Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 13, 1895, Image 4

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While yon keep jronr subscription paid np jcn
can keep your brand in free of charge.
Allyn T. J., lone. Or. Horses GO on left
shoulder: cattle same on left hip, under bit on
rieht ear, and npper bit on the left; range. Mor
row county.
Armstrong J. O., Alpine. Or.-T with bar nn
der it on left shoulder of horses; cattle same
on left hip.
Alliaon, O. D., Eisrht Mile. Or. Cattle brand,
O D on left hip and horsw same brand on right
shonlder. Kange, Eight Mile.
Adkins J. J.i Heppner, Or. Hon.ee, J A eon
nented on left flank; cattle, sanieon left hip.
Haird, 1). W. and son. Horses branded 1J B
u ift Win- nmtle the same on loft fl:tnk.
crop off right ear, nndorcrop in the left, llui.ge
in Morrow bounty.
Bartholamew, A. G., Alpine Or.-T H-a-aes
branded 1 E on either Bhoulder. llange in Jlor-
'rIan0nUisr, J. W., Hardman, Or.-Cattle brand
ed B on left hip and thigh; split m each ear.
Brenner, Peter, loosoberry Uregon-Horsos
braTied. PB on left Bhoulder. Cattle same on
right side. Or-On cattle.
MAY connected on lefti.. oiop off left ear nn.
?eTfthsho0uUr S-ge in 'oSnt d Morrow
county. T i,n. Or Horses branded 7
ouHBhour.tle B on the loft side.
lft ear half crop nd right ear npper slope.
Km Wm . Heppner, Or. -Horses, J B on
right thigh; ?a tie. same on right hip; split in
eHHrown, Isa, Ixtntmi. Or. Horses IB on the
right rtlfie; cattle same on right hip; range, Mor-
r0Hrowntyj. C Heppner. Or.-Horses, circle
Brown, o. , fth CHttle. same.
w ; "w j., i. H,or",!" w- I1",:
over It, on the felt shoulder. Cattle samo on left
hlHoyer. W. G., Heppner, Or.-Horses box
brand on right nip cattle, same, with split m
Borg, P.O., Heppner, Or.-Horses, P B on left
shnnlder; oaltle. same on left hip.
Bmwn ee,W.J..Fox,Or-rattle JBooijpectod
. -.-.Tlr.Z:: l.n lft oar and two spills and
middle piece out out on right ear; m lH.ra.-N same
hrunfl On ttlB 1BII tUlKUi lto"ie " - "
GrSPi!"n&'. WOTr. Or.-Horses brand
ed Don right stifle; cattle (three bars) on
right ribs crop and split in each ear. liango in
nr" eW)rYiV. horseH onleft stifle;
n ith nnarter circle over it, on eft shoulder
and on left stifle on all colts under n years; on
Y..1 ' .! on nl horsee over 5 years. All
itHli "
TR'A-iZ. Vinson or Imirn, Or.. Horse,
H (Ion right shoulder; name same u nKit ...
ltange Morrow and Umatilla "niitifw.
"orr Ignll.M M, Oallnway, Op-Cattle .crop out
of fach ear and nnderbit, wattle in foreli.ad;
horses half circle 0 on left stifle, ltange Jlor
ow and Umatilla comities.
tlnrl T. H.. John Day, Or.-D.mble cross on
each l ip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit
in r ght ear, split in left ear ltange in (Iran
county. On sheep, inverted A and spear point
on shonlder. Ear mamou bwiih. i;r n u
in lrant connty.
Hmith Bros.. HnssnTilie, ur, norsse, oranaea
H. Z. on ehoulder: cattle. ain on left shoulder.
Arlintrton. Or.: horsee branded
J8on left shouliler: cattle the same, also nose
wandle, ftaege in jhiftow nun wuhmw.
Htephens. V. A., Hanlman, Or-; horses 8 B oo
rit-'ht stirle; cattle horizontal L on the riht side
Stevenson, Mrs A. J., Heppner. Or. Cattle, U
on right hip; swallow-fork in left ear.
Hwtufimrt. G. W., Heppner, Or. Horses, 44 on
left should." ;Ohttle, 44 on left hip.
Hperry E.G.. Heppner, ur. i.airie n j on
left hip. crop off ru'ht and underbit in left year,
dewlap: !ioies V Con left shonlder.
Thompson, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, Z on
left shi.uld. r: rattle, 2 nn left shoulder.
TitM" ' o. J ..t.uierprise.ur. norses, u-on leu
Tune r l(. v Heppner, ur. rvnau capuai i
lelt enonlder, liorsos; cattle same on left hip
with hi. lit in both ours.
Thornton, 11. .11.. lone, ur. norses nrannea
HT eon unci ed on left stifle; sheep same brand.
