Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 13, 1895, Image 3

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C. E. King, Water Valley, Hiss., cored by
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
"For nve years, I suffered untold misery
from muscular rheumatism. I tried every
known remedy, consulted the best physi
cians, visited Hot Springs, Ark., three times,
spending $1000 there, besides doctors' bills;
but could obtain only temporary relief. My
flesh was wasted away so that I weighed
only ninety-three pounds; my left arm and
leg were drawu out of shape, the muscles
The oase of Matsoo mentioned it) the
last issue was one in which the justice
could nse his discretion by imposing; a
fine or by binding defendant over, and as
Matson waved examination he was
bound over to await the aotlon of the
grand jury. However, by the consent of
the state's representatives. Judge
Hallock reoonsidered this action Inst
Wednesday and imposed a floe of 825.
The complaint was made by Wm. Wal-
bridge instead of D. A. Herren, as the
latter knew nothing of the same until
after the arrest bad been made.
Overwork, either physical or mental.
will produce weakness and loss of
energy. Too many business or family
cares, overwork in the harvest field, an
eicess of woman's work and worry will
produce months of misery. To prevent
this, the exhausted system should be
reinforced immediately. Dr. J. U.
McLean's Strengthening Cordial and
Blood Purifier is an appropriate remedy, j
Price 81.00 per bottle.
In mentioning the action of Judge
Fee in the MoAUth case in the last issue,
the Gazatte was in error in stating that
"in the meantime the jury had been dis
missed" as they bad previously been dis
missed, so in jushoe to air. Brown, at
torney for the defendant, we make the
correction. However, the statement that
Mr. MoAhth had asked for a continu
ance until the next term of court was
correct, so the error did not materially
effect the oase.
being twisted up In knots. I was unable to
dress myself, except with assistance, and
could only hobble about by using a cane. I
had no appetite, and was assured, by the
doctors, that I could not live. The pains, at
times, were so awful, that I could procure
relief only by means of hypodermic injec
tions of morphine. I had my limbs bandaged
in clay, in sulphur, in poultices; but these
gave only temporary relief. After trying
everything, and suffering the most awful
tortures, I began to take Ayer's Sarsapaiilkv.
Inside of two months, I was able to walk
without a cane. In three months, my limbs
began to strengthen, and in the course of a
year, I was cured. My weight has Increased
to ICS pounds, and I am now able to do my
full day's work as a railroad blacksmith."
The Only World's Fair Sarsaparilla.
AYJCB'S PILLS cure Headache.
Bound Otkb. Last Tuesday after-
noou tbe case of Milt Powell, charged
by Ben Swagaart with "malioiously in-
jurmg a cow, ' oame up in judge nai-
lock's oourt. This happened last Octo
ber, and plaintiff had intended to bring
same op before the recent session of the
grand j.iry, as defendant had been pre
viously bound over last full on a similar
charge, but the grand jury had disposed
of the oase and returned a true bill be
fore plaintiff had an opportunity to ap
pear before them, consequently this ao
tion at this late date. After hearing tbe
testimony the defendant was bound over
and placed under 8200 bonds which were
furnished. Tbe material witness, Mr,
Peroival, was also placed under bonds to
the ammnt of 850 to appear before tbe
next grand jury. Trie is oertainly tbe
proper thing to do. If the testimony of
all material witnesses was taken down in
writing and signed and sworn to, and
principal witnesses plaoed under bonds,
future grand juries would probably not
have so muoh fault to find with oases
bound over by the various justices of
Morrow county. J. N. Brown for the
plaintiff and T. R. LyoDS for the defense,
were the attorneys in the ca9e.
y a
Vl' ft
rssxrsi V".:. v'
j 2 jTjLjS g r
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22 25 24- 25 2GjYT2S
The cbronio grumbler still lives, but
there are less oases of cbronio Indiges
tion and DvBpepsia than formerly. The
fact is so many people in the past have
taken Simmons Liyer Regulator that
they are now cured of these ills. And a
great multitude are now taking Simmons
Liver Regulator for the same troubles
and they'll soon be cured. "It is the
best medioine." -Mrs. E. Raine, Balti
more, Md.
