Gazette The republicans are asking what the democrats propone to do this fall. Well, first of all they pro pose to do the republicans. Salt Lake Herald. Yes, they tried that last fall but didn't succeed very well. President Cleveland will re frain from fishing one day soon to go to Atlanta to touch a button. Grand Rapids Herald. Not much. They will take the button down to Gray Gables, and he will touch it with one hand while his fishing rod will be held with the other. It will now bo in order for the M. E. conference at Seattle to pro nounce a curse upon the peach crop, because brandy is sometimes made from peaches; also upon the barley, apples, grapes, corn and other crops from which beverages are brewed or extracted. Don't let the poor hop bear all the burden. Salem Statesman. Although J. A. Douthit, the new editor and proprietor of the Times-Mountaineer, of The Dalles, has not been actively engaged as a journalist for sometime past, yet he has not forgotten how to wield the pen. We are glad to see Mr. Douthit at the helm onco more, and predict that he will keep the old reliable Timos-Mountaiuoor up to its usual standard of excellence. The East Oreouian thinks the briofcns of our recent torm of cir cuit court rather romnrkablo since no term had been hold in this county for 12 months past It is now in ordor for Friend Jackson to again conio forth with another of his original and typical editori als on "tho fallacy of courts." "No court, no litigation, etc." Touch 'cm up, Jack. A (jiiil'h tiihU'n difTor according to ago. At l'J she wants a dado with toothpick hIiooh and a micro scopic imiHUchp; at 20 au editor or chief jutttico with plenty of tin; at "'2 sho'll bo Hiitinfuul with ft nicin -bor of congas; at !I0 a country doctor or preacher will do, and at !).") anything that wears pnutiiloonn. Ex. Thin inny ! truo but thorn's nmo exception, for you BoiiH'timt'M hear of wmucu win wouldu't marry a lord at any time or price, though jou rarely ever ro ouo. AT the Tuget Sound Methodic conferonco that wan held in Seattle lnt week tli report that the Wanli'ingUm hop crop wim a fail mo brought out Inuiy "Thank Ciodi" Hi in wan because of the fact that liopa arc tho product from which Immt i ma le. Such cspre moiim will only inlo Oregon' crop worth that much more, yet it waa a wry fanatical utterance, for tho very ground waa pun lm!' I, tho churcliea built and sulnrir paid with money received from (ho aalo of hop. Poverty prayer won't go in a prolific clime, erpt ei. ally after tho (oopl lmo had uch a fiego of financial deprc. ion. Jiikie lUnrwrii. Ilium, one of (ircgoii'a Miiineiit jurist, who ha prcnidod over department No. "J, of tho kUt circuit (Mtirt iu IVrt land for tho at three )ear, died at Itii homo in 1'ortUtid Ut Sun tliy of tph"i four, after a Itu- Cerilikt llttten of llioro tUtl ft inoutli. lu.lpto lliiiley was ,rt "i" '' io oho s'ius i.i know, appointed t this xiti"ii by (Soi.! " Pennoyer. and nominated by WJ ,!; ;l',,;J,!.,,"r":,, ' , ' j "' ''"" ntn, s)S iiiuel t'latnatlou iu ths tepublican c u- N- f.-it.-. . . i.viul, ( . - VM ti. ,fi- fcli.l, l ! ' it'iil sad .if?.rj severely until petition last May, arti-r wluli U,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i. lY.m" was endorsed by both the jmpu. j lU u s ti...l. is and iirb-.a I..U au.l de, and ui.niJ tll JlAZJ tuously th'tel for a (erio-l of six ! " l it.e l..n. t, .n uu-d M ,1 I II . I ell. I tecxiuwriid.! It .l UH ( eats. (lot I.r l will How U ,bJ Pif 9tttm . , ,V "U! ti calle.1 to f.ll ths i acaney until ths ""''" s il t tK U.i," -r Koncal election r.e Juno, when " U'""a T" ln V'K . . ass ' ju ls will fie ii t Cll th re- I Inkiliicit f.Mit )pfs of ltii unrt. ? lui Urn. Back in Indianapolis a man was recently fined two dollars for laughing at a policeman. Very expensive, why he could have had a smile with him for two bits. It is said that