Vaiidorpool, H.T., Ijena, Or; Horses HV con
nected on right shoulder ;cattle, same on right
"wiilhrJrliriv Wm.. Wonnner. Or. Horses. U. It.
on the left shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
crop oft left ear and right ear lopped.
Wilson, John s balem or Heppner, ur.
Horses branded JJ on the left shoulder. Kange
Morrow comity.
Warren, W B, Caleb, Or Cattle W with quarter
circle over it, ou left side, split in right ear.
Horses same brand on lelt snouiaer. iui"gei"
Urant comity. ,
Wade. Henry, Hoppnor. Or. Morses nranaeo
ace of spades on left Bhoulder and left hip
'nttla hrumler! same on left side and left hip.
Wolflnger, John, John Day City.ur un norses
three parallel bars on lore stioniuer; i on sneap,
IS all
Oii HO
E. McNElU, Receiver.
Of Two Transcontinental
bit in both ears, ltange in Grant and Malhuer
WoiMlward. John, Heppner, Or norees, UP
mn(tftikl uti loft shon Ider.
Watkins. Lishe. Heppner, Or. Horses branded
UE connected on left stifle.
Wallace. Charles, Heppner, Or. Cattle, W on Ii(iti n UOI TC
right thigJi, hole in left ear: horses, W on right MlmNCrtfULlo
shoulaor Bomt same on left, shoulder.
Whittier Bros., nunungion, Baker Co.. Or. - and
Horses branded W B oinneoted on left Bhoulder
TOiilmnifl vnsen. Ilaini itn. Or. Onarter cir
cle over three bars on left hip, both cattle and
horses. Kanie (Irant county.
Williams, J O. Long Creek. Or Horses, quar
ter circle over throe bars on left hip; cattle samel
and slit in each ear. ltange m irrant connty
Wren, A. A., Heppner, Or. Horses runningA A
on uii.iiihh.r' Cattle, same on riuht hiD.
Youug, J. H., (looselierry. Or. Horses brander'
THoe the riirhr slionlde-.
Spokane Denver
......d tinner hit in right, Wethers, crop in
right imd under half crop in loft oar. All ratigs
,n( Jook ' ATMna.()r.-Horse, Won rightshonl
dor- Cattle, ssmnon righthip: ear mark Bquare
crop off left and split in right.
Ciii-rin.lt. Y., Currinsvilln, Or. -Horses, on
1Coxi,Kd. H.. Hanlman, f)r.-(aitlo, C with
K in center: horses. CE on left 'lip.
Cochran. U. E., Mtinnment, (irant Co , Or.
Horses branded circle with bar beneath, on left
sh.ml.ler: cattle same brand on both hips, mark
untler slope both ears anil dewlap.
Chimin H., Hardinim. Or.-Horses branded
O on right h p. Cattle brautled the same. Also
bmntls ( I . .. horses right thigh; va'tle sa.,.;
brand on right shoulder, and cut oil end of
rio!mT-s. W. M . (lall..wv. Or.- battle, U I' en
right side, swallow-fork lu eanh ear; horses, It I)
""Jr-f'oi: T.,.nlu. Or.-Horses hrandwl EliY
on left shoiililor, cattle same on lefthip. hole
'"JUSliv'H.. Hardman. Or. Horses branded
O Ireve'rsetl (! with tatll on lelt shouliler ; eat.
'.i . . I.in Itiiture in Morrow county,
lie BH1I1II ifu i , ,
Florence, li. A Heppner, Or.-t at tie, LI tin
right hip; horses. If with bar under on right
. tl P. llennner. Or.-Horses. K on
right shouide.; cattle, K on right hip or thigh.
T-rench, George, Heppner Or. -Cattle brandet
iiru. ..ii. i.ur ...... it. on left sule: crou on left
ear.' Horses, same hiw.il on left. hip. p
Gentry, Miner, r.c. , r.-.i."- .
H with a ipiarter circle over it, on left stllle.
Kange in Morrow and Utnatillaeoiinties.
ii";.i. k II Itiihm. Or. Cattle, round-top K
witlitpmrter circle untler It on the right hip.
Unnge in Morrow ami Umatilla count ies.
Ilinton AJonks, Hamilton, Or- alt le.two bars
on either hip; crop in rignt ear a io npin i n
Horses J on right thigh. HiingeinUmtit tioiiuty
tln.ihea. Hainiiel. Wagner, Or-l- (T K L
It ,, riulit nlioiilileron hors.is: on rut 1 1"
on rigltt hip ami on left, side, swallow fork in
right ear innl slit in left. Ilange in Hay.laek
disl riot, Morrow connty.
