Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 10, 1895, Image 4

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While too ktep yotir snbacription paid np yea
a an keep roar brand in free of charge.
AUyn, T. J., lone. Or. Horses G(i on left
shoulder; cattle nm on left hip, oniler bit on
rurht ear, and upper bit on the left; renge. Mor
row county.
Armstrong, J. C, Alpine, Or T with bar nn.
der it on left ehonldor of horses; cattle same
on left hip.
Allison, O. D., Eight Mile, Or. Cattle brand,
O D on left hip and horses same brand on right
shoulder. Kange, Eight Mile.
Adkins, J. J.i Heppner, Or. Horses. JA con
nected on Inft flunk: cattle, sameon left hip.
Biird, D. W. and son. Horses branded U B
on the left hip; emtio the same on left flunk,
crop off rigtit ear, undercrop in the left. Kanxe
in Morrow County.
Bftrthnlnmew, A. G., Alpine, Or.-- Hursfls
branded 1 E on either shoulder. Range in Mor
ow countv
HnnniHter, J. W., Hardman, Or. Cattle brand
ed B on left hip and thigh; split in each enr.
Brenner. Peter, (iooseberry Oregon Horses
branded PB on left shoulder. Cattle same on
right side. lt,
Hnrke, M Ht C, Long, Creek. Or-On cattle,
MAY conneoted on left hip, ciopoft left ear, nn.
der half orop off right. Horses, same brand on
letft shoulder. Kange in Grant and Morrow
""iinwman, Jerry, Lena, Or.-Horses branded 7
on right shoulder; cattle M on the left side.
Left ear half crop nd right ear upper slope.
Barton, Win.. Heppner, Or.-Horses, J B on
right thigh; cattle, same on right hip; split in
each ear, Tr fT1
Brown, Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the
right stifle; cattle same on right hip; range, Mor
row oounty, .
Brown, J. C, Heppner. Or. Horses, circle
C with dot in cei teron left hip; cattle, same.
Brown, W. J., Ina. Oregon. Horses W. bar
over It, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left
h')oyer, W. &.. Heppner, Or. Horses, box
brand on right hip cattle, same, with split in
Borg, P.O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left
shoulder; oattlo. same on left hii).
Browniee, W. J., Foi.Or Cattle, ,IB connected
on left side; crop n left ear and two split and
middle piece cut ont on right ear; on horses same
brand on the left thigh; Kange in Fox valley,
Grant county,
('arsner. Warren, wagnor, or.-ni urnuu
-Horses, on
ed O on right stiHe; cattle (three barn) on
right ribs, crop anuspni in eacn ear, jmiuhh hi
nnl H,,prf,v Rtinntinf).
Cain.E.. Caleb.Or Y 1) on horses on left stiHo
TJ with quarter circle over it, on loft, shoulder
and on loft stifle on all colts under li years; on
left shoulder only on all horses oyer 5 years. A 1 1
ln na,,t ..nnnt.v.
(!Iirh. II.. Vinson or Lena, Or. Horss
H C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip,
i j. ,..., MnrnK and Umatilla niuntinn.
:..n MM Onlliiwuv. Or Cattle crop ont
of eaoh ear Bnd nnderbit, wattle in forehead;
horses halt circle on leu tuna, nauge .nor.
... u,.,l ITinaI ilia courdies.
Curl.T. H John Day, Or. Double cross on
each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit
in right ear, split in left ear. Kange in Grant
county. On slioep, inverted A and spear point
.,n honldr. Ear marko" ewes, crop on loft ear
ununited upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in
rigid and under half orop in loft ear. AU raiiga
in Grant connrv. .
..,ir A .1. 1-ena.Or. Horses. 80on rightshonl
der; Cattle, sameon right hip; ear mark B'juare
orop oil left and spin in mem.
Currin. K. Y., Currinsville, Or,
'.., Kd. H.. Hanlman, Or Cattle, Cwlth
1 anUr. hiil-BAH. t?K Oil left SlD.
Cochran, K, E., Monnment, Grant to, Or.
Horses btanded circle with bar beneath, on left
shoulder; cattle same brand on both hips, mark
under slope both ears and dewlap.
'!...;., H Hitrdinan. Or. Horses branded
O on right hip. Cat tie hrauded the same. Also
brands til on horses right thigh; actio snout
brand on right shnuldur, and cut oil end of
rTLl!'.. W M .riallowav.Or.-CHttln.lt Don
right siilo, s'wailow-fork in each ear; horBos, It 1)
Ely. Urns".. Donglas.Or. Horsos branded ELY
nn Inft ahonldur. cattle same on loflhip, hole
Kmerv. C. H.. Hardman, Or.-Horses branded
r l ,,,.. 1 ( with taill on lint shouliler: cat,
tlesains on right lii. Kange in Morrow county
iri.iranna. I.. A... Il.iminsr, Or. t attle, L,( on
right hip; horses If with bar under on right
Florence, H. P. Heppner, Or Horses, K on
dm; imttlit. V on right hip or thigh.
Trench, George, Heppner. Or. Cattle branded
WK, with bar over it, ou left, side; crop off left
ear. Horses, same tirauii on iri nip.
n.n. n,n..r K.rdio. Or. Horses brsnde I H
H with a (piarter cin'le over it, on left stllle,
Kange ill Morrow anil U mat ilia conn lies,
liiatt A. H Itidge, Or.-'attle. roiiml-top K
with quarter circle uiuliir It on the right hip,
tiu..uA in Murifiw and ITinatillaeotinttHA.