Dan Vorhees in tends to climb one of the tallest sycamores on the Wabash next election day. Well, he should stay there, for he has certainly dis graced Indiana long enough. Economy is now asserting itself down east. Back in Kansas they are fattening hogs on grasshoppers, while in New Jersey mosquitoes are used for chicken feed. Mor row county farmers might use this information to advantage. Eveky eastern city seems anxious to claim Holmes, the murderer. Chicago first thought she had him, but Indianapolis seems to have de feated the windy city, though can not prido herself as having won a victory, for there are yet many cities to hear from. "I am for sound money," shouted a democratic orator. "Yes," shouted an old straw-hatted Ameri can on a back seat, "and you only want to wait until European bosses tell you what sound money is to do their bidding." Ho about cov ered the ground. Inter-Ocean. The American yacht won the first race last Saturday and was given Tuesday's race on a foul, and undor any ordinary circum stances can certainly win one of the three remaining races of the series, so it iu safe to predict that the cup will remain in America. Down in Kentucky if a fellow doesn't like tjio democratic candi date for governor he is asked to vote for tho platform, and if he doesn't like tho platform he is asked to vote for tho candidate who is against it. This looks con siderably like "nigger coon-trap" proposition. TnE rod bloomer style was at tempted, but it doesn't seem to moot with favor especially among tho blooded element of the bovine tribe, for a single cow down in an interior stato recoutly knocked the scai'lot complcxioned bloomer out in one round, and . didn't make much of an cfl'ort either. Tin: press dispatches have very littlo to say about tho coming prize fight jiiHt at present. Corbet t and Fitzsimtuoim are having a very hard time of it to find any place to fight, and it now begins to look as though tho "scrap" may not come off. Even Texas aoema to have gono back on brutality. Citizens of Oregon havo a right to grow especially enthusiastic over tho victories ju the present yacht raco won by tho Defender, iih our forcnta furnished the umsnivo sticks of piuo from which tho Defender's spars were made. Theso rauio neither from California or Washington. Aeconwxu to tho laat census, Texas has fifteen counties without a hiiigto Mhtoflico, and sixty-four counties without a newspaper. Pretty hard statistics, but thou Texas don't iiiim such things much, in fact many of her ritieus would hufiilue far more than this for a pii.n light next month. Mint 1 1 nro not yet obsolete, from tho lleppner I init to wo b arn that tho O. 11 X N. Lavo nkcd and been given a change of venue iu tho cho iuvohing bonds given by citieiidof Morrow county for tho construction of the lleppner branch road from Morrow to Wasco coin.ty. Times. Mountaineer. Si'UMNti of "tin glorious cli hint of California." tho Hau 1 rau ciikm Post says: "The l.Mt Las life-killing frot iu the winter; hfe-killing heat in tho suinuier; prox'rtylestro)itig rains every, ai d deMti -dealing (')cloiies all tt.ii tune. , p .i !,tuo in a I . 1 . .a tli kasik'sil ss l aifsooj J. t, m r1" arrtvoj sa suf st UlHms,riMs. mure punches. Local Punch Bowl Once Mora Ban Over A Few Facts. I bad not intended to come again, bat I am so full of interesting punches, and my previous smiles have been treated so conscientiously, that I once more ven ture to relieve myself. Iam now "going it alone," so to speak, both my partners having deserted me. The fruit and vegetable venders have evidently been frost-bitten, consequently my intellectual cow friend has departed for greener pastures, and tbe rain, long past due, having at last arrived, has knooked tbe over consumption of water into a "cooked hat," consequently my nocturnal meanderingDeutsch friendh is no longer looking after