Il-le. Milton. Wagner, Dr. Horses liran -l-.il
i iiil,. imriiltel tails) oil left shetll hir
(Wtlesame on lelt hip also large circle on left
llowanl.1 li, '''lloway, Or.-H.irses f fentss
Willi bir above U) on rmhl should.ir; eattlns .
on left snle. lUngJ in Morrow ami Umatilla
e"ililll,""K.itwin, .biliti Dav, Or. -Cattle E II on
right hip;horBiitiiiioii right shoulder. Ilange
in Urant oiinly.
Hughes, Mat, Heppner, Or.- Homes, shaded
heart on the left shouliler. Ilaligi Morrow Co.
Hiinsaker, II A, Wagner, Or.-llorwis, V on left
houlder; cattle. Hon left hip,
Humphreys, 4 M llardu.su, Or.-Horses, H on
Infl think ,
Husi. hi. I.iilher. Eight Mile, Or. Ilorse lion
the left hollhlrIld heart oil Hie left stills Cat,
tie same on lefl lop. Ilange In Morrow coiiii'.
Jones. Hurry, He.itir, Or -Horsee bran l.-l
II .1 on the left sli.itil.ler; caMle bra nl.sl ,1 on
right hip. sUe underlet in left ear. ltange iu
Morrow coiintv.
J ii 1 1 k in . H. M., Heppner, Or. Horses, hone,
shoe i on left shoulder. Cattle, the snins.
Ii.... i.m ICUI.l
.1 in K..ln. I.sna. r.- Horsee, rin-leT on
left suite; cattle, seme on right hip, under half
or-p in rteri nA soht 'n left ear
Kennr, Miks, Heppner, r. -Ilomee brsn-l1
RNY on left hip oaltle same anil crop ofl left
ear: nailer shine on Imi rUhl
Kirk. 1. T., Heppner, Or.-llorsea (W en left
honhler; eettU. sion len hip.
Kirk. Je. Heppner. Or.: home II ou l,.fl
skeiihler; mltlemineon right si-le, utel-rl.i' mi
f'kMinirUiiil.W.I..Miinnl Vernon, dr.- I I, on
rat. I on rigid and lefl sulee, swallow fork in h fl
ear and under nop i" ''g11' Hi.re sum
I,, .n l nn lfl ahiedder. lUng In Otant im.
Uiflen, Hlepnen, Pol.r.-H I. on le'l lu, I
am rai la. crop ami split on rigl.l mr. II... u
nine lit slid o left shoulder, ltange '. t
I.leosllen, John W., ,il-frt-l Or, It .i
bisn ll half -circle J I. e,.iiiie,-'.-l on l..fl .'. . il
iter, faille, same on lefl loo. Kaug-v nn I. l
lnher, I W He..nr r- Hors.s lesi tl
I. sud o-t lelt sh.Ml..r; c.glle ,'iie oil .-l
lili, wattle uet right e)e, linen slils lit r k'.I
ir.. Ileorge, lle..iir Or.- II irsea .rsn.le.
rloiihle II coi tim-i I sUiMietiui.w celhl a
woig II on let shout. ter.
w.ris. ( I'. Il..i.nr, Or. t'aille rtrsn.lml
ro.-U on riifhl htt; li.o. i.siIA oil l,gh( stilte.
It.i-.tfe hi emw rH.lr.
M.ii-il. )-r, llepieiT Ur. - Csllla, M lion
fltfht hip, h-eM M ei Irifl liieihi.r.
l..iirs-i, n 1, pp'i-'. r. - 1.ifs, Ml
M l.i'l .h.etl In rs'lle Mteie on left In it,
Mti.-le-il. i r. l-eie. it. ltor., il on right
lini; enliie 71 -el right side.
M.4 tmrmn. O. U . Mr.iwtisvdle, r. Il.irw,
Vl-I .. -h heel l. aM IS). M 1 lull I
M ilirr, ris k. l--'t stl'. I Mui-i'ie
With t. c.ek on re'He on nl sa l ni lr e
tw. h enr. hoie ernlie brand "ti let! iilV.s
Mi-IUU.. u ... .i. eiil .ii.llr ihi tlMM I
With hslt rir -Is en.l-r on l-tl li.il l-t . n i , i
f.nir ! e.Bn'tl on t"V m ll.e right i l ,
lUnge in llronl I Mit,(y. i
Sm ndiw U..i ll.-k 'r. H.mns 4 N e-n-i
tnl ..It lefl stieal'ler. Pal He WHS "l I"-"' -o,
S.f.,s Hilt-H.es .- Il-sww. en-1 )
lefl ll.igl. Pa'H" MOieem l..f l.il. j
lll"t J.s"-H. I ii.ml t I'- I oe ra"'
n .fi tii. n h.ea , M us un U-fl Ougli, llai.
la Itraet i-eietj !
il.l.r Imn. Itlt.gi.ei, lr.- r on left j
HI), Hennsa. I'isi'te '!. 'n cs'no, it
I.l' P-ein'll n W-fl h'P. li-e- en l-'l stills
an ) rile -n a s IU- in iitv-i ci-iii.