Hiiiton A Jonks, Hamilton, Or Caltle.twobsrs
on either hip; crop In right, ear ami spm in mil,
Horses J ou right thigh. Kange in Grant ooutity
II,iI,m. Hamnel. Wagner. Or W (T K I.
riimii'i iiMlioii right should. r on horww.on cattle,
on right hip and on left side, swallow fork in
right ear and slit in left. Kange in lluyitaok
.liatrlnt Mnraiiar P'tnntf.
Hnle. Milton. Wamier, Or. Horses hneiiwl
-ll- inttln with oarallel tails) on l"'t should"
r'nttle same on left hip also large circle on left
ll,nrd J I.. Gitlowsr. Or, Horses t- (nr,i
with bir aliove III ou right ho ililnr; nattle sums
on left aide, llHiig,i III Morrow and Umatilla
counties. ......
Edwin. John Dev. Or. - ( iillli. K II on
right bin; hora 'sameon right shouldiir. Hnii!i
in (Irmit (liinntv.
Hue-linn. Mat. Heppner, Or. Horses, shaled
hmirt nn the li.f t almllliliir. lOWe Morrow I o.
liunsaker. B A, Wagner. Or. -Ilorsea, V on left
atil,l.r, ...Ilia. Hon Inft Inn,
lliimnlirwy. J M Uanliuan, t)r, Horses, II on
l.fl H.nk
llii.i. ,ii l.nther. Eight MiU. Or. - Horwi II on
the l..fl hoiilderati'l lo-nrt on the left ti Ma 't.
U urn on left Ion. It oige in Morrow eouiil .
,loiie. Ilarrv, H'M'Pn Or - llormw hrandml
II Jon the I. -ft iioiildi'r; rii' tin lira id, l J on
rixld Inii. nlo iindnrlnl in l"fl ear. Itauge in
Murriiw countv.
J mi kin. H. M.. Ileopner. r.-llorsi, home.
shoe J on left shoulder. Cat lis, the Mini,
Kange 'nl MiU.
J, .lit, m, Felli. ,s na. Itr.-ll.inM. eirUT on
le't atitle; rattle, Mine on right hip, amlof half
oron in rth snd sidit n left ear
Kennr. Mike, Heppner, Or.-Horssa brid-.
KNY on left hip cattle serns and cnip oft left
sur: under shuie on the right
Kirk J. T.. Heppner. Or. -Horses W nn left
sli.nl lr; rattle, m nn Inft hip.
Kitk. Jewte. Ileppner. Or.; home II on I., ft
U .nld.if i nallUwmeon tight side, undmbil on
right ear.
Kiitnbeflsnil.W.II Mount Vernon. Or.- I I, nn
rattle on right and Inft si t. swallow fork in I. ft
ear and under nop In right ear. HoreM mhii
brand nn Ml shoulder. lU'ige in Grant cnnlv
I. ft -ti, Hlephen, .l. Or. M I, on I. 'ft Inp
on eatu. rriip and split in rigid enr. H.inM
Mine brand on I' ft sliinil,lr. Kange tnaul
I.tenallen. John W ., ,li'ii Or. - ll.ire
tirandnl hnlflrele J I. eonriectnit imi Inft li.-il.
iter. Cattle. aaui on left too. Hang, liner !.
ltlii-r. J W Heppner Or - llorsns hr.i l .
Land nl left sh.eildnr; cnllU ea-ne on .d
lilp, wattle over right ), II, rnn slue m l ulit
ht, George, Heppner Or.- Horses tiraedet
itinllde It eirt.nei'la ' Miouetlinns called
wing II on Ml ati.etl let,
Mrl M I'. Heppner, Or. Catrle brand
rircle on right tup; tfre same on rigid siitln.
It"ge 111 M .rriiw r.inl.
Miivk, i-nr, imppn-r nr. ivtle, M II on
rig'd hip, li.inn M on lefl sholll ir.
Mirga'i, H. N. Ild'iinr. Or. -Homes. Ml
in leti ati.ei.t'.t caul M'e on left tup,
M ,lrii"ll. i er I'lne, ir. ll..ri. il un ngM
till,; najlla. 7J nn right aide.
M, tare.), l li , Hn.wnavilla Or, - Horaaa,
fig.ire son "a-h ali.t.ildr. ea'lla. Mlo" hl
M.tlirr, fn.',k. -1 all'i. Or M il. at,.,.
with l.aa.eiok ! eaitie us rdei aJ andr In
lav h en Hiwaea Berne toaiid n left aiiH.
M, ll.. v. .. ria.oio "l.llf. H ! "
with Half cir-de nn Inr nn ltl a'l-eil lr,in i ar ,
f.nir latra e-einarlM. lis pip on In (tgld a. In
llanaa 11 Irre-il I mmv.
Nna,!. Andrew.
fee- l .,n Inn S'.'nl,et . ralfie ea,ia,rtl INrfri Mps
..,ae, ., HiIvmIoii i'r.-Il'.cea.cii. U ) ,m
etl ll.i.l,, eaiila a)i i"fl t"li.