drowned water privileges. Court is over, tbe judge gone, the prosecuting angel, known as tbe presid ing elder, vamoosed and the grand jury disbanded, so I am once more free to go where 1 please, do what I pleaae and say what I blank please. See? Talking about oourts, I am reminded of a conversation I heard during court week between two pessimistic individu als of the dyspeptic stripe about the time the session was drawing to a close. The two aforesaid mentioned .Innirluil by unanimous vote that it was impossi ble to indiot or convict a rich man. Now after thinking this over I decided they were about right, for when these petti- fogioal attorneys get through with the subjects there isn't a rich man to oon viot, and on reaching this conclusion I sighed a sigh. A soientifio friend of mine after con siderable figuring decided that there were 157,150 different kinds of mosqui toes. Mow most saue people are usually satisfied with one single variety, so ordi narily care nothing for such statistics. Bat after attempting a week's fighting for life, liberty and tbe pursuit of happi ness at a Blue Mountain outing oamp, 1 have deoidtd that tbe above are valua ble statistics. Why, I found long fel lows, lean fellows, lank fellows, blood sucking, bone pioking, skiu punoturiug and many other sorts too numerous to mention. Then I thought of the soien tifio pleasure my friend must have bad in getting this statistical information, and thus having robbed many others of the satisfaction of discovering or patent ing tbe above statistics. A man baok in Missouri, tbe borne of my infancy, tbe place where I first made my appearanoe in this cruel world, once bad a very interesting engagement with a burglar, of murderous disposition, who videutly bad gone gunning in quest of money, but, luckily, Mr. Missourian, full of yaukee Ingenuity, had deposited all bis money iu the bank just the previ ous day, so lost nothing but his life. His system was a good oue, as the faro player would say, but the mistake he mads woe in not depositing bia life with his more. I learn from conservative authority that a moonshiner's camp has been dis covered in an inaccessible canyon in the mountains near Milton. That's nothing. Why I used to help ran oue iu the back room of a lleppner drug store, inaccesHi bin, except by rear entrance I tell you we did a prolific business, supplied every saloou iu town with all of that sort ol liquor, oommouly known as tbe "rot- gut" variety, and many other sorts. Hut talkin' about illicit distills; did you ever bnarof a woman running one? This is additional proof, of the latest oast, that there never was such s thing as a woman till. That's the iliff.renos between free trade booze and gossip. i imv nireuiiy nceivej many notes (not bunk liotrx) but letters of inquiry, sol loiut inns fur sdviee and an fourth, from admirers of my pnnoli bowl deeoo- iious. 1 lis laiMM is from a reader who oootldeutially informs me that lis is pigeon loe.1 and bow-lt-ggml, aud arks hat to do io souss of (list kind. My dvicp, confidentially returned, woulj be to wear pioadilly lootbpliks sod, when not busy, kfep whooping Vrnp for widsr stylrs in trousers. Tor sometime psst I have I en bond ing a botd run on the American, Kuropran and "go ss you pies" stlm loratnl mil dmir to a jig faolory in which I am iol. riH.tcd. Now there are uisoy things about running holds that 1 never c.-uIJ un.liralsi.ii. fur instance, here lbs milk earns from. 1 oJ to llniik the rhirf r.x.k tusnufsrlurej it, but now I learn that il really ooium from a dsiry. lib, what an apology tlirss Jmr nirn o (lis milk-producing Imvinrs fr disposing of this wir dt lutrj. pals Oollil'lrlloued milk as After rrflfelmn I bsvJ . . ... . ... i shoot eomstlhssoi.olu.,.,nlhatl)rre wottl.ln I Xm any milk Iu a eoooannl if a Jmrymso baj anvthins' to do with H.s eonstrtii-tieo of it. 8- ms people ars al)s telling on of their edaeaiioa and where Ihry were eiiltore.l. Tins reminds turn .f mn nnrs trllmx me that bs was cultured In Boat. I itiieM ha was rl.1,1 I. - ii.