',n. H t g' l Mile l II :
r rl. ! I l-'l sl.-eii l I it I-'I
roo ' a'-la. t e H lefl "a ilshl rr I, It
IM, Ufl hill Hans "e I i"il W 'e
I'vkM IHam, Ha I iisn.Kl,- l..il It', j
left l..... I.
I i. Ii'-hi l l. leaal I
V I. -.--1 we l-' sLoail tt i Pillle
tiT in t0 I l. ll'i" t er.. iw.'i j
I n ,J H . ' ". J e-ei. !
Iatl e l-fl i..il l-, ra! I le, n m Ufl t.i. t
i..rtt lei In -a a ear .
'iia h . l-e., ( . I lia-i.e.. ,,n 1
mm. a' ..-i- l- ' a-' la. J II J r-.et.--- I .eil'a
r t. i', Ul i-al al'-l Itt '! eal afc I ao.' le t) !
Il .
I. ..I a-il'. tla'li an l tl t
t -a .t -, .a-'" '-'I
II i t.i... II i -.- " II ... I l.
When von nrc ubout to bnvaSewini? Machine
do not. bo deceived by alluring advertisements
mid he led to think you can get the best made,
finest imisneu ana
Most Popular
for a mere sonp;. Sec to it that
you buy from reliable manu
facturers that have gained a
reputation byhnnestnnd square
dealing, you will then get a
Sewing Machine tluit is noted
the world over for its dura
bility. You want tho one thut
ii easiest to uiuungo und is
Light Running
V Thero Is none In the world that
fCT - "i-Jcin etunl In mechanical con
i !' fitction, durability of working
V.'s, V&tl parts, lineness ot nn:
P 'V 'n appearaiiec, or ho
f v 'jl iinprovcmcnta us the
New Home:
It lies Automatic Tension. Double Teed, nlike
on both sides nl needle (patented), no other has
it Ni.w Stand ( AitrnteJ). driving wheel hinged
on adjustable centers, thus reducing friction to
the minimum.
OfUNos, Mss. nosrog, Mass. 88 ruins Sottas, N. T
I IIICAil'i, U.I.. m. I.-M is, in-., i' 1 1. i.in. ,
lull I KANf ls. ii.ril.. ATI.4KTA, OA.
f OH 8A1 t BY
BtlU Blfe In Rural Districts of England
and In Spanish Towns.
In Somersetshire the peasants have
no doubt as to the play of maleaeent
influences, says the Academy. The pig
that falls ill and dies was "overlooked."
A murrain "afflicts a farmers cattle,"
and oil he goes to the "white witch,"
that is, to the old witch finder, to learn
who has "overlooked his things," and
to ascertain the best antidote, "because
they there farriers cant do no Rood."
A child pines away with some mys
terious, wastinir sickness, which the
Tipperary peasants, as shown in the
recent falselv called "witch burning"
case, believe to be the work of fairies
in substituting a "changeling," but
which the Somerset woman refers to
the action of a witch-who has cast a
fatal e-lance upon the victim,
Often she gives up not only hope, but
all effort to save the child, the conse
quent neglect, of course, hastens the
expected result and then it is: "Oh! I
know'd very well he wouldn't never
get no better. 'Tidn' no good for to
strive vor to go agin' it," This is no
fancy, no isolated case, but here in the
last decade of the nineteenth century
one of the commonest of everyday
While in England the belief is mostly
confined to rural districts m more DacK-
ward countries, as Spain and Italy, it
AnnricliAi !n tho lnrrw towns. In Na-
St" Pnill Kinsnt; ( itV pies the appearance of a person having
OL. I clUl rvailbclb V.ny he m u'te of a jettatore is the sgaal
for a treneral stampede, and Mr. El-
worthy amusingly relates the fright
which he unwittingly gave a second
hand bookseller in Venice when asking
about a copy of Valletta's "Ciealata
sul Faseino." On hearing the last
words of the title "the in;in actually
turned and bolted into his inner room
leaving the customer in full possession
of his entire stock." lJio -Nono was oe-
lieved to have the jettutoro and the
faithful, when seeking his blessing
protectively pointed two fingers at him,
Wooded Countries Are Comparatively Free
from Diseases.
It has been noted that the first set
tlers in heavily-wooded sections of the
country have generally been healthy
despite their many privations. The
reason for this is, says Hall's Journal of
Health, that trees and plants of all
kinds possess the power of absorbing
poisoned air from decaying vegetation
besides which tho emanations from
evergreens and tho smoke from burn
ing resinous woods are noted for the re
lief they give to those suffering from
pulmonary diseases.