Telegram: Thomas Davidson, of
Heppnor, Or., arrived this morning with
a large shipment of hogs for the Port
land market. He is an extensive farmer
and fattened his hogs by turniug them
into his 600-aore grain field, thus saving
the expense of the harvest of a very
poor orop.
There is nothing to prevent anyone
oouoocting a mixture and calling it ''sar
saparilla," and there is nothing to pre
vent anyone spending good money test
ing the stuff; but prudent people, wno
wish to be sure of tbeir remedy, take
only Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and so get
Elder J. C. Olaorj. of tbe re organized
ohuroh of the Latter Day Saints, arrived
Wednesday night and preached last
evening at the opera nouse. ne win
alRo hold services at the same place mis
evening, tomorrow and Sunday evening.
A licht fall of snow in the Bine moun
tains last Tuesday is reported by team
sters and residents of that seotinn. In
this oonneotion we might also add that
these mountains were bare of snow this
season, the first time in many years
Wnlter Van Dnvn took bis departure
for Eugene yesterday and will euter the
State University tbete for the coming
school year. Walter is one of our bright
young men and we Deepens ior mm buo
oess in tbe pereuit of his studies.
T. J. Matlock departed yesterday for
Monmouth with bis sons, Horace and
Dockie." where he will place them in
school for the ooming year at the mod
mouth Normal. School opens there next
Tbe family of Allen Crabtrae, of
Clerks Canyot, departed last Monday
overland forSaorameuto.UBl. Mr.uraD-
tree remains to make final proof on his
land, when he will join bn family.
Emil Scharff arrived in Heppner last
Tuesday evening from San Franoisoo,
where be bas spent a month vacation
Did You Ever Think
That you oannot be well unless you
have pure, rich blood? If you are weak,
tired, languid and all run down, it is be
cause your blood is impoverished and
laoks vitality. These troubles may be
overoome by Hood's Sarsaparilla be
cause Hood's Sarsaparilla makes pure,
rich blood. It is, in truth the great
blood purifier.
Hood's Pills oure liver ills, oonstipa
tion, billiousness, jaundioe, siok bead'
ache, indigestion.
Wedding Nuptials Last Tuesday
evening at 7:30 p. m., at tbe City Hotel,
Mr. William H. Letraoe, of Heppuer,
and Miss Neva Pearl Her, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John Her, of Clark's Can-
.. . I 41.
yon, were uniiea in marriage, in iuo
presenoe of the family and a few invited
guests, Judge F. J. Hallock officiating
in his usual ceremonious manner. After
the ceremony and congratulations were
over the happy couple and those present,
numbering in all 14, seated themselves
at the dining table, where an appropri
ate wedding supper bad been prepared
under the supervision of the hostess,
Mrs. Tom Bradley, for an bonr of social
conversation mingled with tbe disoussiou
of the many tempting viands. Follow
iug the supper the newly married oouple
departed for tbo home of the bride's par
ents. Both the bride and-groom are
well known in Morrow county and the
Gazette joins with their many other
friends in wishing them a future, brim
full of pleasure and prosperity.
Aw af A a m avcpnt HllIlflftT,
a wvom tkvnrv Ahv (Lt& t. m.. except Monday.
The cheapest, quickent and Iwnt Una to or
from th. interior coT,rr.THoMii!joiJi
I'hlll Cohn, Agent.
Stage for Haraman, Monument, van ne departed on hub iuuiuiuk s singe
lolin uy na uanyon iev ....... . . . t uBm,n0n.
Shilo'e Cure is sold on guarantee,
It cures inoioiont Consumption. It is
the best Cough Cure only one oeut a dose.
iocta., 50ots., ana 91. Bold oy 1. w.
Ayers, Jr.
