and will fix your wheel op at
reasonable rates. It is bis intention to
make a specialty in this line, and aa the
number of wheels ia rapidly increasing,
this will oertsinly be pleasing news to
those who are so fortunate as to own a
bike. tf.
The Patterson Pub. Co., have seonred
the agency of the Uresoent bicycles for
Morrow and Grant ooucties, and will
Notice of Intention.
Lj Aug 22, 1K95. Notice is hereby given that
the following named settler has filed notice of
his intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made
before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on October 6. la, viz :
Hd. No. 4735. for the S14 of NEW Sec 34, and WU
of N W)4 Sec 3.5. Tp 3 8, Range 2K E, W. M.
Henmnes the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz:
D. O. Justus, Samuel D. Tyler, John Beeler,
John C. Locknane, of Heppner, Morrow Co., Or.
865.75 Register.
He Saws Wood!
Has purchased one of the late improved steam saws and is now
fully prepared to saw wood of every description at the low price of
40c per Cord one time in two
50o per Cord two times in two
Wood will be cut neatly, and where possible all knots cut out.
One stick per cord will furnish enough fuel. Leave orders with Chris.
Borchers at the Palace Hotel. lm
before baying.
lJ August 27, 18UH. Notice is hereby given
that the following named settler has filed no
ti. nf hiii intention to make final Drool in sun-
morrow uu w.u. 3"""' " U P.rt of hi. claim, and that said proof will be
shortly have some machines for sale at before j w MorroWi county cierk, at
very low ngures. diamine uresoeDi Heppner, Oregon, on octnner .mw, viz:
Hd. Application No. 4'Jn0, for the NEfc Sec. 8,
Tn AS. K 2H E W. M.
Walt. Thompson runs Stage between He name, the following witness.-, to prove
Heonner and Monument, arriving every " . .:A'
day exoept Monday and leaving every Mat Hughe., Joe Rector, David McCuilough,
day except Sunday. BDorieei ana oneap- nuSU, ... e','"t"wj,'j8y,t,
est route to the interior, r. jonn, ... Rcgi.ter.
Mathews I3roi..Citv hotel barber shop,
toDsnrial artists. Uairoutting, shaving,
shstnpnoing, etc., done scientifically.
Uatbs at 'Ot oents apiece.
August 94, 1H)5. Notice Is hereby given
the fnl owliiff'iiamed settler has III
tlce of her intention to make final ploof in sup-
nort of her claim, and that said proof will be
made before J. W. Morrow, County Clork, at
ia .t. ki..t.n:ik mane neiore t. vv. aanrruw, i.imuut .
Meadows A Bonvner, tne blacasmitus, He,,,,ner Oregon, on October &, 1'J5, viz:
bor.fshoer. and wood butchers, at the
old Ounn stand, Main street, Ileppner,
Call oo the boys.
Til K national encampment uf tha
(irnnd Army of the Ileptiblio nu t
IiOuii.ville, Ky., Unt week and was
welcomed to thft ily by Col. Henry
Watternon, a confederate officer, iu
mirt of tho mont eloquent effort of
hi life. A ho roiiclnd.xi, with
moistened eyes, by paying a Wauti.
fill tribute, to the oldicr,thf oxra
ball rch'xvl and re-echoed with
treineudotis pjUui Such oe
raniotis aa IhU will breed brolhetly
love, Americanism and patriotism
that will unito every faction and
aection, and pvn us an united
country U defy the world.
A ClitYAoo editor pays a hand
mime and deserved tributo to Ore-
iron rlimnte and women by remark
ing that "every lady is Wautiful,
for her eonipleiiou is as clear as
cn.Ul aud tinted lik the rose,
For the climate does it."
The editor was thing, but when
tlui doctor Wnt over Lim, Ueci!
his ear to his bret and remarket
"inmr man circulation almost
pmie!" the thini! tuau aroso so.
said: "You're another, w Kt tl;
Urgent irculali.m in th county."
Junction 1'ity Seutiml
Seventh Annual Fair
tad Eastern Oregon District Agricultural
Embracing the Counties of Wasco, Sherman
Gilliam, Crook, Morrow and Umatilla,
Commencing Tuesday, October 8th, 1895,
r31,r()0 epproprlaifJ by the Stale for Agricultural, Stock, Mechanical K I nih
il t. Work, of Art end Faney Work.
Hd. K. No. MX. for the B'4 8W14 ae. ' and the
S. Hrc. . Tp. 5 8. R E. W. M.
Khe iminps ID. IniinwiiiR wiwrsses in prm i
her continuous resilience upon sua cumv.uou
nf ..1.4 I - ...I .-la.