New, heavily-wooded countries, as
already noted, are the most healthy
for settlers, and they continue so for
many years, as only a small portion of
tho forest can be cleared away each
year. After the forest is removed and
sunlight is admitted the soil fills rap
idly with vi';r'table mold, which lie-
Ocean Steamers Leaue Portland
Every 5 Days For
For full details call on O. R. & N.
Agi nt at Heppner, c.r address
Gen. Pass. Agt.
Poutland. Oregon.
&ix Francisco
And all points in California, via the Mt. Shasta
route of the
Southern Pacific Co.
The (trout hishway thronuh California to all
points Ksst gnu Sonth. ursnu Bcenio unite
ortneracino t.oasi. i-uitman nnuui
Hleepers. Hecond-olasa Bloopers
t,MM vrv month eiven mwav to anv one who an
plies through us for the most meritorious patent during
ine monm preceding.
We secure the best patents for our clients,
onrt ihe obiect of this offer is to encourage inventors to
keep tracK 01 ineir Dngni lucaa. i oc wm,
wish to impress upon the public tne tact tnat
such as the "car-window" which can be easily tiii tip
an4 rlnwn without breaking the nassengei'i back.
"sauce-pan," "collar-button," "nut-lock," "bottle
stopper, and a thousand other little things (hat most
any one can find a way of improving ; and these simple
inventions are the ones that bring largest returns to the
author. Try to think ot something to invent
Patents taken out through us receive! pecial notice in
V. Natmnal Recorder. ' cublished at Washington,
D. C, which is the Best newspaper published in America
in the interests of inventors. We furnish a year's sub
scription to thisjournal, free of cost, to all out clients.
w aicn aturMc. fwn nf nost. the invention each month
which wins our $150 prize, and hundreds of thousands
of copies of the "National Kecoraer, containing
i,.-h nfth winner, and a descriDtion of his invention.
will be scattered throughout the United States among
capitalists and manufacturers, thus bringing to then
attention the merits of the invention.
All communications regarded strictly confidential.
Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents,
618 F Street, N.W.,
Box 385. Washington, D. C.
ry Reference editor cf this paper. Writeorour
S-paS' pamphlet, FREE.
That the RAMBLER
mil III 111 J
1.1 t...ltn-...fnl.TA fonf Tt atnnrifl In thfl :
Is one of the very host wheels ever maoe is an '"""f"""-" -
front r-nv with ii hinh crsiifi machines, and if you buy one you win mane no mistane.
p.Ho a RAMm.FH titi'YCI.e if vou want to be happy, for Bhould your wheel be
punctured, it can be mended by you in five minutes, as it Is equipped with the world
renowned G. & S. clincher tires with wood rims or coppui-pmicu i.....
Sold in all sizes for ladies or gentlemen nt ?100 each.
Tandems for two men or man and woman, ?160 each.
THE RAMBLER is the fastest, lightest and strongest wheel In the market, j
For style, finish and durability it is unsurpassed, as it is consirucmu 01. atm-i, uicvimu
lcal and scientific principles.
Chicago Ideals ,
S- For men, women, boys and girls, with IK 26 and 24 inch wheels, at fi5, ?35, f45 respect-1
S ivelv are splenam meinum graae wneem, vviui u. ot j. mgu-Biauo uuu.... ........B vues ,
sL clincher tires and are fully warranted.
s Before you buy a bicycle, write for catalogue, circulars, terms and discounts, or call I
tm)j. .... ri .-..1 l..u ll....i,.Vi lt'nfit.i In nonpir titl'll ltl (iriliriltl W O u It 1 II rr I-
on our numerous agents, nuuiuiur iubucib .nin.ua m ccij wu w.v6.., ..D1,iiJ6
m Northwest representatives Gormully & Jeffery Manf. Go's "Rambler BicycleB." Main f
9 Store. 327 Washington t-t., Portland, Or. Mnj. E. A. Weed, Gen. Traveling Agent and e
lecturer. OTIS I'ATTKKSON, Agt. for Motrow uo., iieppner, urcgon.
Attacheil toeipriwa trains, attording npunor coinposos iii-iiv niniilly than it can lie
aceommodHtiona for aocond-olaas paatHwgBrB,
For raUw, ticketa, slnnpiug oar reoerrations,
Till 1 1 'Vf I V t'fi Aiti'iila sto.. call nnon or aiiilrma
" v-f'U ' K. KOKHI.ER, Manager, E,
lli'Pfwn; Orryoii.
P. ROGERS, Asst.
flon. K. it P. Agt., Portland. Oregon
A 4V
Most Modern and progressiva
For catalogue or Information wrltn to
New Haven. Conn.
c A
absorlnvl I v tin; s-iint vepotation, and
tts ii v - -'I n' mo .vhcre is rondorcd
impui-i- nnil inaiuria becomes a coimnon
comtiliiiiit. In view of tlu'st; facts.
people lira ln-tfiniiino; to un(lerst.int the
value of trees as disease-alisorbinp; anil
health-oiviiur agents. Naturally this
leads to the question as to what trees
are best for protection iitfaimt disease.