T. R. Lvone departed Wednesday at
tnrnonn for Condon where he will remain
for circuit ourt whioh oouveuee at that
plaoe next week.
Emil Vornz has opened np comfort
able batohelor qnarteri in an upper
room of The National Bank building.
O. W. Viooent. of Batter creek, was on
oar streets Tuesday.
F. L. Officer wee over from D.iyeille
tbe first of tbe week.
There oan be no pleasure or happi
ness for persons whone liver or kiduey
are unhealthy. Tbey are weak, sick
and irritable, and fiod it burdensome to
pei form work of any kind. What they
need is a thorough treatment with Dr
H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm.
This remedy is recognized by many of
the best medical authorities as without
a peer for the oure of diseases of tbe
kidneys or liver. It rapidly drives out
diseased conditions, restores health and
strength, vigor and oheerful spirits.
Price tl.00 per bottle.
Extra Pal Star Brawary Bear
In Pint Bottles can be
had only at the
City Hotel Bar!
Whre hltih grade Liquors and Clnrt are alto
kept by Ted.
Here and There.
Million, rlda tbe Uanibler,
Ike Ennii has bicyolee to rent
Tbe Nilea-Vinaon, Marble
Walla Walla, Wash.
Faatern Oregon ii now experiencing
typical Willamette valley weather.
La Grande Marble Works, U Qrende
Or. 8. O. Hmith, aleetaan, ueopner,
J. W. Beckett, one of Eight Mile'i
atanoob farmcre, waa on oor strata yee-
w i..lll!n nr fnO Sewing. Will
go to the house or take Bowing at borne
Mrs. Mary Undereon.
it v ntukwfll tiaeseJ through
Hepimer' Wedneedsy on bis way borne
to Loo 11 Creek from Pendleton.
o 1 rt.rha the iron i el repreeente-
tie of a I'ortUod hardware firm. io
lleppuer over loeeaey nig".
Bret aew.mmn.lat loo ana
trMlmeniatlb Imp-rial Hotel, Heve&lb
aod Waeb. Sia., Portland, Oregon.
Brnnia rtf"n d'Prtd ! Toe -day
lor BnfT.K N. " "le'
to enter cdlrge i a o Jtnt of pharmacy.
Miea Jeonia Wood and LMie Wileoo
arrived from John lt on Tole -0
log's end departed Wedoaedaj
for t'ortlaod.
Hall'a Veflable Pmilleo Heir lUoewer
of it. batr. II ' ot ?,n"
draft, tetter, oJ all walp affrctmee-
n. E P. arrie4 frm Arllnt-
. ...V. tram, tn.l
ton on iineiay -m- :i
111 bold b",b m"Jm,' "'d
Moiu at tb M. E. fb-ircb Huod.f .
Elmer Hlam' f M.ranh f alUrir to
now ofo on loaer lUm el;et bere
Iriolly fi' cle aorli r.n U weor.4
1, f,J,H.bl. ptiM. Call .-! tiemi-n
otk aed t ptwet- ,u"
Wrf-o Vm'it "'r fmm tie
t 1... I i f aittlr esi'li.
nmr ip'iii -----
l'Mn Hietey "l atWMwrlt.at
Bow be ) ''
M'we LHIte an I 1
. i...i.a ia atr efh'xil If lle
ZIZ tf Tb. M.r -II eater
Cwrtailie Arf'i'-iliofel r dlege.
A slender Uttle meiaen, in a dainty, ruffied
Wboee eyee of brown glance ehyly to and fro;
Her earn t inwiu up
1.1k 1 cloven lily-cup.
And her eneeke beve itol'a tbe popples' erim
son glow.
A bat that's big and shady overtop bet bonny
To keepbe sun out. spread t he olrcllng rim-
Uul me ceuuou
H w donned too late, 'tie plain,
. v.-. i.mi.i in bur eurU beneath tbe
I Ul
Eery step the tfad so quaintly la ber tiny
buckled bo.