Hon)nun finer, smjnnn, n. iwia, oi
Hunlin.n, Oregon, Robert Ullmore.nf Hrnpner,
Oregon. JA8. r. moohe.
4i-7 KKiiu-r.
I J Aue. 2n. W Complolnl hin Mwn en
tered at thl. ofllc by Henry Cramer atitlnil
Siiel D Campbell lor failure lornmply wiih law
Yon Should PpPMB
For a "big feed" when you come to
Heppner and stop at the
Popular Prices ! Comfortable Rooms !
Mrs. Tom Bradley, Prop.
Tho Essls; Institute
Nr'l ins ones aall "NtilLiuu it
iiniowxiUf," tut great man
iau al)a itirtitiirvt tli
a. tn tlmlwr culture Entry No. iitt, rtalrvt tv-to-1
berU Ihm, nixin Ilia H HK.'i and b', hwi
Herllnn 21. Township 4 K.. IlnelS R., In Mr
For the Ouro oi
Liquor. Opium and Tobacco Habits
It In located at Balem, Oregon,
The Mont Beautiful Town on the Coat
Tall at the 0rrrt offlra for partlrnlar.
Sirlrlljr coudilentlal. Traatmeut pritale and sur
row Con ul. Orea.in. with a view tn th. ram-el-
Uttnn of said entry. contestant alle. In. that th
Iilmlier-rultnre law ha. not been compiled witn ; 1
that th Kntryman has never broken or plowed I
hut flvaarrraol th aald Irart and thl. only for
a:d panleaar hereby .timmoned to appear at
thl. old the Mn day ot ir.inr, iw
the Brat year, and urh fallur .(III cttata, th
ay ti
n rlm k a. m . ia reannnd and hirnls i teatlmony
rnnremlng aald sllee.l lalliil. J, W. Morrow,
county dark, Is auihortred tn taa th lt.
mum In said case at ni.omr e nennner. Mor
row county, on th l.t day of Urtolper. I', all
10 n rlnri a. ta. 4 Aa. w. ammt,
S'J.OOO siven Id pnraea for THaU of Hiwotl.
for rremiutn I.i.l ao.l t.ulry niania.
1. O. MACK, Hefrx. iniT). A. h
Writ or all oo th Hrrlary
MAC Al.LISIEH, IVl.leol.
Atlmlnittralort otlC.. mjtMffife
IMiTI OF R, KARAH COI.KMAS. tf- tifllJlSfl '! Iali7ft
Vs Kotlr U h.rrhy given, that M- . II IHII JHJ aJLv ll If ft
lersol a.lmlnHtr.non on th eatat ol Mr. lL,,',n VTjIl 11 lLj.1
Mtrah t'olrman, deceased, wer granted tn th . 'rfUl a-' T r" "' Tjr-
.in-leraine.onth-thdayol Aii.uat, I-. by (1 I li li lf'' C'H 'H IV'""
the t'ouuly Court of Morn.w fnnnty. All per- I-lfHI M fl I II If 111
nm having claim. Mains! aald ettat ar ra- V M.lj"i KU Jti f i-T J. J
united to esbiMt them to ma lor allnwam-, at -1" I''' V .
my home In llardman. Morrow ( o.inlr lre.,, v J ' 'T 4 f J
llhln all months alter th del ol III Is not k "v.f;'i.iTT .! 4 J
If,: Hm isl
Is under manarement nf Clirla Morrhrr who I con
din ling It In a sir Icily flrvt ClaM wanner.
or Ihev ahall b lurvver barre-l
This .ta day ol Aun. i.
Kumui riunx,
AiTl. Adatulattalor,
XotVr f riaal Kettergteat.
He has also re-opened the Hotel Bar
where the Finest Liquors and Fresh
est Cigars will constantly be kept.
1 Free llalha and Fre Dus for all Gut'..
yr 1?
"There i a tile in Ihe affairs of mm
Thai, if taken its floml, lenih on to fortune."
vrvrii t ia nrnrar ivk that tiic
undrnttnad ..ImlnUtralnr nt IS eaute of I
a kriliahttar dereaard. Will make Anal I
rra.rr,M stz tl. m u bore Di u
, With full line of
Plail Colui'
Sl ll IUt KM fIM l.uhMt.