On Loiiff Ldand and in New Jersey
there ni-o l-K-alities surri)uiided and
liemmed in with piteh pines which are
famed for their etirative (pialities in
eonsuinption, aint the pines are thus
ind'uated as valuable surroundinirs in
pulmonary complaints. It would heem
reasonable to suppose that trees having
tlie largest leaves anil the most of them
would be the best for this purpose, as
sui-li trees would undoubtedly have the
most iibsorliino- power. We have seen
the euealyptiis tree mentioned as of
special value as u purifier of the at
W. L. Douclas
43.sp Fine Calf&Kangarool
Over One Million People wear the
W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
All our shoes are equally satisfactory
Hows Your Liver?
This question is asked daily. If dormant
you need exercise- need it badly.
The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do
not own one, call at
Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery,
Power House.
Thev five the best value for the monev.
Thev euual custom shoe In style and fit.
1 heir wearing qualities are unsurpassed.
1 he prices are un norm, stamped on sole.
From $1 in Sti saved over other makes.
( If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by
Dealer whose name will shortly ap
pear here. Acent wanted. Apply at once
enee and industry, remains in close
touch with the world of three thousand
years ngo; Kurone and America in all
these conditions have left the old world
ages behind them and lire building for
themselves a new world vitally distinct
from that of ancient davs.
iKing of
gome IVrnoim Ilo Notliln from Choice,
OLlii-m IVr Fnrcj.
Idleness plavs manv parts. There
are the const it utionally indolent those
who, like Dr. Johnson, are never, phys
ically, ready to iret up in the morn-
Intf, but who, liUe him, are possessed
nt .. ..........!.... ..I.i..1. ...,ti,t..1u tliom
now and a;rain to face the reflection of factory and Main Office Lake and Halsted Sts.. CHICAMX.
what they Have comparc.1 w un nni - NC,.S.N.W Vark. ban FrancL-ico. slt LtHt City. U8v;r, ftUinp'jIs. CtUJU I e.-futs.
they li.iKht have -done, nnd to htand . n . ,
Wbbb bAhL 6L LUUl UU, AgeniS,
Four IIodelsS85 and 8100.
Monarch Cycle Co.
,re 3.11.1 (".anait,
, .-"
Sin 'iihiciU'o (tfli'f,
SM-n. 11 (ii;n:ssi t:i.th:ii co.
.V... v: .Stiff r S!n l
la known to most persons.
Thsy Illustrate that f raster quantity la
Not always most to bs dcslrt d.
These cards press the beneficial qual
ity of
Ripans Tabulcs
4s compared with any previously known
. .
pipansTabules! Price, 50 cents boa
Of dru(lsts, or by mall.
tIPlNS CHCMICaL CO., 10 Istece II., N V.
II r , 1 ew ill -i t l-i
Ihr c . irt.U
It 1 I-
u ,u;;
1' " V !..,.- ttl.i.h a til
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I . f ,1 m ,lt. f e I ,tr,
Tliia e''
w-'IKrr K""
J.H SIKk i
the ni n a t
itt 00, ty ft
lll. .f . II
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-.ti.t. st-n-
I .' hra of
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K1I1K Is
Ci -ir
t'eolll, n,
I liilirM.
Fa ling rca,
sal..ii.,i ry
iat Url.liis
II tlie rir
au ;tfcr
I -ail.
I n I 1 i
ami l. t.. II
roitfr.).!, in.
I' 1 1 1 1 1,
m 1 at 1,. 11 a
en t -W '
Klix-trlilnn IloliU Ttmt It M ill lie) Areom
pllotii-il liy IMo r Vlliration.
1'oth Kditon in America and I'reecc
in Knlaiitl have hni' maintained thut
it Is possible to establish on the earth a I Re-hast at the comparison.
record of the electrical disturbances Thero are those, nays Chambers'
that tiilte place on the sun. An elec-j Journal, whom circumstances have
trlelan now nol.ls llial 11 is easily icasi- ,m,u. idle riches, ulisenee oi motive r t, . , , . Tr r
l.le to telephone to the moon. He bases for exertion: Ill-health, real or fancied; A. iV . VAl i.JiiU., Ajnu jor Morrow wnnuy, Jirrlmr, yjnyw
his belief in the possibility of this com-1 Indulgent friends, and much more
inunication on the well-known laws or often by wlf-iiidulirence. lhatiille-
ether vibration. The ocean of ether ness is tine of the seven deadly sins
quivers to every touch. It binds the crives them lu sort of concern; It is
planets together with an iron hand, ,,f tm esm-m-e of their comphilnt to
flexible vet firm, solid yet infinitely have no feelinif of their own Infirmity.