Tekes ber f rthr In tbe kmdom of my bee rv
She my ireclime queen. o loyal.
And I'm br eubject lojel.
And be rule ae with a tender, loving heart
O. gracloue Utile eoverelgn. mar tbe ewlftly
pMtlng yeere.
With their oer0owlng freight of Joy
Lay tbe eorroa at my doore.
Ley tbe beppineee at our.
wane I
A Hobhb on Us. The writer, with a
number of others, was invited by Mike
Roberts to enjoy an elk dinner at tbe
City hotel last eveniDg. After disposing
of all that could be conveniently stowed
away aod after pronouncing it an
excellent meal, all were informed that
they had eaten a dinner of horse meat.
The meat waa from a yearling ooll that
bad been previously butchered by Newt
Jonee, aod lasted very much like deer or
elk meat, In fact a superior to beef.
We acknowledge that tbls ii a "horse on
on," but in the futnre shall demund
horse tail soup, Loot chips and horse
stew Spanish regularly. Wheu the
prejudice diet down borne flesh will be
pronounced equal if oot superior to beef
or pork.
None Hut Ayer's at tbe World s fair.
Ayer'a Sarsaparilla r i)jy the eitreor-
dlnary distinction of having been tbe only
blood purifier allowed an exhibit at the
World' fair, Cbioago. Manufacturers
of other aaraaparillaa aonght by every
means to obtain a bowing of their gn"d
but they were all turned awsy nmler the
application of tba rule forbidding tbe
enlrvof natent medioine end noatrnrue.
The deoiaion of the World's fair autho
rities in favor ot Ayer's Harsaparllla
in effect as follows: 'Ayer'a Harsapa-
nlla ie not a patent medioine. It lee
not belonir to tbe it of nostrnmf . It la
here on it merit."
Loot, Htbatiu on KftiLts.-A rod
a .w. tl.Vl.i ,( hearueaa aever Hhortborn cow with aligblly droopiog
-Ikwion Tranerlpi.
born and whit mark on bind feet,
right Liod teat dried np; aod ber winter
calf, a red roan, hlmky, ehort legged
bu I calf, both dimly branded with olrcla
on right hip. Iiotb left tbe John 0 Wll
m rat.rh tnt July 10th. iBforsa-
tinn leading to tb-ir roovery will be re-
r.l. N- Mai,
70 2 li-poer, Or.
Rarklea'e Aral !
TbeU etavlve In tie world fur rota,
l!ntlte, H-irre, Tliera, halt Ithenin,
M-a MH--. wMebief
bwretnro r.n.e '
w.lb re!at'e at !'''""
Haw It la ! t.f a t elebrat4 tirm
t I. murh easier Haonulre fleuh than
to I'M! It. There I so n1)"""""
Waaty f.r th'e Inclined to plnmpnca.
and many are the thing tbey are
obit"! to do t arar off fat, aaye tbe
Philadelphia Ileoord.
An KrufH-hman reduced hl weight In
one year fmrn two bundn-l and two tt
one hundred and fifty ramnde.and k-pt
It thre. lie Ut n f. mnl'n.
fUh, ban. try tt. poultry, game.
w!:"",V":::t:": .. ',,.ii..r,,,an U .l t..tti-ly onr. Pit-, or no pay
tbviHan. whobae.Ut.ll-h-d bi.r. -U,1iit. Itl gna'ent-el to t
ntatlooaa a f!' h rrcii-r thrifU bi nlect .itfe'M.i or w f refund!.