IMie, J.av'h. I anr.ei t Hi, l -tli -a'll
on lfl lop oa eiiranm. ea.ue o left liogH, lUuae
la Irraot e.ntiitf
Oiler. I'atri, lslngt, tr -I' t) on lefl
I lip. Ilerwan. flai'U I'd,. Or. tin rllU. O
I.I' e-eiiM. let on lft tupt h'rNa mi lefl aiiltr
aji't warila ia lli,e in liranl e.ntitt.
'rMi, Oiatn I ,M Vlde.m, II -rtna. .-lar
ler rir.-la ahodd en Ml eKajldf an t It on ten i
Inp. I la, t ek la Ml er, 'll.l rl" L M
hi lfr hin U.,. ,.i I i',l M,u. t
faiker Hlni. llardwaaOr.-II.mm 1 1', ;
letl al.ini lt.
I'll", t r. a. I, li ,l.ei Of H.nna t,ran I
(I. K ftmiiarli' I , .-t alnit ln eajlUe
ma in ria' t 1'ip lieuge l ir.fewi, I
I l.-f i H . l-l"'".,. " M 'nel. Jt
a. t, , l.fl at, nil lr, rauia, aa ua in imIX hip,
aji In lot In a. i ear j
I'ellia k .. I'aaa, Of t."le dla.n., 11,1,
a. - ari.eil.t-r, .aj'ile, J It J rnnee. .r I , lei !. ,
n lop. npiex ano-e In Ml ear aa I slip In liwi
II.', I.
H.a.1 t., IUr I'tiaa Or - M,. a
p.M w.tH .e .1,'le ,ae ll irtl le'l a in-. I
l-,,, - I l,.,a, Il,- i 'i-r. Or. Il.eaea. I II j
r. . i
H ia Hr.M , ttat oaar, - II ffaaw Itraa, let I
n Hi. r,,',l aH.eai . reMlei. I V oa li,a Ml hip
r"i i-rl M ea an t dewlap in av fc. ttanga It
H .'. ami a-taidng e.i,llea.
Inpaa ! ft' if II "M I
!., Iel k H rit-l a.vider. Set, I i tannj
rn. Mw , rilta aa aa aJ riglit l.,p
tt H i
llnia. a II Iwnrttttla, Or-ttH
. a .n4e nr. .a ,.e "V ' ealla i r '.l I.
ay.d ea.. .-al na I ear ant evhl la Ml. II m
aa l.a" I ..n lel an.e. I I f . Ibw.ga) ft ,fr,ia) ;
Id...! a , I 'I ae. e.-,..l,a ,
l...M J W ll..nver Or - tt a. JO . 1
lti arr.nai.iar, I anila 1 1 -m lUhl kits
I i
er.i,M W K.tt.iiaar'V It I
d . M 'ie nnIM lafl Kip, tea,, .a j
.ark i i',' e a l-l.l la M' "
Ilia, lie :"., - II w, Ml'
at e.j, N't,e M.a '1 I ki. i
SKim J..a I . Or fci a.(,a-l nm .
kvraaw nv 1 a--l lll, ea'l.a, aaS i- tla)l ' "
tf.f rvpki tt aa 1 t,4 IM kal m. I
Hrant eonntv.
Hmith Bros.. Husanville, Or. Horses, branded
. 55. on shoulder: cattle, una on left shoulder.
Arlington. Or.: horses branded
J8 on left shoulder; cattle the same, also not
waddle. Kange in Morrow and Uilliam counties.
Stephens, V. A., Hardman. Or-; horse. B8 po
right stille; cattle horizontal L on the right aula
Htevenwin. Mrs A. J., Heppner, or,-value, o
on right hip; swallow-fork in left ear.
Hwaggart. G. A ., Ileppner, ur.-noreea, h on
left shouldei ; cattle, 44 on loft hip.
Hiierry, E. G.. Heppner, Or. Cattle W C on
left hip, crop off right and underbit in left year,
dewlap; horses W (J on left shoulder.
Thompson, J. A., Heppner, ur. rioniea, s on
left shouldnr; cattle, t on left shoulder.
Tiunnt.8.T.,huierpriBe.ur. noraos, i-on leri
honlder. . ,
Tnrnnr It. W., Heppner, nr. nmaii capital k
left shoulder, homes; cattle same on left hip
th split in tiotti ears.
Tlw.miiin II. M.. lone. Or. Horses branded
HT connected on left stiHe; sheep same brand.
VuTidnrniKit. H. T.. Ijena. Or: Horses HV con
nected on right shoulder jcattle, same on right
Wnlbridgtt, Wm lloppner. Or. HorBes, V. L.
on the left shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
crop off left ear and right ear lopped.
Wilson, John (j Balem or Heppner, ur.
Horses branded Ju on the left shoulder. Kange
Morrow county.
Warren, W B. Caleb, Or Cattle W with quarter
circle over it, on left side, split in right ear.
Horses same brand on lelt Bhomuer. iwogeiu
Grant county.
Wade, Henry, Heppner, Or.-Horses branded
ace of spades on left shoulder and left hip
Cattle branded same on left side and left hip.