-i.hi K..ea ns w. rtgbt, lor io tniry, I l-aroej that lbs last time l,e Don't mm All tln-s.'otri In pnvurl s.t Tliini..ti .V Itiniis. Imrr Mnin Slrppt, llrj pt'i'r, OrMii. tt" ..!. B N .,! .,. !. 11 U,tnrt l. , I.l Vm Sl I nlii.l ..-.till,. t a m.-rf sm I"m. id .a.( ll-- i.s m It, . g n..-.t I !.. n .-, g aim t linM TMO.MPSON Vr MINNS. uvsMYMLir. was there he was kicked oat of a beer saloon for eatin' free lunch with a knife. That's what they call impressive culture and was doubtless about all be ever re ceived back at the city where baked beena were first invented. After this discovery I decided it was be6t to con fess the truth and tell the people that I grew up, as the Cbinamaa would any, "alle samee corn stalk." Some women lose their nerve when they go to a dentist's, but tbe average man just at that moment wishes he hadn't any to lose. However, sayicg that women haven't any nerve, are timid, and such like, is nonsense of tbe veriest sort Why. a little meek faced, thin slipped apology of a girl will wear bal loon sleeves of double size right in tbe midst of a cyclone belt and never flinch. This is how the term "unadulterated nerve" was coined. Speak-in' about good singers with su perb methods, reminds me of a singer located just across the street from me who has a voice that with proper train ing might be need for "ohIHq' bogs." But, forgetting Bbout her voioe, she cer tainly has a superb method, for, after throwiug a few rocks through the front window in the same manner that we used to stop "Thomas oat concerts" on tbe rear roof of the wood shed, she never sings when I am home. So between her system of procedure and my method of prevention there is certainly some thing superb. But to the meek, timid and much imposed on man, who has a neighbor just across tbe alley who per sists in singing midnight solos, that hasn't the nerve to get "in touch" with the situation in tbe above mentioned manner and who would like my services in administering the "kill or oure pre vention," I have but to say, I am, Unanimously yours, The Spouting Editob. Swept hy a Cyclone Of approbation to the pinnaole of popu larity, HoBtetter's Stomach Bitters has acquired a commanding position, which has occasionally made it a bright and shining mark for knaves, who seek to foist upon the oommunity spurious com pounds in the guise akin to that of the real article. These are mostly local bit ters or touics of great impurity, and, of oourse, devoid of medioinal efficacy. Be ware of them and get tbe genuine Bit ters, a real remedy for malaria, rheuma tism, kidney trouble, dyspepsia, nervous ness, constipation and biliousness. Physicians of eminence everywhere com mend the great iovigorant, both for its remedial properties and its purity. A wineglass tbrioe a day will soon bring vigor and regularity to a disordered and enfeebled system. Notice. There will be a meeting of tbe O. A. It. Poet and Woman's Belief Corps tbe last Saturday of this mouth, Sept. 28th, at 1 o'clock p. m., in tbe town of llepp ner. All members are requested to be present. By order of tbe commander, T. J. Leaovk. Coal Uiscovkiif.d. About two weeks ago while oleauing out a spring in front of D. A. lierreu's cabin at bis sheep oamp on Ihtoh creek, oroppings of coal or what is usually the forerunner of s mine were discovered. The layer of oonl, which is oovered with slate rock, Is not thick, but of exceptional quality, in fact it has beeu tried by the different blaok smiths in lleppner, all of whom pro nounre it exoelleut. This find has not yet been developed, so its extent is not known, though there is much evidence of coal in that vicinity. Statb or Ohio, Citt or Toledo, ( Li cas Cor.str, h Fbank J. CiiRNtr makes oath that lis is the senior partner of the firm of F. J, Ciikxkt k Co., doing haziness in the City of Tolrdo, County and State afore said, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONK HUSDUED DOLLARS for esob and every ense of Catahhh that cannot be rnre.1 by the ass of Hall's Catarku Ciiib. FKAXK J. CUKSEY. Hworo to b. f.ire me and subfH-nbed lo mr presence, this tith dsjr of December, A. 1). I.s5. A. W.OLEASON, Notary I'ubllo. SEAL I Hull's CnUrrh Cure is token intern ally and sets directly mi the tdocxl and mucous snrlHOes ol tbe system. 