. in rldditnf I'rinre limine r-k - t,y y tt l f b-i. f t Ijf
f.rtly fnw avoSHop-.U In three w, Ati. Jr.
mOth. W ithmit the !gtlet leMrrt' e-
m rl5t m niM,,,"" ""-- ... ... .. ti l.tu'i,.!-.
rnditwn.reiri-t.lhe e..nimptM.n ., i-ar. . - ,
liquid, at all time., and deprive, the a., ft-1 by Mfa. Ww. Vtateu, la bow
patient entirely of fiutd .hiritiff or kf,,i. to it-, all kSo.'.e of dressmaking
within an bot.r of meal, f.prblda .tar. U jo fhm I( -.fet e.H.fwi-
and iuifar. and adriw-a mi hrn.ir ; n,f,,w. IjrU.ylb.l bndl eg,
P':um. we all know. '-.....-Ma-
rrlue r.' ti. 1 r re
Last June the Gazette mentioned tbe
fact that Katie Kebm Smith had passed
through this city on her way to Wagner
to deliver the Fourth of July oration at
that plaoe and that while there she
would meet Rev. Moore, formerly the
Baptist minister in this oity, in a series
of discussions. Knowing of Mrs.
Smith's ability as a talker we predicted
that she would make it very interesting
for the the minister, consequently
watched the result with interest. The
first aooount of the SBme that oame to
our notioe was from the Moro Observer,
whinh tave Rev. Moore tbe credit of
having gotten the best of the lady in
every discussion. This we published,
and shortly afterwards reoeived from
Warren Carsner, of Wagner, the follow
ing clipping which had appeared in the
Mitchell Monitor under tbe above
oaption, and at his request publish the
same that both sides may be represented:
"Now, that the smoke of battle has
oleared away, we oan look over the
field and make an approximate estimate
of the losses on either side in the great
oonteBt reoently engaged in between the
Baptist division of the army of the Lord
and His Satanio Majesty's legion.
Of course, and as was predicted by
the Monitor, a viotory was olaimed by
both the oontending parties, Bnd there
is where tbe matter must rest for the
present at least. Yet, it would seem to
us that the status of religion and infi
delity had taken on a somewhat different
aspect in this oommunity infidelity
having become a little more pronounced
and aggressive.
The debnte whioh lasted soma four
days, was marked throughout by a vin
diotive, venomous spirit, not only by the
worthy defender of divine inspiration
but also upon the part of some of bis
followers who were ever on the alert to
show a feeling of hatred toward the
opposing side whenever opportunity
was offered. This aotion, on the part of
the christian element hnd a tendency to
spur tbe friends of the "bad cause" up
to a spirit of resentment. Under such
oiroumstances, deliberate disoussion
oould not be oarried on. Personalities
were indulged 10, outside issues were
dragged io, until at times the snbjeot
of debate was entirely lost sight of,
especially while the learned champion
of Christianity would relate some "000k
and bull story" about tbe ill treatment
be had reoeived at the bands of tbe
Monitor, or would throw open some
imaginary, ghastly wound which had
been inflicted upon his person by some
one of Mitchell's bloody cut throat
oitizens. All this kind of digression bad
theeffeot of showing that the divine
man was at least weak in tbe flesh, a
all mortals are said to be. Tbe dootor
reminded us in bis taotios of debate ot
the minister who was preaching on the
text of man being oreated in the image
of bis maker, with all God-like attri
butes, eto. He beoame imbued with
the idea that he was himself peculiarly
Christ-like, and in order to test the
matter, he proposes to come down
from the pulpit and have the congre
gation oome forward and revile bim ia
all manner of ways, for tbe space
five minutes. Of course, tbey came
forward and stepped on his bunions,
pulled bis earn and nose, and did other
annoying things, all of whioh he stood
with commendable christian fortitu le.
Finally, however, a member of tb
flnck approaobed with a rotten egg i
bis band tnd oommmioed tapping it uooo
his forehead. Tbo odoriferous hen
fruit waa broken at last, when the
imitator of Christ drew hie watob and
gave notioe that he bad Just one more
minute to eland the Cbrist-like bnsi
ness, and then he would lick the son
of a-guo that broke tbe egg in hie faoe.