Woltinger. John. John Day City. Urun horses
three parallel bars on left shoulder; 7 on sheep,
bit in both ears. Kauge in Grant and Malhner
Woodward, John, Heppner, Or. Horsee, UP
connected on left shoulder.
Watkins, Lnshe. Heppner, ur. Horses orauueo
CE connected on loft stifle.
Wullune HWImr IT irmner. Or. Cattle. W on
rightthigri.hoU-in Ipft ear; horses, W on right
shoulder souif same on left shoulder.
Whlttier nros.. nunciugum. Baker Co., Or.-
Horses branded W B connected on left shoulder
Wilhumu vhsco. Hamilton. Or. Quarter cir
cle over three bars on left hip, both cattle and
hm-flnn. Hunue G rant connty.
WdltHmH. .1 t). liugCreek. Or Horses, auar
tor circle 07or throe bars on left hip; cattle same
and slit in each ear. Kange m ttrant, oonnty
Wren, A. A., Heppner, Or. Horses runningA A
on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip.
Young. J. B.. Gooseberry. Or. Horses prancier
Tn on the right snoulrie-
When vou are about to buy a Sewing Machine
do not be deceived by alluring advertisements
and be led to tliinK you can get tile Debt mane,
m i si imisnuu anu
Most Popular
for a mere sonp;. Sec to It that
you buy from reliable manu
facturers that have Rained a
re pittat ion by honest mid sq unro
(killing, you will then ffet a
Sewing; Machine that is noted
the world over for its dura
bility. You want the one that
in easiest to manage and is
Light Running
nVAaT There ifl none in the world that
n ,, J v-tl 11 t.'i"' HH.1.IIMI.IV111 -,!-'"!
V'ixJi struction, durability of working
Finns, uut:i.i'n ui iiiiiniia iwruuijr
n Rppenranre. or has aa many
linpruvcmcnis as me
New Home:
It has Automatic Tension, Double Peed, alike
on both sides of needle (patented), no other has
it Ni.w Stand ( talented), driving wheel hinecd
on ad Instable centers, thug reducing friction to
the minimum.
OBiims, Mass. Hoktoh, Mass. MrmnKRQrF.,N.Y
Ciucaiio, Hi., m. iii is, an. oAi i Ai. nua
bAN FKAJtclHI o, ( 'AL. ATLANTA, (iA.
('. THOMPSON CO., Jijenh,
ma', Orcijon
E. McNEILL, Receiver.
Their Unbroken Bun of HI Luck at
a Oamo of Chance.
Of Two Transcontinental
Spokane Denver
St. Paul Kansas City
Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
For full details call on O. li. & N
Agftit at Heppner, tr address
Gen. Fhbb. Agt.
And all points In California, via the Mt, Hhasta
route of the
Southern Pacific Co.
Die groat hiuhwxy thronxh California to all
poiuta Kast anil South, fjranrt Boenio lloute
of the Pacifies Coast. Pullman BnSet
Hleeper. Ueoond-claas Hleepers
Attached to express trains, nttording superior
accommodations for second-class passengers.
For rates, tickets, slmpiug car reservations,
sto,. call njHin or address
K. KdKHl.KK, Mansuer, E. P. ROGERS, Asst.
Oon. F. A P. Agt Portland, Oreiton
now the Black River Indiana were
Cleaned Out by the l'ujrallapa la
the Great Twenty-Six Oay "Sing
Gamble" Jar Tacoma.
Capt. Jack had to walk from the Tuy
allup reservation way over to the Black
'River reservation, says the Tacoma cor
respondent of the San Francisco Exam:
iner. He had nothing with him except
his clothes and his temper ,both of which
were very much worn, from the results
of the recent protracted "sinpr gamble."
The "sing gamble" is the great contesi
between two tribes of the l'uget Sound
Indians for the trophies of the year and
for such blankets, wearing apparel, ve
hicles and horses as can be spared to be
used for stakes, and sometimes more
than should be spared.' This year the
"pot" at the beginning of the gamble
consisted of twelve Winchester riiles of
the latest pattern, eleven sound horses,
seven buggies, one hundred blankets,
forty-three shawls, an uncounted pile
of mats, clothing for men and women,
some badly worn and some in good con
dition, but mostly worn, and forty-niue
dollars in money.
This year the "sing gamble" was
held in the barn of Jake Tai-ugh, com
monlv known as Charley Jacobs, whose
place is four miles from Tacoma. At
the beginning of the "sing gamble"
sixty-seven old men and women, many
of them wrinkled, many of them gray
headed, gathered at Jake's big barn,
which had been cleared of all hay,
grain and other stores,
On the e-round, which serves as a
.floor, were laid two mats woven from
straw and weeds and fkigs. Each of
these mats was three feet wide .and
six feet long. Between the mats was
the space of about three feet. Around
these squatted the serious gamblers of
the ancient races, many of them wear
ing brilliant colored blankets, others
arrayed in combination costumes picked
up at the reservation or in the town.
As a necessary preparation to the
game, the drummers, one for each tribe,
took positions in front of their drums,
made of horse hide drawn over one end
of a stout frame two feet and six inches
deep, lieating heavily on these drums
with sticks, the sound is similar to that
from a bass drum, save that it is more
sonorous and is readily heard a distance
of half a mile. As the drums beat the
Indians begin their chants or wails,
the men shouting: "Ili-ah, hi-ah, hi-ah,"
and the women moaning an accompani
ment between the shouts of their
braves, sounding something like this:
"Mm-uh, mm-uh. mm-uh."