elastic. It is the ideal medium for thel They lire asleep; they cannot tell their
transmission of signals. When it moves, dreams, for thev do not eveu know that
even to an extent Inconceivably small. I thev are dreaminir.
our i,'ht is alTccted; we see. These! (iivini? up, nerveless relaxation, has
ft her waves are citfht minutes cmuinc. 1,,-eoine a habit, and to them ns to the
tons from the sun. traveling at the Immortal Mr. Tools, thuiitfli from a dif
eiiormoiiH velin-itv of one hundred and ferent motive not hinif Uof any coiim-
iiiiiety-t wo thousand miles a second ipieiu-e Hut whereas it was disown
It Is posible to produce waves niovliiir ronvrtiience, his own feelings, his own
at this terrific speed by electrical comfort, that never were of conse-
means, s, for Instance, in the tele- nuence to the uiiMdlUh Tisits. it is pre-
plume, which Is actuated by infinitely I elM-ly your convenience, your feelinirt.
f.i ro .1 lr..i 1 n lii-h to n low prexsiire. fellow-men on the privnie a'.lsrofhis
In a.-. i-i ', in. with this pi im-iple it i own sloth. His affairs t'.-t tint mnd-
pi,,,. ,1 t.i . nd elect rii-iil (ni Uati Mis died, then embarrassed, then di-cavinjf,
fur out Into Hie ether Mid have theui 1 then ih-Mierntc. and he feebly flatters
act iiiii any metallic m-.s liUe Iron I hiuiwdf with nn Idea iif rep.H. now,
wiih Mif.i. lent force to produce soiin I. that all is jroiic.
If the tiioiti eotitalns Iron, and there l I 1
Irtt-x-ii to Is-iieve that It does, tin Tlir highest mountain In Japan Is
strinitiir ni'i it of tliiv tn.irvi hiii vl-1 Kuj.nina. which is thirteen thousand
briitioin won. d 1,'ive rlsi to a tnuriiitit fert hik'h.
ifkoimd. It Is am-re-tH tlmt this dnr Tint arrraife trip around the world
e riim-nt could In lurrud out by! rotn'ries atsmt twrtilv-two thousand
ni. unii'f a KVanilc cm imxinteii ti-p nillea of travel.
ti, si!v with Its akis In line with the
I I'IIhI I'llia! If kla( I'llea.
I f- v - - a a a aast IJ -- l- i I i.nki.l .... il wiii nn lr.sii hi,iaa 1 a I... . a I. II.
I M luP hRrmin nVia. h 1' I M11S1111..11S, na ,.. . vt'ur I'uuuui i, imn rr, ii im- tnr
Mr.T,:r,,,T: ,'7. r, ,1 111U?V-SA-M i- i H.r vicinity of these electrical x. f ,,oeoM.,1ueu.e. l lisuh.tf Idly aln
... -.a a t-n ' 'i s-ai ,,...t. 'T"4''Kfi'V)l -ti. vwj brntioiiH buz, or litnil Is jfiven out. "on t)i,. (rr,.t pueillc iK-ean of in.
IJ.'.l'Zu,. n n. T H ,Vr)V: ',rfr-Z: This nols,. way W li-tin.Uy heard In hence" he make, first one cm
,.( . i..r.i i,i... am ii-n-o lf r ).iXiJiA- P'" l some svitcms of street bi;!itiiir appa- then another, with self-respect.
, ,, , ..,i,. !.;. !- I- i.--t i V L V.'fV';;hv- r ruliis. h.re the current is trniiv hie ends by Mi.-rill.-inir the et. em of
,.. . r., ,.., i- i a i-1 s r 1 r f i . t V ' 3
.i....d .ii .. -i..i is n v ui -.lir J ?;
.4 ll. ..- .-ia1..4k ii&;v J tt.'jJt,'t.-'. ' s.' ? If
I... . il. n.a. ! fl in ha I sn k V F Tt i i'?-! L a ' ' V 1 '.' ' L
.1 is,,.. .... kin.' i T. Ai 7 Y 7 IS- ,es - ") 7 "v .
i .i, i,, i i. a ,. 4 ,-'r V-"' Mf ; V. i ' S
.1 a. i,i.il.H.. i.. f y.3'7, f VL
OF . . .
It to Advertisers at a i;rcat finnnci.il sacri
fice. You need it in your business, and as a
matter of business we must sell it.
Tiik Patterson Puhlishing
kal sta.i.l. si.ll k .. I- I ur.. mint Anier-
It a I's-h I nrn.M.