Io the wind np of the great debate of
last week, 00 Friday, a great commo
tion was created by the ladiee of the
W. C. T. D. presenting the learned
divine Moore, with quite a number of
lies ut if ul b( qn'ts. This action on tbeir
part was followed by the nanghiy
infidels l.rinifimr in llnral gift for the
little Infldel lecturer, In anrh profusion
a to almost olnnra her from pnblio
gsae aa she stood among the fragrant
disnlav of Eastern Oregon'e eboloeet
specimen of Flora' world. In ad
dition to the gift of flower the little
Udv reeeived the literal donation of
some g:)J In rash.
Now, alter having viewed Ibis matter
in all ite varied eepeete, and looking at
the reaulia a I her are. waa not Hie
Monitor right in its edvine and conns
to our Ood fearing people when
admoniehed them to let Kele Kebro
'. her little piece" and depart henna
without lei or hiodranre? Nothing hot
stubborn heart aod a perverse nature
will eertainly atiempt to throw any
burden of blame al the ilmt of the
I Prize Hood's
Sarsaparilla more than any remedy I hart
ever taken. I have never been robust and
was subject to severe headaches, and had
no appetite. Since taking
Hood's Sarsaparilla
, and Hood's Pills I am a well woman,
have a good appetite and sleep well.
I cordlallv recommend Hood's Sar
saparilla. Mrs. S. M. Gorham, Fillmore
House, Fillmore, Ualilornla.
Dill e ttU Ut" iUs' W"00
That is what Minor & Co. are-doing.
It Leads Them AU.
'Cyclone" Thresher.
If you buy a new
Thresher, Engine,
You of course want the best.
Write for Catalogue and Prices.
The Massillon Engine & Thresher Go.
They are constantly rooting for
trade ; though they have the bulk
of the trade of the surrounding
country, they are not satisfied.
But we would like all the people for customers,
as the larger the sales the cheaper the goods.
We have just received the largest line
of Fall goods ever shown in the city.
Call and examine them and If you don't buy then
we are to blame. We are here to show goods.
We Meet and Beat all Competition !
Cavalry Officers Make an interesting Ex
periment In Germany.
An Interesting experiment of InstaU-
ing a telephone by trotting cavalry was
recently successfully undertaken by
some Prussian Uhlans between tieriin
and Potsdam. Two sets of one otlicer
and two non-commissioned officers pro
ceeded In the early morning respect
ively from Berlin to Potsdam. Each
set, says the Scientinc American, was
equipped with a complete telephone
aDoaratus whlctt one 01 ine men
enrrted in a leather case on his
chest, be sides the requisite quau
titv of thinwire. The end of the
tl ..... .
wire was connected witn tne respect
ive towns' telephone stations, and the
wire was. by meansof a fork fixed at the
end of the lance, thrown over the tops
of tho trees alonff the road. As each
kilometer of wire was thus suspended
a halt was made, and it was ascertained
whether there was connection with the
station. A new kilometer of wire was
then connected with the former, and on
went the men. The two seta met at
Teltow. The wires, having been re
spectively tested with their respective
stations, were connccteu, anu leiopnonic
connection between Berlin and Pots
dam was established. The distance Is
about twenty mfles, and the whole
thing was done In about four hours.
Calm Answer to the JuIk.
Hobert McLenn, of Greensboro, N. C,
was once practicing before Judge
Tounree, when ho lost his temper at
some' ruling mid used some petulant
e-iDrehsion. Instantly the judge said:
"Mr. McLean, the court does not under
stand you. Do you mean to express
contempt for the court?'' Recovering
his temper. McLean, baluncing himself,
said with the greatest good humor: "I
hone your honor will not press that
Tuif mptmnolitan noliee commission-
r of London employs fifteen thousand
nd eighty-three men.
Nn la the time to ttt the Weekly
nraunnmn. Ill vrftMtPftt ne PSIW 01
tha WmI. Witn lheUNEt'ttw.uoin sinot
ly in advance, for one w. .. M UHr
eotnhiuation of newspapers flan h made
in il.x nut. liwid we will Hive a a
premlnm u edditlonal jonrnal.tbe Wtb-
foot I'lanler, an eirrienuurai imir.