The players gather around the mats,
seven being permitted on each side.
Miss Delia 8tevens, of Boston. Mass,
writes: I have always suffered from
hereditary Scrofula, for which I tried
cariAni imAfliA0- anrt tnanv rAlinhla
( physicians, but none relieved me. After
I- li lauine e nouns oi
iJl 1 am now well. I
am very gratemi
to you, as I feel
that it saved me
from a life of un
told seony, and
shall take pleasure in speaking only
words of praise for the wonderful med-
icine, and in recommending it to all.
Treatise on
Blood and Skin
SJ Diseases mailed
,( free to any aa-
SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Atlanta, da.
j "
$150.00 every month given away to any one who op.
plies through us for the most meritorious patent during
the month preceding.
We secure the best patents for ottr clients,
and the object of this offer is to encourage inventors to
keep track of their bright ideas. At the same time w
wish to impre&s upon the public the fact that
such at the "car-window" which can be easily did up
and down without breaking the passenger's back,
"sauce-pan," "collar-button," "nut-lock," "bottle
stopper, and a thousand other little things that most
any one can find a way of improving ; and these simple
inventions are the ones that bring largest returns to the
author. Try to think of something to invent
Patents taken out through us receive special notice in
the " National Recorder, published at Washingion,
n.C which it the oest newsDaoer published in America
in the interests of inventors. We furnish a year's sub
scription to this journal, free of cost, to all our clients.
We also advertise, free of cost, the invention each month
which wins our $150 prize, and hundreds of thousands
of copies of the "National Recorder," containing a
sketch of the winner, and a description of his invention,
mill he aurtered throughout the United States among
capitalists and manufacturers, thus bringing to their
attention me mcrus 01 uie invcHiiuii.
All communications regarded strictly confidential.
Solicitor! of American and Foreign Patents,
618 F Street, N.W.,
Box 385. Washington, D. C.
i r Reference editor efthit paper. Write Juremr
Is one of the verv best wheels ever made 1b an inditipiittthle fact. It Btands In the i
S front rank with all hiirh erade'maehtnes. and if you buy one you will make no mistake.
B . Hide a RAMBLEK BICYCLE if vou want to be Impny, for should your wheel bei
U punctured. It can be mended by you In five minutes, as It Is equipped with the world j
tl renowneu u. ac j. ciinener nres wiin wooa rims or copper-piuieu "
y Sold in all sizes for luilics or gentlemen nt Jino eueh.
jS Tandems for two men or mun and woman, $150 each.
j THE RAM BLER is the fastest, lightest and strongest wheel in the matket.
m For style, flulsli and durability it is unsurpassed, as it is constructed on strict mechan
ic! leal and scientific principles.
Chicago Ideals
Yl Knr mm. women, bovs mid trirls. with 28. 2 and 21 inch wheels, at JO'i. t
S3 lvely. are splendid medium grade w heels, w ith U. it J. high-grade double locklng'eilge
?-l." respect-S
Ci ciinener tires ana are iuny w iuraiiieu. fci
S Before vou buy a bicycle, write for citiuogue, circulars, terms and discounts, or call M
fl on our numerous agentB. Humbler Rustlers Wanted In every town In Oregon, Washing- M
iS ton and Idaho. S
Sfi Northwest renreBeiitatives Gormullv it Jell'ory Mnnf. Co's "Rambler Bicycles." Main
fr Store, :W7 Washington rt , Tot-tlnnd, Or. Mnj K. A. Weed, (ien. Traveling Agent and
) lecturer. UTIS l'ATTEKSUN, Agt. lor Morrow uo., supplier, uregon.
Hows Your Liver?
This question is asked daily. If dormant
you need exercise- need it badly.
The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do
uullea ironi tne r,agio. 11 j.
0. A. Khett. president of the First Na- llOt OWtl OllC Call at
tioDnl baok of Heppner, arrived in Long
Creek Tuesday on business.
W. F. Loder departed Monday for Hay
stack where be onmuiecoed a term of
Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery,
no aetata nunui
wa vv.( ll.l
Sun Viiririni'K Oh't,
XM'ii. n iut:h:ssFt:uh:u .t co,
.V.i. ;'.'. Snttrr Strrrt.
I f t Um m Xrt I hr rumt r lit
li.t fllllHia", i !fil Bi till I iKl
h tii-lt 4 1 I llw lttltt 11 ltiM
vi r Uh III tl llt
ft Hrv. It 'ih vt hrf lt-f lHltit
h i. .( l-vlnif Mu Mil t
I f, ri r ittti .-f U " I I
I I I f lh -r fvl it ht 1
t ' ut, I U0 i "tiMat 1 i lul
f I:, r fill-1-1, iMiftttr Bli ft U r
liiii i--If t, ftf '! A Imii A rtft
Vt u ! ' U"'")' (" 'In.
r" rt't- V hf tllrft traMt.m
..f (stc tr.i U .ii The Ar
I C lt.lt, ! ft v4
(.. nitf Mi , t)M, lkh Ul it rrt
yu irr in It r n t nl i u t
't t-t itu ft, I '4 I tfl hp, rH.