8od for trsflinoniftls, fr', V J. CIIKNKY A CO.. Toledo, O. &"A"ii by Dningitts, 75c, f'..lar sotnpiKm pru-. Ml.a H-uii- wkly (mx-ltt. is f J U) and lbs priei ol th. ( W. I. , ! II. M). Any ons for ll,s nnene an.i psymg rr nns fear In s-lvsnesrao set Ix.lh tli On, ells and Werkly Orroiiian for l. All oJ ul. serttwrs paying their sitltscrititlons for j on0 J1"" ,0 advance wilt rwi entitled to ,h ""m" I Mathews Bros., (My hotel hsrber shop. '"" artists. lUirciittin. shaving, lih,m,,niri ,,, ,,,,, MtlttMy ll.lbs at cents apiecs. Do You Want a Kiir ? You Want a Place to i)n i i ou am a 1 lace to' SuUi' u "-v ..iva tmt 4 rt.i,w,,rt,,,,H, , '"'' I'm up Your Team ? Arc You in Nml of a Sa.Mlctli:i?a 1 lorsc ? rLl:.. utrrrxn Plenty of them at tho Gazette Office. . . . Administratrix' Notice of Sale of Real Property. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT UNDER 1 nrt by virtue of a decree and order of wle duly made and entered on July 1:1, lss'6, in the mauer 01 me estate ol William Kust, deceased, bv the County Court of the State of Oregon for t matilla County, sitting in probate, the under signed as administratrix of the said estate will otter for sale at public suction to the highest bidder for cash in hand on Saturday, the 28th day of September, 1n5, at 11 o'clock in the fore noon of that day, at the front door of the Court House in Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon all of the following described real property belong ing to the above named estate, situated in Mor row County, Oregon, to-w;t: The southeast quarter and the south half of the northeast quarter, and the northwestquarterof thenorth east quarter, and the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section thirty-six, and the north half of the southwest quarter and the northwest quarter of the southeai-t quarter and the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section twenty-five, all in township three south of range twenty-nine East of Willamette Meridian; and also tlie northeast quarter of the northeast quarter and the south half of the northeast quarter of section thirteen in town ship four south of range twenty-nine East of Willamette Meridian; said sale is made subject to all liens and incumbrances now existing up on the said real property, and subject to the confirmation of all sales to be made by the above entitled county court. Dated this 14th day of August, 1895. MARY E. RUST, Administratrix of the Estate of William Rust, Deceased. Chan. H. Carter, Attorney. 303-71 Notice of Intention. Land Office at La Gkandb Obf.oon. August 3, 18115. NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on Sept. 14, 1895, viz ; EDWARD CHAPMAN, Hd. 4941. for the NH BEM, SE!4 NKH, Sec. 34, SW(4 NWitf, Sec. .35, Tp. 3, 8. R. 29 E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of. said land, viz : Andy J. Cook, of Heppner, Oregon; E. Clark, of Heppner, Oregon; Hesikiah Tippet, of Hepp ner, Oregon ; Jesse D. French, of Vinson, Oregon. B. F. W'II.SON. 860-70 Register. Notice Of Intention. I AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, J August 21, 1895. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed no tice of his intention to make final proof in sup port of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at lleppner, Oregon, on Sept. 28, 1895, viz : ALLEN CRABTREE. Hd. E. No. 3177, for the WW SEH and Wtf NEJ Sec. 32, Tp. 2 S. R 25 E. W. M. Oregon. He names the following witnesses to prove nis continuous residence upou and cultivation of, said land, viz: George Snick, Thomas Driscoll, William Dris- coll, Nathan bhaw, all of Heppner, Oregon. 3M-74 Jas. F. Mookk, Register. Notice of Intention. r AND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE, OREGON, IU Aug 22, 1895. Notice Is herebv given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made Deiore J. v. Morrow, county cierK, at Heppner, uregon, ou ucioDer o, viz : GEORGE W. WILSON Hd. No. 4735, for the S't of NE'4 Sen 34, and WU of N WU Sec 35. Tp 3 8. Range 28 E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove nis continuous residence upou ana cultivation of said land, viz: D. O. Justus, Samuel D. Tyler, John Beeler, John C. Locknane, of Heppner, Morrow Co., Or. is. r. w J1.HON, 305.75 Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. TAND OFFICE AT LA ORANDE, OREGON, J August 27, 1895. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed no tice of his intention to make final nroof In sun- port of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W, Morrow, County Clerk, at neppuer, uregon, on .icioner.i, nti) viz: JAMES W. LEAHEY. Hd. Application No. 4980, for the NEM Sec. 3, Tn. 18. K 28 E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upou and cultivation of, said land, viz: Mat Hughes, Joe Rector, David McCtillough, miunm ntigun, au ol nt'ppner, orpgon. B. F. WILSON, 406-70. Register, NOTICE OF INTENTION. T AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES. OREGON lj August Si, 1895, Notice Is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed no tice of hpr Intention to make final ploof In sup port of her claim, and that said proof will he made before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at ncppiiur, urugou, ou ociouer , i'j:i, viz: ADDIE ALLEN. Hd. E. No. 3404, for the 9' 4 SWU Sec. 28 and tho 8'$ 8K4 Sec. 29. Tp. 5 8. R 20 E. W. M. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said laud, viz: Henjamin Parker, Ads Jones, L. W. Lewis, of Hariluiaii, Oregon, Robert Gilmorcof lleppner, " Ksglster, TIMHKIt CULTCUE. T AND OFFICE THE DALLES, OREGON, lj Aug. 2'., ivt'.. Complaint having been en tered at this office by Henry Cramer airant Noel D Campbell for failure tocntnply with law as lo culture Entry No. :i:ll, nate.1 Octo ber 22 l8, upon the H'J HK1, and H1, HWU. iifmi n., nmivrji r... in Jlor row County, Oregon, with a view In th. p. latlon of Mid entry. contestant aliening that Hie uimxT-cuiiure law ns mil been eouipllp.1 with thai the Eulryman has never broken .r ..lwi bnl Sve acres ol the said tract and this only for the flrat year, and such failure still exists, tho aid parlies are hereby uimiinned lo appear al this oilier on the Mh day of October, !-'', at 10 l im a a. m., io rramni aim lurilll i teatlinony i " Hin aiiege. mil uri. j, v . Morrow, 7 .-!'. aiKiiorieii io lass itie testi mony In said rase at his oltlee at lienniier i... mw county, on the 1st day "f m tolH T. l'i'. at keglster, Administrator's Notice. IJ'STATK OF MR. SARAH COLEMAN, PE 1 J prated. Koll.-e la hereby given, thai let. ten ol S'lmlnUlrallon nil the estate of Mrs Harah ('oil-man, deceased, Were (rented lo the nuiiriiiinni iiii mr .'.in nay ol Al('ia(, fvjtt, by, fliirni I Olltlly. All tx-r- sons havlns rlalma aaalnst mi. I e.i.i. ... (iire. to rshllill Iheui in me for allnwatu e a my home In lUrdraan. Mnrrow ('oimir ir. f.'. (Ihln U inniilh. alter the date o( this notice or Ihey shall I loreter l.arre. Ills J.tll .lay ul Alig'Ul. I .'.. .... OKOK..K W. Ml fX. '' A-lmliil.traliir. N..I Ire ef Final Hetllraesl. V'OTll K 14 llfkrav 1' llti,. r ,ne. a.lmliilitratnr iif I' eta( THE l of . '.mar nmwi. aui make ael I .maltl nl 1,1. - . . . . . Dual . - WI.