(Joiue in now end miWrlh.
Are Still in Business
In spite of boycotts. Our enemies are still trying to drive us out, but
as long as our friends stay witb us, we will continue to
sell honest goods at honest prices
To catch suckers as we do not expect roasonablo
people to judge us by the price of one or two
VII vvvuvu
Be sure and call when you want
Hardware Tinware.
imi u 1 1 vvi vi ijiiii-.vi vj
Willowware, and many other things.
Out of Sight!
The boy ie father to the man, and when
tbe boy done tbe mnu'a bat he la "ont
of Bight." Likewise the man who pro
vides himself with oue of
hats, and also purchases hie Groceries,
(Jilts, Tobnnnos and Gents' Fnrnisb
ing at this establishment where the
freehrat and latest of tbe above lines
ere kept.
This ie nleo the plaoe for H too km en's
Hiipplies, ae this store makee a specialty
of everything required by this olnss ot
trade. And casual observer will not
fail to notice that our sheep end cattle
men take advantage ot Ibis faot.
Remember the plaoe .
Fonr doors south of tha City hotel.
before buying
Th. P.tttrson Pub. Co.. Leva eeeored
the agency of the Oresoeut bieyolee tor
Morrow and (Irani counties, ana win
shortly have some inaclnnee loi ' eats .,KlvcimiTV or OUKOON. El'OKXE. OHKOON, ifiWe free tuition
low ngurem r,miii0 - T y i i...i..i.. ,,l l.ul.t ,
Olo all iluaente. i oung men onu uuum "" ---
. i. ... an rj .... ILu.nxira (iirniiih their own linen. Young
Fikii fon HAI.II.-The M. O. . I . I . . ... . j.i- m!ii.. at i.1.00 tier week. Young women
oomnauy have a full etork ot all amneoi women are proviuo-i ;
"ZP. eooh a. Vhop. null fd. b.rl.y. LM,riog board .honld nJJre I'rof. John Mra Eugene, Oregon; er heir. Ury
eto, whi.li will beeol.l r.oahle . Wonien'e Christian Aaeoeiatlon, Eugene. The University oners three
phrtHi. Lfc.n't neglect U ece baccalaureate Jegreee, Bachelor of Arte, Deehrlor of Bcience and Ileehelof or 11-
mB' W" witboorreepondingoonreeenf etudy. Tbe following shorter oooreee ere alec
Walt. Tho.., eon rune elege ttee or7wN,. An F-egli.h enree Idling m Mo y.ere ti b.ie.oee. diplorn. and In
Henpner and MoniituMil. errivii.g every Uir-,,rt u, the title grednete in Kogliau; an mi ancea oourw. ior
normal eolKmle leading U the degree tnaeter of l-l"g7 , a u.ree year, rouree iu
oifil engineering leading to tbe degree civil engineer; eonreec.f two yre for
tenchere of physical edueelion ladling to diph.ron end the t.tle director of
bbretra! eduoeiion. The Unlteralty chergee an Incidental fee of ten dollere whioh
t payable In advenoe by nil etodente.
day eieept Monday end leaving every
.! metil Sunday. Hborleel and Obeap-
eet ronte to tbe Interior. I'. 0ho,
or ie.
Tenebare of etork in XM'ti . . lb i.,,io- t biri' certifiealee ere edmlttecl to the preparatory
A liiilittrfl I . I w..- . .t; at
;Fr rtofee, Mler, Cbed Hand,
: OiPitsina, CVirn. and ell ekin eroplinoe
Kail'e Clover It-iol will purify yonr
ISIood.tUery nr C-tnpleiio.i, regulate
your bowele end mke your hed rleer
n.etwil. 'I'm? , m., en I 1 1. Mold by
T. W. Atere Jr.
A. (letima. Ihe Hrn-y county eher-
... ........ ... al.-k .
in, pemwci ihrniiKU iippor i 01
the wwk on hie w ey le from Helio
where be bad lko a a!tje to the in
ene a)lnm.