Clit! I'lattvl III I"',!1""'. aa lal
1 litttaxity ttsiiiii-.i M ) n.,ti,,ti, U...Mir, aincfl an Unw
Ju.l' IVIIihhi r aflr lent iiii tv-n- ful, iM 0a au(Srfull
n.I. ial lc arfcMiiiK id i. IU 'J,,,t Jrirt nil maiiiUiocI loo at
ll.iaat l l.a tr. at.sl ct ai.J. iaMit l.i,!,,,,, Kr , ll lioni f HKl
.lmrllt aui"t'; moiiy tit ti f lU.uUni," th alatcmotit ahouU ,
.ap ra. II.fiT, it .HVura U Uim COrj'lr,l. j
(lar. tlo Uiat lli J .!; m liuij
iu ! c'i ai l'-tmi; tl-" matter, fr i Witn tli lu Lulling up
l.a ! l. t't l 'iif a lUi k, ! raitrca l traiti mi 1 ILiwIcr LioKliDg
con! I r t taiao tlitt a in. 'unt -f t!. op tln otiatittittti. Hi ujrfro
tuiinal fine, iuJ. ftlaMjf c'Ufl l l l'nil HUU lrv
Iwn otnwtUt l H 't i jail Mi.t Urf.il acrma aU.ul lim f.f lb
I J takil rf evhatita f tU I -Ulr AinMiCM W L I f..U lUnj
act, .null Ut. Wto rrlraarvl aftM , , t,ifr,Ml, inMoUN.;
M !), t l lbo I ocl yot ,jMi Li ra.
Hata tttJ 1 Lw fcitevl tiuthinii I , ... - -Al
Ui rcbt ItOi W.fkOia'
graal ,lal UlUr K
ten t'e! laiuL Icvt, H '. AUi , lr a. iL
Dt You Waint a Kig ?
rotintv court ot Morrow eonntv. al Meppnar. to
ha ho den at th mnrl room, la MM rvahly
an Ihe i a day of Nov.. A t
tt7l , IJUlirnrii.
Nl)TI'r WMmt I'F ltl !TT rVAM
l t .ma Illation. To a h. .ia ll mat ranrvrn.
0.4 a la breby lve that the Hoar.! ot y.'ia.
lU..n lor Ihe r-.uutr al Morrow, tat of I'ra
gnn. will ne al the smrwot lhrirty clef,
ol aald roonl) and 'al on Monday , lb M
tat ol ari.iemivf. iw. an4 roniinu la ataanv
1 lot m tleraru.f. Any ptiiot awaana
havln.ant maipalnia M inake wt;l arar i
I lt tl'.x iUii ruttciwl J.F IU1.
:j riniiiiy tawi,
IInilnif. Tinwnti', OhiMHwni-i, CiwUoit, Wootl
ntul Wtllovvuit.CoIar Tiiuh nt IkMlnx'k I'iIcck.
Tht-y rut ao ll.ht
li.rjr run off in ih aliht.
on t or iiM)Urius
Don't You Want a Place to N" Mtvr,Mf (.t. l"tllii. lra R
f t avf il and I a. Sihi.i. vndr ib $tm
Is . f 'f ea ) I an-i a...ia..a ! tt.ia A.y
nt ut) i our l cam . i4mh .trm,.. rat.
lik kij a uii ill .il .! Mil M r :i 4.iit n
rc You in Need of a Saddle
Horse ?
All IhfM cm) U rtvcartKl -t Tliini.'a A 1ido. Ur Mam btiwl,
Hrn'tiiT, Orrgon.
Tt.t:a-Ma)rw.llewlw ".Mara- fe M It W4 MM cwaMt
,.4 ,..aV, .d ..T7.I 0..l.- I''... . ,
thom psox sz ms ris rs,
)i I t ihe .. atia ' ihe ,4 j , ,
l aav a'Ml Ihe NSwa Shi rnnlinved lf
am! nn.t In e ol l 1 "!.. I
K l l ivrilll,
4 "M I I I ai
l-aied al I anar. it . Aug il. lk
VH Jr J.f,.,.l I,.
4 are rr.
Plenty of them at tho
Gazette Office. . . .
f 0. ri-t x wi
r ft-a'l alitie
-4 fefa.a lafmfti laa. In
Cveent, auk Mum rHia al t rato iiel
a.4 w erwt s p rf,l iKtua w
eeuaad skal e )a take h ahr -v
eai.le IWiia a-.
M'ai sartaT,
aa.M rut rMfa
Uwt atrayaa) at aMa,
A t rar, an ttart IJ, tw tt ta.
hk lr. la a yotjej li W la I
-a rwi Httwr a4 ll !,
I'm aVitara (.rd wul h (
r'rtju LMnm
tl a
Tic only Licluaivo llr lwar $ur Icttrc-n The Dallog miJ IVmIIi Uio
llftipbcr, ... Orp'oa.
Is the
for lrreslt Groceries, Cheap
Lash Only.
fr$h bum. cms ma pus always on hand.
iVttortiern nt Itiixvf
AH tiHt aiuet4 to la rmrd anJ gifyor
to6Bf. Notaria I'bIIm m4 CollerVir.