The i.mitii.iii plrM , t:,. old w,,r'.
end the ii, . wi'tl l, tune ('niiu-d an Hp-
ph. nil.. n wlil. h w.'.il.l hardly lisve
Iwii i;Urn I hem Ii id I'l.-n kt.-otit In th
at list !tv Vtti-.ia ii.o,t!.iii nu-rl
it.'l' ll-
, I.. . II l.n,., 1-1 k
, I 4 .... O. I, ...
,.,,. ib'i a- I 1-aUi' " k. IUi. ii
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Ii. ,.. H m II l..i!l. I IIH ' '
OS . - la "C ' l I
a. I ..e "-" I ' " "
m. I-Wri s.,i u. Isa-r t M i.
Um l fc-l l l -..."
I,-..- i V . II.,.,... ! 'I . JO " ,
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..i w r. it-, .- " i
I H .. ' .'.I - .s . j a , i-i, j. ...a.
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aw,.,, i ... , .1 ., , I I I -"
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K.mm -t ' ki ' ,. - - . i I
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i i ' ' -''.--- -"-"- 'V n ;o . ,' ; ; mi it, o tlie .', I. .t. .f the .. ii' !... is and ttist
, . f. . . -. ia (f f .. A i, ,.,p, ltha iiilittti!r. t!,e e.st.fn
i . ...a a l "'' , . . rrn In . i f 1 1, f... !. i I !-;.,ii.
. ti ; I
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v .rival ,n t r?r,
. . i, i,. lu ri
fa .- it Mat- s -i ' '-al .
a , i t.i.. i. i. i .rf i a 1 1 y swhi
t .! ! (Swat.
a "M'rsl IkaiasM.
f a.!. ! a 'T
, v i ....- i
V , Z JeT-a, -.... . a . r-l t.
f-itl Mi.'M Hf. It ti, i -,t i .1 In- nn tsa
I-. i,-,- t a di.t' i. nt spi i. ,' i..ii i.f
t n-se p'.t 4. I y , i' to fie
t !.. nf ih t.;1 tt- t'd on I t. l.ttroiv
and Am. tl I. a i f I'e- i-w w.-tl l.
l a '. tf- i : a. . i ,n ,.f f),.
rsrtli -i Hi in i!.. il. i i'i-it t.i nhi.U
I'm !. i i t 'i -if 1
I V i t f rrs'-n , f nsi I
Uii.l, l.iii--, en I k.ttt, ,i are th. !
l t I'. I I- l t ! .1 I I :n' ill 3 I j
bymplonia Mniatnr; ititviiaa itchint
an I tititf!ii.t; tnoal at uliihlj wor y
aerahl.itiB. tf allow! lo r-nlinoa
Inuiora form. hleh fitten Mrl ami
nh rral. ts-ri.rullnt Tery ot. Htt
OtTrsT ! t' Hehin and ldd.
inr. hes!s nlrrrstt. n, ao l in ro'tl fsaea
rrtuutfa Ihf tllh.ora Al !f Otftfiala. of I
h tiisd. fur frf..la. lf Haa)ti Kon.
Imtkina i .! I !.
"Tfi-tii.t. i. t .;.tr." Mr. Tad.Ur I
ptifT- I l e 1. 1 1 i '. niitiiaif-r.
1 1." in. rotter '.i d this lo t an
nut" liiiKit lucky. ISi'Uafh," Mr.
T'I ! r ln'1 ful'.y roiiiitiiied. m.-ppttur
v!X h a r-. 'Una hot tat).ir can t
la a't-'
The itiiiiistt r aSuoW h! lira I tt I-
'T !( I sm yon al rlnift-h f r a
l.ns.-l !-.-"! i r h ,..i...:
: W1TTT.
: mm : FILLS
Vouro BOUND to TnkiKin.
Leaves No Constipation . -
vis I .a -M
IS,, '1,
nl i-sksj tit mt i. ss 1 1 1 1 t v a.
i. ... . ta Ul 'aaaMtf . .- -. "kaia. I lias,
I lialiiiii.iltl,
1 I ir.t.v I twn . - a.! .tf ; (, Jt Halt. i' I na.r al Mi.l, fn
ft.t,..l i,.-.. I..- I i i' ! i it. V--. haf titt.l tl In . t. MiM-f . tna-r.l
hi Its ' ' .. a. I' . ahrra t,a I .''(. t -l' af ttt-a,
I'a I. .. ! t si.. I I's S i I'a a I kthsTt s, J.ti., t a, LsUCI'a, f tf.
Cra II. aa !! as a'l H l!l"nar.a, ll..tar an Malaga. Th m.1,
.. I il . a. ,.! H..1 I I . .11 i.- .1... ' " rnl'
raewfitf fiiM, cats r l i. ll.l.Mi.ss M1iCaLCX).
411 C'aJ Itf'pla Mtl P I feiii, C