Mr. I'r? WiU'in end Mre. ('. r'rerk.
lie, ,f M'. ,miit, frtl Ul -i.ieg
kn.l liirig wiOi thttr lr. Mr.
T'. HriMll), f.ft.(.ntre if Ihe CMt
fUbk of lleppnor,
On, IUo.lr, Ailington, Oregon,
Htodnnta holding diplomaa from Ihe pnblio
i ere edmlttecl to the preparatory
irlng information regarding the pre-
t ynt;H ai
lit. ! .
lltil'l, f 'l
ii rim
k.t'l.uui. l I',
lmlto. t. I.
wt.mn i.wii. hit Ihi Mir el
,,.,l-l. t t. WiiJ.4e. r,
.,..rin,t,l wiihnnt eiamineiion, i uown w
l" -r " ... ,. , V. t."..,. ana
petelory department eboolJ ed.ireee tue i-eao, u. ...rr,M,
For catalogue and Informall' nddreM
O. II. CHAPMAN. 1'iXHidcnt.
or J. J. WA IrON. HiH-ivtiiry. l'.ti ti.i. uivon.
nttl et r i. h M rtt-t'l wsietrsg
t.nnuk f v'tne. gymr,B!k" r bu y
t;in tl bl.l it "- repi-i'y nfgn
trd end Ihe r'':t Ihe d'-'ri-ln
,r l.t rn.rr f f- "' )' "r
be- i. l." rd that gr.at iSr er-
nrr t. en thet t 1'
i :,.. ( ,,.,t. t. l ijlnr(.ii, mn-
urn. tl, ,(M ,h-T gret 4l end
eene.he.01 '' M k.IllW. ' '- '
Mr. T. M. Ilewkie. CMMeftuog,
Teno , eeye Miilb e lllir -e.
mj I. f-.' I cadr it lt. b-t rndy
f e r1hihU'1 ete-ej f er nd.'
it d;(t-i. lr or kile-r t"iWe
leieie. I'nee "4 . -IIby T.
! W. Ate. J .
O V. Wrtleler en f I C. -'1.. er.
r.v.4 tnm rftlte l n M I 6'fbt e
ir,y eeJ dt-r. f r (! 'only
te4ey efteien.
VfhtTt'f v TAKE I
Klltr- BC8T
i jtscffisJel Iris; ;
tlUriJiiit rw" St eU ir-.e-
e4 M it M M e4 twn C.
f f e.i tf t mim, it , Wmfri
r 1 -
i fimirp
- ii. i i.iim.iir. i -nr na a m w'
" p miui
n -
A- m "I 1 V5 V : 1 I. r.i ii'i,l IW K
I , , sr
' I MBBMBaaaMllilHMMnBea--
I A ti. D lue. aei .-. I -
m turn Io
u,MiiMii'.M"4itl, fc"e at IH
t k ih - l tfm ue
Monmouth, Ore.
A Ir.Uil'.f (' ! fiMii.!n "IgSI
..(. I.. rt..-iti!l ! tinmg .n.l.ii.iil
The Oipieme the eeheel eetitlei ene
teteeeM I" eeootyln teeeiele witli
et fMrtner eieeninelleei.
H-4 n4 eiul InMlim !' ft
DanlUiil M Mtlhf., Ifvalir.n. i .onn
f S M f4 inM ( !) Iralnwl lm tivf.
Ih.ta M t i4f 01 BiilrH.1 Wi Wfl
tiiniwrltHuny eaiilen IU kiImh.
A I ti-
i l, Ai nri i.
or , A nti unt
SM B'f
Mi mi
!. ael .. IT
T. It II ef I n.akee e tK.liy In
!nppllt elkmw witn ell e-le1
ere i-e, Hi t retrying geerl line.
ie b new 4.
m: )JU,,n NOTARY PUBLIC ox..,.