it.t c fim t t itMftt iNitiUhtf
N In l.tf f',,.fl (tAli.ta-t tthlfh Mill
A ! r ! f hf f tm
I hi -fi i f f"f 1" llift
I 1 ! ' Mt" 1
i (V.t'll; fti 4 II. trill im lt
J i ' '.'H ! i' ii t-f iT4 tr, n tlx
t I li t il.M.tt.tj ,Uiw l ft
7 . i .1 In 1 i "tv K f t-f i-f ll ,
-- "j ff. ! (h ftf ft i
I " x t !--
I 1 ' " ' '- 4,1 '
i . 1i,.iii n, h,. uiif
' 1 . I H f I' I' i- f 4 I tMf
f . t,. ft l .,f I r.
i .1 K.. l. b4f 4 f
Simplest. WWEaS,,!i,t
UronKeat.J't'Sfttrt Work'n
Top vrTRB'Jbr
Rctvr. iZ&j&r Compact,
Most Modern and progreolvo
For caUloKite or liifiiriiuitliiii wrlii! to
New Haven, Conn.
BObool in tbe Careier district.
George SwagRHrt, Jim Jones and Dave
One mat is Tor the Puyallups, the other McAtee are expected soon to arrive from
for the Black Rivers. The dealer for Heppner witu a stable of race borees.
each side sits at tne neau oi iin. imi, Mr T,llirnaa . ani ,f f Ffpnn.
.... .1 m.. 4 1 I r,
nn(rerin(f ueiiiy ivu
i,K,-.f lu'n Ini'lioQ in ,
quarter of an inch thick. Nine of these this week en route for McDuffie
are of the same color, our tne tenia is gpriuijo.
different in color, thoupn Rimunr in Wm. Rudio took his deuartnre Satar-
. ..i,,i ,iiiii.Tiwifinu. i no Rninnor
htindl.-s the chips rapidly, like an ex- day for Heppner, where be is Bttendiog
nei-i.-nrod faro dealer nlavins to a bifr lo Uusineos beiore ine circuit conn mere
board, lie transfers them from one hand this week.
... . , . . i -.ti..
to another, limes mem turner B pue ui N Crociett ,0(lk hig d,parture l,iBt
Hhavms made from the cedar bnrk
rrrowing close to the sap, resembling -
much the nrodnct called excelsior, lie enter mo cci.tv.io uunyi'm uu mrui-
divides the chips into two piles of five leal college.
each, itntl conceals eacn pue under tne Tl. t n,wL .... n,.,m0Ilf,0 ,
rimTin Mystcrioii.ly he waves his WeJne.d Hever(4, aew ub,ei of
liands forward and backward, cross- ' ... , ,,
wise and over and over, making pusses uorse- rave arriveu ami k.j.jh races win
like the manipulations of a three-card be tue result.
monte dealer. I lie tlritm keeps tip lis ToJ1 ill()(jf Heppner, paused tlirnnKb
constant beat, lie in.uans Minenuu Cr(,ek Wednesday en route f,u
iiml tliose looliiiiL' on with interest .. . , . . -
, ., , i.i i, uear vh ley. lie win unve a ost uoi snet p
c ap t H-ir hands and stamp anu chant ' .
1 It M ,!... u.l ., ... ., .. I..,,.. l.inl.
n t inn In the llnun. iruui nini iir iu uiiijiiii, iium wmuu
Now is the time for the Indian as- point lie will ship to inarktt.
sitrned to (Micss to point to one of the
two piles. The (fame is entirely ono of
chance, there lieiuif no jxissible lucans
for the closest observer to detect in
Power House.
Tht compiratlvtvtlui of thtu twoeardi
li known to molt persons.
Thfjr lltuitr! that greater quantity li
Hot slwty moat to b deilrtd.
. .
ThM caida oapraa tho bentftclal quit
Ity of
4t compared with any prevloualy known
Itipani Tabulta t Pries, so cent bos,
Of drulata, or by mail.
llfiNI CHEMICAL CO., 1 0 Imk It., N.T.
T flM
LIGHT, 5TR0N0, yTOT? "
K-'w aV scientific
Four Models S85 and 8100. .
IVIonarch Cycle Co.
l'lli a! I'llta! Itching l'llea.
bymptoms Moisture; intense ltolnngl
:i.. ii. .t..,.1.. r,1i,.ia rA I nnil atinoino! mnut Ht nbrlit! WiirM liv
nun ii im.u in. ........ ,.1.., ...v. ..., - " . . ... ... i i tM.... cl. fwtfunn tt t
colored chip. It is the custom of the sL-rat. hiiiK. If hIImwoJ to coutinael haciory ana main uwicc; lukc unu uaiMcu witiwtui-. ilu.
fame, however, for the jruessman to tiiniorn form. biob often bleed nod
,M.n.icr tor mio inii . h i., . e,-. . . . I1B very .orw KWATNE8
inif wncli pile to select. 1 his anus in- . ., . . . ,, .
nr.,1 ..veltement to the sm-cula- Ol!TMRNT stops tbe itobing and bleed-
lion. Finally bo decides, and with his "B. heali ulceration, and in most oases
finder points to one of the piles. The removes tbe taraors At druggists, or
lenler rolls the chiH across the mut to hy mail, for Moenls. Dr.nwaynadt Son,
the further end. If the, (rues. Is riifht FhiU.lel.n.
the hide for which the (fuesser is actiti(f
- ores one jmna it u.e fc-n ess , wro, n.HIIIltD Ewcr.-Th f.'l-
tlie tribe li wnicu too tieaier iHtions
bRANCHUS:-Ncw York, San Prsnclsco, 3alt I Jkc City, Druver, MempliU, Uctroil, loronto.