-1MI.I rata n.h a-linliilairator al the tietl ,rm nl I as r......H r.oirt ni Mnrmsr ,,.. rtwf on he ill, day nl Nov.. A ! ' my. r' M. .lt iirrTHt. Admlnlsirsinr Ai.r t ... ,wrw lli. Ilti, a atMtta i... . r a "ia i . . ---- - , r Mil I I, t "illilf Aww,, muhk r iMMMiuiiuM l-alol al l (inf. (If , A.-g ; j MONtY LOAN CO, rirn -u. I lf s h. fmn p S K V .HlKi, l.' i-..n It hereh, ,i ih. a..,,, ,., t, ; f... .Ill meet. lh,..ttl.-ef Ihtr.,,,,,, r , ..I MI.I munly and kl.le nr) l,,. ". dat i.l iri.ienitr. !.. .n,i p.,, .' '. '': ' 1 """If III WMliall Ii .ton,,, r,.,t( ..j, M"i . b"; E. J. Kit i I Si ll. U'r.OrS, PACIFIC UNIVERSITY. fall Term begins September 18, 1895. inree tuucgt uuidv.. v..- . - o u c..itat. a,latfnn thA hps! nrpnflrfltimi for tpRiOif net nd hlisinenfl. Tha uhi w, n.,Hn. rl,iMlpul Rplontifip gives s inoruuKu cukubu " - - ' i -vw, has always been distinguished for the breadth aud thoroughness of its work. It has a library of . i n....t..mali. fnr n.nthpmutini.1 and Hpimititic work, and fine huilriltitrH VUUU VOlUmeB, guuu C4uip." - " " wo best modern improvements. Marsh Hall, just completed at a cost of $;"0,U00, is one of the finest college buildibgs on the Pacific College. All expenses very low. Board and room at the Ladle's flail $.i.00 to $4.00 per week, Includ ing electric light and heat. The College Dormitory, under excellent management, furnishes board and loom at JW.25 per week. Board in private families, J2.50 and upwards. Many students rent rooms aud board themselves at a total cost not to exceed $1.50 per week. For further particulars address, rnno. u HIGH GRADES AND FULL BLOODS. Address J. 1G. SMITH, Pilot Roclc, Umatilla Co., Oregon. (IT LUST! TF Mr. Columbus were alive to day and called at Mat Lichten- thal's he might make a new discov- ery quite as memorable as inai ol 1492. Chris was a great discoverer in his day. He would at this time discover the finest stock of Shoes ever shown in Heppner, and the cheapest as well. What more does mortal man want ? The Old, Original Shoe Merchant. M. LIOHTENTHAL, . Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. Custom Work a Specialty. He Saws Wood ! Has purchased one of the late improved steam saws and is now fully prepared to saw wood of every description at the low price of 40c per Cord one time in two 50c per Cord two times in two Wood will be cut neatly, and where possible all knots cut out One stick per cord will furnish enough fuel. Leave ordera with Chris. Borchers at the Palace Hotel. im Yon Should Pippp For a "big feed" when you come to Heppner and stop at the CITY ! HOTEL Popular Prices ! Comfortable Rooms ! Airs, Tom Brntlley, Prop. Ir.! En Institute -OF- T,,UN"1;;" . ., Ihcrt' i.4 (i tb , Thai, if Urn al ,! The fl.xxl is hero rh.1 o U GILLIAM Tf,..i THE LIGHIHST KL'MNG GANG . UILL'AM I IAIN fTnor, . 1 au . is. .'Viw Ieeer Bros. Is the Place for Fresh Groceries, Cheap for Cash Only. msH Brno, mis and pus always on hand orncK ix NATii.t. jBimtK, , , And I.iteriirv. Academv imDares for collptra an, lawias mcia.u, roresi urove, Oregon. 500 IIJVD I llllll II I 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 IP. V I II W ill FOR SALE! II mm w m ii BRED FOR MUTTON AND WOOL. For tho Curo Oi Liquor. Opium and Tobacco Habits It Is located st Bslcm, Oregon, The Mont Beautiful Town on (he Coant ' a&W " """fT "1 for purtlnilert ftnctljrcuiiO.lcutlsl. Treatment j.rlvatc aud sure DO YOU KNOW lh Hm Hotel Is un1rr maiiavptnpnt of Chris Ttorrhi-ra mhn U ron 'ln. tins II Iu s strlrlly rlrst I laai manner. He has also re-opened the' Hotel Bar where the Finest Liquors and Fresh, est Cigars will constantly be kept. ff IUIhsan.1 Frre 'n,,, f, , Cursta. LIOHTNINO ((, ff,,;rt 0f lliru W, (m lo fnrl,, Sd UlSUKV: iv:m. - s.ii i- iih n inn iido oi l'l 0WS! Tw,,N..tlt, 1 1 run oil in it. ni.M. ,t MIS.MK30, . . Orcg.ui. HAIN ...... 'I.'' , "" tll"' 1 Chioc