A. H. PATTERSON. Anenl fur Morrow Count n. lli vimvr. Oreaon.
j ----- F 44 W U
i V
I ' . ,MF..t
i ,i. -r a ' 4
. , - 0. .1 it. f.-ra
I I !,-. ,.l tl it I '-a .,
I . a u a ,.i ii(.t
I f M .1 1, i f .
f a, I, ,i, it lh. k.H,ll i. a
"t t i, tt S,
i . , i i a-.1 t)'!
a - . i. h V h in t, A!'.'aa)
t ...... ,. a.. , l l
t.l III, kmx. N.
i , h , .a a f .- ii no
. . - r,,.., e. , a.M aa
. ft tm , al -ai . .ai,a .
I f .., 1. 1... I , ll. .
ti . . K I, aa'.a to tiaaana',
a . .., a, n ta i, a 4
. -H, a.a. a4 l ' l,a ,a
' tw ..f a a. I la. , In U.
, , ., , I ai ai . a- W. -t 1m
, It ,. a. w, a. , a a, a
i ., o h.. a . i It . m4
li -i .iiilu ' a t.a al
a- a., I. a iw
t tw tmin'l t4 i. ri aaK af
TlitO !
eMlriary K'
I'irruauf la
tho m na I
fti r. rrf i'f
tt.) a,. It
baa tw-rnj ra
" .1 f tl.o
ti i. an ,.f
r.un-l aaJ
M-,a h
nl'rlf raajo
1,1 ...
Watte a4wj4
.f I hm .( I a.
rha-to In
Ma.a. I una
rs'iiiif rrtv
na aiirMn
of Hie r)ra
" .:iof
ii tt.
I ii I craiva
Oinl l.iUra 111
ItatffSO rmrS
l a ii i 1 1 1 f,
Vr.Hial oaa.
a m i a. I . n a
a. nl r..i"n.
aieak i '.,a
'it. Id II a
ait. Iiaaaa
b v i s t e
I Val.tt.nl pail
, b
ol-t! IWf ! v1n,traia r. b arwwiit..
I .VMat'.ir.- ,ia t - na le i a lit ll tltat
at li l o tl f it t4 m mlal .,
O- l laJMH.ai l ln la) 0 -1 l
.1 .UM,I II ,i ll .
Itiat.ar tivit m fna. tiWrt.
tal.. oa (a. Nvtfaas NaOlrsI lOaaoa.
ll la I Ha tirai n -a.t ! T
aa.f .1, V. .( K, r ' a .. 'I I f II 0 faa.
a. . fawiar-a ' M (4a- ai-aW -t la,aav
a-'IMaauna '. i- f -f a trm, t?wilaif
tie 4 ' i ! -.It iir'4 a.t fcwrf)
la a, I .... , I ;. a,
, , 1 1 , i , 4 - ti . la a I ra
am Iimii mi i.'i ai. laalllt IK,
' Jit Ha t If ""l'f M.that A I llia o
I III." i.i a, I a.
scores u h lint . and the other side takes
lowing which appeared iu the last issue I
tlielnninL'H-thatlstOKiiv.thedeal. 'I '"H prooaliiy
John Towallis was captain of the only the prtxlnet ol a truurul Imtiitr.a-
I'tivulltip team, nnd now is the most turn: A nisrriej womsn In UeppDnr Kut
H.mliir man hi tho tniw n aiHNnmt c.r t,e 0f for liaubnuil the other evpn
.,e ren..irKU...e victory o. . .. R...U ... er itll Wi(.u Le Clirae )in, ,lr, Wit
HIV N'ShMMl IM IMHI IT lll"iiui, aini nimi . , . . .kviii'
a t of the nuantityand value of l" c",,,,ra- m' ,l" M L'
. I : - & a II.. .1 a. I k ' .1
thetwit. ( apt. Jack, the leader of the w'r ""i "" woio-irv
tuiHiieei-ful Illack lliver team, proved S'lfHy tbrouiih tbe k'ybole: "Is that
a thorotik'h sNirt, for, in addition tohU you JirD?" II or buabaud'a name, of
contril.nl ion to the stake of his trit Lonrae. ass not litu.anJnnw La Slavs
l. sluUed ami 1.M his yreutest ttva. it Lom h W1,h 00
tire, a I'ttf kinlv, ma pruicijiiu uecora- . . . . . ...
a 1. ... al.lnt l,rn ririL.. nil hit. moiiev 1 VT v -
lxtv dollan.1, his watch, his rille and
hi, huriies, his tmifify and his Imrse. There osn Im no titrsture or hsrt'i-
II. tulvis. d cotiipuiiioiiH m the team nrs fur pertoos whose) I iv-r or kidneys
to In t I'vervthiiiir they had except tlii'ir sre nulirsltliy. I Icy am steak, tick
ciitiiN'. lie In . ist. -d I hut they should nn I irritsble, and nod it hurdrtisomo tn
keen those, iii order that they mi.'ht itf"rin ork any kind. What liy
l .ini u.ivt.i L'et home, lie tn M'fl is a H.nriiOtfh treatmnt srilli lr
...it a., . i.r. fiil of him-lf a of them, f.-r welan i.iver ami ivi.iney naim
1'bio remedy is rci.oir. by many of
tha ltl nnniipsl autbnrttws aa itbint
a irt for tho euro of disease ol tho
ki ln)t or livrr. It rapidly drivraeul
diaessrd t otidill.ins, reatnres hraltb anil
atfeii.'tti. nt an t rlieerful iptrits.
I'nee f 1 Oit ir iMiltle.
llai'rsRN'a Mayor. Tbomaa M.trgan,
mayor of tl.a nly ct lUppoer, r,aj,a,
he h.id ! walk hi u the time eamr.
Some of the tneiiand thn iwiinwsMho
IHiddled home ill their canoes Ml the
xhurpiiemof the weather, for sliirtsainl
Iroitwrs were f.wilinfiy warce wiien
the kixHeth slUk hud ..nc to the
Put alliin end of the Usird.
At the Ut I wirt of the ff4titll thr
ll!i. k Uieer l.liilik'ed Udlv. 1 ho run
of luck of the l'uvallui hud Ix-en e..n-
Ntntit. and t apt. Jack announced to his ibrt.unh Itna Crek HunJsy en rnutol.ir
Ciit ymi dir. Mr. Mrnan oat tnl
over by tho lust I of trad of tbo city of
ll- pptirr to in'erviss ihs einuty entifl
Una vr.k ali.int tho I'srrish rrk roa I
M irrnst eo.itily is sltof Ida IrtJs nf
nirrn (Irsat rouoly, and arrea til ful
ll.t I'ar'l.h rtoek rol In n l eon.l i.u
if Ids contily aill ti sks a puldio llnr-
oii.l.fsi ol it. Mr, M ifsn la au idj.
I ma (Irani r..uoli'. I.avine! feaitel at
Ci.).'B t iiy dunnu Ids rly ni.nit
dais -l.agle.
followers that Ihi otild not continue.
I.uck liiut tin u. and here) w aa a i hanee.
for them lo k'et rverjr movahln thinif
ecrpt that which Udolica ti the if.iv
i-riiiiieiii, transferred tr,mi the Put allup
tfl ul loll ottr to the ll.rt. k l.ivt r rc
i roti.m 111. tin-n wer." ii 'm 1. to f.iil.KV
n kiifcVi sttoti, and lite rfult Is that
i-.v. rtv I liitrtie this Year at ltla k
Hieer, and the I'uyalltips are having a
iii i a
l all.a I as
t.aVM raare in-t mure frve than olhi-r
pilhlie -l4er fr-'iu l-.a nf tde
tonifite. Mr. ,wtti'h, of the r.iufhsh
lal'iiK-t, in a rvisj-iit aj-. h In purl
in.-nt, snul. ' l t It l"K klion, , tit la.
turn, that of 1'i.w Jiiat liiinsii.la we
al'te nu one j. ,.r t. . t U-" A few
ilavs U'rr an .tiriuh Ju. !, after a
.',.'rin.iii t a 1 let fed that lie" had
fovindlh" priirr In I-1 withlhrlr
flot).e im, !,. ,. in s.'iafMiii i.t, ki
'! Hn t ti. a.it t ti At I lie J ,s. f,,f,p .i
l.. ,!!, , . t.,1, '
l Iw.-My yrara prUr to JM th
I l'tii'e.1 Kn-i'lorii Lad 6 iT tl.ri.re, a.
Ki"i ".I i- .ii. Iratn-e. ST .lis, i;,.r.
ttiii-y. t . ; ' l.ur.t, ..: ti.o
. Ik.:- 1 , '.
OF . . .
It to Advertisers at a tireat finnncial sacri
ficc. You need it in your business, and as a
matter of business we must .sell it.
Tin: Ivrn:KMN li i.isiiinc, Co.
j flatL : .
y VT
No is Its lituo to at tbo Weakly
tlirtf.inisn, tho gtastrat tpsl-ef of
, Ural, With lhats ti.l.lb t'r.rt
ly In a.ftnri,f,.f n )ear, t. N i h.ttr,
e- n t losi" n f Boat aprfa rsa l-o in" l
la tho tste, lri.lM so 1 (IVo at a
i.rftiii'tro aa additional Joomat. II Vt.
fmit riantor, aa atriwnllceal f,
(..it,o in o an ' onWriha,.
: I rIM-J
(1 It IUh.iIis l..'.a.,r .l s'i., ran
tie. f.-oril al bis tist'ors, Vtatl n-k e-'raef,
alters U ai l dtaiwnao ai f t alar ttf.
.bsYM. Ibts'.l , fciitfoto, ftf.
Lonve No Constipation, -- --.
Cafa II, ao a.ll as a i ll i:.-n..M. .,. , , jj,,,.,. .
fa ttr-ataaia ,. in I) . .,.,11. h, , , .,, ,i,.,.,V,. J.J , . T T''
ft tfcda.i,ff
III Caiil inia M tet